lttliWWJMWWffMl,W' WUtfiMB'W"f'"'W' CAPITAL CITY COURIER, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1889. h . if 4 fc -' K!? f r. "I &l A Great Offer ! HEAD THE COURIER AND GET 20GoodBooksFree! Bt ffll rrnmn Hh tli lMIliar, r naiilril ln(ftrthinllrllt nf Twrnlir Valiiaiila llnom nnmrrmoil unit ila rid haloir, aitnt"trrf In . fjr ubucrlbar In lliln pr lor Ilia iiuinn jfr, nt Ilia racutar inbacrlpUnii yrtrw. Tlif liwka, lurli nn nf wtileh rnuuini romj'UU Hrt'dii"rliroil'f rmk tjwll nnn fttnl omiir aulhor, i ililllM In Dt mphln form, rhttMfrom ri1 rrkiUlil lip fin v(hhI r ir. ami of lli.m liaml.omt Ir a Ttirromniomcf III. flntatnoflm rtrrwrltlontv , ami in an 1 om of il.r omi of Hi ( n I mont rnniilur wtllr, l-olliot Amrlcftinl Kurvp. li.di on. licoiuiilet. In lllf I Ha, til. Th Anl Mulml(rumrfil. P.f lUi.lhnf t"T. Wlpow HlpflTT I'.rt.a " tin. il lln 'mialf.1 l-l .Mr.aMlaliad all; mhI I. In liMuprimiiiri' Wl.low .Inll." HUati Itrannalt'. AilTrnlnrraln Nrw Ynrk. Br th. aalhar ar la. ill.. fcUMmiii rrM Fall,.! 'aaf lltllMt, al iljlculiiut ttitft; A Kraal haiaoraa. Immii. Ha. Ill, IVrfVrt KllqarllM ., How ti Riant. i ftopiaat. A ramr-Lll latni.l f.r MLt an I l.lni lalrarrarlr.l.a af d.rarlm.nt for all affMlfni,amfilluf U taiaa..rihatat Na,ill. lllliV Trarrla. Tlarmill.i.n.(rntrl al hinl tlalllxr imil lta LllllpnlUna an.l lllanla, t auadar. arntilbla Ih. nnlt rlin ..nil-., Ka. M. Tha IVantr'a Nalnrnl llUlarr. Cnnlalnlif taUrMllaf ilMrtl ftllaaa, afMiwr"'"! MlaMlallniia nl num.t al I-..U, MMl, r.ntlLa. dhil n.l li.fl. arllU limili lahrmillon ri.rllaf llilrllnil nallla. , Ka.lll. Ma.lrru ItrrlLtlana. A lart. rnlll' nl lit Raat paaalar tarllallaai. In -ra and , l.lh lf n.rM ail tlH.IIntta ai4 amat.ara. .... Ha. HI. llalHR'a ll.tmi. A Hatel. Iif II. Ilmii llllla Ha. Ml. Wall flnwrra. Kml. lit tttkio1 Hint iMi. Ha. III. 'lkaMtraanCa'rlmrv. A NotI Hf Morati ataia.ja. Ha.lM. ItanlkaHarf. A Hal. Hf"ti iVaa.Ja. Ha. in. Ilaaprrlal . Ta I.i4atniiii ra. I Hani. 11 ll.T. fiLlM... Ha,m. ThaMUaittrnlnrra nf John MrhoUnii A )laTl. Hr Naailir lnilhTnK" Ha.lU. TwoKlMra. A Hl. Ilf Id. anlhor l " Iv.n Harji. Ilrtad Ifpan lha Walrra. A Haul, hi lll. Ha.lM. ! Maalr-lw. A Hottl. 11 U C.tlk Ha'. III. A Vaeaban.l lUrolaa. A Nnt- "r lira. Aaaia Raw tana. . H. III. t'l.uJa ! fynihlna. A Manl. Hrrn.ilii H4a!ll. Tk Ilraam Waman. A Haul. H Wuiii Ha. M. Oftoria OaaUrliVa Janrnaj. A Nl. "J IIUl M. K, Patnaai. . . . ta ., Ha.Mi Marr lUrdwkk'n llltaL A Sat.L l Wi. lull Wlia. J."Si'iiil III jour Milmcrlptlou nt once mul romcinlicr in iloln o now yon net the Capital City Couiukii one venr mul nil the nlxivo liooki (or only $3.(h). Adilrcij, VESSEL PRINTING CO., llurr Mock. LINCOLN, NUM. 2 Missouri Valley Fuel Co. 4 Hell tlu- Irot iinallt)' of llhnl mul Boft COAL Satisfaction Guaranteed. OKI-'IOK : fi Rtclmrila' IJlock, cor. i itli nmt O. 8 S5.00 TROUSERS Made to Measure. Three pairs of $5 Trous ers for the price of one in tailor shops that keep such styles. They're made to measure with the best of care. The quality is worth the work; above all the styles arc. The goods are made for Nicoll by the mills at home, with weave and coloring not far behind tltc foreign. They'll bq long-remembered money's worth at $5 to measure. Let Trousers bought as jobs and poorly made to sell at shabby prices wait; they ought. You'll search the stores in vain to find a paralel. We have several hundred pat terns not many of one kind. They're uncommon value N icoll-like. We wouldn't offer a style that dressy men would turn from. The profit's small, but suppose we make 100 pairs to measure daily? we'll see. TAILOR 1400 Douglas Street, Omaha HsiiKiiMiH MX !