CAPITAL CITY COURIER, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1889. I tm f i , 1 M ! I SLANDKKS ANSWKKED. DR. TALMAGE REFUTES THE FALSE DOCTRINE8 OF ANTI-CHRISTIANS. A Few Words Tor tlio llcncflt of tlio Gno mic of i:vrncellni Tlio I'liicuo of Un belief Thnt li Now ltmti punt In tlio World Doctrines of llio Bcctn. BltooKLVN. Jan. 27. Tho Ilov Ur T. Do Witt Tuhnngo's sermon this morning was on "Slanders .Agnlnst Religion Answered.'' Ills toxt wasi "And I took tlio littlo book out of tlio angel's band, nml ato It up. and It was In my mouth sweet ns honey, ami as Boon as I had cnten It my belly was bitter. And ho Mild unto mo, Thou must prophesy again Iwforo many roples, nnd nations, and tongue and Lings." Ilov x, 10. II. Tho reverend gentleman saldt Domitlnu, tho lloiunn emperor, had In his realm u troublesome evangelist who would keep preaching, nnd so ho exiled him to a barren Island, as now tho Ilusslnns oxllo con victs to Siberia, or as sometimes tho English government used to send prisoners to Aus tralia. Tho Island I sjienk of is now called Fatmos, nnd is so barren and unproductive that Its inhabitants livo by fishing. Dut ono day tho ovnngollst of whom 1 tpenk. Kitting at tho mouth of a cavern on tho hill side, mill perhaps half asleep under tho dronoof tho sen, has a supernatural dream, and beforo him pass, as In panorama, tlmo and eternity Among tho strange things that ho saw was an angel with a littlo book In his hand, nnd in Ills dream tho ovang"llst asked for this littlo book, and tho angel gnvo it to him, and told him to cat it up As In a dream things aroBomotlmes Incongruous, tho ovnn gel 1st took tho littlo book and nto it up. Tho angel told him beforehand that It would bo very sweet In tho mouth, but afterward he would Ik troubled with Indigestion. Truo enough, tho ovnngollst devours tho book, nnd it becomes to htm nBwectness during tlio mas tication, but afterward a physical bitterness. Who tho angel was and wlrit tho book was no ono can tell. Tho commentntors do not ngrco, and I shall tako no responsibility of Interpretation, but will toll you thnt It sug gests to mo tho littlo book of creeds which skeptics tako and chow up and llnd n very luscious morsel to their witticism, but after a wlillo it Is to them a great distress. Tho angel of tho church hands out thin littlo book of ovnngcllsm, nnd tho antagonists of tho Christian church tako it and cat It up, nnd it makes them smllo nt first, but afterward it Is to them n dlro dysonsia. THE HCARONH WHY CltCEOS Attn s.T.Cr.8SAnY. All Intelligent pcoplo hnvo creeds that Is, favorite theories which thoylmo adopted. Political creeds that is, theories about tariff, about flnnneo, about civil scrvlco, about government. Social creeds thnt Is, theories about manners nnd customs and good neighborhood. .dZsthotleal creeds that Is, theories nlwut tajicstry, about bric-a-brac, about styles of ornamentation. Religious creeds that Ls, theories about the Deity, about tho soul, about tho great future. Tho only being who has no creed about anything is tho Idiot. This scolllng against creeds ls always n sign of profound Ignorance ou tho part of tho scoffer, for ho has himself n hun dred creeds in regard to other things. In our tlmo tho l)cllefs of ovnngclistlc churches aro under n fuslllado of caricature and misrepre sentation Men set up whnt thoy call ortho dox faith, and then they rako It with tho musketry of their denunciation. Thoy fnlslfy what tho Christian churches bo liovo. Thoy tako evangelical doctrines and set them In a harsh and repulsive way, and put them out of tho association with other truths. They aro lileo a mad anntoiuLst, who, desiring to tell w hat a man Is, dissects a human body and hangs up in ono placo tho heart, and In another placo tho two lungs, and In another placo an anklo liono, nnd says that is a man. Thoy aro only fragments of a man wrenched out of their Uod-nppolntcd places. Evangelical religion Is a healthy, symmet rical, well