IPPfPiliifUj a..o.o.o...b.o.o4I ---rf Vrfitl "A- PoPd UR PAPER op A9PERH -TIMES " Vol. 4. Np. lO. Lincoln. NuukAsha, Satukday, Kichkuauy 10, 1S80. Pwioic Kivie CicN'ra. fN lb THINGS DULY OBSKUYKI). COMMENTS AND OPINIONS IN TYPE What In Hoard, Soon, I.rnrnril mill Perti nently .Suggentod to tlio M ullll tidt. Tlio llbornllty of Amcilrnti jicoplu In a well known fact utiiong nil nations anil It must bo admitted tlint t IiIh Inn reputation to Ik) proud ot, but It Is tint cnuso of much sorrow anil misery in many instances. The subjiet of treating Is tlio ono to which I rofir ami ax-id it nut for tills ovll many of our 1 est lu-n ami brightest youths would tread tlio paths of vir tuo anil righteousness instead of ono of dogro- datiou and misery the only end to which Is a l)mior's grave. For Instance, a crowd of friends assemble leforo u bar to have a social glass. Instead of each settling for his own poison, tliu generous spirit of one rises and hu foots tho bill, another, whether it is for his guncrousness, or n wish to bo culisldeicd so, follow 8 suit and has tlio glasses l elllled. The others nru not to bo outdone and by tlio tlnio tlio round is iimdo tlio punishment of tlio amount of spirits drank causes n reviving of their spirit. 1 ho natural consequence fol lows. Too iiuich space cannot be given this subject nnd were the laws euforcoil the sight of u drunkard would lion raiity. The laws of Nebraska prohibit tieutlug. How many men would you (hid going to the bar alone and taking several drinks! Ono would satisfy him, or two nt best. I do not pretend to In- u temperance epostlo, but facts are facts and n moment's meditation will ccitaluly sulllce to liavo you agree with my statement. What a vast difference is to le noticeil in tho condition of our prliicinl thoroughfares today from that of two years ago. At this season our streets were always either lougldy frozen or horribly dilapidated and muddy. It is qulto a relief to look at them today and to compare the condition of by-gone days with tho present. I recollect of nil incident a Httlo over n year ago, when a heavy load of freight was being hnulcsl on Kust O street. Four strong horses could not pull the wagon out of the sticky situation and it took over half n day to loosen tun wreck. Toilay lo-uls doublo as heavy go freely over tlio smooth surface, cnrrlnges roll ovor tho strecto like well oiled machinery and as for tlio pleasure Hookers in riding or dilving they certainly best of all can appreciate the improvement. Tho city bastions well in the paying matter nnd if us much is uccompllHlied in tho next two ycara as in the same period past, theie should Ixj no cause for complaint. I take this opportunity to extend congratulations to the city fntheis for their good woik, for it has been well done, nnd wish them continued good fortune for further oiwrntlons. Those hnudsomo whiskers of "Dii-k" Hei Hii'h nrp tho envy of nil the legisle tors and area purtlctiluily attractive feature of the gallant repnosentutivo's make-up. From the gnller ies tho fulr sox look down to admire the silky flow-of nature's gifts and as he ieoscs In his easy chair in the lower house, casually comb lug out his handsome locks with his llugeis, the guy assemblage of female beauty that Is nearly nlwnysseen watching him, his brother rep's nnd other male friends cannot fall to appreciate his enviable situation. "Dick" has a flue Laird and w ns it not for my modesty I would venture to ask him how- ho got it and If ho could not "put mo on" how to get one as handsome. V Tho most pleasant minor I hnvo heard for a long time is tho ono that is now circulated nliout tho Observer's genial friend, John II. Wright. Dame rumor has it that he is just now figuring on how many more duys it will bo until the huppy event takes place an I of courso ovcry day is so much nearer n llfo of bliss and happiness. Customary with usual modesty and rosiiooting phslges made to in formant, I cannot give her name, hut it is said she is u most charming person uiid just such a ouo as will do credit to John II. 