& A lt)iul(ir IStfter of Moilmx Tiinrx. I'UUMWIUCD SAM'UHDAY "MiiiwdiU'rimi: On Ynr y Mnll or furrier $J,(W Hlx iiioiiIIk, JIM Tlirt'O mniitli ftO tVntu, Oil moiilli n (Villa Invnrnlity In Aitrnnuo. AnvmiTlaitHicirrHl ltfllra fiiriillMl un nipll nllan nl llio iiRUii. Hx-olnl mica on Tlino Com rn la, Co.miliiimn(a:Hlirtalcy ikr-li'lu, hkmi ' alorlon aollcllmt. lVrwuml nml Hwlnl noli" nn- inolnlly ilcalrnbli'. rmirriNni Wo mnko ft axclilty of l'lim I'rlntliiR In nil lit lir i toll m. H i (.jtv w rk n imlIiiUjt AiMivm nil ootiiinunicnllonn illriotto Urn onico. Wichiu Pkintino Co , IMTI1I.IH1I KltS. Now llurr Hloelc, Cor. t'illi mul ) Ww'.. Tlil.KI'HONKV. Ii. Wkhhki., .In., lilltor unit Holo l'mprlotor. TAKE NOTICEI Tim Couiukii will not Ik? ivmiinIMo for nny ilolitM nmilo by nny mm in IU nninu, un li ii written onlor nifuniiNiiiloH tlio miiiio, iroKrly kIkikmI. I.. Wkhhki., Jr., TroiiY. 8t. Vai.kntink'h ilny Iiiinwimi ItnlioHUlnm. Tliurxiliiy fow iiiIhIvi'h woro wnt out nmt H'liiwly iinyinm know tlmt tliu ilny wiih nny otlior tliiui mi onllniiry ono, Tlio viiNtoiii l IkimiuIiik mi iiwful oliostiiul nml It Ih to lo IiojksI tliu HiIiik will illo ii luituriil ili'iith. Tim tuition can gotnlout; without hiicIi iioiibi'Iiso. Tiik Couiukii would mlvlao lu frloinlx in Oiiiulm to I'onm to Lliu-olu to buy tliclroonl, unit any tlilnj; i'Iho limy acck liiirnnliiH for. Tim bout hunt coal Ih Im)Iik Hold horont (V cr ton, h hllo In Oiimhil $11 ia ittkitl for tlio anum mtlolo. Now, wo lu'omuim Oiiiulm will ralmi tlio howl ii;nlu Hint It U liohiK illNcrliuiuutitl UKiiluat In favor of Lincoln. Tin: lunURin-Atiou acoiua to Ik) all tlio talk now In Wtialilugton, and much lntcrot ii do ing iiinulfeatiM In tho coming national uvuut. Not particularly is it liocuuso Harrison mul Morton Micrail iloiuocriiuy, but inoro bo on account of tlio unuMinl occurruueo of tno pcrwiui from tlio tuuno family occupying tlio givntMt H)Mltlou in tho gift of tho American pcoplo. It Is wilil tlio corcmoiilcR nslilo from what tlio constitution ili'iuniulii, will bo nmilo Hlmllar in moiiiu rvxpcctH to tlmocciiMiIon when "Old Tip" mum plncod in tlmclmlr. Tiik mimical cotnpltlou'i published by tho Couiukii ovcry Ksiio 011 pngo live, wo nru plcnxott to uoto mi) being appreciated by our cultured millers. Tlio Kulectiou in our liut Ikmio from tliu opera "Kings Fool" wiw u fair Kiuuplo of what wo will coutluuo to print. A largo number of Indlea who uuipilrcd "t tlio music Htorod for tho piece, "Only Tonight' mill could not Hud it In tlio city, woio high in tliulr praNes of tlio Couiiikii'h enterprise, on Uniting Unit their search w iw nt an end mid instead of paying thlrty-llvo cents for It, got it with tho Couiukii free.. Wo publish another very pretty plocu today on tlio tuuuo iwgo. TllKiuc seoins to Ihj a dwlro on tho )xirt of homo of tlio leglslatlvo Inxly to arouso 11 con tinual dlsccnl rather than lwnopuro harmony pruvall, Homo crank Is over up with n howl for Investigation and never feoli In his right mood unless ho ran mnko things generally unpleasant for n innjorlty of Ills ciniiborerH. Tim COUIUKH does not want to liavo it under stood that it is opposed to investigations when there is ground-for them, but thU cry of "let's invcstlgato" that is heard overy thno there is a murmur or tho faintest spark of suspicion, is liocoiulug u monotonous Imar. Some pcoplo uru never happy unless thoy can Had fault, mid it is certainly deplorable to uoto that muong our liouorables of statu, w o liavo many. Tiik Nevada legl'luturo lias sotnn oxiimplo for tlmcntlro known world, by the follow ing: An net to promote tho pleasure of tho pcoplo in publlo places of nmusomout. Section 1. It shall lie unlawful for any Hectator la any place of nnuisoment to wear a covering for the bend which shall reach more than three inches above tho crown of the head, and nny person wenriugiuchncov erlug for tlio head shall bo Ihusl in a sum not loss thniifS nor more than I0, or imprison ment in tho