Jointed, roseate, Ixnmdlng llfo.nud tho scalpel and tho dissecting knife of tho In fldel or tho atheist cannot tell you what It Is. Evangelical religion is as different from what it is represented to tie by theso enemies as tho scarecrow w hlch a farmer pets in tho corn field to keep off tho rnvens Is different from tho fanner himself. For Instance, theso enemies of evangelism ay thnt tho Presbyterian church liollovea that Qod Is a snvago sovereign, and thnt ho mado sotno men Just to damn them, and that thcro aro infants in hell a span long. Theso old slanders como down from generation to Sonoration. Tho Presbyterian church ho oves no such thing, Tho Presbyterian church bolloves that Uod is a loving nnd Just sovereign, nnd that wo nro f reo ngcuts. "No, nol that cannot bo," say theso men who have cbowod up tho croed and havo tho consequent embittered stomachs. "Thnt Is Imposslblo; If God Isa sovereign, wo can't Ik freo ugents." Why, my friends, wo admit this In every otbor direction. I, Do Witt Tntmngo, am a freo citizen of Brooklyn. I go when I pleaso and I como when I please, but I havo at least four sovereigns. Tho church court of our denomination, that is my ecclesiastical sovereign Tlia mayor of this city, ho Is my municipal sovereign. Tho governor of Now York; ho Is my stato sovereign. Tho president of tho Unitod States, ho Is my national sovereign. Four sovereigns havo 1, and yet In every faculty of body, mind nnd soul I am a froo man. Bo, you sco, It Is possllilo that tho two doc trines go sido by side, and thcro is a common 6onso wny of presenting it, nnd (hero is n way that Is repulsive If you havo tho two doctrines In n worldly direction, why not in a religious direction! if I chooso to-morrow morning to walk into tho Mcrcautllo library and improve my mind, or to go through tho conservatory of my friend nt Jamaica, who lias flowers from nil lands growing under tho arches of glass, and who has an nquarlum nil asqulrm with trout nnd gold fish, and thcro aro trees bearing oranges nnd bananas if I want to go thcro, I could. 1 am freo to ga If I want to go over to Ilobokcn and leap Into a furnaco of an nil factory, if I want to Jump from tho platform of tlio Phila delphia express train, if 1 want to leap from Brooklyn brldgo, I may But supposo I should go to-morrow and leap Into tho fur naco at Iloboken, who would bo to hlamol Thnt is all there Isnhout sovereignty anil freo agency. Uod rules and reigns, nml ho has conservatories nnd ho has blast furunees. If you want fo walk In thognrdens, wulk thorn If you wact to leap in tho furnaces you may. BOMB UIMJONCEITIONS THAT W.I. MEN'S MINDS. Supposo now a man had a charmed Ley with which ho could open nil the Jails, nnd ho should oKn Raymond riticet Jail nnd tho Now York Tombs and ull tho pilsonscn tho continent, in three woeks whnt kind of a country would this bo all tholnmntosturnod out of tlioso prisons and icuitcuttarics. Sup poso all tho reprobates, tlio bad spirits, the outrageous spirits, should bo turned Into tho Now Jerusalem. Why, tho next morning the gates of iearl would bo found off hlugo, tho linchpin would bo gono out of tho chariot wheels, tho "house of mauy mansions" would bo burglarized. Assault nnd battery, arson, libertinism and assassination would rcsido in tb i capital of tho skies. Angels of Qod would bo insulted on tho streets. Heaven would bo a drnd failure, if thrro were no great lock up. If all people, without regard to their charac ter, w hen thoy Icavo this world, go right into glory, I wander If in thotcmploof tho skies Charles tlultoau and John Wilkes Booth occupy thosnmo powl Your common senso demand two destinies I And then as to tho Prtb)torlnn cliureh bellovlng t hero nro In fnuts in perdition, if you will bring liio n Presbyterian of good morals nnd sound mind who will nay that he bcUovcs there over was a baby In tho lost world, or over will Ik, I will mnko lilm n deed to tho house I llvo In, nnd ho ,nn tnko Kssosslon to-morrow. So