Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, February 02, 1889, Image 1

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"A PdPdlUXR miER ' or A9PER -TIMES "
Vol.. 4. No. 8.
Lincoln, Nuuuaska, Satukuay, Ficdkuaky 2, ldoo.
Pwioio Pivic OiflNTa.
What U Heard, Soon, Learned and 1'crtl
iioutly Htlggcitcd to (Iio Multitude.
Tlio highly cultural nudemico that greeted
the Apollo Club on Tuesday ovcnlng must
havo been very gratifying to tlio innungcrs
of tho affair. Thoy showed nbumlnnt cvl
dimco of their appreciation by vigorous
rounds of applause anil 1 think thnt socially
atul financially, it was a grand success. I
do not (too why these entoi tulimionts should
not bo given tnoro frequently us It brings our
best society jiooplo In contact wltu thoso of
our sister city and tends to promote tho
friendship that should, mid evidently docs,
exist between them. True, It costs conslder
ablu money, to sny nothing of tho singers'
time, but If our people turn out us thoy did
on this occasion, they will not forget it but on
tho other hand derive much good therefrom.
One of tho most elegant ulTuIrs I havo ever
attended was tho fan:y dress party given by
Mr. and Mrs. Quorge Hoyn to their numerous
mends at tho Metropolitan Wednesday even
lug. It vii8 undoubtedly tho event of tlio
week and if each Individual did not enjoy
themselves to their heart's content, their case
is certainly hoiieless. Tho handsomo club
house was ublazo with Illuminations in every
npartinont each of which was decorated with
nnt tiro's lovllncss in form of living green and
ilowvry beauty. Tho ntinosphoro laden with
sweet scented odors, tho tuneful music of the
Musical Union orchestra, the tmmptous ban
quet, tho well arranged dunce program and
the pleasant maimer in which every detail
was perfectly can led out, made this nHuir a
charming success and ono that tho club will
alwayH regard as ono of tho most notable In
its history of recherche events', Mr. and Mrs.
Heyu as host and hostess, I dare say, havo no
superiors in Omaha, and if tho mctroolis has
several tholr equal as entertainers, I think
tko city lins cause to congratulate itself,
I'leasant, curteous and over watchful for tho
enjoyment of their guests, tho party could
not well result other than it did. Nearly
every ono camo attired in fancy costumes and
the personages represented characterized per
sons of nolo and public popularity. Hovovcr
among tho merry makers it was pleasant to
obscrvo that no grotesque figures were seen,
but on tho contrary each ono rcpiescotcd
either some distinguished character or tho
beautiful in art and natuie. Among the
ladies was tho pansy girl, tho queen of night,
tho snow queen, tho pond lily, the butterfly.
tho rose bud, tho flower girl, Spanish tuin-
bourlno girl, Gipsy queen, fairy queen, Greek
maiden, ranch maiden, peasant girl, while
tho gentlemen wero seen as hngllsh lords,
King Henry was present, nlso tho English
general, Scotchman, French courtiers,Hoineo,
King Louis II, Hamlet, continentals, Monte
Cristo, Adonis, sailors, bicyclists, Mexican
count, etc. Many of tho costumes of both
ladles nud gentlemen wero oideied from
abroad especially for the occasion nud the
scene presented wns certainly an interesting
and attractive one.
Tlio old saying "It Is lietter to havo loved
and lost, than to not havo loved at all,"
provos jioor consolation for tho defeated can
didate thai braved the iioworsthntbouml had
his fondest hopes bhiHted. lint such is life.
Wo must not expect to lx victorious nuon and
forover, for In such an existenco, tho sweets
of life would go unappreciated. Au old quo
tntlon might well Iw adapted thus: "A little
bitterness now and then Is relished by the
best of men."
AVhllo In Omnha Wednosdny, I enjoyed a
most excellent matinee icrforiimnco of
"Siberia" at tho Grand. Tho plcca is put on
with tho finest company that I havo ever seen
In tho cast, tho scenery lielng something mag
nificent. Every uiemlier of iho company is a
finished actor and thus tho piece finds tho
able interpretation Intended for It by tho
notable deceased author, Hartly Campbell,
I am told tho company is to nppear at tho
Fimko in this city Tuesday evening and being
of such oxcollenco I would ndviso all loveis of
a truly great play, to go and see it at Funkcr.
Ladles Unfiling I'urlors,
CommonclngTucsdny next tho I'alueo Hath-
liiKl'arlorslntlio Uurrllloek will bo open from
12 to S oelock P. M, for ladles exclusively, un
der tho mumigcmcut of compotuut lady ut
tcudentsttndon Tuesday and Friday of each
week hereafter. .
Tho entrance Isnntwelth street whero polite
uttondautH will be on constant duty.
