Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, March 23, 1889, Image 1

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    " P6FI 15R PAPER op AXopcRN .JIMES
13 C U
Vol. 4. No. 1G
What U llonril, Seijn, I.cnrurd mill Peril
neatly .Suggested to the Multitude,
It does ono good to get awny troiii liomo
occasionally to ko what tliu busy outsldo
world is constantly doing mid tliu linprove
mcnU that niitura I dnlly adding to mother
earth. To rcmnlti nt homo yenr nftor year;
nlthotigh leading tno wo on our smnll
iwrtloii of God's fooUtool niu apt to loose
Bight of tho fact, thnt wo nro not the only
ones that prosper, falling to glvo our neigh
bors nml foreign fi lends credit for what thoy
really hnvo ucecompllshod. 'lliowojld Is no
largo that-ln our limits! sphero wo mo apt to
got "rusty" thus iermlttliig our Idea to Im
como enamored with an Jndlireront sense as
to uvcrythlng lsjyond our eoiilented circle.
Many of my IiitolllKuiit readeiH delight to
iwruso tho letters soirt from thu resorts by
tourists and ore oft times heard to reinnik
that thoy will soon enjov such pleasures, hut
ah, thnt tltno nover comes. Thoy llvo day
after duy, enjoy threo menls every twenty
four hour, do their ordlnnry routine of work,
go to theatre occasionally and at the. close of
each day partake of tho refreshing sleep that
puts thorn on their foot again for another
brief period. Thus they llvo from licghming
to close of each J ear, hoarding up their
wealth, either In email or largo quuntifos, and
when death comes they pass away Iguoiantly
nono tho losor, but closes a life of aught hut
usof iiIIiicm. Usefulness Is cei talnly n charm,
excollunt m Its way but 'all work and no play
makes Jack a sleepy loy," am' I really think
wo own It to nature r.-d ourselves to leave
homo and every doy tolls occassional to
brush up, enjoy that which iiaturo has pro
vided and to lrcomo ostsl generally In our
humble manner on tho lay of the land, the
IHXjplo and tho world In a limited way gener
ally. Away from home wo enjoy now scenes
that aro ever attractive as well as exciting,
wo meet substantially a different class of peo
plo, this howover depending on the distance
wo Journey. Wo have an opjioi tunlty to seo
nature in other Holds, lecoino acquainted
with pooplo, one of tho most esceutlal isiluts
of this being a chance tostudy human nature.
In tho latter wo Hud a Held of entertainment
that Is ever interesting as well as pleasant.
Wo compare others with ourselves, either for
better oi wone, note their customs, obseivo
their maimers, catch Ideas as to their opin
ions, etc. Tho woi Id Is constantly busy, and
In tho throng wohavoamploopiHrtunlty to
learn much In an occasional Jaunt that we
wou'd otherwise not bo lienefltisl by. On tho
return and onco again settled at home, wo
can better nppreclato life and Its local sur
roimdlngs. I am of tho opinion that low i nud Its legis
lature has given that state tho "uizzlo dazzle"
as regards the railroads and the convenlt nees
In travel thnt Its hki1o have heretofore en
joyed. At tho recent meeting of that honor
,ablo body, it was decided to again I educe tho
passenger fnro from two nnd a half cents per
miln to two cents. This ceitiiinly is n very
low rato, in fact lower oven than" tho old east
cm states, where travel is greater and less
divided. As a consequence nearly evei y road
in Iowa film taken oir all Its ptlnclpal 'trains
and instead of running fast through trains
lotweon prominent iMilnts.lmvo put on theold
tiiuo slow local trains and cut (low n the mm--vlco
to ns small as possible. Herotoforo
whoro two and threo tuilns were run dally
each way, now but ono docs tho Unfile. This
modus opei audi has up to date Imhiii put into
eilect only on lines that depended mostly on
Iowa business for their support, but now
conies tho climax, and in It Nebraska, and in
fact tho entire countiy will huvo to sutler.
Conuiienciug next week all "llyers" "(1
Whissers," "Ell's" and other ets know n to tho
travelling public as fast ti alas, will bo en
tirely dlscontlnutd between Chlciigoand Den
ver. Tho time tahlis will bo modified and
instead of inci eased speeil and quick coin
munlcntlon, wo will hnvo to content ourselves
with tho foimer slow order of locoiuotion
and all on account of lown and her unwise
It heeins to 1m) tho sp-Inl hobby of western
legislatures nowadays to poiiueo down, about
tho first thing every session, on the ralhoads.
The lmyseedH are told that tho uillroids ale
jobbing the icoplo and they no sooner hear It
than behove It and I might add, that in
many casts, this jwrhaps is only too time,
yet there is a limit to legislation and too
much proves disadvantageous, which Iowa
will learn very soon If sho has not douo so nl
leady. Itallrond coi xirutlons nro not uullko
business Hrms. They uro in thnt branch of
usefulness to mnko money nnd liko nny pri
vito individual, wnntall thoy can got. Of
course I don't want it understood that I favor
inllroail robbery or that I champion tho rail
road cause, but there is n limit to all things,
which applies to lallronds as well us niiv ono
else. Itallioads cannot be sustained without-
profit, no moro than can a business houso or
neirs-m-ier, and at tho ratu recently fixed by
the Iowa legislature, tho roads have done per
fectly right in discontinuing or cutting down
tho service. I think tho prohibition stnto will
satisfy itself on this soon enough nud remedy
the matter, at least for tholr own good, I
)0K so.
