Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, January 26, 1889, Image 1

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WWWPfffiSeS ,:rr4 TrflK
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Voi. 4. No. 7.
Lincoln, Nicquasi-ca, Saturday, January 20, 1880.
PwiOIfi FlVIC OlfiNTS.
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I .
Xlfe on Blilpbonrtl Its llonntles ami Un
pleasantnessHow to Attlro(
Wlutt to Kxpect, i:to.
Written for Tn CocniKH.
" Llfo on tho Ocean Wavo," us oxiierleneed
in a elnglo trip by tho Bwlftly-borno voyager
6f to-day, may or niny not furnish ovon n
t orctasto of tho pleasures, discomforts, amuse
lucnU or terrors of prolonged or numerous
voynges, for tho few doys now required to
span the broad Atlantic, nmy bo, each of
cloudless sky and placid water or thoy may
bo days fraught with tempest and nights
flllodwith frightful forebodings. Wind and
weather seem nowhero moro capraclous than
on tho ocean. At tho wharf, when tho hour
for sailing arrives, thero nro tho over recur
ring Incidents of tearful and pathetic partings
which tho solitary passenger may w Itnesi, not
without emotion, If ho thinks of tho Isolation
from friends, who, although distant, seemed
not out of reach until ho finds himsolf lloatlng
oceauward, but ho waves his farewells In
fancy ns ho write parting notes and letters
to bo sent ashore with tho pilot, tolling of safo
embarkation, and tho novelty of tho situation
with tho oxhlllratlng effect of tho motion,
soon diBicl8 nil dismal feeling, as tho huge
ship Is slowly swung out from the wharf by n
llttlo Btcntn tug attached to her sldo, remind
ing ouo of tho diminutive ant wo have often
seen pushing and dragging another insect, or
n hit of soinothlnc many times Its own bulk.
When fairly turned nbout and headed for
deep water, Bho begins to oxert her own tro
mendlous propelling power, and proudly
moves out towards tho open sea, guinea oy
tho skillful hands of tho pilot who remains on
board until well oir tho i-oast, his leaving of
tho ship, bearing our messages back to tho
shoro, seems tho last Incident of our depart
ure Tho Inexperienced passenger, If ho
should sail on a sultry day, in tho early sum
mer, Is almost certain to miscalculate tho
chango of temperature to which ho may bo
subjected. Ordinary forethought will prompt
him to wear Borvlcablo clothing too heavy for
comfort on shore, and as an extra precaution
ho will tako a suit or two of warm llannels,
hero, In his niixlety to bo rid of superfluous
luggogo, ho will probably draw tho lino. Ho
will sollloqulzo In this vein, "Tho mild, ocean
breezes will bo just an ngreeablo chango, and
tho warm woolens will afford ample protec
tion from chill and dampness," and so It may
bo, but perchance 'oro long, as tho continent
nnd Its accumulated radiating heat recedes,
chill breezes may bo wafted from off tho Icy
mountains of Greenland, which, together with
tho dampness, will plerco his very marrow.
Tho veteran voyagers nbout tho deck will
bo seen muflled with ulsters and soft rugs, but
tho novice, so lately sweltering In tho crowd
ed city, longing for tho coolness of tho ocean,
if ho bo not driven below at once, essays to
pace tho deck, which, as a recreation Is scarce
ly moro pleasurablo than promenoding tho
aisle of a Pullman coach In motion. Ills next
rofugo will probably bo tho leeward sldo of
tho ship, as near as posslblo to tin funnels,
where warm air Is radiated from below.
Here ho can warm each sldo alternately whllo
the other Is oxposod to an eagor "and nipping
air," his foot, meanwhilo, becoming numb nnd
clammy, adding not a llttlo to his discomforts.
Tho ordinary leather shoes aro certainly not
the proper foot-covering for shipboard woar.
Tho Bait moisture of tho ocean air has u close
affinity for tho leather, and resides In its every
flbro during tho entire voyage.
