Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, February 09, 1889, Page 3, Image 4

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    iryypy-wrgy'vi'ipwip'!ii' y wyimyT'V twx? ,f,',w?"nr?? TjfrjfJ" "
V f- " -i J "
f? r--winr?""
lie Say Tlicy Shoutil Not lie Ilrcelrcd
Colilljr nml Looked Upon Akne, but
I with Open Armi and Cheering Mien.
' Some Nan Conctnulonn Aliout Time.
Brooklyn, Fob. 3. A jubilco ser
mon wns preached this morning by
thoRov. T. Do Witt Talmngo, D. D., nt
an especial communion for tho recep
tion of 210 persons, ranking tho pres
ent communicant membership of tho
Brooklyn Tubcrnnclo 4.G03. This is
also moving day in litis church. Tito
annual ronlal of powa has just occur
red, and today many or tho congrega
tion occupy now pluces. Tho pows
brought higher premiums this year
than over boforo and tho incomo of
tho church this year will bo $33,804
But both plans nro observed in this
church. A vast spaco is kept frco
from all exponso and only a part of
tho building is mapped on" for rent.
Dr. Talmago took his text from tlto
flftcoitth chapter of Luko, twenty
third verso: "Bring hither tho fatted
calf and kill it." Dr. Talmngo said:
Joy I Joy I Joy 1 Wo banquet today
over this accession of 240 persons to
whom 1 lmvo given tho right hand of
fellowship, making our present com
municant membership four thousand
flvo hundred and eight. Is it not ap
propriate that wo spread tho banquet?
In nil ages of tho world it has been
customary to celcbrato joyful ovonts
by festivity tho signing of treaties,
tho proclamation of pence, tho Christ
mas, tho marriage Ilowover much
on other days of tho year our tablo
i ;.. i ., i.. .. n'i....l.n.
IllUy II11VU HlllllUU BUIIIV, uu llllllina-
fivmg day thero must uo something
ountcous. And nil tho comfortablo
homes of Christendom lmvo at somo
timo celebrated joyful events by ban
quot and festivity.
Something has happened in tho old
homestead greater than anything that
has over happened before. A favor
ito son whom tho world supposed
would becomo a vagabond and out
law forever has got tired of sight
seeing and has returned to his father's
house. Tho world said ho novor
would como back. Tho old man al
ways said his son would como. Ho
hau been looking for him day after
day and year after year. Ho know ho
would como back. Now, having re
turned to his father's house, tho
father proclaims celebration.
Thero is a calf in tho paddock that
has been kept and fed to utmost capa
city so as to bo ready for somo occasion
of joy that might como along. Ahl
thero nover will bo a grander day on
tho old homestead than this day. Let
tho butchers do their work, and tho
housekeepers bring into tho tablo tho
smoking meat. Tho musicians will
tako their places, and tho gay groups
will niovoupanddown tholloor. All
tho friends and neighbors nro gathered
in, and extra supply is sent out to tho
tablo of tho servants. Tho father pre
sides at tho tablo, and says grace, and
thanks God that his long absent boy
is homo ngain. Oh I how they missed
him; how glad they nro to lmvo him
back. Ov brother indeed stands
pouting .a tho back door and
says: "This is n great ndo about
nothing; this bail boy should
lmvo been chastened instead of
greeted; veal is too good for him I"
ut tho father says: "Nothing is too
' good, nothing is good enough."
Thero sits tho young man, glad at tho
hearty reception, but a shadow of sor
row llitting across his brow at tho re
membrance of tho trouble ho has scon.
All ready now. Let tho covers lift..
Music, llo was dead nml ho is nlivo
again I llo wns lost and ho is found I
By such bold imagery docs tho Biblo
Bet forth tho merry making when n
soul comes homo to God.
L First of nil thero is tlto now con
vert's joy. It is no tamo tiling to bo
como a Christian. Tho most tremen
dous moment in a man's lifo is when
ho surrenders himself to God. Tho
grandest timo on tho father's homo
stead is when tho boy comes back.
Among tho great throng who in tho
parlors of this church professed Christ
ono night was a young man who next
morning rang my door bell and said:
"Sir, I cannot contain myself with tho
joy I feol ; I enmo hero this morning
to express it. 1 lmvo found moro joy
in flvo minutes in serving God than in
all tho years of my prodigality, and I
camo to say so."
