Ht'W lAiJWWatt'ni mxV . liife'x&rrlBiB WWWWttoWWWw'iwi'mii www wiHwii;' CAPITAL CITY COURIER, SATURDAY, JANUARY 19, 1889. A Great Offer ! READ THE COURIER AND QET 20 Good Books Free ! Br falal arra.ntmnt with th tmMlahar. wa r MkMtil InfiffaMhaantlrallit cf Twtnlf llookl earoarataU anil ilaacrlld tlow,alu(Hllrrr laatarj abarrlbar to thin rrf (or tha aniulnc jr, it lha ruriUr nbMriptlnii l-rtfa. Tlifaa bonaa, rath on tf which contain! a cnntplala flmtlan nortl or mhtr Dark bf a wall known unit popular aiilhor, ar putiltoli I In t mptitl form, print I from mil raaiUbla lpa tool r, ami mn ofttiant htmlaomala Illu.tralaO. Tof rnniptl.ajnma nflha flnait work t-rrwrlttautir oma t.f Hi rta.t n I mmt popular wtltra,inth of AnmlcaantTrturop. Kitcli on It complete In ltlf t Ha,.l. TaaAMniMasnlrattacamrala. Hrlt.eeallia l"T Wlnew Haaarr rraa." Uae el the 'aaal.fl ! eaeraaMleaed fall Hitl la In teiaeae,. WUew 94.11 " He. IM. Illicit IteanfieW'a AiWcalarre In New Vara, Hr lee aether t"1a Him Buaaeae rir.ea." rall.ei faaaf lllailleaa, Uaihabla latM.ale an I tMlcaleaa eeier. A Ifeel aaraaraee twae, Na. tit, I'erfVcl Kttqarttel , Haw Ta IteaAaa l rWieTf. A raraalele tnanaal far U4l a eM e.all.m.a, lil lhacarrect rnlaa at rlmaal far all anailani,arratJle( t lee eata at the twel ..... Ha, 111 Uxlllaar1 Traarta. Ttter.mtMeeAaalerei at UiuhI llalllfar lha I llllpallana a4 lllaall. A Ua4rit ware lele lha anlf rti. edition, Na. tie Th I'coaU'e Natural lllalarr, Canlalnlac lalereellef itUftlHIoat, arramraalail kf llla.tlalletieefaaraer" at, Mrle, rlll.., fl.hae "'' laeecle, ttiutll f ulloel lafcrraetlea rec ardlae. their III aa4ael III, ,. , Ka.Ui Mailrra llrcllallene. A lerie l wIImi r lk anal r-ral.r mllatloee, In iaa aal aeiee, lll tar rotu loael enl amalaaia, ..... Na. in. Maltaa'a ItcitrRfr. A Ne-el. 11 II. lllDla Na. ".' Wall riawrra. A Jtet.l, Br Vlaiaa Ha, HI laaMrrahaaral'rU. A Natal. li'lleatTi Na.ira Ifaatkoarrft NI, .,Je. Ha, 111. Ilraprrlal oa, Taa l.l.ataoir.a una. A Ke?el, It, M. T. rjinoa. ... ... . , . Na.Mt.Th MlaaiUratarae r Jahn Mlcholaoa. A Heael, It Maeeer lli", Ne.111. TwaKleer. A Naat Pj lha aatliar l ' Data NrM. Ilrcad l'pa the Walara. A Har.l. ttfUlia Mvioct.. Ha. III. ! Martt.lwa. A Karal. lf lar Cicit Na. in A Vaiatiaml Ilrrala. A Kaaal. ff Un, Aaata Kaaraait. . ... Ha, III CUuda an J Hvaahla. A Hani. n;Caiitil Na."ii. Taa ltpm Wamaa. A Haral. t Wut Ha M llraraa t'aallrM' Jaaraar. A Nartl. MUaM K , Itainaaa. . . . . .. Na.iai Marr MariwIaU'a Itlral. A Nat.U Vfrf, taut Waa. ISTSciul In your subscription nt once and remember In doing so now you get the Capital City Coukikk one yctr nnd all the nbove txoki for only $3.00. Address, WESSEL PRINTING CO., llurr lllock. LINCOLN, Will. :2J Missouri Valley Fuel Co. 4 rkU tho tHt miAllty of lUnl ntul Butt COAL Satisfaction Guaranteed. OFFIOK 1 : Rldinrd' Block, cor. nth nnd O. 8 '.TROUSERS MADE TO MEASURE Trousers made to order for $5. There a barren offering of shoe-worn lotsj they're produced by Nicoll through the best home makers of cloth. The same quality in many stores will cost you two or three times the priceof these. The designs arc taking .and hot shown elsewhere; stylish, and the quality we will guarantee to wear T-b ravely. As to profit, there's little in these for us today; of trade there's a good deal, and that's as well worth getting. It'll make the dull months brisk; dressy men will be proud of these $5 to meas trousers. We'll make a hundred pairs or more a day. Full value and good will "be in these $5 Trousers to .measure. TAILOR 1400 Douglas Street, Omaha A ltUlaf Jiifr of Modern TYiiim. FLmt.I3U.CD SATURDAY JmwrurrieNI Ona Your lijr Mnll or Carrier 1 1,00 Hit montln, $t,00, ThrtMJ month 60 Celitd, On month Si) Out Inrnrnliljr In Adrnnce, MiYinTliiioiENTfi! Itntra furnUliisl on nppll ntlan nt tlin ofllcfl. Hik-cIM mien on Tlinn Contra tt. OoNTiiinimoNB! Hltort ilcy akrlclirK, xum Ami torlon aollcltoil, lVraonnl nnd Hoclal notoa