A young gentleman dropped in yesterday
afternoon at a certain plnco down-Uwu.
Over tho front door nro threo lurge, gilded
balls. Ai ho uenred tho counter lie Dulled
from his vost pockot a cqimplod bit of jwper.
Then bo tried to tuck it back out of sight as
ho caught a glim-iso of a friend who stood at
thoHhowrnso. This friend tried to hurry an
other similar pleco if jxipor out of sight. Each
was caught in the act by the other, both look
ed slueplsh, and both smiled. "What nro
you doing in hero!" asked tho last-comer of
his friend. "Well," answered the friend, "a
chum of iiilna camo up hero from Omaha last
week, hud a good time and had to put up his
nuu:ii ior money euougu to get nomo. ISow
ho has sent mo tho ticket and tho money to
redeem tho tlinn-ploco. What brings you In
hcref" ho added. "Similar ease, only my
friend camo Nebraska City Instead of Oinuhu,
nud had to hock his stud instead of his watch.
I'lil redeeming it for him " Then tho two
young men finished tho transaction of their
business, looked at one another a second Hum,
laughed again, and thou went out nud pro
ceeded to got gloi lously full In honor of the
i. h.. f.mmett is playing "Our Fritz." at
tho Tnlsir in Denver this week to phenomliml
business. Whllo in tho capital city of Colo
rado this week I stepjed In to wo tho play for
an hour Tuesday nnd Wednesday evening
and I must confels I nover saw a more fash
ionable or rcllned ntidleuco The Tabor has
n very pretty emdroldoied banner on which
Is wi ought out In blazing yellow letters
"Standing llooin Only." This was displaced
on lioth evenings and I wns told that it had
Ix-en tho siuno on e cry night previous, much
to tho dismay of tho late comers. "Our Krltz"
has been somewhat olteiod and impiovedand
as now produced is certainly a great success
The largfi audiences present testified their up
pieclatlonby long and houity enclaves, Mr.
Emmet gincefully acknowledging tho same
nearly every tlmo ho sang. Ho is surrounded
by a clover comimny, carries somo lino
scenery and cei talnly deserves the success he
is meeting with, Eintuot npjiears In Lincoln
Saturday evening. April sixth.
4... .. , 1 .. .... . ...
MiiujH.rt, nicihing oi r.uuuet. 1 nail II
pleasant chat with his manager, who Is nono
less thatMr. .1. K. Emmet jr., n blight young
limn of somo twenty-flvo jeai sold and son of
tlioravorltocomtsllnn. Seaklngof the suc
cess of "Fritz" ho said: We mo doing ex
ceedingly well, but nsldo from this wo ate
now rehearsing our now piece 'Uncle Jon or
Filtz inn mad houso," every nftoruoon. ox-
cept Saturday and at the conclusion of our
Deiiv er engagement go direct to Kansas City
where the play w 111 receive its first iimdtir.
tlon. Wo have a weeks encasement nt Mm
Contes otter which wo I. lay at Lincoln and
jump from there dliect to New York where
wo will open a ten weeks engagement with
"Uncle Joe." It will bo the initial piesontn
tlou nt Americas metiopolls nud we are pre-
IHiring iui- it in luaguiucMit slle. Keener',
neiessorlos, nnd costuming will boon a scale
nf granduer and If it does not make a hit, it
w ill not bo for lack of money oxpcmkil or
hard w oi k in pi oorut ion." The now piece is
said to lie a partleiilaily attractive one, suit
ed es'Kielalry to Emmet's peculiar stjle, Tho
company will nicilldo somo of our brightest
talent nud I think will prove even a letter
success than "Fritr."
Last Saturday afternoon n xirty of young
peoplo who took -wilt in the amateur thentii
cols at tho Fuuko sometlnio ago, attended tho
mutlueo at the Peoples theatre on which oc
casion tho Hourne Theatre Co., presented
'XiiMd Eiigngeiucnts" the same bill in which
the lsltors had lately staled. Imagine the
surprise of tho party when It was announced
from tho stage that tho ticket purchased by
Miss Alleeu Oakley had diawu tho priro doll
that hud beni on exhibition at Jiarr's all
week. It wiih handsomely drtsscd In white
satin nnd Miss Oakloy has good cause to Ih
proud of her new doll.
HiilHiirss IIimiiiih on South Kletelli,
Two oj)eiilngs on tlio sumo day and on tho
wunostieet t-ienk well for the business out
Irnik on this jKipulor thoioughraio. Tho
latest addition in the way ot solid business
houses is Wells' millinery and notion house,
which mudo its initial liow to tho Lincoln
ladles on Thursday evening 'I lie now store
is a JH'I feet iikhIcI of neatness and complete
ness and Is better adapted to tho wants of Its
stock than any similar institution in the
lleinganow store and calling n now
stock of g(Ksls, Indies can make a selection
fiom tho huge uriety of pretty things that
cannot fail to please, especially In huts, bon
nets and tho latest novelties In hrudwenr.