Iliiiidsoiiio Office to Kent.
Desk room with uso of tclephone,stcam
heat, light and ofllco boy,. to rent at tho new
CouniKit oflJce, 122-124 north Twelfth street.
Ground tloor and best location in tho city.
Rent reasonable
Advertise Your Wunts.
For tho U'lieflt of tho ladles who may havo
to jiass through tho common stiuggloof so
curing help, tho Couuikh will receive want
advertisements for publication in tho Daily
Call want columns. Parties desiring help
situations, boarders, or to rent rooms or rent
houses can leavo tfiolr advertisement at this
olllco and they will bo promptly delivered to
tho Call for publication. Ono cent a word
per day is tho expense.
Position Wanted by n I.nily.
A young lady who wi ites n plain hand do
silos employment as copyist or other olllco
work, or would nccept other suitable wrk,
on moderate wages. Address for further
particulars, M. M., euro of Couuikh olllco.
Attend our 50e, kid glovo sale. "Alexan
dre Kid" gloves, nnd flno goods all at tho
eamo prlco. II. H. Nissloy &Co.
Sawyer & Mosher, florists, Musoulo Temple.
Everybody euut at Odoll's
Doard only $4,00 jer week.
nowaday v.
Spoclnl muslin underwear sale next week
a discount of 25 jwr cent will bo allow tsl.
Ashby aud Mlllsiiaugh.
The Theaters, IlrjnV 1'iirty, Sorlely A!-
fnlrs In (lenrrul and Other Note.
From the Column Correspondent.
Lincoln faces uro iHimerous on tho streets
nnd your correspondent can hardly look up
w Ithout seeing somo familiar fuco prominent
in Lincoln business or social circles. Walt
Mason was greeted with n familiar "howdy"
and returned tho greeting with that oeullor
humor for which lip Is noted. Ills business
hem could not bo ascertained but huik)m) ho
Is taking In tho lights and shadows of the
great city. Moinlier of both branches of tho
legislature while away their Sundays nt somu
of our principal hotels. Church Howe comes
up occasionally and Is always greeted with
worm hand shaking on tho ovont of his visit.
Sam Cox, N. C. Abbott and others havo boon
hero during tho past week.
Thcro Is considerable discussion going on
bolt con tho dlirervnt factions of tho City re
garding the projier location of tho city hall.
An oxponslvo foundation has been laid on
Fnrnniii street, opposlto tho court house, but
to spito Hosowater, who has purchased prop
erty and erected a six-story siructuie, tho
boodlern, headed by Jim Crelghton, nro cry
ing for n change of location. Tho outcoino of
a popular vote on February fith Is anxiously
It Is generally conceded hero that the
chances of John M. Thurston occupying a
chair in l'resldent-elect Harrison's cabinet
ai o cry flattering. Ho has licon absent f i oin
Omahn for somo tltm.
The SIetroK)llbiu Club's regular hop Tues
day evening was tho largest and most enjoy
nblo of tho soi les. Every mcmtcr was pres
ent mnl darned tho entire piogrum to a fliilsh.
Tho gi and maich which lusted nearly a hair
au hour, wns a long nnd Impressive ono, and
headed by President 01erfeldor, thnt versatile
conductor of ceremonies, moved through all
tho intricate nnd charming figures so now
nnd iKtpulnr with tho .MetroK)lltans. It was
au auspicious niralr anil will long bo remem
bered by ull present.
Corlnno nppourod at Hoyd's tho first throe
nights of tho past week to full houses in her
new play, Mouto Cristo Jr. Tlio play Is a
burlesque on tho Count of Monto Cristo,
though It bears but little semblance to this
iwpulur omnia. Tho ballet Is exquisite, tho
singing above Urn nverago whllo tlio drilling
byubovyof lieautles with Venusllko forms
Is tho host seen In tho city foi some time.
Corlnno Is no longer tho little tot, she was In
tlio grime nud dust of Cinderella's Kitchen.
Hho is shapely, pretty, vivacious nud Indus
trious. Her voice Is sweet and carefully used.
Her singing nnd dancing deserve sjieclnl men
tion and too much oiunot bo said In her
Robert Downing presented "Virglnus" Frl
dny eve. "St. Marc" Saturday mntlneo and
plays "Spartacus" tonight. Good houses
greeted him on both occasions and tonight
tho prospects for a full house uro good. To
tho untiring droits of Doc. Hulnos, tho gen
tlemanly treasurer nt Hoyd's isduo tho success
which meets most of tho attractions. Ho Is
nn old newspaper man ami knows a thing or
two in that lino which Is advantageous to tho
profession. Ho is very popular with tho
theater goers of this city and numbers his
friends by tho legion. Ho Is a member of tho
Elks and stands high In their appreciation.
