Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, February 02, 1889, Page 8, Image 9
MMMH1 pu IriMMltlWiWMlHWM ivaxxttntzmtts,VuzZ,z I if t I jj i.r Eta tr 0 8 peady for Business I A NEW DEPARTURE I 'Courier Engraving Co. NtW BURR BLOCK. , llnvlngjust opened n now Industry In canncotl6u wlttiTHK CotntiKit Oilier, wo nrn now prepared nnd run furnish on hort untlrotlio finest work of all kind of .Engraving on Wood or Metal, Cuts or lhllldlinr. Miirhlnery, Limit cnpe, Patent Drawing, Portrait Work, etc., n well m nil other work iliuler this head, will receive priuipl mul ciircrul ltintlon. EASTERN PRICES nnd nil hnmirnhlo ciutiotltlnn met, 0"r facilities nro iMiinl to tlio nest, mul our Artist have mi superior anywhere. Sketches and specimen of work, nlso wtlinnte furnished on nppllPMtlon, Mull order ollollnl, nml Oily trade In ospoclnlly resiiueatcd to look us up. Courier Engraving Co. Telephone i IC.W.NiwmuivJ IIMVIN UlhHt Su,v llurr Hloelc. Willi IM 4 '1 FRANK. E. LAHR, 036 P Street, gold coin mm And Ranges. Gold Coin Vent'duct. a u W S 3 O to r 1 H 1 P L . i fcfc-M W J. Li 1 CAPITAL wWUHHHSLirU Vj T'ttflMlr aturday Evening, Feb, 2, '89, Corner I Oth and P StrMts. LeadingBry&oodsHouse Herpolsheiiner & Co. GRAND Embroidery Opening. Tim Courier Gnu bo Found Al Windsor Hotel Now Htmid. U.tpHul Kolol NowRHtmitl. Udell' IMnlnit Hull Now Stand. Union A Fletcher', HOBotith MthBtreot. .V. T. Lontlng A Co'., 1100 O HlroniTga l'lio aotlimn NowsBtnud, UH Houth Jltli HU Kullli llrot., lit Ninth lltli Street. Ktl. Young, IW0O Hlrcot. Eaton A Smith, 11SIIO 'Z " liliiiiioml l'linnnncy," ls!th nml N HU, BEST GRADES OF UNDERWEAR At AttractivcPrices. Mm W. R.IDENNIS, 1137O. Local nud l'crsonal. Whltebrcast Cool and I.I 1110 Company. Tuko TnrkUli at 1010 O strvot, Tho U8t Tvna. a P . Slovens & Co. Telephone nt tlio CouiUKU otllco la S5,'I, Odell'. illnliiB tmll, 'il tickets for (4.00., Mineral wntur iifctl for Imtlilng, 1010 Ost Trickoy & Ca,wliolotmlonntl retail Jewolent. Try roiiio of tho lino fresh Ush nervvtl overy day nt Cameron'. Canon City Coal ngnln nt tho Whlielircast Conlnnd.Limo Co. Honst mpnttt, and vrgctnlari of nil kinds Cnmeron' Lunch Houmv Lncknwnnn nml Bcrnnton hnrtl coal sold only ly Ilutclilns t Hyatt. Canon City coal dcllveicd to all parts of city. Call up telephone . A drop in both prices and btock of dry gooddiit II. H.;NlfsUy & Co. Onlylplnco In Lincoln that uses mineral water in ixiths Is at 1010 O struct. IniproveU shower tot Turkish bath nt 1010 O street, imsonient Union block. Iluy muslin underweur next week and savo 'm pir ceitU A.liby and Mllistmugii. MentlotA, tho tuostjiopulnr coal on tho mar ket, sold only by 1 utclilns K Ilyntt. Kor tickets to Oregon or Washington ter litory points upply at 115 So. 10th st. Lndle muslin underwear 0110 fourth 'off next week nt Ashby and Millsixiugh's. Quilted Mtln and fnncy knit skirts for ladles and children xt Herpolsheiiner & Co'. Kino Teas, 8plces, and tho largest lmo of. Fine (irouerle In tuo city, nt a. l Hteveiu. Dr. 11. V. nuiloy, odlce and reoldenco corner of Fourteentliand L street. Telephone 017. Drown' cnf( Is tho rocognlred headqunr ter for fluo lunches and everything digest utile, I!tt.t ttourd'ln tho city and nt n prico within reach of nil, at OileU'u. Tweutyouo meals for (i. Tlio finest luncheons In the city aro served at all hours at Carder's Kuroponn restuurant, t4I street. Kvcrythiug now and neat, finest menu and liest cook in tho city nt Cnrder'B European ixxtnurniit, IKM r street. Tho flncst work in tho city nt Hayden's photogrnphio studio, 1214 O street. Heo our line samples of art work. In fur and fur trimming Herpolshelmer & Co. show a very