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About Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 9, 1889)
""$ ' IfV -Jvr""'r ?"-yir"T'j' iyt CAPITAL CITY COURIER, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 1689. -!-? I i 4 I-' t w UHPRECKHHTED ATTRACTION ! Over a Million Distributed. Louisiana State Lottery Comp'y. Incorporated lytlio Lonlslnttiro In 1WH for Kdiicntloiml mitt Clmrttalilo purpoM), mid Hi franchise iiiiuIo n part of tho itrommt Miito ' constitution In 1N7U by nil overwhelming ihxi ulnrvoto Its Mammoth Drnulng tnkc place Scml Annually ( June nnd Decem ber), nnil Its Grinul Single Number Draw lugs tnkc tilncc In cncli of the other ten months of the year, .nnd arc nit drawn In public, nt the Academy of Music, New 'Orlcnns, La. FAMED FOR TWENTY YEARS, For Integrity of Its Drawings, nnd Prompt Payment of Prizes. Attested ft Follow! "Wo do hereby certify that wo nuporvlni tho nrruiiKcmi'MlK for all tho Monthly nnd HoiiU-Aiintml DruwIliKB of Tho IxMiNlutm Htnto Iottcry Pomimiiy. nnd In person limn nKO nud control tho l)mwliiK thcinsulvoN, mid that tho sntuo nro conducted with hon esty, fnlriiPHt, and In rood faith toward nil Iinrtlcn, nnd wo nuthorlro tho Coinimny to uso his cortlllcnto, with fac-idtulllvM of our lgim sure attached, In Its ndvortlsuiuuiilH." Commissioners. Wo, tho iitidcrslKtird Hanks nnd HiuiUorM 111 pay nil prizes drawn In tho Louisiana Htnto Ixittorlos, wliloli may ho presented nt -our collator. It. M. WAIiMHIiKV. l'res't I,oulsnna Nat IPk riKUHK r.ANAUX, I'ros.Ktiilo National ll'k A. IIAIjDW'IN, Pros. Now Orleans Natl Hank OAHIjKOHN, l'res. Union National Hank GRAND MONTHLY DRAWING ( At tho Academy of Mailo, Now Orltani, Tuesday, February 12, 1880. Capital Prize, $300,000. 100,000 Tickets nt)j Halves 110: Quarters fj; Tenths 2; Twentletlis si; , I.I.ST OK I'ltlZKH. l lMtr.r.OKi'nw.onoi ,ino.(A 1 l'KI.i: OK 11M,H Is 1(10,000 li'iti.HOK riO,ooois an,im i piti.r. of 25.UMU 2 IMU.KHOF 10,000 aro ai.oou li IMII.KH OK o.oounro j.i.iju) STiIMU.KH OK lOOIMU.KHOK aiOIMtl.KHOK oooi'm,i:soK 1,000 urn a'l.Ooi) ftMnro ftO.OOO iUOnro (K),oiil 'JMuro 100,000 Al'I'llOXtMATION mtlZKS. 100 Prizes of $.710 nro fiO.OOO iuu no. auuitru ;n,uuu 100 1)00 WJ do. 'JWnro a),000 TKIIMINAI. PIU7.KS. do. 100 nro 00,000 do. ltWnro IW.0OO fl,13l I'rlzos, amounting to f 1, 05 1,800 Notk Tickets drnwlii): Capital Prizes nro not entitled to Terminal Prizes. V KorCtub Hates or nny othor dcslrod Information, wrlto legibly to tho imderslRiiod , clonrly Hinting your rvHldoncc, with Htnto' Connty, Htreetnnd Nuinbor. Morn rapid ro turn mall delivery will ho assured by your en closlni; mi Envelope bearing your full ad dress. Bond POSTAL NOTTS, Kxprcss Money Or dors, or Now York i:elmnKo In ordinary let tor. Hond currency by l.xpress (at our ox poiuo) addressed M. A. DAUPHIN, Now Orleans, I,a. OrM. A. DAUPHIN, Washington, 1). C. Address Registered letters to NKW OllLKANH NATIONAL HANK, NowOrlouus, La. ItEMKMIinit that tho payment of tho Prizes Is Guaranteed by Four National Hanks of Now Orleans, nnd tho tickets aro signed by tho President of nn Institution, whoso char tered rights nro reeoimlod In tho highest courts; tuoroforo, beware of all Imitations or anonymous xchomes. ONI', DOLLAH Is thoprloooftho smallest part or fraction of a ticket IMSJUKI) 1IY UH n any drawln?. Auvtblnglu our nuino of urod for loss than u Dollar Is u swindle HAGENOW&ASCHMANN, Philharmonic Orchestra AND MILITARY BAND, OiTicc,Rooms 139 nnd IJurr Dlock. Telephone 1 3.1. J. II. V. II AWKINS, ARCHITECT AND SUPERINTENDENT, Ilulldlngs completed or In course of erection from April 1, 18H0: lluslness block. O K ontgomery, 11th nnd