Theio is n lull nt piesent in sotinl as well ns
business circles but next week society will
favoi us with somo important events.
Another or the popular jurtie of the
Olivette Circle was hold at Metropolitan Hall
on Wednesday ovcnlng nnd was attended by
ubout twenty-flvo couples. Dancing was the
amusement of tho evening and a moro enjoy
nblo tuiio could hardly liavo lieen exjiectwl.
Tho program consisted of a well arrangement
of the latest round and squaro dances and the
varied tastes wero satisfied.
Goodrich hall was tho scene of a social hop
given by n number of ladies and gentlemen to
mss a few hours pleasantly. Their object
wob attained forn merrier crowd It would bo
hard to gather.
Tlio popular drama "Siberia" held tho
bounds at the Gi and the past week and drew
largo audlnnces. It Is considered Ilurtley
Campbell's masterpiece and nlwunds In rich
eirects, thrilling scenes of llfo in Rupsla nnd
SllK-ria. "A Dark Secret" is tho attraction
for next week nnd bids fair to draw well.
Max Kohn, wife nnd child, camo from Ne
braska City to soo Corlnno and Omaha, and
to visit iclatlves among whom tho writer is
pleased to bo ono,
Moro anon, E. W.
In New Quarter.
The grocery ilnn of Hubsrt & Cuinmfngs.
formerly on O street, havo moved into their
now quarters, UK), south Tweirth stieet, in
tho now Zehruiig block. Here with larger
stock, Increased facilities ami tatter quarters,
thoy ask a continuanco of publlo patronage.
All orders by telephone, Number 20, will re
ceivo prompt and careful attention and all
goods delivered when desired.
Gamo, oysters, anil ull tho dellcusles of tho
season always to ta had at Rrown's cnf6,
Windsor annex.
Buy your coal of tho Whltcbrenst Coal and
Lime Co., and it will always lie well scroui.ed,
full weight, best quality nud at right prices.
Whlto dress goods sale at 8c. 10c. and 12
1 2c., best values over ollVrod H. R, NUley
& Co. '
Jhwvn'H enfo is now oieii duy and night,
so that luncl'os can bo had at this opulur ro
sort at uny time.
Hartshorn Jlros,, ait) South Eleventh
street, do nil kinds of upholstering, furnish
ing all 'duds of new nnd odd styles in rrunu
mm upnoisiuro i in all kindsor material. New
muttresses made and old ones renovated by
improved liiochlnery, which makes them us
goal us now. Repairs of nil kinds, In our
lino, attended to at ouco.
Rubber stamps of ull kinds nud for nil pnr
iioseBiiiay e had on Bhort notice at the
CouniKii olllce. Also stencils, outfit for
marking Bannents, hnndkerchlofs, etc., all
of which are sold at prkes as low as uny com
Ill Dnfcuso Secret Nuclei let.
Written Tor Tint Count Kit.
I'm not ut nil In sympathy with thoso
Who all tho mystloserrels would disclose,
Nor have 1 sllshtest fellowship with tl I
When they all orders publicly condemn.
Is Hecrecy n'crlmo, u curse, u sin,
A vllllany.or secret orltfln?
Is not all nature full of secrecy?
Aro wo not wrapped ntiout In mystery?
How grows tho tender Krass upon thu plain,
Warmed by tho sun and red by summei's
rat ii?
How born snow-crystals of aerial birth,
That rail so gently on the rroren earthT
How roll tho phincls In yon vaulted sky,
In beautiful order and strict harmony ?
Aro not our bodies but u mystery
lleyoud tho reach or man's philosophy?
How Is man's Iwlter part, 1 th' liniiiortul
In Its decaying tenement conflued7
What or the air, now a wild, rurlous pulo
That sweeps tho hilt nud desolates the vulu
Then ciitiulngdown to a soft, gentle hrrcre,
That scarce will stir tho foliage oftho trees,
Or cause tho bearded grain to bend or break,
Or ruir thu surface or Ike glassy lake?
Are not tlu-so secrets, secrets too profound
For human ken to fathom or oxmuud?
"Huter thy closet," snld our gracious I,ord J
"Pray thou In secret," says ( tod's holy word J
"What thy rlitlit may do," Is the command,
"Tell not tho story to t ho other hand J"
"Do not upon the house lop" to proclaim
Your own high honor or your neighbor's
Our Ha lor, even was nlono w hen ho
Was iigoullug In (lethsomnno,
And white great drops or blood ho swelled
l'.uired out his soul In earnest, silent pmver
Htutu legislators, congress, churches all
Hold secret sessions In somo quirt hall,
And to keepqulet whul'ssidd on thn floor,
Close the windows and secure the door.
