Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, March 16, 1889, Image 8

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    rtft-Oii ,,, , amrffi n m, iu Bifsmw, , v. , .TTTTTSySS'""""""1''"'"
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1M8-I8W I'nmiim HI., Wow Paxton Hlock,
In The West
Vr'nuronow Introducing inony nnw novel
tics In Hprlng nnil Hummer wear, mitl re
'invltoonr Lincoln frloniU to mil
AlUl KCO tllO HOW lll0jt.ltOjH)IUHl(
And ns such ran oiler later styles nt lower
prices Minn any lumso west of Chicago a fact
we'll tnko pleimuro In proving to l.lucolulies.
Wo civil utiow you it tine lino of Cloaks,
Dromes nun Furs Unit lurpiis anything you
mvo ovcrscon In tlio onilre. west. It will pity
you la tnko 11 trip to Onmliti to see up, If you
want nnyt hlnn nice In our line.
Mill Orders Receive Prompt Attention.
1044 O STREET.
Atchison, Leavenworth, St. Joseph, Kansas
City, St. Louis and nil points South,
, East and West.
.. The direct line to Ft. Scott, Parsons,
VVichltoJ Hutchinson and nil principal
point in Kansas.
The only road to the Great Hot Springs
of Arkansas. Pullman Slkkpkrs and
Fhkk Ciiajii Cakb nn all
tr(M. 1 ,j ,
LI..UMU, ' 1.P.1.MIUA8,
f' CltvT'A-t Oen'l Agent.
Cor, O and uth St.
How Hpiiiitnra nnil Mmiibri Aro Com
pelled In l'rolert TlioniMihrit Thu lllun
Hook -Why Do Moil OIvm Up (IoimI
1'liirrn In Rrrk for Hmnll Odlrm?
(Special Corrt'niHiiiiliMU'0.1
Wabiiington, Mnrcli 11. Tlio olllco
decker now hnn tlio floor. Ho linn taken
posseiwlon of the. town. Ilogi'U up early
in tlio morning mul Rtiiyn out into nt
night. Ho In to bo found everywhere,
anywhere. There Is no escaping htm.
Ho la uiOHt numerous In the lohhlcs of
tlio hotels. Hero are his Intra, wlioro ho
laya in wait for HcnntoM, reproHontntlvea,
men of Influence. Ho carries In his
pockotA a lilg hunch of Icttora of recoin
uieudatlou, and to these ho Is continually
seeking additions. Names of great men
nro what ho wants, but a small nam. is
better than no namo nt nil. Ho will
wait nil day to scctiro the signa
ture of a senator, but miss no
opportunities mcanwhilo to get tlio
autographs of representatives, ox-repro-Hcntatlves,
small fry politicians, men of
llttlo or no Inlluenco with tlio president
or anybody else. It is refreshing to boo
a lot of olllco seekers swapping Inlluenco
signing each other's papers. Proceed
lug on tlio general though not infulllblo
princlplo that If ono namo is good n bun
drod names must bo bettor, thoy pasto
sheet after sheet to tholr Indorsements
and Industriously (111 them out. In tho
lobby of tho Hbbltt houso the other night
a strnngo discovery was miulo. An In
diana man found ho had signed tho in
dorseincnt of a friend who wns Hooking
the Identical olllco ho himself wanted,
and the friend had in turn signed his
paicra. This was tho result of a misun
derstanding, and it is a wonder inoro
such mistakes do not occur, considering
tho Imsto with which these recommenda
tions nro signed.
Nobody pretends that it is dishonor
nblo to seek public olllco. Nor does any
body hereabouts hold to tho lino old sen
timent that tho olllco should nook tho
man. But Micro aro good and proper
ways In which to seek places, and bad
nnd ridiculous ways. Tho man who
cornea down to Washington and makes a
nuisance of himself dogging tho foot
steps of persons of' prominence, sitting
on their doorsteps, as it were, following
thorn to church and intruding upon tho
prlvnoy of their families, is not pursuing
tho proper way. Don't think this an ex
aggeration. Senator Cullom. of Illinois,
board In tho Arlington hotel. Ho can
not go from his room to tho dining room,
nor froth tho dining room to tho hotel
ofllco, without being stopped two or threo
times by place hunters. Senator upooncr
lives away up on Capitol Hill, in tho
building which wns formerly tho Capitol
Srlson, and In which congress itself met
ust after tho British burned tho Capitol.