Tho "daik loom" where ludies aro eiiabltsl
to see the effect of gas light on headwear, Is
n feotuio that cannot fall to meet with
heait.v uppralwtion. Mr. Wells is the first to
iutioduco it in Lincoln mil seems to thor
oughly understand what the ladles lequlio
and has endeavored f supply it. The
CouillKIl extends licst wishes for the success
that veins evident for them now.
Will I'ii-mUIi the I'addo.k
A continct wasslgiiisl this week whereby
Messrs. Hauly A: Pitcher of this ilty will
supply tho now I'addisk Hotel at lieatilce,
with all tho furniture iismircd to fmiiMi
that beautiful now hostler Wo ale told tho
chamber sets and parlor furniture will bo
very Hno ami in tact the entire furnishing
will boBupeib. Hardy & Pitcher's contract
alone amounts to ucailyf lu.UkJ. Tho houso
Is to bo opened Aptil SOth, under tho man
agement or Mr. E. K. Crlloy, or tho Windsor
hotel or this city.
Modi's Opeiilnc ThursilHT,
Tho ladles or Lincoln havo for some two
weeks past heard of u new store to bo oiwnml
in the dry goods line on Obtioot, and will Isj
pieusen to learn that on next Thursday
Uloch's new dry goods house will throw- its
doorn open, and extend n cordial invitation
to all to call Musio will be on hand to en
liven tho occasion nnd handsome souvenirs
will bo presented to every culler. Tho stoi o
room as well as tho stock is a now one fitted
w Ith tho choicest of Btnples, fancy goods and
novelties and it will rejwy ono nnd nil to call,
and lie present on tho opening day. Seo the
firm's announcement on musio page of tills
Help Wnuturi.
For tho benefit of the ladles w ho may have
to pass tin ough the common stiuggloof se
cuiing help, tho CouiiiEit will receive want
advertisements for publication in tho Daily
Call want columns. Parties desiring help
situations, boulders, or to rent rooms or rent
houses can leavo their advertisement at this
olllco and they w 111 bo promptly doll vored to
the Call for publication. One cent a word
per day is tho oxenso.
Austin, Scott Co., Ind., Feb. 10, IBS'): I
hnvu given Chamberlain's Cough Remedy a
thorough trial, and Hud it to Ik all and more
tliiin til f.nlrml fur it. T unnlil nnt lu. .. m.
out it for double what it costs. Fiikd J.
NiciioIj). Sold by A. h. Shuder, Druggist.
A Wont Cniircriiliii; Hnuin of the Oood
Till n c .lust Itfi-elved I'riiiu lliti
Hunks Itreetvptt,
Tiikiiihtiiday hook, by Julia Waul Howe,
In cloth, $1. 1.00 & Hhepunl Publishers,
TlIK HI.AVKH OK KAt.I.T of I 111) UloltO SCI les by
Win. Horace Hi own. Paper r0o. Hand
McNally .t Co., Chicago
Fhom t.Av Wahiiimito.v to Mum. Ci.kvk
I.ami uy Ldln L. (lonlon In cloth fcl.M).
Ixt & Shesinl Publishers, Hoston.
Dn. HAMKANofthiilllaltoKeilesby the au
thor of "Tho Iron Mastei " etc. Piqier Mk;
Hand MoNnllyoi Co. Publldhei-s., Chicago.
Ouu UI.0U1K1KI), jhs'iiis and passages of con
solutions, by Elizabeth Hnwanl Foxrroft,
In cloth nnd gilt islges-?l. Ixmj & Shopurd
from Washington to Cleveland by John
Frost L. L. I). In cloth f l.W. Uhi Si Shop
ard, Hoston. '
Akdkiihoh villi: violkth, a story of notheni
and southern life by Horboit W. Colllng
wowl. In cloth $1, Us fo Shepanl, Pub
lishers, Hoston.
Tin: ykaiw iikht PAVH, a book for bos ami
girls, by tho author of ' Curfew Must Not
Hlng Tonight." Cloth!. leo fc Shejmnl
Publishers, Huston.
Oulliw for April is a very stiong sporting
number. Wo nolo tho following pilnelpal
ai tides: ClmnlK-r Spianels, by "CliiiulNir,"
with pen-and-ink sketches of champion dogs,
by Mario OiiNo; Evolution or Form In Col
lego Hawing, II, tho Harvard Stroke, by E,
M. Oainett;lllg Oauio Hunting in the Wild
West i'1'hoAinei lean Elk or Wapiti) ny tho
Into Hi Ig. Gun. It. II. Murcy: nud Tho Larch
mont Yacht Club, by F. S. Pineknoy, with
Illustrations f i out photogiuphs of tho club
houso and representative Yachts. A Wheel
man's Fatalities, by J. William Fosdlck, Is a
wry ontei tabling account of n trip tliiough
Normandy. Fishermen will be Intel ested in
Tiout Fishing In the tli os Hols of Canada.
