Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, February 02, 1889, Page 8, Image 8

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mjpwmt?bt!iixp.Mtvm&M iwMwiMwisnWidliM MBWlty IWIIMNfllHWsWMN IM' ' I 'HI MSWWMMffWWWWWSaw.
Trnmirniiriiiiriii diH'H nri mlu mriiiiiiirtiiWiHijilnL
' I
P ' n
peady for Business I
Courier Engraving Co.
llavliiK JukI opened a limv Industry III
fonnrcllhii wlthTllK CountKit Olllre.wo
are now prepared and can furnMi on
hurt notion thn finest work of nil kinds of
.Engraving on Wood or Metal,
Cut of IhllldlliKs, Machinery, T.mitt
vonpos. Patent Drawings, I'nrlnilt Work,
oto., im well n all other work undir thin
head, will receive prtuipl mid careful
nnd nil linnoralito cnmiwtltlnn mot, Our
facilities nro equal to (ho nest, mill our
ArtUtn linvo no superior anywhere.
HUolrlirn KMit Kproltncim tif work, also
estimates furnished on application, Mall
ordure iilloltcd, and Oily trade In especially
rvwiuridod to look tin up.
Courier Engraving Co.
Telcphono avi.
M.W. Niwnt'iiVI
JhWlllSKI., JR.
Su.v Murr lllouk.
936 P Street,
And Ranges,
Gold Coin Vent'duot.
5 ?
5 W
CaturdayEvening, Feb. 2, '89.
Oern.r loth and P strMt..
Herpolsheimer & Co.
Embroidery Opening.
Tlio Courier Cnu be Found At
Windsor Hotel Now Mtnml.
Ortpltal Hotel News Htnnd.
Udell's Dining Hall News Htaml.
Union A Fletcher's, llOBouth llthBtreet.
A. T. Loiulng A Co's., UW O wnm. y ""
VliuGollium NowsBtand.llH Houth mil Hu
Kollh ItroH., Ill Noith Htli Htreot.
Kil. Young, 1(W) O Htreot.
Baton A Hmltli, lilt 0 Z ., .
" Diamond Pharmacy," 18th mid N Hts,
At Attractive. Prices.
W. R.DENNIS, 1137O.
Local unit lcrsoil.
Whltobrrost Coal and IJnio Comiuiny,
Take Turkish at 1010 O street.
Tho Ust Tens. H. 1 .Btovenn & Co.
Telcphono nt tho Couhikh olllco la 253.
Odcir diniiiK hall, 31 tickets for 14.00.
Mineral water used for Imthlng, 1010 Ost
Trickcy ctCo.,wliolasnlonnd retail jo wolora.
Tiy somo of tho lino fresh llsh servetl every
tiny at Cameron'a.
Canon City Coal again nt tho AVIiftebrenst
Coal mui;Llmo Co.
Hoast mcatH, nnd vrgclatutsof all kinds"
Duneron' Lunch House.
Ijcknwnim nnd Bcrnnton hard coal sold
only by Hutchlns & Hyntt.
Canon City coal dellveicd to nil parts of
city. Call up telcphono 223.
A drop in both prices and stock of dry
goods at II. lt'.NMoy&Co.
Only (place in Lincoln that uses mineral
water in bntlis Is nt 1010 O street.
ImproveU shower (or Turkish baths nt 1010
O street, liAsemcnt Union block.
buy muslin underwear next week and savo
25 per eeut, Ashby and Millspaugh.
Mcndota, tho most jiopular coal on tho mar
ket, kolu only by 1 utchins & Hyatt.
For tickets to Oregon or 'Washington ter
ritory points apply nt 115 Bo. 10th st.
Ladiex muslin underwear 0110 fourth 'off
next week at Ashby and Mlllspnugh's.
Quilted sntlit nnd fancy knit skirts for
lad lea and children nt Herpolehelmer & Co's.
Fine Teas, Spices, and tho largest lino of.
Fine Groceries in the city, at B. 1. Bteveus.
Dr. 11. F. llalloy,ofllcennd residence corner
of Fourteentlijnnd I. streets. Telephone 017.