If wind and wave subsldo, u thick fog usu
ally arises, obscuring oven the monotonous
expanso of wuter, and deepening tho already
quickened seuso of Isolation. Soon a fresh
terror, a souud, shrill, dhcordant, startling
and unexpected from tho fog horn, in closo
proximity, 6ends a shudder through the list
ener, and Its momentary blast nnd tho gath
ering gloom of night, will have the effect of
sending him below to tho salon, there to
tempt the fnllbjHVppetlto or find diversion in
games or muling. Tho heavy ocean air in
clines to somnolence, and reluctance for tho
exertion nnd dlscomforU of getting settled
for tho night, onco overcome, sleep, soothing
all Ills, conies soon, but If wakefulness Inter
veno before morning's dawn,tho slowly return
ing consciousness is sometime startled and
torrlfled by mysterious sounds. If seas oro
high, tho crest or nn occassional wavo as weep
along tho lower deck does not add coniosuro
and tho rushing of nlr along boiiio ventilating
shaft becomes, in tho excited Imagination, a
resistless stream from tho ocean, pouring Into
tho depths of tho ship, shrill and doleful calls
and slgnols of tho olllcors and seamen, adjust
ing tho sails and rigging, souud like cites of
Tho sleeper, thoroughly awakened at lost,
persuades himself thut ho has been tho victim
of delusions, unci if tho morning light should
bring calm weather ho hurries on deck, whore
reeking moisture provndes everything. If
later on, tho sunshlno struggling through
curling vapors, drives tho mists from tho
waters, tho grateful waimth Imparts genlalty
to such lis uro not depressed by qualms of
sickness. It is then, If over, that there Is
pleasure In tho sensations of tho voyager and
pleasure In tho prospect Tho sea, vast and
solemn, In Its uwfcl power Is yet full of sud
den motion and beauty of color, Its rippling
surface, under tho sunlight, ever varying In
tint, from nzuro to bright green, and foam
of purest white. The water m.iy bo observed
with unceasing Interest. Along the sides of
the ship, tho wave formed liy her prow nro
over curling gracefully, their crests breaking,
fall nnd cury particles of air Into tho water,
changing Its color to a creamy whitened
until thu mluuto bubbles rise again and bund.
Tho water of tho ocean, seldom, If ovor,
settles to a perfect level. Its biirfncu may be
of glossy smoothness, but there will bo niajes
tlo swelling motion, In con fori nation not un
like a gently rolling prnh le. Koou a sudden
breeze or puling ship may agitato tho (pilot
water Into narrow rippling wavelets. When
far out at see, tho unaided vision seldom des
cries a living thing beyond tho confines of tho
ship, other craft do not often pass in sight
and water fowl rarely apcar in mid ocean.
Sometimes a small object, seemingly a bird,
will bo soon to flit from wavo to wavo and
disappear beneath. Tho only fish of consid
erable size that leaves lu native elomont, is
tho sportlvo porKlso. Swimming In pairs, as
if to promonodo tho ocean, thoy leap abovo
tho waves at Intervals, descending in graceful
curvos. Hack or lln of other fWh or inarlno
animal is rarely scon nlwvo tho surfaco of tho
wntor, but if tho oyo could penotrnto lU
depths, what teeming llfo might bo disclosed.
Tho wionl beauty of tho moonlit ocean will
not fall to fascinate tho appreciative lieholdor.
Lot him look along tho "silont sea'' toward
tho full moon near tho horizon. Tho Bllvery re
flection of tho lunar disc in tho moving waters,
far as tho oyo can reach, nppears a broad
athway of shimmering rndlanco, fashioned
for angel feet. Ton cannot adequately portray
or brush of artist picture a sceno liko that.
Tho passengers and crow of a well-laden
Atlantic steamer, form nn nswomblngo of tier
sons, probubly more diverse lu individuality
than could bo found elsewhere, and yet
brought near each other In symjiathy by tem
porary Isolation from the outside world, con
sequently tho opKrtiinlties nro favorable for
a comparison and study of somo of tho vnri
ous phases of character, tho predominant
traits of which are usually Intensified by tho
conditions present. The casual observer and
tho student of human nature cannot fnll to bo
amused nnd Instructed, as no experience is
more apt to disclose tho "trtio Inwardness" of
thoso on board than tho ocean voyage, especi
ally if It bo a tempestuous ono.
Hcuuo In u lllsiutit City.
itv Kiiaut tiioiini:.
Written for tho CoUlllKlt.
"Lend inoyourcnrsl" tho mayordcinnndcd,
And "sllcncol" sternly ho commanded.
Ono councilman, wIioho soul was dark
As Egypt, mnduthl bold remark:
"Your own aro mighty long and duo,
You surely hnvo no use for mine."
Down camo tho gavel with a hung
That through tho council chamber mug,
And down ho sat with sober fuco
And listened with becolnlng grace.
Come, now, my friends and Join with mo
To nmlco this world what It should be.
(lint council meetings everywhere
Hlionld begin with hymn and prayor."
That mutter we'll not dwell uoii.
"We will dispense with thuni Go on,"
Was tho remark ofovory one.
Tho mayor, poor, ovor zealous man;
Continued thus Ids pious plan.
"Wo'll free our city from its strains,
Till no corroding spot remains;
Our neighboring cities next we'll reach,
And wholesome moral lessons tench.