N. do do L W Iilllliiirslur, lltli near N. Restiuirntit (Odells) O 15 Montgomery, N near Ilesldeiice, J J ImhofT, J and 18th. uo j i) .Miieiurmmi, u ana 14111, do do do do do do John Zchnnig, D nnd 11th. Albert Wntklns. I) lx-t nth and 10th. Wm SI Unwind. K lx't nth and 10th. Kltautlirle, Will and N. JK iU'txl, M I), K bet 10th and 17th in M Unl,l..l.. tfl I..,. I U.I. .....I .0.1. hk.iltarfnin building nt Mllford. Neb, Flrrt llaptlst clnirch, 14th and K street, ortuary cUadol nu 1 receiving iionib nt Wyuka oemeterj'. UU .. u ... .UIUI1I, II IIC. lOlll UIJU JOIU, Ofllce Rooms .13 ami. II Richards Bloolc A. Nowicki, K. D. Formerly Professor In tho University Mos cow. Dr. Nowlckl has recently returned from Paris, Vienna and othor Knropcaucltios whoro ho has boon studying tho new system of treatment of his specialties, female com plaints and liver, kidney and ovo diseases, m North l-Jth Ht, Transit Hotel ilulldlng M9li Hewlnt.Meblae .10 ! VaCff IBDIIIB ira ! til Duit. br bUclsv out macklni nl foodt nfatr lh t"eiU iafn, wi win was ircflioon pfrwo In ttch locUt,tb vtry mI Minfnchia mad U Mld.llk all lb AlUchmnli. W will alio iad rrr ft com pit i tin of our cmiIjt b4 vaUib) trt iMnpU. Inrttttrowtukihuroii boff wbl Ht itiut, to tbo wbo nty roll at your huu,d ftr M inoBinioiitDaii icvnt jour ewa wnr. ini rrtM tutnmi w raadnir tba AlMirr Mitoti. hlcb ufi run ovtitxfoft iiMta run out It old forVttll, with I bo HOW Mill Wf otreiit! vao ibrtaflajtfMt roolrod. Mala, io. au u ouro Ibo boat aawloo- Moo a tbo world, aod tko Wb lovotkar io Aaaarko. AwtaMa M & oaao cao ao ami itaa afwof k of Mid art ovot tJKi 'VV Wwl Tb 9K. 77T49 VBV (MB iiTjy E Wm MBBalKVr lltb mhn. inMSffm sfvil'R ) pfVTmi m Sto' lAa VM f pBaoSli:iarn,ll,ll, rBarPl qm a o-w wom i iaa m iaaa on ram Tkoao wbo wrtia la ua ai aaac TMUKdkCO.)lli 74( LINCOLN IN I860. HIS HUMOR AND HOMELY PHILOS' OPHY IN THE CAMPAIGN. Tits Now York Tribune "If Oreoley snt You, 'It's All Itleht" I'.lcctlon NlghU 1'alufiil Ituniors from Wnahliistnn The First llnd Nows from South Carolina. In tho campaigns for tho minor ofllcos which ho succojslvoly flllod, Mr. Lincoln did not act materially different from other can didates of that time, except In tbo directness and clearness of statement with which ho addressed tho eopla Ills noted dobuto with Stephen A, Douglas, hi 1858, gavo him a na tional reputation, and his Cooper Institute speech rrmdo him tho candidate of many east ern men for tho Republican nomination at Chicago, and yet, when tho thing was actu ally dono, thoro was a good deal of nervous noss among Republicans clsowhero, and a half expressed fear that "this llllnoy rail splitter will mako tho wholo thing ridiculous." Tho fact that tho convention had passed by tbrco such scholars as Seward, Chaso and McLean, to toko Lincoln, and that tbo throo candidates of tbo other parties wcro men of long standing reputation, added not a littlo to Republican anxioty In tbo east, and tbo principal papers soon had tbclr most experienced Intervlowers at Springfield to find out what manner of man this Lincoln was. Tho representative of Tho Now York Trlbuno shall tell his own story: I arrived In Springfield about a week be fore tho election, on tho evening of a dull, rainy day. On tho morning after my arrival I called upon Mr Lincoln at tbo stato houso, whero ho received visitors in tho governor's room, tendered for bis uso during tho cam paign. When I first spoko with him ho was qulto alono In tbo spacious apartment lont him by tho governor, surrounded by an abattls of dlsbovolod nowspapcrs and in comfortable occupancy of two chairs, ono supporting his body, tho other bis heels. As bo sat