CAPITAL CITY COURIER, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1889. UNPRECEDENTED ATTRACTION I Over a Million Distributed. Louisiana State Lottery Comp'y. Incorporated by the Legislature In IWW for IWiionlloimiiiml Charitable purpo.oi", and lis franchise iniulo n part of tlio present state constitution In 18711 by an overwhelming po.p ulnr vuto. ItA Mnintnoth Drawings tnkc place Scml Annually ( June nnd Decem ber), nnd Its Grand Single Number Draw ings tnkc place In cncli of the other ten months of the year, nnd are nil drawn In public, nt the Academy of Music, New Orleans, Ln. FAMED FOR TWBNTY YEARS, For Integrity of Its Drawings, and Prompt I'nyment of 1'rlzcs. Attested ns follows: "Wo do hereby certify that wo supervise tlio nrriiiiKCiiiciitn for ull the Monthly nnd Hcml-Aiinunl DriiwIiifW of Tlio loulslnim fitnto Iottory Company, mt In person man- nno nnd eontrol tlio umw-liiRS themselves, mid tlml tlio Kiuno nro conducted with lion- osty, fairness, iitul In pood mllli toward nil imrtics, nnd wo authorize the Uiir..iniiiy to uso this cortlllento, with fmvslinllles of our sltfiin- ure. nttnehed, In Its advertisements." Commissioners. Wo, tlio undersoil aMII pay nil prizes i tttnto Lotteries wide our counters. It. M. WALMSLKV. l'IKUUKI.ANAUX, A. llAl.ltWIN, 1'res. OAHIiKOHN, l'ros. I'd llaukH nnd Hauliers Irawn In tlio umlslatui h limy Ik) presented lit I'res't Iiulsann Nat U'k I'res.'Miito Niillomit U'li New Orleans Null llnuk Union Nntloual llnnlc GRAND MONTHLY DRAWING At the Academy of Mnilc, New Orleani, Tuesday, March 12, 1880. Capital Prize, $300,000. 100,000 Tickets at VJS Halves I0; Qi f; Tenths 12; Twentieths 1 ; I.IHTOK IMUZKH. llMUKOKfWO.ttml fW.M 1 lMtI.K)KltW,lMI 100,000 1 l'HI.KOK M.nOOlH o(,00 HMUZN OK Wmo Is ft"i,u 2 rill.KHOF 10,M nro ai,W n I'ltl.KH OK fi.OWuro 'A000 2.r. I'UI.KS OK l.UOOur Si,( lUOrillXKHOK NX) lire 5",(XJ0 -200 lMtl.KSOK .TrtOnro COO I'ltl.KHOK SOU nro 100,000 AITUOXIMATION I'lll.KH. lOOPrlzcs of tfOO nro fiO.OOO too do. noonru :io,(kx) 100 do. aw nro 20,000 TKUMINAt. 1MII7.KS. m do. loo nro w.noo 099 do. lOOnro I9.000 Jl.lll I'rlzos, amounting to 11,051,800 Notk Tickets drawing Cnpltnl Prizes nro not entitled to Tcriiilnnl Prizes. rm- KorClubUntesor any other desired Information, write legibly to tlio uiiderslKiied , clearly Hinting your residence, with Htnto County, Htrcet nnd Number. More rapid ro turn mnll delivery will ho nssurcd by your en closing nn Envclupo benrlng your full nil- Hon'd POSTAL NOTKS, Express Money Or ders, or Now York Kxclmngo in ordlnnry let tor. Send currency by Express (at our ex pense) nddrossod M. A. DAUPHIN, Now Orleans, Lu. OrM. A. DAUPHIN, Washington, D. O. Address Registered Letters to NEW 0HLEAN8 NATIONAL HANK, Now Orleans, La. KEMEMHEU thnt tlio payment of the Prizes Is guaranteed by Four National Hanks of Now Orleans, nnd tho tickets nro signed by tho President of an Institution, whoso char tered rights nro recognized In tho highest courts', therefore, beware or nil Imitations or anonymous schemes. ONEUOLLAIlis tho prleonf tho smnllest part or fraction of a ticket ISSUED 11V US in nny drawing. Anything In our namo of fered for less than n Dollar Is n swindle HAGENOW & ASGHMANN, Philharmonic Orchestra AND MILITARY BAND, OITicc,Rooms 139 and i-pollurr Block. Telephone ij.t J. II. W. HAWKINS, ARCHITECT AMD SUPERINTENDENT, Buildings completed or In course of erection from April 1, ltWJ: limine block, O E ontgnmery, lltli mid N. do do L W lllllltigsley, 1 1th near N. Restaurant (Odells) C H Montgomery, N near 11th. Itualdpiice, J J ImliofT, J and 'M. do J I) Macfarlaiid, Q and 14th. do John Krhrmii;, I) and 11th do Albert Watkins. 1) lct lith and 10th, do Win 31 Leonanl. i: lx-t 0th and 10th, do Kit Guthrie, '.Till nnd N. do J K Heed, M I), K 1st lflth and 17th do 1. 