1 CAPITAL CITY COURIER, SATURDAY, JANUARY 19, 1889. II t-o- f, 1 f 8 b 1 :; a f 1 Perkins Brothers HOME COMFORT for '. All people troubled with cold or tender feet. X-mas Slippers! FO Il ls LADIES, GENTLEMEN, OR CHILDREN SUPPER BAGS FOR HOME OR PARTY USE. o- PERKINS BROS., II29 O Street. FRANK E. LAMR, 936 F Street, GOLD COIN STOVES -And Ranges. Gold Coin Ventiduct. A. Sowicki, M. D. KsnMrly Professor In the University Mos J. Br, Nowlrkl has recently returned 1 rtwl. V MlllHtlllu twior r.uruv..v., 1 r .' '1 ..... .!.. .Iia tinur Vtt4nm whirl be tM been studying tno new bjmuiu -'- "' - soecu ties, rentals coin -'-'-i- ud liver, kidney unit eye diseases. "n SrtV U t, Transit Hotel Uulldln r A m Li CSV H r k. 1 t 1 V w 1 iW I W. V I Saturday Evfining, Jan. 19 "80. Corner 10th and P StrMt. LDadingDryGoodsHouso Herpolsheimer 4 Co. GRAND Embroidery Opening. Tim Courier Cun bo Pound At Windsor Hntol Now Htund. Oopltnl Itolul News Htnml. U.IuII'm Dining Hull News Htnml. Ulnsoit A Fletcher's, 110 South II III HtrcoU A. T. Looting A Co'h,, 1100 O Htreot. Tho Clothuui NowsBtninl, US Mouth nth HL Keith llros., lit N01II1 llth Blrcot. Kd. Young, HttOO Htreot. Kuton AHmlth, 1J3IO "T'I)lnnion(ll,liarmacr,,,v19th and N Hts. .. BEST GRADES OF UNDERWEAR At Attractive Prices. W. R. DENNIS, 1137O. Local unit l'craminl. Whltcbreast Cotil nnd Unto Company. Tnko Turkish nt 1010 O street. The lcst Teas. B. 1 .Stevens & Co. Telephono nt tho Couiukh office is 'J33, Otlell'i dining lmll, 131 tickets for f 1.00. Sawyer & Moshcr, llorlsts, Masonic Tcmplo. Mineral water used ror ItntliiiiR, 1010 O st. Trlckoy & Co. .wholesale nml retail Jowolurs, Attend tho red mark talent Ashby & Mills paugh's. Try sotno of tlio lino fresh llsh served overy day nt Cameron's. Cnnou City Coul again nt tho Whltcbreast Conlnml I.ltno Co, lloust meats, nml vegetables of nil kinds CnmeronV Lunch Home. Lnckawunu nnd Bcrnnton linnl coal sold only by llutchlns & Hyatt. Everybody eats nt Odell's nowaday?. Hoard only H00 per week. Canon City conl delivered to nil parts of city. Call up telephone 2"S. A drop In both prices uud stock of dry goods nt II. lt,.NIssloy & Co. Only place In Lincoln that uses mineral water In buths Is at 1UIU U street Improved shower for Turkish baths at 1010 O street, basement union biocK, Mendota, tho mostiiopular coal on tho mar kct, bold only by hutclilns & Hyatt. For tickets to Oregon or Washington ter ritory points apply nt 115 Bo. 10th st. Tnko tho C. & N. W. through vestlbuled sleeper to Chicago. Olllco 115 8o. 10th st. Quilted satin and fancy knit sktrU for Indies nnd children nt Herpolsheimer & Co's. Fine Tens, Spices, nnd tho largest lino of FlnoUroeeiies in tho city, ntS. 1. Btovens. Dr. II. F. IJulloy, olllco and residence corner of Fourteenthlnnd L stieets. Telephone 017. Hrown'scnfft is tho recognired lietuhpiar tern for lino lunches and everything digest able. Ilea bounl In tho city nnd nt a prleo within reach of nil, at Odell's. Twcnty-ono meals for M. Tho finest luncheons in tho city aro soi-ved nt all hours at Curder's Kurocnn restaurant, 0341' street. Game, oybters, and all tho dellcnslesof tho Savon always to uo i:au ai urowns ram, Windsor annex. Kverything now and neat, finest menu nnd best cook in tho city at Carder' huropean restaurant, 034 I street. Tho flneot work in tho city nt Hnyilen's photogmphlo studio. 