Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, February 23, 1889, Image 1

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    ,,(V P6P6I 1AR PAPER op av?pern -TIMES "
Vol. 4. No. 11.
Vhut tit Heard, Seen, I.cnriifcl mill Perti
nently .SnsKcitcil tn ilin Multitude.
When 1 roo such inero loyH ns tlioso Hint
dully luuig nroiinil the saloons, going to u
certain wreck, nnd very fnst nt tlmt, 1 don't
wonder nt tliu prohibitionists' Hoenilni; fanat
icisms in favor of abolishing tliu liquor
trnlllc. Tlio boys referred to nro nlutost lit
habitants of KuliMfiis, and un) one who enters
nny of thoso places near tlio it liter of the ho
tels, can always see them theiein. Their
faces nroblotisl, tliclr talk ulgnr to sny tliu
least, mill their every action gives tint Ob
server tho Idea of n boy tlmt want to Ih
"tough." It seems a stmmo to lot such loyH
havo drink mill notwithstanding tlmt they
may lw of ago, regarding which, howevci, I
nm not prepared to spouk, tliu saloon men,
knowing tlio olrctinistnnecs and knowing also
that tlioso raino Ik))h drnk just Iwcaiisu it
Myitis smart to them, t think their pride, If
they hnvo nny, should cnutlou tlicm. Those
boys havo honored and rosiiectod imrcnts, hut
it seems they havo no control over thoiu, or
certainly they would remedy tho mil. I
trust tho bat tenders w ill hereafter uson littlo
doscretion In ixisslng drinks over tho loir and
not deal out tho poison to such youthful nsplr
rants to a drunkard's grave. Tho CoL'lllKIt
hns novor lieforo sjioko against or for saloons,
nor oirered any ndvlso in this matter, hut in
this instance it feels called umii to say n fow
words which I ti ust will Ik accepted ill tho
tamo good grnco that it is given. IIoweer,
should clrcuinstJUK't'H demand, 1 will pulillsh
tho names of nil concerned and ask thomithor
itles to look tho matter up.
Away down near tho corner jiockotof nu
O street car yestenlay moinitig sat n shy,
modest-looking woman, who wnsdooply hur
led in tho pages of u book, tho cover of which
wus carefully hidden by an outer covering of
thick brown paKr. It was quite evident that
sho was afraid that souio one would see w hat
gIio was rending, and soveial young men In
her neighborhood vainly endeavored to get a
sly peep nt tho title pago of tho hook, sui
jKwing, no doubt, that tho fair ouo was Inter
ested in roiiio forbidden work. Pretty soon
another lady entcusl tho car. Tho leader
know her, closed hor book, and miido room
for her. Of course woman's curiosity tri
umphed and tho new coiner asked whut she
h id been rending. In a moment the hends of
nil tho wondering young men weio bent to
hear tho resjionso. "I nm almost ushiiiuid to
tell you,"snld the shy woman, nud neighbor
ing yenrs wero picked up curiously. "It is
tho llrst ehuuoo, though, I have hud
to rend it, and I'm ashamed to havo any one
seo what it is It's'Hobeit Klsinero '" The
pricked ears uaiuo down, and tho curious
)oung men looked ns though some one had
cried "Kouo!"
If there is one. thing that mankind admires
moio than another, it Is to hear n bawling
baby oxerclso Its lungs to tho fullest extent in
n passenger coach. Such was tho state of
nlhilrs I enjoyed the other day whilo en louto
east. Tho mother, who lieing used tho child's
music, ti led littlo to lemedy the noise, and
seemed In utter ohllvlan as i egni ds tho an
noyance it was to tho balance of tho passen
gers. Upcoming fatigued anil tired of such
entei talnment, with several other traveler, I
isltisl tlio conch hehltid, nud after getting
comfortably seated mid interested in a novel
I thought howdlirerent it was tiom the seeiio
from which wo had just taken lefuije. Hut
our piece of mind was of short durutiou, for
in u fow moments another "kid" hid opened
its head nnil the air was again full of melodi
ous child cries. Well, wo had to stand it, but
a change is liclug looked for soon, as one of
tho boys still ttsl a paper in tho train for sig
natures cutitk'd"A iR'tltlon to liii ve conductors
take chai go of cr) lug babies."
At last the spot on tho south sido of ()
fctltet, betwien Llovcnth nud Twelfth, which
has been an e)o soio to citlens fo- sow ml
jenis past, is to bo covered with u limgnfll
cent new hushies edlilce. Messis. .minister
and Knlng, who have laen in tho courts for
n number of years law lug about tho title to
the lots, have como to an understanding and
the lesult is as above Muled. The clothing
firm of T. Living & Co. will occupy tho stoie
when completed. Plans for the building aio
just being completed, ami when IIiiIsIiimI it
will bo tho llnest ami most modem store in
tlio city. Col. lining is now In the east nr
ranging details, (Ixlurer., furnishing, etc.