Brown's cnfe Ii tho recognized hcndqimr
ters for lino lunches and ovcrylhlng digest
able, llest boardlntho city and nt a price within
reach of nil, at OdoU's. Tweiity-ouo meals
Tho finest luncheons In tho city arc served
nt nil hours nt Carder's European restaurant,
l4P street.
Everything new nnd neat, finest menu and
Ust cook in tho city at Carder's European
rvt-tMinint, 034 P street.
Tho finest work in tho city at llnydcn's
photographic studio. 1214 O street. Beo our
fine samples of art work.
In furs and fur trimming Herpolsheimer
& Co. show a very complete line at as near
furriers prices as possible.
Tnko thelliest and only one through system
lino, C. & N. W. to Sioux City, Mluueapolls
and 8U Paul, ofllco 1158a 10th st.
It don't pay to make up muslin underwear
when you can get It at the prices Ashby and
Millspaugli will offer it next week.
Everybody that has stopped at Carder's
hotel speaks well of it. Day board or meals
a la carte scrvetl at popular prices.
Call on J, C. Field, Lincoln Bcavanger, for
prompt work day and night. Olllco under
First National liank. Call telcphono 408.
Embroidery sale at 8, 10, 131-2c.,some
special values. All ladies should attend that
ate Interested. H, IL Nlsaley & Co.
Exerybody ran afford to eat nt tho leading
rosort in the city now. Tho price of 31 tick
ets notr at OdcU's only; $4 -reduced from
Sawyer & Moshler's greenhouses supply cut
flowers, boquets, etc., on short notico.
Dranclifflornl conservatory in Masonic Tem
ple bnsement.
At Miss Johnston's hair dressing Emporium
ladles will find tho newest styles in Itangs,
switches, toilet articles, and everyting used
for the adornment of the head.
Through vestibule sleeper with dining car
attached from Missouri Valley on all Elk-
horn O. & N. W. R. R. traluB to Chicairo
froml Lincoln. Pstronizo the best line; offlco
115 80. 10th st,
Account of Halls, Parlies, Wedding
I'.tc, Tlint Have Kiitertitlnml Hoe My.
A Pleasant lltrllidiiy 1'iirty.
Tumlny ovetiliiR Mr. U. ti. Crniulall wm
tvnilurel 11 vcrv ploimnnt urprlo nt IiIn home
In tliu Vvlntcr Hlock. It wns that vntlmtiblo
tti'titloiiiiiii'H thlity-fourth lilrthdny ntid i
iMimlwr o( his frloiwU iliopixxl In on lilm to
roinlml him of tlio fact. Aftor Hpcmllni; Uiu
tvtily mtt of tliu oveuliiK with tho over popn
Inr progrrmtvo eucluo, rcfri'MiiiienUi, that
Mnt. Crandnll had provided, were Indulgwl in
nfter which tho comiuiny wax furulnhed with
the lnt of intikla by I'uif. Wclior nnd Mr.
Hmltli, nnd dancing occuplitl tho roxt of tliu
ovcnltiR until 11 lato hour, when k1 byon
Muro ivild nnd nil left for tholr Iioiiioh wlslilng
Mr. Crandnll ninny hnppy yearn to conic.
Thero wero prwnt: Mr. II. V. HonKlnml
and lady, V. Ii. ilnnilltoii nnd lady, 8. J.
Aloxnnder anil lady, 11. H. Hell nnd lady, Mrs.
.Merrill, .Mrs. u lover, Aim. Lliapln and MinnoH
Knto nnd Jlnlilo Merrill, Chapin, Glover,
Hlloy nnd JIlnu Casey, of Fort Madison, Iowa,
Mewr. Green, Tiovlttnnd Wilson.
MI.W Martha Dryden Is visiting friends In
tho city this week.
II. 11 ICing-dmry, of Omaha, was In the city
on Wednesday. ,j,..
Miss C. L. Aiken leftj;tho city Wednesday
for a vinlt to Toimkn.
Frank Helming nttendisl tho Elks social nt
Umnlm V educsdny ovening.
Frunk Perkins, of Perkins in Ilos
ton purchasing spring novelties. ;
Tho Pleasant Hour Juniors' next jxirty
occurs Friday ovening, February 8th.