Amateur photographers will read with Inter
est and profit, Kllersiiti Wallace's Amateur
Photogiaphy. Wo note fui ther, Not Guilty,
thefiircoof "Adiioudiiek Game Protection1!
by 0. H. Wonlen; Kaclng In England ns It is
by Harder; Cricket In iistiiilin, by G, H. I).
Gossip; and Coursing In Iielund, by It. F.
Welsh. Jleiienth tho Pines, Diirugeio Nives
and U'lmr the Hand ()' Gisl is Keen, are
jKK'ins of unusual merit. The islitoi at depai t
mentsare bright and attractive, and tho
lvconls glvo a faithful losuiut of the achieve
ment of our nthlels.
tliu Match Issue or (Uuptndi "il
Ilullillnu, theio Is coinmeni-ed tho publlcntlon
or a series or designs of houses costing jM,(K)u
nnd $3,000 each to bulM. Seveinl mouths
will lw repihisl to puwntnll tho designs that
have been secuiisl tor the piu-M, and the
variety that will bo shown it is MIoim, h
rank above mi thing else ever attempted.
The studies have lssn obtaluM through two
coui)etillons in which lllieiuleashpiizes were
oireltsl, and mi ludu the work of uichltects in
oveiyiKitt of tho country. Kachdesign lsac
coiiiixinlisl by u brief siiecilleation of i-oii-
stiuctloiiaud a ihtailisl entimate of cost.
This journal Is published inontlilv. Subsciip
tlon pneo $I.(KI per ear, ollh oMl tc i!r Dunne
street, Now Yoik City.
Tile Aniil iniiuililics will commence In ii ii-
lcar the coining week.
"The MeHMliie nf the llhttlihil." bv Irene
E. Jeiomc,upeains' an old fiiind in u iiovv'
ill ess," and Is quite silKgcstiv oof that gliubiess
of which the Hluebiid shifts.
".'iisitComi.i, lliiuutlelH, I Vij , t-.
by Louisa Pal sous Hopkins, author of the
volume, "Hienthof the Field and Shore " will
make its !ipHaiauce in ch.irmiug now dicss.
"Glurtm is of ;frr" liicliides cehvtlous
ft oui the soul still lug KM-uis which celebiato
tho advent of Easter Thoy ale iiocllc gems,
and totirhiuil smislical in I heir treatment
of tho gloues of tho resurrection, and the juv
oiisnessof the festival
"Fiuth'H J'pMtlialu," by .Maiy Lakeiiuiu. in
w hlto clover, ilellcntelv ornamented with u
design hi gilt, ci cam white, gilt edge pages,
tolls in beautiful nniiatlve stle the stoiy of
tho festivals which Faith colobiated from
chililhood to old age.
"Dainty Minuitutes," will include twelve
IKK'tio contributions of w hlcli the (nsiple nover
tiie. Thoy are bi ought out this ear in par
ticularly attractive tiiess. tlm i-mm lu.imr i,r
heavy brUtol hoard, with js'liblisl surface,
racgetl edges. docoratlvo lllustiiitloiisliiiniiiil.
fold water colors and gold.
The edition of oOO numliered copies of loca
tor nllack's Hcinlnisccntes IisUmI K-arcely a
week after publication with tho Scribners.
Although tho price or tho look was ten dol
lars, tho largo jiortlon or copies was sulsciib
od for lieforo tho book was issued, and within
a week tho remainder were sold.
Tho annual Easter tlmo brings forth many
or the choicest publications ot the year Tho
delicato tints of Easter volumes seem to vie
with nature as she puts on her most charm
ing apimrel, and in npiiearauce, seem to en
wrap within themselves tho tender fceiitlinent
vv hlch prevades all the associations entw iued
about Easter day. Leo & Shepanl, Hoston,
will Issue In attractive form some of their
Easter lKH)ks Which Imvo alreadv ni-milred
extensive popularity.
The II, A U, unit the. li.ittiKtirittloii.
Hetween inidiilght March Urd and noon
Mnrch -1th, the 11. &: O. H, It. carrhsl into
Washington sixty thousand excursion pas
sengers, in addition to its iscular local nml
through tiavel. Kioni threo o'clock, after
noon of the -1th until midnight of tho Mil, un
isiuulnnuiberwascairled from Washington.
Allowing an average of 0 4issengers to the
car, Including Sleeping and Passenger cars, .
Jbrequlrcd 1,'JiK) c.irs to iiucouuiunIiiIo tho
lultilililes. Adding to this the nccessaiy
iiiniiieror Koggngocnisto take care or tho
biggago of pasugers and the supplies and
IfciruphcrnuKa of military companies, hands
mid marching clubs, It will Imi sih.ii that the
lliiVO haulislatraluortl cats Into Wash
ln;tonevery llftwu inlnutes from midnight
March .'lid, until noon March -Ith, and cut of
Washington every fifteen minutes rroin !l p
in. of the -Ith until midnight of tho nth,
In handling this Immcmcso volume of busi
ness in so short u tlmo, not a single accident
ocruiicd and not a ixiKscngor was lujutisl;
not a car was ilctnllcd nnd not nil engine fall
ed topi eronn Its allotted During nil
this time tin io was an Incessant fall of lain
nud ull out door woik was Invested with vtry
diipiesslng conditions
lho satisfactory umuncrln which this great
inovcinent was conducted lellects the hlgliest
cislltUH)ii the (iK'intlngilepnitnient of the
H, & O. Oomiviny iiml lndlcat.s tho prompt
ness and Intelligence with which each mem
Imt pei formisl his nsslgiusl share of tho lubor
Clllllell Notleen un rice.
