CAPITAL CITY COURIER, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 16, :88g. f OUR OWN GENERATION. 8ERMON PREACHED DY REV. T. I DE WITT TALMAGE FED. 10. Teit, Act till, 3Gi "Dm I.I, Aflrr Ha Had Served IIU Own fli'iiitriithiu lij- Mm Will of Hod, lll n Slrrp." I!lt(H)KLVN, l-Vli. 10. Itcforo nn atullcnco gathered from nil parts of llto earth the llov T. Do Witt Tnlnmge, I) I)., exounded pas sage of Bcrlptiiro descriptive of stirring fccnn In David's Ufa Im dy organ nnd cornet tho multitude Joined iusingliigt Time. like mi ever rolling stream, I tear nil It sons nnny; Tliey It), (orRotten, nsndrcnm Dies ill tho uioiiIiir ilay Tlio subject of Or Tulmngo's sermon was "Our Own Oenerntlou," niul his text, Acts xlil, liili "David, after ho hud served his own generation hy tho will of Otxl, fell on sleep;" That is a text which lias for n long tliuo been itiiuiliig through my mind, lint not tin til now hat it Is-on fully revealed to mo. Ser mons haven tlmo toliobotn as well as it tlmo to die, n cradle as well as a grave. Da vid, oow Ixiy and stone sllngcr and fighter and cznf and dininntlst and lilnuU verso writer and prophet, did his Isist for tho eo plo of his time, and then wont and laid down on tho southern hill of Jerusalem In that sound sluiulicr which nothing hut an arch angelic lilast can startle. "David, after ho had served his own generation by tho will of God, fell on sleep." It was his own generation Hint ho had served, that N, tho people living at tho time ho lived And hnvo ou over thought that our rosKmtlllltie are eltlelly with tho peo ple now milking iilircuvi of us( Theronro nliotit four geneintlons to a century now, but in olden tlmo life was longer and there was pcrhnM only ono generation to n century Taking theso fncts into calculation, I ninko a rough guess and say that there hao lieeu at least ono hundred and eighty generations of tho human family. With rcferenco to them wo havQ no resoiilbllity. Wo cannot teach them, wo cannot correct their mistakes, wo cannot soothe their sorrows, wo cannot heal their w omuls. Their lepulchers are deaf and dumb to an thing wo might wiy to them Tho last regiment of Hint great army has passed out of sight. Wo might halloo as loud as wo could, not ono of them would avert his head to seo what wo wanted. BIfn COUI.ll NOT LEAVE IIIH OUT. I admit that I am in sympathy with tho child whoso father had suddenly died, and .who in her llttlo evening prayer wnntcd to continuo to pray for her father, although ho had gono into heaven and no more needed her prayers, and looking up into her mother's faco, mid: "O, mother, I cannot leavo him all out. Let mo say, 'Thank Clod tiiat I had n good father, onco, bo I can keep him in my prayers.'" Hut tho ono hundred and eighty generations havo passed oIT. I'a&ad up. Tossed down. Gono forever. Then theronro generations to come after our earthly uxist enco has ceased, pel haps n hundred utid eighty generations moro, perhaps a thousand generations more. Wo shall not seo them, , wo shall not hear any of their voices, wo will tako no part in their convocations, their elec tions, their revolutions, their catastrophes, their triumphs. Wo will In no wise nlToct tho ono hundred and eighty generations gone, 'or tho ono hundred and eighty generations to come, except as from tho galleries of heaven tho former generations look down and rojolco at our victories, or as wo may by our behavior start influences, good or bad, that shall roll an through tho advancing ages. But our business Ls, liko David, to servo our own generation, tho jnxjplo now living, those whoso luugs now breathe and whoso hearts now beat. And mark you, It is not a silent procession, but moving. It is a forced march at twenty-four miles n day, each hour being a mile. Going with that celerity, It has got to bo a quick rervlco on our part, or no uirvico at all. Wo not only cannot teach tho ono hundred and eight generations ast and will not too tho ono hundred generations to come, but this generation now on tho stage w ill soon bo off and no ourselves will bo off with them. Tlio fact Is that you and I w 111 havo to start very soon for our work or It w 111 bo ironical and sarcastic for any ono after our exit to say of us, as it was said of David, ''after ho had served his own generation by tho nil! of God, ho fell on sleep." "Well, now, let