w t CAPITAL CITY COURIER, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1889. u 'M A LES80N FROM NATURE. How to Ouro a Gold. A UIUKCT IN WHICH WK AUK Alt. MOItR Oil I.ES9 INTKIIK3TKU. To euro n cold rpiloWly it must bo properly treated ns noon ns tho llrst symptom nppoiir. Do you know tlio llrst symptoms! If not, you will un doubtedly remember buying vthoin tit numerous times and tbut you did not consider thorn nt nil serious or even worthy of your intention. They nro a dry loud cough, iv thlu wblto coating on tho tongue nnd profuse watering disohiirgo from the nose. Any one or tnoro of theso symptoms is natures way i)f telling people they Imvo tuken cold, nnd gives thorn ample time to cure it within two days if they deslro to. The freo uso of Chamberlain's Cough Hem cdy will rostaro the system to a healthy condition within that time. If however Vtn nrll In twwrliwtt itil 11 till nllunil tt becomo Bottled in the system several .1 1 1... 1 uujtt ur uvuu 11 wvuk may uu iuiiiui.-ii to elTect a cure, as nature must then take its course and all that can be done is to aid nature in freeing tlio system of tlio cold, which Is best neeoiupfislnd by using Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It will open the seeretlous and loosen nnd relieve the cold In less time I ban any other medicine or treatment; It seems to undermine a cold and to com pletely cradlou-to It from the system, as evidence of its Miporlor excellence, we refer to tlio following testimonials of people well known and respected at thoir sovcral places of residence. Tlio general expression of those who havo used Chamberlain's Cough Kein dy is "It Is the best I over tried," W. II. Hii.kv, Stanford, III. I have sold Chamberlain's Cough Komody forolglit years ami it has given universal satisfaction to my customers I use no other in my family, and have novcr called a doetor for any lung .trouble. Wo could not keep house without it. S. 11. Wai.kkii, druggist, Calamus, Clinton Co., Iowa. "Mr. J. J. Lagrange a leading drug gist, of Avoea, Nebraska, says : ' 1 nave been engaged hi the salu of drugs ' and medielnes for the past twenty-olgnt years, and during that time have sold many dl.'lerent cough procurations, but 1 have luWersold or bundled any cough medicine that gave as perfect satisfac tion, to all in v customers, as Chaniber lainV Cough Ileiuedy. I consider it a specilic for croup and nil throat and lung complaints of children. I know of cases of snasmodie croup where the life of a child has been saved by the timely uo of this medicine. It Is very inleifant to tako which Is one of the -.important requirements when a cough 'nuidy is intended for small children " G-EO. T-jCTsXTIEl, INSTRUCTOR ON Pianos Organ OFFICE WITH 'Curtice Si Thiers' Music Store, 207 South 1 1 tb Street. HEYMAN & DEICHES, 1618-1520 Fnrnum Ht., 'Now Puxton Mock, THE LARGEST CLOAK, SUIT and FUR HOUSE. In The West Wo uro now Introducing ninny now novel dies In Full and Winter Weur, and would re- aLHHHflflHw spectrally Invito our Lincoln friends to call mint see tliu now line Just ouucil. ARE DIRECT IMPORTERS And as such ran offer lator styles at lower prices than any house west of Chicane 11 fact wo'U tako plfiisuro In proving to Mucolnltc. CALL AND SEE US WHEN IN OMAHA. Wo can '.low you a lino lino of Cloulcs, Drossosituu Furs tlutt lurpitss auytliluii you liavo over noon In tlio entire went. It will pity you to tako a trip to Omiilut to sue us, If you want anything nice Inour line. tMail Orders Receive Prompt Attention. MAKING VALENTINES, It takes three thlnR to mnkon comic Valen tino -pn'r, Ink and a long haired hU Ona thing morn Is needed to innkp n sentimental valontlno, iohio satin or HHgm work of vari ous design Perhaps tho largest factory In tlio world Is located In Brooklyn About SO.OOO.OOO valentines, comic and otherwise, aro turned out In this factory In tbo course of a your. Lot us tako a look at valentine tanking. Tho many operations through which valen tines muw licforo Uiot aro roody to bo de livered to tho retailor aro Interesting. Tho flrst lloor of tho factory Is occupied by papor cutting and etntKWKlug machines. Tho jwipsr on which valentines nro prtntttl U received from tho manufacturer direct and Is not In n condition for uso. It must Iwcut In pieces, 4 liy i$4 feet, and on which aro ntntnped six teen cotnla vnlcntltv. After being cut, tho pnKr Is taken to tlio second Moor and printed. Three hundred out of tho four hundred em ploye In tho factory nro women nnd girls. Whllo tlio majority of tho work Istlono by skilled lalwr, somo denrtinciits are operated wholly by umehhiery On tho sixth, or top, floor half a dozen art ists draw the pictures used In valentines and toy hooks. Alter a drawing Is made and nUotouranliod tho usual course (11 uiaklng process cuts Is followed, hut It uiUituotboiiup)osel that n videnttuo can Ik) struck olf complete by one Impression. In somo cases valentines mas through no less than a dozen Impressions. Knch impression adds a diiruront shade or color to tho picture Tako for example u drawing of n machinist nt work. Tho man's hut Is red, his fneo nnd arms nro pink, his hair and mustache nro bluo, with it tlugoof Mack, thonpreu audtablonro yellow, tho trou-sors aro green, while Ida idiom uro bluo with a tinge of black. Sentimental valentines aro uindo of fancy (apcr and satin Tho plates mss through tho same process ns comic Tho handsome, hlghl perfumed valentines, which tho languishing sw nln pays from fcl to 3 for, nro hand uilutod, or, as tho 8U'rlntcnlent Mild, touched up. Tho touching up process conslbts or artistically daubing mlnt hero and there about tho outer surface of tho Valentino, Theo hasty strokes result in Uouers, picture descriptive of tho billings of turtlo doves aud pastoral scenes. Now wo como to tho poet. Chaucer, Shakes peare, Milton, Tennyson or any of tho bright galaxy of bards is now lioro compared to this one. Ho gets a weekly salary, and ho can grind out ioctry by tho yard, by tho rod, by tho uillo. Thfcy say valentine twetry Is dllll- cult to mako, but, bleat you, thU fellow rolls It off llko a muclilno. In blx mouths ho has written '-',000 eomie nnd 600 sentimental versos. "Many nro tho oeta that nro sown by nature. Men eiiduHcd Kill) highest Kills, Tho vlnluii mid tuo f acuity tilt iuu, Yet lacklu the accomplishment of verso. ' lint this fellow Isn't troubled with anything of that sort- His verses may not Iw polUhcd thoy aro just verses. Necessarily this poot must Imvo bomo system about Ids work. In spiration may bo u llnt class thing for a bard who has sumo 0110 to foot his bills, but in spiration never put butter on a man's bread; or, In fact, furnished him with any bread at alL So our Valentino jxxjt, who U obliged to turn out so much fiootry n day, necosNirlly must do it like 11 machine. Ho probably writes his comic valentines something like this: First, ho thinks ot a subject w bleb must bo 0110 of a cIusm tuuiiliur to ovcry one. Tor instance, 11 barber. Thou ho thinks of tomo failing i.i his subject with which every one is familiar. A barber will talk, and every ouo knows It. A comic val entine must, of courso, bo a Joke on tho