tho episcopalian church ls misrepre sented by tho enemies of evangelism. Thoy say that church sulistltutes forms and cere monies for heart religion, and It (sail n mat ter of liturgy nnd genuflexion, l'nlso again. All Episcopalians will tell you thnt tho forms and creeds of their church nro worsothnn nothing unions tho heart go with them. So also the Baptist church has lccu mis represented. Tho enemies of evangelism sny tho Baptist church hcliovcM that unless a man Is Immersed ho w 111 ne er get into heaven. Falso again. All tlio llnptlMs, close com munion and open communion, believe thnt if n innn ncccpt the Ixird Jesus Christ ho will bo saved, whether ho bo tuiptlrcd by ono drop of water on tho forehead, or bo plunged Into tho Ohio or Susquehanna, although Immer sion ls tho only gate by w hlch one enters their earthly communion. Tho enemies of evangelism also misrepre sent tho Methodist church. They say the Methodist church bcllovcs that a man can convert himself, and thnt conversion in that church Is n toniorary emotion, nnd thnt all a man has to do Is to kneel down nt tho altar and feel bad and then tho minister pats him on tho back and says: "It is all right," and that is all there is of It, Fnlso again, Tho Methodist church believes that tho Holy Ghost nlono can convert n heart, and In that church conversion ls an carthmiuKo of con viction and n sunburst of pardon, And as to mere "teiniwrary emotion," 1 wish wo all had moro of tho "temporary emotion" which lasted Bishop Janes and Matthew Simpson for ii hnlf century, keeping them on lire for God until their holy enthusiasm consumed their bodies. IT 13 THK IU.NOIIA.NT MAN WHO UISnUMEVDi. So all tho evangelical denominations nro misrepresented. And then these enemies of evangelism go ou and hold up tho great doc trines of Christian churches as absurd, dry and luoxpllcnblo technicalities. "Thcro U your doctrine- of tho Ti Inlty," they say. "Ab surd beyond nil bounds. Tho Idea that thcro ls a God in thrco persons. luiiosslblo. If it is ono God ho can't bo three, and If there nro threo thoy can't bo one," At the samo tlmo nil of us thoy with us acknowledge trini ties all around us. Trinity In our own uiako uj body, mind, soul. Body with which wo move, mind with which wo think, soul with which wo love. Threo, yet ono man Trinity in the air light, heat, moisture- jet ono at mosphere. Trinity In tho court loom threo Judges on tlio liencli, liut ono court trini ties nil nrouud about us, In earthly govern ment nnd in nature. Of course, nil tho Illustrations uio defective for tho lensou that tho natural cannot fully Illustrate tlio spirit ual. But supjioso nu Ignorant man should como up to n chemist und say t "I deny whnt you sny uliout tho water and about tho air; they aro not nuidoof different parts. Tlio nil" is one, 1 breutho it every day. 'i ho w ater U ono, 1 drink It every day You can't de ceive mo alxiiit tho elements that go to make up tho air und the water." Tho chemist would say: "You como up Into my labora tory and I will demoustrato this whole thing to you." Tho Ignorant man goes Into the chemist's laboratory, nnd sees for himself. He learns that tho water ls one nnd tlio air is ono, but the made up of dlfferiut xir's. So hero is n man whosajs: "1 can't tiudci stand tho doctrine of ho Trinity." (Jodsnys: "You como up heio Into tho laboratory ufter your death, nnd you will sco you will sco It ex plained, )ou will boo it demonstrated." Tho Ignorant man cannot understuud tho chem istry of tho watvr and tlio air until ho goes Into tho laboratory, and wo will never under stand the Trinity until wo go into heaven. Tho Ignorance uf the man who cannot under stand tho chemistry of the air and water does not cbnngi tho fact In regard to tho compo sition of air and water. Because wo cannot understand the Trinity, does that change tho fact? "And there is j our absurd doctrine about Justification by faith," say theso antago nists who hnvo chewed up tho littlo book of