Ono recent morning tho senator had
five ofllco Hcoking callers beforo break
fast. Senator Hlscock, of Now York,
says ho was approached by a placo hunt
er in tho vostibulo of his church last
At tho scnato chamber, whero tho sen
ators meet for a short tlmo every day at
noon, a crowd of persons willing to servo
their country is always assembled. Thoy
stand out in tho lobby or provail upon
tho doorkeepers to let them Into tho
marble room. But tho sly old senators
fool them by going out tho sldo doors
and by using tho prlvato stairways to
which nono but senators have access.
Another cuto trick of tho senators Is to
pass most of tholr timo In tho cloak
room, and thence tho doorkeepers aro
forbidden to tako cards. That is a sena
torial sanctorum which no outsider daro
invado. It Is no exaggeration to say that
a sort of hido nnd seek game is going on
between tho hungry hordes nnd tho
paironngo purveyors.
Ono of tho Washington papers, know
ing from experience that the town would
Ik full of pluco hunters, printed on In
auguration day a list of tho principal
places in the government. That edition
is still selling rapidly. On tho news
stands in tho hotels nro displayed for
Kilo llttlo "blue books," also containing
incomplete lists of olllces. Half the men
ono boos about tho hotels havo theso lit
tle books In their pockets. Thoy havo
been studying them. Tlio ofllcinl "blue
book" Is a largo ntmlr in two volumes,
each as big ns Wobster's dictionary. I
was in tho rooms of Congressman Can
non, of Illinois, last night, and I asked
him if ho had a copy of tho blue book.
"I havo one," he replied, "but I dasscnt
keep It hero In my rooms. My friends
would 8Kud all their tlmo hero looking
it over and asking mo questions." Rep
resentative Laldlaw, of Now York, sent
a bluo'book to a constituent of his two
or three weeks ago, and ho says now ho'd
givo n thousand dollars if bo hadn't
dono It.
There seems to bo a gcnsral craze in
tho country to go abroad. Public men
Ky thoy never buw anything like it. Tho
desire to travel nt tho government's ox
penso appears to bo contagious. Sonntor
Fitrwcl I showed mo a stack of applica
tions two feet high, and ho said about half
of them wero for consulates. In a ma
jority of cases the applicants didn't know
what conjulateH thoy wanted; all they
wero certain of was that Uiey wanted
When tho ofllco seeker first reaches
Washington ho registers at u first class
hotel, Four or five dollars a day is a
mere bagatelle to a man who expects to
get a three or four thousand dollar posi
tion. In a week or two ho takes a cheap
room on the top floor, and In another
week or two ho removes to a cheap
boarding houso. In tho end ho may bo
compelled to borrow monoy to pay his
expense home.
Step into tho Ebbttt houso or Willord's.
or any of tho other hotels, and you will
6co a hundred placo Beckers. A vigor
ous, intelligent, eocmlngly forceful and
prosperous lot of men they are. This one
Is a merchant, that ono a banker, an
other n lawyer, and a fourth a farmer,
Probably nny ono of them can maico two
or three thousand dollars n year nt homo,
and mako It easily. Can you understand
why he should como hero nnd run his
legs olT nfter somo llttlo ofllco which will
nlTord him a baro living? I can't, nnd
tho liest ndvlco I can givo, or anybody
can give tho man who thinks of Joining
tho scramble is don't. An long ns you
can make uu honest living nt your pro
fession, business or trade, stick to it, If
you have no profession, no business or
trade, learn or acquire one. If you tako
olllco let It bo ns n Inst resort, liko going
to tho K)or houso.