Then families havo their own secrets, too,
Not to bo whispered e'en to mo or you,
And you and I havo nmtteis ofonrown
Wo would conceal and not havo broadly
O, eenso your clamor, yo discordant crew,
And somo unholy syndicate pursue;
Let all this senseless opposition cease,
Comanderles, chapters, lodges, camps, In
crease, Tho nohlo Orders meet and pass In poneo,
Spread their rich beauties o'er the smiling
And to tho needy lend n helping hand.
May all tho blessings of Aliiilitlity (lod
With no punlshlons from Ills chastening
Fall sweetly upon them, blsnpproval cheer
Aim gnu ino putn way or their bright career
A Mimical Opimlui;.
All iiuiMirtaut musical event of tho coming
week will bo thu oonlng of tho now store of
Curtice & 'iholrs, No. 'J)7, south Eleventh
street, ill the Stublelleld block, which occurs
SatuUlny evening. It will bo n pleasant nnd
Interesting niralr, as a program of most nt
trnctluo musical features has been arranged
Most of Lincoln's U-st Uilout will bo heard,
tho ojiera house orchestra will lie present and
everything conducive to nil enjoyable occa
sion is being loohcd after.
Klilty Hiiiiiinond Deuil,
Just ns we go to press a rotoit reaches us
stating that Mr. Kirby Hammond died at his
homo In Lawrence, NmI,,. jesterday. The
hour Isjlng late, wo regiet our Inability to
leiuninoro or give detailed partlculuis. It
haslieen known that Mrs. Hammond wiihm'iI
ously III, but no uiio was aw nro that Kirby
was uven sick. This will bo startling nuws to
his many friends in Lincoln.
Grand Siocinl Sale of muslin underwear
next week, at 25c, 50c. and 75c. Tho great
est sale wo over made II. R. Nlssloy & Co,
Mrs. W. J. Dennis, of Omaha, who lins
been seriously ill nt tho lesldenco of her
cousin, Mrs. W. R. Dennis, for the past three
weeks, is rapidly regaining her health.
Monograms, crest, dies, etc., promptly en
graved in tho most aitlstlc maimer at tho
CouiilKli olllco. Don't send orders nway
from home when It cun bo ilono In tho city at
tho same pi Ices.
D. Davis, one of the most pleasant of Amer
ican gilp handlers, was a two days visitor In
Lincoln this week. Mr. Davis Is a gentleman
of large acquaintance and ono that numbers
his friends in the stato by tno scoro. The
CouitlKIl is alwuyR pleased to welcome him
an4 hopes soon to see him again among us.
Tho ladles of tho organ guild of Trinity
Church m-o prewiring an entertainment to
tukoplneout Funke'son thoovenlng of Fels.
runry I4th. It will consist of tulileaus fiom
Life, concert selections by the ltest of locnl
talent, etc. Tho use of tho theatre has leen
given free and tho orchestra will render their
services gratis and certainly under such cir
cumstances it w in lie a success.
C. E, Ferguson, well known to tliuminnr.
clal world and eseclally to the drug frater
nity as ono of the most onulnr snmple men
wh i sell iierfumery, wnsu Lincoln visitor this
week, "hergy," as the lioyscull him, travels
for "Eastman," tho widest known perfumery
house in tho country, nnd the fact that he
always knocks out all competition proves him
to Ihi n true winner.
Mr. Dan R. Roeder, of Omaha, was a pleas,
ant and most welcome caller at the Couuikh
olllco yesterday. Dan, who is a hi other lo
Mr. ,M. L. Roeder, western agent of tho Na
tional Llfo Insurance Co., of Vermont, is a
I'enlul nud agreeable gentleman, nud ono
w horn It Is a pleasure to moot. Tho Couuikh
Is Informed that tho i cult of Mr.Roeder's visit
to Lincoln will lo tlio means of establishing
an agency in this city of tho very popular
Nationnl Life Co, Ho seemed well impressed
with Lincoln nud siioke favorublv of minii,,
down to mining t the olllco rsonnlly, nud wo
trust such will botho case, for wo liao ample
t uuiu iui Biu-ii L-iovcr iiiismess mill nud aro sin e
ho will receive a conllul welcome fixiui the
Twenty-flvo er cent oir on muslin under
weurlioxt week, Ashby and Mlllspaugh.
Sawyer & Moshei-s grLViihotises are head
quarters for all kinds of house plant, flowers,
etc. City olllco In Masonlo Temple basement,
whero cut How em, IkxiuoIm, etc., may nlwnis
be found.
