Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, February 02, 1889, Page 4, Image 4

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rv-..ayjaaj) tv '
'!P&,gtri l
t "T'V'VH
tv. 1 iP.'JHijwrjWf3rTtWF'" j
A Great Offer !
Br rUI axrantamant with ths rnMlahr.w ar
nabUil tonlTrthnUrIUtirTwtnlr Valuktil Hook
nomarMxl n. leacrllil Mow, abiMutHtrt to
wbotrlbor to thl prr for th ntulni jtr, at th
rocultr auUeMptlon prlc. Tha book, eh on ot
which contain a rom-tt flm-el not l or nthr work
bra wall known and Koimtar author, r rahllt)il In
l pktnphUt form, prlnlo.1 from too( ribl trp
on kooI pkpor, ami nunr of thm likmlionttlr uiuttrauj.
Tn7fomrnaom 01 in nntu wnrsi vrprwric
Afn nt .ho tatat tnl mAII nAmllaP artltar. h
Amartr and Kurop. Kach on It conipUt In IUlf I
H. It. Thn Aunt Moaalr llwnank PrlS4ttitt
t"T Wimw ronorr larM," Out ! ma hillnl boet
at.frwi.a4-failr aaaal I in hmnprJKUior,"fflJw
K. I. HUafc !lanl' AArnlarla Jw Ytr,
Ik llr f '111 Miaa Siiaaaaa raaaaa." rlll
ftaf allaatla, laMkakl laeU.ata tail rldlialoa aarapat.
A raal hawaraua lok.
H. 111. Irftol Kllflll i now t nT .!
ncitTT. A II Manual for laitl.a ll f alltman, filial
laarormlral.! ilipotil for til tatlaaa, accillf
taaalarttataal .....
Wa.lll. (iMtltTcr Trarrl. Tkrmik.ll.Ttr
f Uml Oilimr ana IK I.llllillai tal A
ll.aj.nt weik-IkU ttiaanljr Hiir.a.llll;n, ...
Ho. It. Til I1!1 Malarol llialory. Ooalalalaf
lal.rwll.-it..nlMI., rrnr"t llltrWa riar-
bum, blrJi, taptllaa, " aad latxta, wllk math tarts
lbrmallaraarlln( IbMrllfaaBctbablli.!. Moifrn HMllollaoa. A lari Mitaftlan f U
CMI pipatar raallalUaa, la pr l , ' '' IT
alalMtluiWakialar. ...,
K. Ha, Matwa' Hat toe A Waral. r II. Bidu
it" Ml".' witl rlawfra. AHatal.
Ka.Mt. TkMnka)n('Crlwt. A Natal. Hxlloaitia
N"'N.,TtthRirr. AHaT.1. HrRrtvtiiviO,!.
Ho, lit, HMprrlat o, T Liaataova art. A
Hatal. M, T. flitaoa. ... ... . , .
Na.MT. Tb Mlaitfatr f JHn Nlehol. A
llattl. BfWoaaat JriaHTtato,
Na. III. TwaKfaara. A Matal. Pr Iba aalbor af "Dor
11rsTtM. HtM4 trn tb MTaUr. AMtttt. VUIM
Mf tort
K,iat. I M. Mr-two. A Kotal. Vf MT Can
K. III. A Vbad IIrla. A Matal. Pf Wr.
Aaaia Itowtana. . .
Na.111. .Claaila aad Maaakla. A Ntal. CaiLl
"H'tM. Tfca Drm Waa. A Hml. r Wiiim
No. in, Hotr CIIU' Jarar A Knt.
Kl" V' MHudwUk' HUaL AXatal l7 Mr.
Caaat WB.
ISf Soml In vottr ulucrlptloit nt uncc
nntl remember In doing o now on gut the
Capital Citv Couuikm one )cnr nntl
nil the nbovo book for only j.oo.
Uurr lllock.
2 Missoup Valley Fuel Co. (4
Hell tho tHt quality ct llnnl mid Bft
Satisfaction Gunrnntccd.
