Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 9, 1889)
CAPITAL CITY COURIER, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 9, i88cj $ J r A LESBON FROM NATURE. How to dure a Oold. A IUIUKOT IN WHICH WK AUK AU. MOItK OK I.I'.SS 1NTKICKSTKI). To euro n cold quickly It must bo properly treated us soon ns thu llrst symptoms uppoar. Da you know tho first symptoms? If not, you will tin r doubtcdly rcinoiubor bavins thoni nt numerous times and Hint you (ltd not consider thuiu at nil serious or ovon worthy o( your attention. Thoy nro a dry loud cough, n tliln wlilto coating on tuo tonguu and a profuse wutorln;; discharge from tho nose. Any ono or more of those symptoms Is natures way jf tolling people they have taken cold, and gives tlioin atnplo time to cure it within two days if they duslro to. Tho frfo uso of Chamberlain's Cough Rem edy will rostoro tho system to a healthy condition within that time. If however tho cold is neglected and allowed to bocomo settled in tho system several days or ovon a week may bo required to effect n cure, as nature must then take its course and all that can ho done is to aid nature hi freeing the system of tho cold, which is best noeouinfishcil by usinir Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It will open the secretions and loosen mid relieve the cold in less time than any other medicine or treatment; It Booms to undermine u cold and incom pletely eradicate It from tho system, as ovidonco of its superior ONcellonco, we refer to the following testimonials of " people well known anil respected at their several places of residence. Tho general expression of those who have used Chamberlain's Cough Rem edy is "It is tho best I ever tried." W. II. Rtt.KV, Stanford, 111. I have sold Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for eight years and It has given universal satisfaction to my customers 1 uso no other in my family, anil have never called a doctor for any lung trouble. Wo could not keep house without it S. I)., druggist, Calamus, Clinton Co., Io owa. Mr. J. J. Lairraniro a loadluir drug gist, of Avoca, Nebraska, says ; I nave been engaged in tho sale of drug and medicines for tho past twenty-eight years, and during that time have sold many dill'erent cough preparation-., hut 1 have never sold or handled any cough incdiuino that gave as perfect satisfac tion, to all inv customers, as Chamber lain's Cough Remedy. I consider it a fqiccilio for croup and all throat and lung complaints of children. I know of cases of spasmodic croup where the life of a child has been saved by the timely use of this medicine. It Is very pleasant to take which is ono of the important requirements when a cough oimxly is intended for small children " GKE30. TJOrWtt- INSTRUCTOR ON Piano 1 Organ OFFIOK WITH Curtice & Tillers' Music Store, 207 South 1 1 tb Street. HEYMAN & DEICHES, 1518-1G20 Ffirnnm Bt.,Now Pnxton Mock, THE LAMEST CLOAK, SUIT and FUR HOUSE. In The Wrst Ve nro now Introducing ninny nowanovel tics In Fnll and Winter Wear, mid would re- spcctfully Invite our Lincoln friends to cull mid seo the new lino Just opened. ARE DIRECT IMPORTERS And ns niicIi cm oiler Inter styles nt It wur jirlces tlinn nny house west of rhleuito .i fuel we'll tnku pleasure In proving to Miu-oIiiIIch, CALL AND SEE US WHEN IN OMAHA. Wo ciiu '.low you ii lino lino of (Monks, Drosses niiu Furs that lurpns iiuytlilni; you linvo ever soon In tho entire went, It will pay you to taken trip to Omaha to eo us, If you want any tlilnis nice In our Hue. Vail Orders Receive Prompt Attention. WmSSml m'BBMUw LHH M.mM: $ Mflili Mill HBII Mm ffiRranlltr i II HuHSHlII 11 HDL. i BOORS AND PERIODICALS. THE FEBRUARY MAGAZINES AT HAND. An IntcrontliiK Hatch of I.ltrriituro .leal llocolvrd by tlio "Courier. ' A volume- of very mrc Interest will lie the "Essays, Ilcliglous, Boclnl, Political," by Dnvld Atwood Wnsson, soon to lie issued from the press of Ioo & Hlieiaril, lloston. Tho liook will Include nu autobiographic sketch written hi vigorous and Interesting language, nnd a