thcro in tho least stately of attitudes, his knees drawn up to a level with his bead and his feet rising at an unglo from tbo fcoad chair to nearly an equal height, my fancy Immediately pictured him as tho niodol for an Initial "W" In an Illustrated comlo paper the lines and angles of that lottcr being fairly Indicated by tbo 6overol sections and Joints of bis frame. It was not in this light, apparently, that I could hope for n rovcrsal of tho unfortunate Impression which bad been forced upon mo a fow hours before. Ho received mo with tho geniality natural to him, and was pleased to express not a littlo curiosity as to what I had como to Springfield for. Learning that it was cblofly to write about himself and hueh Inci dents of tbo election as should connect them selves jiartleularly with him, bo was further more pleased to deprecate tho wholo proceed ing, and to intlmuto that my energies might better bo dovotod to swelling tho Republican voto in Now York. "But If Oreoloy sent you, it's all right," bo concluded, "Oreoloy knows best, I sup poso." 1 ventured to submit that Mr. Oreoloy probably bad no moro notion of my excur sion than bo (Mr. Lincoln) had; and not so much, in point of fact, sinco tho latter know whero I was at that moment, which tbo for mor, presumably, did not. Whereupon ho lifted ono oyobrow a trillo Incredulously, It bccmod to mo and again assured mo it was "all right." "Yet a voto is a voto," ho added, Just a littlo querulously; "ovcry ono counts." In tbo conversation that followed, I did not dl la to upon tbo confident ossuranco of tho men who mako uowspapcrs, that tboy can be put to hotter uso than tbo moro casting of a single ballot, becauso It would evidently have been difficult to touch him with that kind of argument, but 1 montlonod that tbo corre spondents of Now York Journals wcro bo bur- LINCOLN XND THE COIUlE8m.NnE.ST. tied about from ono placo to another that thoy could hardly bo sold to havo a legal resi dence anywhere, and as in my own case had no chance of reglstoring or othcrwiso qualifying themselves to exercise tho sulfrugo So that, as far as my power to determlno tbo result of tho forthcoming election was con corned, I might as well bo In Springfield or In Kamscbatka as on tho island of Manhat tan. "80 Oreoloy docsut know you aro hero." ha remarked, with a keeu glance. "Why," said I, laughing, "1 have been con necud with Thu Tribune for, I wout say bow long, and 1 never exchanged six words with Mr. Ureeley in all the Umo." curious thing." ho answered 1 "Mien h didn't send you after allP "1 don't suposu ho thinks of tending out a correspondent or tares who Is sent out nt any tlmo. tf it would Interest you, I could easily oxplaln how littlo ho concerns himself with such matters. " "Ob, no, It's all right all right, of course." Tbo governor's room was tho abiding plneo of mirth nnd jollity, tho candidate always lending and generally Inspiring tho laughter Thcro was no danger of Interruption to his fanio ns a teller uf stories. No remark, how over seemingly Irrelevant, but served him n a hint or text for lively aiiecduto when ho was hi tho vein. Prom tho freshness and vn rloty of hli recitals, not to speak of tho nbun dant store nt his command, 1 was led to bo Hove that thoso vivacious fables wore as often tho outvotuo of sudden Invention us of aceu mulatod recollection. Thoy were amazingly apt, sometimes, and, 110 matter how remote tlio connection with tho subject in hand might npjKuir at tbo outhot, tho application would always lit Itself exactly nt tho closo which, again, Indicated the gift of Improvisation. As was to havo been oxcctcd, tho night following tho election was tho