The ovoltttlon of ofllco Reeking is n
curious study, Two weeks ngo some
thing like modesty was discernible. Tho
aspirant had a nlco nnd unctuous way of
saying: "I liavo como down to seo tho
Inauguration. I am not n candidate for
anything, Somo of my friends think I
ought to tako something tinder tills ad
ministration, and to pIcaBo thorn I don't
know but I might bo willing," All this
has disapcarcd. Modesty rum character
istic has played out. Now tho candidate
hnn no hesitation in saying ho is bore
for something, nnd that ho is working
his hardest to get It,
It is almost pathetio to mako tho rounds
of tho departments theso days. Step into
tlio niito-rooms of the cabinet ministers,
particularly the Interior, postofllco and
treasury, and takou look nt tho crowds
of men there luwoniblod, waiting for a
chanco at tho ear of tho chiefs. They
nro a discontented, eager looking lot, re
spectable euougli, but with tho strain of
anxiety showing in their faces, In their
eyes, in the cut liko manner in which
thoy watch each other, and tho solomn,
hardened man who stands guard at tho
door. Tho pity of It Is so many of theso
candidates nro old men. Heron former
United States senator has wit for an hour.
All ho wants Is a clerical placo worth
$2,500 a year. There sits a man who
onco had a law practlco which earned
him $20,000 per uumim. Ho wants n
second class postofllco in it western state.
Great numlierHof ofllco holders under
former Republican administrations arc
hero trying to get their old placcB ngaln,
and serving to exemplify tho axiom,
"Onco an olllco holder always an ofllco
seeker." ,
Thcro nro plonty of "guides to Wash
ington" for the U80 of sight seers, but tho
most popular manual just now Is tho
"guldo to ofllco getting." It is a very
pretty llttlo book, nnd was admirably
written by a Washington nowspapcr
man. In passing it may bo remarked
that newspaper men do not csenpo tho
Importunities of tho ambitious. Thoy
aro appealed to for favorable mention in
their dispatches, and sometimes nro
asked to indulgo In downright lying.
For Instance, a certain aspirant for a
placo in tho department of tho interior
asked tho representatives of tho papers
from his stato to sond out a report that
his namo had been virtually decided on
by tho president and secretary. Ho know
his selection had not been decided on,
but ho explained that ho wanted suchnn
Impression to go out in order to dlscour
ogo two or threo possiblo rivals and also
to encourago his friends, who wero keep
ing him supplied with funds for his ex
penses. It is needless to add that tho
nowspapcr correspondents declined to
grant tho gentleman's request.
According to "Tho Ofllco Seekers'
Guido," an applicant should obtain let
ters of recommendation from tho lead
ing citizens of his neighborhood, with
out regard to their political affiliations.
Ho should "endeavor to got a separate
autograph letter from each indorscr,
couched In tho writer's own Inncuaire.
Tho appointing ofllccrs nt Washington
aro novcr much impressed by n circular
letter of recommendation, apparently
drawn up by tho nppllcant or u friend,
and passed around for signature; and
tho f requont practlco of eovcral ncrsons
writing nnd signing tlio phrase, I con
cur,' beneath a preceding recommenda
tion should bo avoided."
Noxt, tho would be publla Gcrvant is
Informed that after securing tho indorse
ment of the senators from his stato and
tho representative from his district, he
must "thenceforward, for ndefinito time
(say a short mouth), dovoto his whole
surplus of tlmo and energy to keeping
his persona! and political friends at work
upon Ills case, writing or speaking to
anybody and overyliody likely to Ikj of
nny service, and always nctlng upon the
theory that everybody, no matter bow
much Interested, apparently, in Ids case,
forgets all about it as soon as ho is out of
sight or bearing,' Senators and other
persons of consequence say they think
nil the aspirants for olllco havo read these
fragments of ndvlco in tho guldo, nnd
that they nro determined to follow them
out to the very letter,
It ts also refreshing to read in the
guide that if no progress bo made nfter a
few weeks of this sort of effort tho appli
cant should "desist long enough tocnable
his friends and backers to get over
fntlguoond doubtfulness, nnd then begin
Onn innn. quotation from tho guide
will show why senators nnd representa
tives dread this period of discontent, this
em hi which patience becomes exhausted
nnd hair turns Bray. "Tlio applicant
should never feel sure of appointment
till appointed," says tho handbook, "nor
Bliould ho over fear that ho is saying or
doing too much for himself, or that
others aro doing or saying too much for
him, or that any help ho can get, of any
kind, from any quarter, will bo useless."
