Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, March 16, 1889, Image 1

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    Y$ V'lflHT""
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Vol.. 4. NO. 14
Lincoln, Nubkaska, Satuuday, Mahoii lO, lt38Q.
BSUeY f t fi "ipfw fWWi
C" r
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What lit Heard, Seen, Learned and Perti
nently Suggested to tlio Multitude.
I cannot understand why more of our citi
zens do not adopt tho European stylo of liv
ing, as rcgads meals. Instead of making the
principal tlmo of eating nt noon, why not
inako it at Ave or six o'clock. Tho noon hour,
at best, is very Inappropriate, for thou of all
times tho morchunt and business limn has no
time to enjoy the days best meal. To wit a
lunch at noon is practical and most healthy,
and to leavo tho dinner until a tlmo when it
can bo eaten with ease and leisure Is moro en
joyablo and conducive to better digestion etc.
Many of our bankers and others havo adopt
ed this plan and would not think of changing
now for anything. At five or six o'clock the
days business Is dono and It is then that ample
tlmo can bo token to enjoy asumptuousmonl,
" but at noon, most always in groat haste, din
ner Is hurrlodly eaten and a run down town
again creates indigestion. Try tho plan of
oatlng a lunch nt noon and dinner at ovo and
I am suro after n weeks trial, you will ngreo
with mo that it's far the best and most
v healthy way of living.
Tho eight annual meeting of tho Nebraska
Btato Pharmaceutcal Association meets m
this city May 14th and continues until mid
Including tho 10th. Secrotary Daubach, In
his circular issued last week fully and inter
estingly soU forth tho progam of tliooccasslon,
thonmusomontfoatures of which will bo a
lecture by Prof. Nicholson of tho university
at the state laboratory Tuesday evening, tho
second annual ball "Wednesday evening, end
ing with a banquet Thursday ovenlng. The
ladles havo been given a most cordial invltn-
' tion to Join their husbands in the visit to Lin
coln and undoubtedly tho coming meeting
will bo oven a greater success than tho last
Tho opening of tho Eden Museo in Lincoln
at this tlmo Is certainly another evidence of
our growth and strides toward metropolitan
proportions. Tho corporation that conduct
tho several museums under tho established
titlo only locate in cities of 60,000 or over.
Such cities always contain enough peoplo to
make them Institutions pay, and us tho ex
pense cf conducting them Is enormous and
presenting but ono program a week, tho it
ronage must bo largo every doy and calculat
ing that a different class visit tho museum
continually at only ten cents each, it can
readily bo seen that it takes an immense num
ber of patrons to support tho enterprise. The
managers have carefully surveyed tho field
tinr rni tlm ,int. vor and observing the
growth generally and tho largo class of peo
ple who lovo cheap but refined and talented
amusements, havo certainly felt their wuy
with conildence in this matter. Tho largo
Bohanan block corner tenth and N street is
about ready for tho opening, tho interior
having been entirely remodled and arranged
in a monitor equally as attractive as any Hint
class musoum In tho country. Lincoln is to
bo congratulated on being aulo to put on such
metropolitan airs, as to tho outside world,
supporting a first cla&s mammoth museum,
we take rank with ttio leading cities of the
states In furnishing amusement to tho public.
Tho CouitiKH congratulates tho Eden Museo
Co., on tho brilliant prospects in store for
The Now York Sim's cable correspondent
speaking of his late visit to Monte Carlo, says:
'Among the women at tho gambling table
was one who jMishod as Prince Iulssl. This
young woman was dressed fashionably as a
dashing young Frenchman, and was much
noticed for the reckless wny in which bIio
played and is still playing. It was only
known to a few thut she was not a prince and
no other than the Countess of Bolloboeuf,
daughter of the Juke of Morny, who list
year took to wearing men's dress at the Paris
opera, and continued to tlo so at tho French
capital until the police interfered."
It Is nn interesting fact that tho majority
of presidents have had bluo eyes. Mr. Har
rison's eyes conform to this rule. Mr. Clove
land's eyes uro brown, as were those of
Arthur. William Henry Harrison hail tlurk
oyps. President Pierce's eyes were intensely
black, as wus his hair. Thomas Jefferson's
hair was red, and looked woll in tho White
During tho recent engagement of Fanny
Davenport In Chicago at the theatre an incl
dent Lapponod on the stage which showed
what a finished artist and actress she is, Dy
her quickness of thought she saved a scone.