county Jail not lts than two days nor more than live days: provided, that this net shall not npply to women over 35 years of ago. Section 'J. This net shall take elfect on and nftor February 25, loSO. (Iruiitl Colorado i:cttriiloii. On February Wtho H. & M. will bell tickets to Alnmosa, Oil., nnd rotiirn at f30 good for twenty day. Ft, Oarland, l.n Jura, Del Norte, Monte Vlstn, or Antonito may ho vis itctl nt on additional vxpemo of $1.00. Thee towns nro In tlio wonderful Sail Luis valley, prolMhly on of the richest mid most promising tracts of government land in the country. No droughts, floods or cyclones. Immense crops, good market nnd flno climate, with most fluttering prospects for the future. Tins it u uood tliiui:. tlio rates nro netu ly cut in two, mid wo want you to enjoy the benefit. There Is no telling w hen the roads may lie in duced to make such n rate again. Cnll ut the olllco nnd get n descriptive cir cular of Sun Luis Park, its resources nnd nil vnntagc. A. O, .1KMK1I, City Pass, nnd Ticket Agent. HlioiiiTSiile. Notleo Is hereby given, that by virtue of hii execution Issued by the Clerk of tho District Court of the Heeoml JnilleliU District of No imiskn, within and fori Jinoiiater County. In an uctlon wlieiclu Huss unit .eh are. plaint Ills, nnilJuincs Mathews defendant, I will, A 8 o'clock p. in., on the 20th day of March, nt D. 18S0, ut the front entrance to tho District Court rooms in the city of Lincoln, Lancaster County. Nebriukn, oiler for sale nt public miction tho following described real estnte to Ixt ten In Illock two hundred nnd thirty two, In the elty of Lincoln, original pint. Olven under my hand this Nth day of I eb runry, A. D. 1889. H. M. Mkliok, 3.16-Bt. BherlfT. Buy your coal of the Wbltebroost Coal and Lime Co.. and It will always be well screm.ed. full weight, best quality and at right price. MfT in T i". i " i i AUTISTIC CREATIONS. 0ONNET3 THAT ARE POSITIVELY FULL Or SOUL. Homo Hpccl inrna of HnHitKriir Hrrn bj Olltn llnrir nl it OI(iiiiittrii I'rrforni niirn lliilnlliiraa of tlio Nmv Hiitrrna unit IhnNnirl Oliiuliiiiiu l'nlil(in III (Irlirrnl. BNH.liit Corr?oinU'iKH) Nnw YoitK, Feb. II. Tlioro tiro two good plneoH to o If you want to hoo now IkiiiiicIh. Ono in to frequent tlio uptown tlii'iitiTH, where you will m.v i-crytliiiiK new for tliu prcHcnt inoiuuut, i. .d tlio otlirr Ih lit tlio Importcr'H, wlicre, with much Bcoii'oy utiil unwrapping of tl.sHiio paper, you mu rIiowii tlio oxipilftlto "ore utioim" which will hci (liollgliton ICanter Hunikiy. Apropos of that one lady In wilil to liavo remarked to n friend that liuslor would bo twenty dayH later thin year than laHt, and tho other held up her linnriH, uxeliiliiiltig, "Dear met Our bun netH will bo out of wtylo then. What a iliwiHtert" Tho other evening I went to hco Mth. JniucH Hrown Potter play Cleopatra, niid between tho acts I did my duty eon MoiuutioUHly in looking about for new HtyleB. They wero there, nnd no inlstuko. IUgbt in front int two of n kind, iitMterH I fan cy, twtlt dressed in red hIUc , IkHIi young and lioth wearing a paiii ok quui:n3 hats putting everything heretofore) Been in tho hiuiiIo. Thoy wero red, nnd ono was shirred, whllo tho other wna trimmed with an encircling band of fenthera. Tho dresscH wero pleated nil over tho waists, and had pu!rcd hIoovcs, and Iwth woro their hair nhort in loose curls, which Ih ii Btylo niTccted by certain of tho young society ladles of to-day. All tho rest of tho bonnets in tho audi enco wero Binall nnd close, with rather broad and bow Bhnpcs, nnd really for the llrst thno in two years it was possiblo to bco tho stage lied and white, or black with glittering trimmings, uro tho colon most seen in evening bonnets, ns they light up better. I remarked that it ii quite tho Btylo for tho gentlemen to go baldhended, though