most exciting of my visit. Tho great rosult bad long boon past n doubt, hut thcro nas uouo tbo loss ongeruosM to learn tho details. Tho littlo telegraph otllce, hi tbo center of tbo towu, was a secno of tho liveliest Interest, though only a fow individuals were permitted to In vado its privacy and got tho nous fresh from the wires. As an Inovltnblo cousoquonco ro ports of tho most glgantlo aud lmpojslblu dimensions circulated outsldo. Tbo southern ers In Washington had sot flro to tho cap ital. Jeff Davis had proclaimed rebellion In Mississippi, and Douglas bad been eolrod us a hostage In Alabama. Ulood was running In tho streets of Now York and could not bo stopped. Tho negroes of Vir ginia hud rUen In Insurrection. Iln cbauau had resigned tho presidency. Any persou omorglng from tbo tele graph station and denying thaw nnd kindred rumors wus set down as having bis own rea sons for concealing tho dreadful truth. As tor Mr. Lincoln, it was, of course, prepos terous to look to htm for a square state ment or any statement of tho facts. The privileged half dozen who went freely In nnd out, being unublo to confirm tho catalogue of horrors, bocuino extremely unpopulnr, and wcro compelled to listen to unflattering re marks concerning their character, vocation, manners and appearance. Tho president-elect camo frequently to learn tbo Incoming Intelligence, but It was not until a comparatively lato hour that anything ex cept fonnal returns began to arrive. Thcro was a littlo gathering of friendly neighbors in a ball not far distant, whero Mrs. Lincoln 'sat surrounded by tho ladles of her acquaint ance, enjoying her sharo of tbo triumph. Once or twlco her husband looked In upon this party, but did not long remain. Toward midnight U legraphlo messages addressed di rectly to him commenced to tako tho placo of tho regular publio dispatches. Mr. Canioron was heard from moro than onco with respect to tbo voto of Pennsylvania. Words of con gratulation aud cheer camo from various Republican leaders In tbo northern states. Oy and by tho operator's volco was heard In a loss exuberant tone, reading out tfio an nouncement 1 STEPHEN A. D0U0LA8. "Hammond and Chosnut, of South Caro lina, havo resigned from tbo United States sonata" It was tho first noto of discord to Interrupt tho general rejoicing tho first forewarning of tho shadow to all this brightness. It was uuoxocted, too, and, coming in the midst of a tempcit of enthusiasm, scut a dlsngreoablo chill through moht of thoso who lUtened. A fow hours later it would not hnvo produced so ugly a shock. 1 looked at Mr. Lincoln, wondorlng If this sharp reminder would bring up any sign of a deeper consciousness than ho bad thus far shown. There wus uouo. IIo received It with tbo sumo smllo ho had worn all tho evening wbllo hearing tho reiterated confirmations of his success. Was it insensi bility) IIo lingered yot u littlo longer, then went cut into tho btroot, whence ho did not return at least, not wbllo I remained In tho vicinity Looking forth, ouco or twlco, I saw him walking slowly up nnd down, qulto alono, tho thoroughfares being by that tlmo deserted. Presently I started for my hotel with ono Of tho citizens who bnd nkn unltvt till near tho lust. As wo passed tho solitary figure wo exchanged leavotnkings, aud my companion oliscrvixli "Quick work for thoso South Carolina Mn atoru, wasn't It Turnod tall as soou as tboy got tbo nows." "Thoro are plenty left," answered Mr. Lin coln. "A littlo whlloago I saw n couplo of shooting stars fall down hissing and sputter ing. Plenty loft for many a bright night" Excepting for a formal farewell, I did not again see him hi Springfield, and I