Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, February 09, 1889, Image 2

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"PoPlAR PAPEri'oPAVopcRfi -TliAES "
Voi. 4. No. O.
What In Heard, Soon, Learned unit Perti
nently HiiRRritoiI to tho Multltiiilr.
It may npixxir strnngo to koiiio of my lend
ers nnd thoy limy think I nm behind the times
in not giving publicity to certain soclnl dis
agreements nnd several (pilot llttlo sensations,
but ns herctoforo stated, tho Observer 1m not
on earth to show tlio dark side of llfo, to glvo
sensational nows or to mnko enemies of
friends. On tlio contrary It is my endeavor
to uphold society nnd build it up, inther thnii
tour it down. There tiro plenty of gossips
who stand rendy for tho latter soivleo And
nover permit u clinuio to go ly when they
ciui belittle or thimngu their neighbor whom
thoy term friend. It is not Itocmiso of want
of knowledge, of these tilings that I Imvo not
priutod sumo under this heud, but becuuso I
do not think a private or iwrsonul niralr Is In
Its proper place when linrndul lcforo tho nub-
Ho olthor In print or gossip. Misfortunes mu
certainly cmbnrusslng mid hard enough to
beni nt beta, nnd being strictly none of any
ono's business except tlio nlllictcd, tho press
that prlutH theso privuto romances does so
with ii vlow of making capital out of them nt
tho oxponso of tho unfortunates. Tho fact
that n man and wlfo ImVu hud n family tpinr-
rel is not for, mid should not conceit! out
siders, or that there was a scandal in such a
homo, is certainly deplouiblo in tlio ejus of
Ilia family circle, ultliout being compelled to
accept tho scrutiny of tho public enzo mid
' slanderous tongue of the gosslper who never
fails to exngcrnta every time tho tale is tolci.
If there is any virtue in such actions, I leally
fall to see it, ami as above stated I could tell
lots of v hat some pcoplo would call "startling
revolutions" but it is not hi my line uud 1
cheerfully leave it to that class of mongers
who delight in it and are really a disgiaco to
Reading n copy of tlio Chicago Hotel World
tho other day I noticed an ndvei tlscmout of
Mr. Ed 1'. Roggeil, mliio host ut tho Capital
Hotel, in which ho sets foith tho advantages
ol that hostelry und otters the furniture,
leaso and good w ill for sale. Duiiug n con
versation tlio Observer was Informed that tho
business did not suit Mr. Hoggeu uud that if
ho could sell out nt n lcasonublo pi ice, ho
would then cmbui k in other pursuits. Ho
lias had a number or otters from pi eminent
eastern hotel men and is now in corrcsoud-
enco with no loss than a dozen iierbonsreguid
lug tho sale, soveial of whom will come to
Lincoln within u few days to look over the
premises. Tho Capital is one of tho most
popular hotels in the wist, cujovs a large run
of patronage and as such will bo easily dis
posed of. Lincoln people will probably bo
surprised to hour this, but will bo plousod to
learn Unit after dlsjioslug of the liotol, tho
genial VA Roggeil will still bo one of Lincoln's
staunch citizens.
Ouo of tho strongest crlterions of tlio suo
cess of a book or u play, sajs Table 'lath; is
when fashion adopts one or moi e of tho pi oni
neut features. Mis. Durnott's chariuliig ie
utlon " Little Lord Kauntleioy" uuy,
therefore, be said to have reaped Its lull
measure, since tlio Fuunlleroy stylo of coiffi'r
has found fuvor with tho girls who have
suillcioutly luxui iuut hair to niiuiige it utter
the manner seen in tho pictures of tho ideal
boy. Iho huir which must have considerable
natural curl in it, must be cut to tho bhouldei s,
the trout is clipped to the ciown of the heud
and allowed to lull in loose rings over the
forehead. Many maidens who long to be In
fashion, ami w ho j et hesitute to sucrillce their
crowning glory to such an extent, are wear
ing un ingenious wig, di essed u la Fuuutlei oy,
which uu enteipiisiug hair dresor has ulruuiy
Speaking ot tho relative claims of the two
cities the other day, an Omaha gentleman
who was vistlng here said, "Lincoln is an
awful pretty plate. This is iny Hist visit
hero and I must admit 1 1 cully like it better
tluiu Omaha, but btfoio I cume down I wus
lod to believe that your city was only a vil
lage. It seeuis to, that most of tho Omahu
people that talk so unjustly about Lincoln,
are Uioo who huv e never been here nnd
simply talk from a joulous disposition and
what they have heard some one else say. It
is all w rong and I regret It very much, for
being such close nelghbsrf , the eople of both
tow ns should Ihj friendly, and more congen
ial." This seems to be about tho truo iuwurd
netvs of affairs. However tho lelutlons be
tween tho metropolis und tho capital city I
um pleased to note is Incoming moro friendly
as timo grows on.