us look around earnestly, prayerfully and In a common sense way and seo what wo can do for our own generation. First of all let us see to it that, as far as wo can, they havo enough to eat. Tho human body ls so constituted that throo times a day tho body needs food as much us a lamp needs oil, as much us a locomotlvo needs fucL To meet this want God has girdled tho earth with applo orchards, orango groves, wheat fields and oceans full of fish and pralrios full of cattlo. And notw Itlistanding this, I will undcrtako to say that tho vast majority of tho human family aro suffering cither for lack of food or tho right kind of food. Our civilization ls all askew tin this cubjoct and God only can set it right. nicucuDER the roon. Many of tho greatest estates of today havo been built out of tho blood and bones of un requited toll. In olden times, for tho build ling of forts and towers, tho inhabitants of Ispahan had to contribute soventy thousand human skulls and Ungdud ninety thousand 'human skulls, and that number of people wcro slain so as to furnish tho skulls. Hut thoso two contributions added together mado only onu hundred and sixty thousand skulls, while Into tho tower of tho world's wealth and pomp and magnlflcenco hnvo licen wrought tho skelctous of uncounted numbers of tho half foil populations of tho earth, millions of skulls. Don't sit down at your tablo with flvo or six courses of abundant supply and think nothing of that family In tho noxt street who would tako any ono of thoso flvo courses be tween soup and almond nuts and feel they wero In heaven. Tho lack of tho right kind of food Is tho cnuso of much of tho drunken ness. After drinking n lint many of ourgrocers call coffee, sweetened with w lint many call ugor, and eating what many of our butchers call meat, and chow ing w hat many of our bakers call bread, many of tho laboring classes feel so miserable thoy aro tempted to put Into their nasty pipes what tho tobacco uUt calls tobacco, or go Into tho drinking saloons for what tho rum sellers call bocr. Good coffeo would do much in driving out bd rum. Adulteration of food has got to bo an evil against which all the health officer, . and all tho doctors, and all th ministers, and all tho reformers, and all tho Christians need to set themselves In battlo array How can wo nerve our generation with enough to entl Dy sitting down In embroidered slippers nud lounging bark In nn nun chair, our mouth puckered up around n Havana of tho best brand, and through clouds of luxuriant smoko reading nhout jHiIltleal economy and tho philosophy of strikes! Not no I Uy find ing out who in Hrooklju lias been living on gristle and sending them n tenderloin beef steak. Beck out some family who through sickness or conjunction of misfortunes have not enough to eat, and do for them whnt Christ did for tho hungry multitudes of Asia Minor, multlpl) lug tho lonves and tho llshes. Iet us quit tho surfeiting of ourselves until wo ennnot ehoko down another crumb of cnl.0 and Ugln tho supply of others' nettwsl tics. Wo often ww on a small scale n recklessness about tho welfare of others, which a great wnrrlor expressed on n largo scale, when his oflleers wero dLsMUtidlug him from n certain campaign, saying "It would cost two hundred thousand lives," icplving with n dlulsilUin that can nuver lio forgotten, "Whnt mo two hundred thousand lives to mof" So from helping npeavo tho world's hunger, thero aro those whom Isaiah do scrlbcn as gi hiding tho faces of the oor. You havo seen a farmer or u mechanic put a scythe or nn ax on a grindstone, while some ono was turning It round and round, and tho man holding tho ax Ixiro on It harder and hinder while the water dropicd from tho grindstone, nud theedgunf tho nx, from be ing I ound and dull, got keener anil keener, and tho mechanic lifted tho ax glistening and sharp, and with edge so keen ho must cau tiously run hlHllnger along, lest whllooxaiuin ln tho Implement ho cut Ills hand to the bona So I hnvo seen men who wero put ugninst tho gllndstoueof hardship, and while ono turned tho crank another would press the unfortu nate harder don and harder down until ho was ground nwuy thinner and thinner, his comforts thinner, his prosjiects thinner and his face thinner And Isaiah shrieks outt "What mean yo that yo grind tho faeesof tho poorf His