Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, February 09, 1889, Page 6, Image 7

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    PW-V -
V--)Mlfcr t
Owns nnd operate MOO mile of tlorm1ily
ulpped rond In Illinois, Wisconsin, lown,
UMMMirl.Nlnursotanndliitkotii. .,
It lallm ItnaLlllrrcl. Itftiiln liolw Aftl nil tllO
rrlaelput l'olnts In tlio Northwest, Bouthwcst
r maps, timo tables, rntcs nf pnssnito and
freight, etc., nniily to nearest station nm-nt ol
taarur worn.
WAiiununui uniiivmi Hvuk mis - -
Cltncrnl M'ir'r. Oon'l 1'nss. ATkt At.
Mi. Uon Mgr. l'.AT.Aitl.
Mllwiiukcc, Wisconsin.
mmm a w .. ... .. .. 1 1 .. 1 1 -n.. .1 A ..! nltuwllltrn !
mfVo: Information In referonce to J-ands
muTTowii owned by llio CI1cik. Milwau
kee A Hi. Paul Hnllwny Cotiiiiitny.wri to II.
(l. HAun AK,Uud Conimllonor,Mlll wank o
Shortest : and : Safest : Route
Colorado, Wyoming, I'tnli.Ciillfomln, Mon-
(ana, Idaho, Oregon nnil Washington
Territory. Tnko llio
Ami tavo one lny to nil rncino const points.
KimtitiiK Into union depol nndooutiootliur
wlthnist limited trnltiB or nil Ilium for nil
point cast, west, uorlli mid hoiiIIi. a hroiiK'i
tickets nnd modern dny conches. llnmniKO
efcedked through to destination from nil points
Mtln tlio United Htntcs nud Uitiindii. Blcopor
coomoditloiiH reserved In through l'ulliiuiii
Valuco cars from tlio Missouri river to tho I'm
cino count.
Atchison, Leavenworth, St. Joscph,Knnias
City, St. Louis anil nil points South.
The direct line to Ft. Scott, Parsons,
Wichita, Hutchinson and all principal
points In Kansas.
The only road to the Great Hot Springs
of Arkansas. Pullman Slkkpkks and
Frkk Rkclinino Chair Cars an all
City Tkt Agent, Gcn'l Agent.
Cor. O and utlt Sts.
.Fremont, lilkhorn & Mo. Valley
JSJTOperates and con
trols its own service
between ..
Through Tickets and HaggsKO Checked to
all points In United States and Canada.
Vestibule Sleepers, Palatini DlnliiR Cars and
Union Depots.
113 South 10th street, ... Lincoln
aEO.N.FORF.SMAN.Aicent. rS
l, 0, Ul-ltT, J. It. OvcnAMAx)
Qeneral M'gsr, Oen'1 Pass. AVI
Dr. Seth Arnold's
Is the but Cough Care I
"Wm, A. My er, Weston, UU
Druggists, 38a, COO., and
Undertakers aiKlEiiibalniers,
212 North nth Street,
Windsor Hotel Annex,
Telephones, Office 145. Residence 156
Open Day and Night.
M BA$2wt
opinions a3 to whethen it
will de Abandoned.
Tli Condition nf Hie flrritt Kntrrj'rl,
nnd How the Ounal Uioli A Illde
from the Atlantis to the Pnclflo In na
1 1 1111 r.
Hpeclal Corresjiondpnco.l
Panama, Jan. 14. Over tlio ahort lino
of nilhvny which forms tlio prewent con
liectitiR link between tlio Atlnntio nnd
tlio I'ueldo I rtxlo today in n nH.'clnl train.