A general kick is and has been made against
the music now being furnlshedat Fuuke'sand
there seeuis to lie good cause for it. It has
been noticablo at vaiious perfoi muutes of
late tliut owing to the oor uccompaiiiineut
various stage artists havo imsltlvoly refused
to sing their best selections, and have thus
been compelled to cut their respective )mrts.
It was on) v by Beciul request that Coriuuo
condescended to sing "Dear Hiart" Satuidny
night. Sho snug it Thursday evening but
would not answer an encore. Several who
attended Friday weio disappointed at not hear
ing the song and when asked tho reason Mrs'
Kimball, as stated In our last issue, raid it
was owing to the very poor orchestral music
However on request of u number of auditors
Carlnno sang "Dear Heart" on her next ap
pearance At Loavltt's )erformuiico tho
artists preferred to dunce without music
which they did, while at "Siberia" in places
where music greatly udds to tho piocv, the
orchestra mado a dismal lizzie of their iwirt,
thus rendering the climaxes far fiom being
what they ale with proper music, uud I could
cite many other similar instance. Manager
Mclleynold's Is receiving too good a (Nitron
age at his house to allow the orchestra to
mar the excellent entertainments that he is
furnishing the theater goers of Lincoln.
Good music between acts and during tho play
Is a great feature of an evenings enjoyment,
without which the entertainment Is virtually
a failure. If a remedy ran bo mado It would
lio highly appreciated by tho largo nudlauces
thnt have Iwcn attending tho Fimko nnd it li
to lw IioihsI that a speedy change for tho bet
ter will lie tlio result. I do not want It under
stood thnt tho present oichestrn should lie
"llred" or thot I feel onythlng but friendly
toward Its members, but to the contrary, If
thoj can give us tlio music that belongs to
such n house, nnd to accompany such enter
tainments it would lw gladly received, If not,
give n suffering public a change by installing
another orchestra.
Htidorln louden t Ilullnlitlllo.
Denver Itopuhllcun.
At n meeting of tho Hoard of Directors of
tho Denver Union Htoek Yard Company yes
tettloy, Oeorgo W. Italliiutlne, the old super
intendent, was elected general manager. Tho
board of 1883, together with tho other olllcers,
weio ro elected.
Tho many friends of "our Oeorgo," for ho
formerly was one of our jiopulnr citizens, will
bo pleased to learn of hlscontlnuod prosperity
nud will wish him well for tho future
The 1'antuuMtor Is O, K.
Hloux City Sunday Hun.
Tho Nebraska Stato Democrat, Lincoln,
nnd J. A Kuimons, editor innkon pair of assvs
hard to match. Uoth "go for" Postmaster
Wntklns of tho capital city, for no reason in
tlio wide world aside from tho one that n
jKistnl card directed to tho editor aforesaid
was tin own into tho wrong box by some over
woikcdcleik. Tuo Aumbry Sun knows Mr.
Wntklns to bo mi honest mid Industrious of
ficial and it knows, further, that tho man who
rails against him is one who is in need of
nothing so much us t doso of worm medicine.
AV I'rnctlcu What We 1'rearli.
Omaha World.
Yesterday afternoon Lou Vessel, tho editor
of tho Capital City Couiuku, thotiensurer
of tho Coriuno company and soveral Omaha
nowspnper men wore seated in tho back part
of tho New Oi nud opera house enjoying tho
matinee iMirformanco of "Siberia." A oung
fellow whom nono of tho party know and who
know none of them blow in directly, threw
himself into a seat near by, and licgan giving
tho editors and showman a history of tho piny
nnd explained tho manner In w hlch the com
pany pi esentlng it trav els, among other things
stating thnt when they struck u town
llko Omaha thoy stopped at the hotels, but
when thoy reached Lincoln and towns of that
calibre thoy lived in tentx. Ho likowiso Im
parted tho startling information that the
ti ouH) would go to California next summer
nnd iierform In n huge tent. Ho was particu
larly oITeusIvo In his talk about Lincoln.
Wessel, who behoves in standing up for his
town, stood it ns long as ho could nud then
broke out nnd u nliout two seconds he had
tho Indiscreet J oung fellow's hnlr standing
stialght u i, and had it not been for tho inter
ference of ithers of tho party, ho would hnvo
undoubtedly knocked him into the furthest
corner of tho foyer. As ft win, the young
fellow learned a lesson ho will not soon for
got. The K. l"s Silver Anniversary.
On Tuesday February nineteenth, Pythian
ism will telebrato its twenty-fifth anniver
sary mid us tho worthy grand chancelor of
Nebraska has suggested that tho day bo fit
tingly observed, uriaiigcments ui o being elub
ointed carried out to celebrate tho event in a
most auspicious manner by tho four prosper
ous lodges of this city. Invitations now in
prnri at tho Couuikh ofllco will lw Issued to
il'. to brother knights throughout tho stato
nnd ut. nu interesting piogram lias been jiro-
paitu, mo occlusion win unilouutly be ono
that w ill do honor to knighthood. Already n
number of lodges have signified their inten
tion of joining in the festivities and the out
look for nu imiiienso gathering of valient
knights Is most (latteiing. A paindo with
tit ill by unlfoiiued divisions nud it giuud ball
In the evening me among tho features of tlio
dais entertainment.