It will bo remomborcU that in tho cathedral
scone In tho first act of "La Tosca" thero is
heard tho singing of a choir. Local singers
were engaged to furnish tho music here,
among them a married lady who is the so
prano of a leading church chofr. She wus
obliged to go to the theatre every night, mid
she needed an escort, so she gave the olllce to
her three bright boys, one of whom accom
panied her every night. Ono ovenlng dm lug
the second week tho incident referred to oc
cured. Miss Davenport, as tho airy Tosca,
entered upon tho cathedral scene mid found
her lover, Mario, at work upon his frescoes.
Ho was upon a scaffolding, and she Bat upou
tho steps leading up to it and chatted with
him. Her jealousy found a resemblance in
the face ho was painting to tliutof a supiiosed
rival, and siie aslced, as she looked closely at
it, "Mario, whoso face is thatf The painter
explained that it was the face of his imaglna
tion. Just here a titter camo front the large
audience. The octrees looked around. Upon
the stage near by stood a small boy. It was
the youugest sou of the lady soprano, who
had found lilt way before, t.lun footlights land
wh intently regarding the theatre gallery.
It looked as though he was about to spoil the
pretty scene by his, and, quick as
thoughtt,tne octrees turned to the 'alnter,
pointed at the boy, ami asked: "Mario, whose
efaUdUthatr The actor who ployed Mario
nearly fell off his icrcli. In tho langungo of
tho stago, ho was "broken tip," but ho limn
nged to extemporlzo nil answer. Menntimo
tho youngster had been called off. His moth
er caught him and demanded to know why
ha bad gone on tho stage. "Woll," ho said,
"I wonted to seo how ninny kids thero woro
up in tho gallery." Had Miss Dovonport ap
peared at all embarrassed at tho boy's npjienr
nnco tho titter of tho nudlonco would havo
grown Into a laugh, which would have mined
the scone, but as It was there were not a
dozou in the audience who thought tho inci
dent was not n part of tho drama.
An Kveiit for Next Week,
Mr. Hardy hovln recontly returned front
tho east, tho goods purchased whllo absent
havo liven arriving daily tho jwst week at tho
new storo of Hardy & Pitcher on south Elev
enth street. All tho purchases, amounting
to several cor roads will bo placed in their
immonso show room by Tuesday, and on
Thursday tho firm will lw at home to re
ceive their friends and tho public from .'I till
10 p. in,, to show them tholr now and nttrac
tivo lino,
.Hardy & Pitcher havo recently added more
room to their already largo quarters, by tho
additional ttso of tho second and third floor of
tho Siubblellold block, which adjoins them on
he north. This gives t firm show rooms
on tho second and third floor coveting three
full widtli lots and tho entire depth. Tho
now part is accessible from cither floor, on
the second being louge mid dining room fur
niture, whllo tho thlro floor of tho building
was not largo enough to nccommodato tho
hundreds of styles of chamber sots, making It
neccossary to occupy tho entire third floor of
the adjoining structure.
Tho complete orchestra of the Philharmonic
will bo in attendance mid every attention will
be shown visitors.
Interesting Hniull Talk.
Tho croTn o- Charles 11, mode in uiw, is
tho oldest existing in England.
A tiger hunter in India says that tlgors in
killing rarely sever any important vein or
An observer oxpresacs the licllef that there
Is no spot any w hero on earth where mou age
more quickly than In Arizona.
Wedding rings were used by tho ancients,
and put upon tho third linger, becauso of o
supposed connection of a vein in that member
with the heart.
The Popular Bclence Monthly says that tho
crab Is a dancing Insect, and that four-llfths
of its moves ore made to amuse itself. We
should like to have tho Qea and tho bedbug
"Tho law must tnko its course," said an
Illinois justice of tho peace, when his own eon
come liefore htm on n chargo of drunkenness.
"I shall find the prisoner guilty, suspend sen
tence, nnd take him homo and give him a
licking he will rcniomlicr for forty years."
Tho greatest emigration society at present
is tho Argentine Republic. It will spend this
year 15,000,000 to bring Immigrants from tho
north of Europe alone. Ships from England,
Holland and Franco aro taking them over in
A teaspoonful or moro of powdered borax
thrown Into tho bath tub whllo bathing will
ronnnunlcato a velvety softness to tho water,
and at tho samo tlmo invigorate and rest the
bather. Persons troubled with nervousness
or wakoful nights will And this kind of a bath
of great benefit.