0 31 llaldwln. U bet lHtli and lBtli. hbiiltarlum building at Mllford. Neb, Flrrt llaptist church, 14th and K htreets, ortuary can lei anj tvojlvln tumli at Wyukn oemetery. Office Hooiuj 3H nud!)4 Richards Bloolc A. Nowicki, 1. D. Formerly I'rofiwsor In tho UnlverMiV Mh cow. Dr. Nowlckl hus rtTimtly ri'ivrmtl from lkarK Vlunutuiml other Kuropnm ('WW wtiuro hu Iihh Iioum Htmlyhitf the new Nyntei: of truntmtmt of hlH HpuulultloM, iVnmlo coin plulntx anil liver, kidney ami eve tllncuKt'H. 130 North Ulh Ht, Transit Hotel llulUUui; MOll Meivlnff.AInrliln' o si pnet fiiiDiimn trtd in all pm, by II cinr our mtcninta fouat wnrrt id iwvpi ran inrm, w win hou rrr iopn Et(n In ttch Iuclli7,tbf vrrjr ! itwlnfmichlD tutdt to world. ht til the atuttimtnii. Wo will tlw pJ frr comptrl lint of our cottljr and valutbt art MispUi. la return tik thai you how whil wt itnd, to ihH wbo way rail at your noma, aid antr H monini an man xconta your owm prnrir. Thla rrand mat bin t mtdaahfr tba nlnsrr patanta. MnicaMTarukouii uiurfaiaia k ran out It oM for 911 IS. with it laitathmtnlaand now atlla for ftilmatbtaa Iq tbt world. All la no eaolial raauirad. rlala. aUt UatructioDa RTa. Tboaa wbowrtia to uaat oncacaaat An t lint ofwvrka of blU art otof aaawa loftUar la Aravrica, TJtUK te U. 0s 74t, Augaata MaUaaj. wra IrrV ina Of itwiavnBcnin to too worio. mo aFEVlLTlaU; Ha i j 3 a j r"TaW " aaaj 3 iaar MLtna ESTTaTA. Iltha m m aTjaaajaajajam iijHn rota 1 nut rrtLi ON THE ISTHMUS. SPLENDOR OF THE SCENERY IN PANAMA. Tlio Smith American Holdlrr Cuitoii). nt tlio tVcictrrlri "Coflliin to lt" Tli Scant Cnttiinim of I'Hiininii The rontll lie, of Djlng KxrrriU That of l.ltlng. Sixvlnl OirrenHmleneo. Panama, Jnn. 17. Nowlioro on tlio civilized or tinclvlllr.LHl earth In tlicro witnessed n Btrnnger nii;it tluiti on tlio oliort journey across tho IstlitnttH of I'nnaiim from tho Atlantic totho 1'aclllc. Its gorgeous mid vast vegetation, its waving palnm mid InxtirioiiH liaumiaH, Hh tall grnsacH mid tirllllant llowers nro rarely Iwantifulj hut these one emi bco nil over South America, in tho nclghhor hood of the equator. It Is the human congloinorntion that in most tiuiqtio mid interesting. Tho Pniinnm cnnnl has brought to tho Isthmus n working forco of 15,000 negroes from Jninnicn, Africa mid tho flinall West India Islands. After them linvo eomo mi nrmy of Imshwliack era, the very dregs of tho earth, consist ing of French, Knglisli, Spanish, Turkish mid Chinese men mid women. The Ktiropenn mnnngera, engineers nnd contractors brought their peculiar following, mid tho whole, with tho imtivo elements, makes tip u cosmopolitan popu lation, wonderful in its diameter, reck lessness r.nd general nppejirance. No 0110 is surprised nt anything 0110 hears or sees in this strange land, for tho Turk, tho African, tho Mongolian, tho Kuro penti make up a heterogeneous jumble mid do about ns they please. Sotno wear ono nrticle of dress, soino K'arcely thnt. Jinny children nro in a continual htnto of nnkedness, nnd tlio diversity of costtuno suggests Joboph's coat. Tho government demands that nil men nnd women shall wear n trillo more cov ering tlitui tho traditional llg leaf, mid when n ship load of Africnns from tho south coast nrrived in Colon n year or two ngo, enscs of shirts nnd trousers wcro Bent them beforo they wero per mitted to land. When they readied town their nppearnnco wns striking, to Bay tho least. Somo hnd tho trousers fastened around their necks, while tho majority used tho shirts ns nitrons mid resembled n Inrgo body of African mn- Bons robed only in their regalia nnd nttending n colored brother's funeral. Poor wretches! Their fnto was sad. When they wero put to work it was found, Btrnngdy