As Lincoln will bo honoied by such a dis
tinguished fraternity, it is to bo hoped our
inei chants and citizens will assist tlio local
lodges in bidding tho visitors welcome, by
do"oi tutlng their respective homes nnd places
of husluesi. Tho colors of tho order mo ud,
j ellow and blue. It costs but llttlo to orna
ment jour houso fiont, for cheap mateiinl
con bo Iwught and tho uso of a small cpiantlty
cf tho colors mentioned makes u veiy attract
ive show. Hmblcms nro easily mado. Tako
a huge sheet of cat dboaid mid cover it witli
either color and cut it into triangle shape;
mwlvo one of each color and you havo what
tlo knights familial ly recognize in their order
universal. Then jou might uso tho Initial
"F. C D." conspicuously und tlwy will nil
think ns thoy observe jour work that jou me
ii K. of P. One thing more that would cer
tainly nttrnct attention nud that is print tho
password (If you know it) on a palcard and
put it in a prominent place.
It is to lie hoped that our citizens w ill as
usual, mnulfest their Interest in this gather
ing ns on former octasslon nud show to our
guests that w e are nllveand liberal in our ideas
of entei tabling. Yes, by all means decorate
nnd If you can't do much, do w hut 3011 can,
but do something,
Bemmous, tho now clolhler who will open in
thenowMcCoiiiitl block on O street in about
twowceksis in the city busily engaged pro
piu Ing for tho oK!iiing. Tlio stortroom and
fixtures nro of tho very latest style uud ft will
bo the nobbiest clothing houso In tho west.
Advertise Your Wuuts.
For tho benefit of the ladles w ho may huv e
tc pass tin ough the common struggle of so
cut ing help, the CouuiEii will receive want
advertisements for publication In tho Daily
Cull want columns. Parties desliiug help
situations, bonrders, or to rent rooms or rent
houses can leave their advertisement at this
ofllco und they will bo promptly delivered to
the Cull for publication. One cent a word
per day is tho expense,
D limit, nvsters. and all tho iiellrajlnn nt tlm
season always to be had at Ilrown'u caf6,
Windsor annex.
Huy your coal of the Whitebreast Coal and
Lime Co., and it will alwus bo wellscreai.ed,
full weight, best quality and at right prices.
White dress goods sale at 80. 10c. and 13
1 3c., best values ever offered. II. R. Nlssley
The Week In Onmlm. (imlij' Notes I'rom
Our Corrmpnmli'iit.
Written for tlio Couniien.
Tho post week lias witnessed a number of
brilliant social events among which the Unity
Club dance was tho shining star. An usual
witli theso popular a (fairs It was well attend
cd t hero Mug fully sixty couples present.
Masonic Temple was tho sceuo of the gay nud
festive party uud judging from tho smiling
faces nlid merry laughter nil seemed to 1 10 cu
joj fug themselves to tho fullest extent of tho
won!. No programs were used, tho next
dance being displayed 011 11 card while the
previous was hi progress. This Is the latest,
hut from the way engagements were mado
and broken by those selecting partners In ad
vance, this now wrinkle will soon I hi thing of
the past, ThoOmahii (lunrds gave n sub
set iptlon party Thursday evo which was well
attended. A putty was given by Miss. Dolllo
Pollack to her many ft lends at her pleasant
homo 011 Farmuti street. Dancing wus the
amusement of the evening after which le
ft cshmcnt8 woto served. A meriy tlino was
hud generally.
The attractions at tho oihtii houses weio up
to their usual merit and were well attended
Llzzlo Kvuusnt tlio Hold Monday, Tuesday
nnd Wednesday, pleased good audiences
nightly, Introducing her latest success "Tho
Huckojo". The Com led iiieiii company Is
filling tho balance of tho wick presenting
their new opeiu Tho King's Fool veiy credit
ably nnd to good houses. Tho company is
one of excellent merit nud contains singers of
excellent ability. Ono of the best attractions
given nt thoUrnudduringtheprtsnetsenson is
tho Dark Seciet which now holds the bonrds
closing Hnturdny evening of this week. The
scenery is by fur the best ever shown In this
city. An exciting rowing match, a leallstlo
dt owning scene, a steam pi o teller and tho
dory "Dark Secret" in which Capt. Win. A.
Audrewsciossing the Atlantic are among the
scene, effects.
Winter which lias lulu dormant for the
post mouth has awakened uud witli its chill
ing blasts is reminding us that spriug ami
summer nro distant. Tho sterm uud strong
winds of Monday were the awakening of
slumbering winter and n sad uilnuilty was
the offspring. Tlio walls of tho Mux Meyer
building which wus recently destroyed by lire,
fell on to adjoining stores burying twelve
persons in tho tulns mid killing half that
number. Soveral 11111 row escnpes wei o had.