A Itnvlnw or the 1'iut, u Word for tint
Present unit 1'rospeets for Future
the rlsu of tho curtain
nud contlnulm? until
Its fall, in or i' lino ut
reigned supremo ut
iMiukos Thursday eve
ning, Corinnc.thoticor-
less, .mid nu oiccllcnt
company, vied with
each f.ther for the hon
ors. Thuiilnv Isa bur.
lewiuii on Monto Cristo
and as a musical ex
travaganza Is a decided
success. The scot In
eirects nro good and
everything juelaliilug
to tho show Is In lo'im.
ft ing with tho bright lit-
1 ll.l MJIIV Tint li.n.u.i
wns niiisl to overllow
Ing with the wealth
and lsnutv of the eltv
who showed their just
appreciation ny geuer
us applause. C'orlniie.
is Ldmolid Dalites, the
leaning I old, is one or
neatest littlti actress,
that has macisl tin.
stuo oftho Fimko for n long tlinn Her every
action Is graco persoullUsl, decidedly chic nnd
jK-tit mill has u blight futllio befoio her, Her
dancing and ringing cnptlvntid the entlro
nudlence, her song, "Dear Heart," making a
distinctive hit, eliciting much applause, She
has surrounded herself with an excellent coin
jMiny, such as Is seldom seen with a comic
opera company and their ense and grace lends
u precision to their every move. The ill ill of
the Amazons In thu kcoiiiI act Is without a
doubt the lluest NHclnlty of the kind over
pmliictsl by any comimny extant. In fact,
it would lw unkind to attempt to criticise any
twirt of the iierformaiice. Tho company give
n grand mntlneo this afternoon nud close tho
engagement tonight. They should receive
unlimited patronage for tho balance of the
W. J. Florence In the clmractar of t'npf.
Cuttle has surely assumed u character that
does the author pioud In this, thy Dramatiza
tion of Dlcken's Douiliey nnd Son. A delight
ed audience followed him through tho leudi
tlon of this role nt the Fuuko Saturday even
ing and did not for a moment allow their in
terest tollng. Hlslovofor H'(if7iuiidnu'i
Del '(if, toeether with his unbounded conll
denco in nunnhy, the old fraud, nllowlng him
ample sooiw for his conception of the charac
ter. Tho company is ono that the Florences
always surround themsolves with, nainely.tho
liest, nud the largo houses ill atteiulanco dur
Ing tlio engngoment, show this company to
occupy a warm spot in tho heart of our then
tor goers.
Monday evening the patrons of tho iqiera
house wero shown ono of tho (Kxirest excuses
ror a theatrical iieifoimaiico that has visited
this city In a long time. The show was great
In Its utter bailncsss and some of the most pa
thetlc parts provoked laughter. As a scenic
pioductlon It was a dlru ralluro nud as this
Is intended for Its drawing card theio is no
uso of depleting Its flatness as n dramatic iier
formaiice. Tho leading loles wero oven
worse thnu their supiKiit nud the less said
about them tho bettor. Tho inanngement of
tho house feel justly Indignant over tho alfalr
and were as badly taken in ns tho largo audi
mice who uttcuded.
The Omnlii Ajsdlo Club under the lender
ship of Mr. H. II. Young, guvo a concert at
Fnnku's Tuesilay uvenliig to n largo nud criti
cal miilluiico. The music was of a very high
order and was tendered with a precision
which wusiunnelous and iilled gient credit
on Mr Young's ubillty as a leader. All the
iiuinhei-M weiogeneiouslyiipplauded ami re
ceived numerous eucoies.
M.-s. Oitlou's singing of "Iji Tortoiello"
was very Hue. She ossesscs n mellow so
prano voice of great flexibility and coiiimim,
and executed the trills and runs in that selec
tion with picclslou uud viM.
Mr. Ilrlgham's iMwiiitiful tenor wns hoard to
adMilltngo In Abt's "Sleep Well, Sweet
Angel," which was well executed and locoiv tsl
u hearty neurit
The Indies' Quaitetto. Mrs. Souln-s and
Mrs. Cotton, mipiiiiion; Mrs. Hstnbiook and
Mrs. IVuuell, contraltos, sang "You sMittis)
hnaki." Tholr voiiis, blended inrfeitly and
pi-oducislachaimiiigeiri'ct. Tliey weio en
cousl twice liefore tho uudlnnce felt Inclined
to jwut with them.
