Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, February 23, 1889, Page 5, Image 5

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    ' vnftv
i n VyrrmlnmW"
r i" -- "3p" ttf"ifqt'-ftjrw"'
1 ' ,
peady for Business 1
Courier Engraving Co.
llavlngjust opened now Industry In
connection with Tiik Couiunn Olllcc, wo
nre now propnrcd mul enn furnish on
short notlco tho rtnestworkofnll kinds or
Engraving on Wood or Metal,
Cuts of imiUlltiRti, Miiclilncry, Land
scapes, Patent Drawings, I'ortrnll Work,
etc., ns well nn all other work under thin
head, will rccolvo prompt mul careful
attention. V
nnd all honorahlo competition met. Our
facilities nro equal to tho nest, nnd our
Artists havo no superior any whore.
Hkotclics nnil speelmciiHof work, also
estimates fumlslieil on nppllcntlon. Mull
orders tollcltcd, and City trade Is especially
rcstptcstcd to look us up.
Courier Engraving Co.
Telephone avi.
M.W. Nr.WliKltuYl
I.. Wkhbkl, Jh.
IV-12IN. 12th Ht,
iNow llurr lllock,
936 P Street,
And Ranges.
Gold Coin Ventiduct.
1618-1530 Fnrnam 8t., Wow Pnxton Ulock,
Diljlt3:jl. - USTielb.
In Thr Wrst
Wo nro now Introducing many nowanovcl
lias In Fall nnd Winter Wear, nnd would ro-
ispoct fully Invito our Lincoln friends to call
mud bco tho now lino Jnst opened.
And as such can oiler later styles nt lower
prices thnn any houso west of Chicago a fact
wo'lt tako pleasure In proving to Llucolultc.
We can how you a lino lino of Cloaks,
Crosses anu Furs that lurpas anything you
lliaye ever scon In tho entire west. It will pay
.you tolako a trip to Onmhu to see us, If you
want anything nice In our Hup.
Kill Orders Receive Prompt Attention.
k .sBsHtosWsllllB;'' -vk
China, tho (Irvat Oriental Cltwut, Rousing
Itself to llcul Activity.
Tho vast progress of China In recent years
Is sot In n striking light in an nrtlclo which,
under tho tltloof "Tho March of tho Mon
gol," Imi I wen contributed by Mr.W B. Dun
lop to Tho Aslntlo Quarterly Kovlow, nml re
printed In pamphlet form. Mr. Dunlopdntcs
tho now movement from tho icrloil soon after
tho suppression of tho Tnlplng rolollion,wlicn
tho Chinese government first established the
Imperial mniitlmo customs, nhlch, under tho
wlso nnd energetic control of 8ir Ilnbcrt
Hart, tho inspector general of customs nt
Peking, has attained w remnrknhlo n dovel
opmcnU It Is significant of tho shrewdness
of tho Cb niw that thoy orccivcl thond
vnntngoto bo ilorivod from dismissing the
natlvo collectors and npiwlutlng trustworthy
foreigners in their room. Tho oxiorlmont
was Justified hy n largo nnd Immediate rlso hi
tho amount of tho roveuuo from customs
duties which has over since boon steadily In
creasUig a considerable art of tho surplus
having been employed in erecting lighthouses
along tho imineiMi tenhotml of China, which
has now ono of tho best lighted coasts In tho
It is n sign of tho now spirit that guides tho
counsels of tho government that thoro havo
been erected during tho last year or two
many thousands of miles of telegraph wires
rndlatlng through tho empire. It Li now jhm
slblo to telegraph from London to Peking or
Chung King, the principal towu of tho rich
nnd fortlloprovlneoof Szochueh.aclty nearly
1,500 miles In tho Interior of tlu country.
Meanwhile, tho oxtension of tho Chlnoso tolo
grnph system Is, wo nro told, proceeding nt a
rato which may shortly astonish oven Auiorl
can telegraphists. Ilnllwny oxtension Ismoro
dlfTlcult nnd necessarily slower; butngnlnst
this has to bo wt tho splendid system of inter
natiounl wnter communication.