an awful thing to lw hungry It is nn easy thing for us to bo In good humor with all tho world when wo havo no lack. Hut lot hunger tako full possession of us and wo would nil turn into liarlmilans and canni bals anil Mends. I am glad to know that tho tlmo U coming, God hasten It, when every family in tho round world will sit down at a full table and It will bo only a question 1h twecu lamb and venison, or between putiidgo and (mail on toast, nud out of spoons mado out of Nevada silver or Cali fornia gold tho pastries will drop on tongues thrilling witli thankfulness Itccnuso they hnv o full enough. I hnvo no idea God Is going to let tho human rneo stay In Its present pre dicament. If tho world winds up us It now Is, It will Ik) an awful failure of a world Tho barren places will 1 Irrigated. Tho pomologlstH, lielcd of God, w 111 urgo on tho fruits. Tho botanists, In spired of tho Ixiid, will help on tho gaideus. Tho raisers of stock w ill send enougli animals lit for human food to tho markets, and tho lust earthqunko that rends tho world will up set n banqueting tablo nt which nro seated the entire human rneo. Moanw Idle, supposo Hint some of tho energy w o uro expending in useless and unavailing talk about tho bread question should bo esjioiidcd (n merciful alle viations. TUK OltEATUhT UATTU: KIELD. I havo read that tho battlo Held on which moro troops met than on any other in tho world's history was tho battlo Held of Loipsie, ono hundred and sixty thousand men under Napoleon, two hundred and fifty thousand men under SchwnrAilK'ig, No, no. Tho greatest mid most terrific battlo is now lclug fought all tho world over. It is tho sti ugglo for food. Tho ground tono of tho finest pas sago in ono of tho grent musical master pieces, tho urtlst snjs, was suggested to him by tho cry of tho hun gry KJpulaeo of Vlennu as tho klug rodo through and they shouted, "Ilreadl Give us bread." And all through tho great harmo nies of musical academy and cathedral I hear tho pathos, tho ground tono, tho tragedy of uncounted multitudes, who with stream ing eyes and wan checks and broken hearts hi behalf of themselves and their families aro pleading for bread. IOt us tako another look around to seo how wo may servo our generation. Let us seo, as far as possible, that they havo enough to wear. Ucxl looks on mo Human raco and knows just how many Inhabitants tho world has. The statistics of tho world's opulatlon mo carefully taken in civilized lauds, and every fow years oflleers of government go through tho land and count how many pco plo thero nro in tho United States or Dig luud, and great accuracy is reached. Hut w hen people tell us how tunny inhabitants thero uro In Asia or Africa, at best It must boa wild guess. Yet God knows tho exact number of peoplo ou our planet, and ho has mado enough apparel for each, and if thcio bo fifteen hundred million, fif teen thousand, fifteen hundred and fifteen people, then thero Is enough upparel for fif teen hundred million, fifteen thousand, fifteen hundred and fifteen. Not slouchy apparel, not ragged uppai el, not iusufllclent apparel, but appropriate npjKircl. At least tw o suits for every being on tho earth, a summer suit and a w Inter suit, A good pair of shoes for overy living mortal A good coat, a good hat or a good bonnet and a good sliawl and a com plete masculine or feminine outfit of apjwrel. A wardiobe for all nations adapted to all climes, and not n string or n button or n pin or n hook or nn ejo wanting. Hut, ulas! where aro tho good clothes for three-fourths of tho human tacof Tho one-fourth have appropriated them Tho fact is, I lit to needs to bo and will Ikiu rodUtilhutiou Not by uuaiehUtic v loleuce. If outlawry its way, it would rend and tear and dituiuUh un til Instead of three-fourths of the world not propel ly atlliud, four-fourths would bo in rags. I litjou know Uow tho rcdUti ibutiou w ill tako place. Uy generosity ou the part of those w ho havo a surplus and inei eased in dustiy on tho part of those suITerlns fi om de ficit Not nil, but tho largo majority of coses of xiverty In thU country, uio a icsult of Idleness or druukenncm, either ou tho pai t of present sufTcicrs or their ancestors In most (aset tho i um Jug is tho maelstrom that has sw allow cd down tho livelihood of thoso who uro in rags. Hut things will cliaugunnd by