sub ject, so it must refer in a bort of hulf satiri cal, half comical way to bis failing. It must contain souio slang to mako it a trillo spicy, and must bo perfectly intelligible to ovcry one So tho Valentino poet will run ULj lin gers through bis hair, tako a deep breath, and ovolvo a comic valentine 0:1 tho barber in about Hvo minutes, us follows: A barber will talk talk, talk. No, that wou't do. Let mo see, must cut his talk short short, sort, sport. That's it, aud hero it is: TO THE llAttUEIt. Sloro huppluess of etery sort Woul 1 lu jour cart bUure, Ynu tulUnlitu old hair oil sport, If juii would hut 011 enre, And cut your stale old chestnuts short Asbometlmus you cut hair. Looks easy enough, don't It? Try It nnd seo. Scutlineutul valentines aro harder to grind out. Thoy must contain somo dollcato Bcntl nicnt, uud our poet must transport himself in spirit into a lover, Tho most prevalent Valen tino usually wind's up with tho words. "And bo my Valentino," but this is getting to bo pretty old. About tho only words that can bo used to rhyino with valentine aro pine, design, sign, lino, flno, ontwlno, wino, dine, rccliuo. For Instonco tako tho first word, plno. It tukes tho poot about three miuutcw to grind out tho following: Oh maiden fair, with golden hair (Share, pair, care, rare). For you with lorn I pine, Oh wlU you grant that blessing rare. And be my Valentino. If this uercu'tsoold It might do, but tho poot must strlko something a llttlo more original. So ho turns to Cupid. Of courso, nothing really now can bo written, but ho can clotho an old chestnut In a now burr, so to speak. So Cupid cornea to tho front onco more. Cupid is always associated with an arrow, but uothlng will rhymo with nrrow, except wheelbarrow, which word wouldn't do at all; marrow, which is equally bad, far row or harrow, which are worse, and care oh, which isn't good, becauso It's two words, Rn tlin IiWlt. tltl-na hl IflHWI Intn n ,lnf whlch rhymes with art and heart, and evolves tho following t I stoto Into a wood oae day To learn young Cupid's art; I crept up where be sleeping lay, And took from him a dart; In this, my Talentlne, I pray Twill touch your maiden heart. It seems ridiculous, don't It, to put such hallowed things as the god of love, lore iiseu, valentines ana tho rest Into a machine aud grind them out! Out that's what our poet lias to da Out It Is pleasant to think that tlio versos which aro ground out with such regularity by tho poor fellow have pity on bun aro sont by lovers all over tho land with such gonulno sincerity that, though thoy are muclilno mado aud warranted not to corrode or rust, thoy nevertheless carry their sentiment with them, and do 11 great deal to help poor Cupid in tl.o task which tlio little follow has set for himself. T. M. The Cumlu Vuleiitlne Fiend. Ho flourishes still, tbocoiuic Valentino fiend. Ills idea of the most exquisite pleasure in Ufo is to outrago your delicate self with somo ridiculous carlcaturo of your personality. Aro you a llttlo "near f" Ho will bond you a wretched verso and a worso cut of a miser. Aro you inclined to bo portly Ho will or asperate you with a beastly cut of a fat mon ster and a disgracefully comic motto. Perhaps you aro slender I Then ho doe you up with a picture of a scrawny being and somo exceedingly thin rhymo. ' Maybe your hair isn't so luxurious as it once wasr Then lo plctorlally calls you bald head Perchauco you wear glasaoal You are pictured as "Old Specs." Away with this self supposed funny crea ture, who desecrates the day sacrtxl to amor ous rhyme aud languishing