You lmvo seen, perhaps, a matt run
ning for his physical liberty and tho
officers of tho law after him, mid you
saw him cscapo, or afterward you
heard tho judgo had pardoned him.
and how great was tho gleo of that
rescued man ; hut it is u very tamo
thing that compared with tho running
for one's everlasting lifo tho terrors
of tho law after him. but Christ com
ing in to pardon and bless and rescuo
and save. You remember John Bun
van in his great story tells how tho
Pilgrim put his lingers in his cars and
ran, crying: "Lifo, lifo, eternal lifo I"
A poor car driver in this city
somo years ago, after having had
a strugglo to support his fumily,
suddenly was informed that a largo in
heritance was his, and thero was toy
amounting to bewilderment; but that
is a small thing compared with tho ex
pcrieiieo of nuo when ho has put in his
hands tho titlo deed to tho joys, tho
raptures, tho splendors of heaven, and
ho can truly say: "Its mansions nro
mino, its temples are mino, its songs
are mino, its God is mino I"
Oh, it is no tuine thing to becomo a
Christian. It is n merry making. It
is tho killing of the fatted calf. It is
jubilco. You know tho Uiblo nover
compares it to a funeral, but nhvays
compares it to something bright. It
is moro apt to bo compared to it ban
quet than anything of so. It is com
pared in tho Biblo to tho water, bright,
Hashing water; to tho morning, imo
ato, llroworked, mountain trunsllgured
morning. I wish 1 could today tulco all
tho Uiblo expressions about pardon
and peace and lifo and comfort and
hopo und heaven and twist them into
ono garland, and put it on tho brow
of tho humblest child of God in this
nusomblttgo, and cryt "Wear it, wear
it now, wear it forever, son of God.
daughtor of tho Lord God Almighty."
Oh, tho joy of tho now convert! Oh.
tho gladness of tho Christian servicol
You lmvo Been sometimes a innn in a
religious assembly get up and givo his
oxperionco. Well, Paul gavo nis ex
perience Ho nroso in tno presenco
of two churches, tho church on
earth and tho church in lieavou, and
ho said: "Now, this is my oxperionco:
'Sorrowful, yet nhvays rejoicing
poor, yet making many rich lmvincr
nothing, yet possessing nil things.'''
If tho pcoplo in this houso this morn
ing know tho joys of tho Christian re
ligion, they would nil pass over into
tlto kingdom of God tho noxt mo
ment. When Daniel Bandenian was
dying of cholera his attendant
said: "Ilavo you much paint"
"Oh," ho replied, "sinco I found tho
Lord I lmvo never had any pain ex
cept sin." Then thoy said to him:
"Would you liko to send it messago to
your friends?" "Yes, I would; toll
them that only last night tho lovoof
Jesus camo rushing into my soul liko
tho surges of tho sea, and 1 had to cry
out: 'Stop, Lord, it is enough; stop,
Lord, enough I' " Oh, tho joys of this
Christian religion I
Just pass over from thoso tamo joys
in which you are indulging joys of
this world-into tho raptures of tho
Gospel. Tho world cannot satisfy
you j you lmvo found that out Alex
ander longing for other worlds to
conquer, and yet drowned in his own
bottle, Byron whipped by disquie
tudes around tho world; Voltaire
cursing his own soul whilo all tho
streets of Paris were applauding him;
Henry II consuming with hatred
ngninst poor Thomas aBcckct all il
lustrations of tho fact that this world
cannot ninko a man happy. Tho very
mnn who poisoned tho pommel of tho
saddle on which Queen Elizabeth rodo,
shouted in tho street: "God snvo tho
queen I" Ono moment the world np
plauds and tho next moment tho
world Oh, como over
into this greater joy, this sublime
solace, (his magnificent beatitude. Tho
night after tho battle of Shiloh, and
thero were thousands of wounded on
tho field, and tho ambulances hud not
come, on Christian soldier lying thero
a-dying under tho starlight began to
Thero Is a land of puro delight,
and when ho camo to tho next lino
there were scores of voices uniting:
Whero salnu Immortal rclgu.