Thoshow windows will be two lots wide,
with an entrance on ilther side,
In this enlightened ago whoioiutcgiity and
honesty .no the paths bv which most cntcr
piists piosKr tlioro still exist jhtpoiis whoso
morullt) Is on a level with criminals now in
duntuco vile Nowspupois, ns n rule, mo
desiinusof ilicrenslug their ell dilution, but
ill our estimation none has degiaded Itself to
such an extent as has iho Dimiuitle Timet of
New Yoik, to fuither its means, It oilers to
nppoiut coiresM)iideuts in all cities iiixm te
ceiit of $3 (Ml i i'M ly suhsci iptlou to thepaMr,
bntuiMill tilo tulllllment of tho subscilhoi's
mt tho VYiiics fails to meet with their pait
of tho coutiaet.
Lincoln audiences nt tho thentio nro lie
couili g more and moio motiopolltnu 1 no
tiiiuof Into tlmt tho fuir ones, many of them,
me appeal i, g In tho pi oper opera costumes,
i, c, in evening di ess, mid as torthegnllants,
they me showing up well. Cncased us they
mo, in full di ess, they niako a most pleasing
npiH-aiaui.e. And tho dear ladles, (lod bless
them, am liegiuntng to take pity on the undo
sex by either wearing mi opeia bonnet oi no
hat all. Oh, wo nro getting to the flout in
nil things, and lam hem tly pleased to note
tho advancement in tills paiticular splieio.
Bawyer & Mosheix gris-nhousi-s nro hend
iuiirters for nil kinds of house plants, Honors,
etc. City ollk'o in Masonic Toinplo basement,
hero cut (lowers, boipiets, etc., may always
bo found.
Holtign T III" Metropolis llrlotl)- Chron
icled. During tho past week toeloty nlTnlrs In tho
Onto City have awakened from tho slutnW
of weeks past.
Tho twenty llfth nnnhrrsnry of tho organ
Iziitlon of the Knights of Pythias, the anni
versary of Wnshlngtons birthday, together
with tho approach of the Ienton season, havo
had tho ollVet of making tlio vutt wisk one of
the gayist of tho season.
Tuesday evening an entei talnment and sup-
Kr were given at Kxposltlouhall for the U'li
elltof tho Catholic Hcliool. Tho nlfnlr wns
well attended and ipilto n sung sum was
Tho silver wedding of tho Knights wnscel
clirntod in (Ids city liy almost every lodge by
n ball and banquet and tho adalrs were all
well attended. Thoio nro thirteen K. P.
lislges In tlio city
Oriole lAslge, No 7(1, gave nneutertnlliment
to its memlKirs and friends on Thursday even
ing. Itccltntlons, singing and dancing weio
the iinnisements of the evening, and the even
ing wns passed in nil enjoyublo manner nud
the Oriole nddtsl ouo tuoro twig to its lauiel
of popularity ns an entei Miner.
On Wednesday evening the Young Ladles'
Hoclal Club gave its second party nt Meti o
Kilitnu hall. About thlrty-llvo couples par
ticipated In tho dissipation of dancing to tho
delightful music. Twenty uumliers couiKsed
a progiam whicli satislled almost every crav
ing, with its numeious round dances and just
enough fxpiuro dances to allow n fow moments
In RK)rtlng circles tho events which nro the
talk of nmlrers of the byklug world are on
(pli vivo of excitement over tho coming
match between Senator Morgan and Ash
inger. Seventeen handsome lady bjelclo ridels
will display their forms and their abilities in
i idiug tho w heel the fore pal t of next month
in a six day's tournament for a ki tion of tho
gate receipts nud a purse.
Wilbur V. Knapp, champion 100 mile
nud r mile bicyclist of tho world, leftTliurs
d iv for Denver on u plensuro tiip. Kuapp Is
u whole souled fellow and well Musi by Ins
associates, whilo tho girls lo with eueh other
in w lulling his aireetlons.
L. Wtssel, Jr., passed thiough Omaha on
his trip to Chicago.
Omaha, l'chninry SSI, 18s!t. K. W.
'llu ItfT. ,eleliruTlon.
Tuesday wasn most pleasant day; not be
cause it was one of nu Italian ntiuospheie,
but Initialise It wus a classic Netiraska day.
The sky ivas clear and guihcd in radlent
blue, tho ulr was lancing, though not
too cold, and every Inducement for u
successful and pleusunt daj for the celebri
Hon of Pthiaulsm's sliver iniiilveisnij
seenusl to favor the occasion. Visiting
Knights were i ecelvisl at the desit by the
Military and K. of P. ban Is fiom early mom
till late Into the aftei no n. The paiado was
a pleasing Incident of the day, the tactics of
the Sir Knights being paitlculaily adiuiiisl
by all spectatoi-s. Tho lino of march tei mi
uated at St. Paul's M. V. chinch, wheie
addresses made by pi jitiiuent jiei-sons weio in
teiestlugly listenwl to. Quito a laigo audi
ence was uheady Mated and in nailing.
Past Oi and Chancellor IUchiud O'Neill in
n few well chosen nud eloquent leiuarks lit ful
ly ssjko of tho occasion in introducing tho
speaker of the day, CapUilu. Whetmarsh of
Norfolk. An hour devoted to a review of
tho work of the outer since its biith and its
greut lienellts, wns reculvisl with inaiked nt
eutlon by nil present. Tho steukor wus fol
lowed by Mr. W. J. llryan, who delivered u
most eloquent addiesson the woik of tho or
der in Lincoln. A telegiam announcing his
r-'giets hud lieen nceived from Mr. Joseph
Clitchlleld, nail was lend.