complete line at as near furriers prices as possible. Take thebest and only one through system line, C. & N. W. to Bloux City, Minneapolis and Ht, l'aul, olllce 110 Bo. lUtli st. It don't pay to mnko up muslin underwear when you can get it ac the price Ashby and Mlllspuugli will oner It next wwk. Everybody that has stopped at Canler's hotel ienks well of It. Day board or meals a la carta served at popular prices. Call 011 J, C. Field, Lincoln Scavauger, for prompt work day and night. Ofllce under First National bank. Call telephone 408. Embroidery sale at 8, 10, 12 l-2c., some pt-dal values. All ladies should attend that mo Interested. II. It. NMoy & Co. Exery body can affonl to eat at tho leading resort In the city now. The price of SI tick et now at Odditis only; 4 -reduced from 14.50. Sawyer & Moshler's irreenhousea supply cut llowers, boquets, eta, on short notice. Ilrniichfflorai conservatory in Masonio Tem ple btiment. At Mis Johnston' hair dressing Emporium ladle will find the newest style in bangs, witches, toilet articles, and everytlng used for the adornment of tho head. Through vestibule sleeper with dining car attached from Missouri Valley on all Elk' born O. & N. W. It. It. trains to Chicago from Lincoln. Patronise the best line; office ? 113 Bo. iota K. COURIER, IN THE SOCIAL SWIM: A WEEK'8 HAPPENINGS CHRONICLED. Arrtnint of llll, Parlies, WciIiIIiikh Kir,, Tlmt llnvfl Kntertiilned Hofllnty. A rieiimtut lllrlluliiy Tarty. Tuesdny ovenlng Mr. C. N. Crnuilnll wns touderetl 11 very pleasant surprise nt his home In tlio Webster lllock. It was Hint estimable centleinnn's tlilrtv-fonrth blrthilay nnd a number of hi f riuuds dropped In on hlin to roinlnd him of tho inct. AfUir spending tho inrly tt of the evening with tho ever popu lar progrrrMvo euchie, refreshuient, tlmt Mrs. Crnudnil hnd provided, wvro liidulgptlin uftvr which tho coninuy was furnished with the lcst of iniislo by Prof, Welier nnd Mr. Smith, nnd dancing occupltsl tho rest of tho ovenlng until n Into hour, when good byes iero said and all left for their homos wishing Mr. Crnndnll many happy year to come. There were present: Mr. II. V. Houglnnd nnd lady, W. u Hamilton and lady. H. J. Alexander nud lady, U.S. Dell mid lady, Mrs. Merrill, Mrs. Glover, Mm. Chnplu nnd Mioses Kato and Malilo Merrill, Chnpln, Glover, Hlley mid Miss Casey, of Fort Madison, Iowa, Messrs. Green, Truvlttnud Wilson. I Miss Martha Drydcn Is visiting friendi In the city thl weok. D. II ICingibury, of Oiunlin, was In tho city on Wednesday. .' -..j,.. Miss C. U Aiken luft;tho city Wedmwlay for n visit td Topeka. Frank Kchrung nttvuded the Elks at Omaha Wednesday ovenlng. Frank Perkins, of Perkins in Dos ton purchasing spring novelties. J Tho Pletsnut Hour Juniors' next party occurs Friilny uvonlng, Febntnry 8th. Mrnnd Mrs. A. W. Jnnsen, returned from Ttrlp to iJouvor after Benil(Tig about a week thoro. Noxt Tuesday ovenlng tho Plensnnt Hour club will enjoy another of It very pleasant parties. Mrs. Prank Ransom, wlfo of Senator linn soin, arrived In tho city yesterday, from No braskn City. Mrs. O. 11. Puimoy, of Choyenno, tire Miss Lulu Millar, of this city, is visiting "the! old folks ut liouio1' for n brief season Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sheldon, together with Mr. nud Mr. J. A. Duckstnir, left tho city Tuesday for a short visit to Chicago. Will McClny, who has Ikhjii engaged on tho survey of tho Canada & St. Louis It. It. in Michlgnn, returned homo SVcdnesdny. Miss Lulu Devor returned to her homo In Kansas City, Wednesday. 