Tho song was caught up all through
tho fields among the wounded until it
was said thero were at least ten thou
sand wounded men reuniting their
voices as thoy camo to tho verso:
Tlicro everlasting spring abides,
And ueer withering llo were;
Death liko a narrow Rtrrnm divides
That heavenly land of ours.
Oh, it is a great religion to livo by,
and it is a great religion to dio by.
Tlicro is only ono heart throb between
Jon and that religion this morning,
ust look into tho face of your par
doning God, and surrender yourself
for timo and for eternity, and ho is
yours, nnd heaven is yours, and nil
is yours. Somo of you, liko tho
young man of tho text, lmvo
gono far astray. I know not tho his
tory, but you know it, you know it.
When a young man went forth into
lifo, tlio legend says, his guardian
angel went forth with him, nnd get
ting mm iiuu a uuiu uiu gimraiuii ungui
swept a circle clear around where tno
young mnn stood. It wns n circlo of
virtue und honor, nnd ho must not
step beyond thut circlo. Armed foes
camo down, but were obliged to halt
nt tho circlo thoy could not pass.
But ono day n temptress with dia
monded hand stretched forth nnd
crossed that circle witli the hand,
and tho tempted soul took it, and
by that one foil grip was brought
beyond tho circlo and died. Somo
of you lmvo stepped boyond that circlo.
Would you not liko this day by tho
grace of God to step back? This, 1 say
to you, is your hour of salvation.
Tlicro was in tho closing hours of
Queen Anno what is called tho clock
scene. Flat down on tho pillow in
helpless sickness, sho could not move
her head or movo her hand. Sho was
waiting for tho hour when tho minis
tcrsof statoshould gather in angry con
test, and. worried and worn out by tho
coming hour, mid in momentary ab
sence of tho nurse, in the power, tho
strange power which delirium some
times gives one, she uroso mid stood in
front of tho clock, and stood there
watching tho clock when tho nurso
returned. The nurso said: ' Do
you see anything peculiar about that
clock?" Sho mado no answer, but
soon died. Thero is a clock sccno in
every history. If somo of you would
riso from the bed of lethargy and como
out from your delirium of sin nnd
look on the clock of your destiny this
morning, you would seo und hear
something you have not seen or heard
before, and ovcry tick of tho minute,
and every stroke of tho hour, nnd
every swing of tho pendulum would
say: "Now, now, now, now I" Oh, come
homo to your Lather's houso. Como
homo, oh, prodigal, from tho wilder
iicss. Como home, como homo I
II. But I notico that when the prodi
gal camo there was tho father's joy.
llo did not greet him witli any formal
"How do you dof" lie did not como
out and Kay: "You aro unlit to enter;
go out and wash in tho trough by tlto
well, and then you can come in; wo
lmvo had enough trouble with you."
Ahl no. When tho proprietor of that
estate proclaimed festival, it was an
outburst of a father's lovo und a
father's joy. God is your Father. 1
lmvo not much cjuipatliy with that
description of Goif 1 sonu'times hear,
as though ho were a Turkish sultan,
hard and unsympathetic, and listening
not li tho cry of his MibjeuLs. A man
told mo ho saw in one of the eastern
lamhi a king riding along, r.ud two
men were in altercation, and one
charged the other with having raten
his i ico; and the king mid- "Then
slay tho man, ami by KVt-iiiortcin ex
amination llnd whether ho has eaten
the rice." And ho was slain. Ah'
tho cruolty of a scno liko that. Our
God is not n sultan, not a czar, not a
despot, but a Father kind, loving,
forgiving, and ho makes all heaven
ring again when a prodical comes
back. "I havo no pleasure," ho says,
"in tho death of him thutdloth."
If n man docs not get to heaven it Is
because ho will not go there. No dif
ference tho color, no diHcronco tho
history, no diffcrenco tho nntecedonts,
no dUfcrcnco tho surroundings, no
diircronco tho sin. When tho whito
horses of Christ's victory are brought
out to celebrate tho eternal triumph
you may rido ono of them, and tui
God is greater than all, his joy is
greater, and when a bouI comes back
tliore is in his heart tho surging of an
inflnito ocean of trladness. and to ox-
press that gladness it takes nil tho
rivers of pleasure, and nil tho thrones
of pomp, and all tho ages of etornity.