can remem ber that those fow midnight words, although wolgbtod with no evidence of especial serious ness, hud a measurable effect in softening tho impression produced by his persistent laugh ing humor It was, 1 think, tbo first obser vation I had heard from him In which no Jest was Implied. Strango as it seems to mo now, I.look over tho abundant notes I havo pre served of that visit, during which I saw Sir. Lincoln dully for more than a week, and often for hours at a tlmo, without finding tbo famt est foreshadowing of tho character In which bo afterward revealed himself. Had any disaster Intervened to prevent his inaugura tion In INI1, ( should never havo known bow to iKTbimdo myself that tho nation had suf fered an Irreiiarublo loss. Was it becauso of mv Incapacity to seo beneath tho surface! Was It becauso bo chose to wear a maskl Or was It, as 1 prow to bellovo, that tbo Lincoln of tho war did not then exist 1 I shall try to draw no further inferences, but leave the question as unsettled as It stands in my tnonv oranda of twenty three years ago. A Utile Lincoln Anecdote. Tbo firm of Lincoln & Ilcrndon divided fees without taking any receipts or making any entries on !ook. Ono day Mr IJncoln received tft.OUO as a loo In a railroad case. Ho camo lu and said to bis partner, Mr Horodon "Well, lllllle. hero Is our fees sit down and let modi vldo." . Ho counted out $3,500 to his partner and gave It to him with tbo nouVhalanco that he would huve given a few crt.ts for a popr Mr. Heruilon wus afterwordVloU for three months. Many of Mr UuuolnVfrieuds came to him and adviwd him to dUve partutr hlp with Mr. ilentdon, alleging thVt the latter would never Ua able again to be orVsnUtam-e to.nn2i.M&iillUco!jl elcl' v smently "Desert Hllllul No n,,i.ri it - 1. ..tit. a,Uh,."!Sn'u,dar I "M tnby nlm." mmvm-m m tvuuuutWMm 'Thnt'i TWO INAUGURATIONS. WILLIAM HENnY HARRISON'S IN 1041, AND HI3 GRANDSON'S IN 1089. Admiral I'ortci, of the United States Nary, Is the Only Man I.llng Mini Attended the Inauguration lull of IlnrrUon I, rreirlng Tor Mm Coming IniiUKurntlnii, ShcIaI Comoti(lenco.) Wabiiinoton, Toll. 7. In u s'.iop win dow on Pennsylvania, nvcntio Is displayed nn old jilcco of paper which nttractH tho attention of nmtiy jmBserB-hy. It U onoof tho liivilntloim to tlio Inauguration hull of Harrison tho First, forty-eight yearo ngo. On that Invitation nro tho tinmen of 100 oIUcoi-h of tho nnny nnd navy nnd marino corpi, and distinguished citizens. It la u singular fact that of tho 100 men iinmed In tho list hut ono Ih now living. Thla nolo mtrvlvor of bo largo n company appeared modestly In tho roster of navy representatives an "Limit. I). Portor," now thu admiral of tho navy. Admiral Porter Ih still In Washington, nnd at tho ngo of 70, nud after nlxty yenra of activo sorvlco in tho United States navy, n strong and activo mini, without 11 gray hair In hl old head, no signs of bald ness, nnd arms and limbs ho sttppto nnd muscular that, in his own Inngungo, "there's no man could down Mm." I found Admiral Porter in his ofilco on II street, him rounded hy 11 lmgo navnl library, models of ships, and somo of tho trophies of his glorious career. "It is tttio," said ho, "I wns onoof tho floor ninnagors nt Gen. Harrison's ball, nnd I guess I'm tho only ono of thorn liv ing. It seems queer to 1110 that I don't feel old, for of all tho olllcersof tho navy when I entered tho servico lu 1820, not ono is living. Of nil tho olllccrs of tho Mexican navy, in which I served ns a fnidshipman heforo 1820, not ono is liv ing. I've outlived them nil, and expect to livo for many years more. I remem ber Gen. Ilarribon'u ball very well. It wns held