The ball and banquet in the oveuing nt Ilo
hauan's hall was one of the most pleasing
features of tlio celebiatlou. The laigo hall
lieautitiilly ducoiated, thocohiisof the older,
led, jcllnw and blue, gut ting the o)o on
evei hand Kmblems ami ornaments of nu
liieious designs weio tastefully miuugcd,nud
ceitaluly tlio drcoiiitiiig committee liuve
cause to feel juoiidot theii work. Novel has
Llnioln seen so lingo a dance where icllne
muutnud elegantl costumed teop!o held lull
stvny. Tlio visitors all cjiiiio iu their llnest
'"togs," the local Knights mid friends weio
also uttlicd iu the conventional evening diess
suits, excepting the hlr Knights, all of whom
weio Iu lull iiulfuiui. SeveiitH-ii dances weio
on the piogrmu nud the Phllhiiruiouiooichcs-
lin, who never plumed lietter or sweeter mu
sic, wns pi vscut to lend its ihaiius mid eu
tiuucethe pleasuies of the guesUi. Lxhibl
tlou drills liming the evening weio leceivisl
with gieat applause, the lull lento moveiiieuts
of the Knights being u gieat and ilea.saut
surpiiso to the delighted spectatois. The
bos showed uu Imuiens.) impiovemeut over
pievfous exhibitions, and If tlioy continue to
do as well us heietotoie, the Cul'UIKII will
back them against any other divisions in the
country. Tho banquet wus a sumptuous and
toothsome eolation of the delicacies mid sub
stitutials ot the day, mid was served iu the
lower hall, ilm lug the eutlie evening.
Taken us a whole, tho celebiatlou was a
success In eveiy paiticular. It was a big uu
del taking, hut the Lincoln Knights, with
their customaiy cal and eneigy, never fail
ing in au elloit, mo to bo congratulated on
tliu lesult.
AdveilUn Your Wants.
For tho beuellt, of the ladles who may have
to pass tin ough tho lomuiou sliuggloof so
cm lug help, tho will leceivo want
adveitlsi'ments for publication iu the Daily
Call want columns. Parties dcsiiiiig help
situations, boaiileis, or to lent looms or tout
houses call leave their udvei tlsement at this
olllio and they will Is) piomptly delivered to
the Call tor publication. Uno cent a ivunl
per day is tlio exeuso.
(lame, oystei-s, and all the dellcusies of the
season ahvas to bo had nt Ilrown's cuft-,
Windsor annex.
Wo will continue tho sale of those buttons
nt 10 cents ier down (mother week. They
in o tho best bargain over otforod. Ashby it
A Hovliiw of tlio l'nst, u Word for tlio
I'lesent and 1'roitpeets fur l'liture
This charming American actr.iss, whoso
liotlnilt adorns tho hend of out drniuiitli' col
limn this vvis'k, osns a two-ulght's engage-
meiit nt the Kuiil.o Monday evening, on
wlilcli wcnslon she will present her roinnntle
comedy ilinma "Kgypt," iu which she
was seen hem last season by a largo and lonco.
On Tuesday evening she will bo mm-ii heio for
tho llrst tiino iuagieatMH-iel.v drama, "Judge
Not " This, her latest success, has hud quite
a run in the east and nieriU much pi also See
what tho Huston (Hull,' says of It : "it is, as u
whole, n crisp,- compact, and spliltod littlo
drama, neatly constictis! and cleanly worded.
The plot tuiiison the sepiiatloii ot nu artist
from his wife, and their stilivspiuut leunlon
utter veins of alienation. The la-st etrects
nro the scene Iu the artist's studio when the
injii i isl wife denounces mid then shields her
I Ival, and the following scene, in which sho
tells tho story of tho deception ns a iliauia
to the uiisusiectiiig ami undetected actois.
Thoexosuio Is u Haw iu its setting, but
looked at lr itself it is undeniably stiikiiig.
Tho fouith act of reconciliation follows lather
tamely the climax of the second and the ex
kniii of the thlid, and nil the ucloi-s srem to
ftsd this, hut the fall iu spirits is not pi olougcd
farthei than is necessary to wind up tho play
in thoold-tliuo milliner.
Miss Lille Lllsler as Kuthniine dine, the
i mtist's wile, is natiiiul, sympathetic, mid
splrltul llei vaijlug nioisls me niaiked
with nice disci immation nud clearness.