'h ex cellent judgement. Ascongtntiilations aiuin order, gentlemen will please avoid ciowtllnj; up, but pass up one by one and extend tho compliments of tho oeciisslon. V Already numerous: parties aro negotiating for tourists tickets and scanning maps for foreign tin vel. Kleiner, the ticket man, in formed the Olisorver yesterday that ho has thus far booked three separate parties w ho will leave in Juno nnd July. Tho persons making up these puitios are from among Lincoln's ellto circle, several of whom have been abroad heretofore and will on their next trip view different localities. If tho horse that was in tho mail service of a hundred yearn ago could see the movements of tho grey liorso that now transfers tho mall between the depot and tho jiostollleo, it would liavo good cause, judging fiom its rapidity, to think that this Is n degenerated ago. A Flue llluek Horse For Kali. I oirer for sale nt a rensonublo price, my 7-year old mare, also harness, buggy, lobes, etc., if desired. Hensou for selling is, as stable man can substantiate, I liavo no use for it. Everything wan anted iih icpiesonttd. Call and see animal at Gi alum's Lively or at my oillco in Bun- Hlock. L. Wbhhkl, Jit. "Webster and Rogers' great sale continues to draw custom from all parts of tho i-lty and Ktuto. They nre offering fcomo great bargains and you cannot afford to miss this opjwrtimi ty to lay in n supply while tint pi Ices aro so low, Styles are right, goods aro of ilrst qualities and the prices cannot fall to pleute nil. Attend ourfiOo. kid glove rale. "Alexan dre Kid" gloves, nnd lino goods nil at tho same price. II. H. NMoy & Co. Bawyer & Moshei s greenhouses aro head quarter for nil kinds of house plants, flowers, etc. City ofllce In Masonic Temple basement, whero cut flowers, boqucts, etc., may nhrnys bo found. . In Embroideries, Laces and Whlto Goods, HorpoUhelmer & Co. try to show tho best there is In the market. OMAHA SOCIETY NOTES. The ltoodcr-doldsniltli Wi-iltllng, Club Affairs, tlio Theatres, Htr, l'rom the Coi-iiikh CorrosHnilent. Tho soclnl nnd most billllnnt nffnli of the week wustlio wedding of .Mr. M. L. Ilooder and Miss I'.iulino Goldsmith. The ecreinonv took place at the Initio's home torucr Twen tieth & Dodge at live o clock Thursday nfter- noon, Judge Wnkoly olllclatlng, in presence of none nut relatives. At six o'clock n wedding dinner nnd reception wns given at tho Metro poillnn club, whcio oor throe hundred Irieuds nnd well wlshcis assembled to eon giatlllalo the happy couple. About seven o'clock tlin MuMrul lTnlon oi chest in struck up u dimming inaicli mid the long line was lorineit ami iinaiiy seated nt n lianqutt spread Hint Is seldom enjoyed not only In Oniaha, nut elsewhere as well. Tonsta were offoiod ty distinguished guests and nil tiiesent 10 HK)iiiIed henrtlly. The costuming of tho ladles was beautiful nml the Interior of tho vvoll-llljod club house with lu brilliant llluini nations, presented n scene interesting ami pleasing to tho eyo. After the banquet n pro gram of twelve dnmos were enjoicd. Mr. and Mrs. Hoeder left on tho 11:15, p. m,, ti'iiln via tho Missouri 1'nclllo for St. Louis, and after n three week's trip eust will return to bo nt homo in this city. Mr. Hoeder Is n tiromi nent business man in this city and his bride Is n niostclmrnilngynimglndy,nnd the CouiUKit takes pleasure in joining tho largo band of well wishers to extend compliments of tho season. llio piesonts weio eluborato and numerous, among them being tokons fiom lioth at homo and abroad. Floral offerings as well r.s decorations weio beautiful and lent additional chnrm to the affair. A mnRquerndo ball wns given nt tho Expo sition hall Wednesday evening by the Concor dia club. This organization is composed of the elite of the German society and Its daiiccs nre usunlly well attended, this ulfnlr lioliig no exception. It was in fact n recherche iillulr. Muny of tho costumes were decidedly oi igiunl nnd most of them were veiy tasty. Miss linker wnsn clever titn Yum, Mrs. A. T. Stewart n hamr-omo Indian princess. Mrs. Tunuer an Esipilmenux. Theio were pretty iiillk-malds, twnliorlno girls nnd a host of others Among tlio gentlemen, the costumes worthy of noto were Julius Meyer us Monte Cristo, Aug. bclmfor ns Homeo, u cowboy In all the western plctiiresipieness and many others which spnoo forbids mentioning. The piogram consisted ot twenty-four dances and the excellence of tho music tended greatly toward making tlie evening's euteitulmueiit tho success that It wns. Yesterday wns St. Vnlentlno's Dny, but ino nay which a low jenrs ago was so very liopulnr. Is grndually losing Its piestngo. It was obsoived by low, nnd the number of coiuio vulelitiiies sent were