With spirits strong and hearts elato,
We'll travel on from stnto to stuto,
'Till demons shall exist no more
From Maine to tho Pnolllo's shore;
Our efforts then wo will extend
Unto tho enrth'H remotest end.
On' every sly pcrlgrlnntlon,
Made without show or ostentation,
When no ouo knows my rank and station,
I see so many glnrlug evils.
I think tho city lilted with dovlls,
Tkelr naino is legion. Do not you
Bco them on overy avenue?"
"Well, no!" tho councllmen reply;
"Wo havo somo other Hull to fry;
Nor can wo so good ronson why
You should, with a religious bloh
Whip this assembly t n church."
And ono moro during than tho rest,
Tim mayor his lordship thus ad tl rosso d ;
"Wo lovo a dainty bltof boodlo;
Like the lean hound or famished poodlo;
Wo lick the platter slick and clean,
'Till naucht remains that cuiiho soon.
Friend Ilnrdcasli, silting oniny left,
Who never has thought of fraud or theft,
Chairman of water Hpouts and Ponds,
Has dipped Into tho city bonds,
And as Ids fingers rumbled through thorn,
Home ns I know full well stuck to them.
Friend Client, committeeman on Schools,
Will disregard nil laws and rules.
Chairman Is huof" Wrong and Hlght,
And aht ho Is not horo tonight.
My neighbor Htrectpavo, sitting thero
Ho quiet In his cushioned chair,
Has cquntlcss thousands to disburse,
And doubtless, ho will nil his purso;
And I, myself, have now lu view
A plan to make u little, too.
Tls so with overy ono of us;
Then why create this blasted fun) I
And you, yes, you sir, even you,
Ho strnlvht-lnced honest' good mid true,
Who claims to be severely pious,
Have In tho past stood closely by us,
And shared with us tho useful elf.
Taking n generous slU-o yourself.
Mav be I speak not by tho dockot
You have it in your Inside pocket.
Think you wo aro a pack of fools,
Tho people's namby-pamby tools!
No sir! wo labor for the tin:
And when wo havo n chance, pilch In."
Ills Honor stared, and, brought to bay,
Had not another word to say,
Finding his pious game was blocked,
And adjourned the meeting sine nocte.
Ladle llittlilug Parlors.
CommenclngTiiesdiiy next tho I'nlaco Ha th
ing 1'nrlors In tho llnrr Mock will bo upon from
IS to 8 oclock 1. M, for ladles exclusively, un
der tho management of coiniMitunt lady at
tendentsaiulon Tuesday and Friday of each
week hereafter.
Tho entrance Ison twellh street whuro polito
attendants will boon constant duty.
IlHttdsoiiiu (iriU'ii to Kent.
Desk room w Ith use of Ulepliouo,stenm
heat, light and olllco boy, to rent at ths new
CouitiKit ofllce, 133-124 north Twelfth street
Ground floor and best location In tho city.
Rent reasonable.
Advi'i'tUn Your Wuiits.
For tho iH'iiuIlt of thu ladles who may hnvo
tr pass thiough the common btiuggloof bo
curing help, thu CouiUKli will receive want
advertisements for publication in the Daily
Call want columns. Parties desiring help
situations, boaidei-H, or to rent rexuns or rent
houses can leave their advertisement at this
olllco nnd they will Im piomptly delivered to
tho Call for publication, One cent a word
jer day is tho oxk'iin).
llrown's c-nfo Is now omii day nnd night,
to that lunches can bo had at this iKipulur re
tort at any time.
Llncolnttc and Naliranknit Hnvo Caught
tho Foreign Travel Crate.
nnd grand
does tho
ship nppcar
as it leaves
its lauding
nnd tho gay
ity behind to outer tho great world of water,
nnd seemingly nlono goes on Ita travels on tho
bosom of tho great briny deep. I ho last
handshaking nt tho dock nnd tho waving of
tho hntidkorchlof from tho distance lu tho iort,
cuu off nil that is near and dear to ouo. Ne
cessity, as well as nature in mankind, brings
us Into closo companionship with those who
we hnvo novor soon liofore nnd of whom wo
lmd no Idea of ovor meeting. Hut those pleas
ant associations bring man nnd limn together
on ouo level, when away from friends, homo
and country; tho millionaire and honorary
meet mid mnko friends with tho honest nnd
well-to-do, and during tho voyngo many fires
of friendship that seldom die, are made nnd
fostered. Tho passengers rorni ono common
family and before that foreign shore is looked
upon, many are tho pleasant entertainments
that are enjoyed. Music at Intervals nils tlio
air, dancing delights nil, theatricals please tho
tho auditors ami plenty to cat. ami tirniK,
makes llfo on the ocean n most happy exist
ence. Mntiy suppose, mm ociiovo urom wimt
somo one lias told them) thut Trnus-Atlantla
travel Is by no moans pleasant. Such, wo
want to Impress iion our patient reader, is
not tho case by any moans.