Tho total coast trado in foreign built cs
sols, outward nnd lnwnrd, umountad In 1880
to tho enormous sum of 17,000,000 tons. Hero
ngalu tho Chinese nro well nwnro of tho nd
vantages to bo derived from employing for
eigners. Only n certain portion of tho for
eign commerce of tho empire comes within
tho Jurisdiction of tho Imperial mnrltlmo cus
toms; but this jwrtion reached In 188(1 tho
hitherto unprecedented amount of 41,000,000
sterling still a trilling amount when wo con
sider that China proper is estimated by tho
imperial Btotlstlcians, with tho assistants of
tho best nativo authorities, to havo a popula
tion of 3S0,000,000 souls.
Tho only practical obstaclo to a trado of
startling dimensions between China nnd tho
outeido world seems to bo tho old "Llkln"
system of internal transit duos, wmo notion
of which may bo derived from tho fact that
on tho groat west river trado routo between
Canton and Peso, n dlstnnco of 000 miles,
nicrchnndlso Is said to havo to run tho gaunt
lot of uearly 100 customs barriers. Tho gov
ernment, howover, has shown significant
Blgns of being nllvo to this ovtl, which it has
nlready mitigated to somo extent, in tho
tooth of vested Interests, by allowing tho
Likin charges in certain cases to bo com
muted by u ttxed payment for a "tramlt
Tho improvement in tho system of national
defonso is still more btrlklng. Hugo arsenals
under foreign direction nro springing up in
various directions, uid tho vnst army of
China Is being gradually supplied with
weapons of tho latest attcrn, whllo great
battalions aro being incessantly drilled nnd
disciplined by European olllccrs. Tho Chinese
navy already consists of twenty-six foreign
built men-of-war, wmo of them largo and
powerful Iron clad?, nnd nbout ono hundred
gunboats, built in tho nrsonals of tho empire.
Rcforrlng to tho notorious industry nnd en
terprise of tho Chlncso nbroad, Mr. Dunlop
prophesies that when tho subjects of tho co
lostlul empire enjoy undor tho now ntid more
enlightened policy tho samo privileges nnd
opportunities nt homo as are afforded to them
abroad, there will bo no room for doubt as to
what Is to bo tho dominating power of tho
f uturo In tho far cast of Asia.
Tho writer of tho articlo on "Tho March of
tho Mongol" is very far from being tho only
authority on Aslatio affairs who thinks that
tho solution of tho eastern question, as far as
Russian aggression in Asia Is concern ?d, will
ono day bo found In an Anglo-Chhicso alii
auco. London Nows.
Died Llko n Hero.
Calmly to face sudden nnd unexpected death
requires n bravo, rosoluto chornctor. Tho
following puthotlo incident is related by ono
of tho surgeons of tho civil war. Dr. West
moreland was ono day dressing tho wound of
a soldlor who lind been shot In th j neck uear
tho carotid artery. It liad not been regarded
as a particularly dangerous case. Suppura
tion had set iu, howover, mid whllo tho sur
geon was cleansing tho wound tho blood ves
sel suddenly gavo way. Dr. Westmoreland
ns quickly put his finger into tho nperturo
and stopped tho How.
Tho soldier glanced quostlonlngly into tho
surgeon's face, "Doctor," ho asked, "what
does that mean I" q
"It means death, ray poor follow," answered
Dr. Westmoreland, a strong sympathy lu his
A moment tho soldlor lay with closed oyos,
ns If stuiiuod hy tho fatal words, then ho
looked up and calmly askod, "How long con
I HvoT"
"Until I rumovo U1V ilne-nr nnsiv.r.wl l.
"W ill you wait a Ilttlo," tho jioor man
asked, "till I can write a fow words to inv
Tho doctor bowed his head nfllrmatlvoly.
Tho soldier wroto his brief lotter and then,
With tho nathos of rnslirnntlnn en 1,1 n .....
ready, doctor."
"i removed my flugcr," said tho burgeon,
"and iu a Ilttlo whllo tlin hrnrn tnWnu, in.
dead. I'd havo jrlvon a trood deal to save.
that man's Ufa. lint, tuwllot in-.. !...
Youth's Companion.
Dlseuso Spread by riles.
In hot countries fllnanrnmnct nntlirn nmnt
In tho propagation of yellow fovor, nnd M.