A Norwegian engineer has successfully used
the smoko test for locating leaks in ship's bot
toms. Of courM) tho vessel must bo docked
to do It. Dut even then It Is a great help.
In a recent experiment a leak that had defied
detection was discovered by tho smoko test
In half an hour. To use It tho hatches are
closed and smoko forced Into tho hold by a
blower. Engineering and Building Record.
Within tho Antartlo circle thero has nover
been found a flowering plant. In tho Arctio
region thero aro 702 kinds of flowers. Fifty
of theso nro confined to tho Arctio region.
They nro really polar flowers. Tho colors of
theso polar (lowers aro not as bright and va-
H'jd as our own, most of them liclng white
,p yellow, as ir borrowing theso hardy hues
worn tholr snowy bergs and golden stars.
A process, called tho Cooper process, of
lining iron pipes with glass, is reported,
which Is said to havo stood tho torero test of
having water pasted through them nt the
boiling point nnd Immediately followed by
water nt a tempcratiiro of JK1 degrees, and
without In any wny cracking or damaging
tho glass. If tho Invention should provo
equal to such changes of temperature In or
dinary scrvlco without injury, it will bo
found exceedingly valuable.
Undor tho naino of tho "Lono Star," a
Bocrot socloty was formed In 1848 lu Ala
bama and other southern Btates, for tho "ex
tension of tho institutions, iowcr, lufluenco
and commcrco of tho United States over tho
wholo of tho wostern hemisphere, and tho
Islands of tho Atlantic nnd Pacific" Cuba
was tho first acquisition to bo mado by tho
order. President Taylor published attrong
proclamation denouncing tho object of tho
invaders, Aug. It, 1640, and the society's
plans wcro thus frustrated.
Tho Louvro In Paris Is said to havo lieori a
royal rcbiilenco in tho rolgn of Dngobo't, 0.J8.
It was a prison In tho tlmo of Philippe Au
gustus In 1201 ( nfterwards a library, and
about 1J1C4 Charles VI mado It his palace.
Tho now buildings wcro begun by Francis I,
1528, enlarged and adorned by successive
kings, and were turned Into a museum by
Napoleon L The 'nagiilflcent new buildings,
begun by Napoloon I and completed by Na
poleon III, Were fnouguratod Aug. 14, 1857.
Tho library was destroyed by tho Commun
ists In 1871.
Clilcugo, Milwaukee & Ht. l'aul Hallway,
Short Lino to Clilcngo nnd too cast.
Finest dinning cars In the world.
Through sleeping cant to Chicago.
The route of the first "Golden Gate
Best line to Washington or me tnaugora
tiou of President Harrison.
Ouly direct route to the U, A. R, Encamp
ment ot Milwaukee,
Everything first-class.
Kirst-cluM people patronize first-class line.
Ticket agents everywhere In the west sell
tickets over the Chicago, Milwaukee & St
Paul Railway.
A Itevlew of Literature llccelved During
the Week.
Docs It seem ixxwlblo that only ono hundred
years ngo, when Washington was Inaugurat
ed In New York the First President of tho
United States, that tho city was then n small
place, sixty times smaller than at tho pres
ent day, or having only about thirty thou
sand Inhabitants! How New York City look
ed at that tlmo, nnd tho customs nnd costumes
of the residents, nro graphically told and beau
tifully illustrated In Demmmt Monthly Mag'
azinr for April, which hits just arrived. At
this tlmo, when the Centennial of tho Inaugu
ration ot Washington is nbout to lie celebrat
ed, this article will bo greatly appreciated;
and those who purchase the April liumlier of
this popular Magazine will be rewild, not
only by this, but by numerous other nttrno
tlons, nottholvast of which are beautifully
Illustrated article on "Birds" by Olive Thome
Miller ("Young Japan at Piny," which will
give many hints to the children for now
games; ' Homes with Two Servants," which
contains suggestions for the management of
servnnU; nnd there are numerous other
equnlly interesting subjects. Published by
W, Jennings Demurest, 15 East 14th street,
Now York.