Sauntering nbout town yesterday for nows.
it CouiUKli scribe called lu to see City Pusscii
enger Agent Zlemer, corner Tenth nnd O
streets nnd soon tho conversation switched
onto ocean travel. "Whnt aro tho pros
jiects," queried tho reorter, "for ocean travel
fromnmongLlncoinitosino coming season!"
"Well," said tho ticket man, "I sent several
hundred iieopla over Inst spring and summer
nnd now already, notwithstanding the upfr
ont earllness of tho season, I hnvo booked
over fifty persons who will will for foreign
pnits in oarly spring tlnio. You boo water
travel Is vastly different from whnt It used to
bo. Where wo used to ticket ono person ncross
nbout onco a month, now wo ticket fifty or
more in the snmo tlnio, nnd ro great Is tho de
mand for desirable localities that you can't
order too far ahead."
"Where do most of tho people got" was
next queried. "Oh, tho points of interest
vary, depending entirely for whnt puroso
the trip Is made. If they go for pleasure,
many souk tho refreshing nnd delightful Ger
man resorts Of UarlosiNtil, Hnilou-baden and
similar famous European watering places,
Tho multltudo usually make a break for Lon
don, Liverpool and Paris and from there
mako up their trips, taking in on their tour
before returning b.ich prominent poInU ns
Viinna, Herlln, Dublin, Venice, Homo, Na
ples, etc. For instance, lost season I sent out
among tho list Mr. Carl Fuuko and wife,
Mrs. Hussoy, Mr. Frank Ulicldon anil wire,
Mr. D. D. Mulr and wife, I'rof. Hewoy nnd
wife, Mr. W. J. Lamb nnd wife, Mr. C. I).
Hyatt, Mr. F. K. Gregg and wife and numer
ous others. Thoso were all eutour and nil
returned speaking of their journeys as being
among tho most pleasant Incidents of their
"About historical travols; no you ticket
pooplo as far as the noted points lu Kgypt and
other parts of opial proiulneneoi" "Why,
certainly," said zealous Zlumor, "of course I
do," and producing a book nnd running his
Indox finger down bovernl pages said: "Why,
I havo sent out all thoso within the hut two
years and tho pooplo are orfoctly delighted
and infatuated when thoy return. Of course
such trips nro long but by our new routes to
Egypt, I can givo thorn a round trip ticket
from Lincoln to Jerusalem soiiding tliom by
way of the cut off, (I don't moan the Ashland
cutoff, although that Is included if desired)
via Joppa, on tho Medltcrunlan, thus saving
several hundreds of miles travel. You would
bo surprised at tho way people travel lu tho-!
countrlos in thoso days. Compared to former
times, thoy now travel llko kings, and the
viewing of nuciont ruins, tho sphynx, old
tomplos, pyramids, etc., furnish pleasant inn
terial and rich food for thought to those w ho
enjoy historical revelations."
The season of thu foreign traveler for tak
ing htsdexirturu Is nigh nt hand and tho Coun
ikh wishes to suggest that before starting or
before purchasing tickets, that they call on
Mr. Kicmcr. ills talks on foreign travel uni
thu information ho Interestingly furnishes
gives ouo n keen desire to start at on). Mr,
Zoimur represcnU overy Trans Atlantic lino
aid in bupplyin; patron with tickets cm bo
of much help In attending to tho various de
tails of such a trip. Ho ticket through, from
stmt to destination and return, avoiding nil
trouble and rUks of purch'islng tickets any
where while abroad.
Position Wanted by it I.iuly.
A young lady who writes a plain hand do
sires employment as copyist or other olllco
woik, or would accept other suitable work,
on moderate wages. Address for further
paitlculars, M. M., caru of Couuieii olllco.