8I10 was tho guest of Mm. Mnjor Dohanau while In tho city. Mr. W. C. Long, Into of the U. P. It'y pas senger dcimrtiucnt, at Oinnhn, but now with the National Life Insurance Co., is in tho city. Albert Kntzensteln nud Charles Mayer were In nttendnnco nt tho regular nrty of tho Metropolitan club In Omaha Tuesday ove nlng. Miss May Ilnyco, who has leon visiting tho family of Walter Dohnuon, returned to her homo in Washington, Ilk,. Wednesday after noon, Tho ladies of Plymouth church will give a New England supjier at the church, cor. A and 17th streets Tuesday evening ftom 0 o'clock to 0. II. M. Warring, Lincoln, Neb., stenograph er for tho state lioard of railway commission ers, wns In this city Tuesday nnd Wednesday, Sioux City Sun. Another of Warner's dances wns given nt Tcmplo Hnll Tuesday ovenlng. About forty couple )artlciated and all present enjoyed themselves to the fullest extent, Mr. C. W. Dnwes and brldo woro welcomed homo Wednesday ovenlng nf tern brief honey moon, and havo settled down to blissful Imp pluess nnd tho rculitiw of Lincoln life. Omahn Is overrun with thug and footads, notwithstanding the fact that hundreds of her best citizens are absent attending tho leg islature in Lincoln. Sioux City Sun. Charley McCull, formerly with Druggist Hnrloy, of this city, wns in Lincoln on busi ness this week. Chns. is now actively engaged n tho mixing of tlings nt Norfolk, Neb. Miss Arta Cody, of North Platto, Is visiting, in Oinnhathis week. Next week Miss Cody, accompanied by Miss Can field, of Omaha will enjoy a week's visit with Lincoln friends. The CotmiKH 'acknowledges a pleasant cal on Wednes'.lny;froin Mr. John McClure, of Oinnhn, tho popular general western passen ger agent of the Chicago, Milwuukeo & St, Paul railway, Mr. and Mrs. Max Kohn, of Nebraska City, wero guest Monday and Tuesday of Coucll man Louie Meyer. They nlso attended the opening hop of the Lincoln City Ixxlgo I. O. D, II. nt Masonic, tcmplo Monday evening. Councilman Illco and lady entertained the East Lincoln club at their cosy homo on east Q street on Thursday evening. It wns n very pleasant nffalr, nnd as host and hostess, Mr, and Mrs. Itlco aro certainly a great success, A largo numberof tho friends of Miss Lizzie Duford met at her homo last Friday evening to celebrate that young lady' birthday. After spending a pleatant ovenlng nt cards th young people left nt 11 lato hour wishing Mis Lizzie a long life of ImppincbS. Elmer Henklo is now "nt home" In his now business, nnd ns a drummer is n charming success. It is pleasant to his many friends, however, to olwerve that Elmer is In the Cty about halt tho time while, representing tho Interest ot tlio Hart Hardware Uo. "Oh, my, thoy're not twins, nre they I "Yes, my dear," was the unfortunate bus Itand' reply. "Which one is the oldest," was the next henrtl from dear wltey nnd now tho old man Is trying to fntboin the puzzle what she meant by asking such questions. Ticket Agent Ilnnua, of tho Missouri Pa cific, has handed us a neat and comprehensive book entitled "Summer and Winter Health and Pleasure Resorts." which sot fourth the merits of his popular line. It is neat'y illus trated ami contains some interesting rending matter. Mr. Ed Q. Yatos, of Yatea Dros., left Mon day for Morsantown. W, Va., to moet Mrs. Yale who has been spending the winter! there. They will make an extended tour of the east ami be present at the Inauguration of flen'l Harrison at Washington. March 4. ro- I turning to Lincoln about the middle ot the month. CITY L.l."