Mnnwl Mrs. A. W. .Thiikoii, retiirnetl from
alrlp" to 'Denver after spending about a week
Next Tuesday evening tho Pleasant Hour
club will enjoy nnothor of It very pleasant
Mrs. Prank Hansom, wlfo of Senator Han
som, nrrlved In thb city yesterday from Ne
braska City.
Mrs. O. II. Itnmoy, of Cheyenne, nee Miss
Lulu Millar, of this city, is vinltlng "the; old
folks ut homo" for 11 brief honson,"
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sheldon, together with
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Huckstnff, loft tho city
Tuesday for a short visit to Chicago.
Will McClay, who has liven engaged on tho
survey of tho Canada & Bt. Louis R. It. in
Michigan, rutumetl homo Wednesday.
Miss Lulu Dover returned to her homo In
Kansas City, Wednesday. Sho was tho guest
of Mrs. Major ltolmnnn while in tho city.
Mr. W. C. Long, late of tho U. P. R'y jins
scnger department, nt Omaha, but now with
tho National Life Insurance Co., is In tho city.
Albert Kntzonsteln nnd Chnrles Mnyor
wero In attendance nt tho regular jwirty of
tho Metropolitan club In Omaha Tuesday eve
ning. Miss May Royco. w ho has lieen visiting tho
family of Wnlter ISohnnon, returned to her
homo in Washington, llli.. Weduehdny after
noon. Tho ladles of Plymouth church will give a
New England supjier nt tho church, cor. A
and 17th streets Tuesday ovening from 0
o'clock to 0.
II. M. Waning, Lincoln, Neb., stenograph
er for tho state Iwurd of railway commission
ers, wns in this city Tuesday and Wednesday,
Sioux City Sun.
Another of Wnrner's dances wns given at
Tcmplo Hnll Tuesday ovening. About forty
couple participated and all present enjoyed
themselves to the fullest extent.
Mr. C. TV. Dawes nnd brldo wero welcomed
homo Wednesday evening after n brief honey
moon, nnd have settled down to blissful Imp
plness and tho rcnlltltw of Lincoln life.
Omaha is overrun witli thugs and footpads,
notwithstanding tho fact that hundreds of
her best citizens nro uliseut attending the leg
islature in Lincoln. Sioux City Sun.
Chnrley McCnll, formerly witli Druggist
Uarley, of this city, wns in Lincoln on busi
ness this week. Chas. Is now actively engaged
n I the mixing of diugs nt Norfolk, Neb.
Miss Artn Cody, of North Platto, is vtiiting,
In Omahathls week. Next week Mlxs Cody,
accompanied by Miss Cnnfleld, of Omaha
will enjoy n week's visit w Ith Lincoln friends.
The CouiUKH 'acknowledges a pleasant cal
on WednesJnySfrom Mr. John McCluro, of
Omaha, the popular general western passen
ger agent of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St,
Paul railway.
Mr. and Mrs. Max Kohn.of Nebraska City,
wore guests Monday and Tuewlny of Coucll
inau Louie Moyer. Thoy also attended tho
opening hop of tho Lincoln City Ixxlgo I. O.
II. 11. at Masonic temple Monday evening.
Councilman Rice and lady entertained the
East Lincoln club at their cosy homo on east
Q street on Thursday evening. It was a very
pleasant affair, and as host and hostess, Jlr,
and Mrs. Rico nro certainly a great success.
A large number of tho friends of Miss Lizzie
Iiuford met nt her homo last Friday evening
to celebrato that young lady's birthday. After
spending a pleatant evening at cards tho
young people left nt n late hour wishing Miss
Lizzie a long life of happinoxs.
Elinor Henkle is now "at homo" in his now
business, and as a drummer is n charming
success. It is pleasant to his many friends,
however, to observe that Elmer Is in tho
cty about halt tho time whllo representing
tho interests of tlie Hart Hardwnro Co.
"Oh, my, they're not twins, are they I
"Yes, my dear," was the unfortunate bus
land's rcp.'y. "Which one is tho oldest,"
was tho next heard from dear wlfey and now
tho old man is trying to fatlion. the puzzle
what she meant by asking such questions.