It limy not iMjgenei ally known, but Its a
inci neverilieiess mat the LouillKIl never
cl.atgesjr never has charmsl. imv church
III tho city for lint hi h or meetings, sociables
etc, when given solely for tho lienollt of the
chinch, nud wo take pleasure in announcing
to?all, that wk will accept and publish all
Items or notlivs for the city chinches
B(ijtls Notice of sci moils will also find n
welcome space. Hi lug in jour notices.
A New Tiiiiii.
.The connecting link between Nebraska and
Kfinsus has Just Issjn placed In service by the
Union Paclllc railway. This tialu lenvvm
OunellUluirs daily at-M.'.a in.! Omaha nt
ft:lBn. in.; Vnlloy nt lls'-M a. in.; and iiiiik
through without change to Manhattan, Kan
sas, mnklng direct couiicttlons tln'ie with the
Knnsns division ot the Union Paclllc railway
for nil silnts in Kansas and Coloiudo, west
hcuud, and for ToK.'Ln, ljiwrence, Kuiihos
City and K)lnts. -list nnd south via Kansas
Hi turning, train leaves Manhattan at a:!
p. in., arriving at Healilco ot I:SK p. m.,
Lincoln at 7:o(l p. m , Valley at II :M p. m
Ofnaha at ll:'J0 p. in., and Coilncll Hluirs at
11T-I0 p. in., making direct connection with
K-iiixas division Indus from Kansas City,
Law renco, Topeka and tho east, and fioui
D.liiver, S'lllun, Abilene and all points west,
enabling piissenaei-s to visit tho principal
pijlnts in Kansas nnd Nebraska In tho shoi test
Ksslble tlinti. These trains have first class
c(uipment, consisting of smoking enrs and
Ibjst class day coaches of the latest pattern
Tie new tinlu will fill a long-felt want and is
Ik'iiiuI to be liopular fioui tho stait.
The lllirllnuton I.fnd ilin Vhii.
Jtwlthstuniljng leisirls to the continrv.
uiu-iimiingioir' is still tliu quickest nud by
oil odds the Isjht loute to Chicago nud thn
Our "llycr" lwivlng Lincoln at 1 M, p. m.
vilely, reaches Chicago at 8 o'clock tho next
morning in ample time ror eastern connec
tions. Through Pullman palatial slcoKrs,
llrst class smoking cars, sumptuous dinners
mid fno reclining chulr enrs, tmnprlsing
through solid wstibuhsl tuiln, such ns no
other line pretends to tun, they nlu't built
that way, When you have occasions to travel
Isisiiiii and get tho vvoith of our money.
Tho "llui llngton" -iloue can give It to you.
A. C. ZlKUKIt,
City Pass, and Ticket Agint.
How l'lislniiMtei-lllllorir&iisdot '.1,000.
The telegram of the ill awing of tliu Imlsl
aua State tottery, announced that Manor,
Tex., had fallen heir Ion poitinii of the $IKKI, Tiie lucky holder or rt or the
ticket was Postmaster John E. Hill, a desoi v-
.. .-,.,. .. .. . .... .. . - -
lug mail, Altiiough u staunch democrat (his
rather having been killed while serving in the
eoifcdeintoiiriiiy,) Mr. Hill has the uuaulin
oili eiidorsumeut of the citlryns of Manor for
ifJupiNilntiiiiuiU Wlthtsiitof the inonev ho
drmv lost mouth he has bought n farm of UK)
uo'sior fio.issi-.itisfi.i (lex.,) Ulittemmnt,
JTi; 17.
CIllVHKo, Mllwuiihee .U hi. ljt nt Uallwii
iiort Linn to Chicago nud tiiecust. .
ljhest dliinliig cars in tho world.
Through Bleeping (urn to Chicago.
The i onto or tho first "Golden Goto
KeLlal "
Iteil Hue U) v nshlngtoii ror tho limugera-
niyior ricsiiiint iiniilsou.
tjhil dliect unite to thoG. A. II. Encump
me;ii bt Milwaukee.
Everything flrst-class.
First-class jHsipIo itronlze flrst-class lilies
Ticket agei iw overywhore In tho west sell
tlclttts over the Chicago, Milwaukee A: St
Paul Hallway.
