Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, January 19, 1889, Page 7, Image 5

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    )AY, JANUARY 19, 1889.
1618-1630 Knrunm St., Now Pnxlon Mock,
Omaha, - ZLSTbb.
In The West
Wo nro now Introducing ninny nowsnovcl
ties In Fall anil Winter Wear, nnil would ro-
mllm 11
.MllEl ill
spcctfully Invito our Lincoln friends to call
and sco tho now lino Just opened.
.And ns hiicIi cnu oircr litter styles at lower
prices than am' house went of Chicago a fact
'wo'lftako pleasure In proving to Llncolnltcs.
Wo can show you n lino lino of Clonks,
Drosses and Furs that lurpass anything you
hnvo over scon In tho entire west. It will pay
.you to talco u trip to Oimihu to see uh, If you
want nnythlng "leo In our lino.
lail Orders Receive Prompt Attention.
Open their Holiday Goods
and Toys in their Basement,
Where Santa Claus has es
tablished his Headquarters
this year.
It will pay you to visit
BARR'S, they are making
special cuts in
- Silks, Linens, Flannels,
Gents' Underwear,
Seal Skin Cloaks
Dress Trimming and Fur
Wm.BarrDiy Goods Co
i6tli mul Douglas lata.,
A lUvlew of tho 1'nst, n Word for the
1'reirnt mul l'ronpooU for Future
Palmer's Madison Square Co., presented
this dolightful attract I on nt Funko's on Mon
day and Tuesday evenings In n inannor that
could not fall to phase oven tho author him
relf. Tho company isoxcptlonnllr good nnd
Is headed by nono less than Mr. F. U. Hangs,
to whom Is allotted a rolo In which Ills every
energy Is allowed full scopo and It must
1)0 said ho surely does full justice to his jwrt,
tho leading rolo, "Jim, the Viinuin." His
every action holds tho audleuco sielllK)und
and that ho Is thoroughly master of his linos,
Is shown by tho generous npplauso ho recolves
from tho enraptured nudlence. Miss Hrook
yn, his chief support, In tho character of
Mrs. Jlitlston, Is nlso deserving of special
mention, her untiring efforts to please, meet
ing with tho approbation of .nil. Miss Llpp
man na Agnes, tho daughter, Mr. Otlomoyer,
ns Huron Hurtfelil, and Mr. Kirkland, as
tho detectlv Ctipt. Jleilwooil, are all far bet
tor than Is soon, as a rule, with companies of
this kind. In fact It would bo unkind to at
tempt to criticise any member of tho com
This still popular molo-drnma was produc
ed at tho Fuuko Wednesday ovouing. tit Is
nu Irish play with thu conventional light
hearted hearted hero, tho lover, thu villain,
tho villain's accomplice, the mIIco and other
well known iicrsoiingos, but it tells nu inter
esting story, and has siccial interesting
scenes and features. Tho stealing of o child
by an englo and its i-oscuo from tho nest
by tho hero, tho climbing of n tower by an
ivy vine, nro among its most thrilling inci
dents, whllo nu Irish pIor mid several clover
dancers enliven the piny. Tho scenery was
specially attractive and tho play met with
favor at tho hands of tho audience.
the dai.y'h.
A small houso greeted tho Dalys on their
return to tho 0ern houso Saturday evening.
Tho company which contains somo really
good artists in their lino, resort) to too much
"horuo play" to please n cultured audleuco
such as greeted thorn hero. They enter to
tho gallery to such nu extent that they will
continue to draw in that section of tho houso
but should endeavor to add more of nu air of
rcllnemeut to their comedy to please- tho peo
plo who patronize tho lower Iloor of an opera
A good sized nudiduco greeted tho old fa
vorite at tho Fuuko last night. Tho picco
coutnlns somo comical situations and at times
is really qulto interesting, but again there nro
places whero tho interest lags. Tho company
contains some good actors and had they bet
ter material to work with would undoubtedly
prove very interesting. Tho piece needs
ro-writingnud brightening up when it would
continue to pleaso its it hus of yore. However,
they seemed to to pleaso tho bulk of tho au
dience who frequently responded with loud
Ono of Lincoln's visitors who never falls to
receive n cordial greeting by a full houso is
Mr. Chas. L. Davis, more popularly known
as"Alvln Joslyn," who appears with his ex
cellent company at Funko's tonight in u new
play, tho first ho has appeared in for ten
yenrs.hnving for that length of time previous
to this season, alwas appeared in his great
success, "Alvin Joslyn." The scenes of tho
now play, "Ono of Tho Old Stock," aro beau
tifully laid, and staged in magulflceuho with
tho finest accessories that money can buy and
Mr. Davis claims tho cash outlay before tho
llrst performance of thy now play was $50,
000. All furniture used Is Ms property, ho
carries his own orchestra and prides himself
on having even a better company this season
tuun ever.