enough, thnt they could not stand tho climate. They died like slieep, nnd after n month of experiment ing tho living lot wero 6ent back to Africa. About this timo :i Chinese mur chnnt enme to their town with a load of trunks painted n brilliant green. Tlio interested Bnvnges bought them with avidity nnd wero rowed back to their ship proud in tho possession of fo ninny green boxes, which to their crudo tasto Bcenicd beautiful. Their irksome clothes they throw nwny, but tlio trunks which might liavo hold them they enrried bravely back to the Dark Contlnont. M J. Ono of tho interesting fenturcs of tho isthmus is tho soldiers. Thoy nro a .scrubby lot. Tho Colombian govern ment, which supports ncnrly 0,000 of thorn, calls itself very strong in conso quenco nnd thinks it is fully prepared for wnr with any other South American republic. Thcso Boldicrs wear a uniform consisting of red breeches nnd bluo frock coats, but very dirty, ill fitting and coareo. Occnsionnlly a soldior will wear shoes, but as a rulo thoy aro barefooted. Their guns aro as rusty as their clothes, nnd in marching thoy shmnblo along in a way that tho most awkwnrd of awk wnrd squads in tho north novcr dreamed of equaling. They nro all little men, ns nro nil tho males of this country, and somo of them nro not older thnn 10 years. You can scarcely imagino anything moro grotesquo thnn their general appenranco, and yet I am told thnt in tho riots and rovolts which occasionally break out in these republics thcso men in miniaturo will fight liko littlo devils. Jlultum in parvo. Napoleon Bonuparto was but a trillo over five feet In height. If tho Colombian soldier is an oddity tho Panama policeman is a marvel. Ho lounges nbout town, smokes cignrettes, walks into tho saloons nnd sips native whisky by tho hour whilo on duty, gambles in tho Chineso houses nnd oc casionally goes to sleep on tho benches of tho plaza. I should imagino tho Pan ama policeman's lot to bo n very happy ono. Ho is paid eighty cents a day (equal to sixty cents of our money). Tho soldier gets ono dollar a day (about seventy cents of our money) and has to find himself. Tho policL'inan'a nppearnnco is oven moro disreputable than that of tho soldier, which i3 Baying very much. But thero is a dingy, cnreless, go-ns-you-pleaso nlr to every government official, high or low, in Panama and on tho isthmus, which shows n woful lack of Bystem, training and power. AU reads lend f. Iterrr nd nil mulo paths along tho isthmus mako for Pan ama. There tho motley musses gather on Sundays nnd feabt dnys nnd enjoy tho bull fights, tho cock fights nnd tho other Innocent pleasures provailing. They flock into tho city day and night, spend their money fast and furiously, eat, drink nnd nro merry, finnlly returning to their work, perhaps to livo, perhaps to ! dio. Lifo is held cheaply here, for death btalks grimly over tho entiro Btate. I met n French pliysician on tlio Panama plam. Ho was drinking absintho and smoking cigarettes, nnd his mercurial nature was nil buoyancy and joy. And yet ho was almost tho last of n gallant coterio arriving hero within tho year. "Thero wero cloven of us physicians left Paris last February to servo tho Panama Canal company," ho 6aid. "Tho fever caught us nearly ull; within seven mouths eight of us died; myself mid an other is all that is left of our group. Others nro hero and moro are coming. If 1 livo I shall return to Paris next au tumn; if I diu well," and ho shrugged hia shoulders nnd silently watched tho bluo Binoku curl from his cigarette. Lato at night, when tho lamps nro llgh'.cd nnd the cafes open, tho gaycty of Pniumn promenading is witnessed mid you seo the city nt Its best or worst. You henr the rustling of dreswa. tlio cries of children, the