nrn rajMtclally itpalmltte, PniNTlinl W innko n "iH'clidty of Finn 1'rlntliiK In nil Iti lirAtiolmi, Hoaletjr wtrk n KpsLlnlty Ailtln nil cominumcAtlonf dlrootto tho odlco, WicsaiXL Pkintinq Co., l'uur.iHHKim. Now llurr lllock, Cor. l'itli nnd O Hlrcclit. TKt.KPHONKAM. I WiWHRt, .In., Kdltor nnd Bolo rroprlotor. TAKE NOTICEI Tho will not In? nntK)nnlhlo for nny tluhU uimlo by nny ono In Its uniiio, uu 1,hh n written onlor nccoinpnnloH tho untno, projKirly hIkhwI, L. Wkhhki., Jr., rm)'r. Tiiohk who uniiio now ruaolvw tho Int of Jmiuniy, nro now looking foi ward to nuothor opportunity to swonr olT. Tiik CoimiKU grown In ntrougth with tho now yonr. It pntronn npnrwclnto It, nnd Its iroHrlty ntiiiruclnUii Itn uitron. Tiik Btory to tho olToct tlmt Wnlt Mrwon wrotoJohn ltiiuynirHl'llgrlinii rrogroM him lioon donlod by noverid Bontlomon of lltornry nblllty. Ai.tiiouoii lcnp yur hns gono thundorlng down tho nge:, thoro nro sovornl Lincoln Indlitt who might iiroiono nmrrlngo nnd nt 111 coiiio out nhond. Lincoln ns nu nrt eontnr 1 notolng of jhs cullnr dNtliictlon, yot thoo who fnll to noo nrt In tho tneinlicni of loglnlnturo could not dlstlnguWi nn nrt plcturufroinn Job of wltlto wnthlng. Tiik wlw mid lonrnod senntors mDrwontlng tho ntnto In leglnlntivo lmlls, know wlmt inaVra lioino hnppy. nnd ncconllngly thoy MilMcrllMxl for Homo LHJOcoploHof tho Couuiku for tho sosilon. 1'koi'I.k ink about clmrlty. Thoy oxplnln In nuMnpniK'ni nnd from tho rostrum, tlmt clmrlty i ono of tho dlvlno grucos nnd Isely insist tlmt It should bo nnuunlly Indulgod In. A MibHorlptlon wmr to rnlso fund for boiiio unfortuimto nnd distressed human lxlng U stnrtid; It issues nround tho swim mid n fow dollnni nro rnlnod though goncrnlly thoy nro glvon untlor protest. Men who tnlk clmrlty by tho ynnl sulwcrlbo inonoy by tho monsuro of n ImlrV brtdth. It somo nrlstix;rnt givo n '"Hell blow out," lot somo favored child of fortuno iinnounco n bwpII wedding or colo bnitlon of n innrringonuiilvoni iry, ntul dray loads of contributions nro cnril m rim ,,,,,.. slon, whllo tho mendicant nnd wuHr sit In tholr llreloM ntul tlesolato hovels shivering with cold and Buffering with the jianga of hunger. And tho world wnirs on ntul nn itarrtitt., nnd IU splendor bocomo brlghtor still, whllo its huunts ot poverty nnd wont mVi ni scurely clouded. And why U all thlsf Is It noi oocnuso mo ileitis ana changing thing called Popularity is in tho mvl.,, .i tho inoro deserving and nooily thing called unarity, i in lite soup. Charity is not more alms otvinrr t. i- tearing nway tho falso fabric of convention ality and doing uuto others ra wo would hnvo others do unto u. and of tlm thm.. n-,..,.. says tho good book, greater oven than Kidth or iiopo utiarity. Don ttlout of fond words cost the donors nothing. Kind deeds oro not marketletM commodities. To glvo to fho noooy wno Hungers ami wlioyo lanler is einp. ty ; who shivers nnd his grato Is cold ; who I naked and his warkrobo Is not IIicm aro the thlugsover which tho mantle of charity spreads Itself like n benediction, alusl so mroly in this grasping nvornclons, greedy iiiuuii nuriu ui ours. Thero Is to bo, according to our observer's remarks, n crnml charltv luill tlm ,....i . , which go to tho deserving poor of Lincoln. Tho CoimiBH hoKs sincerely that thoso who havo undertaken tho worthy project will push It to a successful consiimimtlon, nntl that Lincoln's people from their plenty will attend nnd give their mite. ANceri:itliiK Tulool I'ortune, A usual tho occasional oxtrtionl'iimry UiuudBeml-AnnutilDniwiiigof the laouis'. nun State Lottery ennm nfm, 'p.,..i. .. ..' cember 18. Ticket Na OU.Tol tlrow the cupl- ..i.ivlt,, uniMtom in fortieths at fl, Bent to M. A. Dauphin, Now Oi leans iA.onotoKugonoUrnekett, &in Knuiclaco CaLionotoSuinhnelder, IVtalunui, Cnl. one to Geo W. Bpawfoith, Denver, Col -one toT 8 O. HntcMcO,vRor,Tei.; ono " Louise . Kochler & lira. 17U K. l!omlnl Bt. Unit more, Md.; ono to debitor Union Nnt oiml Hank. Nmv n.i,.,.... t .. "... ."".'" Hll, Sinner, Tex.; the rest went else where to "''""amosnro withheld. Ticket fiS,. drew thotecond capital piizo of u00,. .alsoBoldlnfoitiethsatfl.ono to J. R Melotly & P. Darcomb, Chicago, III one to Geo. Columbia Ht,,Ne.v VolkCU " ono to a depositor Uermanla Sutlngs U,i,V Now Orleans, La.; ono to Wanner & U.