Tlio Btnrtlng point wnn Aflplnwnll, tlio
terminus Pnnntua. Tlio tltuo coimtuucd
wns ono hour nnd thirty inlnutcH, tlio
dlstnnco forty-novcn tnllos. Tho fnro
wna $.5. I mention thin clrcuniBtnnco nn
showing tho stonily timrch of Improve
tnont oven nt tho IsthmuB. Two or
threo yonrn ngo tho timo tnken In cross
ing wns over throo honni, tho fnro
wns $20, nnd tho norvlco qtiito
ordlnnry, If not dnngoroim. Even nt this
rnto of speed nnd passu go, tho rnllwny
wns considered of nn extraordinary
clutrnctcr. For thnt mnttor, It ccrtnlnly
k Although leas than fifty miles In
length, it cost to build over seventy mill
ions of dollars, nnd for ovory tlo laid
down ItlsBnldnhiimnnllfo wns lost. This
Is scnrcoly nn exaggerated statement. In
fact tlio mortality during tho building of
tho Panama rnllwny wns greater tlmn
during tho construction of thnt section of
tho canal now finished nnd which has
been nppalllng, mon dying liko (lies in
tho frost. Upon tho bones of nn army
of worklngincn n great business ontor
prlso lias been constructed.
Tho gross earnings of this llttlo rnll
wny during tho year just closed hna been
over $1,000,000. Notwithstanding tho
reduction in fnro nnd freight it pays over
SO per cent, dividends, nnd Col. Hives
(father of tho nuthor of "Tho Quick nnd
tho Dond"), tho general manager, told
your correspondent thnt, oven when tho
canal is completed, as ho feels suro it will
bo, tho road will bo self suptiortiug by Its
local business, nnd also pay n steady
profit on tho enormous cost. It is man
aged by American skill; has American
engineers, conductors and clerks, but is
owned by foreign capital. Tho Panama
railway Is ccrtnlnly uniquo in tho rail
way history of tho world. It 13 chartered
under tho laws of tho ntato of Now York,
and its power hero In much greater than
tho provnlllng government tho United
States of Colombia, of which Panama is
n part
Ono hears nothing but gossip, specula
tion and positlvo statement about tho
canal or tho Isthmus. It Is health, wealth
nnd almost oxistonco to tho peoplo, and
thoy nro of courso supremely interested
in its welfare But you grow very weary
of tho constant iteration, with tho thcr
momotor boiling forovor up around tho
100 mark. Still, lifo has its compensa
tions, for tho quection is novcr asked
hero, "Is it hot enough for you?" No
ono knows precisely what is going to
happen to tho cnnaL Tho American con
sul fools suro that falluro and abandon
ment will bo its final and almost immo
dlnto outcomo; tho resident director
general Informs mo that thoro will bo no
interruption of tho work, nnd thnt it will
bo completed by French entorpriso and
French money within two years. I
spent this morning on tho flagship Tren
ton, now lying in tho bay of Panama,
nud wri told by Admiral Klmberly that
tho bubble had burst, nnd tho
canal, which at present was "merely
a scratch on tho surfaco of tho
Isthmus," would bo speedily aban
doned. It Is plain that tho American
consul nnd tho American admiral nro In
imical to tho Hchemo, as is uvery Ameri
can hero; but when I suggested to tho
admiral nnd tho consul tho possibility of
their being antagonistic, thoy denied it
stoutly, saying America didn't caro a
copper about tho canal ono way or tho
other. Perhaps bIio doesn't. Outaido of
our own peoplo tho sentiment in favor of
tho vast entorpriso is universal. When
tho outlook in Paris wns most blue, tho
Frenchmen hero displayed a Mark Taploy
spirit and woro jolly under extremely un
favorablo circumstances. Today most
encouraging reports havo corao from tho
French capital; tho monoy, It is said,
will surely bo forthcoming, and M.
