Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, March 16, 1889, Page 4, Image 5

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A Muwnr lijr of MtHlern lmt.
ftciwcnirrioN! 0n Yir lr Mali or Csrrler J,00
Mr months, 91.00, Tlirmi months BO Cents, On
month 00 Outs Inrsmltly In Aihsno,
AnTinTiKKMRNTH! ItAtra furiiMiM on nppll ntln
atthsolTlco. Helslrnlc on Tlmo Contra Is.
OosrrmnuTioNm Bliorl splcjr sUftchi, mmiim ami
storitt solloltwl. IVrsonsl ami Social nolo aw
ollljr ilralrnlilc,
Psttmwi Wo niftko a specialty of Kin Printing
In alt Hi bnnotut. Hrolttr work a siwclslly
AtMrvM all ootnmiinicatluni direct lo tlin office,
Witsaat. Pkintinq Co.,
Now Ilurr lllook, Cor. Nth nml O HlrcUi.
L. Wkrhkl, Jn., Editor niul Bolo From-iotor.
Is mnrrlnpi n fnllurof Auk Wnlt Mnsou.
I.knt nvrnntly I being duty olwervwl In
Lincoln, jiulglnjr from movements of society.
Tiik iitrwt irfnkhr which Riilly (mimhsl
tho streets Wetlnenluy, litis roiio Into winter
iltinrUra nRnln.
Tiik rlmnijo In tho llnniimno nt tho nation.
al capital seems to lo meeting with gunernl
approval anil sucvees.
AWAtTEttin n Wnn Francisco restnuinut
haiwonnprlroof IB,(X)0 la n rnlllo. All
thing conio to him who wnlta.
Avtkii tho strange conduct of tho weather
ycatortlny, It's risky lo voiiturn nn assertion
m regnnls tho arrival of spring.
It Is commendable in tho now nilinlnlnt ra
tion, that no liquor of any kind wnsusod dur
lug tho Inauguration or tho oxerclse attend
ing tho samo.
Thr prospect of Patrick Kuan's securing
tho appolntinont ot minister to Mexico nro
excellent, and tho Coumeu sincerely trusts
ho will Rocuro tho prlr.o.
Bon, fountain U hoard, thn loo crenni sign
b vtsable, tho street sprluklura utility la at
hand and ether signs of tho timea go to provo
that spring, Kvntlo spring, Is nt hand.
1 Mia members of tho legislature who havo
done anythlag thay have causo to be tulmin
I of, now is tho Unto to redeem MiemsolvM
by voting down tho .onnini' printer steal
That President Harrison is a dovout ud-
wlrer of his wife was clearly demonstrated n(
the Inauguration. As soon as he finished his
address, the first thing he did was to kiss his
wife who sat at his side.
Thr FrtU lYcsse with Its customary enter.
prise appeared last week giving excellent
pictures of thn now cahlnst ofllcers. Major
KJutch is making his paper n most vnluable
and Interesting one to tho tronnan renders of
this vaclnlty, all of whom undoubtedly ap
preciate nis endeavors lit their bohnlf.
Ir tho bill now before the legislature to
create a state printer passes, It will bo the
worst Job' that body over finished. Certainly
with the entire state npilnst tho steal and tho
unanimous voice of tho newspapers of Nob.
braaka condemning it, the members of tho
house and senate will not vote for It.
Thr Courirr does no great amount of
bragging or blustering, but gets the business
just the same. Our advertising columns tell
the tale. Merchants appreciate a valuable
medium, and by the way, you may notice It,
we publish tho advertisements of more lead
ing houses than any other paper in tho city.
Crrr rlrotiohs are at hand and as usual
Tub Courier U at the front to ask the con
ventions, of democrats, republicans and pro
hlblUoalst, to place young men In tho field.
Lincoln has lota of them and as young blood
baa done so much in the advancement of
this city, we think that the same element
should be largely represented again to care
for the city's destiny.
For a piece ef clever enterprise, commend
us td the Union Paclllo Railway Co. Of late
this line has been Issuelng some very attract
ive and costly advertising matter, tho last
being a krge map of the system, which was
received at this office yesterday, showing tho
four new states with North and South Dakota
properly divided. It is a pretty piece of
work and a credit to that popular corporn-tiaB.
Ovrr ono hundred building permits have
been issued since March first, which Includoi
besides a large list of elegant homes, n num
ber of costly business Mocks. How Is this for
the opening of spring work and the roeord o
but thirteen days? ThU speaks well for out
growth and advertises the city Utter than
thousands of glaring posters or olner ndveiv
Thr Chicago Herald rightly observe fcs
fellows, "Thlsk a particularly appropriate,
ttaM, is It not, for the Chicago preachers b
get each other by the ears over the iuot!on
whether hell k literally a lake of fire or eter
Ral exWnetton and oblivion! There are nak
ed and hungry opU in this very toirn, with
la a stone's throw of some of these churches,
fee whom a plaee with everlasting fires has
fewer terrors than some dominies suppow.