As in Mr. Davis's former piny, tbo plot
deals with tho now Knglaud farmer and a
continuation of tho humorous situations
shown in "Alvin Joslyn" but better detailed,
and will furnish inoro amusement for tho
theutro goers tonight. Tho character of
"Undo Alvin Joslyn" is again at tho head of
tho cast, and runs through a second of Mr.
Davis's successes.
Tho engagement is for but ono nlcht onlv
and you should not fail to lo there.
Commencing Thursday evening, January
1, and continuing tho balance of tho week,
Mackny's Musical tourists proiuiso us an en
tertainment that will exceed all former ef
forts. Everything entirely now in tho line of
comic opera will bo Introduced and tho musi
cal extravaganzas "Tho Now Haskot I'lcnlc"
and "Tho Hox of Monkeys" cannot fall to
give tho best satisfaction. The ioopo, ten in
number, aro the best that can bo obtained In
their particular lino and nro said to bo great.
During this engagement tho prices huve been
reduced so ns Imj within tho reach of all, vizs
IS, 35, and .To cents, in order Hint nil may soo
and hear this oxcellleut company.
This charming young actress support oil by
Mr. Jolpi 11. Negrotto and a truly excellent
company lmvo been drawing good houses all
week at tho People's. I hoir rciiortloire In-
eluded many of tho standard plays together
with sovernl entirely now ones that were cer
tainly refreshing, receiving ns they did, all
the attention duo them nt tho 1 aids of tho
worthy company. Miss Sllukley is mi no
tre-s that ono cannot help liking. Iter style of
acting certainly lecoining tho little lady, her
pathetic parts in particular lielng well rend
ered. Mr. Negrotto is well liked and infuses
into his characters tho vim that has gained
for him his excellent reputation. The com
pany "ill nlunjs find a welcome awaiting
them in Lincoln, and close tho engagement
tonight In their gloat success "Streets of
New Yurk "
Tln ever welcome favorit"s;Mr. and Sir.
W. J. Floienco will appear nt Pimko'g opom
houso Friday and Saturday next.
The name of Florence has beenmo n syn
onym for all that Is best In thu art of refined
comedy nud theater goers nlwnys anticipate
with great plcinniro their visits to our city.
They coiiiti this season with A company
hiijeiior to nnything thee lmvo ever carried
and will present two plays never before soon
Friday night tlioy will produco their now
comedy-drnmn "Heart of Hearts" which ran
150 nights at thn Madison Square theater,
Now York, and which has mot with unquali
fied success on tho road.
It Introduces tho Florences In characters
different from anything tlioy lmvo heretofore
been soon In and tho story Is ono of rare
sentiment and with an original and charming
vein of comedy running through It. Tho
ploy takes its imino from n valuable ruby
bracelet, "Heart of Hearts," which Is stolen
during tho notion, and around this a novel
nud Interesting plot revolves,
At tho innttlnoo Saturday, their famous
comedy "Tho Sllghty Dollar," wilt bo given
and Saturday ovonlng Mr. FloroliCd will
appear In his great orsoiintlon of Coptuin
Cuttle, In Hroughniu's dramatization of
Dickens' story "Domboy mid Son." This will
bo n rare treat to lovers of Dickens.
Tho (plaint old mariner is depicted to tho
llfo and nil his jiocullnr chnracteristlo shown
with tho magta touch of genius.
Sir. Florence Is tho only actor who has
played tho part slnco tho tlmo of HurtoA'i
whoso costume ho wenrs.
