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About Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 9, 1889)
ymmffivfrr f - nmrm.fjfAf C3 , 'V CAPITAL CITY COURIER, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1889. S!" If A' , M- peady for Business 1 yf NEW DEPARTURE I J Courier Engraving Co. NEW BURR BLOCK, Having Just opcueil n now luiluntrjr In ixinneollon with Til KUotliilKn Ollleo, wo nro now propnretl mill run furnish on h6rtnotleo the finest work of nil kliuls of Engraving on Wood or Metal, Cut of ltullillnn, Machinery, Limit cnjvon, Patent Drawing, Portrait Work, t., n well in nit other work under thin Itrntl, will recolvo prompt nnd rnrofiil nttontlnn. EASTERN PRICES nnd nil honorable competition mot. Our facilities nro equal to tha icnt, unit our Artist have no superior miy where. Hkotche utl spoelmon of work, nine CMdltnntos furnished on application, Mnll cmler solicited, umt City trade I especially rcftquestcd to look u up. Courier Engraving Co. Telephone 'iVI. M.W. NkwhkhuyI lw Wkhhici., Jit. tl.-J-WIK. 1'JlliHt. I Now llurrlllock. BOOK HEADQUARTERS. W. II. BROWN, Druggist, Hat always on liniul n larjjc line o( the jSnesI hooks by eminent au thor, nt rlli price. Perfumes and Toilet Articles In great variety. Call nntl cc us, 137 South 11th St. FRANK E. LA MR, 036 P Street, GOLD COIN STOVES And Ranges. Gold Coin Ventiduct. I V) 5 c u u W 5 a U 4 VI a 1 J H OS el Saturday Evening, Feb, 9, '89, Corner 10th and P StrMt.. leadingDryGoodsHouso Herpolsheimer Sl Go. GRAND Embroidery Opening. Tito Courier C'mi ho found At Windsor Hotel New Hlnnd. Capital llolel Now Maud. Udell' Dining Unit NowsHtnnd. UIiimiii A Hotelier', 1 10 Uuiith Uth Street. A. T. laming A Oo'n., 1100 O Hlreot. Tho Oolluuu NowsBtand, US Houth lltli HI. Kollh Ilm., Ill Noith lltli Blreot. Kd. Young, ll) U Hlreut. Knton AHiultli, USIIO "Diamond Pharmacy," ISth nnil N Ht. BEST GRADES OF UNDERWEAR At Attractive Prices. W. R. DENNIS, 1 137 O. I.ornl unit Ventolin). Whltehreast Cool nntl Lhno Company. Take Turkish nt 1010 O street, Tho best Tens. B. 1 . Stevens & Co. Telephone nt tho Couhieu ollleo I 2.VJ, Oiloll's (lining hull, 21 ticket for (4.00. Mineral wnterusetl for ImthliiK, 1010 Out. Trickey & Ca,wholtaloiuul retail Jowolers. Try iioino of tho lino fresh Huh nerved every day nt Cameron'. Cnnoii City Conl ngnln nt tho Whltehreast Con I amlI.lmo Co. lloaxt meats, uml vegetables of nil kinds Cameron's Lunch House. I,ncknwuiin nnd Bcrnntou hnrtl conl told only by Mutchlu & lljntt. Canon City conl delivered to nil parts of city, Cnll up telephone UA". A drop lnj.uoUi prices nnd stock of dry goods nt II. lt.'.Nltley &. Co. Oulylplnco in Lincoln tlint uses mlnernl water In tilths Is nt 1010 O street. Improved shower for Turkish Ixiths nt 1010 O street, basement Union block. Memlotti, tho moKtiKipulur coal on tho mar- ket, tola only by i utchius & Hyatt. For tickets to Oregon or 'Washington tor ritory points upply nt 115 Bo. 10th st. Quilted datln nnd fancy knit sklrU for ladles and children nt llorpolsholmcr & Co's. Kino Tens. 8j)lces, nnd the largest lino of Flno Uroceries in tho city, nt B. IN Stevens. Dr. It. F. Ilnlley, ollleo nnd resldcnco corner of Fourteenth nnd I. streets. Telephono 017. Drown's cafe, is the recognized, hcntltpiar tors for lino lunches nnd everything dlgent- nl)Ie. Heat iKMird In tho city nnd nt n price within reneh of nil, nt Odell's. Twonty-oiio inenla for 4. Wo Irnvo Just opened our spring stock of whito goods und eiubroldories, Ashby & Millsvaugh. The finest luncheons in tho city nro served nt nil hours nt Carder's Kuropenn restaurant, tmPstroot. Kverythlug new and neat, finest menu nnd best cook In tho city at Carder's Kuropcnn restntirant, U34 P street. Tho finest work in tho city nt Hnyden's photographic studio. 