Dave Harding wilesinan for Simons, Hatch
nud Whitten wns among those foituuato
enough to escape uullijuied while IMwurd
Olseu with whom ho wus conversing wns in
stantly killed, Harding was buried among 11
lot of bi ick und tlmlcr existing e ei y mo
ment would lie his last but he escaped with
but slight bruises. The course of Piovideuce
Is strange.
The ipiestiou which hns for tho past year
been ngitnting the public mind is at last de
cided, Tlio city hall will lie completed oil
Farnain stieet tho site wliich was pioviously
selected mid tho Jefferson square boomers nie
feeling gloomy over their defeat. They wei o
completely snowed under.
Among the visitors to our city during tho
past wick were II. A. lluhtock; H. P. Holmes
mid Dr. Hurt. Alex Wissel of tlio III m of
Wessel& Wcssel.tho Milhud hotel HutteiH
mid Furnishers formerly of Lincoln, is on nu
extended oastc-i 11 tlip III tlu inteiest of
What do v oil think about the futiiio of
Omahu I This is a question jou can hear al
most every day hi business circles. Some
people who havo resided hero for a shoit
pel lod are very hasty (In our opinion) to ox
pi ess themselves in doubt us tegurds the
future of the metroiolls of Nebraska. It ap
peals from their convolution thot they
haven't mudo foi tunes dining their residence
of two months mid they are dlsnpK!uted in
their expectntlons. Hut the men who have
lived hero for 11 number of years are bet
tor ablo to judge tho future gieatuess of
Omaha as ahtady assured. Theio seems to
bo 110 ipustlou in their minds but what Omaha
will lu a few joins boast of 300,(KIl souls.
Ceitaluly this semis very plausible when jou
tuku into ronsldciutiou the dibit being put
foi th by 1.01110 of her leading cltlons to bring
all cuterpi Ises to her midst that willl tend to
Intreasu the volumnu of business and popula
tion. For the coming week, theiolsimich toeuter
tain society, A number of club nffuirs, several
teceptlons mid n notable wedding, that of our
popular iiisui once man Mr. M. L. Kocdernud
Miss Pnuliiio Goldsmith. Iioth Iloyd nud
the Grand present some good atti actions and
ns usual Omidu society will not wnnt for lack
of nmusemont. K W.
A Hud Affutr.
Saturday morning nt eight o'clock at his
homo In Inwrenco, Neb,, Kirby Hammond
passed away. Ho hail only been sick one
short week mid when his father left his bedside
on Friday evening Kirby was considered out
of danger, but Mr. Hammond hnd scarcely
leached homo whon ho icceivcd a telegram
announcing tho death of his son. Kit by wns
a young man, only twenty jears of ago but
had silent nearly his whole life in Liitcoln
where he made hosts of friends numbering
among them the loading yourg people of tho
city, and about twoj ears ago was united in
marriage to Miss Mason of tills city whom ho
leaves with n J oung bulie senrcoly two weeks
old to mourn his loss. Tho funeral took place
Monday aftei noon from the residence of his
pmontsin this city. Mis. Hammond has
tho Bjiuputhy of the eutlio community, who
feel for lur In this her hour of affliction.
The body was followed to its final resting
place at Wjuka by n large iiumlier of the
f 1 lends of tho family. 'I ho fei v ces w ere con
ducted by Kcv. Hewitt, of Fiomont mid the
;ollowlug the neatest of Klrbj's friend's acted
as iMillboarors; Messrs Kobt. Muir, T, ii
lllckey. Chns. Walte, Uscar Fimko. Fred
Kelley, L. S. Storrs, Hairy McCfcinzit and
Dr. I-awtoii.
M. Ackermauii leaves tomrrovv for
New York on a purchasing toil He will
search tho markets for tho latest and liest In
mlllonory and tho ladles of Llicolu may ex
pect Homo rich headwear when spring tlino
A Itnvlow of tlio Punt, 11 Word Tor the
I'reaeiit nud I'ronpeeU for future
Tiuwduy evening a largo audience greeted a
really good eoiuany, In a giuud scenic ren-
plliou of Hartley Cunipliell'H "Sllsila" nt
tho 1'unko opera houso. The ploy consists of
six acts mid seven tableaux in which romance
aiidiomedy nro allotted ciml jmrls and to
gether form n most enjoj able evening's entor
talnnient. The company contains some really
lueiPoiis people iiinong whom wo luluht moil
tlon Miss Kloumir Morntte, as .S'uki, MIks
fliiiiiiiu uaiieiiu, ns .vane, her sister and
Miss Ilhiuohurd, us tho Wnrnn Among the
ireiitleiiien Mr. Foi nwl. Ilnlilmuui .. 'l....l..