evangelism, and hno tho consequent embittered stomnch "justification by faith; you can't explain It," 1 can explain it. It is simply this: when a man takes tho Lord Jesus Christ as his Saviour from sin, God lots tho offender off. Just as you hnvo n differ ence with somo ono, ho tins Injured you, ho apologizes, or ho makes lepuratlou, )ou say: "Now, that's all right, that's nil right." Justification by faith Is this: a man takes Jesus Christ as his Saviour, nnd Uod says to tho innn; "Now It was oil wrong beforo, but It U all right now, it Is nil right." That was what mado Martiu Luther what ho was. Justification by Is going to conquer all nations. "Thcro Is your absurd doctrlno about re generation," theso antagonists of evangelism sny. What Is regeneration Why, regen eration Is reconstruction. An) body can un derstand that, Havo you not seen jiooplo who are nil mado oer ngaln by somo won derful liillucueef In other words, they aro Just as different now from w hat thoy used to bo as (Misslblo, Tho old Constellation, man-of-war, lay down heiont tho Brooklyn nnvy yard. I'linilne came to Ireland Tho old Constellation was fitted up, nnd though it had been carrying guiioudcr und bullets, it took bread to li eland. You rcmt'inlxr tho enthusiasm as the old Constellation went out of our harbor, and with what Joy It was greeted by tho famishing nation on tho other sido tho sea. That is regeneration A man loaded up with sin und death loaded up with llfo. Ilellttod, Your obtcrntlon has been very small, Indeed, If you huvo not seen changes In character as radical us that, AN IU.USTKATION WITH A UOIIAU A man camo into this church one night, and ho was Intoxicated, and at an iittcrancoof tho pulpit he said In u sutxluod touo. "That's n Ho I" An officer of tho church tapjied him en tho shoulder and said, "You must lie slleut, or you mustgooiit." Tho next night that stranger camo and he was converted to God Ho war in tho liquor business. Ho re signed tho imsincss The next da) he bent back tho samples that hud Just liccii sent him. Ho began to lovo that which ho hated. 1 baptized him by Immersion In tho buptlstiy under this platform A largo sj hi r) was of fered him If ho would letuiu to his foruur business. Ho declined It He would rather suffer with Jesus Christ than be piosx.icd in tho world He wrote home a letter to his Christian mother Tho Christian mother wioto back, congratulating lilm, and wild "If In thu chiingo of your business )ou huvo lack of menus, como homo, you mo always welcome homo." Ho told of hi. can version to a dissolute companion. Tho dissolute com panioii said "Well, If you huvo become n Cliilstimi, ou had Utter go over und talk to that d) lug gii I She is dylm; w It li quick con sumption In thnt house." The new convert went theie. All tho surroundings were dis solute. Ho told tho dying gill Unit Jesus would save her. "Oh," wild she, "that can't be, that can't bo! Whut mukc you think sof "1 havo it bciu In a book In my jiocket," he replied. Uo pulled out a New Testament. Sho said I "Show it to mo; if I can bo saved show it to mo lu thnt book." Ho soldi "I havo neg lected this Isjok as you hnvo neglected it for many ) ems, and I don't know where to llnd It; but I know it Is soiuowhcro between the lids." Then ho licgnn to turn over tho leave, and strango and knutlful to say, his eye struck upon this iwu-sngot "Neither do I con demn thee; go nnd sin no inoic" Shosnldt "U Isn't possible that Is therol" "Yes." ho said, "that Is thcte." He hildltiipbofoiohi.rdylng eyes, and she snldi "Oh, yes, I seo It for my self; I accept tho promise: 'Neither do I con demn thee; go and sin no more. " In a few hours her spirit sjicd nwoy to tho Iird that gave it, and the now convert picaihcdtho funeral sermon. The iiinuwhou few da)i beforo had licvn a blasphemer nml udiunknrd and n hater of all that was good, ho pi cached the sermon. That Is icucuciutloii, that la regeneration! If there are any dry husks of technicality In that, where me the) I