very few. The store windows usually llllod with comics of moustioiM designs, consisting of every Im aginable ofl'ccsivo cut, for a week pruvious to this da v, display oil very few. Some new de signs in hand painted curds, etc., weio shown. Hold's opeia house has Usui closed nil week nnd will continue so next week with the ex ception ot Friday and Siituiduy when "Tho Little 'Ijcoou'' will Ik presented. A hearty welcome is as.su led to this popular ojiera, as Omaha was completely captivated with it on its last presentation hero. G. T. and LizIo May Ulmer, nt tho Grand Monduyund Tuesday played tofuiraudiunces. Tho l'ostagu Stump baud diow rather u largo crowd but the show was very poor. The Windsor Club Is the name of a new or ganization which has spuing up among the prominent business men mid society lenders in this city. Its object is to erect u club house mid give its members nil the coiivenfeucesuud pleasures of u well appointed club. Thu Home Cucle give another of their toj- ular pintles this oMiiIng at Miiboulo Temple. Tho attendants of these ulfuirs consist of the lest tlemeut of our society and needless to say an enjo) able time w ill bo hud. The l'ciins) lvanla society gaon banquet ut Mtisoulu Temple Thuisilay ovo. A uumberof toast were given dining the courso of the evening k pi ogress. Omuha, Feb. 15th, lbi'J. E. W. Milking it (Joint Iteeonl, Since establishing in this city but a short time ago, Mr. Townscinl, of the Elite Studio, bus made n big success of the entei prise. In ids studio may be seen at all times n gathering of our leading citizens and fiom the many familiar faces noticeil about the reception parlors, it would seem that tho Ellto had already taken photo's of nearly half of Lin coln's population. The constant increase in patronage lias made It necessary to engage more assistance, so now he has thiee in tho operating department and several morn in the ItnlshliiK rooms. Ground floor, pleasant quarters and line work Is what has resulted in biiuging to Mr. Townsend an immense patronage of our very liest people, and ono so large that he may feelpioud of It. Advertise Your Wants. For tho benefit ot the ladles w ho may ha o to puss through tlio uiniinon snuggle of se cm ing help, tho Couuieh will tecelvo want ndvcitlsements for publication in the Dally Call want columns. I'nrtlo deslilug help situations, boulders, or to lent looms or lent houses can leave their advertisement nt this otllco and they will bo piomptly dollvoictl to the Call for publication, Ouo cent a word er day is the expense. Shelton & Smith, two gentlemen lato of Topeka, Kansas, m o arranging to oimjii tin a new fiiiuituio store nt liil south Eleventh sti cot in tho Webster Hlock, The goods has o already commenced toniilvunud the opening will bo announced later. The firm Intend lilt-seiitlng to our citizens u Hue of gixxls superior to any tiling heietofore shown in Liu coin and will make u specialty of tho finer grades of furniture. This new acquisition to oui'commeicial interests will bo duly nppio ciatod und that Messrs. Shelton A: Smith will meet with u cordial welcome is already us- urod. Guino, oysters, and all the delicasles of the season always to be had at lirown's cafe, Windsor ftiinox. SKKN ATTHK PLAY 1I0USKS. MATTCRS MUSICAL AND DRAMATIC A ltnli!v of tho I'ihI, it Woril for tlio l-ri-ni'iil mill l-oii!ils foi' l'liturii Aliiuneiiieiitii. UOIIT. iitnv.Nixn AH "HI'AHTACUH." A packed house greeted this jouug and till enttsl actor at the Fiiuke on Saturday even ing last. The iH'iforumiu'o tliriuighout wns a laietientuud each one piesont sliowisl their justappioclatiiuinf It. With a poor company, een Mr, Downing could not liavo made the show a success but sill rounded us he Is with a company of uuusunl meiil It is Impossible to criticise It. Mr. Downing Is lining, to the en tire sal Israel Ion of all, the place made wicaut by tlio death of McCullough, He Is gland, impiessivouud icnl mid does not result to the bluster or stampede which usually accompan Ies such characters. The chief member of hlssuppoit, Mr, Chits. E. Herman, Is a thor ough actor nnd one who bestows on Mr. Downing Ids untiring energy mid proved himself muster of his lines. .Miss Blair (Mm. Downing) also contributes much to the succos.s of the piece. Tnken nil togethui it mh n grand pel formunco nud one that the iteoiilo of Lincoln will not soon forget, T1IK "NKW