Jacqulcn stated officially this ovening
that thoro was no longer any possibility
of falluro. Tho canal, you know, has
already cost tho French peoplo threo
hundred millions of dollars. Ono hun
dred million moro is asked to com
plotoit ,
I havo epont threo days on tho canal,
but not being biassed with technical skill
I cannot intelligently and clearly wtUo
of tho proclso condition of affairs. I
havo at this moment a confused idea of
moasurumnnta, sea lovels, donations,
motors, etc,, which lead to nowhero in
particular, but I havo a profound Im
pression based upon asinccro if super
ficial view ana examination, that tho ox
cavatlons aro much moro than "a scratch
upon tho surfaco of tho isthmus." An
normoua amount of labor has been ex
pended, and although hero and thoro at
Oblspeo and Colebra woro seen evidences
of sinful wosto, tho work accomplished
Is tremendous. To soo scores of lino loco
motives with tho rank tropical vegeta
tion growing out of tho smokestacks,
and dozens of unused and expensivo
machines abandoned, suggests vast
losses and reckless management some
where, whllo tho fine boulevards and
beautiful homes tho managers havo
erected all. over tho isthmus for their
personal comfort tell whero much of
ths poor Frunch peasants' money has
gorio. And yet, notwithstanding till
thuco things, the Panama canal Is well on
to tho end, uml how It can bo ubandoned
ut thU titugo of tho game I cannot see.
Tho French nation as u nation can
hardly ulYord to let tho schomo end in
Wo Americans tako It cs a matter of
courso that tho French government will
not violate our beloved Monroe doctrine
by tukiug ullicial part In the great
chemo. Of courso It would never do to
havo a foreign power uppeur on tho
American continent, and tho eaglo
creams In ,ngony at tho very thought.
But really one can imagine Franco as
not overwhelmed with fear nt tho pos
sible consequences. Diplomacy will
probably prevent any runturo, and tho
chamber of deputies at Paris may not
appear openly on thosceno, but whllo tho
volco will bo tho volco of Esau tho
hand will bo tho hand of Jncob. It is
clear as tho sun nt noonday thnt If the
Panama canal Is completed and the
signs nil Kilnt to a certainty that It will
bo net only will French capital
construct tho works, but Franco herself
will Ira behind tho entorpriso. If Iirother
Jonathan doesn't liko this what Is he
going to do nlxnit it? Wo nro n great
nntlon, n wonderful country, with a
people quite iiucqunlod on Clod's foot
stool, but all tho natuo wo cut a sorry
flguro In tho world's unval history, nnd
If troublo should como it Is on tho sen
tho disturbance would tnko placo. Why
Franco today, second, I think, among
tho navnl forces of tho earth, or rather
the waters upon tho earth, with her
splendid nnd enormous battle ships,
could close tip ovory American seaport
on tho Atlnntio coast nnd destroy min
ions of American treasure without our
offering nny serious dofenso. England,
aormnuy, Italy, Itussla nud Austria of
courso far excel us on tho sens, whllo in
significant Orecco, nnd oven South
American Chill, nro our superiors as
naval lowers.
Here In tho old Spanish harbor of Co
lon, whero tho wnr ships of tho world
during their southern cruises occasion
ally gather, tho American vessel is
looked iion with something approach
ing derision, nnd tho power of tho Amer
ican ut sea Is referred to with n politely
veiled sneer. Happily it will not nlways
bo bo. In n fuw years, when our twenty
and odd great cruisers, now building or
rejected, nro in sorvlco, tho United
tatcs will hold n reasonably good posi
tion, but "whllo tho grass grows tho
horso mny starve"
Today Franco is on tho Isthmus, pre
pared nnd determined to fltnv.
Fukdkuick w. White.
anlTeitun' Now IlnlldliiE Seuntor Illcli-
aril Coke.
Special Conrnponilcneo.)
Oalvkston, Tox., Feb. 5. Ono of
tho most prominent nnd undoubtedly
finest architectural monuments of tho
south is tho custom houso nud postofflco
hero. Tho architect very wisoly solectcd
tho Italian ltomancsquo stylo of architec
ture, so well adapted to tho sunny south.
Tho beautiful lines, tho correct propor
tions, tho commanding tower, tho so
lectcd material, nil combined, compose a
harmonious creation. Tho structure
contains accommodations for tho differ-
cnt Federal olllccs located nt Galveston.