Attend our Wk. kid glovo wile. "Alexan
dre Kid" glovis, nnd lino goods nil nt tho
Nimo price. II. H. Nlssley&Co,
U7J HM3prrw itAfitt, Mi I -Mt jfcPrBlg yt" va
A Itavlow of tlm l'mt, n Word for the
Present mid l'rospnets for Future
Chns. I.. Davis' now foO.000 production
filled a ono night's engagement nt tho Fuuko
on H'lturdny last, with Mr. Davis In Now
York instead of in tho cast. Ills place was
ably tilled by his second, Mr. White, whom
Mr. Davis always carries with him to take
Ills place when ho does not feel Inclined to ajt
pcar. The play was deprived of none of its
brilliancy however us Mr, Davis was not
missed during tho evening, "Ono of the Old
Block" reminds ono n great (leal of "Alvln
Jostyn," being on tho snmo order and termi
nating lu about thu saiuo manner. Heelal
mention might I hi made of tho scenery used
in tho third net as it Is evident that a largo
portion of tho V.VJ.OOO Is rcprobcutvd there.
This Interesting melodrama was presented
by afalrcomimny, to a good niidlotico at
Fuiiko's on Tuesday evening. Tho play
abounds In striking situations, and nffonM
ample opportunity for the different members
of tho troupe to render their jxirts in such u
way ns to command tho attention of thu en
tire nudleiico. MKs Dwyer ns Amilo Mead
ows, the farmer's daughter, is certainly lit
tod for the clmructcr, nnd renders lu-r )art lu
a really creditable manner. Tho rest of tho
company tender her ii good supjiort; the
only thing lacking liclng n largo iiumlter of
characters whoso names npjieared on tho pro
gramme. Tlin scenery Is good and tho piece
is well staged, tho sluice sceno lu particular
being decidedly realistic.
Tho Hiidsou-Eckert Ojiera Co., oeued n
two nights engagement at tho Fuuko, Wed
nesday evening, with somo twenty llttlo folks
in tho cast. It was tho Intention of tho man
agement to present "Olivette," but owing to
the fact that two of tho leading ladles, or
more properly spunking, "Misses," did n
nrrlvo In tlnio, "Tho Mikado" was put on in
Its place. Tho comiMiny Is thoroughly "Ju
vlnilo," not nn old stick among them, and
kept thouiidietico In remarkably good nature
nil evening. Hound after round of npplauco
greeted thu llttlo songsters, nnd thoy deserved
Thursday ovoulug tho pleasing opera "Oil
vetto" wus put on, nnd tho manner in which
it was rendered was truly delightful. Mlsi
CJeiiolund, as Olivette, Is osltivoly charming,
and won lho admiration of nil present. Miss
Herg, ns tho "countess," Is the iHissossor of n
rlcii contralto voice that slio uses to good nd
vantage; lu fact there is not n stick in tho
company, and It would be unkind to crltlcNo
any member of It.
Tills well known company of carefully so-
looted artists opened u three nights engage-
mentattho rooplo. Thursday evening, in
"Tile Mnckoy's Uasket Picnic," to a largo
house. Tho company nro playing a return
dntu hero, and havo lost none of their jiopu
larlty siuco tliolr lost visit. Lost evening
thoy presented "Tho Dolly. Oimtii" in n (man
ner that delighted tho entire nudleiico. Tho
company Is n really good ono, and If you havo
not seen them yet you should Ira suro and go
tonight when thoy closo their engagement
with tho screaming fnreo comedy, "A Ilox of
To n largo and approbatlvo audience Mr. and
Mrs. Florence presoutcd this, their latest suc
cess, at tho Fuuko last evening. Although
thoso old favorites aro brought out in en
tirely different roles from nnything thoy hnvo
before attempted, thoy do full justice to their
parts and retain tho unbounded good will
they havo derived from our theatre goers.
With Mr. and Mrs. Florence lu tho tittle
roles and such an excellent company for
their supK)rt, tho now play cannot fall to Imi
a decided success. This uftornoon, nt the
matinee, they present their master pleco,
"Tho .Mighty Dollar," and mere mention of
this fact should fill the house.
Tonh'lit tho en
gagement closes
with Hrongham'a
dramatization of
Did ens "Doinlwy
and Hon," with
Mr, Florence as
Captain Cuttlo.
His simplicity,
truth and coufl
deuce lu human
nature; his hero
worslilp of that
old, deceiptful
Iiuiuimg, Jack
lhiusby; his want
of self radiance;
his Ignorance of
has own worth, il
lustrated by his
(U'lxMidi'iico upon
proverbial philos
ophy mako him
ns original us ho
havo the author's
9P.i J.J,n
'i mvv iw
Is entertaining, nut to
picture step from thu canvas, clothed In flesh
mid blood, wearing n tarpaulin hat and u
steel hook; to heur his voice coming aloft
through tho hatchway of a larnyx corrugated
by sea air, sci songs, ami imvy tobacco in
short, to seeCapt. Cuttle in person, as Dick
on's saw him, thought of him, dreamt of him,
created him this is, indeed, u treat.
"JION1K tiltSTl) Jit."