RlclmnU' lllock, cor. nth nndO. g
r ,'
Trousers made to order
for $5.
There a barren offering
of shoe-worn lots; they're
produced by Nicoll through
the best home makers of
The same quality in many
stores will cost you two or
three times the priceof these.
The designs arc taking
and not shown elsewhere;
stylish, and the quality we
will guarantee to wear
As to profit, there's little
in these for us today; of
trade there's a good deal,
and that's as well worth
It'll make the dull months
brisk; dressy men will be
proud of these $5 to mens
We'll make a hundred
pairs or more a day. .
Full value and good will
be in these $5 Trousers to
1400 Douglas Street, Omaha
A M)ii(M,t;)rro'i)(fni 7VmM.
4i'inciiirf iumi On YfAr liy Mfttt or C'Arrlor H,00
Six mouth, $1,00, Throo monllw 60 CenU, On
month ) OctiU InrArAlitjr In AiItaiicp.
MiVKiiTiiwitifr! Ilrttr'A Aimtnhnt on mnill tln
Atthaoflkii. HihwIaI rntiM on Tlmn Couirn tit.
'CowrnnunioNHi Short "ijlcy kotclv, ixx'ini ntnl
nturlni nollrllcil. IVmoiml ftint HkIa1 iioton itru
nxclnllr ilralrnhlc.
PitiKTitnt Wo innko a ticllty of Klnr) l'rlnthiR
In nil IU liritiohiH. Hiulnlr work a spocUUy
Aililrnt nil onmmiimcntlonH illroetto thn onlcp.
WliCSMttL, Pkintinq Co.,
Now Uurr llloclc, Cor. mh nntl O Htrcptn.
It, Wkhhkl, Jn., Alitor nml Solo PioprloUir.
Tim Couhikii will not Ih rontioiiHllilo for
nny ilohU iitnito by nny ono In lUt itnino, tut-
hi it written order nccoinitnnlos tho iwmo,
projiorly signed.
Ii. Wkhhkl, Jr., l'roji'r.
It ih minonsl on tho qulot In jwlltlcnl cir
cles, notwItlmtniidliiB a llttlo enrly tut yet, thnt
tho Hon. I. M. Hnyinond In to lio a cnndldnto
for Rovernor next torm. No liettor man for
tho ilneo could tw found mid iiHIioukIi a llttlo
provlou In tho Kittno, tho Couhikii would llko
to wo lUi corjiulont friend In tho oxecutlvo
ciiuir mm uoihh no win kui wrtu.
Tub Couhikii tleslrcs to Inform IU renders
mid tho vuhllo KoitPrnlly tlmt, having Just
otvoiuil an engiAvliiR ilennrtinone In connec
tion with tho ollleo, wo Itnvo nil necewwry
fncltltlM tonrosccuta this crent nrt. Jlono-
grnini, Autographs and nil lino engraving re
ceive prompt and iiireful attention. Cuts of
buildings, lAntlcnK, ibttent tlrnwlngs, mid
nil kinds of designing promptly furnished.
In tiik Hotiato thcro Is no more faithful
worker for his county or tho sUtto than Hon.
V, T. Hansom, of Otoo. Tho several bills ho
has Introduced, some of which bnvo already
Hiwed both houses, show blni to Imj n most
careful nnd Bhrowd thlnkur, a clover lnw
niakor and mi nblo oxiwuont of public jintleo.
Otoo certainly Is well represented In tho legls.
lAturo, having two of tho most prominent
figures on dock, i. o. Senator Runsoiu mid
8Kakor Watson, and she Is to bo congratu
lated on her success.
Tub Counien, unllko its contemporaries, Is
not given to brag and bluster. Its progress Is
nottcablo In every Issuo and, from its healthy
advertising pntronngo, our friends can best
Jbo.Im aI fA fcMA-hanomlV t. ok I a a 4 anBOdtAA t aa
flU,IMv ,UI I'lllH;1 tt V Ullll MJ UIOTUII.U
clean spicy puer, ireo irom sonsaiionai una
other matter that Is not calculated to lieueflt
tho youth of tho household or provo Intercut
Ing to lte hundreds of fair readers. We aro
pleased to note tho generous approval shown
our efforts mid trust Tiik Couiiikr may over
hold tho warm esteem In tho households of
tho city mid stato that It now enjoys.
