Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, February 02, 1889, Page 6, Image 6

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    '' "' i 111 i"fflTfffn-nniiiintmrijnrnit-i
Owns nml operates MOO mile of tliornuuhly
Quipped nml lit lllliioln, Wisconsin, Inwn,
Klsmmrl, Minnesota mid lliikiitn. ,, ,
It Is tho Host Direct Route botwi.Jit nil the.
rrluclpn) Point In tho Northwest, Houtlnvcut
nil Vm Wont.
For iimiM, time tables, rales of immhro nml
frelitht, etc., iinply to nearest Hint Inn nitunt ol
WAY, or to any Railroad Audit nnywhoro In
Ihn u-tirlil.
M.MIIil.lilt. A. V. H.OAHI'IJNTKU,
General M'u'r. Clen'l I'uhh. ATkl Ant.
m. (Ion .ttr. Aunt. tl. 1'. A T. Al.
Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
Wtt'VoT litforiiintlmi In reference to ! .anils
Mull'nwiiH iiwiipiI by tlio Ulilcmio, Mllwiiu
kco A Ht. Paul ltiillwny Coiiipmiy.wrtn to II.
(I. II AllOAN.Uintl Coniuil',sloiior,Mlllwiiukfu
Shortest : and : Safest : Route
TO A 1.1. l'OINTS IN
Colnrmlo, Wynmlnii, Utah, Cnllfornln. Mon-
latin, Idaho, Ori'Kon nml WiishliiKton
Territory. Take tlio
Ami inve ono ilny to nil I'neino const points.
ttumilng Into union ilciMitx undooii ncotlnir
Willi fuat llmlleil trnlliN of nil linen for nil
points nml. west, mirtli nml south. Tlironuli
flckots nnd modern ilny conches, lliijwnuo
checked iliroiiuli tiidcidliintlon from nil points
cast In tlio Uniletl Htali'M nml C'nnniln. Hlecpor
ncoommlntloiis reserved In throtiKh I'ullmnii
I'nlnco enrs from tlio Missouri river to tlio 1'n
clflo count.
Atchison, Lcnvcnwortli, St. Josepli.Knnsns
City, St. Louis mul nil points South,
East nml West.
The direct line to Ft. Scott, Parsons,
Wichita, Hutchinson and nit principal
points In Kansas.
The only road to the Great Hot Springs
of Arkansas. Pullman Slkkimchs and
Frkk Rkclinino Ciiaik Cars nn nil
City Tkt Agent, Gcn'i Agent.
Cor. O and iath Sts.
Fremont. Elkhorn & Mo. Valley
JSTOperatcs and con
trols its own service
9 between
Vtr Through Tickets mul HaRKSRe Checked to
11 points In Un til States anil Canaila.
Vestibule 81eeers, Palatial Dining Cam and
Union Depots.
1 13 BouthlOth street, - - . Lincoln
ii. a hi'rt, j. n, iii-cuanan,
Qeuerol M'Ror, (leu'l Pius, Ag't
om.iia, skb.
Dr. Beth Arnold'
is the best Cough Cure I
over used.
Win. A. Myer, Weston, 111
Druggists, 39c., 60o., and
v' lvV
f u
'H tstfKlflHst
, Ondertakflrs andEmbalmers.
212 North nth Street,
( , . r Windsor Hote) Annex,
Telephones. Office 145. Residence 156
1 Open Day and Night.
llnvn n Ilninn of CnnU with On-
nUfnrtnry ItrsitlU.
"What's tho ronton wo novcr havo n gamo
of Minis!" suddenly Inquired Mr ilowHor tlio
oilier evening, nftcr finishing hltincr.
"llei'niiHO, you you"-
"Ileviium I wlintl"
"You got mnd."