Outing for March with Its customary load
of superb matter is before us neat mid com
plete. The opening contribution is by Henry
H. 8. Pease.liitltled "Fox Hunting or n day in
tho shires," nnd with its rovcrnl Illustrations
makes interesting reading. A short article
on Spaniel Training by 1). Boulton Herrald
comes noxt, followed with n most happy work
by II. W.Slocum Jr., entitled Lawn 'founts
In tho south. This Is n most pleasing jwist
tlmo and being Interspersed with somo very
clevor engravings, proves one of the best fea
tures of tho number. It reviews mid shows
the country club of Mnry land, club houso of
tho Baltimore cricket club and tho grounds
with club houso of tho Wilmington, besides
excellent field club llkenossof F. Mnnsllold
champion of tho Highland country club
tournament, and A. 11. S. Post champion
touthor Lawn Tenuis association. Snow Shoe
ing in Canuckla receives duo attention at tho
hands of Jamos 0 Allan, and n soft tint illus
Btrntion beautifully shows the club houso.
Coaching and Coaching clubs are ably dis
cussed by Charles 8. Pelliam. Clinton in n
manner that does credit to that talented writ
er. Tho pictures of Colonel Delnucy Kan's
Four-in-hand shows n nobby aud attractive
rig. The various departments are as usual
well filled and nothing lacks in keeping up
tho enviable reputation earned by Outing.
I nin in receipt of o new and very
neat publication which has just lieen launch
ed on the sea of journalism by our esteemed
friend and co-laborer, Stnnloy Wood, who's
nnme nt tho head of the columns signifies suc
cess mid a useful career. Tho name of the
piqier Is The Urrut J)Ultte,mul In typographi
cal neatness, oxcelcnco of puer, illustrations,
etc., it equals tho great monthly magazines.
The matter in Its columns will endeavor to
Introduce to tho world Colorado and the great
mid-west antt Is fresh, clean and spicy. The
paiwr is in magazine form nnd 20,000 copies
will boissucd monthly. The Coumeu wishes
the now piqwr success In abundance. Sample
copies will be sent free to any nddriwn.
Fortune lu Printer's Ink.
Don't oxect an advertisement to bear fruit
in ono night
Braid is the staff of human life, nnd adver
tising Is the staff ot business.
You can't eat enough in a week to last u
your, and you can't advertise on that plan
A thing worth doing Is worth doing well,
A thing worth advertising If worth ndvertis
in well.
The enterprising advertiser proves that ho
understands how to buy, because in advertis
ing he knows how to sell.
If you can arouse curiosity by mi advertise
ment, P. is a givnt point gained. Tho fair
sex don't hold nil tho curiosity In the world.
Peoplo who advertlso only onco In three
months forget that most folk cannot remem
ber anything longer thautilioiit seven days,
Qultiug advertising in dull tilling is like
tearing out a dam liecnuse the water is low.
Either plan will prevent good times from
A constant dropping will wear a rock.
Keep dropping your advertisements on tho
public nnd they w 111 soon melt under it like
rock salt.
Trying to do business without advertising
is like winking nt a pretty girl through a jwilr
of green goggles. You may know whnt you
uro doing, but noUxly else does.
Enterprising people nro lgliinlng to lenrn
tho value ot advertising tho year round. The
persistency of those whom o not Intimidated
by tho cry of "dull times," but keep their
minion over before tho public, will surely
place them on the right side In the end.
A man's sign offers a mute Invitation to
those only who pass his place of business; his
circular can only reach those to whom iior-
sonal attention is given; but his announce
ment in a new-simper goes into the highway
nnd byways, finding customers and compell
ing mem to consider ins arguments'
Perkins Bros., Mil) a shoe for 1.00 that will
fit and wear.
Bee the new spring wrap Just ojonod at
Ashby & Mlll8iaugh's.
Dr. Doirco Is arrniu-lnir tlm sic rnnmu nvnr
tho capital city grocery, 1220 O street, pre
paratory to 0ieiilng a first class sanitarium
Lincoln Shoo Storo lias just received tho
celebrated Ludlow fine shoos for ladl in all
the new styles. Thoy combine solid comfort
and economy. Remember the place 1221 O
bet. 12th & llith.
Since moving Into Uieir now quarters
Messrs. Curtice & Thiers have increased their
buslnees nearly one half. They hove better
facilities for showing their wares, keep a
larger line and being enterprising morchanU
deserve the success with whtsh they or
A Itevlow of the litt, n Word for the
Present mid Prospects for Future
To n large and delighted ntidtonce this trag
ic nnd emotional notions presented one of her
livst plays, at the Funko Saturday evening,
Indy Maclstth Is a part that keeps Jnimns
chek busy and she surely Improves each op
portunity to give her Hues tho naturalness so
much desired nnd nt tho samo time Impart
ing to tho iiiher great expression and the force
Intended. Tho nudlonco followed her through
tho jHirt with Intense Interest but It wns her
sleep walking sceno that won for her tholr
admiration and they manifested their appre
ciation by vigorous applause. The play was
not nl.'owcd to drag however when she was
not on tho stage and her company did nil in
tholr power to render the play a success and
such It truly was.