It lieglns to look ns though dear old, good
old Nebriutkn Is about to fall Into lino with
horuelghbor states, Kansas mid Iowa, In tho
matter of prohibition. Well, It has boon n
long tlmo'couilug, but If cotr.o it must, why,
let us on with it nnd bring up another subject,
l'rohtbltlou has been n contial figure In ovory
political moasttru for several years itst mid
tho people nro tiring of tho ifuwl mid nro now
looking townrtl a relief and though it may
not Ihi altogether satisfactory, an end to th'o
monotonous cry for reform will Ihi generally
Tiik advlco Dr. Miller gave tho young
OmahnAn Saturday night to get married
should bear good fruit. It's no excuse, boys,
that loap year lias Just ended leaving you "in
the soup." Draco up, tako some bright-oyed,
rosy checked, dimpled darling belonging to
your set, mid there aro plenty of them, tell
her how you have loved her lo these sovcral
days, get mnrried, inovo into a tasty llttlo
cottago out In tho suburbs somowhoro and
begin to boom Omaha. You aro not doing
yourself or any one elso any particular good
by remaining single. Omaha Jitjmblican.
Nkxt Wednesday Is Uio anniversary of our
beloved "old Abo," and to commemorate tho
occasion, tho CouiUKll Is preparing sovoral
oxcellent articles, all of which will Im hand
somely illustrated. Among them will bo
found a very Interesting reminiscence of Lin
coln, in 1800, ouiliodylng his humor and
homely philosophy in tho campaign, election
night, painful nows from Washington, tho
first bad nows from South Carolina, etc
With this is givon a full length picture of tho
martyred president, also portraits, true to
nature, of Stephen A. Douglas, Lincoln's
birthplace, Leonard Swett and othors. Tho
matter will occupy six columns and bo neatly
gotten up and entirely original. It should be
read by everyone in tho city. It Is from tho
life of such nobles thnt wo can learn much
and parents cannot placo before tho rising
(feneration anything hotter as solid and enter
tabling material for thought.
"IIxna; or, Tiik BNOwninD," Is ono of
Mrs. Caroline Lee HenU's most popular copy
right novels and Is issued this day by her pub
lishers, T. D. Peterson & Brothers, Fhilodol
phla, In uniform stylo with ber "Marcus
Warland," to sell at the unprecedented low
price of twenty-live cents a copy, retail
"lions," is one of tho most popular und enter
tainlr'j novels ever written by Mrs. Hentx,
and lias never before boon published or sold
under one dollar and a half a copy. This edi
tion is published for tho mosses, and it Is for
the benefit of all those who doslro to read the
works of this pure, exciting and eminent
author, but care not to buy the One cloth
edition. It U one of the best, largest and
cheapest books for the price ever published,
mi It will command on enormous sale. It
will be found for tale by mil news agent or
eofts will be seat per mall, everywhere, on
rewbHUng price to the publishers,
film Alan Trlt Hnmotliln; About thn Drr
flmid Hhn flaw on tlrctint Kiettralon.
Homo Trn Drraar and lull Coatumo
Tlint Aro I'orfrrtly ISntrnnrlns;,
Bst'lnl Correponilonco.
Nkw Yoiik. Jnn. 01. Tho past wook
lina Ih'cii linrtl for tho ncnrclior for now
things, for uvcry lionso lina Its specialty
In stylo of patterns, goodn or customers,
so that it would novor do to miss ono
Bolltnry "opening," nntl opening In Now
York huiKiingo means n jam, 11 crush, n
squeeze ntnl a sorotigo nil boiled down
nntl condensed Into nlmoluto HtiiToring.