New Trnln hiiulcn on (lie Northwestern-
By the new in raiigement Lincoln Mitronsor
tlil route have tho only jwirlor irs In service
In he west at their froo dlspoMil iH'tvveen Lin
coll nml .Missouri Valley, Iowa, the Junction
s)int of tho ElUioin Hue with tho Noi thwist H, proer These cars are thesamous
umsl by this comimny Isttwoeii Chicago and
Milwaukee, nnd nre tho acmo or rnllrond lux
ury and errection In their upiiolutmenU
which consists of smoking, tollta nnd card
coijipaitnieuts In noditlon to the main saloon,
to toy nothing of the jxirtor In chargo, nil of
whch aro furnished with beautifully uphol
stewed and comfortablo great nnn clinlrs nud
coaches except tho pirlor whoso furiilshliig Is
In renulno elKiny,
leaving Lincoln on the afternoon train lu
niiif or these nrs the nssenger an Ives n
Mbirfiuri Valloy at 4-X, p. m. A wait of lir
tee) nilmitcH now occurs to allow passengers
forJ'hlcngo and the east to select wuits in the
HiiMt coaches in the railroad service or os.mii e
thl accommodations reserved in tho susier
ullutttsl to Lincoln patrons. Starting again
at ft, p. in,, tho passenger finds him or herself
In nil elegant enr, a jmrt or the Northw csUtii
Limited, a solid vestlbuled train or coaches,
sleeping nnd dinning cars. Itfght here we will
icu'uik thnt tho passenger Is now In the finest
train, running over the best track, and guided
by the best service In the country. After a
delightful run the train runs into Chicago on
tiny nt 8 ;.'.'). a. in., lu time to muke the mnrii
Ingjcoiinectlons north, wist and south. Don't
toknour word for this but try this line the
next time you go cast.
A Itevlow or the Past, it Wind ror His
1'ieseiit unit Prospects ror future
Funke's was pnckisl Wisluiwslny evening.
From the time the doom were opeuisl until
the cm lain arose a steady stream of soplo
uurod Into tho house. It was the iss-nnlon of
the llorinau's Mlustiels lllllug a return date,
and the vast audience assembled there was
ample evldeneo or the populailty or this or
ganlMllon. Doing away with tho conven
tlonal llrst pint was the Gorman's own Idea
and they were tho llrst to put It Into oxecu
tlon IiiIIssUniiI ispiemnl(sl mi lutcicstiug
skeU-h entitled "Scones at a Seaside Hotel" lu
which each meinlier'of the company has
ample nppniiutilly to give all his talent full
sway, Mr. Hi union pleased all present with
hlsicndltlonof "lluhy Ihi'itlug" and IMwIn
Hni ley In a new ballad of his own, "A Curl
fioiutho Haby's Head" brought down the
house, AllthuNNclinty buslnos was new
and good and tho afteipld-o "Tho Pasha of
Hngdail" was well put on.
Tiuly tho (lot man's have a show they
might well Imi proud of,
It's an (sld, but novel theless tiuu, fact that
Lincoln hOiIoiu turns out u huge audleiaii to
witness a I rally merltoi ions conceit company
such as held tho boards at the Funko last
evening. The usual meagiii crowd tinned
out however and worn amply xild for their
IMitionage. Mis. Mislorn Ileiison Emerson is
a chat mliig vocalist and her rendition of tho
selections nlleied, captivated her hearers.
Mr. John Thomas ojivniil up a humorous vein
ill the hearts of tho audience with his dialect
songs nud recitations, while Mr. Walter
Emerson, sustalnisl his title or the greatest
living comet plii er. It Is a pity they did
not have a linger house, they deserved It.
There was some hitch III the nrrangeinoiits
In legal dto tli) oHnlng of thn Mustsi, Mon
day evening, ostensibly tho lion an Ival or
biggageaiid theoiHullig had to bedefeiKsl
until Tuesday afternoon. Tho Cuilo ball
contains some really good features whllo
others aio of the onllimry class of attractions
usually seen lu a dune museum, P-of.
Wallace's silk wmn exhibition Is a great
study and the most Interesting feature of the
Mllsee. lu tho theutorlum Prof. Wallace's
sji foi uilng goats are tho drawing card, tho
xii fectly tnilned eiilinaln giving n nent,ox'
hlbition, tho Swiss hell ringers closing tho
eiiteilalmueut with the 1n1Is. This evening
closes thu engagement of the weeks attiao
tlou and now jsmple and now featuusi take
their places next week,
KOI l (INK WhKK AT Till-. I'KOI'LI'.H.
Commencing Monday evening the People
theatre will present to Its numerous patrons
a tl eat in the way or the re-eugagemeiit or
tho old ravin Ib-s, The Chicago Comedy Com
pany who will npiiear nightly lu all the latest
and Ix-st of comedies and iliaums, such as
thoy are noted for earring and it is unm-cis.
wiry to mention the long list us uwry one
who fit tended the tiast iMrfnriiiinw.ii 1. 1 ....
this company know exactly what thoy inn
nnu wiiu wuai excellent eirect they are lend
ere I.
The engagement oens Monday evening in
their gi cutest succiss entitled "Queens Evi
dence," and in order that all may attend on
this the osmlng night the prices have Ihs.-
tint at 10, 20, nud I 'M cenls.
Each iK'ison attending during the w(s-k will
recelv e a chnlice on u l.niidsomo set of un lor
fill lift til to beilWIIIihsl tint liiekvlii.Li l.lml.l.
er at the conclusion of the peifonnuuro
naiunui evenitig. i;vcry body should avail
Iheiuselves of the oiitsirtiinltv to uw n ,..,.. I
show- and ut the same tlmo get n chance on a
sei oi iiintll.ire.