Monday and Tuesday evenings, Abom nnd
Potrlo's latest London success "The Ruling
Passion" wns put on nt the Funke f r the first
time. It Is n sensational molo-drama of tho
"Light's of Inulou" tyK) and Introduces
several scones nnd characters that remind one
n groat deal of that famous piece. The Rul
ing Passion Is a good play nnd well put on.
Tho characters aro all good, with orhapH n
single exception, and work hard for the show's
success. Mis Lottie Church takes it trying
part, tho leading role In n siqicrb manner, her
trials nnd sufferings lu the mad house liemg
faithfully iKirtrnycd. Mr. Win. L. Glcason
as tho Jew ieddlor deserves siieclal mention
as well as Mr. W, O. Petrle tho quack doctor.
Tho plot Is well balanced with a rein of humor
running throughout the piece that enables
an nudlonco to follow tho plot without grow
ing weary or uneasy as Is so often the cant In
plays of this kind. Tho transformation sceno
lu tho third net was tho cause of much com
ment nnd brought down tho house. In fact
all the scenic efforts are good, the rnlti storm
being tho best seen here for some time. Taken
altogether it is a pleasing piece nnd should
draw good houses throughout the west as it
has already done in tho east.
Tho theatregoers of Lincoln are alwnys
ready and willing to nttend a minstrel show;
and on Wednesday evening, Qonnnus being
tho drawing card, there is no doubt but whnt
the Funko will receive Its usuul largo number
ot jmtrons. This excellent company was seen
hero lost fall mid went away with tho good
will of everybody. Now they come bnck to.
us with new features added, now songs, new
jokes and that they will give a good show
cannot be doubted,
Tholr new musical extravaganza entitled
"Tho Pashn of Bagdad" will bo put on hero
for tho first time, tho piece being a burlesque
on the great Now York success "Said Pasha"
and one with which tho Gorman's havo made
u grent hit throughout the country. This Is
what tho Chicago Timcx thinks of them: "It
Is a relief to bco something new at the theatre.
This Is just what Gorman's minstrels lire,
who npiKNired hero last, night lieforo a largo
audioiu-o. Tho goiitlomen who run this com
bination have thrown aside the "traditional
conventional and rutty" accompaniment of
burnt-cork minstrelsy, of which the public
lias grown tired, nnd In their place nro soon
fresh acts, good singing, unlquo dancing, and
many other features that go to release this
branch of amusement from its thraldom of
stateness. Every member of the company Is
nil artist, every net n gem and every feature
bears the stamp of merit on it. It is n "fresh,
clean nnd bright" combination of minstrelsy.
Thoso who would enjoy two hours and a half
ot real amusement should see Gorman's min
Friday evening the Boston Stars hold the
boards at tho Funko A largo nnd varied
program consisting of musical and literary
efforts will bo presented by tlio following
eminent artists: Medoin Heusoii-Emerhoii,
the distinguished American soprano; W'alt.'r
Emerson, tho greatest eornot player living;
Rudolf King, pianist and nccoiiiiwuilst nnd
Nellu F. Brown, tho most gifted nnd popular
American reader.
Tlio Alalmma Ihttlg Mercury speaking of
their recent engagement in that city says:
"The ojiern house luste veiling was fa!rly jam
med with the beauty and chivalry of the city,
assembled to witness the performance given
by the Boston Stars. To say that everyone
wus pleased would hardly lie the right figure
of iiieecli, for everyone was in raptures.
Tlio entertainment in new, original, and un
paralleled in the Hue of concerts. Each art Ut
is a star, and each performance as given
rendered tho utmost satisfaction. Miss Nelln
Brown captured her auditors from first to
last. Her "Bivouac on the Battlefield," vns
superbly rendered to seo it was worth more
than double the price of admission. The cor
net solos of Mr. Walter Emerson were well
rendered and grand in the extreme. Tho
singing of Mips Mednra Houson Emerson cap
tivated nil heartx. She Uthe powMir of a
sweet voice a owei ful soprano well culti
vated. We shall await u return visit from
the Sim's with some Impatience. It Is per
formances like these that bring the stage nnd
pulpit together, nnd If we had more BoMtou
Stare and less modlocrtty, the question of
staying away from tho opera house would lie
forever settled.