11)14 O street. See our flno wimples of art work. In furs nnd fur trlin'nlng Hcrpouhoinier &. Co. show n very complete line nt ns near furriers prices as possible. It will iwiy you to buy woolen hoslory for noxt winter nttho prices Ashby & Mills pmigh nro making on this Hue. Tako thelbest nnd only one through system line, C, & N. W. to Sioux City, Minneapolis and St. Paul, ollleo 115 So. 10th st. Everybody that hits stopped nt Canler's hotel sieaks well of It. Dny loard or meals a la carte served at popular prices. Call on J. C. Field, Uncolu Scavnnger, for prompt work day and night. Ollleo under First National bank. Call telephono 403. Kmbroldery sale at 8, 10, 12 l-Oo. , soino 8ecinl values. All ladles should attend that aio interested. II. It, NIssley & Co. Exery body can afford to eat at the leading resort In thejeity now. The price of SI tick eU now ati Odell's is only $ I -reduced from H.BO. Sawyer & Moehier's greenhouses supply cut flowers, lioqucU, etc., on short notice, llrauchlllorai consenratory in Masonlo Tem ple baseiueut. At Miss Johnston's hair dreMing Emporium ladles will find the newest styles in bangs, switches, toilet articles, and every ting used for the adornment of tho head. You can buy woolen hosiery at about half price ladles, gents and children at the clos ing sale of Ashby & Mlllspaugh. Throughivcttlbule sleeper with dining car attached ;from Missouri Valley on all Elk horn C dtJN. W. It, II. trains to Chicago Any kind of coal deelnxl will lie promptly furnished and delivered to any part of the city orlthe additions, by Hutchlns & Hyatt, Abo all kiiubof wood on band and sold at bed rock pricea. ?& IN TIIK SOCIAL SWIM. A WEEK'8 HAPPENINGS CHRONICLED. Arroiiiil of Hull, I'lirtlnit, Wedding Kir., That llimi lliitiirtulneil Hoclrty. The Kvnnt of thn Week. Tuesday ovciiIiir'h tmrtv wns the most nlrns. nilt of the reirilliir ur(i irlv.m l.v On. Pleasant Hour club. Tho hall was well-filled and everyone seemed In their projrer element to enjoy the occiislnu. Quito n largo mimlter of visitors were notlcahlo on tho lloor ami most all the members weie present, tlitm making the nlfalr n large nnd most enlovahlu ono. The dance list coiimrl.wl wKi, u..n nrrangwlnumlMMs Ineludlng nil the opular iiiovementH In the terpichoro. As usual Mr. A. O. llccsoii gracefully presided ns master of ceremonies and the l'lilllinrnioiilooa'liestrii Wns lt ilH Cllstoilllirv Htlllloil illM-nnr-alnir sweet strains of Inspiring niuulo imicli to the hii.inuiiinrii ,ji mi present. The nartlcliinntM im - ... i... ui,..t don, Mr. nnd Mm. Piu-her, Lieut, ami Mrs." rowuloy.Mr.nntlMiu Ijouanl, Mr. mid Mm. oiionnui, Air. nnil Mm. W. II. MoAitliur, Mr. mid Mm. K. 1C Hayden, Mr. nnd Mm. Lipplucott. Mr. nnd Mr. n. ...... m- nud Mm. ltehlniiili.r. Mr ....,i t. 'n.'.i.' . .- ,. , "I .. A.tin. Allien- sUi r, Mr. und Mm. Mulr, Missc-s Alum and Martin Funke, Ll.nlst, Chic, llrown, Price, Miller und (Irulmm, of Chicago Adam of Ifautlo Crwlc, Mich., Alteon nnd llello Oakley. Hawkins, Hnelllng, ailw, Hn.n llll. Of New York. 1li...l.. .....1 1111 ... .. , . 