chromatlo lithog raphy! Let us none of hint Let all thin raeu, fat men, bald men, weak eyed men, economical men, all men, in fact, for all have irmTored, Join hi 0:11 grand cnisndo for tho ex termination of tho comic valentine llend. MAGAZINES AT CLUB RATES. Look nt the I.Ut. Tim publisher will eliib tho CAl'lTAt. City CoimiKit with any reputable pnpor, lurnlnli liiK two papers nt it very small advance over the prlco usually churned for one, ArrnuKo monts Imvo been mado to club with the fol IowIiik puhllcntlonst nitODi.Ait with ruiCK. count kii J.100 ft til Mil arm ft ii 4 no I W 4 (II II M 11 m 400 :i hi 4 no noo (100 ,iou :ioi n iu 4 wi llAlll'Klt'H MAOAKINK flOO llAHt'Klt'H WKKKl.r 4 (Kl ItAIII'KH'H IIAJIAAII..,,, 4 01) llAlll'Klt'H YOUNO 1'KOIM.K.,.. UNI CKNTtXlV MAOAXINK 4 (O Ht NlOIIOI.AH 3(10 WlllK AWAKK 2 41) HemuNKit'H maiiaxinr ... :i to A.MKItlOAN MAOAKI.NK 11 (K) Cosmopolitan a fin Dkmoiikht'h am I.Il'l'INCOTT'H a() Ht. I.ou!h MaoazInk u on "OurtNii" , a on l'UCK fiH) .ittixiK. .. noo outii'h Companion u no iiai.i.ou'hMaoaxi.nk a to HTirnin a no Ht'lKNTIKIO AMKIIIOAN . ,1 W HCtK.Nimo AMKIIIUAN HlTC- I't.KMKNT ft (10 llAIIVIIOOII 1 fit) AllTAMATKttll 4(0 ATI.ANTIC MONTIII.V I l) Taiii.kTai.k tot (lOOIlllOl'HKKKKI'lNO '2 M l'OUKHr ANIIHTIIIIAM.... 4 () liiuN. Y. Wkkki.v Woiti.l).. l O) NoTK-nubhlnK ratos similar to the above may nine bo had In connection with any of tlioothorlendliiKtiiiiRitr.liies and periodicals, Nli'itiiKlilp AKeney. If youcoiitetiiilato a trip to any Ktiropeun H)lnt or Intend brpiglng friends from any such point to America apply for rates and Information to Ueo. A. Forosiuuii, Ag't., IIS no luthst. not) a H) ft iw ft oo n o ,i ii n ii -jou ArllrlrK if Incorporation Made and adopted this tfith. tiny of Novem ber, In the year of our lArt! (inn tlinumuul elKht liuiidrod and eluhty.nluht, by and be tween Inline M. Hiivmonil. Lewis (Irt'tcory. Audrett H, llawyer. Hllus If. Ilitriiliain and M. Ii KitNtcrday, lucormirators, as follows, to wltt Article I. The inline of this corporation shall Iwtliu American KxcIiiiiiko Hank Articled Tlio prlnelpal place of trammel liiK the bUMlni'HH of this corporation shall be lit tho city of Lincoln, Iiueaster county, No briiKka. Attlelua. Tho Keneral nature of the busl- iicsh to ln traiiHitcted liv this corporation shall ho tho loaiiliiK upon npproved wcurltlcH oftho money, cither bcloiiuliiir to I he said corporation or entrusted to It for such pur pones nit incuts or hrokors, the receiving of moiiicM on tiepiiHii. tlio litiymil anil soiling or e.xehaiiKe, cola, bullion and iieKotloiinlilo pa- perofall Idnils, the muklmt of coIIccIIoiih, iho buyliiK, Hellliiff and holdlne of real estate, nnd generally niicIi other IiiihIiicss as Is iihii ally done by like itKHoelatloiiit. Article 4, The amount of capital stock shall bo oun hundred thiiiiHaud (ftno.onu) tlollars, which Khali be paid lu nt tho tlmo and upon the conditions followliiK, to wit: Fifty (50) ler cent of sitlil capital stock, iimouiitliii; to Fifty 'i'limmiiiid (fio.000.00) Dollars, shall bo paid In at the eoiiitiinncemunt of luiHlncN: and certificates of stock Issued for snine, ninl the balance of Ilfly per cent of sitld capital Htook shall bo liald when at such times an shall ho ordered by the directors of said cor (Miration. Anyono falling to pay his iikm-hs-inent within thirty (ftU) days after written notice, shall forfeit all future rlitht to do so. Hald stock shall be IhsiiimI In Hhcres of one hundred (100 00) dollars each, translorrnblo only on tho books of tho corporation and holders nro entitled to ono votoforcitch share held at all ineetliiKS of said corporation, or stockholders, which may bo cant cither lu erson or by written p roxy. Artlclori. Thotiinoof commencement of this corporation shall ho December 1st, A. I). ISSrt- unit Its termination shall bo December Ist.A.i). 