Hovt's liveliest, brightest and wittis-t farce
coimsly, that famous satire on American
tiavel-is, which ho calls "A Hole lu the
Oround" will be the attraction at the Funko
WiiliiPHlnv evening. The following letter
from Mr Hnjt tliu ntitlior wip: "Many well
InteiilloiiMl mtmii, In pood faith, linvuenm
plained nf the pi esent day wi Iters of iluima
lie lltci attire ror not giving to tlmsUige smno
thing or tho giandly classic and Ks-tie type
but have thev slonissl toi-iiiKM,..'itint Kl,,.i ..
spearo has amply supidled the denihnds ror
(inn. ciiiss oi i oik, nnu also no or somelxlv
else bus utteii. a warning imulnst attempt
lllg to mill inline.! u.ld or ,,, tlt, )yf A
Hole In Mie Ground" Is not a sfiiifirl.i '., i.
crease and liiipovo the supply of dramntlc
poetry furnWusI by Slmkispenre, but is n
misliwtessar topiesent, In an amusing wav
a mild lemonstiniico against the pottv, but
infuintlng Insults heiqssl iisvu the tmvelllng
publlobya minor class or railroad ollleials,
ntIuim, also to Illustrate the annoyances
wh ch the aforesaid iiillunv nill,.inl I.,.. ..
stnnd from the travelllii"- tmlill,. Tn.ii.,
that tho digs at the other follows mny prove
pleasing to Iwth sides, the author resKftfully
submits "A Hole In tho Ground" as a farce
comedy ' Tho cast includes Gio. Illchunls
as the Stranger nnd Frank towtou ns the
station agent Isith or whom nro well known
lu Lincoln, together with a long list or names
Including many or the js-oplo we have seen in
iioyts oiuer pui s, "ininch or Keys" "Hag
niu- -iui Boidit r" etc. Seats go on tale
Tuesday morning ami i big tale is nnticl
Without a doubt Die theatrical event of the
Mason will lie the tuliistiel show at the Funko.
onFiiilay evening No exiH-nso bus Ihsjii
sjsinsl to mnko tho show a success mid some
or the 'llnestin the business" will lend a
helping bond. Tho proceedsof the eiitertaln
inent go to refurnish the club looms of tit -Lincoln
Lodge or Elks and their uuiueiou.
ri lends in this city ulone should fill the house.
It should lw distinctly understood that vv hi)
the haveon Ihiiulng dulgers or attiactiv
lithographs out announcing the event the,'
will "get there Jut the same."
Vo -'(hetnuts" will lw sprung and ir yo
have ever heal dany of their business lieforo
i.iinieentltlnl ton inln check nt the ihsir
and snino will Is) honoixsl ut thn next enler
tulniueiit. The public Is cuutlouisl not to
confound this compuny with any other thnt
has visited Lincoln lu thn last eighteen years
ns It docs not and will not ullow nny ono to
Join tho company who has ever been with
any other show. The "swollext" first part
ever seen In Lincoln WUt on the entire
company ups-nilng5 ;tdru Do n
miss It, you can't atrial T'5atiyliow t!
bosexssayon, so gii TWyiy.l5Jl,i'
laugh of the season, ' Nwm
Title ITTIIlfTKlvtl ..-rin. ' wlio...,-;
j;o not
low tho
V. ""'irH
v-oininencing Aiomiay u.:noou
mkmiii VtVonrti
n'clock another great bill wll, mi piesentMTto
tl e patrons of the Kdell Musee. Hv the wi
the ladltsiauil chlldieu should uo lu thenfteJ
niHHi If they want to seo the curiosities ami
attend the stagu sirfoi nianeoi without thoV
Jam and cnish of the crowds us Is the ensu In '
the evenings. On the prom am for next week
Is the following an ay of talent; lu tho Curio
hull will lift Hiutll llm I(iiI,bI. mllii nf .. lul.
thnt over held a human soul, a llvlnir belnir.fvi '
an Infant angel nlnu mouths old and weigh-
lug only sixteen omirc, ono jtound Hnby
Gulnuie, accompanied by her mother who Is
willing and ready at all Mines to exhlt her
dulling isjI tho faliy midget ami readily nn
swer all questions in regard to her. Mothers
should take thn children to seo this Infant
marvel; thu gi cutest novelty nnd wonder of
all tho so callisl midgets. Pretty In fnco nml
foi m she Is tho centre or attraction toward
which the sHtnlors nro Instantly drawn.
Hcsltlos little Miss Oulnnro will lie seen tho
Lady Mnglclau lu ustondlng fciibi of togor
deumlii; Itydui-H Art Gallery; Punch nnd
Judy for the children ami "Doo" AVnro in his
iiiimrlng and dexterous exhibition with tho
curds, a srforiunnco which has ennnsl for
him the wiiu Iquut "Thu King or Cnrds."