confusion mid feverish fun or a tropic feto. It is nil wildly strange and picturesque, this mingling of nations. Tho soft uitisio of tho Spanish guitar prevails, mid you feel yourself in a laud of passion mid pleasure. When you go on tho ship after midnight for if you nre u wise American you will Bleep in tho hay you hnvo to pass Panama petticoats galore. These far southern cities nro like unto Paris, perhaps unto Sodom nnd (Jomorruh.ln tills particular. Tlio Isthmus clearly has its worldly pleasures iih well as its worldly pains, but tho shadows nro very deep ami the sunshine is nut always dear. Tho heat Is dense nnd heavy from January to Jununry; ull business censes from 10 In the morning until late afternoon, nnd oven then it Is carried on with mi ener vating llstlesMiieHH, for tho air is filled with insidious disease, nnd no ono knows just what to-morrow will bring forth. Tlio cost of living on tho isthmus Is not expensive, but tlio cost of dying is very considerable. Ono must bo n mil lionaire o quietly give up tho ghost nnd bo bur'jd decently, with anything like th pomp attending tlio obsequies of n middle class citizen in the United States. Collins nro so expensive that they hnvo n peculiar way of making economical tho "path which lends but to tho grave." Therefore it is not uncommon to read in tho two great cities of the isthmus this rather startling legend: i coiTiNB to i.irr. : Having arranged to upend n tiny or two on tho canal, mid time being valu able. 1 had Mr. K. C. llorst, who accom panies mo through Spanish America as artist and photograi,Jier, examine ns to tho methods of burial, and after a careful investigation ho thus reports: Tho cemeteries of Panama, five in nil, nro nt Cocoa Grovo and aro within one minute's walk from one another. Thoy nro nil managed by ono firm, HvcsObarrio y Cia. Ono of tliebo gentlemen went with mo through all tho graveyards and ex plained everything of Interest. Tlio five cemeteries aro tho foreign, tho Chinese, the Jewish, the old Spanish mid tho now Spanish. People may bo buried in any of thcso according to desire. The man agers of tho cemeteries nro tlio only ones in tho business of manufacturing, selling nnd letting coffins, so they have n coffin nionoiioly just jia tho Boston Ico com pany has a monopoly of ice, or as a Now York house has n monopoly in hams. There the Panama Canal company man ufacture whatover colllns thoy need for their employes, and transact a very brisk business in this particular. In tho price of coffins thero is a wido margin, the sum being rroin 7 to $100. If even $7 is higher than can bo afforded, an old coffin moro or less clean, in good con dition of repair, can bo hired for one tenth tho selling price of n now one, and a second hand coffin of rather disreput able appenranco bo bought for Interment nt 91, tho corpso being transferred nt the grnvc. This is dono to n largo extent. For instance, if n poor man's frienda want to give him n first class send off for n littlo money, they can hire a $100 coffin for one-tenth, i. o. $10, nnd buy nn old ono for interment nt $1, making $11, or hiring n $-10 one, tho whole cost Is only $5, or ho may buy a $1 ono at once nnd not hiro nny other, or he may go still lower by not using any coffin nt all, in which case ho is sand wiched between two weather bentcn boards. It is said that ho sleeps as long and perhaps as comfortably this way as ln tho most superbly trimmed recep tacle. Tho graves aro not sold, but rented for ono or two years. If tho regular rental is not paid, tho body is disinterred, the bones thrown in a common heap and the coffin used as a second hand one. This is n very general result of burial. The samo system prevails, too, in tho Bore das, where holes in masonry nro let for $12 for eighteen months. Fi lends nro usually neglectful after n period of mourning, nnd tho common heap of bics kept in n hugo yard is enormous. Thero Celestials, Caucasians nnd Afri cnns nro mixed up liko Buttercup's babies. Tills jumblo of humnn remains suggests much troublo when (Jabricl blows his trumpet. Who will lw able to find tho full complement of his own skel eton? Tho agilo ono may mako up his own deficiency from tho pick of tho rest, but the slow moving individual will bo apt to miss it. I fear thero will bo many misfits nt tho celestial gnte. Who can tell whether ono is entitled to admission If ono is composed partly of somo ono else? Tho very thought is disagreeable and perplexing. Fued'k W. White. Onvfiriimrnt In Clmiirron. Poet and political rhapsodist liavo de scribed In captivating lines tho descent of civil government, a divlno ordinnnce, Jlincrva like, full grown mid perfect freis the mind c! Psity. But the hlbto rian must bo moro prosalo and exact. Ho bees that men originally combined In squads against other men mid wild beasts, then many squnds in one tribe, and thus on, tho local being merged in tho general, from tho day when tho original Aryan, living in his hut liko n wild beast in his den, combined with his fellows, to tho dny when tho British par liamcnt legislates for 300,000,000 people. Tho initial processes hnvo been repeated hundreds of times in tho far west. A company started "across tho plains;" thoy organized, elected a captain and a "sheriff." A few hundred men of ull nations found themselves In a mining gulch, far from courts or capital; thoy orgaidzo, mako a government ami wait for regular courts and laws to overtako them. In Colorado thero wero onco fifty independent governments. That civil government is purely a human in vention is conclusively shown by tho fact that man is continually inventing it. Cimarron is only tho latest object lesson in that lino. Its government is j now in fairly successful operation, and mo peopto aro waiting to boo wliat con gross will do. Exchange THIS WASHINGTON JOKE. HOW CERTAIN MONSTROSITIES WERE FASTENED UPON AMERICANS. Oun Who Una faing mid Patiently Buf fered from It. Uiithec. Unburden. Ill .Mind Itrpirdlni; Thl. Crjlnn l.vll A. Hoy Ckii l,iiugli nt Anything. "Washington U not n real limn to list lio Is n steel K)rtrnlt," wild Hob Iiigcrxoll, mid la that Nirvnaui I. a bit of very Kotuid philoso phy. It Is tho tendency of nil peoples to oxnlt their heroes toward, tlio rank of demigod. Washington's real fcnturesnrn Idealized In tlio Htnutliird MirtrnltMi a halo of glory olmctmvi tlioknctunl Ijifnyetto, nnd to tunny ooplo William I'eiin U hcnrccly moron hlxtorlcnl pcrvoungo thnn Huiuulus or Agntneiunoii. Hut tlio American nmiso of humor has re volted. Heclng no other uuy to tltalpnto tho fcciui-lilMorlc linlo, tho Nitlrkt luis do tscd tin) (J. Wellington Jolio, When ono I nut laughed nt tlio lmH)snlMy good groat man ho can then iuvostlgnto uith moro Impartiality. Thero In tho cherry true and littlo hntrliot story, for instance, how much fun tho modern pnrngrupliist Int. mndo out of It, lint It novcr wns n fact. Then thero I. tho silver dollar ami Washington did throw n silver dollar ucross tho Potomac as to which a statesman of tho Inlla tlon era unbent so far us to snyt "Tlicro wns nothing wonderful in It a dollar would 'go u grcut deal further' then than now." Thero nro also tho almost original U. Wash ington Jokoof ArtcuiUH Ward, mid tho quite iilKirlglunl hurlcHquui of Hill Nyo uud Annoy ICuox. Hut hero ami now It U proposed todcnl only with tho old stand bys, tlio lino old crusted jokes. And ut tlio head of tlio list, hoary with ago, . thnt merely verbid trniisKsitloii! "This is Hli'tlilngton's Washday." Of cow-mi It wns