FANTAHMA." Jloudny un cuing the Hnnlon's ojicuisl a tin co nights engagement with "Fnnbisinn." The piece has Imsjii entirely changed and Im proved siuco its last visit hole, scarcely any thing lcmnlnlng thnt ouo who hns once soon it would lecognlro. As a scenic produc tion it Is mtmeloiis and is ahead of all similar atti actions Change after change keep the sjiectator bewildered and dazzled and will not allow one to loose sight ot the stage for an instant for fear of losing some of tho amazing trunsimmntioii scenes. The company Is about tlio same us we saw Inst season with Miss Ijiuru Hurt us Faiitasma, the fairy Queen, in thu title i olo Tho rest of the company is couqiosod of clever nt lists who aio truly adepts In their several lines. Largo housos greeted them each night and tho 8. H. O. sign appeared teglllaily at each lerformanco. Mr. Warren, the manager, suyn it is just the kind of business they have been doing nil season. In a word it Is a great show nud deserves the public's patronage, TKIlltY, TIIK HWKLL(Kll). To a poor house, but one Justly deserved, n poor company presunteil Terry, tho swell, at the oiK-rn house Thursday evening, 'llio plot is u fair one and might go, in tho hands of a goisl company, but unless Jack Terry sui rounds hluioclt witli a better suppoit with the exception of his leading lady, than ho did hero, it will never bo a success. Terry is no doubt, in his own mind, a swell nnd ex hibits himself in so vol al dlireieut suits of flnshy stage clothe and In some Instances Is very clever, but heio the show- ends. To gether with thu orchestra they left u poor impression with our thc-tio goers. "UI.MKIt. KOIl COMlltKhS." Ijist evening a fair houo greeted Geo. T. and LIlo ,-May Ulmer in Raymond's gmit pl.iy "For Congress." Mi. Ulmer in tho char acter of Gen. Josiuh Limber keeps the house lu nil up! oar mid is bound to pi ovoko laughter with his oeiy iipiHiiiaiico on thu stage. It wis a gt eat rolo nud .Mr. Ulmer filled the bill Miss Ulmer, ns Anna Woolcy, thu politician's daughter, did not liavo a chance to display any extent of tuitut but Is certulnly very cluer and acceptable in her iart. The rest of the company is good nnd u well satisfied audience left the house and no doubt many will icturii this evening when thu company will put on their other play "Col. Kellers.'1 This Is said to bo Mr. Ulmer's greatest cCort and lu it he is allotted u I ole w hlch he alone is able to sustain. His fiequeut leferenco to local i-haracteis nud members of the legisln tuie, cannot fall to innko a hit, as it "caught on" last evening in gieat shape. You cannot ulToid toinlsH the show this evening as it Is tho last appearance of the company here and should draw a laigo hoii'o. KDW1N AlttH.V IX "IIAHIIKD OUT." This now lomaiitle drama will bo presented nt the Fuiike, Tuesday evening by u sterling company with Edwin Anion in tlio title role. "Haried Out" Is an iuteiestlng story of Iilsh llfo full of love, lomiiuco and levenge, rich in btrongsltuatioiis, cluver acting and intense- 'oannV ly picturesque. It Is interesting throughout and at tunes thrilling lu its realism, Mr. Arden lu tho rolo of Edwin Marmniluke, is seen at his best nnd has made a decided Iim piesslon wherever he has apoared lu it. In this, his latest smews, ho has fitted himself w Ith n pin t which brings out his ninny strong points, nud entitles him to rank among the lending nctors of tho dny. Tho play litis met unlimited pntronago throughout the country wherever produced und should dinw n goo house hero on Tuesday evening. The follow ing flattering notice fniin the llostou Courier snysi "llni i isl Out" is certainly successful. Mr. Arden certainly plajs admliably; his really ImpiesHlve Hifounance ilslng lu dig nlty nud teal flavor of heroism at times to a pinetleal equality with tho Edmund Dantesof James O'Neill. Ho flirt liermoiu h)sncssoh the siqieilathesof pieturcsquonewi, torsotinl com linens und gineo mid an undoiiiii'.iln uppiccln Holland foielhlo presentation of hoiole situ ations. HKTUIIN 01" "TIIK I.ITTI.K TVCOOS." Never lu the hUtory of Lincoln, did a comic 0H-ru "catch on" with our theater goers us did the "Little Tycoon" when it wnsputonnt the Funke last fall for the first time. Now they come to us for tho second time nud wo cannot but oxvt to sis) tho house llllod to overflowing Tlio deserve it, presenting, as Mr. SHMici'i duos lu this, n