Thcro is no more ofllco limiting now
Mian Micro was four years rtgo. The itch
for ofllco la no inoro prevalent in ono
party than in another,
Aro You Collie to Uulld. u Lawu?
Thcro aro about 0,000 species of grasses
growing hero and thcro all over the
planet wo inhabit 0,000 species, nnd yet
a man can spend two summcra and $300
on a half aero lawn and then havo noth
ing to ehow for it but tho biggest, health
iest, coarsest crop of plantain that ever
spread itself all over tho earth like n
green bay trco and hoHcrod for -inoro
room. This also is vanity. Burdctto.
Engaged on th Spot.
Dry OoxU Merchant You have cnllod in
rcrouM to our ndvcrtlnement as n floor
wnikrrl Well, sir, what nro your nuallflca
tfons for tho position!
Applicant 1 am tho fntlior of thrco pairs
of twins. Uoiton Courier.
A l'rlrmlljr Cnutlmt.
Mr. Wevplelgh (who has como around tho
cornor unexpectedly) Good morlng, Undo
Undo Philip Good morula', (xpitro; good
morula', Rnhl I war jlstncomlu' up to yo'
houso fcr tor warn ycr (latdey'snnowfambly
ob coons movixl in ober on d' hill, an' doy's
ll'blo tor bo fond ob chlck'iu. How's yo'
Lcchoms n glttln' long, snhf Judge
Their Mnthi-r.
My boy lint looking strnlctit Into tlio coals,
From his stool nt my feet ono day,
Anil tlio flri'llf-lit Imrnlslicd tlio curly linul,
And jxilnUil tlio checks with n ilnoli of red,
And brightened his very eyes, as ho Raid,
In ft inontcotinduntlnl ways
"Mamma, I think, when I'm a growu-up man,
I shall liavu Just two llttlo hoys."
I smiled, ho wus six) hut ho did not sec,
And I saldi "Yet, how nlco that w 111 hoi .
Hut If ono wero n girl, It seems to mo,
It would mill to your household Joys."
"Well, yes," reflectively, "that would bo nlco,
And I'll tell you Just what I'll do;
I'll namo ono Hobble, for me, you know."
Then tho bright eyes shono with a deeper glow,
"And there's Juit tlio two of us now, and so
I'll namo tho girl, Annlo, for you."
"But how would their mother liko thatt" I asked.
"Do you think thatstio would agrco
For us both to havo names whllo slia had nono?"
With tho mystified, puzzled look of ono
Wholly befogged, said my logical son,
"Their mother! Why, who Is shot"
Good Housekeeping,
Not 80 I'rtiipenius, After All.
At a religious convention held in a western
town each minister wns required to givo nn
account of tho condition of his clmrgo, nnd if
prospering receive congratulation, or, if not,
to receive ndvlco and encouragement, with
perhaps nlil.
In his turn nroso n very dcllhcrato speaker
nnd reported that his congregation "wns
lookin' up." Doforo ho could mid nnothcr
remnrlc tho noxt delegnto In order was cnllod
for his report, nnd so on until all wero heard
from. Then enmo tho chnlnuan's remarks to
each dclcgato. When ho enmo to tho nfore
Balil dcllhcrato R)oakcr ho wild ho must con
gratulate his brother from tho far west upon
his being nblo to report that his congregation
was "looking up," whereupon tho dcllhcrato
speaker nroso nnil said that ho should prob
ably havo added thnt, ns thoy wero "flat on
their hacks, It wns tho only wny thoy could
look." Philadelphia Press.
rmetlenl 1'hlloMiptiy.