originally mndo by a child or a booby, pcrliups by n hlumlcriug schoolboy. That sort of thing Is n fuvorlto amusement with children. Listen to tho progressive luibblo of n group in their word building stage of life, thus: "John Jefferson, Jeff Jounerbon, Jon Joffcrson, Joff Jeniicrson, Juffcr J onsen, Joffcr Jensen," etc. This Is ono of tho wnys thoy learn to talk. And of till ngo was l)orn "HirtliliiRton's Washday." No doubt it lind a hundred thousand birth places, do to tlio Green Mountains nmt tlio lathy Vcrinonter gives It to you with n grin ns something quite now nnd refreshing. In Oregon It U a iwrcnnlnl Joke, Mnko your bed In Philadelphia, It Is tlicro. Tnko tlio wings of tho morning nnd lly to tlio swamps of 1OuUlaiin, mid tho sallow crcolo cnlivenn you with tho remark, "Well, this Is Birth itigtou'H Wnshduy." As a Jolto thero Is ab solutely nothing In It, And thnt'ii the reason It lives. Tho lowest enpacity can catch on to It, Kvcn a Digger Indian who known I'ng- llsh will smllo at It. When you first heard It In childhood you laughed Immoderately; It struck you an supremely funny. Twenty yours later you could still smllo, but only out of polltciicu to tho speaker. At forty you felt liko hitting somebody. And now, hi old age, you smllo again not at tlio . Ue, O, no! but nt remembrance of tlio time when you coidd laugh at such n lingual monstrosity. I retnomlier, as If It wcro but yesterday, when I first heard It. Approaching tho door of tho vlllago seminary on n miserable Febru ary morning, 1 met "tho cutest loy In Btono burg," as wo ull admitted. Ills faco was red with suppressed fun, lib Jacket wns almost bursting with laughter, as ho broke forth: "O, Jolinnlo, did you know this was Dirthlngtou's Wushday!" For n half min ute 1 stared; then tho forco of tho broken backed icrvcrsiou struck mo In all its verbal absurdity. I fell back against n locust trco and laughed. 1 sat on tho plank walk nnd laughed. Bvcry time 1 cooled down tho "cuto boy" repented It, nnd off wo went again. Vo saw the teacher nt tho window, and crossed tho street to tho blacksmith shop and sat on tho bench and laughed. O happy days, when wo could laugh I For many u year that boy ranked in my estimation us "Just too smart for anything." "Crosslngtoii Washing tho Delawaro" Is another of tho same sort, a littlo moro elabo rate. Another b tho standard query: "If tho father of hU country could look on this ad ministration, what would ho think of his children V Hut wo nro indebted to recent humorists for many ugrecablo variations. Mark Twain modestly claim, an Improve ment on Washington: "Ho could not tell n lie I cau, but 1 won't." Artemus Ward's dry humor has put many of tho old anecdotes about Washington whero thoy rightfully lx long, In tho category of tho ridiculous. Tlio "hatchet" has hecn laughed out of good so cloty. Kvcn tho Joko of tho nowspapor re porter's "hatchet," pinned upon his coat, with tho inscription, "I cannot tell a Ho," has liecomo stale. Tho original hatchet story, and tlio rcmarkahlo dream of Oeorgo's mother about his putting out tho firo which was destroying tho hotiso, wcro pure Inven tions of a good Mr. Weoms, who got up a series of littlo histories for (icdillcrs, and ac cording to tho notions of tho tlmos added somo goody-good anecdotes of tho Mary-had-a-llttlo-lnml) order. Tho samo Mr. Woems took MnJ Horry's note, on Gen. Mnrlon and mndo them Into a "life" which Is half romance. Lifo, tho humorous paper, gives this, which must lie credited ius now: THE THOUOIITKUL nOV. vv Hi'fji viyz rsmnr M- H Young Aiiuricu (to hi. father, who has re cently Willed tho tomb of Washington Why, I. Washington dead! Pother Of courso lie is a long thuo ago. Young A me! lea Then why does ho keep un having tiii'thdnysl