All mado over again by tlio power of thogrnea of God. A fow venrs agon ship captain camo in hero nnd sat ) onder under tho gallery. Ho camo In with u contempt fur thochuich of God and with nu csjicciiil dislike for Tab mngo. When nu optortunlty was given he arose for pru)cr, and as he was more than six feet high, w lien ho ni-oso for prayer no ono doubted that ho tircMil That hour ho lie came n Chi 1st Ian, Ho went out nnd told thu shlpowneis nnd tho ship commanders what a great change had been wrought In lilm, and scores mid scoies have been brought to God through his instrumentality A littlo wlillo after his conversion ho was on ship off Cape Hatteias In a thick and prolonged fog, and they were nt their wits' ends und know not w hut to do, the ship drift ing about hither nml thither, mid thoy lost their bearings, and the converted son captain went to his room mid nsked God for tho sal vutlon of the ship, and God revealed It to him while ho was on his knees that at a cer tain hour, only u little way off, tho fog would lift, and tho converted ben captain camo out on tho deck and told how Uod hi aid till praycis. Ho said. "It Is nil right, bo)s, very soon now the fog will lift," mentioning tho hour. A man w ho stood thcro laughed aloud In derision at tho idea that God would answer prayer; but at Just the hour when God had assured tho captain tho fog would lift there camo a Hash of lightning through tho fog, nnd tho man who had Jeered and laughed was stunned nnd fell to tho deck. Tho fog lifted. Yonder was Cajw Hattcras lighthouse. Tho ship was put on tho right course, and sailed on to tho hm Isir of safety. A ltr.OE.NKUATION UKVOUTI.Y TO IIP. WINDED TOIL When in scnKrt tho captain spends most of Ills t lino In evangelical work. He kneels down b) one who hud been helpless In tho bed for many mouths, and tho next day sho walks forth in tho streets well. Ho kneels beside one who has long been decrepit, and ho resigns tlio crutches. He kneels Ix-sldo ono w ho hud not scon enough to lie nhle to read for ten )ears, and sho reads the Bible that day Consumptions go nwny, and those w ho had diseases that weio appalling to behold como up to rapid convalescence and to com plete health. I am not telling you anything second handed. 1 have hud the story from tho lli of the patients' in this very house, those who were brought to health of body, while at tho Mine tlmo brought to God. .So second hniul story tills. 1 nave heard tlio testimony fiom men mid women who hnvo Ist-n cured, You may call it faith euro, or )ou may cull it the (xiwer of God coming down In answer to prayer. 1 do not care what you call It, it Is u fact Tlio scof ling sen captain, Ids hem t full of hatred for Christianity, now U-comes a follower of the meek und lowly Jesus, giving nil tho time tu evnugellcnl labels, or all the tlmo ho can spare fiom other occupations. That Is re generation, that Is regeneration Man nil made over (.gain. "There U your absurd doctrlno of vicarious saci lllce," sii) theso men who havo chewed up tho littlo IxKik of cicedsnud hnvo thu conse quent embittered stomnch. "Vicarious sacrl llcol let every man suffer for himself. Why do I want Christ to suffer for mo! I'll suffer for myself and carry my own burdens." They scoir nt tho Iden of vicarious sucrlflco, while thoy admire it ovcryw hero else except hi Christ. People sco its lienuty when a mother suffers for her child. Pooplo seo its beauty w hen u (intrlot suffers for his country People seo Its lienuty when a mun denies him self for u friend. Thoy can sco tho beauty of vicarious sacrlllce lu every one lint Lin 1st, A young lady In ono of the literary lustl tutious w ns u tenchcr She w ns v ery reticent nnd retired In her hnblts, und she formed uo companionships in tho now position sho occu pied, and her dress was very plain some times it was very shabby After u wlillo sho was discharged from tho pluce for that rea son, but no reason was given In answer to tho letter discharging her