Al. Say, why nro you riways treating
thnt Miss La Fnttoo to Ico crenm in wlntcrf
Ed. Dccnuso cold contracts, you know,
and I thought by applying It Inaiilo when
tho weather wns applying It outside, I might,
perhaps, get her reduced so ns to put my nrm
around her. Detroit Frco Press.
IplalurI nt Lust.
Mabel (passing tho Whlpporsnappcr club)
Mamma, dear, what do all those men always
sit at that window for, I wondorl
Mrs. N. Thoy sit in that window, pot, in
onler to lot nil of us sou that thoy havo thnt
window to sit In. Life.
Mr, Vumlerlillt Out III.
A good story is told about ono of tho Malno
Central engineers. Last summer, when tho
Vanderbllt car was at Bar Harbor, tho
manager of tho Malno Central sent an cngluo
down there to tnko tho enr to PortlnmL Tho
run wns mado in very quick tlmo, and at
Brunswick tho train stopped to tnko on water.
Whllo thcro Mr. Vanderbllt got out nnd said
to tho engineer- that ho didn't want him to
drlvoso fast, Tho engineer, tho veteran
Simpson, looked at him u qunrter of a mm
Uto, and then wild; "I am running this train
uuder orders from Pnyson Tucker to bo in
Portland nt 1 :07. If you want to stop hero
nil right. If you want to go to Portland get
in." Ho got in. Danger Commercial.
Dclleato Treatment of Conntltueiiti.
Tho other day u western cougi essmnn camo
into tho senate restaurant with two constitu
ents, good men, hut a llttlo rustic In npix'nr-
nuco and numners nnd unused to convention
nllties and points of etiquette that nro un
known In Wayback. Tho restaurant wns full
of lad lea and gentlemen. As tho congressman
seated hlmxclf ho of course removed his lint,
A moment or tno Inter ho noticed that his
untutored friends hnd not removed their
hats. Uu hastily put his own hat bade on his
head nnd woro It during tho meal, Chester
Held could not liavo dono anything liner than
that. Washington Post-
A Smart Hoy.
"You see, my boy, that oven tho noblo lo
cotnotlvo, tlio rugged iron horse, seldom lasts
over thirty years, from being a constant
smoker," snld a wlio father to lib tempted
son. "You, dnd," replied tho boy, "but it
don't see.ui to work that way with somo of
tho nobl'i chlmnpys wo havo read of that
havostc-xl it over threo hundred years."
IloadlnoJti of reply in young pcoplo is always
intcrtalnln2. Boston Globe,'
. 'n-W f l"j... - -fs-3-2k'?--'
I HJ mtfl
sHr: sts1, $ I '4JV-?K -"'
M HlimSiifliflrlHiir'
fiLw-ul Hlfl'fffulsfMn!HlJ. mi
nlill I fniiirSHnwf
- Sin iff ) ni tti 21i5!Sw
iMt&s32ffl!miDtI S
'ffllllllffllMMwr i
-uBssBHi9l3iMiDtA&uMHiVllHiH-'IL i-
-irii i rrl ii.""" "
Hales reasonable. Kverything now and complete. Prompt ten Ire nnd (he lest menu In
Omnlm. Hot nnd cold water In overy room, Olllco nnd (lining hall on first lloor. All mod
ern improvements. I.lncolnllcs always receive a cordial welcome. Cnll and ieo us whllo In.
Omaha. You can got Into thu cars at depot and tnko 1IAUNKY ST., CAULK LINE
milUCT TO TUB UOOH. Cor. 14th and Harney.
IrtA P. Hkiiiv. Clerk. h. 8ILLOWAY, Proprietor.
Buggies, Carriages or Saddle Horses,
Can be had at nnv ne, Day or Night, on short notice
Horses Boarded and w. taken care of at Reasonable Rates
Call and see us, 102 7 Q street, or give all orders by
Telephone 147.
that is the very embodiment of ease and luxury; n friendly game
of Whist, n choice volume from the well stocked library, a prom
enade from car to car (the handtomc vestibule excluding all dust,,
smoke, rain or wind, and thus rendering the promenade a de
lightful and novel pastime). A sumptuous meal that comes ln
the nick of time, and "just strikes the spot." The quiet enjoyment of a fragrant Ha
vana In a charmingly decorated nnd gorgeous tmoklng npartment, nnd finally n peace
ful sleep In a bed of snewy linen nnd downy softness. Such Is life on the "UUR
LINGTON" ROUTE. What other line or combination of lines can offer you these
advantages? NOT ONE. Please remember this when next you travel.