geueiosity ou tlio jart of tho crowded ward lobe, and industry nud sobriety on tho part of tboempt) wai drones, thero will tw enough for nil to wear God ha done his part to wan 1 the drowsing of tho human race. Ho gro's a surplus of wool on tho sheep's Iwick and flocks roam tho mountains and valleys with a burden of warmth Intonded for trans ference to human comfort, when tho shut tles of tho factories reaching nil tho wny from the Chattahoochee to tho Merrlmao ihall hnvo spun nud woven It, And hero conio forth tho lhx-ky Mountain goat nud tho cnshuu'io nud I ho lienvi r. Hero nro tho merino sheep, their oilglu ti need buck to thoflocksof Ahrnhamlcnnd Dav Idle times. In white letters of snowy fleece, God has licen writing for thousands of years his wish that there might ho warmth for nil nations. Whllo others mo discussing tho effect of high or low tnilir, or no tarlir nl all ou wool, von and I had better see If In our waulioU's wo havo nothing that wo can spnro for the shlv erlug, or pick out some oor lad of the sticct and tako him down to u clothing store nud lit him out for tho winter Don't think that God has forgot ten to send Ice and snow be cause of this womlci fully mild Jumiiiiyuud February Wo shall yet hnvo ihvp snows and so much frost on tho window wno that In tho morning vou ennnot see through II, and whole flocks of bllzmnls, for God long ago declared that winter, as well as summer, shall not cense, and hctivctu this and the spring crocus we may nil havo reason to cr out with tho sahiilsti "Who can stand Iw forohls cold" HOW MAY VK HI'IIVi: Otlll OKNIMtATION' Again, let us look around and see how wo may serve our general ion. What short sighted mortals wo would bo If we were anxious to clothe nud feed only tho most in significant part of man, namely, his body, while wo put forth no elfott to clothe and fissl and save his soul Time Is a little piece broken oil n gient eteinlty Whatniowo doing foi tho soulsof this picscnt generation) I't mo Miy It Is a gcneiatlon worth saving Most uiagiiilleent men and women are in It. Wo make agieat ado aliotit the hupiovo monts In navigation and In locomotion and In art and machinery Wo remaik what wonders of telegraph and telephone and stethoscoa What Impiovcmcut Is electric light over n tallow candle! Hut all theso Improvements aro Insignificant coin-jxir-vl with tho Improvement In tho human race. In olden times, onco In a while, a great and good man or woman would como up and tho world has made a great fuss nlioiit It over since, but uow they mo so uumcioiis wo seaicely suik nlsiut them. Wo put a halo about tho peoplo of tho past, but I think If tho times demanded them It would bo found wo have now living In this year ISM) fifty Martin Luthers, fifty Gcorgo Washington, fifty Uidy Hunthigtons, fifty I'liznlieth I'rys During our civil war moro splendid win Mors In tlio north and south wcrodcvclocd In four years than the wholo world dovclopcd in tho previous twenty years. 1 challenge tho four thousand years before tho Hood nnd tho eighteen centuries after tho flood to show mo tho oqunl of charity on n largo sculo of Georgo I'eabody. This generation of men nud women is moro worth saving thtin uny of tho ono hundred und eighty generations that hnvo passed oil". Hut w hero shall wo begin With ourselves. That Is tho pillar from which wo must start. I'rescott, tho blind historian, tclU us how I'iznrro saved his urmy for tho right w hen they weio about deserting him. With his sword lio mado n long murk ou tho ground. Houiidi "My men, ou tho noith side nro de sertion und deuth, on tho south sldo Is victory; on tho uoi th side I'uuama and poverty, on tho south sldo I'eiu with ull its ilclias. Choose for yourselves, for mypait 1 go to tho south " Stepping ucross tho lino ono by ouo his troops followed, and dually Ids whole nnny Tho sword of God's truth draws tho dividing lino toduy. One ono sldo of It uro sin und ruin nud death, on tho other sldo nro pardon nud usefulness and happiness nnd heaven. You cross from tho w rong sldo to tho i ight side, nud your family will cross w 1th you mid jour frlcuds nnd your associates. Tho wny you go they will go. If wo uro not saved wo will never save any ono else. How to got saved Ho willing to accept Christ, mid then accept him instantaneously nud forover. Get on tho Itock first and theti you