biography of Mr. Wnsson, by Ills friend nnd conteniixirnry, U. 11. r mining- limn, Mr. Wnsson was ono of tho most pro found men of his dny, nnd his essays nnd poems will find n perninncnl place In litera ture. The render will l captivated by tho terse stylo of this work, nnd the learning and thought which Mr. Wnsson gnvo to Id essays. Captivated also by tho nneommon story of his life, and by Mr. Frotldtighiiiu'ii truthful nnd nblo niemolr of ono of Now Kiiglaud's cleaivst thinkers. Tho recent publication of n volume of Mr. Wnsson'. ihh'iiib brought to mind afresh thu grand work of this philanth ropic lender. That peer of tho monthlies, Sertbnn' for Fehurnry Is on our tnble, bright nnd Interest ing ns ever. One never grows old rending such excellent literature nnd time Hies while scnnnlng Its ninny lienutlful engrnvlugs nnd the numerous excellent articles that are found within Its covers. The front-pieco Is n lino portrait of Walter Hcott, which is followed by a fnltliful pnper oi tlio renowned writer, by MesMiiii K. II. Woodiuff n".(t Andrew 1). Wlilto. Robert Louis Stevenson contributes another section of his iwimliir story entitled "Tho Master of Unllnntrne." A plenslng work Is tho "Old Viiuxhnll Onnlens"hy Austin Dohsou, Illustrated from prints colloctcd by tho ntithor. Horo nro shown some very pretty nutlipie ouUloor scenes nnd tho piece Is full of interest. "Emergency Men" by Oeorgo Jessop is of sulllcetit merit to enter tain nil who rend it. There nro soveral other well written and artistically Illustrated pnp ors, all of which go to keep Sribncr In tlio KSltlon It has acquired lu tlio literary world. Clins. Scrlhncr's Bon Publishers Now York. Sold by nil news dealers. . Tnble Talk's cheerful fnco looks up nt us from among our oxchnngrs with a sort of a liow-iio-j'ou-iiKO-my-i'euriinry-diess oxprtw siou which wo must reply to. Tho contents are, as usual, varied and entertaining, own ing with n serio-comic oem entitled "In tho Drift," then Mrs. Horer follows with her tilth installment of "How to Live on n Thousand a Year;" after this como "How Mrs. Ruskln Utilized the Odds nnd Ends;" Tilllo Mny For ney's "Fnshlohnblo Luncheon nnd Tea Toil ets;" nn Interesting pnper on "Cookery anil Tublo Customs of the Ancients," by Joseph Whttton; "Homo Decorntivo Work," by E. S. L. Thompson, "Culinary Mnxlms," "Ways for Women to Earn Money," Mrs. Itorer s "Housekeeier's IumiirlcH," "0)en Letters," a "St. Valentino's Probblem," 'Tho Woman's Excluingu Movement," and what Is now a regular nnd iiniiortniit feature of iho mngn zlno, n complete list of menus for every day In the year. This list must help tho house keoer to escnpo uiuny a pcrploxity, an end which Mrs. Rorer's prncticnl knowledge, no doubt, hnil in view. Tnhlo Tnlk Publishing Co., 40.3, 40 mid -KM, Rnco St,, Fhilndclphlu. $1.00 a year, lOe. single copy, -- Drake's Magazine tor February opens with n noteworthy article entitled, "Cold and Hot Cash," describing tho workings of tho Now York Assay Olllce. The articlo is fully Illus trated. "Tho Littlo Fat Postman," by Flor ence E. Pratt. Is n charming English dialect iioeui and lo illustrated. Arthur H. Null tells how tho Aztecs used to piny ball. "Val's Valentino" is from tho lieu of S Ada Fisher. "A Chapter of Accidents" Is nu ingenious story by Edward Willet, Xenns Dime, C. N. Hood, and Win. H. Sivltor, nro each repre sented by a laughable skotch. "Skating Horo niul hlsowhoro," by 8. E. Archer, Is very timely. Drake's Mayazlno Is replete hi every department with something to Interest everybody. Ono dollar a yenr, ton cents a copy. Drake, Publishing Co., 11 Frnnkfort St., Now York. The Art Itmifettr for Februnry gives two colored plntcs, n chnriuing littlo moonlight laudscapo and tho llrst of a series of fern de signs for china decoration, Tho black nnd whlto designs Include Easter decorations llllles and ecclesiastical designs for dorsel and banners; a lnrgo four-page design for a screen panel tlio first of a sorles representing tho seasons; designs for a pinto (orchids), two salnd plates, a