Tho entire first iloor is assigned to tho
postollkolepartmcnt, with spacy lobbies
for tho public, whllo tho custom houso
officers, tho United States commissioner,
land office, and marlno hospital scrvico
officials, etc., have olllccs on tho second
find third floors. The court room, con
nected with offices for judgo and clerk
and jury rooms, is located on tho second
floor. Lofty, open galleries built nround
the building aro not only ornamental,
but useful. Tho exterior facings of walls
nro of pressed brick with term cotta nnd
stono trimmings, whllo tho interior finish
will bo of hard wood. All modern im
provements and sanitary plumbing nro
introduced, and when finished tho
Unltod States court houso and postoffico
at Oalvcston will bo ono of tho crowning
achiovoments of American architecture.
Tho building and alto will cost about
When tho sun rises, clouds permitting,
on tho morning of March 11), Senator
Richard Coko, of Texas, will awaken to
tho astounding fact that in somo way or
otnor GO years or llio liavo sudden bo
hind him, and that, strangely enough,
it will only bo a matter of ten years be
fore ho Is 70. Rut ho probably will not
think much about It. Uo is too ab
sent minded for that Ho will probably
only scratch his
h o a d , wpndor
where all those
years havo gone
anyhow, try to
remember some
Greek proverb to
fit tho occasion,
say to himself
that ho doesn't
fool as though
tho storms of six
d 0 o a d o s had
passed over his
head, attlro himself in that old fash
ioned black suit of Ids (tho coat reaches
below his knees), and forget all about it.
Sonator Coko Is a Virginian, and was
educated at that famous old institution,
William and Mary college. Ho was ad
mitted to tho bar when but 21 years of
ago, and has sinco practiced law con
stantly, when not in tho publio service.
His homo has been in Waco since 1850.
Uo served in tho Confederate army. In
1803 ho was appointed district judge,
lie was nominated by the Democratic
party for judge of tho state supreme
court In 16C0 and elected. In 1607 he
returned to the practice of law, and was
eloctcd governor of Texas In 1073 by n
majority of 00,000. In 1870 I10 was re
elected by a mujorlty of 103,000, resign
lug Dec. 1, 1877, ufter having been elected
tho previous April to tho United States
senate He was re-elected in 1883, and
was recently returned by the Texas hgls
laturo for another term of six years.
In pressing flat embroidery, lay the
artlclo wrong side up on a damp cloth.
rte nrmvei n Btortn nnd Interviews Pa
Wo visited tho falls on thoday of tho blizzard
which wrecked Heading and which wound
np by tipping tho suiticmlon foot bridgo at
Nlngnrn Into tho river bolow. Tho falls have
boon vltitcd In summer and In winter, In tho
broad glare of dny nnd tho soft nnd ruollow
moonlight, but very fow peoplo havo gono
tbcro during n blizzard.
Tlio dny brnkuinolitnnd monxly nt Buffalo,
but nt noon tlio grny nnd choppy clouds sent
tcrod n llttlo nnd a patch of sky could now
and then bo (Uncovered. Eating n linsty meal,
our pnrty, nrrnyod In alpenstocks nnd con
nclous rcctltmlo, ttcgmn tho ascent from
Buffalo by n circuitous route Wo reached
Niagara Kails station, wlicuco wo proceeded
by drcky to our clinlot. Hero wo nllglitcd.
Tho clintet Is kept by a nntlvo American, nud
after our long Journoy from Buffalo It was
good to onco moro hear tlio musla of our own
lnngunga Hastily eating a light lunch, wo
put on our tocoHts, nnd in cliargo of a John
Darin no proceeded by dlligouco towards tho
falls via tlio American sltlo.
Tlio storm now burst upon us In all Its
fury, nnd tlio rain descended In tlio wildest
profusion, saturating tlio falls and rendering
tliom well ulgh Impassablo, Our muloteor
covered himself with his xmtoon, wrapped
his tarpaulin nround Ills cars, and whllo our
slender diligence swnyed in tlio blast ho
drovo us.ncross to Goat Island. Tlio thunder
of tlio Immense volumo of water wns now
swallowed up by tho mighty roar of tho
bursting tempest, nnd then, as It died away
llko tlio wall of n (icrtshlng will, ono would
ngnln hear tho sullen thunder of tho groat
Amor lean dnm site.