1013. Article (I. The blithest amount of Indebted uesH or liability to which this corporation shall at any tlmo subject Itself shnll ho not mom than two-thirds of its capital stock ex cept for deposits. Article 7. At any regularly called meeting of the Htockholders, tho capital stock of tho association mav bo Increased to two hundred thotlKitnd CJOO.dtO.OO) dollars. ArlloloH. Whenever an Increaso of stock shall ho determined upon, In accordance with article 7, It shall bo tho duty of thn directors tocnusu all stockholders to I mi not I Mod there of In writing. Hitch stockholders Hhall be en titled to shares of the now stock In propor tion to the number of shares ho nlrecdy owns, hut If any stockholder falls to subscribe und pay for said stock for tho space or thirty (110) days, bis rluht to tho new stock shall ho waived, and the board or directors shall do termlno what disposition shall bo mado of the same. Article t). Tho olllcers by whom tlio affairs of this corjvorutlon are to bo conducted shall lien president, a vice-president, a citKhlur, an usNlxtitntcuMhirr, and live or morn directors. Article 10. Tho prt'Hldciit shall hold his olllco for tho year for which tho directors of which ho slinll bo a member nro elected, and until his successor Is elected. Iho olllcers hall bo elected and perform such duties ns mav be prescribed In the by-laws ndopted by said corporation Article II. These Incorporatorsshall ho thn directors till thp llrst aiiiiual meelliu; of thn stockholders ThcKourtlcles may boaiiicndod nt any mectliik' of tho stockholders by a two thirds vote. In witness whereof, the said Isaac M. Hay mend, U'wIsdrcKory, Andrew .1. Hawycr, HI lasll. Hurnliain.aiid M. L. Knsteinlay havo hereunto Hiihocrlhcd their iinino as lncorior liters, this 1Mb day of November, A. D. JrNt. In presencoof J. M. Iletts. ........ IHAACM.HAYMOND SILAS II. liUllNIIA.M, MlONKli LKWIH (lltnoOUY, 1 ' A..I.HAWYKH, M. L. HAHTKUDAY. HTATF.OFNF.MtAHKA (Krt LANOAHTKIl COUNTY I""' On this 15th day of November, A. I), lww, before mo, tho undersigned, a notary public, duly commissioned and qualified for, and re sldlnglntho said county, personally came Isuuo M. ltnymond, I-ews Gregory, Andrew J. Sawyer, Hllus II. llurnham and M. L Kasterdav, to mo known to bo thn Identical porno ns whoso names aro subscribed to tho foregoing Instrument as liieordorators, nnd they severally acknowledge tho execution of said Instrument to bo their v rlei.,1 In witness whereof, I bavo hereunto set my hand and ntllxril my olllclal seal tho tlay and year last abovo written. (hkai. J.M. IIktth, Notary Public. l-ai-4t Notice of Incorporation, Numo of Corporation: Lincoln Havings Hank, and Hufe Deposit Pompnnv. Place of Iluslncs: Lincoln, Ncbrnskn. Naturuof lluslncss to bo transuded: Hecclvlng money on deposit aud paying In terest oh tho slime; routing boxes In vaults of tho bank, and n general Havings Hank and Hafo Deposit business. Amount of Capital Htock authorized and time and conditions on which It Is to tio paid In : Capital Stock 12W.0U0 In Hhares offftsi each. To bo paid In, ton per cent at 'late of subscrip tion and tho remainder when called for by tho Hoard of Directors. Time of Commencement and Termination of Corporutlon. Commenced. Novwnbor 10th, 1SH8, and ex pires November loth, IIUS. lndebtottnoi: Highest Amount of Indebted- ness or Liability to which tho Corporation Is at any Time to HuhjHct Itself: Not to o.xceetl SiVM) at any tlmo, except In debtedness to Its depositors anil for money borrowed to pay Its depositors lu ease of an emergency, fly What Olllcers the A flairs of tho Corpora tion aro to bo Conducted: lly a Hoard of Directors con luting of nine (0) stock holders. Tho olllcers to comprise a President, Vlcc-1'resldcnt, Hecrotary and Treasurer. I-aO-It. Sheriff Bute. Notice Is herebv itlvcn that by virtue of an execution Issued by the Clerk of tho District Court oftheHecoud Judicial District of Ne braska, within and for Uincaster County, lu an action wherein (. K. Hector Is Hainan, aud John Kucoru Is Defendant, I will nt i o'clock 1', M., on tho 4th day of Mnrch, A. D. IHMl, at the front entrance to the District Court rooms lu tho City of Lincoln, Lanoanter County Nebraska, oiler for sale at public mic tion tho following described real estate, to wit: IxitNo. seventeen (17), Block No. four, (4), in Irvjnes Second addition to Lincoln, Idtn coster County, Ncbranka. uiven tiiiuer my iiumi tins tit nay ui jau- voluntary act and U'l 1HHU, 5t H. M. MKLICK.Hherirr. THE DRY GOODS CLERK.- Jioland Itwd'a great Dudo Song, as sung in his laughing success " Oheek." pH Arr. by MAX FEHRMANN. Tempo di Valte. Wordn and Muslo by JOHN do ' "'" " I " ' " Fffj WITT. &iigiaiii U- ij U- -J" ' iSiiiSi! Bummer Irj 1. I 2. The 8. Last 5fe work lu an up town !a dim thoy como from I took a va dry far CA goods and storo, near, tlon, m m jfcjSU m Uo hind (no rlb-bon coun-tor I To buy all their dry goods from 1 wont to a largo o ccan ho Elg.F stand, My ttio i,n Somo- tol, Tho && X$2$-7Z 3 ES5G y- r--r .PISI m 0 E -rJ- coun tor Is near tho times I gUncoely-ly and poo . plo eatd, " Ilo'n an a b1(( front door, whisper, " My dear," rl to cntt," And cur goods aro tho boat In tho Whllo thoy say," Ho'a on sweet as can Whilo tho frlrlfl said," Wo know ho'a a land (Bpoktn.) bo." n well.". ...... i--i1 tt &X- -! aa -- r- onojius. Plgp tfap r- I atnnd In on up town storo, I'to been In the busl-nrm bo foro, I'm a fekkrplyt 3Pr- fsf4-J-- i r ' I J -; EE SE m f-if r J,'J,ir r r-t-p-p-M i goodjudgoof col - ore, Know how to mako crul-brs, And the girls, well, I aim ply a dors. fWPWIP -r-$r 1TV -ir-r him g :Sx at -M X X- 5t5F f U 4 w -- Spoken apter FinsT Versb. What ia it, Madam ? Stockings ? Right this way solid colors ? Fifty cents a pair two pairs ? Ono dollar, plcaso cash I fourtcon I Hurry cash I Am a judgo of colors ? I should think so, for Cliorua: Spoken after Second Verse. Yes, thoy say, "I'm real cuto," and thoy always como to mo for tho latest cooking rccoipt, or to And out what kind of dresses woro worn at tho last ball. IIow can 1 toll tho stylo ? becauso Chorus: Spoken aimer Third Versu. Oh I I was having a really lovoly timo for Ma brought mo ovor fourtcon pairs of kid glovos from Paris, thrco diamond Btuds, and tho loveliest lot of Itoman Bcarfs you over Eaw, and no ono suspected I ovor worked, whon ono day I unfortunately got into an nrgumont with Floronco and somo of tho girls about tho color of a ribbon, and I said, it's bluo thoy said, it'g black ; and I said I know it's bluo, for Chorus: AmoioAy Puns Aisocutiom, New Yook. Copyright, 1889, by John Do Witt. A New Piece of Music APPEARS ON THIS PAGE EVERY WEEK. P 'amz&n FINE ART : STUDIO 1214 O street fixamlnc samples jrJerlnc elsewhere. Cabinet Photographs $3 per dozen of odr work before reduced from $4 to South flEFFLEY & SONtTvU, yMyJy 134 South 12th St., -i" - l- --Wfc-.Tu '-",.