"1 1I1), eh! Tlmt'n another of your off linnd
statement. You nor no othor onion on the
face of this earth oversaw 1110 got mad over
"Don't you got out of mtlencor'
"No, tua'nin, I don't! On ono or two occa
sions ynu Imvo noon lit to raise n row be
cause I I tent you four game out of flvo, and
I Imvo wild Hint I would novcr piny with
you ngnln. Ilowover, If you think you can
keep your tomiicr, nnd If you nnnt to learn
tlio gnmo of otic hro so as to Iw nlito to take n
liaiiil in coiitpniiy, I will sjicnd tlio noxt Imlf
hour In trying to Uvich you."
"Ami if I lmpion to bent, you won't
"1 won't what! Mrs. llowscr, you nro act
ing very stmngo for a soimlblo woman. If
you aro nfrnld you will loso your toni)or, and
want to cut my throat, why, don't play."
"Shall wo piny acconllng to Iloylor
"Certainly Iloylo U tlio stamlnriL What's
tho two of playing If wo don't play according
to tho standard! Now, thou, It's my deal"
"Ucg pardon, but Iloylo Hays wo must cut
for deal."
"Hodoos, ch I will botyou $10,000 to a
cent ho says tho man deals llrstl"
"Very woll horo It Ut Tho plnycm cut
for deal, nnd ho who cuU tho lowest card Is tho ileal."
"Oh, woll, If you aro going to stlcklo over
k little iwlnt llko that I shall know what to
expect. Cut,"
I got tho deal, nnd spade turned up trump.
Mr, llowwcr Mucd, and so It hnpcnod that I
took every trick.
"Cackling already, nro youf" ho oxclalmed
mi ho took tho dock. "Mrs. Bowser, I'll mako
you u very sick woman beforo wo play thrco
Ho turned up hearts, and as I had four of
them 1 ordered him up.
"You onler 1110 up, chl What kind of play
ing do you call that! I novor heard of such
a thing In nil my llfol"
"1 onler you liecnuso Iloylo say 'a player
may order up when ho Iioixm to tako three
tricks.' I lioM to tako 'em alL"
I got every ono, nnd Mr. llowscr shoved
back from tlio tablo and looked nt mo in
nmazoment. I dealt tho cards and turned up
a diamond. I had tho Joker and tho right
nml left, whllo ho happened to hold flvo
others. I saw him smllo sweetly, but as I
took thrco tricks and tnmlo my point, ho roso
up and whlscrodt
"1 don't wonder that somo ministers do
nounro canl playlngl lean boo whero it'U
"You stacked that hand I"
"Mr llowscrt"
"Of corn-Mi you dldl You deliberately
robbed mo of two points In tho game I"
"Mr Bowser, you ought to bo ashamed of
such talk I No ono could havo dealt moro
honently I fcont you to Chicago and you aro
hurt nbout It,"
"Bent mo to Chlcagol Why, I'll play you
all night mid givo you n tUk dross for every
gamo you got I I've- got my eyes opened now,
and If you can cheat mo ngnln you nro wel
come to. Just sit right down."
"But I don't want to bo called a cheat and
"Sit right down and play. You think you
know all about ouchro, but I'll show you that
you nover how n card. It's my deal. Clubs
nro t rum pa, What do you do I"
"1 pass."
"1 should say you would I Day to that
and that!"
Ho took tho tlrst two tricks, but I took tho
uoxt throo and euchred him.
"1 expected you to," ho said in explana
tion. "Indeed, I can givo you four polnta on
every gamo and then bent you."
Ho scored ono point ou tho noxt hand, and
I one on the next. I was then thrco to ono,
and having a strong hand I made a march
and went out.
"And do you call that playing cardsP ho
demanded as ho sprang up.
"Certainly, Mr. Bowser. You saw every
card ns it was played. I havo beaten you
two straight games."
"1 nover will bcllovo itt You nigged rao
out of them I"
"Well, try ono moro, and watch nnd soo if
I nig."
Ho shuffled, dealt and turned up hearts.
Luck was with ma I had tho joker and two
bowers, and I imssod.
"Oh, you dol Well, I should think you
would. It's a wonder you didn't order mo
When ho found himself euchred ho turned
white and gasped 1
"How did you got thoso cards?"