At hist, after hearing so much ulxmt thu
dainty llttlo star, I'oiinue, wo nro to have
lieraud an cxcellant coniHiuy with us for
three nights, commencing Thursday, Jan
uary Hist, and continuing thu lmlauco of tho
week. Thu following flattering notice from
tho (VitWhih Ihrnltl tells all and sxiks in
tho highest terms of this charming llttlo
notrcss, It siys; "The comniuy in Its en
tirety Is well lilted for tho Interpretation of
that burlesque, It Mug composed of a Iwvy
of young and pretty women, good singers mid
oxiflleiit dancers, The play Itself, as Its
iiiimo indicates, is a burlesque of thu famous
old drama, "Monto Ciisto." It Is full of fun
and extravagant situations, mid keeps tLo
tflflftS Kk
nudleiico constantly laughing and applaud
ing, Corlnno, thu bright particular shir of
tho evening, received a warm welcome on her
llrst entrance, nnd entered Into her mrt with
groat zest. Hho is prettier this year than
ever, and sings and dances with all tho Joy
otisuoss of youth mid good nature. Her cos
tumes were haudsomo nnd appropriate, while
her now song of "Dear Heart" made it dis
tinctive hit. The part of Dilutes as played by
her Is undoubtedly tho best that she has ever
played and will go fur towards her future
success. Ouo of tho great features was the
military march, done by sixteen young ladles,
alul for variety of movements, precision of
execution, mid general uppctirmico, It litis
never been excelled lu thu city, Altogether
"Monto Crlsto, Jr." Is n hit, nnd will, without
doubt draw on Its merits, to say nothing of
tho iHM-sounl popularity of U llttlo star."
On Monday evening January liSth, tho
patrons of Fuuko's will honfforded an oppor
tunity to scothlsold farorlto siectacular, with
u great compniiy lu tho cast, "Around tho
World in Eighty Days" Is tho wild vagaries
of mi enthusiast, brimful of tho most Intense
Imagination, regardless of time, placo or
action, but all blended together llko it fairy
enchantment, Tho HHsiacles are gotten up
in tho most suHr!) oriental stylo, and with an
oxhilarutliig ballet of lovely women lu Intii
rate marches and movement. Tho whole
pleco Is it conception of tho renowned Klralfy's
with the help of Gustavo Goto hi the mug
iilllcaut scenery, painted by m lists of tho
llrst order of met It mid ability. Tho com
pany consists of forty ooplo; the costumes
are siqierb and costly, and nil thu appoint
ments go to mako It ono of tho grandest seo
tacular dramas over placed iimjii any stage.
It Is a kind of display seen only onco in n llfo
time, and calculated to please nil who witness
Onco more tho theatre going people of this
city nro iiblo to sou n truly great siv!nlty
company. They nro horo for ono night only,
Wednesday, January 'Jtlth and If thoy draw
as large a house ns Ixxivltt usually docs Funku's
won't hold tho people. Tho company contains
n great array of talent, lielng headed by nono
loss than tho great minstrel kings, Mcliityru
& Heath. Among tho artists that win the
grcahwt favor aro tho .anuttoi. Alfred.
Mario and Louise, whoso Juggling mid nrfist
lo dlusslons are of n very high order; tho
llrotliors Glllenos, musical clowns, givo a
novel act that moots witli tho favor that It
deserves; tho Milton Sisters, pretty mid viva
clous in duets; tho Avones, a very funny gro
tosquo iicrobutla act; thu Pyknics, character
mimics, tho grout hit in Vienna last season;
Willmotnud Fnrrell, in their Irish songs and
dances; James nnd Ivato Donuell, English
chnrnctors duotists, and Duncan mid his great
vcutriloqulul act.
For nn evening of genuine enjoyment do
not miss tills excellent company.
"A performance overy night next weok nt
tho Peoples, and at popular prices," stld llob
Uoomo yesterday to it cuuiukh rcxirtcr lu ro
siionso to the usual salutatory, what do you
kuowf" Commencing Monday, Jan. !W,'tlio
All Star Theatre Co , begin a week's engage
ment in tho great comedy drama, in four
nets, entitled -'Tliu llttlo Detective," giving
nu entire change of programme each evening.
Tho company Includes such icoplo as .Miss
Edith Dlrlstiuo, Nettle Daltou mid Mr. Frank
Coy, togulher with other woll known artists.
Thu price of admission has been put nt 10,20
mid !i0 cents with no extra charge for re
served sjats. Do not full to see them at least
once during tho week.