TIIK Ol'E.VlNO or i.incoln'h kdicn muhkk.
Monday evening nt 7 o'clock tho doors of this
temple of cheap amusements will lie oiened
to the Lincoln public It Is the intention
of the management to make this event one
long to be remembered in the minds of our
theatre goers and curiosity seekers, and there
is no doubt but they will succeed. Tho build
lug lUwlf and til the ncrcssni-IeH have been
used to such on advantage that Lincoln has
to-day as good and complete a musoum as
any In the country.
The bill for the coming week will rood as
follows; In the Curio Hall will, lie found.
Prof. Wallaces Silk Worm exhibition, with
tho professor In charge, who will descrlls) the
manufacture or silk from the worm lu tho
cocoon to the elaborately finished silk gar
ment. Ladles nro Invited to call and make
this n study ns tho raising ot silk worms has
got to be quite a "fad" In the east already.
Another feature and one that will Interest
the children Is Miss Zoo Meleku and her ac
complished troiiHi of educated cniinrlc and
pnrrots; also .Miss I.lrzle Sturgeon who
writ1, paints, sews, embroiders and plays
the piano with her toes alone, having tthus
won thelhentro-do'pluuio of the "Podoslrlol
Pntuolst," nnd last but not least of the won
derful sights seen In the Curio Hall, Is Pedro
lllankn, n genuine tvpe ot n NenKilitau street
musician, who plays on twenty different In
struments nt one time.
In the Theatorlmu will In) scon a combina
tion of talent rarely found In a museum,
After the oouliig, Monday evening, per
formances on the stago will take place at nil
hours commencing at ono o'clock and contin
uing until 10 o'clock, p. in. The program for
the coming week In the theatre will be; Prof,
Mnthow's 0,(XK) (lent Paradox consisting or
Goat actors, soldiers, boxers, roiewnlkers,
etc., lu fact doing everything but talking.
Besides the goats there will bu the Fitrput
rick Family, comprising W. J. Fltzpntrlck,
facial artist nod character vocalist; Claude,
character sketch artist; Ella,ncratla vocalist
and Baby Ltiiira, n clever little artist in her
line. The ulrividy long list of novelties cloves
with the world ronowpod Arlou Swiss Bell
Ringers, five lu numlier, lu n melange of
choice selections.
Ladle should Isaar lu mind tho fact that
they can take the children nnd attend theso
performances without an escort ns it will
ever lie tlio aim of tho management to exclude
nil disorderly and objectionable characters.
The price of admission is 10 cents, reserved
scats 10 cents extra; standing room free,
Tho Peoples theatre has been filled each
evening this week with delighted audleii"es,
the drawing can) being the first npiiearance
In this city of tho llniirno Theatre Co., head
ed by none less than that clever little lady
Dora Ross. A different bllt each evening in
duced tunny to come night after night to sco
this noat and attractive company in a now
line of comedy dramas which were faultlessly
put on by them. Everything bears a stamp
of freshness and orgluallty, the coitumo
and scenery being entirely wan and every
ono In the cast just filling tho bill. The com
pany leaves Lincoln with tho best wishes of
hundreds of patrons of tho Peoples and havo a
bright future before them. This afternoon
they will givo a grand matineo for tlio ladles
and children, presenting n clover face comedy
I'l two nets entitled "Naval Engagements"
each ono present receiving n chancu on a
beautiful doll, now on exhibition at Burr's
Jewelry store.
Tonight closes tho engagement nnd there Is
no doubt but what n crowded houso will wit
ness tholr last ierforiiiniico. If you can go,
do so nnd you will not regret It. The bill for
this evening will be "Colleen Bawn" a pict
uresque Irish drama in five nets Introducing
Miss Ross nnd tho whole company in tho
Mnnnger McReynolils has been on n f I vine
trip to his now houses in Hastings and Fre
The Omaha JCccclslor now finds room for
dramatic squibs and theatrical chat tinder
tho head of "Footlight Flashes."
Arthur Hcninton treasurer of tho Lovo nt
Fremont, i tin down Monday to see Tho Hut
lug Passion.
Everything is In readiness for the oiienine
of tho M usee except a few finishing touches
that are rapidly Itelug put on by the painters
una cnriMmters.