1 -... 11111n111.u1 Ne braska City. L til,. Mii.i-11,,,. i t i.. Clarke, Hu.ldlth, Wllllaiiw, Potvln, Agey and runlnger. Messn, Van' Duyon', ledger Hlchter, (1). MoAitliur, Nutt, Frank Kmlth Magoon, H. J. Hnll, Senator Taggart, of wW.l.'"KV ,S?,"""- t-'""-""", of Valentine, Wnlte. Wrlirht. I). 1' Ti.i.,.,.,..... iim 11..1' , ., - , "' -"'iin'-nfi. .fill ilL'lf kol , Iw, Lieut. Orllllth, Foresmnn, Oriinlii nndUtlmm, of Omaha, iAJinlst, Mohrenstech er, chrunir. Maxwell uml , The I. (I. 11. ii,"iiii. 0inc; to 1111 ovinili.lif r .. ... ... .1. . account of tlio opening hop or tho Lincoln City Lodge, No. U77, 1. O. 11. J., wns unlntentlon- "" l"' ru" "'" last issue, a fact which w o very much regret. (St-o editorlnl.) Ihealiah was 11 mriMf. ..!,.,.., ...... , .. - 'b'"i. tiiu, iiiiii 11 sueeww in every jKimt of view, and ns such certainly spenks vnlmnr. f..r i,.. .. , . " ...v. iiuw iiiiii prosperous lodge under whoso auspice it was glvHi. 1 ho iloor commltteo w ns untiring in ... v' 10 pienso nil nntl tho nrrungoment or tho dances were such ns to thoroughly sat- 1 y.",Vmy"P- . M,",' wnH wM rendered by tho I hllliarmonlo orchestra assisted by Miss .......(,.,; v i0 ,uno nna niiioiic the selections Worn n niiinlu.r nt i... ,... ,r i. , , : " "" muni, mm from such iwpular oirrn ns Little Tycoon, Krmlule, Pearl or Plkin, Nnnon, etc. ui,ijto ociik-k tno large reception room ndlo 11 nir tint drill r ...... .i.L - i m wtt SI IIO 1,111 Ul It open nnd an elaborate banquet was revealed. .... ...... v was nret enjoyetl nnd when all stoiiiHl befnra tho rlmlru r..n.i -.. 1.... the Kviio iirewnteil Iwforo .ch or them was beau Iful nntl inviting to behold. Tlio spread which wasservivl hvtim t..) 1.. 1. consisted of everything delicate nnd substnn. tlal that tho market alfouls, nnd rellected much credit uivou tho cntetem. After enjoying this jwrt of tho entertain, inent dancing wns resumed nnd the program or fourteen danceti happily completed nbout two 0 1 clock. Tho affair throughout w a char asteruetl for Its I'milnltv .,. .i. 1. . .. ., h Sl! ,".,n" uvori'1"10 enjoyed a most do- ..t,...iu. mm-, lurnuoi WHICH the now order I tolwcongiiitulatel. Tho CoiniiHimr,.....!. Uwt wishes to tho I. 0. 11. It. nnd tm.i i.Im futuro nffaire will be etpially as enjoynblo ns tho first. A Delightful Theatre lHrty. Wcdllvsdnv uvmilncr Mr .Tnl... 1 i..k ,.f v... orkClty, cntertiilned n number of friends nt a theatre party given nt Funked, the occa sion lolng tho initial jverformnnco in this city of "Kings Fool'' which wns excellently pio sentcd by tho Conried Oiom Company. .Mr Day, who f at present visiting here, having some important measures before tho Legisla ture, nas uuriiig his Bojourn made a number of friends among our most prominent social leaders. They have received him quite pleas antly nnd desiring to reciprocate tho kindly welcome accorded him. i,,..i.... Inst week to this event, which certainly wns .. .....ii-.iiiuiinmj-o( tno regani In which he esteemed tho friendship of each or his guests. Thero was twentyono in tho party, all or whom mot in IJurr & Iteeson'a ollleo in tho opera house building. When tho uli num ber was present, all entered tho i ivss circle together and tho twentyone seats weie occu pied in a bunch. Tho ladles and gentlemen were all attired in lull evening dress nnd the