Tho Casino Opera Company qxms nn en
gagement tt the Fiinku February 4th in
Did you over notice when n couplo of dill
dred nro sitting In front of a lady and gentle
man ut thu tneatro, that the least remark of
theirs, or attempt to converso with each other,
annoys and disturbs them? yet that samo
couplo with several others will make up n
"theatre iwtrly" and disturb thu whole house.
Queer, Isn't itl More anon.
Uy thd way, I see that Mclntyro nnd Heath
are with LeuvItU Novelty Co. They used to
own a show of their own, In fnct one of tho
liest minstrel shows on tho road.They ovldent
y didn't find owning n show a lied of rotes,
and so hnvoqult tho business and connected
themselves with n good company where thoy
are Mire of a payday always coming around
on tfino.
Harry E. Freuiid.iu tho Music and Drama,
of thd l'Jth, describes Mrs James Drown Pot
ter's tHirfornmnco of (.lonimtra as "extremely
distressing." Ho clows u length)' article on
tlm subject by saying: "Mr. IjuIs Aldrich
talks about protection for tho American actor.
I consider that the amerlcan audience de
serves some protection from such nu outrage
on tho gol will of the public, ns this er
formauco of "Antony nnd CleoiMitra" nt Pal
mer's. Oil, shades of Wallack, that tho theatre
built and dedicated by you to art should bo
dctccrutod by such a performance!"
Manager MuKoynolds hns made another
move which clarly indicates the fact that ho
Is to lo tho future Edmund Dautes of the
atrical malingers, ere long. Last week ho
closed a deal with the owners of the Kerr
0ieni house at Hastings, by tho terms of
which ho is to get a lease on the property for
a term of years, and as innuiigcr-lii-chlof Is
to have all the nrrangeuieuU for hooklugiiud
playing companies under his immediate con
trol. Tho chango is one that bcuellU this
city ns well as Hastings, as it Is now ndvun
tagous to play companies horo, mid then
route thorn to II istiugs. tluu enabling them
to play Isitli tivviis without losing any time.
It is n good move and oui th it liotli tho pub
lic an 1 coiiiNiules will appreciate.
Mr. George Iiwo, after llunl consideration,
has concluded to remain lu Lincoln, and hav
ing been tendered it uumlier of scholar, has
decided to Instruct nil who may de-ire his
services on tho organ or piano. Mr. Ioo is
n talented gentleman nnd a finished musician,
ono whnthurougly understand this charming
mt. Ho may li found nt Curtice A: Thiers'
music store, iW, South Eleventh street, uhora
ull orders will 1m received nnd promptly nt
tended to.
Sawyer t Moshor, florists, Mum nie Temple.
A l.etler From Omiilin Netting Forth Its
Features nml t'oiilnlnliiK Homo
Kxoallfllit Noolal Points,
Omaha, No., January !U, IBM.
Eiiitoh CouiUKli: Drnr Sir. Tho wldo
circulation of your very creditable pajier in
Lincoln nnd lho kIUou It occupies ns nu ox
IMiuent of musical nnd literary excellonno
havo suggested thu propriety of writing a
lino for publication concerning tho visit of
our vocalists to your city. On Tuesday
evening, Jnnuary With, thu Omaha AjhiIIo
Club, assisted by our ladles Quartette nnd
"Madrigals" will glvu it grand concert lu
Fuuko's osrn house. During thu two or
three years since Its organization this club
has exhibited, from time to tlino, such marked
Impiovement us to elicit lho warmest com
mendation from Omnliuaudlauces,mid It may
bo said In truth, that under tho careful and
Intelligent training of Mr, II, 11. Young,
U has reached it degree of excellence that
Is rarely attained. The AjhiIIo Club's jiart
of tho program will Include u song by Mr.
Nat. M. llrighum, who has been nu cstioc
tal favorite with Huston audiences nnd for
nearly three years tho most delightful nnd
IhiMicd lyrlo tenor lu Oniiihn. Mr, iliiglmm
will also fake pint In that exquisite number
"Tho Drowsy Wood," singing tho obllgnto,
with vocal nocoinpnnlinont.
Of thu Madrigal Club, tlio jK'Ojih of Omaha
are always glad to sH'ak lu praise. It Is a
mixed quartette, consisting of Mrs. J. W.
Cotton, the accomplishes! soprano, and Mr
W, I!. Wllklns tho very excellent tenor of
Trinity Cathedral quartette, mid Mr. Thoi.
Peuuell mid Miss Ellraheth, tho no less popu
lar basso mid contralto, resjiectlvely, of All
Saints Choir, Their work, either ns soloists
or conceited iiiiiiiIhts Is esieclally fine, nnd Is
always appreciated In Omnlin and elsewhere.