1214 O street. Boo our tine tmupicii or art worn. In fur nnd fur trimming HerioUhelmer & Co. show a very complete lino nt as near furriers prices as aible. Tnko thejlrcst and only ono through system line, C. & N. W. to BIoux City, Minneapolis nnd St. Paul, office 115 So. 10th st. Call on J. C. Field. Lincoln Beavanger, for timtiint work dav and nlcht. Olllco under First national lwnk. Call telephono 408. Kxerybody can ulToiil to eat at tho lending rwort In tho city now. Tho price of !!l tick et now at Odditis only 91 -reduced from R50, Buwycr & Moshlcr' greenhouses supply cut llowers, boquets, eta, on short notice, lirauch lloral conservatory In Mnsonlo Tern plo basement, At Mls Johnston's hair dressing Emorium ladles will find tho newest styles in bungi', switches, toilet articles, nnd ovcrytlng used for tho adornment of tho head. . Through vctlbule sleeper w Ith dining car attached from Mliourl Valley on nil Elk horn C. & N. W. 11. It. trains to Chicago from Lincoln. Puti onlro tho best lino; oillcu 115 Bo. 10th st. V IN THE SOCIAL SWIM. A WEEK'S HAPPENINGS CHRONICLED. Arenunt of Hull, Turtle, Wedding lltr,, Tlmt lluvo ICnlnrtulnuil Hoclcty, Tim riiiimniit Hour I'lirty, About thirty coupled nttcndetl tlio regular mrty of tho Pleasant Hour club nt Tciuplo hull on Tuesday evening. Tho Inclement weather do doubt kept mnnv nwny who would hnvo othurwiso attended, nut motto who wero bravo enough to venture nut certainly enjoyed thoms?lvcH thoroughly, overyonu exprerulug their satisfaction with tho evening's cuteituiuincnt. Tho tirourum conslstetl of twelve numbers and tho muslu was as usual, excellently furnished by tho Phllharmonlo orchestra, assisted by Miss Wllloughby. Married at Abingdon, Illliiul. It wilt bo nulto a surprise to many of tho gentleman's friends In this city to learn that Air. Charles A. llobblns, whom "tho boys" had tin tight wns nn accepted candidate for bachelor lonors (If there bo such a thing) wasinuirlitl Wcilnewlnv ovcmlntr at Abinu- don, Illinois, to Miss Uertha Jonos, at the parental residence. Further parttculunt.havo not been learned mve that Mr. and Mrs. llob blns will noon return to settle down to enjoy wedded bliss In our ow u beautiful city, w hero tlioy wilt bo at homo to friends alout Febru ary first. Tho CouuiKit although having lni'l full knowledge of this event several weeks ago was In duty txHiud not to glvo tho news, and being tlio flint to announce, the wedding, It wlxhes the newly mado couple nil tno prosperity nnd tinpplnccs that mortals enjoy and extends to Mrs. llobblns a most hearty welcome to her now home, nnd trusts she may never regret hnvlng changed her old homo for that of one in Nebraska. A Unlet Wedding. Tho homo of Mr. nnd Mrs. A. II. Weir wns was tho scene of a very pleasant wedding on Thursday. Tho brido was thoir daughter, Miss Grace, u charming young lady and one of Lincoln's most Popular holies. Tho groom Air. luils btull, is one of Lincoln's most prominent busluens mou anil tins been n rest dent for a number of years, being n momW of tho extensive financial firmof Btull llros. Tlio happy couplo stmt out In life witli the best wishes of a host of friends, who together with tho Couuikh extend congnatulatlons. Tlio I'lvitsunt Hour Junior, Lincoln's only club of young folks, who mako it a practice to glvo regular parties at which dancing is lui'iilgod in, gavo tho fourth jwrty of tho season at Templo hall Inst night. Over twenty couples participated in tho oven lugs enjoyment uud all present reort having a delightful time. The Phllharmonlo orches tra moisted by Minn Wllloughby, wero at their bt and tho dancing was kept up to tlio wee small hours. Among the visltois present wero Miss Lou Sprague, of St, Louis, and Miss Nellie Damn, of Omaha. Tho AlMillos or Oinului. Our musical iieoplo will bo Interested In knowing that tho Apollo club of Omaha hnvo completed arrangement for a grand musical entertainment, which Is to take place at KunktB January JJth. Mr. Na llrighnm who took tho leading male charnct ter In "Mr. Bampson of Omalia," recently produced ut lloyd's, and which, by the wnj wns a most artistic nnd financial success, has this coming event in charge, and his mime will appear on tlio program. Our friends of tho Apolo club 1110 noted for their excellent musical qualifications nnd knowing that they have many friends In Lincoln, all wilt lie pleased to hear them. Tho Coukieii trusts tho Fuuko will bo filled on this occasion. More jturtlculnrri next Saturday. A Tulk About HJioc. Most all of tho ladles of Lincoln hnvo heard more or less about tho great shoo sale now in progress at Webster's and .many of tho fall ones havo nvulled themselves of tho great bargains, thut havo been offered, wliilo tho gentlemen nlso hnvo taken ndvuutngo of the opportunity to buy when prices wero tempt ing- A CouniKii reiwter catching Mi. Webster at leisuto for a (ow moments Thurs day, asked him us to trade, how long the sale would continue, etc., to which that worthy gentleman replied, "Tho quarter-on sale has been 11 great succesi and 1 feel satisfied with tho outcome of th scheme. Wo wilt 1 tin it until February fit st, after which prices will 1)0 restored to their former figures. It don't pay to run olf goods nt theso prices, but we need tho money nnd the room ns well, and so wo arc belling goods at and below cost to real izo tho cold cakh." "Is this your solo reason for disposing of tho stock," was ipilorcd by tho reporter! "No, there is really another reason and that Is this," replied tho fitter of fine foot wrar. "I huvn not futd anything about It yet, but on February first there will be a clmngo mado In tho firm and wo want to sell as much of the stock ns pofcsiblo befbro then and aro olferiiu the goods so low that people who know any thing ubout shoes will .certainly appreciate. Just look here," continued Mr. Webster, "you certainly know about tho price of such a shoe," uud lie bunded tho reporter a gentle man's bund buwed Kurt shoe that sells every where for $7.o0. "Ihebo," ho snld, "wo nre selling at f5.05, nnd hero Is 11 Indies line overshoe, high buttoned uud an excellent seller that wo always get f','.00 for, and the now go at Sl.M). IjkIIcb' rubbeis, formei price 40 and 50 cents, 'now sell for 25 mid 115 cent. Men's wai 111 lined. 1 libbers never sold for less than $1.W), now go for 05 cents, and everything else In like manner. Thcro is 110 humbug ubout the snle and everything inut go if prices aio uny inducement. It will pa) people to lay in n supply tit theso prices, fcr they w ill never again get such a chance. Ladles never fail to find Just what they want and tho geiitkineii nlwnys go nwii) pleased, Tho good are not old and shop worn, but excellent fall nml winter sty les.nnd made up in tho very lest manner. Wclwter has nlwuys been known to give nothing but thu best, and their prices hnvo never billed to meet all honorable, competition. Then to deduct twenly-llvo ier cent from the nlroady low prlcvs, imikes the bargains certainly wor thy of serious coiisUeiutiou. It is lulmttted by all who havo tried them that St. I'ali Ick'sl'ills aro tlio most perfect physio in use. They leave the liowel ill a urul und heullhy condition so that const lo tion do not follow. For sale by W. J. Turner. MAGAZINES AT CLUD RATES. I,nok nt the I.lst. Tho publisher will club tho Capital City CouutKiiwIlh any rcpulablo paper, lurnlsh lint two papers nt a very small advance over llio price usually charged for one. Arrango monts hnvo beou itindo to club with tho fol lowing publications! HKtlUIiAK WITH 1'ltlOK. COUIUKIl llAIII'Ktt'H MAclAT.lNK f I 00 ." IJAItl'Kll'rt WKKKI.Y 100 5 11) ItAltl-KII'H 1IA.AA11 4 Ot) ' no HAItl'Klt'H YotlNtl I'KOI'l.R.,.. 