Splllmaun and M. Hanstoutter attrlbuto t ho
oumu iuiu 10 uirao insects in spreading pul
monary consumption. When a Hy has lln
gored on tho tuberculous sputa, It is said, its
intcstlno nnd oxcreta contain tho bacillus of
tuberculosis, n hlch It may deiwsit on various
articles lu an apartment. Files nro credltod
also with being tho chief Iiibtrumout in tho
disseminatloii of Egyptian ophthalmia, and
Koch Is cited as of tho opinion that they may
play tho samu part in spreading cholora.
Herald of Health.
Cotton MutUtlc.
Statistics of tho manufacture of cotton In
tho entire world havo recently beon compiled
and afford an Interesting subject for btudy.
Tho number of spindles hi England Is ,740,
000; In tho rest of Europe, 23,180,000; lu
America, ta.SOO.OOOjIn India, 2,430,000; total,
81,840,000. Tho quantity of cottou consurood
1st In Euglaud, I,ol4,&2,000 pounds weight;
In tho rest of Europe, 1,4M1IU,000 pounds; In
America, 844,758,000 pounds; la India, 800,
000,000 jwunds. San Francisco Chronicle.
Tho stamp collection of M. Ferrari, son of
tho lata Duchess of Oslliera, contains about
2,000,000 specimens, and has a market rate
of 128,000.
Articles iif Iiirorpnriitloii
Mn4lo and adopted this 16th. day of Novem
ber, In the year or our lord nun thousand
olHhl hundred and elRhly.elahl, hy nud Ixi.
twwu Isaao M. ltaymond. Iiwls (IrrRory,
Andraw H, llawyor. Hllus II. llurnlmiu and
M. li hnstorday, lueorix)ralorH, ns follows,
to Witt
Article I. Tho natuo of this corporation
slmll Ixillio American llxcliniiKO Hank
Arllelei. Tlio prlt) V.pal jilr.cti of transact
ing tho business or this corporation shall lo
lu tho city of Lincoln, Iiurasior county, Ne
braska. Article .1. ThoKonernl nnturo of tho busi
ness to Ik) tniisnel(Hl by this corporation
shall be tho loanlliK Upon approved scurlllis
ortho money, cither bclniiKliur to tho snld
coriKirutlnn or entrusted to It for such pur
poses as intents or brokers, tho recelvlliR of
monies on deposit, the buy I nil anil soiling of
e.xehause, coin, bullion and lUKotloimblo pa
norofnll kinds, tho tnaklim of collections,
thebuyliiK, sollliiRHiid liolillnitof real estate,
nud cciiorally such other IiuhIiicss ns Is usu
ally dnuo by llko associations.
Articlo i, The amount of capital stock
shall be one hundred thousand (f Umi.ihh))
dollars, which shall ho paid In at tho time and
upon the conditions followliiR, to wlti Kirty
(do) per cent of said capital stock, amouutlliK
to Fifty Thousand (fii).HOU.tH) Dollars, shall bo
paid lu at the cotnnioncemont of business:
and certificates of stock Issued for same, nud
the balance of fifty per cent of snld capital
stock shall be paid when at such times ns
shall bo ordered by tho directors of said cor
poration. Anyone falling to pay his assess
ment within thirty (HO) days after written
notice, shall forfeit nil future rlRht to do so,
Hald slock HlialT bo Issued In sliercs of ono
hundred (100 1)0) dollars each, translorrahlo
only on tho books of the corporation and
holders are entitled to ono vote fiircnch share,
held atnll mcotliiRs uf said corporation, or
stockholders, which may bo cast cither In
arson or by written p roxy.
Articlo o. Tho time of commencement of
this corporation shall ho December 1st, A. 1).
1X88' uud Its termination shall bo December
1st, A. I). 1013.
Article (1. Tho hlRhest amount of Indebted
ness or liability to which this corporation
shall nt any time subject Itself shall bo not
iiiorothnn two-thirds of Its capital stock ex
cept for deposits.
Articlo 7. At any regularly called meeting
of tint stockholders, tho capital slock of tho
association may bo Increased to Iwo hundred
thousand ('Jmi.MjO.OU) dollar.
Article H. Whenever an Increase of stock
shall lo determined upon, In accordance with
articlo 7, It shall bo tho duty of tho directors
to cause all stockholders to Ih uotllled there
of In writing, Kncli stockholders shall bo en
titled to shares of the now stock In propor
tion to thonumter of shares ho alrecdy owns,
but If any stockholder falls to subscribe and
pay for said stock for the space of thirty (DO)
lays, his rlRht to tho new stock shall bo
waived, and the lioanl of directors shall de
termine what disposition shall bo l initio of
the same.