lu Carusl's saloon not a drink ing placo, mind you, hut n big dancing hall in which all tho swell social ovcnls of that period wero held. Thoro wcro several balls in honor of tho inaugura tionpeople danced In thoso days for tho lovo of It hut this was tho olllctal bal!. don. Harrison, howover, attended them all, but (lanced at none. IIo simply camo in with his suite and promenaded around tho hall two or three times whllo tho band played 'Tho Conqcring Hero' and tho gay party cheered tho old man to its heart's content. "At this ball in Camsi'a a littlo inci dent occurred which I never saw in print " continued tho admiral. "Thcro was n young lady thero, n Bweet girl of about 10. daughter of dno of tho gen- iwmmmwmwmmwmm .flPPdi , A l "'x"0 iKeCCBBKfcVBIIBll BlttW I' 'III, 1,(11,1 , '"'"l " C,i-i i.ttaa, n Ikuito) tkUHtlidfluil HO. llxr (Of tMSItaSt u y AN INTKUUSTINO INVITATION. oral's friends lu Now York. The friend nnd Ids daughter had visited at Gen. Harrison's houso nt North Bend, on tho Ohio, nnd old Tip had fallen violently in lovo with her. Of course ho loved her merely ns n child, but ho was tho worst old fellow to kiss you over saw, worso than my friend Gen. Sherman. This young lady was nt tho ball, nnd when tho president was promenading around tho hall 6ho went up to him aud ban tered him to dnnco with her. Slv old Tip playfully said ho'd danco with her if 8ho'd show she wasn't ashamed of her old lover by kissing him in public. Tho girl, who wns a smurt ono, uccoptcd tho terms, and right thero, beforo tho eyes of Mrs. Harrison and n hundred pcoplo, put her arms around old Tippecanoo's neck nnd kissed him on tho mouth. Mrs. Harrison was very much amused, as overy ono was, but tho president went back on his contract and refused to danco, 6aying ho was so tired it would bo impossible for him to keep up with tho music. That in cident did not attract any attention at tho time. It was laughed about somo during tho evening, and tho Now York girl was pointed out as tho ono who had kissed tho president, and of courso was projHjrly envied in that honor by all tho othor young ladles present. But it was not uicntloucd in tho nowspapcrs at all, nnd was forgotten tho next day. Prob ably I am tho only man living who uv it. But just imagine tho ado you now-sparer men would mako if somo pretty young woman should up and put her arms nroi)nd Gen. Benjamin Harrison's neck nt tho inaugural ball noxt month, aud kiss him on tho mouth. Why, you'd havo pictures of tho sccno, and columns about it, and Interviews with tho young lady nnd tho president about their enjoyment of tho kiss. Society would uevcr get through talking about It." ,,, "Tho nowspapcrs wcro not Tory enter prising in thoso days?" "No. If I remember nright tho daily paper of that day, tho old National In telligencer, gave about half a column to tho scenes and incidents of inaugura tion day, nnd dismissed tho three balls with four or flvo linetw U printed tho inaugural address In full, Tho old time 1 L Ihi U.M .. (kwwsCaif : I (. htrtw Jl Asps ! h MUIIMSI W WJMsm I 9 Vaa NM I bi. mm I ).( uowspnpera did not know how to gossip, but thoy werfuUVHon printing speeches." "Wus that Inaugural procession 11 largo ono?" "Wo thought It was then. 1 was a young man who had been nlxiut tho world n good deal, but 1 thought that parade down tho avenue wan one of tho most Imposing spectacles I had ever wit nessed. Ah 1 look nt It now, however, It must have been 11 very small show. The military display consisted of llvo organizations, four local nnd ono from Philadelphia. There wero two or threo thousand civilians In line, nud of courso several log enhhw. (leu. Hnrrlnoii rodo 11 