- SATURDAY, FET3RUARY ONE OF BILL NYE8 FIRST EFFORTS, A Thrilling- rlece of Verse mbllshed In Ills Earlier Days. At different time wo havo read different stories upon tho subjoct of tho "discovery" of Dill Nye, Tlio popular tradition Is tlmt Tho Denver Trlbuno was tho first pnper that recognized tho merit of tho gonial humorist nnd oxplolted them. It nponrs, howovcr, that Nyo contributed to another Colorado paper before his connection with ThoTribuno; this was Tlio Georgetown Minor Mr. E. IL N. Patterson was then odltorof that paper, nnd ho wns tho first editor, wo think, to en courage, tho Wyoming genius. Atony rnto, Nyo contributed to Tlio Oeorgotowu Miner beforo his fnmo reached Denver Wo havo 0110 of Mr. Nyo' first contribu tions to Tlio Miner, and wo give It hcrowith. It is of Interest, first, as being ono of tho pop ular humorist1 early works, second, as con taining n oom by nun, third, as affording an opportunity to such ns may bo dlsposod to compare Nyo's early work with his Inter work, deriving from such comparison pretty good ovldenco that his work has greatly im proved In quail tyi "WILL YOU LOVK ME WHEN I'U OLDl "Tho following poem was composed wbllo the writer was recovering from a very vio lent attack of bilious collo, but It U n sweet llttlo thing, with a vein of tourhfulness run ning through it and sticking out In places. There Is something Indescribably sad about it. Most overy ono who has read It felt sad after they got through. I don't know whether I shall havo It set to music, so that I can sing it, or preserve It In alcohol 1 "Darling, I haro often thought That I'd put my racket In. Hut I'ru hnd to listen on To tlio iniislu of your chin "Will you lovo 1110 when I'm old, And my lucks are turned to urayf Will you buzz Into my ear With your grand unci lion cry plnyl 1 "When I neigh U00 xuml Will you keep your lou for mot Will you promise, 'cross your heart,' Tlmt you'll hold inn on your kneof "Shall ivo lo (lie same as nutr After wo havo older grown? When you're trotililiHl with n IxilL Will you Ikj 'my ownivt own?' "When my hair N dapple gray And I cannot make It curl. Shall I lxt)our solid wml Storo so tlmn Dm lilivtl girl? "Will you hover o'er my lieml When I'm going n; the llimie? Will yon weep nnd pa.v the ground When I'm planted In the limit? "Will you wateli !. lowly sHit Where ynur loviil on'n dint U hid. With your shotgun cocked and primed, Tor tho i.tiuleut wllu liUsKider "Will ytri sIiikiI him mil of holes If hedlgHniiiiind my to:nh? Will yon semi hi 11 iiy ex;ins., To hh long, Im.iu'? "Any 0110 heading mo SI as an evlilencu of good faith will receive tlio nnswers to tho various vo uumlniius prorHiiuuled hi this little gem " Etigcno Field In Chicago Now. A I'll I r Wiirnlnc. Tho skill of tho nrdlnnry ndvcrtlscnicnt writer Is continually Illustrated. It ulinost jiays to read tlio udvertlRoments to get tho queer example of busiiiuM English that thoy contain. Tlio other ilny tho writer noticed this-. "If you buy n lr of Dumkopf's panta loons you will nevor buy another." Doston Transcript, Advancing CI vlllzut Ion. St. Paul Mother Johnny, don't put your knlfo In your mouth whllo eating that pleco of plo. Johnny Hut, momma, wo nil usal to put knives in our mouths. St. Paul Mother That wns when wo wero living In Chicago. Remember wo nro In St, Paul now. St, Paul Pioneer Press. High Idea. Pater Famillas (Interrupting) You girls should flx your minds on something higher than drtvs. Mary Ann That is what wo havo, pa. Wo havo got our minds fixed now on n couplo of lovely high hats down nt Mrs. Feather's mil lluery rooms. Yankee Blade, llureuii of Information, Tho Chicago, Mllwnukeo & St. Paul Rail way has recently established, in a convenient qunrter of Its ologutitand commodious posten ger station nt Chicago, an otllco designed to travelers lnformtitou on tho thousand mid ono things they need to know with regard to routes, rates, connections and accommoda tions. It has lieeu placed