fish pinto nnd a Royal Worces ter vaso, a striking iloiuilo-pago wild rose de sign for a carved and perforated panel nnd a pleasing tapestry decoration, nftor Uoucher, "The Fountain of Love." Tho frontispiece is a sjiecially Hue "Head of Creole." Tho prac tical articles relate to still life, llower, water color nnd tnjio.stry painting, Enstcr decora tions nnd homo adornment. A second useful lotter Is given addressed to a young lady who asks "If she can lonrii china painting." Ama teur photography, for lieglnnors, es)eclally, recluves great attention. Articles of particu lar interest nro tho "Hints from Japanese. Homes," Mr. ICunz's talk obout Jade, thu re view of tho Architectural Lengue's Exhibi tion, "Uretn's Boston Letter, nnd, of course, "My Note Hook " Price : cents. Montnguo Minks, Publisher, ii') Union Sipinro, N. Y. - Tho Inst uuinlier of HV.sC .SViotv Mayitztne contains engravings of tho publle buildings of Oregon, Including tho capitol, iKMiltentlnry, Insane asylum, etc., and other views in Salem, tho capital city, accompanied by n lnrgo su- lilemeutal sheet with portraits of members of the legislature now lu session. A description of Salem and that ortlon of the great WH I llametto valley In which It Is situated Is a val uable, feature of tho number. Tho very ! readable and Instructive articlo on the I "flennlogy of Oregon," should ho carefully perused by overyonu who would like to bo j como informed on tho subject of the creation of a great state of tho American union on thu far western bonier of tho nation so long tieforo tho lntcrmodlnte country wns re deemed from tho wilderness. The West Shore Is filled monthly with valuable Information about tho entire northwest. 'S cents a copy, by mail, to any address. L. Samuel, Publish er, Portland, Oregon. lliirvnii of Iiirnriiiiillon, Two llajlon ltnjH Held it Winning Ticket Two of the lueklext young men In tho city of Dayton O., are Edinoud C. and Qeorgo C. Alliert, who held tho one-twentieth of ticket No. M,(U1, which drew tho first capital prizo of 100,000 In tho drawing of thu Loulofiiun State Lottery inndo in Now Orleans on thu lilth of Novemlier. They have nlwnys lieon honest and hard working. Their father, Cas per Alliert, a resjiectnblo burlier, died several yenra ngo nnd they have hard and uphill work assisting their widowed mother to support tho family. Daj ton (Ohio) Democrat, Deo. Oth. llrown's enfo is now ojion day nnd night, so that lunclres can lie had nt this popular re sort nt any time. MAGAZINES AT CLUB RATES. Look nt ttin I. Int. Tho publisher will club tlio Oacitai, Citv Couiiikii with nny reputnlilo paper, lurnlsli lug two pnpors nt a very small ndvauco ovor tho price usually charged for ono. ArrniiRo liients lutvo been made to club with tho fol lowing publications! with IIK1K. COUIIIKII ItAIII'KU'H MA0A7.1NK $1 (Ml llAIIPKU'H WKKKI.V 4U0 llAltl'K.ll'H llA.AAIt 4 00 llAUI'Klt'HYnUNII l'KOI'I.K.... 'J N) CKNTWUY MAIIAKINK 4 00 HT. NlCllOI.AH II HO WlllK AWAKK "-! 40 HOIIIIINKIt'H MAOAZINK ... !l 1X1 A.MKUIOAN MAdAZIM! II (HI COSMOPOLITAN 3 M DKMOHKST'H U (I) Mi'i'iNcorr's .,, :i w Hr. Uiuih Maoazink a ui 5(W n in Mil nw mm 4 () :i m 4 M 4 (10 an) aw 4 oo n ii) 4 no ooo not) :uxj :u :i ix) 4 IX) "OtiTiMi" :i no Puck nix) JUIKIK ftlXI Youth's Companion a in I'iai.i.ou'h Maoazink ato Hruiiio a m ISCIICNTIKIC A.MKUIOAN . .1 (U KCIKNTIFIC AllKIIICAN Hue- l'l.K.MKNl' A in IIAIIVHOOI 1 U) AhtAmatihiii 100 ATLANTIC MONI'HI.V I (XI TAIII.KTAI.K I (XI (lOOII ItoUHKKKKIMNO a M Foiu:sr anii hiiikam.... i ixi TiikN. Y. Wkuki.y Woni.n,. I on noo a m t 10 n ix) r. ik) .1 (H) a CO aoo Noti: Clubbing intosKlmllnrto the nliovo may iiIho bo had lu connection with any of the other lending uiiiRiitliies nnd pcrlodlcnls. Ntrniiintilp Agency. If you conteinplnto n trip to nny European ioint or intend bringing friends from nny such point to America apply for rates and information to Ueo. A. Foresmnu, Ag't,, 115 So 10th st. Article of Incorporation Made unit adopted this irth. dny of Novem ber, lu the year of our liOrd olio