Monday evening, the society leadei-sof Lin
coln gave nu eiiteitulumetit at the Kunke
that totallj ecllpsnl mij thing iu this Hue evel
attempted iu thocltj. It wus above ctilii Ism
and held the undivided attention cf tho entile
auilienco thioughoiit tho long plagium, The
tublouusrepiesenllng tho cm toons fiom tliu
Now Yoik publication. Life, weio well ion
del iil and were, ns nearly us possible, "ti uu
tollto." Ilioy weio well mounted ami staged,
nud lntioduied a huge iiiiuibui of Lincoln's
society K'ople. .At the conclusion of the tab
leaus, Mrs, C. K. Llpis'iicott icudoiod n vocd
selection in her usual happy stjlo which re
ceived u heaity eneoie, as did n'l her elloits
dining tlio evening Tho Hist play of tho
evening, "Naval Lugiigeineiits," wiih then
put on, Introducing Miss 1 jittu, Miss Inilst,
mid Messrs. Townley, U'lnM, I'oiesmau mid
Higenlnthaiu. This wasn pleasing fmco Iu
two nets, nud euch membei of tho coiupnu)
was ti ied to their utmost, Miss ImMii di-s'i v
lugsjieclal mention. Tho ovenings entei tuln
iiiont concluihsl with a ouo ait faico entitled
"Cut nil with a shilling," with Miss U-mist,
t.. p i i ,,.. ..i..,., .. .
tun niej nun .ur. urimiii in uiu cast,
each ono exactly filling tlio bill Tnken nil
together it was "immense," and the ladies
w ho had the uudei taking iu chirgo can ro
peat it at any time to a largo audience with
out doubt, nothing but tho highest piaiso
having been heaid slme the show.
Comiiieiielng .Monday evening, the Stand-
nut theatro Compui commein o a week's
engagement, nt this family lesoit, iu thoever
IKijiului'iliuiiiu, "1'wu Orphans," The lot
lowing Hatterlng notice hum tho Cieston
Ail in tin r, would have It appear that the
coiiiiny is meeting with unprecedented suc
cess. "1'ho suiting capacity of tlio oeia
house wus taxed to the utmost to accomo Into
tlio cioivds who attended the piesoututloii of
tliu"l'nuOiplittiis"liy thooxcellentStiiuilard
Tneatro company, nud It (tvon bocaiuo tiocos
Miry to biiiigiu extra chairs for tin pir
(piotte. Had it not been fur the blustoiing
character of the weather, Manager Patt
would havo lieen unable to accommodate th
tluongof )coplo. The company prosonttsl
the play iu gissl sha)o nud m nlo au excellent
I'l.piesslou upon tho largo audience as.)uiblisl,
Isjlnggrooto I with goneious appliiuso thiMiili
out." Their i epertoli-o contains some really
mei Ibinnis phi)s and tho company being
goo.1, gives to them tint degree of orfootloii
which Is so much sought for by tlio theatre
goers of our city. For this engagement only
the pi Ices have been put nt 13, !A" and M
cents. Let all attend, at least one pel form
At two o'clock this afternoon Stetson's
Double Undo Tom s Cabin Co , takes posses
sion of the stage at the Puuke. ami it Is Iiohh1
tho public will iiinku gonl use of the seats In
flout of it. There lias Usui and ulwu) swill
lie Uncle Tom s Cabin tiouptsof various c.ili
hioaud moiit but Stetson's is one of tlio bvt
outhoumd, mid judging fiom tho attractivo
pa i ado made this morning aie coining with
tho Intention of giving tho xoplo u llist-cluss
show and ouo that will do ciedit to the noble
woman w ho w i ote the delightful Ixxik tlmt has
been read nud rei ead by thousands of people
thioughoiit tho civ Hired vvoild. Take tho
children mid got IiIh afternoon mid thou take
tho children's puionUi this oveuing, You
will never i egret it.
"vowtiiat'h what i think, imin't you."
To gissl business, both nights, Wlllaul
BH'iiser's Tycisin Co plujed at tho Kunko,
Wislnesdny and Thursday. ThooM'iit Itself
Is fiesb ami Inter.istlng, and In the huiuls of
nblout lists, llilght nud catchy it run lis
with it the attention of nu audience Iho en
liio evening Mr. Sienser has cause to lie
coiigratulnttsl on the success ho has attained
both In the C(iinH)sltlon of It and also tho se
lection of the truly line uttists Into ihoe
haiids he has placed It, They III each other
mid ouo cannot Imagine how anybody could
pluv it but those who now have tho pints In
theii hands. Without a hitch or a break it
runs along the'entho evening, uccompmi
led as the) me by ono of the llnest oi chest ras
tlmt tiavols with au ox'iu compiuy Tho
s'i foriuatn'o cm i les with it on alrof ilehuess
nud melody that thrills the spectator The
complin) If good, lu fuel too gissl to allow lis
tosMak in paiticular of any one without do
lug the others au Injustice Mr SHinser
hi)s he iIim'm not stai mi)oiie, and one must
housgoiMl us another, mid to this end we
must say he has accomplished Ids dosha. It
wasn gieat show mid has made many now
fi lends hi thlscltv.