Information of nil kinds pertain
ing to Railroad or Ocean Steam
khlp Tickets promptly answered.
G. W. HOLDREGE, Gen'l Mgr
J. FRANCIS, G. P. nnd T. A.,
Owns mul operates fi.600 miles of thoroughly
nulruMM nmil In Illinois, Wisconsin, Iowa,
Missouri, Minnesota and Dakota.
It is iiih Host Direct llouto bolwt.Mi nit tho
Prluclpnt Points in the Northwest, Southwest
nd Fur West.
For maps, tlmo tables, rates of passago and
freight, etc., apply to nearest station agent ol
way, or to any Hallroad Agent anywhere 1
tho world.
General Jl'g'r. Gen'l Pass. AT'kt Agt.
1 'Jill-11.. GEO. II. UKAFFOHU,
VwGen' Mgr. Asst. . P. A T. Agt.
Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
'Kn- Irifnrinntlnn In rnfnrnnnn tn T nmlv
ana I'owns owned by tho Chicago, Mllwiiu
ken A HI. P1111I Hallway Compuny.wrto to II.
(1. llAUOAN.I.iinil Conimlloiior.Mlilwaukco
Shortest : and : Safest :' Route
Colorado, Wyoming, Utah, California. Mon-
tuiiti, Idalio, Oregon and Washington
Teiiltory. Tukotho
And suvoono iluyto all Pactllo const points.
Ilunuliig Into union depots 11 ml a in neetlng
wlih fast limited trains or all lines for all
points oast, west, north nnd south. Through
tickets and modern day coaches. IlaggagH
checked through to destination from all points
east In tlio United tjlutes uiulCanudu. Sleepor
acoi)inolatloii reserved In through Pullman
I'ulaco curs from tho Missouri river to tho Pa
cific roast.
Max Meyer & Bro. ,.
Wholeitls and Betsll Di slen in
General western agents for tho Htcln
wny. Kunbc, Chlekerlng, Voso, Krnst
(Inhlcr, llchr Ilros., Nowby A Kvnns, nnd
IMnr.os marked In ptaln figures prices.
nhvnys tho lowest for thu gruilo of pianos.
C. M. HANDS, Manager.
142 North lltli Street.
g Omaha's Leading Hotel.
Opened Sept. 1, 188S.
Finest Hotel in the West
In the City nil come from the
Graham Brick Stables
1027 Q STREET,
Where all Mnds of
My superior advantages enable me to
ticket to nnd from Europe at the lowest rates
nnd to secure desirable cabins In advance of
sailings. The generous patronage accorded.
me by prominent people of Omaha, Lincoln
nnd other Nebraska cities attest the popular
ity of this oflkc.
K Lsr V-- C-jsV-
City Pnssengcr
nnd Ticket, Agt.,
Fremont, HIkhorn & Mo. Valley
EJBTOperntes and con
trols its own service
between ..
1 137- Through TicketH nnd Uaggnge Checked tc
11 points In United States and Canada.
Vcfctlbula Sleepers, Palatial Dining Cars and
Union DepoU.
115 South 10th street, - - . Lincoln
II. a. HuiiT, , J. It. Huciiajun,
General 51'ger, Oen'l 1'iuw. Ag't
Roberts & Co.
212 North 1 ith Street,
Undertakers andEmbalmers.
Telephones, Olllce 1 5. Residence 156.
Open Day nnd Night,
E. T. ROBERTS, Manager.
Dr. Beth Arnold's
Is tho best Cough Curo I
oyer used.
"Win. A. Myer, 'Weston, ill.
Druggists, 25c., Mo., and
i.fcfturh I,,, w ,t,mimdi