assembly muda an attractive nnd pleasant apiiearuneo mid the imtnciiso audience pres ent. The guests were Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Uurr, Mr. and Mm. A. D. liurr, Mr. nnd Mm. A. G, lteeson, Mr. and Mm. Ray nor, Mr. and Mm. Cody, Mr. T. P. Kennnrd ami Mm. Coleman, Mr. ami Mm. Hrink, Mr. und Airs. Coirroth, Mr. and Mm. Chas. Pitcher ami Mr. and Miss Coleman. Tho Junior! l'Mrty. Templo Hall was all aglow last evening, it being the occasion or tho Juniors firth party or tho season and It was given with undoubted success. Tho orchestra was at its lest nnd furnished tho merry dancers with dellghtrul music. Numerous iocUiUrs helod to en liven tho scene nnd several members of tho sonlom being present gavo tho affair nn nlr or perfection. Thero were prtsenti Misses Anna and Martha Funke, Ulllesplo, Gllus, Mar- flllMtfi, Plnrl.. Hntli......., f lllll.f.l,. u.... 'I1"'"! w.. w, mwumh; ...III.JI li.fjV, UIAJIIV, uiiiii, i uw, iMiieutiue, iaws, tjuillil, MUI lon, Mamlanl, Smith, Coleman, McBrldo, Delue. Louse. Suddlth. irunlln i.r N v and Spraguo of St. IxuU. Mason, Marshall, Mollolleu, Mulr, V. E. and O. II. Clarko. Hathaway. Nisslov. Audrut. Northnm Btout, Pumpolly, llurr, Wheeler, Storm, Langworthy, Phlllljw, Rodgem, Winger, Smith, Young, Allen, H. A. Clarke and E. Sherwood or Omaha. TheT. A. 91, Sleet Again, Tuesday evening the regular meeting or this, Lincoln's youngest society club, was held at the home or Mr, Ilranson, and as usual enjoyed tho' ofenliigs entertnlnmout with a marked degree or satlafactson. The young peoplu , psaed the time very pleasantly with gamos or cards and in "trip ping the light fantastic." They were furnish ed with the best of musics aud merriment reigned supremo until good nlghtfl were said. Among those present wore: Missed Hytlo, Hale, lleekcr, Melono, Harper, Mollck. Sim mon, Jackson, Jlurcli, Morgan, nnd Mraim. Whitlow, Hnllott, Heaton, Harold, Hyem, Hall, Decker, Melons, llrowno, Simmons nntl other. Tho club I certainly it social uccosh, nr li evident by tho full nttendciicu of lb, inombera at nearly every meeting. An lititnlng rimisKiitly I'lissmt, Mr, Frank Zohruug eiitertnlncd n iiiiinlier of frleml nt his homo on A stieet, Inst 6 ven ing. Tlio jiarty wns small but thero were Just enough present to render tho evenings entertainment enjoynblo. Dancing was In dulged In and after partaking or light re freshment nt tho hand of the host, tho de lightful affair won brought to n close. Thero were present: MIsse Graham, Price, Miller, Funke, Iittn, Lemlst, William. Agey, Outcault, Hawkins und Hussey. Messrs. Magoon, Iluckstaff, Lemlst, Hlchter, Fores man, Helski-ll, Higenbothnin, Mnnsflold, Smith ami lladgcr. A rii-imidit Wi'ilillnr, Tuesday evening tho homo of Mr. nnd Mm. K. T. Robert wns tho scene of n delightful weddlnc Mr. P. A. Mcdlll umt Ml kni,. Cleveland listened to tho word spoken by tho Rev. Davl that pronounced thorn man and wifo. Miss Cloyelaud ha Ihsii n resilient of Lincoln three or four yearn nnd bus mndo many friends In Hint time who with thu Couuikk extend their congratulations. Apollo' Nmr Olllcor. Tho Apollo uniform division at n meeting held Tuesday evening elected It now officers which resulted as follows: Captain, C. M. Keefer. Flint Lieutenant, W. Churchill. Herald, F. D. Harris. Much Interest was shown In tho proceeding niid grent enthusiasm was manifested for tho futuieof