iv fow impertinent youngsters did wear their hair. I would liko to describo Mrs. Potter's Btngi' dresses, but as they uro hardly likely to become popular forordinary wear, I will not do bo, only Raying that sho glittered and bIioiio liko u tlrelly in them. Mrs. Harrison, tho coining lady of tho Whito House, was in Now York last week making purchnses nnd having her inensuro taken for her new gowns, nnd among them her inaugural dress, but secrecy us strong ns tho grave has fallen around tho establishment whero they nro ranking them, nnd so I can only say that Mi's. Harrison has bought n pretty little bonnet in black velvet, with whito vel- FOUll OP A KINO, vet Alsatian bowa nud n silver and gilt ornament, also a littlo bonnet, smoko color, with bright Bcarlet velvet berries half hidden in tlio folds of tulle, nnd bo sides thcso n whito velvet closo lionnet, with a trimming of cream Spanish Inco nnd a bunch of whito nnd purplo lilacs. An evening bonnet from tho samo hotiso for her daughter is of glndtola red velvet trimmed with an open mesh of cut jet, and a nnuncho of red feathers and real Chautilly lace. Another for this lady is of pink velvet with pale bluo ostrich tips and pink tulle strings. A purplo velvet capoto has tho crown al most covered with sprays of lilac which aro arranged to look as if just falling. Thero nro lilac velvet strings to this pretty bonnet. 8UIT3 KOU VUItY YOUNO QIBLS. For children and young misnes Iwnnct i tud hats nro largo and flaring in the brim, and mado of felt in light quality or velvet. Tho straws for early spring arc on tho way, and no ono can tell what they will look liko yet. Tho largo round hat, with featherj bordering, ia very bo coming 0) tho littlo ones, nnd just bo- 4m 3l l ft EH causo tlmt stylo looks pretty on bright little girls old women who ought to know better go and get hats just liko them, nnd thus mnko scare crows and laughing stocks of themselves. It is ono of the fundnmentul principlei of well dressed ladles to set that everything is in keeping, not only with the rest of tho wnidrobe, but with the ugo of the wearer. , Tho necessity of lluillug something pe cullaily adapted to very young girls hai given lisn to u distinct style of dress, which is ii happy blending of infantile modes ami those dresses worn by the big sisters, nnd nothing could lie more churmlng. The fushlons now in vogue f ( i little girls of limn 10 to 15 take uuiiy much of the uw kwurduessof milli ner always attributed to children neither young nor old. nnd the girls nro fleer In motion nml rnuHcqucnllv not so bashful nml timid. It helps much towurils case of mumicr to know that jour clothes arc all light nml lit oii nml don't look ns though they belong to your little sister or big one. I well remember my own HtilTeiiiigH in that lespectwlien I was young, and 1 feel for girls in the sumo plight. Hut now the bright nnd pretty ging hams, the dainty sateens, tint stiong nnd durable piques, tho pretty colored llan uels, the cushiueres, the Henriettas for best, the veilings for paities. and tho cheeked cheviots for bcIkmiI and tho serge for mountain climbing in summer vacations oiler unlimited clinnces for pretty girlish suits. Two liandsomo nnd Rtyllsh gingham suits for sisters arc presented with tills. They nio of broken plaids of gray, blue and pink, and are made up neatly, and yet thoy are both stylish and exactly suit oil to tho ages of tho girls. Nothing looks more ridiculous thnn to seo a fam ily of three or four girls all in dresses cut nnd inado exactly alike. It shows a blanmblo lack of invention and consider ation for tho children. Thcso aro uiadt a 8i:i5 THA OO'.VN. of tho ramo material, yet differ in form and design, nnd act ns foils nnd please tho eye. Thoy can bo mado up In nny seasonable goods nnd bo pretty in nil. Thero is a