Wo now bogan tho descent on tho sldo of
Goat Island looking towards tlio Great Horso
Fall. Tlio rain fell In torrents, nnd as our
umbrellas had been turned wrong sldo out by
tho blnst, wo woro soon wet to thi skin. Thoro
wo stood In tho presenco of tho greatest spec
tnclo America can produco, porlinja, outsldo
of congress. Llko an egotistical author Nia
gara for centuries has been pouring over Its
own works. It Is rcnlly, however, boyond
criticism. I went thoro thinking thnt if tho
Falls really doservod Bcathlng, 1 would scnth
them through tho press nnd injure their busi
ness; but I must say that, liko Mr. Booth,
thoy descrvo their great success, nnd I do not
blamo them for respecting thotnsolvra and
having their pictures tnkon ovory llttlo whllo
and getting their names In tho papers. Thoy
doscrvo all tho glory thoy havo got, and far
bo It from mo to put a straw In tho way of
tho progress of Niagara Falls.
Wo next wont down to tho Whirlpool, and
on tho way a detachment of John Dorms es
corted us with an air of suspicion. Our
drosky driver ovldontly watched us overy
moment llko a cat. At tho whirlpool wo
alighted again, being narrowly watched by
tho driver and a John Dorm from Cohoos.
ncro as wo reached tho brink of tbo cliff
tho bllzrard struck us amldshlp, and tho
great Niagara which has assisted so many
tompcranco lecturers In scaring to death tbo
tnodcrato drinker scorned to bocomo silent In
tbo presence of old Mr. Blizzard, from tbo
wild and unkempt west. Just then my high
silk hat, which I wear In ascending tbo Alps
and doing tho tourist net generally, went up
Into n largo bluo holo In tbo sky, and whllo I
was watching it tbo square red remark,
"Keep off tbo grass," with an Iron rod on ono
sldo, bwattcd mo across tho organ of nllmon
tlvcnoxs. Tho itorm was now nt Its height. Tho roof
of tho hotel gently lifted with tbo breeze, and
through tho fast falling rain wo could sco a
surprised gentleman In bis room just emerg
ing through tbo neck band of n bright now
shirt. With n look of horror and wonder ho
tried to pull down tbo roof again and conceal
himself, but ho could not do so.
Tlio ftor.ii now took off Its coat and
Bhrloked, whlM tbo Whirlpool was lashed to
Its greatest fui y, and at tbo Whirlpool bazar
gcuulno Indian moccasins, mado In Connecti
cut, went down to $2 n pair. I mado n movo
ment towards tAo brink of tbo preclplco, In
tending to poor down over It Into tbo boiling
waters, nbcu I felt tbo grasp of n gendarmo
on my shoulder and 1 was Jerked back with
an oath which would havo sworn In a wholo
precinct of non-residents at a presidential
"Monsieur fool hcomselfl" said tho John
Darin in pure Buffalo French, with a slight
patois of tbo H110 do Main street. Then
grinding UU teeth bo managed to mako mo
understand that 1 bail stated In Buffalo that
"1 was going over the falls and through tbo
whirlpool," but Hint n nemesis was on my
trail It Is very dlsagrecnblo to havo your
trail stepped on by a nemesis, and so I ex
plained that I meant to bo figurative, nnd so,
when tho John Harm bad opened my over
coat and found that 1 was not dressed In
tights with doublo leaded bridgo jumping
shoos, ho allowed mo to pass. It was hero at
tbo bazar that I mot my old friend Poco
moco, of tho Pluto tribe of Indians. "And
what aro you doing hero, so far away from
homo, I'ocomocol" 1 asked, In tbo light run
ning domestic accents of tho Pluto tongue,
"I am hero," bo replied In tho samo Ian
guago. "to procure our regular wpply of
Indian relics for tho coming year. Wo can
not compete any longer with Connecticut In
tho manufacture of gonuino Indian relics.
Bo wo como to Niagara Falls for them. Wo
also got most of our ornamental bead work
ilouo In England, and our ornamental mas
sacre business is dnno tbcro too. Tho wblto
man has facilities which no do not havo, and
so the red mnu'x gooso Is practically rooked.