this, Lincoln's crack uniform divis ion. Now life neem to have been inspired nnd much good inny Imi oxiiccied. Mr. U. M. Keefer, the newly elected rnptiln, was form erly nt the division's head nml Iwlmr v,.ll ,. in tactics ami well liked, wo may look to him lor n continuation or tlio past good woik. Mr. E. T. Roliei ts left yesterday for a brief stay in Kansas City. Miss Hnmllii, or Now York City, is vlstlng Lieut, nml Mrs Townley. Tho Ilnydeu Ait club will meet nt tho Unl vemlty chapel Tuesday evening. Mr. C. E. Montgomery I away from town on a trip through Kansas unit Now Mexico Mr. F. A. Flske, with Ilrown & Houtz, Is getting out ngnln after a severe siege of 111 iies. Charles Mayer of Mayor Hrothera Is cmiiuto to Now York anil the east on n purclinslng tour. Harry Deuel Omaha city passenger agent of tho Union Pacific was a Lincoln visitor Thursday. Mr. II. R. NIssley, Is at homo again. He has been east purchasing their mammoth spring stoctl. Mr, Sain Hcrshlor, n member of tho now firm of Nowmurk & Hershler, arrived in tho city yesterday. Mm. E. T. IloliertH, who has been visiting friends In Washington Territory, returned to t io city Monday. John Layno and family, who have leen north for tho past rew weeks have returned to their homo in tills city. Mnik Hooker, tho plumber and Geo. Cultrn, tho coffee man, nro enjoying a at Ban Francisco nnd tho const. visit t 111 Webster leave next week for York nnd llostou to Iny In n, largo Now now stocic ot spring ami summer tootwear. Messrs. Ashby & Mlllspaugh begin a speolnl closing sale totlny on woolen hosiery at prices you enn not resist It you see them, II. R. NIssley Is homo from Now York nfter a two weeks visit. Repurchased a magnifi cent lino of fine spring goods dm Ing his ab sence. Mr. II. S. Gordon, of tho National Lumlicr Co., Is still unable to bo about, having lien confined to his room nil week on account of severe Illness. Jim. J O. Itnriinril has been entertaining Mm. J. M. Woolworth nnd Mrs. R. R. Ring wnlt, or Omaha, nt her homo WHO F street during the week. Wedding Invitations and nil Knittv nrlnr. ng oxocuttnl on short order, mnll and tele- grapu orders receive prompt attention nt tho CoimiKU ollleo. Tho friends of Hnrrv Hiftiifliiimr will it. gret to hear that bo has been sent for on ac count or tho denth or his brother. He loft ho city Tuesday. Miss Aitii Codv arrived In tint eitv Tues day and has been the guest of Mm. W. II. Hrevoort She loaves today for a week stay In Leavenworth, Gonial Jeff Glass, foimcrly Mr. Montrose's partner in the Windsor hotel has been rejiort ed hurt in u runaway accident in Denver tho first jxirl or tho week. During tho windstorm Monday ovenlng tho immense grain elevators or Mr. C. T. Ilrown weie totally destroyed by lire, entail ing n loss or nearly forty thousand dollars. Mm. C. I). .May, life Miss Minnie Lett, a former resident of Lincoln, Is spending the week with her old friends here. Hho is tho guest of Mm. John Doollttlo while In the city. Miss Minnie Hawke and Miss Dollio Gill man, two or Nebraska City's leading social belles, wero guests or Miss Minnie Latin, Tuesday. They returned homo Wednesday after attending the Pleasant Hour hop. Tho Couhieu acknowledges with thanks the receipt or a handsomely engraved invita tion to attend tho wedding or Mr. M. L. Roeder nnd Miss Pnullue Goldsmith, nt the Metropolitan club, Omaha, February 14th and extend