Ticket Agent Hannn, of the Missouri Pa
cific, has handed us a neat and comprehensive
book entitled "Bummer and Winter Health
and Pleasure Resorts," which sets fourth tho
merits of his popular lino. It is ncat'y illus
trated and contains somo interesting reading
Mr. Ed G. Yntes, of Yutes Hros., left Mon
day for Morguntflwii, W, Va., to meet Mrs.
Yates who has been spending the winter
there. They will make an extended tour of
the east ami be present at tho Inauguration of
Uen 1 Harrison at Washington, March 4, ro-
turning to Lincoln about the mlddlo of the
I month.
A Thrilling rieee or Verse rnultihed In
III Earlier Days.
At different times wo hnvo rend different
stories upon tho subject of tho "discovery" of
Mil Nya Tho popular tradition is that Tho
Denver Trlbuno wns tho first paper that
rocognlzed tho merits of tho gonial humorist
and exploited them. It appears, howovcr,
that Nyo contributed to another Colorado
paper boforo his connection with Tho Trlbuno;
this was Tho Georgetown Minor Mr. E. n,
N. Patterson was then editor of that paper,
and ho was tho first editor, wo think, to en
courago tho Wyoming gonlus. At any rnto,
Nyo contributed to Tho Georgetown Miner
beforo his fnmo reached Denver
Wo hnvo ono of Mr. Nyo's llrst contribu
tions to Tho Miner, nnd wo givo It hcrowitli.
It Is of Interest, llrst, ns being ono of tho pop
ular humorist's enrly works, second, ns con
taining n oom by hlm, third, ns nffording
an opportunity to such ns may bo disposed to
compare Nyo's early work with his later
work, deriving from such comparison pretty
good ovldenco that his work has greatly Im
proved In qualltyt
"Tho following poem wns composed whllo
the writer wns recovering from n very vio
lent attack of bilious collo, but It Is a sweet
llttlo thing, with a vein of touchfulness run
ning through It nnd sticking out In places.
Thero U something Indescribably snd about
It, Most every ono who has rend It felt snd
after thoy got througli. I don't know whether
1 shall havo It set to music, so that I can sing
it, or preserve it In alcohol 1
"Darling, I have often thought
That I'd put my racket lib
Dut Pro hrul to listen on
To tho uiiislu of your chin
"Will you loo mo when fin old,
And my locks nro turned to grayt
Will you buzz Into my ear
With your grand mid How cry plnyl
"When I wcIrIi W Kunds
Will you keep yom lr,o for mof
Will you promise, 'cross your heart,'
That you'll hold inn on your kueof
"Shall wo 1st the name a' now
After wo havo older growuf
When you're troubled with a IsilU
Will yen Ik) 'my uwno-t ow nt'
"When my hair Is dapple gray
Ami I cannot make It curl.
Shall I lni)iiiir solid pard
Jloro so tlinn tho lilivd Rlrlf
"Will yo,i Inner o'er my head
When I'm k'Iiik ii; the lluniof
Will you weep and paiv tlie ground
When I'm planted In tliu loiibr
"Will you natch l lowly sjiot
Where your loved nn'ridust I. hid.
With your shotgun coelted unil primed,
for llioi.tudeut wltu liLxpador
"Will yrri shoot hlm full of holes
If ImmIIh minimi my lo.nhr
Will yon send In 11 by pi;ir.i.a
To hi. lon, lin nnj
"Any ono sending me SI us nu evidence of good
faith will reei-lie the nnsn-ers to tliuariouH to
uundrutns pi-opoitnilml In tills little Kem "
Eugeno Field In Chinigo Nows.
A l"ulr Warning.
Tlio skill of tho onllnnry advertisement
writer Is continually Illustrated. It almost
ays to rend the advertisements to get tho
queer oxnmples of bnsluuxs English that thoy
contain. Tho other day tho writer noticed
"If you buy a ilr of Dutnkopf's panta
loons you will never buy another." Boston
Adtunclug Civilization.
St, Pnul Mother Johnny, don't put your
knlfo In your mouth whllo eating thnt piece
of plo.
Johnny Hut, mamma, wo all usod to put
knives In our mouths.
St. Paul Mother That wns when wo wero
living In Chicago. Remember wo aro In St,
Paul now, St. Paul Pioneer Press.
High Ideas.