.....u ii. i i..i i.. -
Mrs. Flor..iwWKIIIIi....liilnl.l,. I,,,- ...... ,l' lo " iu-Jchi-uhi uuy.
t!mir.iri.iflLMi..i...t. .ir.M.'r .i.i cll0 telion tho governor nnd j
.,.,.... .V.i-. i J.i I .i... i...... ami every now nnd then would si
rx,rsii mi tiPHIU llUtl Villi 111 1'iro H IIHJ 111111 til i a . . iitm
and most tnsteful designs. Ahonrty,0!,1,lcr!w H,ch ,0 m ' l "
Ki..,, ..,,. Flnnllv tho lawyer was ready to go homo,
AI.ONK IN LONDON. t,.1lj; ,,, m,0 )Qy )y (h 1(UJ tl0y
This engaging melodrama will Iw pieseiitniiji t0 tu,,. Imxlet apiearlng, but hand
ed at tho Fuuko Tuesday evening, Jnnunrvmiolv furnished residence. Verv llttlo was
tS.V ivttlt (.11 Hit. ..r(i.(..i.1 (tw..i...-i. ...til .... ill
-t -" ..(, m.i"i j ............. nl(, OII ,0 Hny, iiiKi luuumiei mnu luumij
sUir company In tho east. Speaking of th,cttled at what ho considered thomlsliehavlor
piny tlio Cincinnati Knquirer says: "Alouijf i, m,,,. when tho family wit down to din
In Indon" Is of tho enduring kind. I wenacr i10 narrated tho cli-cunifctnnccs to Ills wife,
to soo it in Now York. It Is lenutiully ncatl(i hi0 sternly told tho young man that If ho
ed, and tho play looms up well as a drainatlCOuld not hchavo himself sho would not lot
piece. Hut It was Interesting to wutch thhlni go down to his father's olllcongaln.
packed audiences rlso to thoir feet and chee Tho loy didn't seem to mind that much,
sovernl nf tho scenes. When tho heroluo wonnd finally Kild, ns ho balanced his fork on his
tied to thu post In n sluice house, men nn forefinger; "Poihiini 1 was somowhnt rudo
women wiitited U) kill tho villain; when th-ftnd lniatlent, but, mnimna, If you'd seen pa
tho llood gntos wore opened by him and thicnu over that pretty tyjowritcr and play
water seemed to rush for tho poor girl, an ox with her bancs, nnd whisper In her car. you'd
clanmtlon of horror rolled through tho houshnvo thought lio'd lx u glnd to glvo mo a
and when tho rescuers appeared In tho lKn quarter to get mo out of tho wny. I never
everyliody seemed wild with Impatlciicu, nmknow how much pa was stuck on her before."
tho women did cry, ', hurry upl" I watches Tho youngster was tent nwny from tho
tho audience. I never saw a body of jieopl table In disgrace, and ho subsequently ro
so thoroughly aroused. Some of tho facocelvcd striking evidence of n parent's wrath,
looked ns if their owners wanted to lly to tlnbut there was also nn agreement between tho
rcscuo of Auulo .Meadows, when tho horo flu (inrents that resulted in tho dismissal of tho
ally reuchod and untied her, the cheers o fair typewriter tho following day. Wnshinu
delight from tho top to tho .bottom of th ton Star.
house were deafening. 1 ho river scene is
Tho river
without exnggeratlou.the most effective seen
of tho kind I over ween in over thirty year
Wednesday nud Thursday evening of no
week n novelty In tho shape of "Tho Hudson
I'ckort Juvenllo Opera Co." holds tho loar
at tho Funke. The company composed 01
tlrely of llttlo songsters have mot with grei
success wherever tlioy hnvo visited unit lm
never failed to glvo immense satisfaction 1
nil times. The company Is a hoquot of bii'
ding nusi an I spro utlng youths; a rnr
collection of rosy faced, shapoy, grace.'
maids; of bright active boys. Sweot, fres
and clear iu tho notes of tho meadow lar
nro the voices of theso pretty young eopl
so diircrciit from tho tlmo worn and ago
variety people so often found in an oper
company nowadays. A rare treat lndeex
With the stage presence of old actors ur
actresses, with easo and perfoct precision tl
Juveniles charmingly present "Olivette
"Pinnforo," "Chimes of Normandy," "SIo
cotte," and In fact nil tho Into and popuL
ojtcras. 1
Mrs. lingtry is writing her llfo. It shou
bo a spicy book.