Mrs. C. E. Squires, and Mrs. 11, D, Estn
brook, who, with Mrs. Cotton mid Mrs. Peu
uell, make up thu quartette, nre probably tho
best known lady slugeis in Omnlm. For
years thoy hnvo stood nt tho head of tho list,
mid their friends mo legion. As memliers of
First Congregational choir thoy hnvo earned
nnd received tlio most flattering considera
tion. Having lived lu Lincoln for nearly four
years nml (lining Hint time been intimately
associated with tho musical mid literary ele
ment, l urn nine to siieaK Intelligently of tho
culture mid refinement which gives to tho
capital city ono of Its greatest charms and In
planning for the proiKjsod concort, thoprlnci
nil aim on tho part of those who nro to enrry
It through, hns liven to eqien tho way to moro
cordial relations between tlio'iuuiio-Ioreni of
tho two cities, mid to encourngo n fraternal
sentiment that may result In mutual advance
incut nnd profit Tho ladles mid gentlemen
who nro exjieclrd to slug, nro not only our
most accomplishes! vocalists, hut aro promi
nent in society ns well. Mav wo hopo that it
cordial reception will lie extended, notonly ns
a manifestation of Interest lu tho music Itself,
but ns mi expression of reciprocal sentiment.
Cordially yours,
W, II. Al.KXANDlilt.
An liitertaliiliig Contest.
Ono of the most Interesting sorting events
that havo over taken placo lu this city closes
tonight nt liolianou'n Hall. It is seldom that
wo aro fortunate enough to obtain nu amuse
ment of this class mid to it should Iw extend
ed tho unlimited puronngo of our citizens.
Tho affair has Ihhmi conducted with great
success by tlio Lincoln Bicycle Club mid In
sures thorn n hearty ntteudauco should thoy
ever reH'at It. Tlio score of tho amateur raco
at this writing stands as follows:
Miles. Laps'. '
Van Horn . . 88 13
Pollock 88 0
Young 87 0
Case 81 8
III tho professional race tho plucky llttlo
lady, Mile. Iiuisu Armnludo, is still In tho
lmd and will undoubtedly win thu race1, bar
ring accidents. Tho ten tulle start seems to
have been more than the boys could afford to
give her. Tlio following score shows how
they now stand:
Miles. Laps.
Armnludo 181 II
Knnpp r . . 178 U
Morgao VJ. . 178 4
Eck Sjs HM 10
The finish tonight will undoWj'tedly draw a
largo audience. ' ..
Tho following complimentary nottco of tho
Ciihihtmah CouiUKli appeared In a recent
number or tlio Lincoln Frefe lvaie, and
although late wo think its jierusal may provo
interesting to all our readers:
(Sine roirilid) itt jebtr Sinfidjt
preid;uolle -ZBeiljiiacijtS Shimmer" rjab
bcr fieraucntber uub (Siriciitl)timfr be$
ilitfiflflt ..Capital City Courier", fifrr
I'mtis aflffiel, am Ichtcn Somflnfl
aus. $ie 0" Shimmer jeunt auermaio
con bent rjuten efdnuacfc, fomie bent
riditirjen 3 e fltinbmfi, btm Ijiefirjen dtl'
litum nur (Debiffienes 311 bieten, nnb
madjt bem soerniiffoeber balier mir nlle
"Aliiine; or, Tiik Aiihk'h Teuitation,"
by EmlloZohi, Is published this day by T H.
Peterson & llrotliors, lu uniform shne, stylo
and prlco ns "Nana, "It Terre," "Io
Hove)," "Nairn's Dnughter," "L'Assommoir,"
"Tho Girl in Scarlet," and "Nuna's llrother,"
already publlsliesl by thorn and belling nt tlio
extrnordiuiiry low piicoof twenty-live cents
a copy, at retail. "Ai.hine" Is a character
study of high order, nnd in It wo huvo aitlstie
truth, so itvilistically presented that tlio rrtld
er has ever) sc'iio nnd overy act of tho drama
placed vividly liefon uiiii. If tho writer de
mtIIh a room, lho nvidor Is piiKH'iit in it, and
sees what occiiro there; If he mentions n gul
den sevne, overy xitli, every bit of bhruhbery,
every dolull is made actual to tho iumglim
lion. "Aliiine" is ouo of tho most charming
mid sweetest lovo stiiiles ever pulilislicd. It
will bo found for sale by all News agents, or
cope.s of It w III be sent by mail, every where,.
011 remitting pnv to tlio puhlUhor.
EveryUsly eats nt Odvll'4 nowadnys.
Hoard only f 1.00 K'V week.
' twvk VI1T .-i. JB.iBX.1