Article 0. The o Ulcers by whom tho affairs
of this corporation aro to ho conducted shall
be a president, a vice-president, a cashier, an
assistant cashier, and II vo or more directors.
Articlo 10. Tho president shall hold his
oftico for tho yenr for which the directors of
which ho shall bo a member nre elected, and
until his successor Is elected. Tho olllccrs
hull beoleoted and perform suoh duties as
may bo proscribed In tho by-laws adopted by
said corix) ration.
Articlo II. Thesolncor)orators shall bo tho
directors till the first annual nicotine of tho
stockholders. These articles may bo amended
at any meeting of tho stockholders by a two
thirds vote.
In witness whereof, the said Isaac M. Itny
mond, l.owlsarcKory, Andrew J. Hawyor, 81
las II. Hurnliam.ond M. L. Kastesrday havo
horeuuto subscribed their mono ns Incorpor
ators, this Iftth day of November, A. I). KtvS.
In prosoneo of J. M. llctts.
hionkd iiKwm nitrcnoitY,
Outhls lnthdny of November. A
1). 1R88,
before me, the undersigned, a notary public,
oiiiy commissioned anu qiiuiuicu inr. unu re
siding In tho said county, personally camo
Isimo M. ItRymond, Iowls OrcRory, Andrew
J. Kawycr, Wins II. Hiirnhain and M. ,
Kastcrdny, to mo known to bo tho Ideutlctil
person whoso namos subscribed to tho
foregoing Instrument as Incordorators, and
they sovcrnlly acknowledge tho execution of
said Instrument to bo their voluntary nctand
In witness whereof, I have hereunto sot
my hand and ntllxed my olllclal seal the day
and year last uboo written. '
Ihkai. J.M. Hktth, Notary Public
ToCarollno K. BlnnlckHon. non-resident do-
You will tako notlco that on the nth day of
January, IKSO, Charles 1. Larson, plaintiff,
tiled his etltlon In thu district court of Lan
caster cuunty, Nebraska, aRitlust you, tho ob
ject nnd prayer of whioh Is to forccloso a mo
chanlc'slein, tiled by the plaintiff upon lot
eighteen (18) In block llfty-ulno (SO) In tho
city of Lincoln, Iincastor county, Nebraska,
and tho carriage factory bulldlnc, erected anil
situated thereon, and to havo tho pretended
inortciiRO llonofCarnlluo K. Hlnnlckson de
clared to bo Junior and Inferior to tho lien of
said plaintiff, that said premises may bo sold
and the proceeds thereof bo applied to tho
payment of plaintiffs lieu.
You nro required to answor said petition on
or before tho 1st day of April, IKHO.
Lincoln, Nebraska, Feb. 19, 18S9.
CiiAiir.KH I'. Laiihkn.
Hy Pound A llurr, his attorneys. '.XH-lt
Sheriff Hale.
Notlco Is hereby Riven, that by vlrtuo of an
execution Issued by tho Clerk of tho District
Court of the Hccond Judicial District of Ne
braska, within and for Luncastor County. In
an action wherein Hnss nnd .eh nre plaint
Ill's, and James Mathews defendant. I will. A-
2 o'clock p. in., on the 20th day of March, at
I). 1889, at the front entrance to tho District
Court rooms In the city of Lincoln, Lancaster
County. Nobrnska, offer for snlo nt public
miction tho following described real cstuto to
Lot ton In lllock two hundred nnd thirty
two. In the city of Lincoln, original plat.
Olven under my hand this 14th day of Feb
ruary, A. D. IH8U. H. M. Mkmok,
2.1u-5t. Bhcrtff.
Notice of Incorporation,
Namo of Corporation:
Lincoln Havings Hank, nnd Safe Deposit
Place of lluslncss:
Lincoln, Nebraska,
Nnturo of llusliiess to bo transaotcd:
ltcceiving monoy on deposit and paying In
torwst oh the samo; routing boxes In vaults of
tho name, and n genornl Havings Hank uud
Hufo Deposit business.
Amount of Capital Htock authorized nnd time
nnd conditions on which It Is to bo paid In:
Capital Htock iro.OOO In HhnrosoflltUeach.