ami Mr. J K. Dodo, ns him, his friend, give
IMiruciuarniieniionio their partsnnd nierltisl
thonppiobatlonof nil iiresent. Tho scenic
ollects and stage settings nttilhuUsI much to
tho success of tlm niece, tlm onlv Milium l,,,l
ing to mar Its pvrfectlou being the usual v ery
inisiioeru uitiieiirii. ,
That the Com led Ojiera company Is well
iiiougeioi minis city was evident by tho
hoiisi tliov'drnw WmliiowliiviiMinliiir u... ..-
ill theater ixutles In full (liens, tended to give
mu iiouse nu appeal unco that Is not often seen
in Lincoln uud which must have bum highly
giatlfj ing to those on thoelago, Tho com,
twny Is excellent nnd innki's tho llnostiipioar'
unco 011 the stage of any company that has
visited Lincoln this seasoiu '1 ho leading loles
are admirably filled, Miss Helen Iieitiam as
lblnctt .IuUuh. with Miss Ada Olasca as
t Una nt once gaining tho conildoneo or the
audience nnd Miss Itettlnda (lerard, as
Vumtic, Winn's sister, kept tho house In 11
continuous round of npplause. During tho
third net Miss (lerard wing "Only Tonight,"
In a touthlng and bewitching manner. Mr,
W. H. Fitzgerald acceptably llllod the part of
the A'i'ii('s J'ool mid unfolded the story of tho
0Kin lu nu exceedingly effective piece of de
scriptive recital. Mr. Fitzgerald, while not
nnythlng extru ns 11 singer Is evidently a
suiierlor actor. The rest of tho cast was iide
quate. The Vienna lady fencers, eight In
number, contributed a novelty, lu their folic
Ing scene, which was remanded. Hut tho
"King's Fool," by tho Conrled company, Is
dcsei vlng of tho largest measure of recognl
tlon liecaufe of Its lomplete ensemble, elsbo.
rntoniKs of detail, tie. It Is 11 long tlino since
mining 111 un resjiects ns extidlent in the
light oiera lino has Uvn presented in this
city, and the perfoi maneo Wednesday even
ing mei Itcd till the enthuslnsin w hlch it called
A comimny of only oidhmry ability up.
IHsiiodat Funke's last night and presented
what they termed a play call.xl "A Postage
Stamp." Tho cast is mado up of a very few
good eoploniid the bnlaneo were rather ioor
excuses for lictors. The piece with hut a
small semblance to n plot wns supiosod to
contain Homo comedy, but If there was uuy
thing funny It was Invariably so old that it
was only recognized by a limited number of
the gallery gods. The oichestra was good
bllltholiest putt of the show was on the
the sttfwt. Tlui IiIiikL Imuutit IhiiijI ....i.1.......i
soiuo excellent musiu and demonstrated that
tiiei o was souio lino matei ial In it and was thu
moans of diawlng a full gallery. Tho selec
tions between the nets nnd tho solos received
the uppluiiRo 1 Ightly duo them.
Tho theater goers of Lincoln should lo par
ticularly Intel ested in tho engagement of
Roliert Dowiihnr. tho handsome nnd lii-itllmit.
young tragedian, who has made such a phe
nomenal lilt as bjmt tacux, the gladiator, un
der the management of Mr. Joseph II. Muck.
Downing was Ikiiii in Washington. It wns
III llaltlmoie that he commenced his theat
llcal cateer ut the ngo of sixteen, und today,
tllOlluh but 11 tlillo over thlrtv. I mnU
nmong tho grentcst sUirs. Thu character of
.s.yu funis Is the magiillIccntepIoiIo lu hero'o
hlstoi v imon which Dr. llli-d busiul hU i.ln. I
oustiagisly, "Tlio Gladiator," 11 grout play,
lieiiutiruliy temH)iisi with sentiments of love
nnd the sublime emotions of self-devotion,
hiinmulty mid love of country The I111111 jr
tal Foi rest, for whom the play wus originally
wiittcu, usisl to make n jiowerful impiosslou
lliKin his aiidiauees with wiincH of IliU wr,..
derful Aork,und when ho died it wns thought
iiiotnanicier inusi die with him; for who
wus there who could play It ns grandly us he
Hut McCullough lived, mid his massive fru me,
deep, resounding v oico soon made him muster
of the role. hen McCullough died Downing
iiponred In tho play which Mr. .Mack has
given n grand mid leallstlo production. Ills
nppcuruuco tonight will be ono of the "swell"
events of the 1 ear.
Thurwluy 0 veiling ouo ojlTio lst comwly
dramas of the dav will bdnut mi nt tlm l.'imL-..
by uu excellent compsj Tho piece has had
nu oxccllout run hi thv east dm lug tlio past
winter althoiicli It iAtn Unit, uuium ni 1 1,.,
cast is 11 long onemid contains some well 1
Known names unit' will im producisl hero by
tho same coiiiua'iiy that has mado tho piece I
famous in tbTfiist. Tho play is nplete with
fine scenlcyOrects und stage settings, among
the SDcchfl features IvhIiil' llm nmu 1,1 nt
.Inch Tiru. the swell, in a dog curt drawn by
three Xorses In tiniidom. In the lust act Is ,
shoy'i the gi eat Hast riv er weno w 1th n steam
VatCli lvln? at anchor In tlm Inn Imp tl,.. '
1 -n --r. -- " , .,u
Vlftcll catches tlm mill a uti'iim llm miirln,, ,. .-
'I.., 1... ..".:..."."..""..""". V
i.iviiih mu sc-une uuiM water out or the
river una imeucnes the iliet pnsluelng ono of
tho most toullstlc scenes ever seen 011 the
ThU Imrenloiu and artistio sixx'tni-nlnp nlm-
coiiiKS to us again at tho Fuuke for n thleo
night's engugeinent raiiiinrncing Monday
evening. Tho famous paiitomlno has Imvii
greatly Improved since it was last scii hero
and will doubtless draw large audlanccs.