Words ctttinot oxprcHS tho tmplpusiiiitiiuss
of tho cITort to got night of tli "now
dress goodtt" cotmtora In our Inrgest
stores. Tho compact mass of womon In
front, on liotli sides nnd behind, nntl
end 1 0110 wearing somo tUITuront per
fiimo, nntl each ono Intent on reaching
that counter, no matter who oulTers,
tiinkcB locnmotlon moro tUfllcult than
Rtormltig a fortretw. t thought, after tho
bnttlo of ptislilng womon with nggrcsslvo
parasols nntl obstreperous boot heels,
thnt 1. nt least, should not linvo mi(Tcrod
much worso had 1 been In nn actual
storming party but I saw'tho stylcsl
Ah, wliat a sigh of solid satisfaction
heaves my womanly
breast when I remem
ber that I saw thoso
now Rtyles beforo thoy
wore nil pulled nnd
hauled nbout and
bought by that
army or women
on h ti 111 in o r
Iroaanu Inlnnl
and 1 mentally dhessino.
exulted In my
small boy's sentiment as ho remarked on
my return; "Thero aro no (lies on you,
mamma." I had "got the.-o' on thno,
had seen tho now summer silks and
golton homo nllvo, nnd. ns ho remarked,
there wcro no files on mo. Tlioy would
cortninly have been smashed up to infin
itesimal atoms had thoy boon in such a
For any ono who lives out of a largo
city such a sight ns an enormous storo,
occupying half a block, so jammed and
packed with eager buyers, would seem
to bo Impossible but this very thing In
repeated In every largo dry goods Btore
In tho city on opening days.
Tho dancing season will rcvivo again
after Lent, nnd many of tho novelties nro
for such occasions, and it requires n mind
closed to artistic beauty that can pass
thoso lovely dresses without mention.
Thoy nro arranged so thnt the brocaded
silk forms a court train and the front in
a confused mass of tulle or silk not, r
silk muslin, and nt tho sldo tho masses of
goods nro gathered together with great
bunches of water lilies with transparent
green trailing grasses tin Inch wide. Tho
pink nntl silver brocades nnd pink ot
green tullo go together: palo electric nnd
moonlight bluo and silver also liavo their
heavy luinuhes of pond lilies: thodelicnto
silvery greens also nro made in tho samo
way, nntl these graceful bunches of trail
ing lilies form appropriate garniture.
Pino white and cteani whlto tullo, and
white und silver brocade, nro often
trimmed with great masses of blush
rosea nnd vines, or even jack roses, cloth
of gold, or tea roses. Other (lowers nro
occasionally rccii, but nil nro massed in
largo loose bunches, nnd a largo flat
bouquet is frequently placed on tho loft
shoulder. Sometif tho tullodresscs havo
bunches of three ostrich tips placed hero
and thero. Fans for theso costumes nro
of gauzo stretched over mother of pearl
sticks, or real lace, or ostrich plumes.
Ono peculiar ball dress is mado up
with a striped front, with pink nnd
silver stripes, tho pink ones being moire.
Around tho bottom aro sown two bands
of black velvet ribbon. Across tho front
and down tho sides Is a puffed drapery
of whlto tulle, Tho corsago is of pink
molro draped with tullo. Tho train is
formed of two brcadtlis of molro, over
which is tacked n whlto laco shawl,
which Is fastened at the shoulders and
on each side with close bunches of pink
rose buds. Larger bunches aro at the
idea. A full boa of black laco is worn
about the throat Thi costiuno affords
a very pretty means of utilizing a lace
shawl, whether black or white. Very
many ladle have shawls which have
lain by many years "out of fashion,"
which make elegant additions to toilets
like this. China crap shawls also can
;l o y
in ll
'I o
' 0
1 ivslIV
bo used a draperies and aro aiwaya
The moire or brocade for evening
dresses can cost (30 n yard if desired,
but I saw some pink nnd whlto, blue nnd
whlto, white und gold color and many
other lovely patterns quite hundsomo
onotigh for grand occasions for $1 25 a
yard yesterday Mndo up with tullo or
net, thoy look every whit tut rich .is tho
others. One ptiro whlto brocudt' was
perfectly bt'iiutlfuL Thoy can even Iw
bought cht'tiiier in a week or so, ns thoy
will be then "broken lots."