Pater Fnmillas (Interrupting) You girls
should fix your minds ou something higher
than dross.
Mary Ann That is what wo hnvo, pa. Wo
hnvo got our minds fixed now on a couplo of
lovely high hats down at Mrs. Feather's mil
linery rooms. Ynnkeo Blade,
ltiireau of Infuriiiutloii.
Tho Chicago, Milwaukee & Bt. Pnul Rail
way has recently established, in n convenient
quarter of Its elegant and commodious asen
ger station nt Chicago, nn olllco designed to
travelers information on tho thousand mid
ono things thoy need to know with regnrd to
routes, rates, connections and accommoda
tions. It has been placed in charge of mi ex
perienced man, supplied with nil railway
guide, maps and time tables, nnd is known as
tho "Hureau of Information." It is a plnco
to which nil travelers en route through Chi
cago, either east or west bound can npply for
Information, nnd receive n correct answer on
any K)lnt of railway passenger servlco. This
Is the only olllco of tho kind west of tho sen
board cities and it cannot but pruvo a help
nnd convenience which tho traveling public
will use nnd appreciate. Many questions of
interest nnd imiortnice occur to tho tourist,
which tho study of a railway guldo does not
satisfactorily answer but which a short con
versation makes clear. All trains of tho Chi
cago, Milwaukee & St, Paul Railway depart
from and arrive nt this station, nntl tho vain
able servlco of tho bureau may bo enjoyed by
all the patrons of this lino.
Two Dayton Hoys Hold a Winning Ticket,
Two of tho luckiest young men In tho city
of Dayton, O., aro Edmond C. nnd George O.
Allicrt, who hold tho one-twentioth of ticket
No. 60,031, which drew tho first capital prize
of :i00,000 In the drawing of tho Louisiana
Stnto Lottery mado In New Orleans on the
llltli of November. They have always been
honest and hard working. Their father, Cas
per Albert, a resKH;tablo Ixirbor, died several
years ago and they have hard and uphill work
assisting their widowed mother to suport tho
family. Dayton (Ohio) .Democrat, Dec. Cth.
Chicago, Mllwuukee & St. I'nul ltullwuy,
vl Onialin unil Council lllufl's.
Short Line to Chicago and tho east.
Finest dinning cars in the world.
Through sleeping cars to Chicago,
Tho route of tho first "Goldon Gato
Rest line to Washington for the Inaugera
tlon of President Harrison,
Only direct route to tho U, A, R. Encamp
ment nt Mllwuukee,
Everything first-class.
First-class people patronize first-class lines.
Ticket agents everywhere In tho west sell
tickets over the Chicago, Milwaukee & St.
Pnul Railway.
Any kind of coal desired will lie promptly
furnished and delivorod to any part of tho
city or the additions, by Hutchlns & Hyatt.
Also nil kinds of wood on hand and sold at
bed rock prices.
Most Popular Resort in the City.
1 1 19, 1 121 and 1 1 23 N Street.
Meals 25 cts $4.00 per week.
25 Per Ct.
Muslin Underwear,
Ashby & Millspaugli.
Musical Merchandise.
All the Latest and Popular Operas, Sheet Music and Books
in Stock. 1 2th St., opposite Opera House.
122 South 12th Street.
Stamping, Art Needle Work, Kid Glove? and Materials
or Fancy Work, our specialty.
Foreman &
122 South 1 2th Street.
I a Mustang Liniment A I
AWA -MfcXICANMntJTANOTlNDIENTU death to Pruts. sT Yr k
100 Engr ayed Galling Cards
And Copper Plate, for $2.50.
If you have a Plate, we will furnish 100 Cards from
same, at $1.50.
Courier Office. Telephone 253, New Burr Block.
3 Establithed Dec. 10, 1886.
The German National Bank,
Cnnitnl Paid nn. $100,000.00-
Surplus, . . . 13,000.00
" ..
Transacts n (tenernl hanking business. Issues'
letters or creillt.drnw drafts ou nil pnrts of
the world. Foreign collections n scelalty,
V 0. MUNHON, Vlco President.
U. J. WILCOX, Asslstaat Cashier.
ax.AjaT32a uzoa-
Crow, Props.
Opposite Opera House.
' 1
1 it1" ' v
. i
- I