cinule oH'in, ilch In sivnle efli-cts, stago mountings, costumes and nciimp,iny ubovocrltislsni (It Is tttily n iM-tiullfiil piiHlm tlon far beond the icueh of onllnniy und "so-called oH'riw " Mr Sioncor, who wiotn theopeia, staged It, cos turned It ami in fact manages It lu ik-ikoii, stiuckn ilch vein in the hem Is of thoator goorsall over the couutiy iih Is attested by the plieuomliial business It has done since the day it was first product d. With tho return of the company wo me en abhsl to see Mr. It. E. Giuliani, the original Gent-nil Ivlilckei hockor, tho loading loin together with Miss Catlu Ino Linyard as Vio let, mid mi excellent company suppuitlng them. Enough cannot be said in their praise and as they aro booked for two nights heio, WednoMlnv nud Thursday, overjbisly should bo able to attend at least one jh-i foi uiniico. IIOMK TAI.KNT IN A DOUlll.i: llll.l.. The weeks cnleitalnmentH open Monday evening with the society issiple of Lincoln lu tlio rolo of iictois, piesentlug a piogram of various tableaus, n-piesontlng scenes ft tun the New Yoik publication, "Life," to be fol lowed with the latest Madison Hqiini o success "Naval Engagements" n beautiful melodrama fnrcx comedy lu one consecutive net with thu following well known urtlsts lu the cast : Sirs. Hellnu I'ontlfex Miss I.uttn Miss Mary Mortlmir Miss Lemlst Ad. iCInu'slow, Hoyul Navy... Lieut. Townley Hhort, Landliird Mr. lllKuubiitham Dennis, u Walter Mr. Foresman This will bo followed by the fntensly In teresting fin co entitled, "Cut off with u Shllllng."(the title suggest tho conchnian elojiemeiit) In the t-nsl wo find such stei ling nanus us MIssLenilst ns Kitty, n bride Lieut. (Irllllth. ..us Ham, Kitty's husband Lieut. Townley.. as Col. Iternors, Hum's unele Mlu.CS. Llppencott, will lender some of her ilellghtf ill vocal selections between nets As will Ihisooii in the foiegolng, it Is mi entei tnlninent given by tho society oop!o of Lincoln, ami for a good causo, U: The bon cllt of tho Holy Trinity Cliun-li, und hIioiiIiI fill the opera house. Its success is axsutisl and u largo number ot tickets have been sold Prices have been placed within the lench of nil; Ml nml i"i cents, no higher. Letthonffnlr Ihhi grand success. (IIIKK.V 1100VI (10RHII-. II. Ilerpolsholmcr, the jiopular dry goods man, Is In Now York looking over the tnaiket for spring goods, H. E. Grnlmni, the original General Knlck ctbocker.wlll bosist.i In "The Little Tycoon" dm ing its foitlicouiiiig eiigngement at the Funke. Stage Manager Fisk, should take nu after noon with Ills stage hands mid give them a practical 1 r ill lu hauiilliigscuiiery. Of courso for a show like Funtusma there Is somg excuse for ooi' woikoiithu stage but when a com I winy like Tel ry tho Swell occupies thu stage theie Is no leuson why every thing should not run smoothly and without u hitch. Willmil Spenser's popular topical wing, "That's What I Think, Don't You?" will lie licnnl in "The LittluTjcoou" Wednesday an 1 Thursday evenings, H. E (Iraliam sings it and the following Is one of the veises: 'Men oucht to remain lu their seats at the pluv, That's what I think, don't j on? 1hi' could inaniiKe to see u filend ilurlnu thoiliiy, t That's what I think, don't you? If those hats of the ladles so high nud so w Ide Hint a little hack door and n bottle Inside, They could sit lu their seats without being tied, That's w hat I think, don't you? The ought nut to kick at a hat with trim ming like Hint, That's what 1 think, don't you?" Did you notice the dilfeienco in tho muMo nt Fuuke's last iwulngf It was a decided hu- nioveinent on that of the night pievioiis. I must ucknow ledge. The npM-uruuce of tl o rhllhiirmonic orchestra vras a great surprise to the audience no doubt, but the fact of th matt,or is that after tho lebtiku the old inches tra got from tho stage Thursday evening, Mr. Mcurcutlnif called on Manager Mcltejnolds and iisktsl him to accept his leslgiiailou ami consider his contract off. This hu rohictuiitlv did, but In so doing surely catensl to the de mands of the mas-es. I hope the new orches tra will continue to please thu jKsiplc as they did Inst evening, as you knoiv the old saw says "a now bioom swi-es clean." Tim mil slu wns il'dightfiil, tho os'iilng oveituie frDin ainpn being well lendenslus wns "the l'eiirl of I'uklii" s (lections between the first nml second nets. Iet the gissl woik go