very pretty cotton crapo which is to bo used with wash goods. It conies In plain tints, is about n yard wido nnd eobts about 20 cents per yard. A new material which has sprung into Instant popularity iscalled Midway cloth. It is of silk woof nud wool warp and has a sort of changeable Bilk effect, with tho strength nnd solidity of wool. It in of a check ns flno ns tho thread, and drapes in full rich folds. It Is very sult ablo for elderly ladies, while it can be worn quite as appropriately by young ones. It comes in nil tho new tints and combines with almost any style of trim ming. It runs forty inches wido nnd costs seventy-llvo to eighty-five cents. Kight yards will mnko an nmplo dress without combination, and it really re quires next to no trimming. Thcso laco stripe ginghams, I was told at a leading house, will bo largely used to make up in the now indispensable, tea gown and morning dresses. "Hio old Btylo wrapper is no longer Been except for invalids, or just for what tho French call petit lone. It is almost wonderful what beautiful effects these goods have when properly handled, with n fow judicious bits of ribbon and laco as n llnish. An nrtlst's wifo is having eight different styles of tea gowns and negli gees now madeof these pretty ginghams, and ho is designing them for her. This exquisite gown is suitable for young ladies, and even young matrons, and any handy lady could make that eaoJy. Tlio samo artibt's wife mentioned above has braided n somewhat similar costumo for herself in gold and whito in four days. The model of this costumo costs $i:J.) at a leading house ready mado. It can be done in any other color, only remembering that its chief beauty is its delicacy and harmony in color. Oi.ivi: llAitPElt. Tlio DM .Senate DeaUs. "What has become of tho desks -you used to have in the old senate chamber?" "They are in use now. Tho desks used by Webster, Clay. Calhoun, Benton. Douglas nnd nil the famous men of vears ago tiro u.-.el by the present senators, but 1 am the only man living who knows where those desks are. The relic hunt ers used to chip pieces nud splinters olf the desks used by the most famous men, and the senate eurpentwr was kept busy repairln.; them One day Judge John Davis, who wiw comptroller of the treas ury under Washington in 170.1, nnd after ward president of the New 1'ngland His torienl society, told me 1 hail better put my piivnto marks on those desks and 'lose' them among the others. I followed his advico and 1 have memoranda con cerning those desks locked up in my iron box. Not one of tho many senators who have used the desks of Webster. Clay, Calhoun, Benton nud Douglas ever knew they were enjoying that honor. All I can say is that Webster's and Douglas' desks nro on the Ilcpubllcan side of the chamber, and tho others on tho Demo cratic Bide." Interview with Isaao Baa-octt. fell mm fill COAL We will always Protect our Patrons. Whitebreast Coal & Lime Co. Telephone 234. 109 S. Eleventh St. LADIES FURNISHING AND ART STORE, 122 South 12th Street. FINE FANCY GOODS AND NOTIONS Stamping, Art Needle Work, Kid Glove. and "Materials or Fancy Work, our specialty. Foreman & Crow, Props. 122 South 1 2th Street. Opposite Opera House. 100 Engraved Calling Cards And Copper Plate, for $2.50. If you have a Plate, we will furnish 100 Cards from same, at $1.50. WESSEL PRINTING CO. Courier Office. Telephone 253. New Burr Block. LINCOLN'S NEW ART STUDIO A COMPLETE SUCCESS ONLY GROUND FLOOR STUDIO IN THE CITY. FINE ART WCHK. 226 South Eleventh Street. MEM THE iTARmPHAT. LEADS "DOMESTIC" SewingMachineParlor LINCOLN OFFICE, 42 NORTH 11th ST. W. A. DOGGETT, The Only Authorized Agent in Lincoln. 1. W. TOWNSEND, Proprietor. ALLS -I W l1 int., ,iiw.ifc. i-A- nftlMwawiiiiiilaaniai Yi gmmmF mm mm "S M hi. lit if imi iii"1" " MBggfln VtxuMMij&rLlrjlivJxM.