"You gavo thom to mo, Mr. Bowser."
"Novcrl You took 'om off tho pack I"
I finally half satisfied him that I didn't,
and I dealt mid turned up spades. Ho passed
with four li bis hand, and I turned it down.
"I order you up I" ho shouted.
"But you can't; lvo turned itilown."
"Can't II You tako up that card! noyle
says you'vo got to I"
"Find mo the place,"
"You won't tako it up I"
"Of courso not. What do you mako Itf"
"1 mako it an occasion for saying that I'll
novcr play another gamo with you as long as
I livol I calculated to givo you a couplo of
gomes to encourago you, but I can't ponder
to no such depravity as this."
"What havo I donot"
"What has Catfish Jim nnd Bunko Dill
donol I wouldn't havo your conscience for
all tho monoy In Detroit I"
Ho returned to hl reading and I to my
owing, and nothing moro was said about It.
A nlgbtiir two afterwards, however, when a
number of us hud gathered nt n neighbor's to
play a few.gamcs, Mr, Bowser confidentially
remarked to "my partner at tlio tablet
"Bay, Jones, you aro In luck. I've learned
ber bow to play almost as good a gamo as 1
can. Beforu the winter Is out sho'U bo a bio
tobcat.metwlcoout of Ova" Detroit Froo
Preos. '
Nor rrluclpsl, Rltlicr. '
Muggs I've noticed that Buggs takes a
good deal of interest In tho lato .mining,
Buggs But you will notice' that bo will
bring very little interest out of it. Yankee
A frsciuliig Hrnln.
Undo Berkshire Hoow much bo that
watch I
Jowclof Forty dollars.
Undo llcrkulilro I'n that smaller ono!
Jowelor Fifty dollars.
Undo Berkshire En tho smallest ono!
Jeweler Boventy-llvo dollars.
Undo Berkshire Gosh, mlsterl How much
Is no watch f Jo wellors' Weekly.
I)illrnt Solicitude.
Floor Manager Brown Yo'll 'xcuso mo,
Mini ICIttlson, cf 1 says a word dat ' a llddlo
Mira Klttlfton I nllus knowed yo' couldn'
iw nudln bud n gcn'lomnn, Professor Brown.
Floor Mnnngcr (In a whisper) Do hay Is
comln' out'u yo' fish twist. Judga
A limit tho Hlzo or It.
Times chnngo and 111011 and boys chango
with thom, but tho boys still coiitlntio to Im
itato tho ways of tho men as cloooly ns they
can. Tommy nnd littlo Poto belong to tho
Kukunna club, nn apparently flourishing
company of small lioys which necessitates a
great deal of lagging from parents to keep
up tho weekly financial rcqulremcnta of tho
organization Rather tired of tho drain of
pontiles for this purjioso, Peto's father nsked
him this morning!
"Whnt do you do at tho Kukunna club,
any way I"
"Oh, wo wo pay ouroscismcntsl"fId tho
boy. Boston Transcript,
An Abduction.
FUcgendo Blocttor.
Class In ComiMMltlou.
Teacher Now, children, I will givo you
threo words Boys, Bees and Bears; and I
want you to composo n sentenco which will
includo all threo words.
Small Boy I havo it.
Teacher John McCarthy, you may givo us
your sentenca
John McCarthy Boys bees baro whin thoy
goes in swimming. Harper's Bazar.
Abstinence Rtid Literature.
Young Wife Tho papor says Uider Hag
gard finds that bo can do finer work when ho
abstains from all animal food.
nusbond (a reporter) Well, I bcllovo I
could wrlto better if 1 knew thoro weren't
any butchers' bills coming in. Philadelphia
A Man of llesources.
Tommy Traddles (threateningly) I'll toll
my father on you.
Wllllo Waffles What do I caro for your
father! Ho can't hurt ma
Tommy Traddles Can't ho! Can't hol
My father Is a doctor. New York Sun.