big while horso nnd continually howctl to the right or left Probably not moro than 20,000 strangers wero lu tho city on that occasion, tho most of thoso from tho surrounding country districts. This Is not surprising, considering tho fact that there was but 0110 railroad lu tho city then, and not moro than four trains n day between Washington nnd Balti more, Of courso tho telegraph was not then lu uso, and It was physically Im possible for tho uewspaers In Philadel phia nud Now York to givo nny account of tho balls till a day or two had passed." . Admiral Porter expects to danco nt tho Inaugural hall of Harrison II, for which all arrangements nro now nearly complete. Arranging for an Inaugural ball nnd nn inaugural parade is 11 task of somewhat greater couscqucuco now than it was In tho day of Tlppecanoo. Just now every body In Washington is talking about tho Inauguration. Tho committee of citizens has been nt work for moro than two mouths pi eparlng for this greatest of nil capital events. Thoro aro twenty-ono sub-committees, and for their use and tho uso of employes nt tho Inaugural hall 1,000 badges havo boon printed. Tho committee has in hand $T0,000 with which to defray oxpensea. Pennsylva nia iiveuuo Is to bo roped on both sides from tho Capitol to tho White Houso, requiring threo miles of ropo. Fifty thousand men nro expected to walk or ride In tho great procession. Ono hun dred nnd twenty-llvo organizations havo applied for places lu tho lino. Threo hundred thousand visitors aro expected in tho city, nnd tho committee of publio comfort says not ono person need go without board or bed, or pay exorbitant rates for accommodations. Already tills committee has secured quarters for moro than '10,000 iiersons. Citizens aro buying bunting by tho ton, and carpenters nro nlrcady at work erecting stands from which tho pageant may lie viewed. It is estimated that enough of theso stands to scat 00,000 pcoplo will bo erected along tho nvcntio. Tho ono put up nt tho treasury building for accommodation of treasury employes and their families, will alono scat G,880 persons and cost $3,000, Thero is not a window facing Pennsylvania uvcnuo that was not engaged n month ngo. In many cases fancy prices havo been al ready paid. Pivo dollars per jKirson is about tho standard rato for nn average window, but often much larger sums aro paid, nnd paid cheerfully. In somocascan single window brings $75, oven nt this early day, nnd nttio and garret windows nro Halablo at good prices. Tho pooploof Washington aro not nt all backward about making hay whllo tho huh of a now president is rising toward tho zenith. If everybody could bo certain of tho weather it would mako u lot of dllTcr encoln tho inaugural preparations. If pcoplo could havo ossuranco of a sunny day tho window market would oxjierl enco a shock. But storms nro generally exacted hero on March 4, and this ex pectation has been disappointed but two or threo times lu thirty years. Tho citizens of Washington havo had bo much oxk.vIomco in tho management of great uiralrs of this sort that thoy ought by this tlmo to hnvo becomo ox pert, and it can bo said with truth that thoy are at this tlmo ovlnchig unusual skill and energy. Nowhcro does this apply with greater forco than to tho ar rangements for tho Inaugural ball. Not only will it bo a brilliant ball room, an Aladdln'H palaco of llowers, Hags, elec tric lights nnd fountains, but it will bo a comfortable ball room, with nn amaz ing array of conveniences for tho thou sands of guests. Tho Hupper will bo a marvel of elegance, served bulTct etylo, knives to bo nhnost entirely disjcnficd with foi convenience jako, and ut tho low