Let us eeaeera ourselves for a time with the
betttbatwe know of. "Feed the hungry
ret,M atweulate on bell afterward.
Sawjrar 6 Mother greeabouses are head
quaHsw far aM kinds of house pleats, lowers,
r. OHyeos hi Masonic Temple basement
c - nt Rowers, bequsts, etc, may always
IfttklHtl. '
"Mtttn nrreh" How the II07S Are Clad
as (Irevh Nallnrs, Athletes or Demigods.
RmnehPtt fnirks for I.lltlo OlrU The
"Ilsrher Tola HaU"
8Hclnl CorresK)Ditenco.
Nrw Youk, Mnrch 14. Wo Imvo had
French coMiitneii nml Gorman drosos for
our little kWU, and English styles and
Scotch kilts and Hunalnn coats, mid now
It ncoinn that frmlilon has wearied of all
thoso inodea and has taken tip tho Greek
costumo for little lioyn, nml Intends that
nil women who tnko prido in thoir young
Rons shall ntralghtway put thom into
fustniicllrs and Jaekcts mid leggings.
Already the hour of tho lullllonalrcH nml
billionaires nro booh disporting in theso
plctureaquo costumes, mid an thoy aro no
very pretty nnd Bet oir a young boy's
boauty nn nothing clso enn, I ivlll glvo a
detailed (ledcrlptlon of how to mako ono.
I prefer that hoiiio ono else would tnko
tho contract for keeping thom clean.
In tho ilrat plnco tlicro Is a pair of Bmig
pants which reach n llttlo holowtho kneo
of black or dark hhio volvuteon, and leg
glngs of tho Bamo which hnvo braiding
of silver all along tho sides nnd on tho
instep. Then thuro is n whlto linen shirt
without collar nnd with very full slcovcs.
Theso should lio loft open nt tho wrist
and simply hemmed, hut ninny prefer to
gnthor thom Into n bishop band. Tlioro is
tho jucknt, which is of velvet to match
tho pants, and this is richly ornamented
with Bllver braid and embroidery. Tho
front should bo nlmost ono ntl(f mass of
brnlding or embroidery, nnd thoronro lit
tloBllvorbuttonsnnd loops, though itlsin
pleasant weather left open to show tho
lino' shirt. In tho illustration there nro
no sleeves to tho jacket, but In tlia hand
somest suits tlioro nro velvet sleeves,
lined with silk nnd richly braldod, which
hang open from tho shoulder, giving n
very picturcsuuo ollect.
Tho fustniicllo or skirt is uindo of n
hundred or even moro wedgo shaped
pieces of linen, each seam neatly felled
and tho bottom hemmed up nn inch nnd
a half. Great neatness is required to
mako tho horn qui to smooth. When
tho pieces nro nil sown together, tho nar
row end at tho top, tho baud is put on
just us on n petticoat, nnd this buttons
around tho waist. Then u sash of surah,
or cashmoro, or Turkish silk three yards
long is wound around tho waist, leaving
short onds. Theso sashes nro Invariubly
rod, and thcro Is n twisted fringe at tho
ends. Tho fez is red, with n long bluo
tassel, not n black tassel, which is Turk
ish, whereas this Is a Greek costumo.
Tlioro is a knifo sheath in tho belt of this
one, which, doubtless, would delight tho
small boy, but it is by no means essen
tial. Tho wedgo shaped pieces should
be about flvo Inches wido nt tho bottom
joSR- ijejs
'Trw'rriJKJrrrw ' Hill ' Will 1
by two ut tho top, and in that way tho
skirt falls always Into graceful folds.
Tho Albanian costumo Is tho samo, with
tho exception that tho fustnnello Is much
fuller, n man's kilt often containing as
many as fifteen hundred pieces. Uut
tho costumo U beautiful nnd very becom
ing, and it Is tho pride of tho wearers to
havo them spotlessly clean. I think; thla
stylo will bccouio very popular (or llttlo
boyo hero.
Tho other, inures In tho illustration
represent smocked frock for a little
girl. Tho material is bluo cashmere,
and tinero is u yoko of velvet of u deeper
-.Inula of bluo. Tills little dress I chosa
for its simplicity and quaint beauty. It
h cosily mado as soon us tho smocking
stitch Is mastered. Tho blouso suit for
tho llttlo boy Is of bottlo green sorgo
with bias bands of plaid stitched on.
Nothing could bo prettier for a boy of
throo to flvo years old.