The "Dis-stilck Sl.ewl," for which vv have
waited so liiiig,eame to oulei In I'iiiike'soHra
house last night with a largo aiidleiico wall
lugtheli iipontiinc. When time (I should
s.1) hcIhmiI) wascalltsl, theie appeal wl as no
hloanil at the same time as unique a class of
'skolais"ns pel hups Imvoevei lieen gatheusl
together in any school house since Noah
ivlgiusl supi cine ov or Ills Hunting isilogleal
gulden. It wasn giiiiid sutci-ss, mid tho way
those till) tots acquitted themselves last
night befoie so large mi audience was inline
thing i final laiUo and would havodoiie cusllt
to lull giowii men nud women, It ullectcsl
miK h cusllt iikiii tin older heads who bad the
atrah ill charge, nud it is d'ltihtlcss tin ough
theii iiutiiingeiroitsiu U'lialf of thellttlooues
that theall'air was such an eliiboiatu suciess
It would be Impossible to mention all the
gissl t hlngs tho chlldl ell said mid done, us they
weioall gissl and seemed to please evei)one
hut the (.oinnilttis', or sclusil IhhiiiI, who at
tended the session, mid it was net liit.iudisl
tlmt the) should please them, or the p'uy
Aould not havoendisl tight.
rot Mui.iii.nnv HtSLt.isus
Tho Ulmeis clowsl n twis-nights engage
meiit at the Puuke Satiiulay night, pi oscnt
lug "Col. Sellets" to it light house 'ilm show
deserved better atiouage than it received
nud those In attendance were well ent i talinsl.
Mr. rimer is a vety funny man mid decldul
I clover, but w lieu he is oil' the stage the
pla) clings some, us It Is clearly u one mail's
shun. He gullied much favoi from our ieo
pie by his fuspieiit allusions to local ki
clans, .Miss I'liner has tiolupuit to which
she can inipait her peiullar hue of acting,
ami louden gt eater suciess when slioiipH'Uicd
hete as "Dad's tiul" a seusou since.
I leatn fiom Miiliiigit McHeyuolds that we
mo to have Mi Hold. Downing again the llh
ol .Mm ch Ho will piobabl) picseiit " In
gouiai" this time, unit all who saw liini in the
"(iiudiutoi" will w nut to S(u him iu this
ListSituidiy evening when the ciiitaln
l one on the last act of Col Selleis, the audience
weu-stlipilMil to se twelve well known mem
U'ls of the legisl.i'mo occupying the JiiuuV
box and Judge Ibibt. LlsiiieieSahler on the
, bein h It wunquito a novel idea
The tepoit that the iishcts mo to wuir
ov 1 1 alls and apissir iu "lilack fine'' at the
oh-i a house tills evening has bis'ii denied b)
the iiiaimger ot tho Uncle Tom's CuhiutioiiM.
Since Mrs. Lmigtty had the usheis wea
"kilts" diiiinghei engagement In Now Yoik
It Is getting to ho quite lashloimble toilless
the bo)s to III the pla).
Alter Miss Lllslci's engagement, which
closes l'uo-duy evening, the piospocls for a
dalk house, the leiiiaiuiler of tho week, mo
good. This is unusual lor the l'liuke, as It
has been pin) ing moio genuine good ntt Mic
tions this siasoii than evei Udoie, but a show
or two tint was Issiked have lot some un
known liasou caiuelUsI Iheii dates. "Hut
no still live."
A number of traveling men got it onto .lake
Itoseuthal, the iiistllug biisiuens manager of
the Littlo i')coon Co., last Satiirila) evening
III giHslshape While silting iu the hotel ol
Hcu Jake liivlttsl one or twoof them up to the
H.'lciiiuaucoof Col Selleis by dcci T. I luiei ,
leiii'iikingaltho same time, "bung wime of
the lsi)s with oii " Imagine his siupiise
when sixteen men Hied up to the ilmn piesout
mg thoiloikeeiei withacard lending, "Dead
Heads-t'oinpllmentsof the Little Tycoon Co '
Jakeputlip for tlieui, bill K.l)s heuviflei' ho
w ill hand out his passes ouo at a time.
A '1 rent III Mine,
On next Thilisdu) oviniug the beautiful
lion stole ol (ieoige Seiuuioiis i. Co., US.".)
illldllUl O stl eel, will bo loiinnll) oeii(sl,
mid for the llrst time the stock mid the at
tractive fcutillcs w ill bo viewed b) the pub
lic. Mr. Seiiiiu jus, w ho is a ) oung and euei -getlc
business man late of Cincinnati, Ohio,
seems to thoioughl) iindeis'iinil his hiisiui-ss,
for lu a tew moments glaiuo about the prem
ises, one cull ulleudv form au idia of the ex
cellent Judgment that has lieen displumed in
the aiiaiigeiueul of evei) detail 'Iho coun
ters, shelving, show cases, otllce, letliing
looms, lasliiei's departments, etc , together
with tiie show windows, the stout tiont and
every ai laiigenieiit go to show that lunch
taste has Urn exeicistd nud that iihmIciii
ideiiH, ii.btead of staid, old ways,
havo bten In ought into use.
Our it'iideis will be gu-atly surpristsl when
they behold the Intel km of tills now udditiou
to our clothing Intel ets. lCvel) thing Is
bright, new, nolib) mid complete, unci the
opening will levenl a stole of the inodein
times iquul to mi) thing iu tho counti).
Lluboiuto puparatloiis me Isdug inude lot
the giatid opening next Tliursda), and In
illih vtlll leceivo the attention and isiliitts)
due them Music b) the Plilllmimoiiic oi
chcstia will be leudeitsl Uitli ufteiuisiii mid
evening, U-iilltif ill sotivemis mil be pu-senttd
to all, the stole will 1st plofllsil) decoiutisl
witli living green and llonery lovlluess, ami
everything will ho done to make the opening
occasion a nieiuoiial event. No gisxls will
U' sold to an) one. You mo one of the iu
vitodgiuMs mid should not fail to attend.