Tho Willie old dnltcutii tlinn,! .if wi r-nll.i.1 ulnt
runs through tho reorgnnlml "Fantusmn,"
hut uxm it are strung iimcllliN, marvels and
clover fwtures n It hout iiumlier. The most
lniN)rtantchiiugismelu the llrstnet, wheie
nu entire new sceno Is ndilisl, This Is drawn
from tho work of Jules Verne, und represents
"KamnllelV'nlKHlentlhe bottom of the sea.
It Is the most elaborate and effective attempt
to depict the wondeiH of the deep, (Ireat
monstets, whales, sharks, uud all known ami
unknown species of the llimy tribe dnrtnhout
with a resemblance to nature that Is astound
ing, A leallstlo sword combat, In which the
hero with two trusty blades disarms four
enemies, Is among the other feottiies of tlio
scriin The transitu motion scones which fol
low are strikingly beautiful mid skillfully
contrived It Is needless to state that tlm
chat ins of the many ) oung ladles who npNar
us revelling ii) mphs add lu n veiy huge tie-
glee to the pleasing effect of thu scene. The
givat cj clone, injslerltilis lahbltts, gotsl
natuiisl hutr nnd other hwidlng feutuies in
the 111 Ht net in the old pitsluctlon:ire relnlntsl
nud picscutctl even Iwlter than Uifore. This
tlmn they me here for thico nights nud all
will get mi oppoituulty to m-o at ltnst ono
H'i foi malice.
On Fildoy eenln,tht so clever art Islsois'ii
11 two night's engagement ot luuku's with 11
high grade and legitimate comedy, ()u Fil
doy evening they pi 1 sent John T. Raymond's
glentest success "For Congress," in whit h Mr.
Ulmerns (leiwial .loilnh Limber nnd Miss
UliueriMsliiiiK Woolen give to their lines
that vim anil elieigy upon which depends the
success of the piece. 'I he Illusions 'to local
politics nud national events urn well timed
iilnl iippioprlate mid should "catch on" with
tho members of the legislature now In session
In our city. Saturday evening the famous
"Col, Hellers" will ho put on Hlmllar to
their other play, lu 101110 respects yet ontlroly
different In others jou cannot afford to miss
either of them. Hpenklug of this piece the
I'illddelphtd 7'nilrs sa)si "Mr. Uhner's
methods are somewhat different fiom Mr.
Raymond's huttipmlly as iiuiuslng, jierhaps
more so. tu soinu semes his fat Ial expression
Is simply remarkable, partlculaily so lu tho
thhil and last acts. Ills hits as a witness in
the last act were oxt client mid won storms of
applause, nnd It Is info to say that a hotter
pleased audloneo never left tho Iiouse. Tho
acting of Miss Lizzie May Uhner in the pnrt
of .mu a tut ,111s was certainly a very
clever piece of work, mil In ought fourth
storms of opploinv. At thu end of tho fourth
act sho was obliged logo before tho curtain
twice iKjforo tho uudleiico wns convinced thnt
thoy had done her tho honor sho deserved.
Mr, Robert Downing mnkes 11 nobln looking
gladiator, if one enn Judge from the photo
graphs of him that tiro to be seen about town
and I Imvo 110 doubt hut what he will tako
thu chin uctei to jieliectloii.
While the Postage Stamp band wns dis
coursing souio lovely music tin the street ves
terilay morning they chanctsl to piny "The
I-ettor Thnt Nover Caino." The inevitable
Minall lKy wus on hand und wns lieurtl to ro
murk, "1 guess it didn't have uuy posUtge
stamp on it."
It was too l)ad that the Conrltsl Opera Co,
could not use their own scenery lu the second
and thin! nets, Wednesday evening. It was
nil too high for our stage uud ns wus tho enso
lu ninny other places hud to use tho house
scenery. As it was the beautiful white and
gold sceno used In the first net crow dot! the
borders nnd litpilris! somo skillful inunngu
iiient to get it lute place.
All who were present nt the opera houso
Wtslnesdoy uvenlng wero dellulitisl with she
song "Only To-Nlglit, ns sung by Miss Uor-
nru, 1 nouid ot several pat ties who hnvo lu
quired tit all tho music stores for this song
but weio unable to got It. You will find It
complete, worls and imulo, 011 the Ilith pae
of this pajior, whole regularly ap.oiirH nil
the latest music us soon as publlrhcd. I think
the ladies will tippreclnte tills feature.