He Knew.
Sad Looking Individual (to boy coming
homo from Sunday scuool( Ah, my bright,
happy faced littlo follow! I warrant you
know nothing of tho ups and downs of Ufa
Boy 1 ought to, sir. lam running an
elevator in a dry goods stora Burlington
Free Press.
A Wise I'lan.
Gus (to Jack) Why do you stop, Jack, und
pat that ugly cur on tho h-ndl
Jack Why, to mako friends with him, to
bo sura 1 am always friendly to theso tough
looking dogs. You can't tell to whom thoy
may belong. Now York Bun.
Very JHstressliiff.
"Poor little boy," sho said sympathetically
to tho ono nrtned urchin, "did you lose your
littlo arm!"
"No'm," ho replied, tearfully, "1 picked It
up after tho smash up, and dad, ho had it
bitrfed."-Tiiho. '
.IetunilOK II otoe.
ijFUjst.Actpr How did you come down from
Albany, flam ? .
Bocoud Actor ByVaU,
First Actor By rail, eh; bow far can' you
walk on the rail, Ham! The Epoch.
." " "V J - w--.
A TlirlllliiB Story Taken Ilodltjr from
Iteal Life.
Note This remnrkablo story published,
It Is hardly nercmary to say, exclusively by
Tlio Trlbtino Is from advanco sheets of Mr
W m D n II lis' uoxt novel As
printed below It npKars In somewhat con
denned form, but contains all that Is note
worthy In plot, Incident and dlaloguo In tho
entire story, 1
A plcturtwpicly commonplaco, ordinary,
tiuomotlonal Now Eiiglnnil day
Tho sun having risen nomo threo hours pre
viously, wns now alwut threo hours high. Its
rays, shining In through tho hocoiiiI story
back wirlor window of a plain framo dwell
ing homo on a quiet titrcct In Dfomalton, lit
up n split bottomed chair occupied by a thin
hnlrcil young woman ovldcntly suffering
from heartburn. Tho window, it should bo
mentioned, wns of ordinary construction,
being made of plno sash nnd Us 1 1 or possibly
10x11 glnm. Tho putty had dropped off in
places, nnd the fastening nt tho top
of tho lower Bash wai pnrtlnlly broken
off, as If It had lieen hnstlly raised by luiort
lug nn ax or soup ladlo at tho bottom and
prying upward. Till might havo been dono
In a moment of forgotftilncss by tho auburn
haired and contemplative domestic who was
employed at a stlend of $3.60 per week to
do tho cooking nnd look after tho house,
Tlio young woman who sat In tho chair
wns near sighted nnd woro steel rimmed
glasses. Sho wns not handsomo, but thcro
was nn expression nbout hor sallow faco with
iU square Jaw and nquilltio noso, slightly red
dened nt tho tip, that somotlmes caused per
sons who met her to look at hor a second tima
"Mother," sho said to an angular matron
who entered tho njinrtmcnt, "1 am Impressed
with tho conviction or rhaps I should say
I nm nt times dimly conscious of an Impres
sion that this llfo of excitement is making
mo slightly nervous."
Ami sho put nwny tho yarn stocking sho
was darulug nnd picked up n lato Now Eng
land novel by Jcnry Hames,
"Peninsula," said her mother aftera pauso,
durlug which sho had lieen vaguely watch
ing tho uneasy iJumborsof a dejected cat that
lay limply on tho rug beforo tho fire, "I think
you had better spend. n fow months In Italy.
What shall wo havo for dlnncrr'
Thrco weeks later. Roma Vatican. Cat
ncombs. Pigeons, Gloomy sunshina Op
prenJvo feeling of ennui.
"Mother." said Peninsula, as tho two stood
in front of tho Pnmphllla-Dorla palace, "Isn't
that aged horso terribly lamo! Ah, mo!
What Is llfo good for, 1 wonder, anyhow!"