St. Patricks day falling on Sunday, tlio
Peoples theatre will celebrate the event to
night, when tho Bouriiu Theatre Co., will pre
sent the lieautlful nnd Interesting Irish drama
in five licts entitled "Colleen Bawu,"
The ushers of the Funko nro arranging for
a grand midsummer lieneflt to tnko place
sometime in June. They will give n mammoth
milistiel show In which will bo seen all tho
local celebrities. About forty Lincoln ixiys
me oxoctcl to till places lu the cast.
The ( lioys who comprise the f.lncohi
Lodge of Elks, uro urranglng for a grand
minstrel show to take place either the 25th
or 29th of this month, Nobody will lie al
lowed In the ranks that does not wear horns.
nnd n grand show Is promised by those who
know whereof they siienk.
The wedding of Mr. E. O. Pushy and MIw,
Anna E. Towuseii on the stage of the Peoples
Tueeday ovenlng liotwooii the nets was quite
a novel idea, "led ' nas iiecn the stage mali
nger there since the owning of the house and
hosts of his friends were on hand to wltneus
the ceremony. Manager Browne wus the
tieot mini and the parents of the bride nnd
groom occupied prominent places on tho
stage. The happy jwilr were the recipients
ot u largo number of presents and the ttcst
wishes of a not of friends.
Omaha Mercury: James O'NIel, the nctor
who presents Monti Cristo so admirably took
nu active part in tho Passion Play at Han
Francisco, and when bore last week suggest
ed that he would Ut glad to come buck nt tho
chx of his present season and organize u
Passion Play company of local talent if a jur
mlt to present it could lie had of the city au
thorities. At the council meeting hut Tues
day night a remonstrance against granting
such iermlt was read, signed by nil tho Epls
cojial clergymen of the city and endorsed by
lilshop O Connor on Mmlf of the Catholic
church. Protests of the same character from
citizens of Council Bluffs and from the Y. M.
C. A. of Omaha were also received by the
council. It Is htife to say that there w:ll lie
no "Passion Play" exhibition here.
Mr. 11. II. Wynne, Whltehville, Tenn., re
cognizes in uimmiwrialirs rain Balm the fin
est medicine he lias ever handled. He is nu
experienced druggist, and knows a good arti
cle mid rtcommends Chamberlain's Pain
Balm for rheumatism, muscular aches and
iialiis. It always help the suffering. Give
It a trial. How by A. u Khoder, Druggist.
Game, oysters, and all the delicasles of the
season always to bo liad at Brown's cafe,
Windsor onnex.
Telephone at the Couiubh office Is 253,
TlieOrKiiu'lratloti lu Wliloh Lincoln Will
llimi it Toiint this Hummer.
While the dallv nnnern are nrmiina with
each other ns to which "prints tlm hows," the
CiiuniKii Is the first to announce to tho
public of tho fact thut nctlve steps nro being
taken to got Lincoln a place In tho State Iea- ,
gue now forming. The object of the associa
tion Is to get eight good towns In the Ixiaguo
nnd arrange n ncedule of games that will
suit each one. The towns most likely to bn rep
resented are Lincoln, Fremont, Hastings,
Beatrice, Plattsmoutli, Grand Island, Colum
bus and Kearney or Red Cloud, Those hav
ing tho affair lu charge speak lu the highest
terms of tho organization and the Interest do
ing manifested by them Itcsiicitks nothing but
success In the venture.
Several of our merchants had Intended
forming a city league nt nil events and to
that end n meeting wns held Wednesday oven
lng and the several different promotions dis
cussed, The location of the grounds Is not
yet determined on but some selection will
soon lie made nnd steiM will Ira taken to havo
them fixed up In ns good shnimnsiiuy League
ground in the country, One team has
already been signed and at tho noxt meeting
of the club tho players will I mi assigned their
positions when their names will Ira given our
readers. Another of our enterprising mer
chants has sent east for a battery to hold
down the critical Mlnts in his team and ho
says that ho will have the liest team In tho city
if he Iiiih to sign nil professional players.
'IhoL'ouitlKHhas promised the different
members of the new league not to mention
the names until the oigaiilzntlon has been
complotcd nnd n meeting has been called for
next week lu order to iierfect tlio same, tho
details of which will apicar in next weeks
At the Itluk Tuesday.