To ho paid In, ton lwrcoiitntdatJofsulMcrlp-
Hon and tho remainder when called for by
tho lioanl of Directors,
Time of Commencement and Termination of
Commenced, Nnvemhor 10th, 1888, and ox
plres Novcmler 10th, UHS.
Indebted no: HlRhest Amount of Indebted
ness or Liability to which tho Corporation
Is nt any Tiuio to Hubjuct Itself: '
Not to oxceod SJ5,000 at any time, except In
debtedness to Its depositors nnd for monoy
borrowed to pny Its depositors In case of an
fly What Olllccrs tho Affairs of tho Corpora
tion aro to bo Conducted:
Hy a Hoard of Directors con Istlng of uluo
(II) stock holders. Tho olllccrti to comprise, n
President, VIco-Presldont, Hecrotary and
Treasurer. 1-iM-lt.
Hhi.rirr Halo.
Notice Is hereby given that by vlrtuo of an
execution Issued by the Clerk of the District
Court of theHecoud Judicial District of Ne
braska, within mid for Lancaster County, In
an action wherein O. K. Hector Is l'lalntlff,
and John Kucera Is Defendant, I will at 2
o'clock P. M on tho 4th day of Mnrch, A. D.
18il, at tho front entrance to tho District Court
rooms In tho City or Lincoln, Lancaster
County Nebraska, offer for suleat publlo suc
tion tho following described real cstnto, to
wit: Lot No. seventeen (17), lllock No. four. (4),
In Irvine Second addition to Lincoln, Lan
caster County, Nebraska.
Ulvsn under my hand this 25th day of Jan
uary, 1880.
l.W-61 H. M. MELICK, Hhcrlff.
Steamship Agency.
If you contemplate a trip to any European
(mint or intend bringing friends from any
such point to America apply for rates and
information to Qoo. A. Foresmau, Agt,, 115
So. 10th st.
Hrown's caf6 is now open day and night,
so that lunches can bo had at this popular re
sort at any time.
l.WConeU for 50 cents, Ashby Be Mills-paugh.
t Ttmpo ill marcia.
pp Dnviu.
1. Ycsl lot tno llko n Sol .
3. I on-ly askof Hint
ball, To blot out ov - 'ry etnln.
graco It's nn- clontchlv-nl - ry
.-4V Ui . l
gen - tier ones may toll,
trum-pct ro-qulcm ewoll,
Dow - o'er
E - nourjh
ip ("
Sol-dicr fcU.
"I - if-" " TT r- mjj -y
gy. 4 -J-J-J.tJ , ,J J
JI(J x . i f ' -Mr If HH-F-Frf"r K' p. ra
- - - mm i
I mf
A New
Piano i Organ
Curtice & Thiers' Music Store,
207 South nth Street.
1214 O street.
Cxamlne sample of our work before
rJcrlng elsewhere.
Cabinet Photographs rcducedjtrom $4 to
$3 per doxen
Tnntmti sd.
PgpippBgliillitt '
illor fall, Ujvon somo o - jwn plnln,
proud rru, Which ends Its blnzo lit mo,
Urnvo man
Tho' o'or
Ilbw'cr for-got, un-known
E-nough thoymur - muro'or
for-got, un . known my tomb, I llko a
thoy murmur cor my grave, Do llko a
j i i i n m m i '
I .1
Piece of Music
Just Received,
Ashby &
Lincoln Savings Bank and Safe Deposit Go.
Interest paid on deposits at any rat of 5 psr cont per annum for all full calendar mouths
Bafesto rout In burglar proof and flro proof vaults, at annual rental of 5 nnd upwards.
Monoy to loan on real estato and collateral. YOUK HAVINQB ACCOUNT HOL10ITKD.
President. Vice President. Treasurer. TelUr.
-3 -d-M--j " j -j -j -jfii JL"
Tills breast ox-pntullng for tlic ."
Todlo tlio lost, and not ills-
- ly hearts con - for my doom, Thnt
my clay no ban . nor wavo, No
my tomb, I liko a Sol-dicr
my grave, no llko a Sol-dlor
Sol - dlor fell,
Sol . dlor fclJ,
I llko a
Ho liko a
.. "
t"4m-"Mkt T K'
' ' '-tkapvn'
. a4imiKf4 iiigW!awyaMtwwwt