George Washington himself occasionally KTotrtiUil a mild Joko. On one hutauro ho and some l.ioth-r olllcciii went to see n dwarf, whose ho-i t was seventeen Inches long nnd his body but tneuty-evcn. The general luked hh'.i whether ho was a Whig or a Tory, to which tho boy answered ns he had boon taught thut hu "had never taken an active part on cither side." Hostllltlus had evened and tlio army at Nowburg was only waiting for thedelhilto treaty of peace; so an ofllcer ventured to Introduce to Washington a Now iQ ': ' it, T t--L4ii W t JC.tT 'It till I Yorker whoso tmtrlotlMii was suspected in fact, n "(pilot Tory" but most unwisely did It with n sort of nxdogy. "O, never mind," said Wnhln,9to "Mr. B - I. liko thnt big hended Uiy at Mnttea wan ho has 'novcr taken an active urton either side.' " In rotu'lu.loii tho following nro offered ns mild attempt, to do up two prominent pro femlou.i A U)NO I.INR Of TIIRM. Ms ljll$ff& w Teacher Who wns tho father of his coun try I Clans fleorgo Washington. Teacher lllght. Now, whnt particular thing w a. hn noted for when ho was it loyl (Hllence.) Well, well, what did ho mine on his plantation! ilrlght Hoy Nurse A UfNDIlUI) YEAIIS HENCE. lWt& r?&& PPliV First American Citizen Who is that ancient looking darky over thero! Second American Citizen Why, that's ono of Washington's body servant. First American Citizen Washington! Who's ho! Is It oven remotely possible that tho mag nltudoof the Into war will in thuo mako tho Revolution Hcem like a inero series of skir mishes! J. IL Ukadix. WimliliiKtoii iitul tlio Children. Tho venerable Mrs. Bemines, who died a few years ngo In Alexundrlu, used to tell this story: After Gen. Washington hnd retired from ofllco, and was living at Mount Vernon, ho accepted an Invitation todlno with her fa ther. Many distinguished men wcro bidden to meet him, uud the nwo and excitement of tho young pooplo of the family grow lutein) as tho great occasion approached. Tho children, according to good old Vir ginia custom, dined with tho guests, but as there was not room for them at tho large board, a sido tablo was laid for tho littlo girl, who was afterwards Mrs. Homines, and two other littlo girls, ono of whom wasafterwards tho mother of Gen. Robert Ii Leo. As tho dinner want oil, tho three girls, with their rosy chocks and liuioceut gurgles of laughter, attracted tho attention of tho general, who, during tho solemn speech mak ing, cast many furtivu glances toward them. Thoy hail agreed, child liko, to eat of exactly tlio samo dl.hes, and accordingly all took tho same kind of fish, vegetables, meat und des sert, Washington beckoned to a waiter, poured out four glasses of somo simple cordial, and thou, followed by thu man with tho glasses on a tray, crossed to tho children's littlo tablo, bowed profoundly, and saldi "Young ladles, will you all drink with mo!" "It was tho proudest moment of my life," Mrs. Bemines said. "Washington was re garded as tho greatest of living men, and this notlco from him was n:i honor which would mako uny child happy beyond words. Ho know this, nnd took tho troublo to glvo three foolish children this happiness, which they novcr forgot," It was too much tho custom, after Wash lugton's death, to imrtray him as a faultless, emotionless being, lifted abovo all human feelings and weaknesses. Thcso trivial anec dotes glvo us a more human and doubtless a moro accurate view of his character. WtuliliiKton hliic tho "llorliy Hum." When Washington, after tho revolutionary war, was Unvoting through Connecticut ho visited Hnrtford, staying at tho Hull's tav ern there. A boy eumo into the kitchen of tho tavern and saldi "I want to see Gcu. Washington." Tho functionary on duty did not proposo to let any inero boy seo