"Shenandoah," Ilronson Howard's no
play, will Ihj tho first of tho important in
ductions iu Now York next season.
Sir. I j. P. Young, business manager
tho Waterman oimiiii house, Plattsmoutl
enmo up to take in "Jim, the Penman."
Sir. John W. Love, owner of tho Lovo op Sly oor friend, I hear you met with n ter
ra houso at Fremont, was seen in tho and. riblo accident on tho railroad, near Smith's
onco at tho Funke, Wednesday evening. Crossing.
Corinno, tlio dainty llttlo sbirof "Slonl Patient-Yes; 1 wns thrown fifty feet and
riirlktn. .Tr iwlnlirntjwl Imp flfffviitli l.lrll glVCll lit) for (lend.
day Christmns day, Dec. 2.1, 1888. Cost) "So I heard, and when you regained con
nnd lmudsomo presents were sent her froi sclousncss you were gazing on tho big rock
all parts of tho country. viUlcb contains an iidvcrtlseiiicnt of my
It Is our opinion that Sir. V. C. Hangs
not receiving tho attention duo him by tl
mnnagemut of the Madison Square Co., as 1
Is certainly as good iu "Jim, tho Penman" 1
ho wus iu the "Silver King" wh"ii ho wt
proerly billed ns tho sttir of tho pioce.
Imro Klrnly's sectncular pautomini'
OSfi.vllltii 1 linj l.lfi.l.. .1 viirv trronf I
San Frnnclsco where It is wild to be drawii,
over 2,000 iieoplo every night, lho Ongi
lho Ong
sisters, aerial jierformers, who are licautif
girls o'f seventeen nnd nineteen years of ag'
havo mado n lit. T 10 comtmnv Is booked fi
Lincoln on their return east,
Iu Hoston recently tho jiopular actres
Sliss Pnimio Davenport, wus iuteusely'nmust
by tho enterprising efforts of u saleslady in
dry goods houso to sell her 11 "I.11 Tosct
umbrella. "You really ought to have one,
said tho saleslady, "You look for all tl'
world like Sliss Faiinlo Davenport Mid n"L
Tosca" umbrella would 1 just the thing.
Sliss Davenport recognized tho compllmen
and purchased 0110.
Tlio writer sjiont n very ngreeablo aftei
ikkiii with Sir. Hangs, during tho engagumer.
ol The Madison Square company hero m
recalled many pleasant Incidents thn
have transpired since they first
a long tlmo since 111 riiiinilclphla, havlu
been neighbors there for several years. Sir
Hangs informs mo that his charming neict
Sliss Mamie Johnston, Is fnstlwomlug one o
the finest singers of the day nud I tuko grea
pleasure in noting tho fact and wishing tin
young lady success.
-Manager Ilotert SlelUivuolds has
tho seclusion or 11 snug and coy of
(leo on tho third Iloor of tho Fuuko
Hero busily engaged in the I outings of tin
numerous ojuipauius now playing on tin
Crawford & Slclloynolds circuit, ho wat
found by a CouniEit s iilm, who win
kindly shown the various details of
keeping such a mammoth undertaking
straight. Hy simply referring to n liook
which ho Keeps lieloio mm no can tell nt
glance just what eomp uifes are pitying to
day In Omaha, Lincoln, Fremont, Heatrice,
Hastings, Plnttsmouth, or iu fact any opera
house under tlio control of the circuit. The
room is elegantly furnished, supplied with
gas and steam nud hero at any time cnu ho
found thu genial manager ready to transact
his business with the various agents win
enmo this way iu the Interests of their com
paules nud where thoy will nlwnys Ibid a eoi
dial wilcoiuo awaiting them. Tho rcscrvi.
seats aio on sale in usual at tho stager
1 1 mien of tho opera house in charge of t
treasurer, Sir. Harry Hrown. s-
Oystei proeiiy cooked and served In J1K
stylo, to please the taste and tickle the pc u
of thu most fastidious, nud the lluest coir aj.
the city nt lli-ow uV.i'iifn, Windsor annex tlu
Attenthcd ted mm k sale at Ashby & 1
Canon City Coal nt tho Whltebrcost
and Lime Co.