Wo buy nil our ncnponsnnd headacbo sticks
now nt Now Vorlt. We got our bows and
arrow mado ut Wntcrbury, Conn., and
Boston furnlsht us with our lingerie.
Wo can buy arrow heads cheaper than
wo can mako them, nnd why should
wo toil over a home mado arrow
head all day when ho ran steal it horso In ten
minutes that will bring us uliv now relics
enough to Ian us n year 1 Wo have in our
trlbo favored five trade, and so no with our
Infant luduftrles nro throwu into direct com
petition nitb tho auier relic makers of tbo
Bowery. You van buy n gtxxl scalp at Chat
ham square for klxty-ulno cents today, and so
tho wnr path Is practically overgrown with
grass. In n ear or two men with Munplo
cases will no doubt visit tho Indian trllies anil
sell their year's supply of everything In that
lino. We nro utterly dkcourajjod. There
hai not been a warlike attitude among tbo
Piutos since tbo Buckwheat Puncako Outbreak
of '!&" Bill Nyo In Now York World.
Bon Butler chows up twenty cigars
n dny. Thoy nro called "Widow But
ler's weeds."
It lakes $20,000 a year to dino tho
officers of Queen Victoria's guard, on
duty nlBL J nines' palaco.
Professor Ornhnin Boll says thnt tho
congenital deaf mutes of tlio country
nro increasing nt n greater rnto than
tho general population.
European manufactories of electric
lighuj nro being visited forthopurposo
of finding 11 light to bo used by tho
pcnrl flshcM when nt work under
Tlio Now York Prison association,
after long investigation, decided thai
tho women convicts should ho cared
for in n scparnto institution, with rules
and regulations of its own.
During our civil wnr city bred mon
stood long marches bettor, wcro sub
ject to less disorders, nnd recovered
from gunshot wounds moro readily
than country bred men.
P. O. Phillips, tho nuthor of tho
novel "As in n Looking Glass," has
boon n soldier, a journalist, nnd n tho
ntricnl manager, nnd ho is now n suc
cessful Imrristc . Ho has been moro
than onco nsked to stand for parlia
ment. A German scientific journal informs
us thnt elcctrioity is used in India to
prevent snakes from going into dwell
ings. Shouldn't wonder now if it
wouldn't provo effectual with boots
under peculiar circumstances.
Moses Jncobs is probably tho richest
nowsboy in tlio world. Ho is 18 years
old nnd has sold nowspapors for tho
last fourteen years on tho streets of
Dcs Moines, In., during which timo
ho litis acquired $1,000 worth of real
estate from his savings.
Tlio courts of California havo de
cided thnt a Chinnman's quouo must
not bo cut oil when ho is sent to
prison ; hut thoy nro cut oir just tho
snnio. No warden will allow thatn
heathen pig tail is moro sacred than
American unplnitcd hair.
Tho emperor of Germany receives n
salary of ITBOjOOO, and wants it in
creased to a million. For n man who
has not been in tho business not much
moro than six months tho young cm-
ficror has rcmarknblo confidence in
lis ability and n good cstimato of his
own personal worth.
Miss Adclo Aus der Oho is said to
havo played on tho piano with both
hands nt tho tender ngo of 8. She
heard somo ono playing "II Bacio,"
and. seating herself nt tho instrument,
rattled oil" that brilliant waltz in a
manner that mado every ono who
heard her stand agape with wonder.
Students before being admitted to
tho university of Mississippi aro re
quired to appear before a board of
professors and answer whethor they
havo nny firearms about them or
whether somo person or persons had
any in keeping for them. If so, thoy
mtit bo delivered un before tho ap
plicants nro declared full students.
Somo of tho leading citizens of
Washington havo determined to
found n national park in tho Rock
Creek valley, ono of tho most pict
urcsquo localities in tho environs of
tho capital. Tho sito has been selected,
and legislation will ho asked by con
gress while tho land can be had nt a
reasonable price.