2 M .1 U) t'KNTtlltV MAOAZ1NH I 10 600 ht. Nicitoi.An n in lit) WlllK AWAKK !i 1(1 ) HCUIIINf.ll'M MAdAZINt. ,.. .'! 00 4 M AMKIIlOAN.MAtlAXINK H (K) 4 U0 CoMMOl'dl.ITAN 2 0) A W DKMOIIKHT'rt !i 00 00 l.ll'I'IWCtlTT'H 3 01) 4 00 HT. IXIIIIM MAtlAMNK 2) !l 00 "otiTiNri" :itn 4tn Puck , ft m n oo JUIH1K ft (X) (100 Youth' Companion aoo tun Hai.i.i)u'hMa(IA.ink 'J to noil htuiiio a ) noo HCIKNTIKIO AMKItlOAN... .8 00 4 00 HCIKNTIK10 AMKItlUAN HUP- PliKMKNT ft in (100 iiaiiviiooii I fto a W) ArtAmatkiiii 100 ftWi ATi.ANTiu Monthly 4 in) ft oo Taiu.kTai.k... I ) ft m (lOOl) HOUHKKKRPINO '1 ftO ilW KeilKBT ANIlHTKKAM,... . 100 ft 1M TlIK N. Y. WKKKI.Y Woitl.1).. 1 00 00 Notk Clubbing rales similar to tho nbovo may also be bad In connection with any of tho othor leading magazines nnd periodicals. Mrs. J. C. Watscn. wife of Beukor Wat sou of the house of representatives was a Lin coln visitor this week. Mr. nnd Mrs. L. C. Richards and daughter Mabel aro at homo ngalu, from an extended tour of tho south nnd west. Mrs, H. O, Adams and her mother Mrs. Neale, havo returned from a pleasant visit with Mrs. AdttuiH' sister In Denver. Kruest Fuuko, wtio has licon spending some tlmo in tho west, lias returned to Lincoln nnd purchased nn interest In tho Lincoln Trans fer Co. Miss Nelllo Haunt is in tho city and will remain tho guest of MIsh Fnnnlo Btottt, until Tuesday, when sho returns to her homo In Omaha. Miss Inez Dorris entertained a fow friends Thursday evening in honor of Mr. A. J. Woods, of York. Tho evening wns del ght fully passed. Miss Naomi II. Weaver, who has been vis iting In Now York state for tlio past six mouths will arrive home ut 1!X)0 II street by tho last of next week. Mr. and Airs. Titos. Murslaud loft .Monday for California where tho national convention of bnggngo masters is to bo hold. They will stay a couplo of weok.s Mr. and Mrs. Kirby Hammond aro tlio proud parent of a charming baby daughter who canto to them Tuesday. Tho Couuikh extends congratulations. liox parties at tho theater seem to bo get ting qulto popular of late. A very pleasant party was seen In tho west box enjoying "Jim tho Penman," Monday evening. Rubber stamps of all kinds and for all pnr Iosc3 may Ito had on short notice ut tho Couuikh olllco. Also stencils, outfits for marking garments, handkerchiefs, etc., nit of which aro sold ut prices ns low as any com petition. JUlss Ousslo rauinann, a handsome young bello of Omaha, accompanied her friend, Miss Ivatlo Kluetsch home from tho metropolis Wednesday, nnd Is now visiting in tho city. Miss Katie enjoyed n pleasant visit in Omaha. Ixni Hersltler, after a two weeks vacation, during which tinto ho visited cities east und west of Lincoln, returned Thursday evening somewhat fatigued, but still alive, und is now icatly to receive his friends ar, tho Ulobo clothing house as heretofore. Kluier Perkins gavo u very pleusant party Tuesday o veiling nthls home, to the employe, of Perkins brothers shoo store uud n few in vited guest. Cards occupied a sliaro of tho evening anil refreshments were- brought into prominence at a seasonable hour. It was tin enjoyable affair and overyono present did not fall to appreciate it. Hartshorn llros., !1I0 Soutlt Eleventh street, do all kinds of upholstering, furnish ing all kinds of now nml odd styles In frames and upliolsterol in till kindsof material. New ui'ittrossos made nnd old ones renovated by Improved machinery, which makes them us u'ood us new. Repairs of all kinds, in our line, attended to nt onco. A social wns Indulged in by the iiieiubor of tho Y. P. S. C. K. ut tho imrlora of tho Y. M. C. A. on Wednesday evening. All pres ent wero on pleasure bent nnd lit fcr a good social time henco no regular