Chubbychops and chatterboxes have
the cunning llttlo dresses which mako
ono wonder whether they aro dolls in
baby clothes or babies in doll clothes.
Tho way llttlo bits of girls aro dressed
now Is so pretty and co In keeping with
their perfect loveliness that It leaves
nothing to bo desired- Tho new eider
dovn flannel, which looks as soft as tho
swwi b down, Is an exquisitely lovely ma
terial ond'jiwl RQft and dahity enough to
loss nothing of lu JtliScacy when placed
next a baby's lovely face. It U lo bo
two. for cloaks for very little ones in
white with bluo or pink poU.
Presses for JIUlo jf;IrL of from 10 to 15
are aoado nuw with some approaches to
coRuaon sense, as well uu graco and
beauty. They are neater la outline and
much; moro suitable to their age thou
they havo ever been before in mjr recol
lection Ono very scnsonablo nnd grnco
ful Hub wrap was mndoof plaid cliovlot
In gra with dar) green, nnd thin was
worn over n dnrk rrocn velveteen dress,
with n Turn O'Shn itor cap of tho samo.
Another dainty nr d very pretty out door
costumo was of r Ititn colored caHhmcro,
with K)okst llnpi, collar, otilTs and ono
rovers of Hlclllanno silk in tho samo
shado as trimmmR. Addod to theso was
a shoulder knr t nnd ono (lot of ribbon to
mntch, and cho poke bonnet of straw
was lined v ith tho Bilk and hnd plumes
of tho snmr, color. This model could not
bo improved upon for n girl from 10 to
10, and l, can lio copied In nny umtcrlnl.
Tho underskirt Is of wood brown enmoi's
For a girl of 10 or 1 1 n very elegant
nnd peculiarly suitable costumo con
sisted of tan colored cashmere plaited
alternately In n wldo box plait and llvo
kilt plaits nil tho way nround. In tho
back was n sash of tho buiiio material
tied in two loops nnd ends, A jncket of
black tricot had n vest front of velvet
and cotd and tassels, nlBo braiding on
tho roversed Inpcls nml collar. A tan
colored straw hat trimmed with blnck
velvet loops ami uowh was worn with
I noticed In nn Importing houso a now
Invoice of summer hats for llttlo girls,
and thoy nro queer looking things and
mnko ono think Irresistibly of a Imrber's
polo. Tho crowns nro high and ponkod,
and tho brims rather narrow nnd slant
ing. Tho braid Is wldo and Is striped
red nnd whlto, beginning with n red In
tho center nnd winding spirally down to
tho edge. There nro nlso bluo and white,
nnd other colors mingled nlwnys with
whlto. Thoy nro very ugly, as they aro
tiutrlmmed. Pcrhnps wreaths nnd tufts
nnd bouquetsof tho exquisite Held (lowers
nnd hunches of clover nnd field grasses,
nnd the pretty rlhlxms of tho Benson will
help them n llttlo.
Just now tho mlllincro nro beginning
to receive f 10111 abroad mysterious littlo
boxes which thoy do not show, but which
contain, as wo nil know, tho patteni
fashions ron ciiunuYciiors and chat-
bonnets, nnd theso long headed milliners
go to work nnd mako up n duplicnto of
each, and then when thrum ilmdlnntno
hnvo been hidden away In tho work
room beautifully printed cards of invi
tation nro sent to a select number of cus
tomers, who flock In nnd jiay anything
tho milliner may ask for her bonnets.
Thoso bonnets nro taken homo and hld
don ngaln, burled, as it wero, to bo res
urrected Easter morning. Do you sup
pose that any lady In Now York has nn
intimato friend who is intimate enough
to bo nllowed a peep ut her almost sis
tcrs's bonnet? No, Indccdl Why I know
ono lady who bought two bonnets no that
she could show ono and keep tho other
hidden until Easter Sunday, and nfter
nil it mined. And just lis soon as tho
buyer Is gono tho milliner sets her girls
to work nnd perhaps a thousand bonnets
just nllko boo tho light that day.
Jcrsoys dlo a hard death. They nro bo
very comfortable, so durable and havo
so many other recommendations that it
is hard to glvo them up. They nro now
braided in vermicelli pattern all over, or
thoy havo elaborate pattens of tho
Kursheedt trimming, or nro trimmed
with passementerie or nppliquo, nnd nil
this to glvo them an appearance of nov
elty. I noticed a now fancy in joreoys
this week. Tennis blouses, yachting
blouses nnd negliges for morning, in
tan, belgo, croam, red, rush green, Ha
vana brown nnd bluo, nil mndo of jersey
cloth, and very pretty thoy all nro.
Thoy aro mado with sailor collars, yoko
effects, or with somo reminder in tho
trimming of tho Directoiro styles now so
popular. Blouses for littlo boys and
girls aro nlso mado of tho samo material.