in chnrgo of an ex perienced limit, supplied with nil railway guides', maps nml time tables, nud Is known as the "Rurcuti of Information." It is u plnco to which all travelers en route through Chi cago, either east or west IkuiikI can apply for Information, mid receive a correct answer on any point of rnllw ay passenger servico. This is the only olllce of the kind west of tho sen board cities nnd it cannot but pruvo a help and convenience which the traveling public will uso and appreciate. Many questions of Interest mid imx)i tniice occur to the tourist, which the study of a rnllwny guide does not satisfactorily answer but which a short con versation makes clear. All trains of the Chi cago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway depart from and arrive at this station, nnd the vnlu able servico of tho bureau muy bo enjoyed by all the patrons of this line. Two Dayton Hoys llulil Winning Ticket, Two of tho luckiest young men in tho city of Dayton, O., aro Edmoiid C. and George O. Alliert, who hold the one-twentioth of ticket No. 50,021, which drew the first capital prize, of :HR,000 in the drawing of the Louislann State Lottery made in New Orleans on tho lllth of November. They have alwuys been honest and hard working. Their father, Cas per Albert, a respuctablo Iwirber, died saveral years ugo and they have hard and uphill work assisting tholr widowed mother to suport the family. Dayton (Ohio) Democnif, Dec. 6th. Chicago, Milwaukee & Bt. Paul Hallway, via Oinalia unit Council lllumi. Short Lino to Chicago and tho east. Finest dinning car In the world. Through sleeping car to Chicago, Tho route of tho first "doldon Onto Special." Rest line to Washington for tho Inaugern tlon of President Harrison. Only direct routo to tho G, A. R, Encamp ment at Milwaukee. Everything flrst-clnss. First-class pooplo patronize first-class lines. Ticket agents everywhere In tho west sell ticket over the Chicago, Milwaukee & St, Paul Railwny. Any kind of coal desired will be promptly furnished and delivered to nuy part of tho city or the additions, by Hutchlns & Hyatt. Also all kinds ot wood on hand and sold at beJ rock prices. 2, 1889. iHml Most Popular Resort in the City. ODELL'S DINING HALL, MONTGOMERY HLOCK, 1 1 19, 1 121 and 1 1 23 N Street. Meals 25 cts $4.00 per week. 25 Per Ct. -ON- Muslin Underwear, NEXT Ashby & Millspaugh. CURTICE LEADING MUSIC DEAERS . wsDrit PIANOS CZXOTXTO-Z:Z Musical Merchandise. All the Latest and Popular Operas, Sheet Music and Books in Stock. 1 2th St., opposite Opera House. LADIES FURNISHING AND ART STORE, 122 South 12th Street. FINE FANCY GOODS AND NOTIONS Stamping, Art Needle Work, Kid Glove? and Materials or Fancy Work, our specialty. Foreman & Crow, Props. 122 South 1 2th Street. For :,?kw s j-V r v :4p ju- Mustang tt U'f 100 Engraved Calling Cards And Copper Plate, for $2.50. If you have a Plate, we will furnish 100 Cards from same, at $1.50. WESSEL PRINTING CO. Courier Office. Telephone 253. New Burr Block. U Established Dec. 10, 1886. The German National Bank, LINCOLN, NED. Capital Paid up, $ioo,ooo.oo' Surplus, . . . 13,000.00 li 1 M Transacts a tmncrnl banking buslncM, Issue1 letters of credit, draw drafts on all parts of the world. Foreign collections a specialty, OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS. HERMAN;!!. HCHAHKRO, Presldont. 0 0. MUNHON, Vlco President. JOH1HMI HOEIIMKR, Cashier. O. J. WILCOX, Assistant Cashier. C. K, MONTOOMERY. ALF.X HALTEIf F. A. HOEIIMKR. H.J. HROTHERTON WALTER J. HARRIS. J. A. HUDELSON Discount WEEK. & THIERS, ' IIAIlTrO OBOS- rrAcr Opposite Opera House. For BEAST '-. v & 8gfc W Liniment a idSrSf N s- jjj;' ' v w .' .. ,:i . iv w j 1 1