from thu position, sho said: "Well, if I havo failed to pleaso, I supposo It Is my own fault." Shu went hero and thcro for employment, and found none, and in desperation and in dementia sho ended her llfo by suicide. Investigation was mado and it was found thnt out of her small means sho had supported her father, feO years of ago, uud was paying tho way for her brother in Ynlo collego on his wny to tho ministry It was found that sho had uo blanket ou tho bed thnt winter, and sho had no lire on the very coldest day of all the season Pcoplo found It out, uud there wns a largo gathering nt the funeral, tho largest ever at any funeral In thnt placo, nnd tho ver) ieople w ho had scoffed enmu and looked upon thu palo faco of tho martyr, and nil honor was dono her, but It was too late. Vicarious sncrllice. All are thrilled with such instances as that. But many are not moved by tho fact that Christ pnld his xv crty for our riches, his self abnegation foi our enthronement, nnd knelt ou tho sharp edges of humiliation that wo might climb over Ills lacerated shoulder into pence and heav en TIIKflR noCTItlNES WEUE NOT MADE TO IIE bCOKKKD AT Do it ours to admire nnd ndoro theso doc trines at vv Inch others Jeer. Oh, tho depths of the riches both of tho wisdom nnd'kuowl edgo of (lodl How unsearchable is his wis dom, and his w ays m 0 post (hiding out I Oh, tho height, tlio depth, the length, tho breadth, tho (iilluity, tho immeiisit), tlio eternity of that love1 let our earnest prn)ors pi out in behalf of all those who scolfut I licso doctrines of grace. When the ludon plnguo way raging, in tho )ear UK'), theie i n hotel near tho chief burial place that excited much comment Cnglum! was in fright uud bereavement- The dead carts went through the stieets da) nnd night, and the cry, "Ihing out your dead'" was answered by the bringing out of the forms of the loved on, and they weio put tvvuity or thlrt) lu a cart, and the wagons went ou to thoicmctcry,nnd these dead weieuot bulled In graves, but in great ti cliches, in pent pits, in one pit eleven hundred and fotii teen burials! Tho carts would como up with their great burden of twenty or tliii ty to tho mouth of tho pit, and the front of the curt was lifted uud thu dead shot into th pit. All the chinches lu Ixm don were open for prayer day and night, and England w u lu 11 nrguhh Atthatvery time, nt 11 hotel, at 11 wu)slde bin near tlio chief Initial placo, there wns a group of hardened men, who sat day after tUy and ulght after uUht blaspheming (Jul and luib tn ting tho grief stnick who went by to tto Imrlnl place. TIipmj men sat theroilny after day midnight nftir night, nnd they scoffed nt men. nnd they scoffed nt women, nml thoy scoffed nt God, Hut after n while ono of them was struck with tho plague, and In two weeks nil of tho group were down lu tho trench from tho margin of which they had tittcied their rllmldry My fi lends, a greater plague Is abroad lu tho world. Millions hnvo died of it. Millions are smitten with It now Phigua of lii, plngiioof sorrow, plague of vv rot elicit ties, plague of woo. And cousecraltsl wo men and men from all Christendom mi) going out tr) lug to slay tho pluguo mid nllovlato tho anguish, and there I a gioup of men In this cniiutiy huso enough to sit nnd derliln tho work. They scoff nt tho Bible, and they scoff at avuti gellsiu, and they scoff at Jesus Christ, nnd they scoff nt God. If theso words slinll reach them, cither while thoy nto sitting hero today or through the pi luting plows, let me tell thetn to remember llio fate of that group lu thu wnysldo Inn wlillo tlio plnguo ( spreads Its two black wings over the doomed city of Ixiudon. Oh, Instead of being scof , Tors let us I hi disclplesl "IUchmhI Is tlio man that walketh not In tho counsel of tho un godly, nor stnndetli In the wny of sinners, nor sltteth In thu sent of the scornful." ODDS AND CNDS. Henry M. Slnnley'srenl unmo Is John How lauds, and ho was born lu Wales. Tho number of passengers