A 1.11 f Lincoln's Mom Pnpiilm- Ladles
mill Hie Nice Nliues'lliey Wear.
If ItdlllK. Illh.llllul I,. Ill,, I .klllll I.I. II... I 1...
i iiii.iiii i .ii iiiiii ii, .mi v ifiriiiivib iiiiii. ill,
mtlclo on tlie "female feet of Lincoln" would
pi oe uueicMingto ns icaiieis, we nave com
inencccl to compile u list of immcsof our most
popular Is'lhs mid society ladles, nud as sisiii
us nil infoimiitlon Is In. will clvo the iiuiiiIm'I'
worn by inch one,
Hveal(lng to one of our leading shoo denleis
the other da) about spilug st)les, etc , he
casually leiiiaikisl, 'Mid )ou know that Lin-
t 'j till It nu Hull ii I f it" lint I tup mm n lit il ImJ it till
nil i nun iiiiiiii iwi uu iii iiii'io iiiii(-n ii nu
much smaller feet than any other city lu the
west" nils set tlio lepoiler to thinking
(wlilcli nm) si em stinnge, but tine, uovoithc
Uss) nud It occui ed to him that u ihscilptlon
of the subjects lefciicil to would prove Inter
cstlng anil eiiteituliilng Ho with cusloiimi)
foiethought the ri'poilfi uskisl tho shoo man
If he would assist the CorillKIl in getting Up
a list of the ladles' names and give the sizes
Hint euch of his ciistouieis woie 'Mils ho
iigussl to do, mid visiting two older pioqii
nent shoe stoles for the same puiposc, both
ugussl to assist hi getting up (ho list
Our ladles will ccitahily appus'late this en
tel pilse on the nil. of the Cot'ltllSH, fin' ill
levlewliig Iho 'female feel of Lincoln" much
can bo said mid coliuuiiK call be well llllisl
with u ileseiiptloii of the vuiioiis shapes,
lengths, widths, high oi low Insteps, whether
slender or heavy aduptisl for dancing or not,
ami doens of other Items of luteiest
Ladles who have any Idea that their dealer
will giveuii IncoiKs t sbe, ma) send In their
own ineiiHiiU'iiieiil and saiuo will iiiiimwii' In
stead Wo will endeavor to have the list
complete nnil not miss un)oiio Having u
copy of the rccouls kept by each dealer for
the past two ) ears, none will boomitisl. To
iiuihe ino iinicie iiioie (oiiipn ie we uie Hav
ing cuts made of the mom pioiuliient ones, a
feutiirn that will iiinloiihtislly add to Its at
tiuctlveiiess. Hcnicmber, next Sutlirday Is (he Issue, and
ladies desli lug extta copies to send to fi lends,
should older nt once.
I'elu mil) IIimiU limn.
W'uli' Auithi' has this year tnken a now
hold on populailt) if niicIi u thing could 1st
possible. The capital sciles of Tioivhiidgo
and Mai gaiet Slilne) fin nlsh ouo leasou for
this the uuexcellisl chaiaeler of nil the con
teulM provldis another. No household can
alfoul to bo without it.
I). I it hi op Company ai e hastening towards
completion a lemaikalilo story b) Mrs Mar
tha Livingston Mood or NowYnik It is a
(ontrlbutiiiii in stie-y foim to the pren'iit "ic
llglous llclliiu crae," mid Is lu miiuv iess'ls.
asliiti iiiled by its author, u capital lefuta
Hon of the iiiconsisteucies of "ltolHit Lis
meie "
John L HoAton's "Story of Venn mt" will
be nelcomisl with iuteiesl Hot on'y by Hie
lesldeuls of that commouweallh, but by the
thi'likunds who, in nil pints of the laud, me
pi oud to look towiiul thes'iluly (ileen .Monti
tain state as the homo of their hlldhoodoi as
that of their iiuccs'nis It Is a cilsp, piueti
cal, business like viiluun, yet fullof the llavor
of the histoilc land of Lilian Allen
Prof. llo)esens "YiigiiiKiud Tali s," III press
1 1) L lOtlu op Complin v, Is a ino-t, engaging
coder tion of this populai stoi) telhi s lecelil
"novelettes" No wi Iter liv lug si arcel) ex
cepting the gieat ltjni iislidn so thoioughl)
lllldeistaiiils the Noise ( hniaetei, and when
Into this is hifus(s the Amerintll elemeilt, the
suciess of Piol. llo)is(ii's tulis Is easily uu
ileistissl, Some of iho stoi les taken into this
i ollectioii have iiluady Imi ii tiuuslatisl Into
the Pleach, (leiiniiu anil Spanish
On Pebruary 1st I) Lotluop Couipauy,
Boston, gave up the quuitcrs which the)
have iK'cuphsl for Hiteeii )ars past and
moved Into the buildings nunc Milted to their
gieatl) iuen using busiiiers. One of these is
a large llve-stoiy building on PuicIiiimi
street, ik-i upieil eiituely by their extensive
mamilaetmiiig plant, the other is the fom
stoiy building on Wiishiligtoiistuel, opsisito
Ihoiiilleld, whlih is to be Usui for siiIcsumiiii
nnil olllceH There is no Huei lcxatiou foi a
lsiok stoie, and the new Lotluop building
will speislll) become a fnvoiito lesoit fol
'1 he move made by the I), Lot hi op Com-
i p.ui) to make a lliml isbtion of Mmgaiet Snl-
lio) 's "Five Llltle Pisqs'iV- liuilled to iiii.i
hunched thousand nqiien nud then ihstlo)
the plntis is destiiusl, in time, to make tluit
delightful stoi) a mil "i lasxli " U hi n ptsi
ple kiion that the) inn bu) no mole copUs
tile) will lieglli to uuilerstniicl how lunch the)
lead) want II. It would be linjii dolls to
state jllsl how niiiti) copies of "Five Little
I'tsqs rs" have Iss-ii Mild 'Ilm iiuiuUi is k
gioil and the bisili 1 1 all) desei Vs Its ipulilll
t) It is the blightisil, bus lent, most liatur
ul nud most eiijovable of the poiliiiltuu-s of
cluldi en's home lite in Aiuulcu tliu paiadlse
of cIiiIiIIumnI.