In tho llljou Theutorlum will lie neon for
the first tlmo In this city tho eminent actor
mid niitlmr Mr. Josoph II. Kis'iio in his great
ehuriiitcr luiieisountIou of 'Mm. PaitliiKtou
Introducing her sou "Ike" together with u
coinpntiy of unusual merit. A picture of
Now Eulauil life vividly prntruyed with real
istic scenery nnd circcts. Ti ulv n urcnt bill
nnd twenty cents will see It nil Including n
reservislwntln tho theatre; goueinl ndiiils-
sion 10 cents only.
Thocuitnlu wlllilsopimnptly nt 8 o'clock,
at Funke's on Friday evening. Ambulances
nml hearses mny Imi called at lO.ItO.
Tho Elk's iHiiellt should receive unlimited
pntionngo on Friday evening. The boys aro
reeling In tholiestor splilts nnd promise, a
giuiiil g(ssl show, A gllmisont thoiiroginni
Jtittiller this stntcmuut.
Ladles ami children should attend tho
Miihco in tho afternoon us then they will huvo
iilnploopMirtiinlty to seenll there Is to lie seen.
At night tho crowd mnkes It Inqiosslblo for
them to enjoy the sights with any degree of
Tno rejioit that Muniiger Mclleynolils will
puitlclpatoln the Statu Slnxi'tliig Tourna
ment, to Imi held at Norfolk In May, is with
out foundation. MucKUslt(s a cruel Joke
and bus some reference to his recent duck
hunt on St. Patrick's day.
Maiy Anderson "Our Mar" I lying very
III ! Philadelphia. Her physician rejKirtn
thatshoissutreilng from nervous prostra
tion cuustsl by overwork. It was reortcd
that the lady "was out ot her head" but her
attendants deny the Mntinrnt.
Few coplo nre aware or tho ract thnt
Stanley Wood, editor or thnt new and ixipu
lar monthly, the Ureal Dleitle, ot Denver
and ut thu head of the Denver & Itlo Grande
Railroad's literary ileiMirtment Is a brilliant
aiilliornnd a sipular pluyrlght. Stanley ha
JustjsunpleNslanew oieia which has re
cenjjy Ixeiiiicis'pted by a mctrojiolllan com
iwny in Chicago, 1 1 egret that I urn not at
llliorty to give its title etc. Howover 1 will
slate that ho Is at present eiigugcd In writ lug
n Unco net piny ror Gits Heiunid of Now
Yoik to lie priMluced by the St. Felix Sislers
of whom he Is manager. They will bo seen
lu it during their coining American tour
which will be dliectly after the closu of their
present engagement lu tondoiij
"'Tom Foley, the billiard man, iy th Clifo
ngo lhraltt, camo nour n;aklnj hi1 nppcar
nnce on tl.o dnimatlc sUge Thursday evon
lug, It wns not his rault that he did not,
elthur It came about in this way: Tom
thinks us much of Itolaud (teed, tho coined
lan. as though ho were his own son, ami
whotiovi r Roland plii s hero tho billiard tl
emu nmkes It a jsiint to ws-hlin ut lenst once
a day. Roland's succcs has ihnsed hint
greatly. Thu rainy he had no ojki tunlty to
leave his kkiiiis, ns the pns bllllnnl tourney
kept him (sctipinl, mid he stui tul out alsint
Op. in. to call iikiu the idiiicsIIiui. He wim
illrucUil iiround to I ho staue iIimii of
Ornnd. where he found Jack l.ou the liack
(loorkii'Mr, whokne.v him us it Mend or
Il(s..'s. -Where's Mr. Hcedf'ho askisl. nud
tin u, before Jack had time to unswer, Mr.
Fole said. "Ah, tin re he Is," unit htf smilisl
for llissl, whom ho kiwoii the .in,
as ho was alwut to step out in full view ot the
audience he wnHgrnbUd by Harry Smith.
Mr Heed s leading man, and hauled back.
I'om nearly faluuil with statru fright ul,....
told that ho narrow ly escamsl coin unnn th.i
stage when the curtain was up, but Roland
was mud. "I would have clven n ski not..
ho said, "to have seen Tom Foley walk on
that stage. I would Imvo iiiado it lively for
him, I can tell you."
The novelties otfereil thi. uw.... ...i..... ..
moreronipletoMiiletyor coIoim than weie
ever shown
UeiKiUlielmvr& Co., hnvo linjsii ml large
ly In novelty dres goods, fancy triiuiuluc,,
Pervluii bruids and button They offee a
lino of all wool Hoiniettns, niil wide at liSo
Tliey show the most complete lino of black
silks. Wool goods in black, hair mourning
and colors, also flue line or Uvul vvruiH
shoulder shawls ami easant gni ine'its call oi!
Heisilsielmer it Co.. nud see the Ut hiu
ev er show u in Lincoln ut i Ight pi Ut s.
Only thiro or tlmsti Duo Khnbullorguus left
it the seclal sale w Inch do-s TucmIh eve.
This is a Ininnllde nvt sale call and xa pi n-i-s!
Wbl ve easy monthly juviiieiils n ,teliis,
G. A. Cn V.M'KII ,V Co
-I-south lllhstiitt.
wwHreTKyro wt mm t mi' mwiiii 1 1
Hnw'mmmumin&9si2mMer x jffirrgr zisi3Psmt?iB?A,4i:- x4-, - -