The management of tlm stage at the Fimko
Is now under tho jiersonal suervIsloii of Mr.
Robt A Flsk, late of the Union Stpiaro thea
ter, New York city, who has filled the place
mado vticunt by tho rislgnntlon of John Hull.
.Mr. Fisk kindly showed mo over the entlio
stage and explained all of Its intricate work
ings. To the uninitiated this part of the n,r
foi ma nto scs ms a small thing but itmiulies
a force of hulf a dozen assistants to moke the
smallest kind of a show present a good fiont
io mu midionio.
Without Puscy and Lester in tho Corinno
cast, to ono who hud seen the piece us it Is
now put on, llttlo would remain to Interest
tlioiu. There 1110 few men who could satis
factorily fill Chuillo Pusoy's role, for his
make up. statue, etc , aie certainly worthv
of great praise hi orlgliuillty and humor.
asioi- 11111 ry iesu-rho Is mi oxt o lout run.
nlng mute for Pusoy and never fails to hold
up his end of the work. Tho sceno from
Limliiioexcells any of tho characters who
now play that part lu theojiora.andnsagood
iwilr and an attractive can! with nnv show
uiiiiot full to make uiuiiHy for the miiiiji-s.
n hat u grand scheme it Is for thu Com its!
company to carry tho piano nlavers that ren.
tiered the 0ora a success. Tho musical ill-
lector did not got the orchestra together until
after ft o'clock and then the music was .too
dllllcult to lie learned lusoshoit a timo and
another piano was sent for Tills howuvor is
a usual occiii rence and their mnnnger tells me
they very seldom moot uu oichtstru that can
play their music with less thou n thij's reher
sal Hut did you stop to think how they
could get two pluno to choitl with each
other? Mr. Hands, of Max Meyer & llm,,
told me how they did it nnd its wortli telling.
They first got ihu key of the piano at tho
oH)ia house with a horn nud then wentnroiinil
to his place and ti led oil they hud on hand
till thoy got one that was in unison with it, a
Vose .fc Sous, the hirgost size upi ight piano
everybody onts nt Odell's noivndavs.
Hoard only (I 00 jut week.
Attend our ftOu. kid glove wile. "Alexan
dre Kid" glovis, mid flue goods nil at the
snme price. H. R. Nlssley &Co,
Bawjent MosheiK grienhousisi are head
tpiarters for all kinds of houso plants, flowers,
etc. City ofllco In Mnsoulo Temple busement,
whore cut llowirs, IxxpieU, etc, may alwnvs
bo found.
Itin Proposed llouln lor he Annual Hum
mer flip,
In the matter of the Nebraska Press Kxcur
shn for the coming summer, tho thnlrmnn is
pleased to iiuuouiice that arrangoinents nro
vv 01 king smoothly for a trip to tho Yellow
stone Nutloual pnrk, and p-rhnps Portland,
Tncomti, etc. Thus fur, Judging from letters
locolvisl, It seems to he the prefemnco of thu
editors to Join uuy noithwestwurd rntlier Minn
1101 th or elsewhere. Ills urgently reiiiested
of those who anticipate going, that thoy no
tify L. Wessel, Jr , chali man, nt Llni-ohi, ns
soon as convenient, also stating tho direction
thoy prefer visiting, An excursion to Port
land, Tncoinn uud Heat tin, with 11 trip by
water up the beautiful 1'uget sound to 1'ort
Townsentl nnd VK loi In, could be made nt 11
very small ex)eiMo, thu tlino consutiud being
about twenty tlavs. The pioptwisl plan Is
thusi Oniahii Ui St. Paul via, F. K. & M. V.
Ry., St, l'tuil to Portland via. Northern Pn
rifle, stopping nt Iluttii, National Park, etc.,
enioute. Thence from Portliin,l to Tncoinn,
Seattle, l'oi t Townsentl, Olyiuplti, (Washing,
ton Ty.) VlcUirln, (II. 0.), etc, returning vln.
the Union Pnclllu thtougli Huntington, Sho
shone, Ogtlen, Salt bike City, Denver and on
home via. tho llurllngtou. The chalrinnn of
tho exclusion commit tee having visited Mint
section lost spring recommends It ns 11 most
pleasant ttlp. The ieoplo of that vltlnlty
in 0 over wutthfiil for visitors nnd novor full
to tojally entertain their gutsts. It Is a now
couiiliy uud it most delightful one, having a
similar climate to Collforiilit, although not
visited by tho extremes that make H)rtlons of
Mintstatoso very iinplensaut. Ulltors should
give this their early nttentloii mid send lu
their views. It Is oxjiecUsl that the party
will start about duly 1st.
Stnto iis'rs p'cuso cojiy,
New Itallroail lime Cards.