transported an uunlly lu tho liorso cars lu Berlin Is nearly 100,000,000. Tho output of lead and silver at tho Iiond vUlo district during I8S8 was valued at t It, 8B0.S05. There am hi India nliotit COO sewrato spe cies of snnkos, but only thirty-throe of theso am iiolsonous. Olio ton of conl Is cawtblo of yielding an amount of forco equivalent to that of six nnd two-thiids men. At n ball lu Paris recently a lady woro shoos each of vv hlch had n watch Inserted In tlio leather, near to her toes. Pi luce Blsmiiicklsn capital Preach scholar, but ilotcsts every other German who parades tho samo accomplishment, Mrs. John Hawkins, of Toronto, Out., wns relieved of a lizard eight Inches in length and one Inch in diameter. Sho had Urn treated for vnrloiisdlsousesaiid suffered gleat pain for jeurs. A woman has designed u fan which ought to lie popular with innHquoradcrs. A mask Is folded lu tlio upHT part, n mwdcr jtouch hnugs under a rosette on ono of tho outside sticks, within which Is n case for scissors, pencil and button hook. It costs fin. Ixiudon has n poor relief society that re ceives as c'oulilbutlous gnrmeuts Instead of monoy Each member Is obliged to contrib ute two g.vrments a year Theso aro dls Hscd of it vui lous ways by tlioolllccrs of thu society Some aro sold nt low pi Ices to tlio poor, somo am given away, und somo are kept-hi sUxk and loaned. Mrs. Juno McCarthy, of Ixiiilsvillo, waded Into a gang of loafers with her sleeves rolled up and knocked live of them down by right and left banders lioforo thoy could ge-. nwny. In so doing she smashed a knuckle, which a doctor minded fieoof charge. A California sipcr says that a rtywho ascended Mount Ijisscii recently liccnmo elec trified, the hair of their heads standing straight out, and siwrks of electricity Hying from tho ends of their noses nnd lingers. Tho phenomenon was occasioned b .1 electrical StOIIIL A now schedule of prices for pows In Ply mouth church bus been devised by tho trus tees. Tho old s)stcm of fixing n moderate valuation mid then auctioning tho choice of location to the highest bidder vv ill bo aban doned, uud the money thus lost hi tho lack of premiums will bo made up In tho higher valuation of tho (tows. John Simmons of Galveston found a good sized H'nrl In a dish of raw oysters a fow days since, lie placed tho penrl In u collar box In his b.ilroom. Two days Inter ho found the x-uil a soft grayish muss with ft red center If u linger Is placed on tho -K'arl It becomes hard ami the red Sut disappears. Tho American gill dances as sho does every thing ItctUr than nny ono else. Her move ments are full of nervous Hie and grace and her feet seem to full naturally into tho trick of tho dance step uud the rhythm of tho music. Tho English gii I, ou tho contrary, does not alter her amiable torpidity lu tho least. Sho does not smile. Sho ls as grave as uvcr. Sho turns solemnly around, without a v estigo of abandon. She does not dunce, but trots. Traps for Yalu .lien. Notwithstanding the fact that l'10 pollco recently raided a gambling den in Lnmar block mid seized mid dcstro)cd tho gnmbllug paraphernalia, gnmbllug still nourishes in thu samo building, and young men, particu larly Yale students, continue to loso largo sumstheie. The gamblers In this den aro old hands nt thu business, nnd they tuko extra precaution Hint 110 stranger shall eutc tho room where the gambling Is dono. In tho loom me siker tables, 11 roulette table and other apparatus, A )oung man who is well known on tlio collego campus, but who never belonged to nny but the "l,lmilng" depart ment of Vale, acts as dialer at one of tho tables, uud he wins thousands of dollars from tho studuitx iimiunll) lfrcMiits are truo, and 110 one who is Misted doubts them, the Ijimar block gambling dm U helping to ruin scores of ) oung men whoso (inreuts nrodcuy Ing themselves nocessltlcsto scud their sons through Ynlo. New lluven Palladium. llio tliliii'so I'rliurosu. As tho namo suggests, tho Chinese primrose