The concliiillng nuiulier or tho first part
wus Ik-zet's "Torudor's Song," sing by Mr,
Young with fullchorus. Itwasmagnlfla'iitiy
rendered uud piovokeil a great deal of iqs
plnuse. "The Drowsy Wood" by tho club with Mr.
llrighnm singing thoobllgato, "The Spinning
Chorus," by theMadrlgiil Gleo Club and "Tlio
Ruined Chapel," by the Ajsillos, were all
gems and well m-elvod, "When the Tide
Hoabi In," sang by Mrs. l'enuell, was (.ry
beautiful. She is the Heshor of a rich, dcs-ji
contralto voice of great iower ami pathos
iiini sang inu seiwiiou witn a great deal of
Taken all togethei , the court rt was a irnmd
siicctss, iinanciaiiy, musically and socliilly,
and the AM)llo club will always Hud a hem ty
welcome nwuiting them in Lincoln
Wislnesday evening tho Com led 0era Co.
will put on this, their latest success, at the
Funke. Thu play dlllem materially from
"The Glwy Huron," which was seen hero last
season by a delighted audience, lu thu reect
that It U not what would ho culkd a comic
os.-ra, but rather a production that depends
altogether on its elalmrate stage settimrs un.l
swcbicular elftcts for its success. Tho chorus
Is bundled with gi eat skill; the groupings nro
wen iiesigutsi aim uiu ensembles mo sung
with much K)wer. Theio is nothing in the
I roductlon that does not belong theio, svery
HBiTv .
?i. m
thing blending Hifeelly nud producing au
ellect that IsselduuiMsui with an os'ra coin
pany. Prof. Hartl's Vienna lady ferners
have inailn one of the mmt promllleut featuiu
successesof "Ivlng's Fool." Their apH-aiauco
creates a sensation, of course, nud thepietty
girls in their beautiful costuuirs, gntcefiil,
nglle nud chic, score nn Instantaneous lilt,
They nro w lerfully skillful, both with the
broadsword nud rapier exhibitions; the use of
IkiHi of which weanins foims pint of the Mir
foimnnce. In the ensembles, too, paitlcu
laily nt the end of the second net, thu clashing,
skillfully handled swords, make a huInIiiisI
anvil choins, with Iho tnehsllous obllgnto of
the voices and orchestra, accentuated by the
sounds of tho seeming buttle which the iiiiikIo
aptly iIiisciIIhvi,
A gissl gnllery but it ineagio down stair
nudlance griftisl this couininy nt Funko's
Wislnesday evening. While the show con
tains nothing really great It Is composed of
several Mirletv people who aie good In their
iosMctlvo Hi v One thing, hovover, marred
the imrforinauce, tho isniqwiuy does not carry
a nut'lcul dlns'tor uud It was luqxisslhlu for
the oi chest i u to play thu inuslu ntvessary ti
enable tho mi foi luein to execute their move
ments with the suiisitlmexs that attributes to
the success of the piogrnm.
a m:i:k at tiii:,
Th- pillions of tho Ptsiplos theater were en
terbilned this week by tho "Euieka All Star
Th. nter Co " The prlcsi weiii low, 10, 20 and
JH cents, but this enunot Im said of the coui
panv, Hjh weio good. Tho company ihs-s
not allempt plas Utyond tholr ability but on
thootlur liiinil their lejioitolro contains Just
such pieces as the coiuiMiny can handle and
piesent to tho entire satisfaction of the most
ci Itlcnl uiidlatico, Tho engngoment closes to
night and If you did not go before, this week,
go tonight. .Many have attendnl every st
foriiinnco nud this Is cei talnly a strong lecom
iiieudntlou for them,
On Tuesday owning this truly gi eat drama
w III Ihi put on at the Funke The play Is one
in which cnu lie utilized both good dramatic
work nud rich scenlo effect and tho present
company toko nilvanbigo of both. Tho play
Is not n now ono with nu uncertain future lo
fore it, but ono that has kept the road for
yeais, adding from time to tlino bright reu
nites and as omulon demands, undergo a
general overhauling. The company clown a
week's stand lu Oinaha this ovcnlng having
given eight mji foi mances there to crowded
houses and not au unkind word has licon said
of ono of them. Tho play requires twenty
seven speaking parts aside, from au army of
auxiliaries neiessarv to give tho plis-o lu IU
ouili Ity. The M-enery and costumes nro nil In
accordance with photographs taken in Russia
and no feature has Imsjii omitted that would
In any way attribute to the success of tho
This Justly celobrutisl tragisllan will fill an
engagement of ono night only at Funko's on
Saturday uvenlng, A man of talent, strong
magnetism and wonderfully attractive In
lerxouiil uppeariinco, endowed, lu fact, with
the master sculptor's Iden of well doveloed
manhood, ho comes to us in this, his master
piece, and should eoiumniul n largo audience.
Ss-nkliig of Ins i ecent engagement at Grand
Knplds, the UernUl says:
"l.nsc night Downing lx-gan his second en
gagement heio at Powers' Grand ls'foro an
audience which llllcsl tho spacious theater to
Its upNirmost tier. No actor, not even Mr
Mooth, has drawn a more thoioughly lepio
sonlutlvo element in any community. In the
history of tlio Amoiicnii drama we can recall
no actor who has had the courage to under
take this massive crsonugo nt his nge.