"My daughter," replied tho mother, with
n dreary yawn, ns bIio aimlessly looked at her
watch and remembered sho had not wound
it sinco sho loft Dlsmaltou, "wo will go to
Gondolas, fit, MarkV Pervading damp
ness, odors of garlic and ponslvo memories
of Venetian Days. Continuation of ennui.
"Mother, I yearn for my Now England
homo. Llfo hero Is so Intense, so aquatic,
"I know It, my daughter And tho eggs
nro too Oriental. I want you should not bo
como toa much excited. Romembsr how tho
story of Annlo Qulllbum worked upon your
fccnsitivo natura"
"Mothcrl" oxclalmed Peninsula, In a voico
of hopeless melancholy, "wo will return
Dismal ton. Another ordinary Now Eng
land day Tho mother and daughter alighted
from tho two seated carryall had their
truuks carried Into tlio houso, paid tho man,
nnd went In. Thoy had returned homa A
fow moro chunks of putty had fallen from
tho second story back window, and tho cat
was rather thinner than formerly. Other
wise the place was unchanged,
"What tlmo Is It, mother!"
"I think," said tho mother, looking at tho
sun, "It must bo about II o'clock. Or half
past," sho added, reflectively.
Tho ovcnlng shades had fallen, but a faint
odor of boiled cabbage still pervaded tho
quiet Now England homa Thcro was a
knock at tho front door. Tho licit. It should
bo explained, was out of repair.
The callor was shown Into tho parlor.
"I havo railed, Peninsula, to"
Tho young vtllago doctor paused a moment
to suppress nn Involuntary spasmodic action
that looked llko a yawn, but may havo been
a hiccough.
"I havo railed, Peninsula, to ark If you will
marry me,"
"Fothorlngay," sho answered, looking o.
tho hickory wood firo In tho grate with pain
ful Incertitude., "1 cannot say whether I will
or not."
-Chicago Tribune
TerpMchnro Versus ITjnirn.
Slio Oil Jai-k. darling, I rmlly think I
mut break off our engagement
H0U001! grarioun, Flo I Wbyl
Slio Because, dear, If we marry wo shan't
Iw able to waltz togother, and that would be
awfull Fun.
A rtrldce or Rise.
The noxt vessel built by an ocean steamship
company will be a bridge, Philadelphia
I'rJevHlsky's Dcntli.
An Interesting account is clvcn of the last
ho&rs of (VJevalsky, tho Russian explorer
and "nnnexntlou Intriguer," by his comrndo,
Mr. Robarowsky Knowing that death was
Inevitable, ho mado somo final arrangements,
nndnsked whether ho would llvotlll the morn
ing. Being rcoHsurcd by tho doctor on this
head, ho remarked! "Then tho rest
to-morrow, no will send telegrams.
Ono request only, do not forget that
I dcMru strenuously to bo burled on
tho banks of Mk Koul, In the full
cost umq,nf tho expedition. Let them photo
graph mo for my family, with tho ijincaster
gun, which I lenvo to Robarowsky " Prjovul
Rky then told tho doctor not to hldofrom him
tho npiiroach of death, which ho feared not
nt nil, having often enough been
faco to faco with death befora "Ho
scolded 111," says Robarowsky, "and called
us women folk, when ho saw us
with tears in our eyes." Next day
ho nns delirious. Ho beenmo stronger, nnd
hod brief lucid Intervals. Suddenly ho sprang
out of U-d nnd stood upright, supjiorted by
those present. After rcmnlnlug thus for a
fow moments, howildi "Now lam going to
Ho down." Ho wns helped back to bed,
sighed deeply several times nnd died. Pitts
burg Dispatch.
Itesults of flood I'litents.
W P. Proctor, vice president of tho Sing
er Sowing Machlno coninny, lives nt tho
Fifth Avctiuo hotel, nnd has tho best horses
nnd carriages in the city, but never rides.