It is a joy deeper than all depth, and
higher than all height, and wider
than all width, and vaster than all
immensity, It overtops, it under
girds, it outweighs all tho united
splendor nnd joy of tho universe
Who can tell what God's joy is?
You remember reading tho story of
n king, who on somo great day of
festivity scattered silver and gold
nmong tho peoplo, nnd sent vnluablo
presents to his courtiers; but melhinks
whon a soul comes back, God is so
glad thnt to express his joy ho flings
out now worlds into space, and kindles
up now suns, and rolls among tho
will to robed anthems of tho redeemed
n greater hallelujah, whilo with a
voice that rovcrboratcs among tho
mountains of fraukincoiiho and is
echoed back from tho everlasting
gates, he cries: "This, my son, was
dead, and ho is nlivo again."
At tho opening of tho exposition in
Now Orleans I saw a Mexican lliuist,
nnd ho played tho bolo, nnd tlic.i after
ward tho eight or ten bands of music,
accompanied by tho great organ, camo
in; but tho sound of that ouu Unto its
compared with all tho orchestra was
greater than all tho combined joy of
tlto u ni verso when compared wfth tho
resounding heart of Almighty God.
For ten years a father went thrco
times a day to tho depot. His son
went ofl in aggravating circum
stances, but tho futhcr said: "Ho will
como back." Tho strain was too much
and his mind parted, nnd thrco times
a day tho father went. In tho early
morning ho watched tho train, its ar
rival, tho stepping out of tho passcn-
gore and men mo uopariuro oi mo
Irani, ni iiuoii uu wiia uiuru iiguiu
watching tho advanco of tho train,
watching tho departure. At night
there again; watching tho coming,
watching tho going for ten years. Ho
was sure his son would como back.
God has been watching and waiting
for somo of you, my brothers, ten
years, twenty years, thirty years,
forty years, perhaps fifty years wait
ing, waiting, watching, watching; and
if this morning tho prodigal should
como homo what a sccno of gladness
and festivity, and how tho great
Father's heart would rejoico at j'our
coming homo. You will como, somo
of you, will you not? You will, you
III. I notice also that when a prodi
gal comes homo tlicro is tho joy of tho
ministcrsof religion. Oh, it isn grand
thing to preach this gospel. I know
there has been a great deal said about
tho trials and tho hardships of tho
Christian ministry. I wish somebody
would write n good, rousing book
about tho joys of tho Christian minis
try. Since 1 entered tho profession I
lmvo seen more of tho goodness of
God than I will bo nblo to celcbrato in
all eternity. 1 know somo boast about
their equilibrium, and thoy do not
riso into enthusiasm, and they do not
break down with emotion; but I con
fess to you pluinly that when I
bco a man coming to God nnd
giving up his sin I feel in
body, mind and soul a transport.
When 1 seo a mint who is bound hand
and foot in evil habit emancipated,
I rejoice over it as though it were my
own emancipation. When today in
our communion services such throngs
of young and old stand nt theso
altars, and in tho presence of henven
and earth and hell attest their nllcgi
anco to Jesus Christ, I feel a joy some
thing akin to thut which tho aposllo
describes when ho says: "Whether in
tho body I cannot tell, or out of tho
body 1 cannot tell; God knoweth."
On, havo not ministers a right to ro
ioico when a prodigal comes homo?
They blew tho trumpet, and ought
thoy not to bo glad of tho gathering of
tho host Thoy pointed to tho full
supply, and ought they not to rejoico
when souls pant as tho hart for tho
water brooks They camo forth say
ing: "All things nro now rendy;"
ought thoy not to roioico when tho
prodigal sits down at tlto banquet?
Lifo insurance men will all tell you
mat ministers oi religion as a class
livo longer than any other. It is con
tinued by tho statistics of all thoso
who calculato upon human longevity.
Why is it? Tlicro is moro draft upon
tho nervous system than in any other
profession, and their toil is more ex
hausting. 1 lmvo seen ministers kept
on miserable stipends by parsimonious
congregations who wondered at tho
dullness of their bcrmons, when the
men of God were perplexed ulmost to
death by questions of livelihood, and
had not enough nutritious food to
keep any lire in their temperament.
