Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, January 26, 1889, Image 10

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    H ?m iiiMftiniHUi
M juiiK) nwy
iwWwwfWftiBOtiiWMiiiiaiijiii.iiiiHmwiuiifciiiilMi uwMliWm IMI lUtUWlPWI '
ppgdy for Business 1
Courier Engraving Co.
Having Juit opened n now Industry In
connection wlthTiiK Coumicn Office, o
are now prepared nnd run tarnish on
aliort notice tho Ancstworkofntl kind of
Engraving on Wood or Metal.
Cut of llulldlne:, Machinery, Land
scape, Patent Drawings, Portrait Work,
etc, ns woll nil nil other work under thli
head, will rerctva prompt ami careful
nml H honorftblo competition met. Our
facilities iiro equal to tho host, nnd our
Artists Imvo no superior nny whuro.
Hkotche and specimens tr work, Mho
cstlmntcs tarnished on application, Mnll
orders sollollod, nml City t rude Is cspeclnlly
rrsquestod to look us up.
Courier Engraving Co.
Telephono 'SO.
(Now Ilurrilloclc.
11 1 1 U Tl ! ? M .ifafaTMTI ' m
936 P Street,
And Ranges.
Gold Coin Ventiduct.
5 1 J H
0 . 5-
J8 w . ft
SaturdayEvening, Jan. 26 '89.
0rnr 10th and P StrMW
Herpolsheimer Sl Co.
Embroidery Opening.
Tim Courier Can lie Viuuut At
Windsor Hotel Now Htntid.
Cnpllnt Hold News Mnnd.
O.IoU'n Dining Hull News Mnnd.
Vinson A Fletcher's, 110 South UUi Street.
A.T. laming ACo's., llOOOHtrcot.
Tho aothnm News Btnml, UH Houth Hth St.
Keith linn., lit Noith 11th Htrcot.
Kd. Yoiiiir, HWOO Htreot.
Kalon AHmlth, IS1JO
Diamond Pharmacy," 18th nnd N Ht.
At Attractive Prices.
W. R. DENNIS, 1137O.
Local nnd Personal.
Whltchroast Cool nnd Llmo Company.
Tako Turkish at 1010 O street.
Tho Ut Tens, B. 1 .Stovons & Co.
Tolophono nt tho Couhiku otUco is 253,
Odell's dining hall, 31 tickets for $4.00.
Mineral water used for bathing, 1010 O st.
Trickoy & Co.,wboloaloaMl retail Jewelora,
Tiy boiiio of tho fine fresh fish served overy
day nt Cameron's.
Canon City Coal again nt tho Whltobrcast
Coal andLImo Co.
lloast meat, and vegetnbus of nil kinds
Cnmuron's Lunch IIouxo,
Iickawann nnd Bcrnnton hartl coal sold
only by Hutehlns & Hyatt.
Canon City coal delivered to all parts of
city. Call up tolophono 223.
A drop in both prices and stock of dry
goods nt II. R.;Nissloy&Co.
Onlyfplaco In Lincoln that uses mineral
water in baths Is nt 1010 O street.
Improved shower for Turkish Ixiths at 1010
O street, basement Union block.
Buy muslin underwear next week and savo
25 per cent. Ashby nnd Millspaugh.
Mcndota, tho most popular coal on tho mar
ket, sola only by hutehlns & Hyatt.
For tickets to Oregon or Washington ter
ritory jwlnts upjily at 110 Bo, 10th gt.
Ladles nmJtn nnderwear ono fourth off
next week at Ashby and Mlllcpnugh's.
Quilted satin and fancy knit skirts for
ladles and children at Ilcrpolshelmor & Co's,
Fino Teas, Spices, and tho largest lino of
Fino Groceries in the city, at S. I'. Stevens.
Dr. It. F, Bailey, office and residence comer
of Fourtwnthuul L street.. Telephono 017.
BrownM caf 6 is the recognized headquar
ters for Uuo lunches and everything digest
able. Beet board in tho city and at a price within
reach of all, at (Moll's. Twenty-one meals
for 1.
The finest luncheons in tho city aro served
nt all hours at Carder's Europcau restaurant,
KH P street.
Kvery thing now and neat, llnest menu and
best cook in tlie city at Cardoi1 European
reetauruut, 034 P street.
Tho finest work in tho city at Hayden'u
photographic studio. 1214 O street. See our
lluo samples of art work.
In furs and fur trimming Ilerpolsheimor
& Co. show a very comploto line at as near
furriers prices as possible.
Take thelbest and only ono through system
lino, a & N. IV. to Bioux City, Minneapolis
and St. Paul, otllco 115 80. 10th st.
It don't pay to make up muslin underwear
when you can get it nt the prices Ashby and
Mlllspuugh will offer it next week.