Ilifi own exercise Is walking, and tho car
riages aro for his family. Ho was a mechanic
when ho first met Singer. They went Into
partnership to mako rock drills ou Cherry
street, Tho drills worked with a hnnd
ratchet. Their factory blow dp, nnd Singer
walked all tho way to Boston In tho hopo of
Interesting Boston icoplo to start tt factory
thcra While In Boston ho was asked to go
around tlio comer to mx a wonder It was a
sowing muchiua Ho enmo back to Now
York mid said ho could mako n better sowing
machine than tho one ho saw. Thoy raked
together f&O, and tho machine was made, and
in thlrty-flvo years this $.V) of capital grow
to bo :10,0()0,(X0. iToctor married Singer's
daughter, nnd Is probably worth $23,000,000.
Ho owns a third of tho stock of tho Singer
company It Is amusing to hear him tell at
times how, in tho early days of his sowing
machlno cxwrlcnce, ho nnd Singer used to
dream of tho tlmo when thoy could mako
",000 machines a year, whli?h they wero cer
tain would yield them a fortuua Today
thoy mako '000n day. Dally Pajicr.
Ills Kingdom.
When tho Into German Emperor Frederick
was crown prince, mid resided at tho now
palace, near Potsdam, ho took great delight
In tho simple country llfo of tho region. Ho
learned all aliout agricultural details, and
personally suiertuteiided tho work on his
neighboring farm of Bornstedt, whilo tho
princess took chargoof tho dairy and ioultry
Ono of his most marked characteristics was
his genulno lovo of tho jieoplo; hoi.ympa
thized with even their humblest needs. Ebjio
clallywas ho delighted to visit tho villngo
school, whero ho sometimes questioned tho
children in tho teacher's place. On ono sucl
occasion tho following chnrmltig dlaloguo
took placos
"To what kingdom docs this bclongr' asked
tho prnco of a littlo girl, as ho touched n
medal suspended to his chain.
"To tlio mineral kingdom," Wns tho an
swer. "And this!" pointing to a flower.
"To tho vcgctnblo kingdom."
"And 1 myself! To what kingdom dol
"To tho kingdom of heaven," answered tho
child. Youth's Companion.
Cumot mi it Carpenter.
Tho president of Franco Is n first class car
penter, nud can liandlo tho saw and piano as
well as any mechanic. It wus nt Chabanais,
In tho Chnrente, whero his father osscssod a
chateau, that ho learned tho trndo. Caruot,
senior, insisted that all his children should
learn somo occupation; "thcro Is no telling,"
ho used to say; "you may want It somo day,
for wo llvo In strnngo times." Bo Cnmot,
junior, was put to tho bench, and, uccordlng
to his professor, ono M. Dolarge, who Is btlll
living, acquitted hlmscir most honorably.
In memory of this event In bis career, M,
Sardln, who was an npprentlco nt that time,
but is now a master cabinet maker in tho
Faubourg St. Antoino, demanded nn nudlenco
of tho chief of tho stnto, nnd received a reply
to tho effect that tho president w 111 bo happy
to meet his old fellow workman nnd talk
shop with him a Uttla-Chicago Journal
About Rutins:.
Nervous individuals may derlvo nil tho fat
thoy need from sugar and starch. It is better,
howover, for thoso with weak dlgestivo or
gans, or whoso nerves nro in a highly sensi
tive stato, to get it from tho animal kingdom
than compel their enfeebled stomaelis, intes
tines nnd pancreas to creato it out of theso
articles. Good bread, sweet butter and meat
aro tho best foods for tho nerves.
Pooplo troubled with Insomnia, nervous
starting from sleep nnd sensations of falling
can often bo cured by limiting themselves to
n diet of milk alono for a tlma An adult
should tako a pint for a meal, and tako four
meals dally Peoplo with weakened nerves
requlro, usually, a larger quantity of water
than those whoso brains and nerves nro
strong. It aids hi tho digestion of food by
makiug It solublo, and seems to havo 11 direct
tonic effect. St. Louis Globo-Dcmocrnt.