Youth ihx's not coincide with the mind's eve
piriiiruoi aMUffir-if. downing succeeded In
looking thu part and iimdu It Jmnrosslvo with
dignity, fearlessness and exemplary heroism,
Hiistuimsl entirely was tho K)isoiiatIon with
frankness and Immovable decision of put sso.
Moted and changisl in feeling by incident,
trials equal to tortuie, It never weakened in
consistency or harmony. Toiiiik'hnI with
smoothness nud deliberation, graduatisl and
swajtsl by the tijnissts of passion and the
height of human fury, It yet remained the
s rfoct conception Intended by the author or
tins elfectivo and Impressive story of Roman
This musical rurco comeily will bo pifsonUsl
at the Funke, Filduy ovenlng, ror tint Hist
time In this city It comes to us slanil "thu
funniest show on the load" uud as a comedy,
without a plot, it Is a grand success. The
coiiiMiny is stiong, Henry C Stanley us tho
Now IIfiuinliliu fin mur uud S. J. Daniels as
his sou nru i eiiiai kably gessl In their jwirts,
while Hilly Gray the negro comedian Uu dtv
cldisl change fiom the coiiveutioiial burnt
cork artist 'I lie show cairles ono or tho
lluest briiNH bauds lu this country who will
gito n gi and stieet jmii ado from the Capital
Hotel at iiisni, Fildav, to lie followed bv a
concert ut tho squnie. If you want to listen
some lonlly good inuslo jou should hear them
In the evi ulng they tako thu place of tho reg
ular orchestra uud render some delightful
selections lictweou acts. Re sure and see
Mrs. Klinlxill was seen last evening nfter
the Coriune pel foriimuco and when asked
wny tno utile star did not sing "Dear Heait"
lust night wild that the orchestral accoinp,uil
ilientrtasso veiy sjor Unit Corlnno could
not sing w ith it to any degree of satisfaction,
having tried It thu piovlous evening, lluw-
ovci on lielng Informed thnt a iiiiiiiIst in tho
atlillence weio dls.ipK)luisl, Mrs. Klmbiill
said, "well, I am very sorry, ami had I known
It would lmu been missed, I surely should
have had Coilnue sing it. However, you
may say in tlio Couuikh lu tho moining, that
"Dour Ileni t" will surely Ik sung ut lsth
iiiutinco uud evening erforumnco." "Dwir
Heaifisadollghtiul song and Miss Corlnno
sings it in a moi pleiulng manner.
Tho C ti N. W R furnislusl two elegant
coaches for the Coiluiiocoinimny from Omnha
to Lincoln, tioth of which will bo again
on their trip to MinuenHlls tomorrow, leav
ing hole at 2:1ft, p. in. A seclul Wagner
sleeper will bo attached to the coaches ut
Mlssouil Valley which will inn thi-ouh with
the party. This is quite u Jump, but such
companies as this, that do not stop ut small
tow us, do not notice It.
Autumn Leaves and Arlor l.xfl,
Written forihM'niiiiiKii.
Hlowly, mournfully, silently fulling
Autumn leaves to mother soil,
llchited aelor tramps, recalling
nihnr Imrd-iipditys of toll,
Oak inul elm lu sadness whispers,
Dlrge-llko inurmers sad rurowoll, .
Aelor with his reel all blisters
Hortly, sadly inutfrlng ll-l
Forrest oilsprlnir slnwly stealing
Totliydorimiiit winter sphere,
Actor lu his poekrt reeling
Font lilclc loget a beer.
Hast thou reeling, hast thou reason
In thy lenfy woodland pent?
This mouth begun and closed his sen
Now he's neither shop nor cent.
Dolhthy plaintive, mournful sighlnr,
earning recall s ier skies?
Mines gone up, no chnnro ror buying,
Ne'er wero made ror counting lies.
Though not chill In raiment sombre
Hlowly rail thy leaves nnd sure,
llo'n counted every one, the number,
Four eleven rorly.foilr.
Shake thy anus lu desperation
As the bourse winds 'inongst yo dash,
Last len hours not a ration
limply stomach yells ror hash,
A rnw short weeks nnd thou Wert blooming
Verdiinl, Joyous, vlg'rous, guy,
December llrst wo slurltd booming,
llooined Ihud d thing nil away.
Hlowli railing, slowly dying, ,
Changing bloom lo aiitiimu red,
Teelh u ehatl'rlug, wits a lr1ng
On the melius lo get abed.
Iluvo y no regret or sorrw
As y Mutter down to rest?