tlioumind eight hundred and Huhty.elyht, by and be tween Iiniie M. Hayiiiond. Lewis Uregory. Andrew H, ttnwyor. Hllus II. Iliiriihnui mid M. I. Knslcnlay, lucorHirators, as follows, to Wit! Articlo i. Tho iiauie or this corporation tihall I hi Iho American Exchange Hank Artlclea. Tho principal plnce of trammel lug tho IniHlneHsof IIiIn corpomtloii shall be In the city of Lincoln, Lancaster county, Ne braska. Articlo a. The general nature of the bitsl liens to bo transacted liy IIiIn corpomtloii shall be the loaning upon approved securities of the money, either belonging to tho en Id corMiratlon or entnihled lo It for such pur poses ns ngents or brokers, tho receiving of monies on deposit, tho liny lull nnd soiling of exchange, coin, bullion and iiegotlouablo pa perofnll kinds, the niuklng of collections, iho buying, Holllnir and holding of real estate, nnd generally niicii other IhinIiicns ns Is usu ally done by like nsMoclntlons. Article I, The amount of cnpltnl stock slmll lie ono hundred thousand ($1IX),(XX)I dollars, which nIiiiII be paid In nt tho time nnd upon the conditions following, to wit! Flrty (M) Per coat of said capital stock, amounting to Fifty Thousand (fiO,(XX).()) Dollars, shall be paid lu nt the commencement of business: and certificates of stock Issued for same, and tho balance of llfty percent of snld capital stock shall bo paid when nt such times ns shall bo ordered by the directors of snld cor poration. Auyono falling to pay his assess ment within thirty (TO) dnys after written notice, shall forfeit nil future right to do so, Hald stock shall bo Issued lu shcrcs of one hundred (100 (XI) dollars encli, trnnslorrnblo only on the books of the corporation nnd holders nro entitled to ono vote lorcacn snare held nt nil uicotlinrii of snld corporation, or stockholders, wiiicn mny no cast oiiner in erson or by written p roxy. Articlo ii. The time or commencement, or this corpomtloii shall bo December 1st, A, D. 1SH8- und Its termination shall bo Dcceinbur 1st, A. I). 11)13. Article 0. Tho highest amount of Indebted ness or liability to which this corporation shall at any time subject Itself shall lie not nioro than two-thirds of lis cnpltnl stock ox cept for deposits. Articlo 7. At nny regularly railed meeting or the stockholders, the capital stock or tho association mny bo Increased tu I wo hundred thousand (mouO.OO) dollars. ArlloleH. Whenoverun tnerenso of stock shall ho determined upon, In nccordanco with article 7, It shall bo thu duty of tho directors toeauso nil stockholders to bo notified there of In writing. Encli stockholders shall bo en titled to shares or the new stock In propor tion to tlio number or shnres ho alrecdy owns, butir any stockholder falls to subscrlbo and pay for said slock ror thu space or thirty (ao) dnys, his right to tho now stock shall bo waived, and the honrd or directors shall do tcrmluo whnt disposition shall bo inndo or the same. Articlo I). The olllcors liy whom tho affairs of this corporation are to bo conducted shall ben president, a vice-president, n cashier, an assistant cashier, nnd ilvo or nioro directors. Articlo 10. Tho president shall hold his olllce ror tho yenr for which thu directors or which he shall bo n member nro elected, nnd until his successor Is elected. Tho olllccrs hull boolected nnd porform such duties as may be prescribed lu tho by-laws ndopted by said corpomtloii Articlo 11. These incorporators shall bo tho directors till the llrst annual meeting or tho stockholders. Thesoartleles may boamended nt any meeting or tho stockholders by a two thirds vote, Di witness whereof, tho snld Isnno M. Itny mond, U-wlsOregory, Andrew J. Hnwyor, Hi las II. Ilurnliain.nnd M. L. Enstesnlay have horcuuto subscribed their naino ns Incorpor ators, this trail day or November, A. D, JMSS. In presonco of .1. M. Ilctts. ISAAC M. ItAYMOND ISILABH. llUHNIIAM, MKlNltn LEWIH OHIMJOKY, A.. I. HAWVUIt. M.L. KASTEHOAY. STATE OF NEIIltAHKA (Rl. LANUAHTKlt COUNTY bw On this 15th day or November, A. I). 