ntcs it l'nmllr Itow (Mer Ills Father's
Pretty Typewriter,
od story Is told on n certain woll
lawyer, who now has ono of his
ers to innnlpulnto his typewriter in
f thowinsomo blond who was form
liandsomo piece of furniture In tho
'1 ho chnugo enmo about In this way t
day his 10-year-old son wandered Into
co Just ns tho legal light was exainln
otter written by tho hired amanuensis,
tr to rend tho letter It was necessary
) lawyer to lieinl over tho back of tho
lady's chair, Tho youngster looked nt
rent, took in tho situation, nnd then
"l'a. I want n nunrtor."
li busy now, don't Inither mo, loy," wild
tther, mul ho continued to hang over tho
ily shoulder of tho fair tyowrlter and
so tho letter which Mm held In her hand.
n," mid tho boy ngnln, "I want n quarter.
t'd Is'ltor give It to mo nnd I'll clear out."
Don't worry mo, 1 tell you," said tho
icr. "Can't you seo that I am busy!"
ho youngster didn't say nny more, but
hung around tho olUco. Ho looked out
ho window nud counted tho whlto horses
hoy went by; ho emptied somo sand into
Inkstand, nud thou thickened tho com-
ml with mucilage, nud did u lot of other
iirivhlevmis tricks such ns will only suggest
Hut ho kept
irug his
got oven
wiiu you,
... .1 .....1 . 1. ...!... I.I.....1-.
llrr Iti'CnimiH'iidntlnll.
Madam (to applicant) Whero was your last
Applicant At tho hossplttcl, mem.
Sladam Were you n nurse there!
Applicant No, mem; I was n small pox
patient. Llfo.
Wonders 'uir Cease.
Proprietor Patent Mcdlclno (iu n hospital)
stomach bitters."
"Yes, sir."
"Well, yon have been snatched from tho
jaws of death, and I ha-o called for a testi
monial." Now York Weekly.
D11 plica leu nt 11 DiM'oiiut.
Lillian (with concealed disdain) And
J'0" "-"' '"V"" f!',s lovc'y wofl: ,,n8 t.or "10'
i-1"01 (wiin virtuous compincencyj xes,
dear. I'm so glad If you like It. It wns such
tt l''"'" to liako " "'llc ' thought It was
lu."u.'ul ""
Lillian (who has been the snmo thing on
Cash boy & Chcaply's fifty cent bargain coun
ter) Oil, you dear darling, it was too good' of
you to take so much trouble jiibt for mo. Hut
isn't it ftiuuy, our coachman guvo tho cook
ouojustllkoitl Time.
In Acudluu I )n j k.
"Evangeline," said old Hasll, as ho sat in
tho gloaming, w Ithout knowing w hat It was.
"Evangilmo, child of my heart, why do you
call your heifer OleoinargarineC' "Hecnuso,
paji," said tho girl, who could not tell a lie,
"because she U uo butter." I'or an instant
Hasll sat ns one in n truueo, and then ho
leaned ft oin hU chair like thu roe when ho
hears in tho woodland tho voice of tho hunt-
crs, but Evangeline wns gone. Hurdetto in
Hrooklyn Haglu.
Cliaiilu Was Ik'oiinmlrnL
Maud to Edith (w hoso engagement to Char
Ho nasliby in jiut utmotinced) So Charlio
doesn't u'lid you a box of boubous every day,
ns ho used to met
IMJth No, indood, Chnrllo would novcr
bribe nny onu's lovo with cantly.
Muud Oh, of course not. Ho used to tell
iuo them wan no use wasting money on n girl
iicn you were sure of her unybow, Hull'nlo
.)ut u lit.
Mbw Spinster (to shoo dealer) I sco that
a you have mat kod down somu cf j our slioea.
Shou Dealor Ye, that lino of ladies' chocs
s mai l;i J down Wo imv e marked 'cm all
own tD sies. Now thero' a tidy Uttlu
riter, l1, I think will Just i:t you.
Mist) Kpltixtci bluihcs mid bus tku tixoci.
Htu-pir'b lluz&r
Tliuu Imoucli Yet.
Dumlos -There comes Hrown ujitho itrcot.
1 owe tl;:.t mcu a grtidso, and 1 prcpow) to
iy him n iih tutcrcbt,
Robuwui t.oltig to iay him now, Dumloyl
DuuiJe-No, not now. Ixt's turndown
this wuy. Niw York Sun.