will bo ublo to help others upou tho snmo Hock. Men and women hnvo been suvivl quicker than I havo been talking about It, What, without a praycrl Yes. What, without tlmo deliberately to think it over I Yes. What, without a tcarl Yes, Hellovol TimtUull. Uellovo what That Jesus died to save you from sin und death and hell. Will you I Do you J You huvo. Something makes mo think you have. Now light has como Into your countenances. Wolcomol Welcomol Hall I Hall I Saved yourselves, how nro you going to savo others I Hy testi mony Tell It to your family. Ttll It to your business associates. Tell It overyw hero. Wo w ill successfully preach no moro religion und will successfully talk no moro religion than wo ourselves havo. UUIIAVE WELL YOURSELVES. Tho most of that which you do to benefit tho souls of this generation, you will effect through jour own behavior. Go wrong nud that will luduco others to go wrong. Go right und that will Induce others to go right. When tho great centennial exhibition was being held in Philadelphia, tho ques tion cumo up among tho directors as to whether thoy could keep tho exKsitiou ojicu on Sundays, when a il lite tor, who was a mau of tho world, from Novuda, arose and said, his voice trembling with emotion and tears running down his checks! "I feel liko u returned prodigal Twenty oars ugo 1 wont west and into a region w hero wo had no Sab bath, but today old memories como back to mo and I remember w hat my glorified mother taught mo about keeping Suuduy, and 1 twin to hear her voice again and feel us 1 did when every evening I knelt by her side iu prayer. Gentlemen, I vote for thoobserv aueo of tho Christian Subbath." And ho carried ov erj thing by stoim, und when tho question was put, "Shall wo open tho oxhl bltlonon Bublmthf" it was almost unanimous, "No," "No." WJiat ono man ean do ifjie docj light, boldly light, emphatically rightl What If wo could get tills whole generation saved I These xoplo who are living with us tho snmo jcar and amid tho same stiqieudous iventsand flying toward the futuio swifter than cables to their prey Wo cannot stop They cannot stop Wo think wo enn stop. Wo say, "Come now, my fi lend, let ut stop und discus this subject;" but wo do not stop. Tho j ear doe's not stop, tho day doem not stop, tho hour does not stop. The j ear is a grcut wheel, and there U a band ou that wheel that keeps It revolving, and as that wheel turns it turns three hundred and tixty-flvo smaller nheeU, which aro tho days, and then each of thoso throo hundred and tixty-flvo wheel turn twenty-four smaller wheel, which aro tlio hours, nnd theso twenty-four wnnllcr wheels turn sixty wnnllcr wheels, which nro tho minute, mid these sixty Mimller wheel turn Uty more stunllcr wheels, which nro the seconds, nnd thoy keep tolling, rolling, rolling, mounting, mounting mounting, swiftening, swiftening, swiftening. Oh, God I If our generation Is going liko that and wo nrogolng with them, waken us to thoshoit but tremendous opKrtuulty. 1 con fens to J ou that my ono wish Is tun rve this genera tion, not to antagonize It, not to damage It, not to rule It, but to rvo It, I would llketo do something toward helping unstrap Us load, to stop its tears, to balsam Its wound, nnd to Induce It to put foot on tho upwind road that has at Us terminus acclamation rapturous and gates ai line, nud gai lands animanllilni', nud fountains inluhownl, nud dominions enthroned ami e-niouctcd, for I cannot forget that lullaby In tho closing w oi ils of tny texti "David, aflir ho had Mrvisl ills own general Ion by tho will of God. fill ou slivp." And w hut a lovely sleep It wus. Unllllal Alisalom did not trouble It, Ambitious Adoiiljah did not oi rj It. IVrsis'iitlng Haul did not hallow It I'.xllodld not Illl It with ulghtmaio. Since u led lieadtsl boy aiuld his father's flocks at night, he had not hal such a good sles'p At TO jcars of age ho lay down to It Ho had had many u troubles! sleep, as In tho cuvcitiHof Adulluiu or In the palace at the tlmo his enemies weio attempting hlsenptuio. Ilur this wusu peace ful sleep, a calm slts.p, a lest fill slerp, a gloil oils sleep. "Aftei ho had scrusl Ids genera tion by tho will of God, ho fell on sleep." Oh, what a gissl thing Is slirp after a liald daj'swnik. It take's all the aching out of the head and all tho weailness out of the limbs