Everybody that has stopped at Carder's
hotel speaks well of It. Day board or meals
a la carte served at popular prices.
Call on J, C. Field, Lincoln Scnvanger, for
prompt work day and night. Oftlco under
First National bank. Call telephono 498.
Embroidery salo at 8. 10, 12 l-9c. , some
special values. All ladles should nttend that
are Interested. II. II. NUsloy & Co.
Exerybodycan afford to eat nt tho leading
resort in tho city now. Tho price of 21 tick
ets now at Odell'hjls only, $4 -reduced from
Sawyer & Wobbler's greenhouses supply cut
flowers, boqueUi, etc., on short notice.
Branch floral conservatory In Musonlo Tem
ple baKcmcuU m
At Miss Johnston's hair dressing Emporium
ladies will find tho newest styles in bangs,
switches, toilet articles, and over) ting used
for tho adornment of tho head,
Through vctlbulo sleeer with dining car
attached from MlMWurl Valley on all Elk
horn C. & N. W, It. II. trains to Chicago
from Lincoln. Patroiilzo tho best line; otllco
115 So. lOtbst,
Any kind of coal desired will be promptly
furnished and delivered to any part of the
city or the additions, by HuU-liins & Hyatt.
Also all kinds of wood on band and sold at
bed rock prices.
Arcniiiits of Halls, Turtle., Weddings
Kte., Thru Ifnvo Kiitnrtnlned Hoclcty.
rieniantly Hiiriirl.eil,
Weduosdny evening tho homo of Miss Mny
King 2751 Y street, was tho scono of n most
cnjoyablo surprise gathering. A supper was
served at ten oclock, nnd nsldo from this In
teresting Krtion of tho evening's antertnln
munt such oxcollent features as card playing
together with other gnmcH nnd tnusia mndo
tho evening glldo milckly ton most hnppy
ending. Thoxo present wero Jlliwcs Naomi
Hendry, Emnm Mnllory, Mnbol Westcnlf,
Mnry Caldwell, May Fnrquur, and Mctwcr
Uaorgo Flanulgnu, Clmrlw Deathlofs, John
Hatch, Hay King nnd others.
Twice n Month.
Lincoln's youngest society club, tho "T.J A.
M.," held their semi-monthly meeting nt tho
homo of MIm Maude Harper, 1528 D street,
on TucMlny evening. AUcr dlstwmliiR with
tho usual quoto of gnuicx nnd inrtnking of
light refreshments, tho young folks Indulged
in tho merry dnnco until warned of tho ap
proach of morning, when they left for their
homes, delighted with their evening's Enjoy
ment, nnd tho hospitality of tho charming
hostess. Those present woro: Misses Smith,
Molick, BlminoiH, Mclono. Hohvig, llydo,
Halo, Houston, Harper, Canlleld, Hurcli,
Becker. Messis HntilH, Halo, Ellin, SI
iiions, Becker, Herold, Hyn, Whitlow,
llynu, Hraton, Johnson, Hnllett, Clark, Mo
louo. Mr. and Mrs. F. U Sheldon entertained n
number of friends Saturday nt cnrdH.
Mrs. W T. Canada of Nebraska City, was
visiting her hiifdmud Willie, Thursday.
W. B. Howard, of tho Diamond Pharmacy,
is nt homo again nfter n ten day trip east.
Miss Naomi Weaver nfter nearly six months
visit in Now York nnd tho east returned home
Miss Edna Henton loft Thursday for n visit
of several mouths duration with relatives in
Washington, 1). C.
Tho Enst Lincoln Social Club was pleasant
ly entertained Thursday evening by Mr. nnd
Mrs. II. B. Sawyer.
Friday is Fobniary 1st. Prcpnro to meet
your obligations, for tho festive collector will
bo very numerous,
B. Kohn, of Howard, mndo n fashionable
visit to Lincoln Tuadny. Ho remained In tho
city but n few hours.
Special muslin underwear sale noxt, week
a discount of 25 per cent will bo allowed.
Ashby nnd Mlllspnugh.
Miss Edith Lowenstoln, who has lieon vis
iting her sister Mrs. I. C. Wise left Wednes
day for a visit to St. Joseph
Mrs. Dr. Hupp, of Wiihoo, has been spend
ing tho past week with her parentfl, Mr. nnd
Mrs. D, McCIollan, of this city.
Tho Indies of Bethel M, E. Church gavo n
pleasant and successf ul social and supper last
night nt tho homo of Mrs. Shlpmnn.
Grand Beclal Salo of muslin underwear
next week, nt 25e. , 50a and 75c. Tho great
est salo wo over mado HI. It, Nitsley & Co.