Dxtde 1 T.'ould like to look nt n;mo ixvillor
plwro. I tntrtrra Inelx.
lVniKicr Ihd rou ln?e rtifcror.r to the
height Hk- h'ucthr Iowt-U OtUca.
11. (jf'sC
I'or KrnttotnlcAl ItrHMin.
Old Wnybuck Wnybnck (from Wnybok
fowuihlpi Oeowhnokl things Is acrumptlouf.
uln'ttheyJ Whnt fur It that'nr ax In th'
furrard (mrto th' kynrl
Young Wnkoup Unybnck (from tho city)
Tlint's to holp kill tho pawongers In caw of
accident, so ns to bring tho damages down to
I.lliely to Mn Mluiidrrtood.
Miss Mlnurvn Your visits to yourold homo
nro so fow nnd far iwtween now, proressor. I
do hope you can vpoud somo tlmo In town.
Tho Professor Ah I thank you. I havo
tried so to dlsKso my tlmo that In my visit
nmong my friends I enn cmbrnco nil my for
mer pupils In tho seminary, particularly you,
Miss Minerva. llulfulo Courier.
A Lover of Winter.
I luv tow sco tho fleecy snow
A cmciln' up th' fences, an'
Th' hillsides bleak nn' Imro,
I luv tew sco th' steel lilno leo
A-forintn on th' pond,
lCnlttlti land an' water with
A close tho' brittle bond.
I luv tow skate tqion th' Knd,
WVno'er th' day Is line,
With Bally Hmlth's lectio hand
CIiisihsI closo an' tight In mine.
An' wen wo cut our flourishes,
An gracefully gyrate,
I kind o' like tow hov tho strap
Cum Iooho 011 Rally's uknto.
It's Just a Jolly thing tow (low,
Tow git down on yer kneo
An' fiiinlilo ixiun' a lectio shoo,
An' then look up an' ceo
A rounded, rosy, dimpled cheek,
An' roguish, lanin' eye,
An' tnknycr ay for flxhi' oa
Th' skate all en th' sly.
Hut wot I luv th' most ur all's
A Jolly cutter rldo
Thrt Is, w'en Sally's with me, fur
Tow ctnldlo by my side.
Don't want th' day too flno and nice
Would nitlier hov It storm
Thet Is, w'en Bully's with me, fur
I luv to keep her warm.
Yankee Dtado.
Tlio Mlmdsslppl Doctor' Ilrror.
Two agents for u now kind of churn enmo
to tho houso of Dr. L , of Panola county,
Mlis., In the evening, nnd wcro invited to
spend tho night, Whllo ono wns caring for
lho horses the doctor, conversing with tho
other, found tho men wcro from a plnco whero
ho had practiced medicliio In his youth. In
quiring about dilTcrent tcrsons, ho at length
asked: "And tho SUsses llrowu, w here nro
they? Tlioy wcro without doubt tho most
ugly women I over saw."
"Yea," said tho agent.
"What beenmo of thcinl"
"Ono Is my wlfo."
There wnsMleueo,
Tho doctor presently left tho room. Going
to the stable ho saw tho other ngcut nud mado
a confidant of him, winding up with: "Well,
thoy were uncommonly ugly women. Did you
ever seo them I"
And ho married lho other.
Dr. Ii claims that this Is tho only break
ho over mado iu entertaining strangers. Do
trolt Free Press.
A Clear Coiuclenre.
Editor Cheap Monthly 1 toll you It makes
n man feel good to do n noble action. I'll
sleep well to-night.
Admiring Wife Hnvo you rescued somo
children from cruelty or saved u llfo, my
dear I
"Well, no, not exactly, but today a young
woman who lias been furnishing us with
beautiful poetry for three years without
chargo, came Into tho ofllco and 1 gavo her
fifty cents." Philadelphia Record
Why liilhidflphlii Is Slow.
Chicago Man (hi Philadelphia) -Well, I
don't wonder Philadelphia is called n slow old
town. It would Ixj Inqiobsiblo to do business
Philadelphia Host Lhl ImoshJblo to do
business f Why
"Why, tho streets nro so narrow you can't
dodge creditor." Philadelphia Record.