its compliments. Mr. and Mrs. Will Leonard nm I'nrm lulu. ing tho MIsmcs Graham, Prico and Miller, or niiloilfrn. Tint htdin. nvn wnll nl.uiuwl tvltl. tho capital city, soeui to enjoy ojir social cir cles nnd nro belnu royally entertained bv their opular host and hostess. Tho Loyal Legion fraternity enjoyed an oinuornie (Ktuquet n me Windsor Hotel Wed noedoy evening nnd liko nil their spreads, was a brilliant affair and a duclded success in overy way. A large number of senators wero among the guests of the evening. Invitations nm! ntlmr iirliitlinr far ,lu. .Iilr.l niinual ball of Capital City Ixxlgo, No. 170, ii. ii. it. n., is now in mo imuiis or the artis tic, printers of the Couuiku jab deiMirtmeut. The affair takes place March 18th at Mosoulu templo and promises to bo a most enjoyable one. The Indies art and furnishing storo of Fore man & Crow will move next week from their present location to four doom north, the room recently vacated by Curtice X Thiers. Tho ladles expect to have their new spring stock of embrodorlciieto., in by the tlmo they are in shajie. Tho ftiiiltnl hotel lillllnnl nnrlnra nm lu.l coming even more popular thau over undr4 mo mauageiueui. oi isewt aoooii, lie is well4 nr.innlnt.ul with all tha Imivs unit mitnluxrli. hi friends among tho commercial men on the-! roau DW, mo scores, ms success is eosi v ac 1 couuteuTfor, Bawytisjlt Mother, florists, Masonic Temple ilr B "' lii'- ' ), sVsVsVsVsVsVsVsVsVsBTflnH 'Ml HES M ' .Hilll ' jBWtVtVflE sMJlHijjMrv BsHBrisBTBTATrBPBVPiCaBHEl Most Popular Resort in the City. ODELL'S DINING HALL, MONTGOMERY HLOCK, 1 1 19, 1 121 and 1 123 N Street. Meals 25 ets ' $4.00 per week. SEE OUI NEW Embroideries and White Goods Ashby & Millspaugh. LADIES FURNISHING AND ART STORE, 122 South 12th Street. FINE FANCY GOODS A1NTD iNOTIONS Stamping, Art Needle Work, Kid Glove." and Materials or Fancy Work, our specialty. Foreman & Crow, Props. 122 South 12th Street. Opposite Opera House. For MAN ! jv .SKSkW ton rJLTA as?&. , MLXICAN.MnaTANffItNDIEKT Urtt-atli to Pilm 1 OUIIILS. L'lXEU lllLEAIITM "W AC WM : 4j 100 Engraved And Copper Plate, for $2.50. If you have a Plate, we same, WESSEL PRINTING CO. Courier Office. Telephono 253. .'I Sttabtithid Die. 10, 188. The German National Bank, LINCOLN, NEIL f?nr5fnl Tnirl tin. Sfnn onn nn ) Sii s, . . . 13,000.00 Tranmtts numinwl I) inlcln? hiMlnosi. Issues letters of on lit, draw drafts on all puts of the worl I. KorJlttn eollectloni a spjJliilty. . OI-'KIOKIH AND DlttKOroitS. in:iiMN 11, ivosidout. C t MUNHON, Vleo Prcstdont. JOSIIl'II DOEIIMEH, Cashier. O.J. WIIJOX, Assistant Oaslilor. O K. M JVT 1 )UtillV. AL'SX If VfiTBlt fa im:niti:u. n.j. iirotiikkton WAtiTBIl J. HARRIS. t. A. IIUDI3L30N LINCOLN HRANCH OF Max Meyer & Bro., Wholetsls and Retail Dealers In PIANOS tf ORGANS General western ngonts for tho Hteln WV.' 'V.'".'"-'! ehlckorlng, Voso, Ernst Unulor, Ilohr llros., Nowhy & Kvnns, ami KterlliiK. Piano mnrked In plain flpures-prlcc always the lowest for tlio grade or pianos. C. M. HANDS, Manager. 142 North lltli Street. For BEAST !l wm WWm. M K LsSs. m "v7 T Liniment JSS flirt nil ty .U...-Tr .' sr MK A !. ammoiu 7rjBBmJW issrsfir szr & V TiKJ.w" jtKtF jSHT &ir w- &' Calling Cards will furnish at $1.50. 100 Cards from New Burr Block. i iti. i 1 ) sAiit.' .'(in . i,i..i ' Atii l&i RWI -si.rWiii MjJltifliilJTl() "lJu " i.Jr " - 11 '4s. 1 V -Slf iu.-