Theie seems In be uu lulling nil of tride at
the ever popillai CipiUlll itul liuhard p.ulois
but on tliu other hail I, guiiip of Imsdy eii
gagisl pin) eis ma) lw enji)in,; them-si-lves
at the hosntulile alsile of the genial
Ablsitt alnll bonis oi tin da) mid late into
the evening It allouls iniicli lor
the tiusl senator or ieiieieiitative utter his
davs woik and liiaii) such in t) lw m-oii theie
"punching the iv in les these long w Intel
(liltaitn, .Xllwiiukie iV. M. I'niil Itallwii),
via (liiinli nnil Ciiiiiicll lllnlln.
Slioit Lino to Clilwigo and tiieeast.
Finest dinning wus in the woild
Through sleeping mil to Chicago,
The route of the Hist "(ioldell (late
Sss'ial '
llest hue to Washington for tho iuuugeru-
lioil of Piesldeut llaillsoll.
Oul) diiut unite to tho (I. A It. P.ucunii
lileiit at Milwaukee
Lv ci) thing Hist class.
l'lisl-class sopie sitiouio tlikl-chiss Hues.
Ticket age Ills evei) In I e in the west sell
tickets over the Ch cago, Milnnukio ,V St
Paul Hallway.
White ill es.s gisnls Mile at tsj, (v, mid 'i
1 SJo , lKiit values ever olleiisl. II. H, Nissley
A: Co.
Sieelul Train In Wimlilnuloii,
l'or tho acccMiimmlailon of Ihosodeslt lug to
vlsll Washington nt the tlinnof tho inuugii
ration of Piesldelit-olect llnnlsoii. tho llultl
more.t Ohio It. It. will nm n nms'IiiI trulnof
Pullmnli sIcs'Isms unci day ccmclics from Chi
cago to Washington and llnltliiioie, leaving
Ch'cngo nt .'I (ft p in., Hnluidii). Mnich "ml,
arriving at Washington mid Hulllniore tho
next evening, passing In daylight over tho
Allegheny iiiotmtaiiiH, past Deer Park whom
Pieddeut HiiiiInoii will mkmicI the HUinmcr
mouths, ust llaiHr I'eiry mid (In ough the
beautiful and histoi Ie vnlley of tho Potomne.
The i omul tiip excursion rule fiom Chicago
wllbefl7,fi(l, and tickets will bo valid ic
tninlngonnll legtilar tiulns leaving Wash
lugtotior lliilllmoio, Including those of Mm ch
Hth Hxeiirslon tickets fiom Chicago to
Washington and llnltlmoio will also Ihi sold
for nil tiahii Fehitiiiry '.'ilth to .Mm Hi Mid In
clusive, gocsl leturnlnguntll Mm eh Kill, In
clusive Kxotiislon tickets to llaltlmoio via
II .V O uiogood to stop cir nt Wnshlngtoil
In elthel or both dllectloiis. ICxctirsloii tick
ets v la II. .V O mo on mile at the olllccs of
all loads thioughoiit tho west, as Well ns (ho
II. ,1 O. olllce, 111.1 Clink stiect, mid deMit on
Uiku Flout, foot of Monioo slusit, Chlcngo.
Hop Nninliei- i Oiaiicl Nil nn,
Thui-wla) oveuing every conductor i mi
ning into Lincoln on any of tho nuiiieious
roads that enter hero, together with a whole
lot moio that don't, uccoinpinlcd by their
wives or fair ones, weuihl their way toniud
Temple Hall wheio the Lincoln blanch of tho
"Older of 11 illroud Conductors" wi'iobi hold
their Hist auiiual hall. And II was a ball, hi
all iesKsts AsnCouilir.ll leiioiter stepped
up to the door he was met by u iiioiiiImt of tho
oulei.who woie a vvhlbi satin hudgo on
which was piluUsI the uionogram of tho or
der, "O. 11. C " together with tho number or
the lodge, "No. S!J7," mid politely Invited In.