Tlio northern limits of tho culture
of tho silk worm are being steadily
extended. Experiments mado lost
summer nt Astrakhan showed thnt it
could cosily bo carried on nt the
mouth of tho Volga, Notwithstand
ing tho ngo of tho mulberry trees
which wcro planted at Astrakhan
thirty-flvo years since, tho results of
tho experiments proved satisfactory,
and 20,000 cocoons were received this
Old Silver.
A great deal of fossil history is
sealed up in genuitio old silver, llere
is an cxamplo of it, dating back to tho
first third of tho Eighteenth century,
guaranteed by the only test which in
disputably proves tho quality nnd dnto
of sterling silver, tho English "hull
mark." This is ntwo hnndled "lov
ing cup," which at feasts wns grasped
by its two bundles nnd wns so pa&scd.
literally, from hand to hand ami
mouth to mouth around tho circle of
tho "goodlio compnnio " This cup is
of tho year 1727. Hero is u tankard
dating 17.33, another lino old English
piece. In marked contrast to the
plainness of tho rest, hero is n highly
ornamented tnnkard a modern work
in reproduction. Its body is a solid
picco of ivory covered with intricate
carvings of war scenes : tho top and
baso aro silver, and tho cover is
crowned with an ivory warrior.
New York Times.
Iled Taps In Austria.
A Vienna correspondent of Tlio
London Times writes that "American
couples about to travel in Austria
ought to tnko with them their umr
riago certificates. An American lady
recently guvo birth to a child here,
and tho father, accompanied by wit
nesses, went to register tho birth.
Owing to tho nbsonco of a nmrria;fo
certificate, llio clerk said that lie 11111M
record the birth ns illegitimate, nnd the
only coiiccsmou iiiudo, ufter much ex
postulation wns tlio substitution of
tho word 'doubtful' for 'illegitimate '
Further. 011 being told thnt tho pa
rents belonged to the Anglican church,
tlio clerk wrote down, 'No religion.' "
Frank Ieslie's Kuvvspupor.
Qiii'i-imliuidN Well Mine.
Tho Mour.t Morgan gold mino of
Queensland liny proved to be the rich
est mine in tlio tvorld. It is situated on
tho range of u sheen ranch. It is an
iron stone lull in tlio midst of green
grass. A public road runs over the
mountain, nud it wui while repairing
it thnt the gold was discovered It
was purchased for $3,200, juM $.1 nn
acre, nnd tlio shares ure now worth
U7i,)()ll,(l0U. It is sup posed to be it 1 1
old geyfcer impregnated with gold.
Tlio inctul is extracted by tho clilori
nation process and costs but $7.CUu
ton. Brooklyn Eaglo.
Best Holiday Presents I s
I MB. 10th st, under . M.O. A.
I Ins a Fine Stock suitable for the HOLI
DAYS, Including
Sets or Single Volumes of the Best Authors
Teachers, Family and Pocket BIBLES.
Albums, Children's Picture and Story
Books, Etc., Etc.
Leaders in Photography.
JfEU f5
We mak a specialty of the celebrated
Life sized pictures and furnish the finest
work at lowest prices.
Best Cablnots $3.00
Elegant line of Picture Frames In stock,
nnd made to order. Call and see us.
toiO O Street. LINCOLN, NEB
Ladies' & Gents'
At greatly reduced prices
1043 O Street.
N. M. Ruddy,
Practical Optician.
A specialty made of expert Eye Glass
Fitting. Glasses that rest the eye, 3000
217 South 15th Street,
Mss Ethel Howe,
Teacher of Singing
Room 131 Burr Block.
Hours, 10 A. M. to 6 P. M.
liss Claire E. Link,
Drawing and Painting
Orders taken in Pastel and Oil.
Room 131, : Burr Block
The Victor
Tho most popular;.
snfCHt and easiest riding
miioi.lno now before the
It lins won premiums
nuu ini'imiH over un
competitors nnd lias no
Bicycles and Tricycles
of nil sizes nnd descriptions. For catalogues,
V'rniB, etc., cull or address,
100 North Oth tit., Lincoln, Nebraska.
Palace Bath Shaving
Ladies - and - Children's - Hair - Cutting
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