program was ca ried out. During the evening Miss Minnie Ijittn rendered some delightful recitations, and Miss May Hlchcock executed a solo that was gratefully received by all. Fred Henzlnger nt ono time editor nnd proprietor of tho Cedar Rapids- (la.) Chat, is in the city reporting sonata doings for tho Omaha lice, Tho Clint, during Mr. llenzlug era ownership, was it paper on tlio order of the CouniK.lt, and one of tho best of the kind In Iowa. Ho Ua fiueutaud oblo writer and wo aro pleased to know thut his work in Liu coin for Nebraska' greatest paper Is being received with entire satisfaction. Tho CouittKK feels Itself indebted to Miss tlrttce Hiielllng for the able and pleasant man ner in whlcJi sho represented tho paier at tho Trade exposition Wednesday evening, nml hereby desire to return thanks for the kind ness, "Sho is tho most attractive lady in the lmll," wild one lady to another, and "don't sho look pretty I" wns heard from another souive. It wns a charming make-up and no Itetter representative could have been mado, and tho Couuikh feels grntelut for tho favor. Will Hardy left Tuesday for tho east to purchase tho spring invoice of novel lion for tho oxtenivo furniture house of Hardy it Pitcher. Will oxect to Ih) gone until nbout March 1st, uud during tho tlmo will visit all thu largest furniture manufacturing point and trade centers. Ho informed us before leaving that ho would buy one of tho largest and most elegant stocks ever brought to tho tate. The firm U now recognized a otto of tho heaviest furniture house In tho west and tho Couuikh hoe their riiccv in the future liltu in tho past will lie bountiful. A Coxy Hull. A CnuitlKlt reporter was shown one of the neatest lodge 1 00111s in this city, ycsteiday, by n uiciinVr of tho order of tho United Iti'cthrcit of Carenters nnd Joiner Ltslgu No. MS, who tiso thu room together with the Hiotliorhood of 1'aluters and Decorator ltdco No, 71. It is situated on the south sldo of O stieut between Eleventh nnd Twelfth street uud Is ceilaluly u credit to the Uiys. Tite room is tastefully painted ami papered, the wtuk U-lug done entirely by nienib in of tho lflges and Is fitted up lit a booming maimer lor tlio comfoit uud con venience of Itoth. The order heretofore has been obliged to bo content w itli a much smaller room and express much satisfaction at the result now attained, TurkUh Cabinet, electrlo and plain buth for ladies at 2!H1 South Kloventli stieet, every foi uuixiii ami Wednesday and Friday evening. For gentleman, evcrv afternoon, and Tues day uud Saturday evening. loo Cngraved too Salting I (Sards- Wc6Acl $rlntln9 Most Popular Resort in the City. ODELL'S DINING HALL, MONTGOMERY 11LOCK, 1 1 19, 1 121 and 1 1 23 N Street. $4.00 per week. Meals 25 cts BUY DRY GOODS AT THIS RED MARK SALE AND SAVE MONEY. Ashby & Millspaugh. CURTICE & THIERS, LEADING MUSIC DEAE RS . W3Z333Z33 PIANOS OZZ01TZTa-3CX2 Musical Merchandise. All the Latest and Popular in Stock. 1 2th St., LADIES FURNISHING AND ART STORE, 122 South 12th Street. FINE FANCY GOODS AND NOTIONS Stamping, Art Needle Work, Kid GIovcf and Materials or Fancy Work, our specialty. Foreman & Crow, Props. 122 South 1 2th Street. Opposite Opera House. I A Mustang Liniment a I fc"fc VT(1naPu ou"i Cakku UtuusT ana all Isflajuutio: x CO .vBC I xwk s2& I I X v I 100 Engraved Calling Cards And Copper Plate, for $2.50. If you have a Plate, we will furnish 100 Cards from same, at $1.50. WESSEL PRINTING CO. Courier Office Telephone 253. Now Burr Block.. tttimnmmmt ...i - ,, i'ANDi-", So.. Jurr Slcck xrLirrx:c DnoD- 3P22A.CTZ Operas, Sheet Music and Books opposite Opera House. - ... .,-,., ,, ..-- .j ,y 'rrtifcpiinf -qmunnj t.. t T: 1 4 (