The II rM. thing to stilko tho uyo was tho
Huong, fully one hunched and Hfty couplo iu
pail) dross occupying the Ihsir lu the inury
wiiltz. After udiuhiiig mid watching tho
iiuriyihincem theio engugisl, ho next ill
us.'tsl ids uttontlou to the Hunt mid tasty
decoi ntlons. Tho celling wns festooned with
oveigivon and siispmdod from the gas Hx
tures hung the oideis color's In the shape of
led, whilo mid gieon Hags, while inituudliito
I) iiiideineuth llieni hung hiiilurusof cories
poiidlng colois
(Jii the hoi Hi wall deftly arrnngisl In ovor
glis'ii wus the ehoerhig words, "PerMitiinl
Fili'tidshlpO. 11. C Lincoln 1)1 v. No. SiS!7"
whiNiou Iho platform at the fisit of the mu
sicians stissl u lui go transparency with tho
suggestive letteiH "() H. C." sUndliig out In
Isilil tellef. luuuisliately facing tho door
hung the wind "Welcome," also made of
eveigieeu with the "O. It. C." monogram
sisH'iiilisl fiom It. Pieclsely nt twelve tlio
Hist half of the piogiuiii wns llnlslKsl unit the
annoimceiueiil was iiiado from the platform
that un lutei mission of half uu hour would bo
nllonisl for supsr. Hero our ieKiitcr left
them to Mulsh the piogiam, not however un
til being infoi mod by the coiniultteo that It
nus n hillllunl success serially ns well ns
Ihiaiicially nud that everyone wus sutMlcsl to
their hearts content and uvvalto I the repeti
tion with oiigciuiHs.
New 'I rain Service on the N'nrlliwi'slniu.
Ity the now arrangement Lincoln pntionsof
this ioiiNi have the only parlor cms In service
In the west at their ft,s disposal iH'tween Llll
coin and Missomi Valley, Iowa, tliu Junction
point of the Lll.lioin lino with the Noi Hi west
ern II It iiomt. These cms nro the snmons
iimsI by this coinpuuv ls-twis'i ('hlcago nud
Milnaukio nnd nro the acme of railroad lux
ury and (MTfecllon iu their upoutmrntK
which consists of smoking, toilet nud curd
conipni tincuts in rulillt Ion to the inalii saloon,
tosa) nothing of Hie xirtcr In charge, nil of
wlilcli me fiirnislasl with Isaiitlfully uphol
stensl mid comfortable great arm chalis and
couches exeepl the parlor whose fill nishing is
iu gcmiiuoi Isiuy.
leaving Lincoln on the afternoon train In
one of Iktse mm tho pasMiiger m rives ai
Missomi Valley nt A Ifi, p in A wnit of ilf
tts'ii iiiluutis now ok ins to allow passengers
tor (Tib ago mid the east to sehs't seats in tho
llnest ( one Ins iu theiallioad service or si euro
tho aicoiuii.islatiiiiis km nulla the sleeper
allottid to Lincoln patious Starting again
at fi, p. hi , ihe passenger finds him or herself
in nn elegant car, u pint of tho Noithwcstorn
Limited, a solid vostlbulcd train of coaches,
slis'plnganil illimingcars. Hight here wo will
rcmaik Hint the passenger U now in the Hnest
tialn, rmililng over the best track, and guided
b) Iho liest ma vlie III the countiy. After u
delightlul nm the train inns Into Chicago on
time at h .'.'.'), a in , In time to niako the morn
ing coniii-ctlous n oi th, east mid south. Don't
take (Mir word for this but try this Hue tho
next time ) on go cast.
A llirlvliu; liidiMlrj.
A little over u ) ear ago the .Veics added a
bindei) to Its pi luting cstablishinent, nnd it
Ims IhS'U n siks ess from the start. Ten iur-
j sons are emplo) est In tlilsdepnrtinent, and tho
vvoi k turnisi one is as tine mid siilist.intlal as
can 1st done mi) w here A great denl ot work
is done for counties hi the state, the In shupo of
(sunt records, etc. Madison, Sonanl, Cum
ing, Dawson, Otoo mid UlcluinNon nio being
lltttsl out with masshe tssiksof vaiiousde
m'i iptlons, full ImiiiihI extra. Orders from tho
lending wholesalers and blinkers of Isith city
and state are daily leeched, nnd Include
I collis'tloii, draft mi.l discount registers, lul-
1 unco bisiks, jomuals, Uslgers, etc , in any
si) so oi iMiiillu.' and ruusi to order,
A sMHInlt is made of binding mid letter
ing magiilnes iu nny st)le. costing frauif 1 00
to $10 00 per volume; music jl.lo
to $.' no u volume, and pictorial woiks for
fiom $:t.lH) to fjo. Only Hist class vvorkuuii
me employed, mid the pationage of nil
deslioiis of piiHliiliig the I et pKhlllctsof tho
bilidei's nit tit low lutes U iers-ctfull. asktsl.
We fiel sine wo can lendor vou satisfaction.
Tho novelty dross goisls just revolved tiy
Ashb) ,V Millssiugh, no woitliu trip down
town to see.
Snw)cr ,vi Miolier, florists, Masonic Temple.