nud all tho slum ting out of the ejes. Ii tun il wo rise In tho morn lug and It I u new woilil And If wo, llku Dav lil, seivo our generation, we will nt life's close havo most desliublo and ro fleshing sleep In It will vanish our last fatiguoof Issly, our last wonlmiut of mind. our Inst son ow of soul. To tho Chilstlan's body Unit vvn hot with raging fever mi that tho attendant must by sheer forco keep on the blankets, It will 1st tho cool slcci. To thoso who mo thin bloodesl und shivering with ngue, it will U tho warm sleep To thoso who, bevatiso of physical disoiders, weio tciilllcd with night visions, it will Ik' thodii'iimless slesjp To nurse's nnd doctor nnd motheis who wero untuned almost every hour or tho night by those to whom tliej ministered, or over whom they watch(sl,lt will Ik tho utidlMurUsI slwp To those who could not get to lad till late at night und must ilso curly hi tho morning and before getting le-stod, it will IhjIIiu long sloi'p. AWAY WITH IT. Awny with all your gloomy talk about do partuio from this world. If wo havo served our generation It will not Iw putting out Into tho bie-akers, It will nut bo tho light with the King of Tci roi-s, It w ill bo going to sleep. A friend, writing mo from Illinois, sajB that llov Dr. Wingate, president of Wnko Forest college, Noi th Carolina, after n most useful life, found his lust day ou eai th his happiest day, und that In his last moments ho seemed to bo ersoi. ,y talking w Ith Christ, us friend with fiiend, saying: "Oh, how delightful It ls! I knew you would lie with mo when the time mine, nud I knew It would Ik) sweet, but 1 did not know It would bo ns sweet us it is." Tho fnct wus ho had icrvesl his generation In tho gosjicl nilnlstiy and by tho will of God ho fell on sleep When In Africa, Majwura, tho servant, looked Into tho tent of David luvingstouonud found him on his knee's, hostepesl back, not wishing to disturb him in prayer, nud some tlmo uf tci went in and found him in tho same posture nud stepped buck again, but aftei n while went in and touched him, and lo1 tho great traveler had finished his lust Join uey and ho hud tiled iu tho grandest und mightiest post tiro u man ever takes on his knees. Ho had served his generation by unrolling tho scroll of u continent, and by tho w ill of God fell on sltvp. Grlmshaw, tho evangelist, when asked how ho felt In his Inst moments, ro spoudcel. "As huppy us 1 can Ih ou curth mid as sure of glory as If 1 wcro In it, I havo nothing to do but to step out of this bed Into heaven." Hnving served his generation In successful evangelism by tho will of God, ho fell ou sleep. In tho museum of Giecuwleh hospital, l'ligland, there is a fragment of t book that wus found In tho Arctic regions amid tho relics of Sir John Franklin, who had pol ished nmld tho snow and ico, and the leaf of that piece of a book was turned down nt tho words: "When thou passcst through tho wntcrs I will l with theo." Having served his generation in tho cause of science and discovery by tho will of God, ho fell on sleep. Why will you keep us nil so nervous talking about that which is only a dormitory nud a pillowed slumber, canopied by unguis' wings! Sleep. TramKirtlug sleep. And what u glorious nwnkeuliig You nnd I huvo some times bevu thoroughly bewildered nftcr a long nnd futiguing Journey, wo hnv e stopjicd nt n friend's house for tlio night, und nftcr hours of com plot o unconsciousness wo hnvo ojxmcd our eyes, the high risen sun full In our faces, ami befoi o wo could fully collect our faculties, hnvo said. "Wheronm I, whoso house is this, und whoso nro i1um gardens f And then it has Unshod upon us in glad real Ity And 1 should not wonder If, uftcr wo havo serves! our generation uud by tho will of God, hnv o fullen on sleep, tho des-p slesp, tho restful sleep, wo should uwuko in blissful bewilderment nnd for a little whllo say "Where am II Whnt alaco in this J Who hung this upholstciyr What fountains aro theso tossing In tho light Whj.thU looks liko heaven It is. It is. Why, thero l a building grander than all tho costle-iof earth heaved Into o mountain of splendor, that must !o tho pulncoof Jesus. And, look there, nt thoso walks lined with a foliage more beautiful than anything I over saw befoie, and set) thoso who uro wnlking down thoso nlshw of ver dure Fioin whnt I huvo lie.ud of them, those two urui In arm must Iki Moses mid Jothua, him of Mount Sinai and him of th hnlthig sun over AJalon. And thoso tv.