No fuel, uo flro. I lmvo sometimes
seen tho inside of the lifo of
many of tho American clergymen
never accepting their hospitality, bo
causo they cannot a (lord it; but I lmvo
seen them struggle on with salaries of
flvo and bix hundred dollars u year
tho average less than that their
btrugglo well depicted by the western
missionary who says in a latter:
"Thank you for your last roinitVanco;
until it camo wo had not anymeat in
our houso lor ono year,
winter, although it was a
all lust
ere win
summer ter, our children wore
clothes." And theso
of tiod I
tho laud,
llnd lit dillcrcut par
struggling against
lyanccs and
10; somo of
to sell, and
exasperations minim
them week after w
r gents who havo
vo 1
..V II
1 n
submitting thctuBolvcs to nil styles ot
onnoyuneo, nnd yet without complaint,
nnd cheerful of soul. How do you
account for tho fact thnt theso lifo in
surance men tell us thnt ministers as
a class livo longer than any others?
It is bocutiRO of tlio joy of their work,
tho joy of tho hnrvest Held, tho joy of
greeting prodigals homo to thoir
father's hoiiho.
Oh, wo nro in sympathy with all In
nocent hilarities. Wo can enjoy n
hearty Rong, and wo can bo merry with
tho merriest; hut thoso of us who lmvo
toiled in tho service are ready to testify
that all theso joys aro tamo compared
with tho satisfaction of sceinir men
enter tho kingdom of God. Tho great
oras of every minister nro the outpour
ings or the lioiy unosi, nnd 1 manic
Qod I lmvo Keen eighteen of thoin.
Thank God, thank God I
IV. I notice, iiIro, when tho prodi
gal comes back all earnest Christians
rejoice. If you stood 011 Montuuk
Point nnd there wiih a hurricanu at
sea, and it was blowing toward tho
shore, and a vcssol crashed into tho
rocks nnd you saw pcoplo get ashore
in tho lifeboats and tho very last man
got on tho rocks in Bitfoty, you could
not control your ioy. And it is n
glad time when the church of God
sees men who nro tossed on tho ocean
of their sins plant their feel on tho
rock Christ Jesus.
Oh, when prodigals como homo just
hear those Christians sing. Just hear
thoso Christians pray. It is not a
stereotyped supplication wo havo heard
over mill over again for twenty years,
but a putting of tho caso in tho hands
of God with an importunate pleading.
No long prayers. Men never pray at
great length unless thoy have nothing
to say and their hearts are hard and
cold. All tho prayers in the Uiblo
that were answered were short prayers:
"God bo merciful to mo a sinner,"
"Lord, that I may receive my sight,"
"Lord, savo tno or I perish." Tho
longest prayer, Solomon's prayer at
tho dedication of tho temple, less than
eight minutes in length, according to
tho ordinary rate or enunciation.
And just hear them pray now that
tho prodigals aro coming home. Just
seo them shako hands. No putting
forth of tho four tips of the lingers in
n lorinnl way, nut a nearly grasp,
where tho muscles of tho heart seem
to clench tho fingers of 0110 hand
around tho other hand. And then see
thoso Christian faces, how illumined
thoy nro. And seo that old man get
up nnd. with tho snmo voico that 110
Bang fifty years ago in tho old country
meeting house, Bay: "Now, Lord,
lottcst thou thy servant depart in
peaco, fort mino eyes havo bcou
thy salvation." Tlicro was a man of
Keith who was hurled into prison in
timo of persecution, and one day ho
got oil' his shackles and ho camo and
stood by tho prison door, and when
tho jailer was opening tho door, with
ono stroko ho struck down tho man
who had incarcerated him. Passing
along tho streets of Loudon ho won
dered where his family was. Ho did
uotdaro to ask lest ho excite suspicion,
but, passing along a little way from
tho prison, ho saw it Keith tankard, a
cup that belonged to tho family from
generation to generation Iiomiw it in a
window. His family, hoping that somo
day ho would get clear, camoand lived
ns near as they could to tho prison
houso, and they set that Keith tankard
in tho window, hoping ho would seo
it; and ho came along and saw it and
knocked at the door, and went in. and
tho long absent fumily were ail to
gether again. Oh, if you would start
for the kingdom of God today, I think
somo of you would find nearly all
your friends nnd nearly all your fami
lies around tho holy tankard of tho
holy communion fathers, mothers,
brothers, sisters around that sacred
tankard which commemorates the lovo
of Jesus Christ our Ird. Oh, it will
bo a great communion day when your
whole family sits urounu tho sacred
tankard. Cue on earth, ono 111 heaven.