prico of 1. In tho barber shop no extortion will bo permitted, tho regular prico for a shavo, 15 cents, being ull that tho proprietors aro per mitted to charge. Thero will bo 15,000 hat boxes in tho cloak rooms. Admlrabloarrangcmcnta havo been mado for carriages. Nearly all of tho livery and hack men in tho city havo joined a Iool not to put up prices but to keep them down to u reasouablo basis recom mended by tho cnrrlago committee. In this way it is behoved all extortion will bo averted. Tho best part of tha ar rangement is ono that will enable a gen tloman who goes to tho ball in a hired convoyauco to tako tho first vehicle in tho lino when he is ready to go home, In stead of being compelled to wait until tbo carriago which brought him can bo found and driven to tho door. Tho en trance to tho building will bo covered with a long ehed, protecting guests from tho inclemency of tho weather on arriv inc and departing, and at least fifteen carriages will bo ablo to dlschargo their loads at tho Bomo tlmo under theso roofs. Tho coming pageant, tho ono truly national pageant which this country af fords, bids fair to eclipse in magnillcenco all its predecessors. Good old Admiral Porter will open his eyes In amazement when ho rides down tho avenue March 4 and calls to mind tho littlo parade thoy had in honor c Harrison tho First. Walteu Wullman. There aro eighteen Methodist bishops, whoso names nud uges nro as follows! Bowman, 71 years old; Foster, 00; Mer rill, M; Andrews, 04; Warren, 57; Foss, 54; Hurst, 5J; Nindo, 57; Walden, 67; Mallalleu, CO; Fowler, 51; Vincent, 67 Fitzgerald, fiO; Joyce, C2: Newman, 02; Ooodscll. 48; Taylor, 08; Thoburn, 52. Their nvorugo ngo is 69 years. 5!HJ8sJ' R. O'NEILL, nit Diamonds, IIKAI.KK IN . (awaIw , . UVHUllf, AND OPTICAL GOODS, Repairing and Engraving a Specialty. ItG No. Tenth Stroat. Crystal Steam Laundry, Offloe, Ilurr Ills, Laundry, 34th and 0. Finest Work in the City. COLLARS AND CUFFS A SPBCIAI1'V. All woik called for nnd delivered, nud satisfaction guaranteed. Leave orders it olllcoor hy telephone .7l N. R. HOOK, M. D., DIHIJAHKHOl'WOMKN. Jrinary and Recta Diseases a Specialty. p7iMivM,,l!vL!!.l.!i;.n,,0AiVr I'KINKKIllIOMr' ?uX&oi.rn,r,,'a'oBft,,,,aio,n Drayage and loving OLIVER MAGGARIJ IJeslres to Inform the public that hi equip ment for moving Household Goodi.Plnnos biifes, Miirclutnilloc, Heavy Machinery etc., U the beat In tho city. Special men nnd wagon nre kest for the removal o Pianos and Household Goods, Which nrc nlwny handled by competant and experienced belli, nnd the latest appli ance used for handling Safe and other heavy good. Call, ndilrcu or telephone OLIVER MAGGARD Telephone 11 1 9170 t. HARGRKAVIJH BROS., m, , 743 107450 Street. Wholesale Grocers, Fruit, Produce and Commission Merchants S. E. MOORE, ' 103.) O Street Dealer and Jobber In Wall Paper. Lnce Curtains, Shade, and Interior Deco ration. .A.SHOEMAKER.M.D. Honiffiopathist Physician, Telephone No, 685. t6l South nth Street, Lincolm Nan Reopened 1033 O Street Notwith standing tho fncttlint Flio toKrnpliN luiTo bcon roduod to about half tlio former price wo hnvo CMKngoi! tho norvlccHof ono oftlio jtcut flti Islicrs In Now York to tako cliarKQof Hint ilnpiirtmont of tlio Htudlo. Our effort slinll bo untlrlHB to glvo each cus tomer entire snttsfttotion undtoproducu superior work to any wo have done txjforo. Cabinets, $3 per Dozen. Monarch of the Dailies! Omaha Bee! Delivered to any part of the city (or 20 cents a week, every clay in the year Leave sub scriptions at Lincoln bureau, 1 02 7 P street. A. L. GUILE & CO., Funera Directors AND J EMBALMERS, 302 South Eleventh Street. fii A r -, -Ci, -. -i.v