Heginnlng tomorrow (Sunday) nt ! o'clock
p. in. 11 now time schotlulu tnkes effect 011 the
llurllngtou. The principal changes effecting
Lincoln 111 e 011 the main linn mui id,, Alli
ance brunch. All trams loavo for the iut.
samo ns heretofore, but considerable chnngo
Is mode In arrivals. No. !l which now ar
1 Ives nt 10 o'clock chnngos to 8:50 p. ni,
while No.l the flyer arrives llviOnhiiites Inter
the tlino now duo lielng 7.00 a. m, Tho
morning train No. 5 clmnges tlino of arri
val from 10:15 to 11:15 a. in. No. 41 to
Alllanco nud Ravena also leaves enrllor nt
night, on arrival of No..!.
Anew time canl gees into effect on tho
Klkhorn next Turnlny. The trnln now lonv
uigiit 11:50 n, in, will lenvu ten iiilnules Inter
nnd will run tlnll.v. The Chicago exprowi
changis fiom 2.35 to 1:0.1 p. m. untl instead
of running tho slociier to Lincoln, n parlor
car will lie used to Missouri Valloy where
connections with main lino of Northwestern
aru made.
Miss Ivn Hatlger, heat! trimmer at tho
Famous Mlllencry left Tuesday for St. Louis.
During her nbwiira of two weeks sho will
visit Now York anil Chicago to post herself
on the current fashions,
AVill Hardy evldontly is enjoying himself
while entoiir purchnsliig. His partner, Mr.
Pitcher, heanl from him by who tho othor
ilny ns rollowss "Send my dress suit nml
trimmings nt onco toHt. Pmil." Uo it whllo
Joung.WllJllum und don't let business motion
ollzonll jour time.
Mnrtlu Olierfolder, the urespressablo nntl
n Jolly good fellow of Oinahn was nu even
ing culler nt tho Couuikk ofllco yesterday.
Martin left on tho late train for Denver and
the wist whom ho will call on the mlllencry
trade in the Intel est of Oboifeldei's wholesale
mllleiiery houso of Omaha.
Sho family of Mr. Fred W. Kruse, tho
newly elected mnnnger of the Hnrt Hnrd
wmo Co., nrrlvtslln the city nnd tnken up
their ubtslo ut tho corner of 18th nnd P, nenr
nelglilwrs to .Mr. II O. neirytnnn nnd Mr. A.
L. Hniens, iiii'iiiberf of tho firm who have
brought their fuinllles hero from Central
Mr. Dun It. Roodor arrlvoil in tho city
islnosduy and hns lsen nrrauglng prellml
niirlos for t)sinlng a brunch olllce for the Na
tional Life Imrurnnco Co., of Veimout, of
wliich ho will Iki resident mnnnger. Tho
CouniKii tnkes plensuro In welcoming Mr.
Roetler to Lincoln untl wishes him nbuncUint
Our f'StlS'llllsl frliiml II,,-..,. 111... .
est'iblishisl u safe riiuKll.ii-v l, r i..n..i..
load of tho celebrated National safes liavln J
Just rr ve.1, Harry Is a most ,x)par man
III this lino anil us 110 ntlmi- ,u..... 1.. ,1
slK-tter known In the safe nnd lock trade.
the COUIUKU tiredlets anil I,,,,-.., r.. ...... '
most successful cansir as n resident of the
capital city Ho is located ;in tho .oitnuif
The liiitidsome new music house of Curtlco
and Theirs on Lloventh stus-t was fonnallv
oH.iied last evening with n Krnfi
muslcvilo Tho program couslstetl of well
rendei til selections by the ojs.rn houso or.
c hcs,trn, by Miss, MIm Cochr,rsnSs
Rector, Prof. Monzendorf. Iw!wW Mr
W ll.Oraham.Mrs. Yri&.
It was an enjojuhleaffnlrnnd u credit to this
JKipulnr house. lo
Miss "Chlo" Ilrown leaves tho latter iwrt
of this month for ostm , w, vU) "
t.fn.uslcnlsiidles. She will nccompmry w
Pliant teacher. .Mrs. Fanny Kellogg! flachert
of O....IW, nnd will Ik, nwify fre.n hm, for
six moutliK or more. The innnv i,Z
f.lends of tho lady will n,M, fw g
butwll Join tho ComiiKH I wUhieft
successful tei.ii and a plea,, sojourn!
America's hub. J "'
The CtiujiiEHjohdepaninent has just turn
ed out n nobby lot of printing for the first mi
nimi bull ,0 I, Khm,Tc tenipo
Tl.tirMhiy evening, Februnry sj,tl by 3
Division, 837, Onlor of lUMwny bo iducteri
Ingorate arrangements for enoyaoTe
time am lielng jK-rfectcsl d nil who hold in
vitntlons may x,)ts,.t mi enjoi able time. The
program, are of a hai.iUu.e and unlcjiie . l"
gn, vvlthsl Icisml and satin-bouud ihuicIU.
ItailRw of the committees are of modnloi
slmiHi w (th .ten. suspended by moans of loope,
con! nnd fringed lu trl-colofed silk
. tt VX