-o walking arm In arm must bo John and I'aul, the one so gentle and tho othei so mighty And thoso two with tho robe as brilliant us though mado out of the coolest off flames of martyrdom must bo John Muss and Hugh I-atimer." A lIOfbE NOT UUU.T WJTH HANDS, Hut I must not look any longer at thoso gardens of beauty, but examine this building In which 1 have just awakened. I look out of the window this way aud that and up and down, nnd I find It Is n mansion of Imtuvtiso llzo In which I inn slot ping All Ils windows of ngnto and Its colonnades of porphyry and alabaster Why, 1 wonder If this Is not thr house of "many mam Ions" of which I used to reniW It Is, II Is i hero must bo many of my kindled nnd fihudslu this very mansion. linrkl wiiose ate tlioso volets, wiiosh nro thoso IniiuiiIiui' ftstf I ots'ii the door nnd sis', and lul I hey are coming through all tho con Idol sand up und down all the stalls, our long nlitciil kindred. Why, theie I fnther, theio Is mother, thcio mo tho ehll ill t'li. All well again All joting again, All of us togethtr ngnlii And as wo embrace encli other with the cry, "Nover uioie lo paitl Never mow to parti" tho niches, the alcove, thchnllwayHivlioand re-echo tho woidsi "Never inoie lo parti Never morn to parti" Then our gloill's friends wij i "Como out with us and ns heaven I" And, some of them bounding ahrad of us and some of them skipping bcsldeus, wo stint down tho Ivory ntulrwny And wo meet, coming up, ouo of tlio kings of ancient Israel, somewhat small of statin e, but having a countenance indlmit with a thousand vie toiles. Aud, as all mo making ohclsuuco to this gient onoof hiavt'ii I cry out "Who Is hoi" mid tliiiiuihuer comes "'I his the great est of ull the kings of Israel It Is David, who after ho hud servisl his giurratloii by tho will of God, fell ou sleep" ODDS AND CNDS. A Louisville, ICy., doctor tries to piove tliateloH'iueiitH mo hi'iisiltary Trj a small luiish, not too stiff, for clean ing (Miladies and other roota, and save your hands. In I'm Is, Franco, a big company has the monopoly of tho fuueink This coinpanj liuudliH Ml.tHXI bodies ) cully Tho most fiiqui'iitiil coin t room In the Hultesl Htutes Is th front pai lor. Most ill vol eo eusos nro Isgun thero. Fresh water alwajs freeze at tho surface llrst. Sea water dm lug calm wuither Ix-glns to f rewo at some point InmiiiiiIi the surface, F.dson Adams, one of tho founders of Oak land, Oil., who died recently, dloscd of t.'l,000,(XX) In a will of Irs than 100 words. Theronro two I'plscopal ministers, mission iirlcs, ou tho Yukon liver, Alaska. They in e 1,000 miles from tho southeastern lino of tho territory. Iu Florida, wheio 'hey manufacture Ico with a machine, fioczhig takes place so gently that u spray of roses limy Iki put Into a tank of water and frotn Into tho mass of Ico without stll ring il s.tal fiom Its place. Thei-o It lies Imbedded In all Its lieauly of form uud color. A party of Sun Heriinrdinn, Oil , hunters who went for n day's sMrt luiil veiy hard luck until they hired a small boy to play tho harmonica for lliem. As soon us tho music began tho can) on swaimisl with rabbits, aud tho hunters loudid themselves down with game. Tho Now Orleans creolo woman's exchange Is now an accomplished fact, nud tho curly stages of Its cnreer aro apiutrviitly most auspicious. I'vcry sort of woman's woik will bo handled, and homo muilouitlcle will, of course, bo tho spesdul feature of tho snlo department. A bird very rare In I'uioio wns shot In tho Island of Moon, in Dtnnini k, viz., a sx;cl men of tho "ivilicl colored t miner" (Curso lius isaliellluus) Tho homo or this blid I the De-scitof Sahara. Only ono or two ijiccl incus huvo hltheito Ikvii seen In FiiroKi. Tho tllffoi enco U'twesm u fulr house!