comes fiom Asia. Tor tho w Indow , conser vatory or gieeuhouse, from hollduy tlmo until hot weather, 1 know of no other plant so cer tain to bloom In such profusion an this. It adds much lienuty and llfo to every plant collection. There U considerable diversity, both In folingo and (lowers, especially of tho singlo varieties. Tho fern leaved sorts aro esiieclully prctt),but in umotiut of bloom thoy do not equal other kinds, 'llio colors urn fiom red and pin plish crimson to white, and In many cases (K-curstrl)cd and mottled fonnsyill liclng beautiful Nouuof the kinds possess u great amount of odor, although both leaves nnd flowers uie somewhat fragrant, of which I urn 1 try fond, while many person think It ofTeusivo.- YlcL's Mngazluo. Turning Out tlio To-s. A v 1 Iter 111 an 1'nglUh piTiodical dovotcd to tbo science of iiuilug contends (hat tho custot 1 of turning out tho toes lu standing and In wnll.iug it ulisolutcly iucomtiutiblo with grace in movimi'iit und with the mainte nance of good standing in trj lug circum stances. The feet should lie placed In lino, if told that tho military jxisitUiii, "an angle of 45 (legs.," Is not only more elegant but gives tho security of tho tripod, leiuemUr the poet's words, "A tower thut stood four squaro to every wind that blow." So after all tho N'oith American Indian is n graceful e. And vv hat becomes of the dancing master nnd thu young Indies of the ballot! llostoii Transci iit. MAX MEYEI? &c BRO LINCOLN PIANO PARLORS, C. M. HANDS, M nnnger. Denlem In hlith guide l'lnuosi The stniulnnt Hlehiwny ,t Bon's, t'hhkrrlng mid Knnbe A Co, the elegnnl ll hr lli-os. ,t t'o. mid Vnsoil Hen, tlin iliuiihlii Jniiies M. Hlnrf A Co,, llio celebrated Htnry A Clark ononis. Plmios sold on Installments or for cnuli, Old limtriitiienls taken In ex clmiiRC. An Invitation exli'inli'd to all lo t'xninlnn tin so Instruments nnd get prices Hint you can lint get elww here. ' HHPf fliii -3SBSiIIBBk' BWBsWU'h UErflllM HVrHJkMUfflWlMli'0. ( UlllilnwIiiliiK fi. kBasasasaMf - - RHiBsII IfWfl.TI HU J ftlH'BWHl Hit Hates reasonable. Kver) tlmig now und complete. 1 u n pt m tvlie mid the Ik si n inn In Oimihii, Hot and cold water In every room. OlIUo and dining hall on llisl llnor. All mod em Improvement", t.lneolulbs iilwnjs iceelve a cordial wcUoino. Cull and see unwhlinln Omnhii. You can gel Into the ears ut depot and take HAltNI'.Y HT., CAIII.i: 1,1 N 15 niltUT 'IO 'llli: IHHHt. Cor. Mill uud llnrne). Iha P llmiiY.CIeik. II. HIM.OWAY, Proprietor. tlB iSlSlVsiSlSw Buggies, Carriages or Saddle Horses, Can be bad at nnv ne, Day or Niglil, 011 short notice, llnpscs Boarded nnd inken cue of .'it Reasonable Rates Call and see us, 102 Q street, or give all orders by Telephone 1.J7. Importer of Lndles', Misses and Children's HEADWEAR Only House In the West that Imports Direct from Kuropc. Agents in Paris, London and New York, No. 1 5 14 Douglas Street, Omaha, Neskabra To tfte Soctaf WoHd. The Courier Office, in thi: iti:cooNi.i:i) iu:Ai)QUAUTi:itH i-ou all south ok Fine Society Printing BUCII AS Wi:iI)IN(l VITAIIONH, IIAI.L I'llOOltAMH, ANNOUNC'KMKNTH, MHNUH, CAI.MNO CAltDH, 'AND r.viniYTin.No tN this msi:, s'i: AJti: also phk- l'AHKDTO rUUNIHH OUTKITH I'Oll GERMAN AND TEA PARTIES AND H1IOW A Nlt'i: LINK OK HM A I.I. KANCY llOXKH, IIONIIONIKHH,Oi:ilIAN KAVOltS 1.1C Al.fcO OUTKITH roit Kuciuii: iautii:s i:tc. a ni:w oamk known ah PARLOR TENNIS, hah juht ui:i;Nam:cr.iVKn andj vi; hhai.i. hk l'l.KAHI'.I) TO IIAVi: OUlt KltlUNDH CAI.t. 10 8KK IT. it wii.i. 111: Tin: i'iti:i)OMiNATiN(i 110M1: eiitci.K amuhi:mi:nt tiiih wintku and nckdhuiut to hi: HKKNTOHlIAl'l'IllX'IA WESSEL PRINTING CO., Publishers of Capital City Courier. ui-i:. N. iitUSt., New Ilurr Hlock. Telephone 253. ij North ii tli Street. Tine' MURRAY Omaha's Loading Hotel. Opened Sept. I, I8R8. incst Hotel iii the West FINEST LIYERY RIGS In the City nil come from the Graham Briclt Stables 1027 Q STREET, Where nil .ilnds of Mail' Orders Solicited. m ; ""r t