Attend the carnival nt the Rink Tuesday
evening Mar., Kith. Cash prizes to the most
attractive costumes mid to the most graceful
lady skater. The champion lady skater of
Chicago mid Denevor will lie present.
llerpoUlieliuur's Next Week.
Hertxilslieliner it Co. have just opened a
superb lino of iiiqiorteil and domestic Satteons
In black Thoy sell the "trurmnfm not to
crock," for which they nro tho Lincoln ngonts.
1 hose dyes nre the samo as their celobrated
Smith &. Augejls fast black hoso. Tho dross
goods, trimmings, novelties and wrais shown
by this concern will couiinro favorably wltii
that of any city houso. Embroideries are
now on the first floor aud tlm variety of
Swiss Namsook and Cambrac odges is won
derfully large. Indies should sou tholr C, 8,
10 and 15 cent tines which nre very cheap
and line accordingly. Among tho bargains
offered for next week nro n full lino of all
wool Henriettas 1J0 inches wide nt only US
coats a yard. Call on Ilerpolshelmer & Co.
nnd seo their elegant stock.
A New Train.
Tho connecting link between Nebraska and
Kansas has just been placed In service by tho
Union Pacific railway. This train leaves
Council Bluffs daily nt 4:45 n. in.: Omaha at
5:05 a. in.; Valley at 0:20 a. lit.; and run?
through without chango to Manhattan, Kan
sas, making direct connections thero with tho
Kansas division ot tho Union Pacific railway
for all M)lnts in Kansas nnd Colorado, west
bound, and for Toieka, I-nwreuce, Kansas
City and points east and kotith via Kansas
Returning, train leaves Manhattan nt 2:25
p. m.. arriving nt Beatrice nt 0:25 p. in,,
Lincoln at 7:50 i. in., Vnlloy at 0:55 p. m.,
Omaha at 11:20 p. in,, and Council Bluffs at
11:40 p. in,, making direct connection witli
Kansas division trains from Kansas City,
Ijiwre nee, Topeka and tho east, mid from
Denver, Sillna, Abilene and all points west,
enabling pashoiiRors to visit the principal
points In Kansas and Nebraska in tlio shortest
liossihle tlmo. Those trains havo flrt-clas
equipment, consisting of smoking cars and
first class day conches ot the latest pattern.
Tho new tialu will (III a long-felt want nnd is
liound to lie Hipular from the start.
Orniiil Colorado Kxcuralori,
On February 20 the B. & M. will sell tickets
to Alamosa, Cal., and return at I'M good for
twenty days. Ft, Garland, Ln Jura, Del
Norte, Monte Vista, or Aiitonlto may be vis
ited at nu additional exemo of f 1.00. These
towns nre lu tho wonderful Son Luis valley,
prolmbly on of the richest ami mot,t promising
tracts of government laud lu tlio country.
No droughts, Hoods or cyclones. Immense
crops, good market nnd flue climate, with
most flattering prosjiccts for the future. This
ir u good thing, tho rates me nearly cut In
two, and we want you to enjoy the benefit.
There Is no telling when the roads may bu in
duced to make such a rate again.
Call ut the olllce and get a descriptive cir
cular of Sail Luis Park, its resources and ud
vantages. A. C. Ziemkh,
City Pass, and Ticket Agent.
The IliirlliiKloii Lead the Van.
Notwithstanding reports to the contrary,
the "Burlington" Is still the quickest and bv
all odds the best route to Chicago and the
Our "flyer" leaving Lincoln at 1:40. p. m.
dally, reaches Chicago at 8 o'clock tho next
morning in ample tlmo for eastern connec
tions. Through Pullman palatial sleejiers,
Urst-class smoking cars, sumptuous dinners
and free reclining chair cars, comprising
through solid vestlbuled train, such iu no
other Jlne pretend to run, they uln't built
that way. When you have occasions to travel
bo suro and get the worth of jour money.
Tho "Burlington" alone can givo it to you.
A. C. Zieukh,
City Pass, and Ticket Agent.
Sawyer it Mohler's greenhouses supply cut
flowers, boquets, etc,, on short notice.
Branch floral conservatory In Masonic Tem
ple basement.
Suppers and banquets served ou short
r.otlceot Brown's Cafe. Prices reasonable
aud service first das in every rwqiect,
Exery body con afford to eat at the loading
resort In the city now. The price of 31 tick
eta now at Odell's.U only $1 reduced fron
iMrfmi-tiLim-mr.- ??
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