(ccK.'r in mi apartment house and a damsel devoted to a jict kitten, I that ono has tho keys of her lint uud tho other 1 very npt to possess the Ileus of her cat. Thcio Is a company iu Hlrinlnghnin, Eng land, that makes about ten millions of plus overy day, tho weight averaging flvo touss r week Tho company is in poiscsslou, as pro prietors, of tho privileges uud rights of tho original xitcutco of tho solid headed plu There mo nt least two other extensive pin mnnufnctuiers in Uiriuliighum, wheio it is said that half tho pins used in the world aro model. Tho Immigration that has (toured Into houthein aud western Florida hns mado It n white man's laud, wealthy and proscrous. While tho KVJOO negroes south of St. Augus tine hud grown from Ib70 to Ib&O to 10,000, tho I T,!X) whites had grown to 45,l00, und nro nearly T0.000 today. In that section of tlio state thu race-s wero ne-urly equal eighteen years ago, tho whites aro four to ono toduy, aud iu a number of tho counties tho negro population has actually decreases! Tired Kjcs. Peoplo speak alwut their eyes being fa tigued, meaning that tho rttlnu, or ncrvo portion of tho brain that does tho swing, Is fatigued, but such is not tho case, us tho ret Inn rarely tires. Tho futlguo Is hi tho Inner uud outer muscnJ uttached to the ej ehall, anil tho muscle of accommodation which sur rounds tho lens of tho oyo When a near object Is to lio loeikisl nt this muscle, icluxi und allows thu lens to thicken. Increasing its refractive power Tho timer and outel muscles uro used in covering tho eyo on the object to bo looked nt, tho Inner ouo U'lng itqxx'kUJy used w hen a near object Is to lo lookexl nt. Il is iu theso three muscles men tloncd that tho futiguo is felt, and relief l scturcd tcuqiorarily by closing tlio ojew oi gluing at far distant objects. Tho usual in dientlon of strain is n resin-ss of tho rim of tho ejelld. U'tokrning u conge-sled tnte of tho inner suifuce, which maj bo ui-couqia ulcd with some (win When tho eyo tire's easilj, rest Ls not tho piuper lemedy, but thr use of glas: of sufllcleut Kwcr to uld u uccouimodaling the ejo to v ision Gtssi H0UM.'klVpliIg Tin- lliisliif (.Irl. Accoiding to Huston wkt thcio Is a ucv, feature of life in the universal Hub It is tho buini'ss girl She Is not afraid of a man and doesn't iKithcr her luad about catching ono. Nio dresses faultless!) , looks tier pret tiett, bus a soft voice, but tloesuot Hut ilur tug business hours. She come iu en the steam oi hoisc ami shows htjr goes! st mo by taking u ciowd ns n mutter of course, uud does not disturb other with dlsogiciwhlo, petulant wuys when sho hns to stand. Sbo U like n man In two things First, sbo dresses at homo uud uov er appears to think of her clothes again until sho changes them, second, sho regards men as they do each other, lu (wfect (siunlity and with perfect confldonca. Chicago News. N. M. Ruddy, Practical Optician. A specially niiule of expert ICyc Glnss J'ltllng. filnsses Hud rest the eye, 3000 kinds. 217 South IOIIi Street, liss Etliol Howg. Teacher of Singing Room 131 llurr lllock. Hours, 10 A. M. to 6 1 M. Ladies' & Gents' FINE SHOES At greatly reduced prices AT W. W. WEBSTERS, io.i,, O Street. Miss Olairo J. Link, -TKACHI'U OF- Drawing and Painting Orders taken in Pastel and Oil. Room 131, : Burr Block Till! OKKATKBT AND DKBT, The Victor The most popular, safest and easiest tiding miii'i.laii uow before tho public, II bus won premiums and medals over all ( ouipetllors and lias 110 superior Bicycles and Tricycles of all sizes and descriptions. ForcalnloKUca 'Tins, etc., call or address, H. L.CASE, IOU North lull Ht Lincoln, Nebraska. GOOD BOOKS Best Holiday Presents I THOS. FAWELL, AT Tin: LINCOLN BOOK EMPORIUM M1H. Kltlikt, under . .M.O.A. lias a Flue Stock suitable for the HOLI DAYS, including Sets or Single Yolumes of ttie Best Authors Teachers, Family nnd Pocket MULES. Albums, Children's Picture nnd Story Hooks, lite , Htc. Leaders in Photography. Riley's ffEU jE 5tudio$. We in.-ik a ipcclalty of the celebrated BROMIDE Life sized pictures and furnish the finest woik nt lowest prices. Bost Cabinots $3.00 Elegant line of Picture Frames in stock aud made to order. Call and sec us. H. W. KELLEY & CO. oi(, O Street. LINCOLN, NEB WESTERFIELD'S Palace Bath Shaving PARLORS. Ladles - and -Children's -Hair - Cutting AS.' :C.A! 'lY. COP. u k O SI'S., NEW HUUK HLK' 2k &Mfor&0O.uatllUla)7l mm mini wMpi "' , ""f fKH jgfc. rmltJ. Utff 8Ti4 olti m BT . UUIII LtMI. ! !)' 4 (!' !, w Ilk wlh iftd ftMi tf tq4l . '..1.1b ask A&or MBA ft lortik.r wlife t Wtt 41- .ki. H .r It.iu.fkald Nanfles. Tt.. t-l. u wall u lb ntlck, wt M4 ttta I rr ki f.r miki tkm U.m sitas Ht k.A.II.J lkk.f.n.lHrHl WMrt7. in k writ ! " ' tto'l Wtli ul Hmmpt. Wtjfctr HI t& C"' ,'m1SSI? Uaak )., Ak l,rrUsa,Mto n