on. Jeioiuu Eldy, fouiidr of Kilrfy's Siiutb. is tho busiest Joiiiiiulist In New York. Ho ropi cents nil the leading attractions in the country. Chicago, Milwaukee iV St. I'liul Hiilluu), via Oinnhii mid CiiiiikII IIIiiUh. Short Lino to Chicago and tneeast. Finest dinning cars in the world. Through sleeping cars to Chicago, Tho route of thu first "Golden Gate MiKs-lal." Host lino to Washington for the Inaugern tiou of I'lesldeut Harrison. Only dliect routo to the G. A. It. Enciiiiqi inent at Milwaukee. Everj thing first-class, First-class people patronlzo flrst-cliiss Hues. Ticket agents everywhero in the west sell tickets over the Chicago, Milwaukee it St 1'iiul IUilwny, Whlto dntui gmvU sale at So. 10V. nnd 13 1 Sc bibt values over offervsl. H. It. Nlssley & Co. THANS-ATIiA-NTIC BOATS. WHAT IS CONSUMED ON A VOYAQE. Intt-lnatlliU Htiillslli's of How Iim Ciiiiurit Line's Illit Hunts lire Maintained, IIV A. I). ZIKMIJll. Written for the Couuiicil. tf.fi I hut "Iliimaii Niittno Is a cm Ions thing mid theie is plenty or It" Is in nimbly better exempll- vilod on bomil a gioat (HSSlll Steillllulllll llii.ll lit 'any other place In the will Id. licit' n to h,, round a mutely assein bhigeof men. wtnneii ami ii'liltiheli, soinet lines iium- -''boilng upwiiiil of lirteeu lumiliisl souls, Not pack isl like hen nig lu u b.it i el, iiiii, us m-es in u nivo, nct Ive ami summing about nvciy hour In tho day. I'lielr lives ule linked together for tho tit in being, thus piomotlng sot'lublllty and gmsl fellowship, und even the most moiosouiitl uu rympathetlo iIisjhihII Idiih feel the effect of thn genial sphit which pievudes the utmimpheie, Hid Insensibly penult themselves to become thuwtsl to some extent under Its Influent o. Old voyagers love to dilate on thu lining oxM'ileiices of bygone tlujs, whin pisiple Mtiltsl in the litigs coimiitinly culled "colllus" .mil subsequently III clipH-r ships, but the vast majority of the traveling public have no Intelligent conception of the "ondei ful ad vancement made in ih-ciiii traveling whl 'h has tnkou place during the Inst quarter century. The "Hiltumu" built in IK:i!l cmiitsl IXM) tons of coal for the oiitwiinl pasMigo, con suming II tons per day, vvlilht her steam piessuiu was nine hiiiii1s ami her shss! a tilllo over eight knots sr hour. Gradually thu ships Improved until llio culmination was cached in thu "Etimlii," built lu 18Vi. Shu iivuiugetl n sptssl of eighteen knots), which Is upiul to twilit) -ono statuto miles ht hour, or soinethlng gieater than the aveiago sjsssl of theoiilliiury train seivlceof uuy inllioad In thu wot Id. Her engines indicate 1 1,0()0 hors" IHiwer und me supplied with steam fiom nl no double euilisl boilers, each w ith eight fill nius-s urn total of Mveut-two fiunaccs. The total vonsiiiiiptlou of coul Is tin co hundred tons ht day, or twelve tons per hour, or four hundred and sixty six pound- ier minute, ami if the llres were nil ruked together thno would bo foi tj -two toils of ti al, or u mass twenty fis'l squill e nud four feet high, binning lloicely. lleslilts tho coal, ono bundled mid lliiilygnl ons of oil aiedallv reqiilied foi tho Join mils, iMMiriugs, etc. Her new Is isuiihimi1 of the captain, six olllceis, surgeon and purser, forti-slx Hcaineii, caiR'iiter and Joiner, bont swain mid mute, two mnsteis lit aims, twelve engineers, one hundred and twelve llicmrii and tinnmcrs, seventvtwo stewuids, six slow in desses, twenty-four i-isiks, hukcis unit assistants, in all two bundled ami eight) -seven hands. 1'asseiiRcrs lulinlo w Ith tho sen nlr nil excess of enthusiasm, ami nre leudy to becoino ex cited on the smallest piovociitlon, Is it u pass ing vi'SM-1, u sjioutlug wlmle or n toweling leebeig, it foi ins mi all-absoiblng topic of iideiest nnd eager sjH'culation. lint even to tllOM) who cannot bo loiined epiciues, thu chief concein nud upis'iiuost thought of each day Is undoubtedly "what shall we eat nud drink." Under these clicuiiistunces whut mi iniKrtuut ilepnitinent Is that under chaigo of thu chief steward. "Not wlntlsto vojngersiit sen. Nor showers to omtli mure neci KMirj Im, Nut to tho thirst) hont-Hwnlu, tlip, Than is the slew.ird to a ship." So high does tho department in question rank in thu estimation of the vo)ugcr, that a desciiption of its oignnlution needs iiiiih1 ogy. ami I coiueive that some statistics ula tlve to the consumption of