Gen. Washington merely for tho asking, nnd said as much. "Hut I have a nolo for him," re monstrated tho Ixiy. "From whom!" "My father, Chief Justice Kllsworth." "Oh, well," and tho functionary relented. Gen. Washington read tho uoto and said to tho loy; "Your father Invites mo to dinner, and 1 will do more thnn thnt, 1 will go and break fast with him." And ho did tho next morn ing. And after breakfast ho took tho twin sous of tho Justice, each on n knoe, nnd sang them "Tlio Derby Ham," an old Knglish bal lad, liegiuulug. "It was on a market day," and setting forth that the ram of Derby was so big that tho birds built ivhtu in tho wooi ou his back, and tho butcher ?lio undertook to kill him wns drowned In tho blood. Cor. Now York ludejieudcut. lly (ieorsel Wu.hliutiml By QeorRU' our vlclonrs with won, lly IJixjre' our liberties secured; UyUcorgo' Inunortul Washington lly UeorRu! MhokUffciuO ami rudured In unr's alarms, lliroiih lultlu'n IIU, At Trenton nud at Valley I'orgu: In ivaec on Vernon's sunny liHK Iho houoii, ull v.cru hoii, l!y lii-oro lly George' wc stand, lly Ocurgo' uutnrar, One day the iintion cUiw to I ," Thu soldk-r hruMi. thu ttutcxnuu raru. Tor luouuiui-iiul inemoiy lly OeorKu' wIiomi Klory I. our fainol lly (Jeorgo' ulion- di-ed. vo rail our anil! lly tieorgo' Uiomj honor and whose tamo, lly OcorRo' Li ours, and ours alouo -Jo Klug In puck There was a very curious contrast between the tint and tlio second Inauguration of George Washington, tho first was conducted with all tho pomp and ceremonial tho young republic could mutter, thw second as ipilutly as posklblo. mmAW if niur i ' ci ill ymr-' R. O'NEILL, intAM'.ll IN Diamonds, : Jewelry, AND OPTICAL GOODS. Repairing and Engraving a Specialty. ttG No. Tenth Street. Crystal Steam Laundry, Office, Ilarr II Ik. hnumlry, 31th snd 0. Finest Work in the City. COLLARS AND CUFFS A SPKCIAI.TY. All work called for nnd delivered, and satisfaction guaranteed. Leave orders n Milieu or by telephone .178. N. R. JIGOK. M. D., DIHKAHKHOl'WOMKN. Jrlnary and Roctai Diseases a Spoclalty. mW:,',HVV,7;M , "nice, rooms Vtt, lainnJ HI I lirr 11 ock. Twelnh mid () HlrcHs, Ofncn lplcilmtin MM. Itiwlilfiien KMlUMroel. 'I'lioiw. 632 pnieo hours, 0 to IU n.m, VI to S nnduu, 6pm biiinlA), 10 to II n. m v Drayage and Moving OLIVKR MAGGARI) Desires to inform the public that his equip IllCIlt for lliovlnir I loimelwdil CiuuU Plnnni Safe.. Mnrrli;iinll.i lli-nvi- Mnrlilnnrv etc., Is the best ln the city. Special men mm wiiuiis nrc tor mo removal o Pianos and Household Goods, Wlllcll am nlvi-nvi linilfllt l. i-ninnnliinl and experienced belt), and the Intest appli ances used for handling: Safes and other iiciivy gooos. emi, address or telephone OLIVKR MAGGAIID Telephone tit 917 O st. try ARGUKAVES I1ROS., jTl . . 73 to 74s O Street. Wholesale Grocers Fruit, Produce and Commission Merchant SIC. MOORK, , 103.) O Street Dealer and Jobber In Wall Paper. Lace Curtains, Simile, and Interior Deco rations. 3.A.SH0EMAKER.M.D. HoracBopatriist Physician, Telephone No, 685. t6l South 1 tth Street, Lincolm Nk Reopened 1033 O Street. Notwlih istaiidlnif tlio fact that Fho- toicrnphs Iiuto beon rudu oil to about half tho former price wo have e MRU i;eil tho services of one 1 of tho best An- lnhers in Now York to take charge of thnt department or 1 II... .....,,,. s.. wW"" efforts shall bo untlrlHC to Klvo each cus- 1 turner ontlro will sfaotlon mid to produce superior work to uuy wo hnvo .done txiforo. Cabinets, $3 per Dozen. Monarch of the Dailies! Omaha Bee! Delivered to any part of the eity for 20 cents a week, every day in the year Leave sub scriptions at Lincoln bureau, I027 P street. A. L. GUILE & CO., Funera Directors -AN IX EMBALMERS, 302 South Eleventh Street. s?s9 r A-r w3 -y .