Scientific Logs,
If a man had lcen requested to tow a lot
of logs out to sea and set them ndrlf t in mid
ocean in order to enable the government
hydrostatic olllco to'tako notes on tho direc
tions of various ocean currents, ns shown by
tho drifting logs, ho would havo asked to bo
well paid for tho servlca But when tho
Lcary rait went to pieces tho Idea was carried
out, and tho hcientillc agents of Undo Sam
wero not slow to seo their opjioituiilty, the
result being tho publication of a pilot chart
showing tho courses taken by tho Unry logs.
Tho dcartment had wanted to undertake
something of tho kind for somo time, but uc
feasible pLin had ticcu suggested But as no
serious t'.lhahter has occurred on account of tho
floating logii, scienco Is tho Ralner ut tho ex
pense of tho raft builders. Lumberman.
Cruelly llctrnjeil.
Tho minister's v.ifo rnt on tlio front jioieh
mending the clothes of 0110 of her numerous
progeny A neighbor imsslng stopl In for
n social elioL A largo work basket, linlf full
of buttons, sat on tho floor of the ioreh.
After various remarks of a go.lpy nature,
tho visitor said.
"You K-em to Iw woll supplied with but
tons, Mrs. Goodman."
"Yes. very well Indeed."
"My gracious! If thcro alnt two of tho
somo buttons my husband had on his last
winter suit. I'd know, 'em anywhere."
"Jiidudt"wtld the minister's wife, calmly,
"I mji surprised to hear It, as all these but
ton) ncro found In.thocontributlon'lwx, Bo
1 thought I might u well put them to somo
tibo, m I whatl must you go! Well, be suf
to rail i';;ulu." Vcst I"olnt Alliance,
Best Holiday Presents I
1 134. 10th st, under Y . .M. 0. A.
Has n Fine Stock suitable for the HOLI
DAYS, including
Sets or Single Yolumesof tho Best Authors
Teachers, Family and Pocket UIHLES.
Albums, Children's Picture nnd Story
Rooks, Etc., Etc.
Leaders in Photography.
ffEU F5
Wc 111.1k a specialty of the celebrated
Life sized pictures and furnish the finest
work at lowest prices.
Bost Cabinets $3.00
Elegant line of Picture Frames In stock
nnd made to order. Call and sec us.
jji6 O Street. LINCOLN, NEB
Ladies' & Gents'
At greatly reduced prices
1043 O Street.
N. M. Ruddy,
Practical Optician.
A specialty made of expert Eye Glass
Fitting. Glasses that rest the eye, 3000
217 South 16th Street,
liss Ethel Howe,
Teacher of Singing
Room 131 Burr Illock,
Hours, 10 A. M. to 6 P. INI.
Hiss Claire E. Link,
Drawing and Painting
Orders taken in Pastol and Oil.
Room 131, : Burr Block
The Victor
Tho most popular,
safest and cnslcMt riding
liiiiul.luo now before tlio
It has won premiums
mid meilaU over nil
oiiipctltors mul has no
Bicycles and Tricycles
of nil sizes nud descriptions. Forcatnlogucs,
Vjnus, etc., call or address,
109 North Wh HI.,
Lincoln, Ncbraskn.
Palace Bath Shaving
Ladies - and - Children's - Hair - Cutting
A 'iJ.AI.TY.
HIS Holld (lnl A W.I, I,
nou lor 1 uv, until, I
UmI SU wilth (a lb, world. I
llmiK.D.r. w.r. I
.ii...i--:7;f ,T"::-. "r"
nnifta. n. h.i, ii.ii
wmb wm., voia udir
4 .ni,' tli.i.wiik wrki
Uncroioi. Biuhi
Ctlltr CM Mnn fr.
u.bu lUt f IlouteboU
Haaples. Tk.MMasiw, a
wall aa taa ivfh , u.
ftfttaffr will, onr k, aid tu
BS ftpaa..d..u.,.k...i .
I rt kM far aoalaa u4 kwtktm la tkaat
smmHstads 1
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