piovisious and other articles may p-ove Iuteiestlng, iriecl ully to such i cutlers who have cio-mi! the Atlantic, ami to those who coutinqilate such n trip. The chief stowanl is not only ri-spou-siblo for the giMsl order of the sonants, nud the cleanliness of the salons, c-iblns, etc., but for piovidlng possongcrs with u got si nud liberal table 'I he bnkeis tmii out nt I, a m. This is not u (list-of "wenther isTinlttlng" for "blow 1'iigh or blow low," out they come, or theio would bo no hit lolls, In cad ureal es for bieukfiist. The looks turn out nt A .'JO, a. m. At t! o'clock coffi o is si i veil touii) ono nspilr ing ll In the state iik ins. or on deck should mi) ouo have so foi got Un himself us to get out or IssI at thai Hour Jiu-akfiist is served fiom b to 10, a in , ltinih from 1 to -', p m dinner fiom .') to ", p m. and supjior from 0 in 10, p in. lu tliu intervals the passengers assist tllgestion with ginger nuts, pium-s, oiuugts, cuku nud inuiy other things looked u n b) the aveiago mull with honor mid distrust. The amount of provisions on Isianl at, sail ing time Is veiy huge. For a single passage llio "Etruilu," with five hiiudiisl nud forty even cabin passengers, a full thousand in the steerage, und a new of two bundled nml eight) seven, hud, when leaving Ucrxolon August '-'Mb, last, ia,M0 li-s fresh Uef, TOO lbs oi msl Ist-f, r,:o lbs mutton. N's) lbs himb, :tV) lbs veal, ikV) lbs pink, -.,IHH) lbs fitsh fish, Wl fowls, UK) i hu kens, Ino duck, W) gecte, S) turke)s, L'OO lu-iii v grouse, J ft tons of (iotu tiH's, 110 hauisis vegetables, ,'() quints ice cieaui, l.lKK) quints of milk und ll.fttK) eggs. Ill glis-ei ies ulono theie weleovei '.'IK) ui tides, including (foi the muml tilp IkMllbsten, l.'.'IH) (Hiumls coffee, 1,000 lbs white sugar, !J,NI0 lbs moist sugar, 7.M) suimls pulveiinsl sugar, l,NK) lbs chis'si-, --'.OtK) lbs butter, il.JMlO lbs Iiiiiii und 1,(XX) lbs bat on The foiegolng sism mormons quantities, but vi ry little was left iiMin airivul lu oit. The quantities of w lilts, spirits, Us-r, etc , put on bonid for consumption on the rumd tiip, comprise 1,100 Isittlcs cliaiiipaign, bM of claret, O.UK) ule, '.',MM sirtei, 4,MK) mineral water, nud IViOof various spiiits. Crocket) is broken very extensively, lielng nt the rate of IKX) plates, -.'so cups, -138 saucers, OK? 1 WtrT-T j(Ull A 1 . s rnm 1,'J.ll tlllilbleiM, !'()) wine glnssor, !7dtcantein mill li:i water hot I Ies hi n slnglo vo)nge. An legurils thn coiisiimptlou on liouril the fleet for ono )our It can Ihi said without itoiibt (hut our sheep nnd oxen "feisl upon a thousand hills" for wo comuuuo mi less tliiiu l.tlVl slus'p, I.HO0 lambs and , I7t oxen, nu nt my ol flocks mid Ies ds sin passing in extent tho possessions of many u pastoral imtiiarch of ancient limes. This Is equivalent to 'J,tit)l, TM lbs meat or four pounds per min ute. Wo consume Kill ,(Krj eggs, ulul we ill Ink U 1, 000 lbs of lea and 71,770 lbs coffee, swiet eiusl by N1,I(X) lbs sugar, whilst tho following articles llgme hugelvi one nml one half tons iiuiHtuid, one ami tlneo fouitln. tons s'pert 7,'JIII bottles of pickles, H.tXsl this or sill. linos, ill) tuns salt cod anil hug, 1,10.' I pound Jnrs ussoitisl Jams, 15 Ions inaiiualade, ! tons inslnsaiid figs, IHtonsspllt peas, Ifi tuns iearl barley, 17 tons I loo, III Ions oat meal, 7l'i() tons Hour, 'J. I tons biscuit, !U tons salt,-U,(Hrj loaves of luead H poilllils each, fs'l Ions limns, !M tons bacon, ITp Inns cheese, WtO tons potntiH'S, I,n7r fowls, I.-JIIO ducks, !i,yiHJtlllke)S, a,)0 geese, ill, ilia cukes I 'ears' soap, il, IHI cakes Windsor soap, It) tons yellow simp. 1'asNougeis annually drink nml smoke to the follow lug extent: H.UIO Isittles nud I7,(llil half bottles of champaign, 1!I,UI1 bottles mid 7,!II0 half bottles clalel, V,'M) liot tits of other wines, IM',),:ill bottles ulo mid Hiiter, I7l,tiv!l bottles minora! waters, ill, 100 I lot ties spli Its, iHeUiO lbs tobacco, H.'l,illll cigars, nml fitl.tnri cigarettes. The liruvlest arllclo lu the aiinual coiiuui tlon Is naturally coal, of which wu Inn n IkMI, TIH Ions or nlmost 1,000 tons for every day lu tho year. Our consumption of engine oil is 101,018 gallons, of pt oil U.aiH) gallons, iff burning oils a.'l,oao gallons, waste IK) tons, white lend Til tons, rid lend I 'J tons. Then with iescet to tlio nggiogato employ ment by the Cumin! Co , It liquids ill cap fnlns 1 111 olllccrs, OjH engineers, boiler makers una i til xntciH, 0.V) seamen, 01(1 fhenieu, (XX) slow arils, (W stowuidosses, Vi women to keep the upholstery nnd llnneii in order, with n sliino gang of 1,100, or uliout t.doo H.