For young ladles who want only one
party dress, and that also to bo one
which thoy can wear afternoons us well
lis evenings, cashmere, veiling or silk
warp heiirlettas aro tho most sultnblo
and valuable material to uso. Cashmcro
In lino qualities costM about 75 cents, and
eight yartls is an abundant quantity, A
llttlo India hIIIc, stirnli orcropo do chine
mnkt's tho trimming, with n yard or bo
of luce nntl a fow Ikjws of ribbon. Ten
dollnrs will buy everything for such n
dress, nnd n pattern, such ns can be
easily procured, will help the young girl
to obtain a costume as dainty mid be
coming as could' bo found.
The new India silks nro now in such
oxqtiislto colors and delicate patterns
that thoy are moro desirable than over
before, Thoy cost from 75 cents to $1
per yard, und it would require full fif
teen yartls for an entire dress, us it is but
twenty-four Inches wido, while tin; wool
goods tiro forty-four to llfty-four inches
Dresses for homo mado of India silk
aro mostly mado in ICtnpIro style, or in
Boino rather plain manner. Ribbons,
nntl bands of plush or velvet, nro often
used to trim them, but thoy aro really
far prettier and more elegant qulto plain.
Bkirtsuro folded innt tho top and over
handed on to tho waist In tho old stylo
in tho most of tho homo dresses, in all
of them In fact, where it can bo dono.
Tho ginghams nnd sateens show now
beauties with ovory now opening, tho
exquisitely soft and Inco effects being tho
most sought for. Tho delicate tints nro
harmonious nnd attract by their rellno
ment, while what goods thcro uro in
dcopcr colorings are rendered beautiful
by tho peculiarities of their patterns.
Thus fnr, ginghams, plaid, striped nnd
laco elTccts, sateens, colored piques,
chnlllcs moussellue do Initios and soft
chnlllo silk und India silks aro tho
chosen summer good, to tho exclusion
of percales t r worked in tills of former
seasons, tlicro will Ih. of courso, many
whito muslin negligees nnd ether white
dresses and somo whlto Inco dresses, but
thin, washablo goods will bo couilncd to
tho lovely laco stripe ginghams.
Ono of the prettiest houso dresses for a
young girl that 1 havo seen this season
has tho back cut like a rodlngoto, and is
of dovo gray cashmere Thero are thrco
large crochottcd buttons set on each sldo
just back of the hips. Tho front opens
over nn accordion pleating of cream
white China crape, and down each sldo
from nock to feet is a bund of cream
whito felt braided with silver cord. Tho
alcoves aro lltiwing and open slightly
over crepo bishop sleeves, nntl u full vest
fills in tho front Tho pointed collar and
pointed girdlo aro both braided with
silver cord, and six more crochet buttons
decorato tho waist of tho rcdlngoto.
Hair dressing has undcrgono qulto a
chango, and that suddenly. Tho old
fashioned chatclalno braids aro often
seen, and whllo somo dress their hair
very high on tho head, tho majority
spread it out moro all over tho head, and
llttlo curls, thick and natural, peep out
among the puffs and braids along tho
back of tho nock nnd behind tho cars.
For evening loose braids or long
twisted loops twined with small flowers
aro very fashionablo for young ludics,
whllo elder ones havo joweled pins and
Btars hero nnd there, as well as flowers.
Fillets and Grecian effects nro nUo Been.
For bridal coiffure nothing could bo
moro charming than the ono given with
this letter, nnd which shows a cloft
spray of ornngo blossoms set in nmong
tho puffs upon the top of the head. Tho
hair is not brought down so low over tho
forehead, and scarcely ever is a young
lady seen now with her hair simply
The hair falling over tho brow Is
curled, and with thinner, more natural
effect Elderly ladles wear fronts which
wavo from tho art!ng with not more
than ono or two curls at tho middle.