Thoso for girls and women aro very
handsomely trimmed and finished nnd
will doubtless takothoplacoof any other
waist for all ordinary occasions where
they would bo suitablo.
Tho new carriage wraps nnd walking
costumes nro very elegant and graceful.
Ono in tho now rush green velvet has or
naments of umhrohlery in silk and gold
threads, with fringe of tho samo. Ono
In black Lyons velvet and velvet clscle
has threo, llttlo coachman's cncs, with a
hnt to match Indeed, hats aro mado to
match clonks nnd glomes to match hats
very rigorously this season. A very
fcAJTJF3-sswss-K-wt.Jay lsRRefcsRaRRMBS-say
linndKKMoand lady Uko gown for a young
hsdy for of cour&o thoso long velvet
wraj.8 nro only nuitablo for matrons
Is of sumo gray habit cloth suiting,
trhuimxl with tho bordering stamped
imii it or woven in it, as tho caso may
be. Lut In black. Tbo buttons aro of
chased gold, and in copying this model
can bo so, unless tho wearer is In half
mourning, when thoy should bo In cro
cheted silk. All in all, it is n handsome
ult. Ouvk IIarpkk.
As Welcome ns are llio 1'lowrrs of Sprint;.
Kqunlly aro tho returns of the S2fltli Orntid
Monthly distribution of Tho Louisiana State
Iitlery which took plnco on Tuesday, (always
Tuesday) February 18th, under tho solo sup
ervision of Oen'ls O, T. Ilcnuregard of La.,
nnd Jubal A. Knrly of Vn. No, a'l.Slfl drew
tho first capital prlzo of 300,000. It was
sold In fractional twontlcths at 91 each sent
to M, A. Dauphin, Now Orlonns, La. ThnxJ
to London, 1'nrN nnd Ainoricnn Hank, (L't'd.)
Hnn Francisco, Cal. : ono to C. V. Terrcl. I)o-
cntur, Tox. ( ono to K. O. Dartholoinow, Titus-
vlllo, To. J ono to Ooo K. Uartlet, Iloston,
Mass, j ono to A. E. Foli-cc, Iloston. Mass. :
ono to Citizens National Hank of Kansas Cltv.
Mo. ono to Union Nntlonnl bank of Kansas
City, Mo. ono to a depositor Cnnnl Hank,
Now Orleans, Ii. ; ono to Win. I)nbson enro
of Prensons Express, Iloston, Mass.; ono to a
depositor Wells, Fnrgo AV Uo.'s Hank, Han
Frnnelsco, etc, etc. No. ol,lX drew tho
second capital prlro of $100,000j It was nlso
sold In finctlonnl tftoiitlotluint $1 each; ono
to uiiristopner Hourk OCT I stieot N. w
VliiiNhlnKton, D. C.;onoto AVells, Fnrgo fe
Co.'sIlnnk, Ban Francisco; ono to Frank J.
Kueeht, Knnkakeo, Ills. ; 0110 to II, I), M Hol
ler, Jr., enro American Express Co., Qulncy,
Ills. ; ono to Johnson & Wnlkor, Mnrlln, Tox. ;
ono to Chns. W. Webster, Hardy, Nob. ; ono
to llobt. Hcluimann, MI8 Ling St., rblla.,
l'n.; ono to E. T. llobberson, Springfield,
Mo., etc., otc. No. 17,100 drew tho third
capital prlzo of 50,()00, also sold in twentieth
parts; ono to Shaw cfc Horst, Navasota, Tox.;
ono to It. L. Mnlouo, Orlfllu, On.; ono paid to
Unnk of Commerce, MeinphU, Toim.; ono to
a de)osltor Now Orleans Nntlonal Hank, Now
OrleniiK, Ln.;onoto Nntlonnl Snilngs Hank
of Wnshlngton, D. C, etc., otc. Tho iS7th
Krnudlng drnw lug will Uko place on Tuesday,
April Kith, 18b!l, full iuforuintiou of which
can ho had on application to M. A. Dauphin,
Now Orleans, l.o.
They Have No Equal !
- 3r h s: t "stf-:h :ej :e
and none of the Special Offerings of the past few days
will be withdrawn. We call special attention to our
is requested. All the latest novelties are shown.
Call and See Them.
936 P Street. North Side P. O. Square,
7 '
mm mm m MM f I w aV
II Successors to J. E. MILLER,
Sewing MachineParlor
The Only Authorized Agent in Lincoln.
Millinery v Parlors
And Display of Pattern Hats and Bonnets, Ladies'
Furnishing Goods, Fancy Goods and Notions.
Thursday, March 21st,
No. 238 South. Eleventt) Street.
1 1 Mi up i
""' ) i wwjSi,f.aaasi