"No uinii can over tell, unless ho has passed
through 11 similar experience, what 1 sulTcrcd
during my life In Arizona," said Sir. Timber
claim. "Whntl" exclaimed tho listeners,
"wcro you tortured hy tho Indians" "Tor
tured by tho ludlausl" with supremo con
tempt. "Now 1 1 bought a farm on monthly
payments." Hurdetto in Hrooklyu Englo.
The Slung User's IVurful i:ud.
Mother Johnnie, 1 do wish you would
quit using slang.
"Why I"
"It's as bad as profanity. What do you
think will become of tho profane and slangy
lunn when he dies I"
"He'll bo Iu tho soup." Nebrusku State
Natural MMnho.
"Sir. Hrowno," Klld tho piilkman, "yon
tcnt mo tbo wrong check. This Is drawn to
tho order of thu Ixiard of vruter cuuunbsiou
ers." "Wliy, so It Is," replied Sir Hrowno, and
then ho ndded, "Natural mUuU.c, though,
Sir. I ump very "Harper' Huavr
, Mirawil Sjrmun.
Do Smith (who has iwen obliged to go out
into tho strixiti Why li thu udowall: to
blocked up w-itb Indie!
Puaar-by ixnnting to tho shoe noro wui
dowi Dou't )ou mo that s1 ;:i "Siuall til
titled hcror" LurUngton Kioo l"rw.
Jliideru lUibartsm.
Uoggv I understand you hnvo changed
your barticrl
Hlgg Yes, I couldn't itand tbo old one,
Wb).unly Inst week they l.ud him nut on
Fort.i'th strs.'t to i hale a oorpwj. and ho tried
to start a i'ou triAtlou on thn irtlT Hur
llngtou lKs Prci.
Don't Y7nt In IU Currsl.
Prince Illsinnrck It troubled with Insomnia,
nnd yet he rr'iux to rad LotiJnt, Punch,
Nanitpiru lUrsJd.
Diamonds, : Jewelry,
Repairing and Engraving a Specially,
tIG No. Tenth Street.
Crystal Steam Laundry,
Oflloo, Ilnrr Illk. Laundry, 34th nnd 0,
Finest Work in the City,
All work called for nnd delivered, and"
satisfaction guaranteed. Leave order nt
olllce or by telephone .J78.
N. R.I IGOR, M.D.,
drlnary and Recta Diseases a Specialty.
Treats rectal diseases by llUINKI'.IllIOFK
I'A!NI.1S HYHTKM Onieo, nsiins VU, lInnd
lit llurr lllock. 'I'welnh nnd O sms'ls. Ufllcn
lelcpliotie MM. Iteslilenco IO (jslreot. 'I'liono, fstl
(inico hours,!) to lilii.m, U to n and a to ft p m
hiinda)s, Kilo It a, m
Drayago and loving
Desires to Inform the public that Ills equip
incut for moving I louschold Goods, Pianos
Safes, Mnrchninllsc, Heavy Machinery
etc., Is the best In the city. .Special men
and wagons arc for the removal of
Pianos and Household Goods,
Which arc nlwnys handled by competent
nnd experienced help, nud the latest appli
ances used for handling Safes nnd other
heavy goods. Call, address or telephone
Telephone in 917 0 st.
713 1 715 O Sstrcct.
Wlinlocnln T.rnnfli'Q
Fruit, Produce and Coinmlstlon Merchants
1 03 ( O Street
Dealer nnd Jobber In
Wall Paper,
Lace Curtains, .Shades, and Interior Deco
rations. .A.SHOEMAKER.M.D.
Honiteopatliisl Physician,
Telephone No, 685.
16 South nth Street, Lincoi.m
Reopened 1033 O Street.
stniidlug tho
fact that Fho
togrnphs lmvo
been red nod
to about half
tho former
price wo hnvo
ooffiigrd the
of tho best fin
ishers iu New
York to take
hnrgeof that
epartmeut of
the studio. Our
efforts shall bo
nut Irl si; to
ulo each eiis
toinor entire
sntl sfuet ton
and to produce
superior work
toimy we have
diiiio before.
Cabinets, $3 per Dozen.
Monarch of the Dailies!
Omaha Bee!
Delivered to any part of the
city for jo cents a week, every
day in the year Leave sub
scriptions at Lincoln bureau,
1027 V .street.
A. L. CiUILK & CO.,
Funeral Directors
302 South Eleventh Street.