Not a chum or wliiiui to borrow,
"Yo Gods! u quarter lu my vest."
Ilnvoyo tusk iliicousuinuted '
That yo fuln would linger still?
Aelor on the track belated
Limbs benumbed uud lu'ards chill.
Thou hast lived thy spun, mid dying
Iteturu'st thy atoms whence thuy came,
Hnow and sleet around him flying,
Aelor I rumps on soro uud lame.
Who would linger lu tho snowtlmo7
Wanner In thy early bed,
Aelor making uwrul slow limn
WhiMipl A hotel right ahead."
Change thy form, 'tis mil ore's diction,
Nature's maiiilale inollvo power,
"I'll try the stove, I'm tired or friction,
For thai. Pvo tried ror many nu hour.
Change thy ellme ns birds or passage,
Twice but near lo make anew,
"A plntof beer, boloinm sasslgn.
Crackers, cheese uud u wiirm lied too."
MH. round In a bureau drawer lu a hotel of
a western lown one night and dated December
Will, INKS
Manager MrRoynolilssnysi "Did you ever
buy a doju'ii of eggs at the grocery store nnd
ilnd one bud ono ninoinr them? Thnt Is how
I got thnt show heio Monday evening."
Frtsl. F. PIntts, ahead oftho Postage Stamp
Company, was In the city yesterday making
tho final preparations for the npiK-nrnneo of
his show ut the 0htu House, Fndny evening.
A pretty iKS'in by Mr. I). II. Wllsju, of
Mr. and Mrs. Florence's company, apH-ars on
this page today under the tltlu of "Autumn
leaves nnd Actor Ix'ft." It conUilns somo
good points and you should rend It.
Mr E, II. Slosson has handed mo a conven
ient little book containing plats of tho Oiicrn
House and the Peoples Theater. Copies of
tho liook will Imdlst bubsl about town and
It Is Just what oti want to enable you to select
seats without going down town.
!!. R. Knowles. the gentlemanly book
agent with the C rinno Company Is meeting
w ith goisl success this season. He handles
the music Issiks and photo's of thu brilliant
young nrtisto and U-Ing a pleasant, ol!to
young man never falls lo sell hundreds of
copies in every city.
One week from today wo uro to havo Robt.
Downing as SjutrtiiniK lu "The Gladiator."
It has 1h en quite a whlto since Lincoln bns
Ims-ii fuvonsl n high class or tragedy, such as
Downing piesentH lu this, his masterpiece
and I have no doubt but that our theater
goers will thoroughly enjoy it.
I heard a young lady lemurk the other day,
'What a delightful time wo hud at tho mntl
neo last Saturday, I Intend going every time
there is one." I don't see why she shouldn't
ns that is why inutlnees aro given, but hereto
fore the dear dentures have seemed leluctnnt
aliout going. Iot's sts) what kind of n house
thoy give Coilnne tills ufteruoon.
While strolling nrouud the lobby Thursday
ovcnlng, I met Mr II F. Ilennesey, ndvanco
agent for tho Com eld 0Ksia Co "It takes ono
hundred and eight sople to put on tho Kings
Fool," said he. "Of course tliey are not nil
seen on tho stage, but wo have that many
names on the ay roll. It requires thirty Hvo
lsipio to naniiio tno scenery, wnrdrotte, etc.
Wo will show the iieople of Lincoln tho Hnest
stage settings they over saw, in our first net,
it is a beauty, Just wait till you see It."
"Hroken Harriers" is tlio title of a romantic
novel soon to lie brought before the scrutlnlr
Ing gaze of tho rending public. The tale Is
tho work or Mr. Ardennes Jones-Foster, n
Journalist of vast exK.Tieueo and ut present
tlio business manager for tho "Siberia" cou
wny The plot of tho novel is laid in Ellw
and in INK) 0(1 uud vividly jwrtrays the scenes
and characters of the time and place. Tho
work will Ihi profusely Illustrated by Mr.
Harry A. Keinble, the well known artist of
tho St. Iuils lst Dmimtch.
TlmiMuy evening, ns thu curtain fell on the
second act. I was sui prised to see the lioys
taking up the oeiu glasses they had rental
for thu owning. One of the nitrous com
plaining that ho wanted to keep his glasses
until the km foriimuco was over, tho boy re
plied, "Well, wo can't tiironl to itiu tho risk
ofyoiirsbiillii'Viiiso we take 'em up lieforo
the last act commences then ou don't go out
with 'em." Tlio best plan is to lent hem nt
some of tho jewelry stoics if jou want to see
all the show tin ough n glass, instead of two
thirds of it.
Toko tho C. &N.:W. through vostibulod
sieejier to Chicago. Olllco 115 So. 10th st.