Goo. MoArthur nnd Will Maxwell, chner
oncd by Cliff Shcpard, attended n swell socie
ty dnnco nt PlatUmouth Tuesday evening.
Lincoln City Lodgo No. 377, 1. O. B. B.,
gavo their first hop Monday ovoniug at Mn
soulo Temple, It will be a pleasant event.
Mrs. J. Baughman nnd her daughter Min
nie, arrived in this city Monday after having
enjoyed a visit with their friends in Illinois.
Miss Emma Hulter, of Kansas City, has re
turned to her homo after having spent somo
timo with her friend Miss Laura Blizzard of
this city.
Miss May Potvln and Mrs. K. K. Haydon
are in Omaha, lliey went to nttend tho re
ception tendorcd tho Boston Symphony Club
by Mr. and Mrs. Barkor.
Lawyers and insurance men wero th'cker
In Lincoln this week than flies on a dog's back
Legislature in session, don't you know, nnd
Insurance bills before that honorable body is
Copt. W. F. Tiblets, of theD. & It. G. R,
It., is in the city and called In to show us ids
annual ass of solid silver with his name en
gravd thereon. It is a beauty and tho Cnpt.
is Justly proud of it,
Tho friends of Mr. F. C. Fisk, tho gonial
shipping clerk for Brown and Ilautz, will no
doubt regret to hear of that gentloman's serious
illness, having been confined to his room with
pneumonia since last Thursday.
Rubber staniM of nil kinds nnd for nil pur
poses may be had on short notice at tho
CouiilElt olllce. Also stencils, outfits for
marking garments, handkerchiefs, etc., nil
of which aro sold at prices as low as any com
petition. Gen. A. II. Conner was gracefully caned by
a host of Ids f 1 lends at tho Liudell last even
ing, Hon. Henry Fieldgrove mndo tho pro
sentation speech, after which a social timo
was Indulged In by thooo present followed by
a supper given by Gen. Conner,
Mrs. A. C. Zelmer is In receipt of n letter
from her sister Miss Sadie Gruiiinger, written
by tho Jady herself,' her physician allowing
her that privellge. This will Indeed bo good
uows to tho young lady's many friends in this
city, who look for her singly recovery.
Hartshorn Bros., 810 South Elovcuth
street, do nil kinds of upholstering, furnish
ing all kinds of now and odd styles In frames
and upholstcrol in all klndsot material. New
mattresses mado and old ones renovated by
Improved machinery, which makes them as
good as new. Ilcalrs of all kinds, in our
lino, attended to nt once.
News lms reached this oftlco of tho marri
age of MibS Aw anna Painter, a charming
young lady formerly of this city but now a
resident of Hastings. The wedding was
strictly private lifter which tho happy couple
started for a short trip enst, stopping in Lin
coln tietucoii trains. Tho Coukikh nml n
host of friends extend thoir bet wishes for
future succefcs,
Mr. J. 11. Ulglubotham, well-known in so
clety circles In Lincoln, met with an accident
on Monday morning that camo near result
ing in his death. His room is heated by n
hard coal burner npd tho gas arising had
tilled tho room to such an extent as to causo
that gentleman1 sufTocutlon. By hard work
on tho rt of Dr. GitTen ho was brought
around but it was a closo call.
Change Itemntly Mndo Mnets With Hntln
inetlon nnd HiislneM,
Two weeks ago tho CouniKll announced n
chnngo In tho mnnngemont of tho Hart Hard
ware Co., nnd predicted much good as tho re
sult, a fact which wo nro already pleased to
110U). Trado has materially Increased nml
everything In thlo new nnd iwpubir wholoanlo
liouso works smoothly nml prosperously, Tho
firm's capital has lieon increased thus making
th'j flwwcial backing oven stronger than over,
nnd nt n recent meeting tho coin'xiny elected
Its officers which resulted a follows: L. O,
Hart, proaldontj J. T. Clarko, treasurer; A,
Ik Havens, secretary, and F. W. Kruso, man
ngor. Tho latter gontlomnti, although now to Lin
coln, Is by no means now In tho hardware
trade. Mr. Kruso is 0110 of tho licst nnd most
popularly known hardware men in tho west,
having had fifteen years experience in that
lino, and tiullko most mon In business so long,
hnsdurlng that timo boon conuoctcd with but
two houses. Ho started with Mowrs. Andrew
Tedwny & Son hi 1802 and remained with
thorn until 1805, whon ho became Interested
In tho firm of Wostphnl, Hinds Hardware Co.,
both of Dubuque. Iowa. Iwluir manneor and
buyer or tho latter, thus giving him an insight
Into tho best method), of "stocking up" and
keeping jiosted on values In trndo.