Some affect tho Grecian knot low In the
nock, but It is becoming to but few.
Thcro wero many more things to say,
but liko tho Duchess, 1 shall have to con
tinue them in our next, hoping that the
readers will live through tho awful sus
pense, Oltvk Uabpks.
Etruscan gold balls, artistically studded
with red and blue enamel dot, make
tasty earring.
i Will
J Hie ill -
n.K. MOOItK, l'rcs.
1 1 1 South Tonth 8troot.
Capital, $200,000. Liability of Stockholders, $400,000.
INTKKKHT Paid on Deposits nt the rato of 6 or cent per nnnum for all
full calendar months.
Money Lonnoil on Itcnl Kstato and Collsternl.
John PIlfRomlil, K. K. Ilrown, John It. Clark, J. McConnlir, V. M. Hall, Cnl Thompson,
A. H. Itiiyiiioiiti, J. .!. Imlioir, Dnvlil ltcmlok, (I. M, Lambertson, t.. Meyer, 0. K. Ynteir,
K. K. Hajilon. U.K. Moore, T. K Calvert, J. V. Deweese, J. V. Ilowmnn. Clint.
llnuimonil, K, Mnney, .1. 1). Mnefarlanil, Joopli Wlttmon, It. U Hinttli,
0. II. Imlioir,
that Is the very embodiment of ease nnd luxury; a friendly game
of Whist, a choice volume from the well stocked library, n prom
cnadc from car to car (the handsome vestibule excluding all dust,
smoke, rain or wind, nnd thus rendering the promenade a de
lightful and novel pastime). A sumptuous mcnl that comes In
the nick of time, nnd "just strikes the spot." The quiet enjoyment of a fragrant Ha
vana In a chnrmlngly decorated nnd gorgeous smoking apartment, and finally a peace
ful sleep In a bed of snowy linen and downy softness. Such Is life on the "BUR
LINGTON" ROUTE. What other line or combination of lines can offer you these
advantages? NOT ONE. Please remember this when next you travel.
tjo CrpowJrSS xVjiV ty
Information of all kinds pertain
ing to Railroad or Ocean Steam
ship Tickets promptly answered.
G. W. IIOLDREGE, Gcn'l Mgr.,
J. FRANCIS, G. P. and T. A.,
too Engraved 100
popper Flat $250.
agcooci printing go., $urr glock.
Safe Deposit Company,
Will open for business nt tho lmnk room on tho comer of 1' nnd litis StMots,
Wednesday, January 2d, '89
Capital Stock $250,000.00.
Interest allowed on deposits of fl vo (0) por
ono dollar, nntl umvnrilH, received.
ino aaro lJepoMi vaults provldo a placo or safe keopitiK for money, Jewelry, gold ai
sllvorwaro, valuable papers, tltlo deeds, inortcancB, nnd valuables ornny description. 1'e
oet scour ty airalnst burnlnr nnd Uro. Hares rented at moderate rentuls, from 15 unwurii
paco In lira proor storago vaults for rout nt rensonnblo rental.
Tlio Safe Deposit Vaults provldo a placo or
President and Manager.
The Only Authorized Agent in Lincoln.
V. Pro.
0. II. IMHOPP.Cashlor.
My superior advantages enable mc to
ticket to and from Europe at the lowest rates,
and to secure desirable cabins In advance of
sailings. The generous patronage accorded
mc by prominent people of Omaha, Lincoln
and other Nebraska cities attest the popular
Ity of this ofllcc.
S- S As JC7
City Passenger
nnd Ticket Agt,
cont for nil full cnlondar months. Deposits of
safe keopltiK for money, Jewelry, gold and
VIco I'resldont
trl r
I '
,lf1f tilfc !! HA?, .aVJoLA. , .
linn niar,! t idijil
ii .",.., i, fc.lji, Af.
- MorthaMrtMltiw
' r MtaiMM. -