-oplu to run our ships, w lilch traverse) enrly nillstnueo equal to five times that botwoccn the earth nml thu moon. lie Swears Veimuiue. If theio lire moments when Huslness .Mana ger Jnko lloseiithnl Is not thinking of "Tlio Little Tycoon" iciu, those niomuiits come to him when he is asleep Ho Is, us it were, stuck on the music of thu oiKiru. Knowing hlsdevotlon lu this linen wellkuown railroad man In this city put up n Job on Jake yester day. He Inveigled him Into u pioinlneut music sttn i) und Induced hlni to buy a music. Imix on thu lid of which wns iotctl the title of the popular vvnlU song of thu opera "Iovo ( 'tunes Like a Summer Sigh " On seeing tills Jake could not buv the box quick enough, nnd plunked down t? before ho hoard It piny. Ho lushed to Fuuke's nud into the uiiiuiigeis otllco nml Ntld to Hob Mclte) holds nud several nowspns'r men: "Listen heie, boys! Who su)s the musloof 'The Tycoon' Is not Mipu Inrf" Ami then Jake wound up his trick ami set It going. Whut did the disgusting thing dot It simply sat up there and evolved from Its musical Inwardness those teiilblo tunes, "White Wings" nud "When the Hoblns Nest Again," until thu tears ran down thu cheeks of Mt-lleyuolds and thu bystanders from laughter. lleailiiiurlers fur llel'riu Ies. Intlieli new location Htqicrt & Cuiiiiiilngs will uiiike a sK'clnlty of fiiney giocerios, tea, spices, etc., nml hereafter particular attention will Ik; paid to the canned mid lsitthsl goods. A few du)s ago they received u Inrgo Invoice of the very fluest Isitthsl gmsls ever shown lu thu west. The Hue compiisos u complete assoitineiit of the finest lniortisl cherries, s'ai'hes, H-als, etc , lu Jollies nud pieserves, ulstiu tempting ui ray of lellshes, islam, pine iippluaud other luxiiiiousisllbles. The firm in its new quartets is meeting with good suc cess and when en tli el) llxisl ami nt homo, ami all their goods In place they will liavo thu nobbiest ami most centra! location in (lie city. Tlioynioln the Kehruug block, corner IStli nml N sheets, und their telephone is No, -'0. (IihmIs tlellvertsl to uuy purt of tho city nml nil oidersieeeivo piompt and cnieful nttou tlou. New Train Mirvlco on tliu Nortliwentnru. Hy the new arrangement Lincoln pationsof this ronto have the only parlor c n in service In thu west at their fits) disposal betveeil Liu coin nud Mlssomi Vulley, Iowu, thu Junction Hilut of the Ell.hoi u lino w ith thu Northwest ern It H proHr. These cms are tho same as itsisl by tins company ls.-twts.-u Chlcngo nml Milwaukee nml nre the acme of railroad lux ury ami s.-rfis tlon lu their iipotitiienU which consists of smoking, toilet nud curd compartments In mlditloii to thu main saloon, to say nothing of the porter In chaigo, all of which aro furnished with Is-autlfully uphol steusl nud (Oiufortnlile gieut arm chairs und couches except tho parlor wIiomi furnishing Is in genuine ebony. lcuviug Lincoln on the afternoon train in ono of these inrs the pussengcr nrrlves nj Missouri Vulley nt IHft, p m. A wait of fif teen minutes now occurs to nllow passengers for Chicago and the east to select seats In the fluest com lies in the null ond seivice or secure the nccoimi.odulloiis itstivtdiii the sleeper allotted to l.inioln putt ons Stinting again nt '. p. in , the passenger finds him or herself In mi elegant car, u wirt of thu Noith western Llmltid, u solid vestlbuleil tialu of couches, sleeping mid dinning curs. Ilight hero we will icinuik that the iasseugfi- is now in tliu finest train, running over the Ust track, nml guided b) the lH-st service in the country. After n deligliiiul inn the train runs Into Chlcngo on time ut b :'.'.'), a m , in time to make the morn lug connections iitu ih, eust nml south. Don't tuko our w onl fur this hut try this line the next time you go east. Webster & Hogers hnvo just plum! on Miln fA,000 worth of Ismts nml sIiihsi nt a io duaioii of twtuty 11. e poi- cent. .Mitiioginins, citsts, dies, etc., promptly eu giuvst in the met aitistlc inauner at the Coi'tiiKU ullksj. Don't H-ud orders awiiy fioui home when It cm bu iloiiu i.i tho city ut the smnu piltts ' Suwjer & MtM'.ier, lloilsts, Mtisonlo Temple.