Kon Tin: uirrun.N ov I'iiodkjals let
r.vnitY one pkay.
V. Oueo moro I remark, that
when tho prodigal gets back tho in
habitants of heaven keep festival. I
am very certain of it. If you havo
never seen a telegraphic chart, you
lmvo no idea how many cities are con
nected to;r ther and how many lands.
Nearly nil the neighborhoods of the
earth seem articulated, and news flics
from city to city, and from continent
to continent. Hut moro rapidly go
tho tidings from earth to heaven, and
whcnanrodigal returnsitisaniiouiiccd
before tno throne of God. And if theso
souls this morning should cuter tho
kingdom there would be somo 0110 in
tho heavenly kingdom to say "That's
my father, "That's my mother,"
"That's my son," "That's my daugh
ter," "That's my friend, Hint's tho
ono I used to pray for," "That's tho
ono for whom I went so many tears,"
and 0110 soul would say, "Iiosannal"
und another would say, "Hallelujah I"
rieaw-d nltfi the iieuu the uahita below
In donga their tongue employ;
Beyond the kklea tho tilling go.
And Ilea t u U Oiled Ith Joy
KorangeHcan their Joy contain,
Dut kindle with new fire;
Tho dinner lot In foiind, they slug.
And uriko thoiumllng lyru.
At the banquet of Luculltis sat
Cicero tho nwor, at tho Macedonian
festal sat Philip thu conqueror, at tho
Grecian banquet sat Socrates tho
philosopher; but at our Father's tablo
sit all the returned prodigals, mora
thanconquerors. Tho tablo is so wide
its lwtvcs reach across seas and across
lawds. Its guests aro tho redeemed of
earth, and tho glorified of heaven.
J ho ringof God's foigiveness on every
hantl, tho robe of a Sa lour's righteous
ness ndroopfrom overv shoulder. The
wino that glows in the cup is from
tho bowls of ten thousand saci-.unoiits.
Let till tho redeemed of cuilh ami all
thoglorillctl of heaven rise and with
gleaming chalico drink to the return
of a thousand prodigals, king! singl
sing I "Worthy is llio huub iht:l was
slam to receive blessing and riches
and honor and glory m.d .ovor,
world without endl"
The empress of Austria it iittoutletl
by tt wonmii physician.
C. M. HANDS, Mnnngcr.
Denier lit high grndo l'lnnon: The rinmtiird Klelnwiw A Hon', CltlefcerltiR mid Knnbo A Co,
the'etegnnt llelir llroii, Co. nnd Vimo A Hon, llio dnrnlito .lumen M. Hlnrr A Co,, llio cetehrnlcd
Ktory A Chirk orKnnn, l'lnnon mild nn InMnlliiieiitM or for cnnli. Old liiMniiiirnU taken In ex
elmiigo. All Invitation extended to nil to exnmlmi tliene. liiatninieiitH nnd get price Hint you con
not get elm' here.
Itntcx ri'iuoimlilo. Kvurylliing now nnd complete. I'm nipt xrvlce nnd tlin liot menu In
Oiiinliii. lint mid cold wnlor In overy room. Ollleu nml dining Imll tin nrM lloor. All mod
ern luiinivoiiieiitN. I.liirnlnlte iiIwmjm reeclvo iironllnl weleome. Call mid pro tut wlillo In
O11111I111. You en n get Into llio enrx nt depot mid tnlio IIAUNKY HT., UAIILK LINK
DIHICCT TO Till'. 1)0011. Cor. lltli mid llnriuiy.
IitA I'. Hiiiiiy. Clerk. II. HILLOW'AY, lTonrlotor.
Buggies, Carriages or Saddle Horses,
Can tic linil nt nnv tie, Day or Night, on uliort notice,
Ilnrscs Boarded and w... laken care of at Reasonable Ratcs
Call and see ns, 102; Q street, or give all orders by
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To ifte Sociaf Wortd.
The Courier Office,
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Publishers ofCapital City Courier.
i22-t2 N. istUSt., New Uurr lllock.
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Omaha's Leading Hotel.
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