1SAS, before mo, the undersigned, a notary public, duly commissioned and iiiallfled for. and re siding In tho kalil county, personally came Isauo M. ItKymond, Lewis Gregory, Andrew .1. Kawver, Silas II. llurnbani and M. L lOiiBterdny, Known to be the Identical persons whoso names are iiibserlbed to thu forcL-oInc Instrument as liicordomtors, and tliey hovornlly acknowledge tho execution of said instrumeni to ue tiieir voiuinary acinuii deed. Di wltnesii wlinreof, I tutvo hereunto set my hand and alllxed my olllclal seal thu day and year last aiwive wrltlon. sr.Ai.) .!. M. IIktts, Notary l'libllo. 1-an-lt Notice of Incorporation. Naino of Corporation : Lincoln Savings llauk, and Safe Company. Plnce of lluslness: Lincoln, Nebraska. Nature of lluslness to bo transacted: ltecelv lug money on deposit anil paylne In terest on the same; renting boxes lu vaults or thebauknnd a guncral Savings Hank and Safe Deposit business. Amount or Capital Stock authorized anil tlmo and conditions on which It Is to lie paid In; Cnpltnl Stock fiVl.rt (I 111 shares orilixloach. To bu paid In ten per cent at dati of subscrip tion and the remainder when called ror by the I loan I of Directors. Tlmo o( Commencement nnd Termination or Corporation. Commenced, November 10th, lts, mid ex pires November loth, Itus. Indebtedness Highest Amount of Indebted ness or Liability to which the Corpuiatiou Ik nt uny Tlmo lo Suhjiict Itself: Not to exceed ?:5,(x) nt any time, except In debtedness to Its depositors and for money borrowed to pay Its depositors lu case of an emergency. Ilv What Olllccrs the A flairs or the Corpora Hon are to ho Conducted: liy a Hoard or Directors con Istlng or nine (tl) stock holders. The olllccrs to comprise n i'resldeat, Vice President, Hecretiiry and Treasurer. l-'J0-lt. Sheriff Hnlu. Notice Is hereby given tliut by virtue or an execution Issued liy the clerk or the District Court ortheSccond Judicial District or Ne braska, within and for Lancaster County, In an action wherein O. E, Hector Is I'lnlutttl', and John Kucera Is Defendant, I will at a o'clock l. M., on the ft ll dny or Mnrch, A. D. 1HM), at the front entrance to the District Court rooms In tho City or Lincoln, Lancaster County Nebraska, oiler ror sale at publle auc tion tho following described real estntu, to wit! Wit No, seventeen (17), llloek No, four, (4), In Irvtnes Second addition to Lincoln, Lan caster County, Nebraska, (liven under my hand this 2Mb dny of Jan uary, 1KW). 1.W.51 H. M. MELIC1C, Hlicrltr. ONIvY TO-NIGHT! As sung at Funke's Wednesday Evening in "King's Fool." -fo " " ' -i-- ' terra i ; h: w mm Eg&l Yl EgFS.aBSsbiE Tr - rirzrlprrrlfepldrgg nlghtt Let tis be?, You In Sl2l2Sl3El23lM3Sl3la2ESEl5Sa fiS rf - -tr-1 Tg. g irj lj 5 sgqi? mzz - v - Just as It rang, A roso that b deal, 4 J? X- :BFC p f -frg ?zrr: -fi On-ly to. night, On - pEjM Q-in f0kfefrjrBi- Jn jj -j x y 9 p , roil. j 1 y J n sings, Tcn-dcr-ly brings Dock nil tho post a- gain gain n e " - ypL jjjjU--tCT J J e f r -;dj ( tuittz. 1 ,1 . iTfNB A New EVERY WEEK. 0M FINE : ART : STUDIO 1214 O street. Examine sntnplcs of our work before rderlni elsewhere. Cabinet Photographs reduced fiom to S3 per dozen of-a Words and 1. On-ly this onco, On-ljr u. aii cr to-night, Ait-er p - p- qr for-fro t All our ro - grot, Lot tho light, I In tho night, Out ' r-1 ' ' 12T-1 1 , j ip Lovei Iww tlio mil slo boars us on, What la Uioro loft mo, O my lovo? - mf p3p$rtf Just as wo sang In tho dnys A word that Is said. And n drenm , .- - - :SEE 1- ipt ly to-night, Hark to tho old y s - s s f Piece y -r APPEARS ON THIS PAGK HEFFLEY & SONS XZrlAU Muolo by J. L. MOLLOY. & Jfft3 this once, DancowlUi me, love, to to-mgiit, wim twin to. mor M9- fcj EgEai --. e -T- P us bo gay and bright. on tho roll . lug sen.... ::5rir Zr--- -i-- ,-4 : r Llng'rlng tho ech oca die,. On-ly a wrnlth of yore, 11 m -et f m m & that nro gono by... that comes no more. en i r- f!lTj-f-f ro - frolnt. Uarkl how it iHN wm-m -r n T T & T j" 4 f "T of Music 134 South 12th St., sLi.. i Jt zi-i-jt- Liisrcoi-jHsr, osteb. , j.. ii. ,. w-fM(vai- ijti '.- '.