In locating among us Mr. Kruso brings to
this city his charming family circle. Including
his brother-in-law, Mr. P. S. White, nil of
whom nro now pleasantly nt homo in this
city, Mr. Kniso's best recommendation Is n
iargo bunch of letters and telegrams received
from tho largest Jobbing houses of tho east ox
pressing regret at ills removal from Dubuquo,
nnd congratulating him upon his prospect hi
his now homo.
A moments conversation with tho gontlo
mnti thoroughly convinces ono that ho is n
shrewd business mu nnd n careful financier
and If tho Hart Hardware Company, undor
his nblo miiuageuioiit does not continue to
prosH)r ns It now does, tho Couuikh Buggosts
that it career of usefulneM might ns wol
ceaso as to endeavor to climb further up tho
ladder of success.
Wo dcslro to extend congratulations to nil
concerned, nnd wish this popular house tho
succeM they so richly deserve.
Hobby's "DlicoTcry.
Miss Ethel (spooking of young Mr. Fcath
erly, who has just mado a call and bowel
himself out at n unusually early, hour)
Didn't Mr. Foathorly make a very short call,
Miss Clara Unusually so.
Miss Ethel And with what profuso gal
lantry ho backed to tho door. Wiy, nou-..
von turn to open it
Miss Clara Yes, ho was oil manner to
lght. Bobby (who has been allowed to sit up latar
than usual) Clara, hero's two suspender but
tons on tho rofa. Can I havt Vanf Nw
It Affect, ro'o'plo Dln"e'rcnljr.
Smith I saw you walking with your wlf
this morning, Brown. Sho looked as radiantly
happy ns anybody I over saw, whilo yon
Boomed too bluo and disconsolate for any
thing. Brown Yos, my wifo insisted upon a now
Gcolskln sacquo, and I had to buy it for her.
Now York Sun.
Would It Were.
"Mamma," said a llttlo girl (thoywcroln
tho reception room of a f ashlonablo chiropo
dist) "isn't this a lovoly room I And I nover
aw so many lovely flowers before,"
"Yea, there's n great profusion of them."
"Woll, mamma, are they what tho lady
trims tho corns wlthf1 Now York Sun.
A Sura Care.
"I was recommended to toko your paper.
Mr. Wittlcus."
"Ah I on tho laugh and grow fat principlof
"No; I suffer from sleeplessness." Harper's
Degrees of Wluloni.
Tho merchant who is averngo wise, ha
more or less will advortiso. But ho is very
much tho wiser who's more than less an ad
vertiser. Lowell Courior.
limine. Matters.
Mr. Wabash (to Miss Waldo, of Boston) I
mpposo, MUh Waldo, that your father is In
business in Boston?
Mi Waldr Oh, yesj ho Is ono of ti
prominent shoo manufacturers thcra.
Mr. Wabash Ah, Indeed. I hnvo never
hod much business experience myself. Now,
about bow long does it tato j"our fathor to
make, say, a good olght dollar shool Now
York Sun,
Tnko tho O. & N. W, through vestlbulod
sleeper to Chicago. Office 115 So. 10th st.
A. tfowicki, H. L.
Formerly Professor In ths University Mos
cow. Dr. Nowlckl has rrrently returned
from Paris, Vienna and other Kiiropenn cities,
where ho lias boon HtudyliiK tho new systom
of treatment of his spsolalttos, fomnlo com
plaints and liver, kidney and eve dlstasH.
130 North 12th Ht, Transit Hotel llulldln j.
JtntijMitiiitiittiiMiiiaiif Wm J 1
Most Popular Resort in the City.
1 1 19, 1 121 and
25 cts
2,5 Per Ct.
Muslin Underwear, '
Ashby &
Musical Merchandise.
All the Latest and Popular Operas, Sheet Music and Books
in Stock. 1 2th St., opposite Opera House.
122 South 12th Street.
Stamping, Art Needle Work, Kid Glove. and Materials
or Fancy Work, our specialty.
Foreman & Crow, Props. ,
122 South 12th Street. Opposite Opera House.
l&$v jtxosi 5XI
I 45 Mustang Liniment a I
M f & H
100 Engrayed Calling Cards
And Copper Plate, for $2.50.
If you have a Plate, we will furnish 100 Cards from'
same, at $1.50. ' ("i"f
Courier Offlco. Tolophono 253. Now Burr Blook
Established Dee. 10, 1880.
.The German National Bank,
Capital Paid up, $100,000.00
Surplus, . . . 13,000.00-
Transacts a ganornl banking business, Issues
letters of credit, draw drafts on nil parts or
the world. Foreign collections a specialty. J
O O. MUNBON,Vlco President.
JOUIU'H llOEHMEIt, Cashier.
O. J. WILCOX, Assistant Cashier.
1 123 N Street.
$4.00 per week.
aii.iNEa BXtoa
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