-.I.' I'urt-ell.Ind.Ter.i'ono to It. A JolnS a Garden St. Arch, llobton, Muss.; ono to Fit'-ht National Hank, Sulphur Apiings, Tex 'o iwio Doulllot & Snyd.r, Dank' Ave, Phni uL " one to Chas. lilwanls, North 1'latte, Neb'.'; nntl the remainder elsowhero to other win nors Ticket No. 4X083 tlrow the thlrll ... Ital prlre of $100,000'. .,, soltHn foStl s of eioach.onotoj, O.Tolson, Gadsduu Al, . one to A. Hoblnson, Ihdtlnioro, Ma 'on V, Vlcksburg Dank, Vlekshurg, W,' two o D. L. Collins Augusta, On.: two to Allen Bros., through Oennan Ttust and (iwiiiKs Itaiik, Dubuque, fa., etc, etc, The ,Sxt ! casion of a grond UUtribution will take place on Tuesday, Feb. la, of which all inlorn tion to M. A. Dauphin, New Orleans, La" FASHIONS FOR MEN. OLIVE HARPER QIVE8 THE STRONG ER 6EX SOME POINT8. haj Also QItos Young Wives Little AaV tire, Una of the Chief Warnings of Which lit "Never Make Tour llusbaad flltlrt." (Bpeclal Cormpondeoce. Nnw Yoiik, Jan. 17. It ncems rnthor trango, but It Is novcrthcloBs tnio, that men do hnvo fashions nnd tlicy follow them with qulto na much blind docility ni women Imvc nlways had tho natno of Bhowlng for llielre. Wo hnvo always Blip posed tlmt fashion somehow really was a fomlnluo deity, nnd that men wcro too noble, grnnd and bravo to deign to follow anybody's dictates or to occupy their massive bruins with any such frivolous matter; but recently it has been borno in upon 1110 that "llsh do havo feelings," nnd tlmt, men do hnvo n realizing eenso of tho eternal fitness of things, par ticularly trousers nnd coats yes, and shirt collars. COAT, CAP AND GI.OVES. Tills last fact, howovcr, will not sur prlso any married lady who over under took to mak,o her dearest Tom, Dick oi Harry "n dozen shirts for his Christmas, bless him." only to weep n briny, scald ing tear for ovnry Btitch sho set when ho triod them on, nnd then let looso his flood of elonucnco ns ho nrrnyed each separate portion of tho gnrinont for a distinct nnd Individual sin from collar togUBset, from button holes to tho hem on tho bottom. And nftcr having brought theso sins forth ho gives them tho benefit of a criminal trial, with himsolf as the prosecuting nttornoy nnd his wlfo the capital offcMdcr; and then ho turns to the stern judge, nnd condemns tho wholi thing gcncrnlly and collectively, nnrf only ends when ho is out of breath an if tho dreadful criminal in tears. Ho would go to 11 store, tell tho number of Inches it takes to go nround his pimply, hairy, old AtlnniH npnloy neck, and pay all 6orts of prices tor tho garmonts In ques tion, una tnko what tho etoro keeper sent him, only saying nn Impatient big D nil to himself when ho found them not half ns good as thoso hit adoring llttlo angel or n wifo mndo for him, and if ho over mentioned them to hor at nil it would bo. to mako Invidious comparisons. It may possibly bo that I havo mentioned this subject beforo, but it Is n subject that is always repeating Itself In real life, and every brido always has longings that way. So, dear young wives, let ono who has passed through that flro twlco in her lifo warn you. Novcr try to mako your husband a sfnglo shirt. iJclcgato that duty to baso hire lings, nnd if you must do something, why let it bo something ornamental, not useful. Thero was never yet man tarn of woman who could bo mado to beliovo that his wdfo knowB how to mnko n shirt, atter sho has nearly killed herself trying. Why, I havo seen loving couples seek divorces Well, I will say no inoro, for it is llko getting married. All women look upon a dozon homo mndo shirtb as their duty. To thoso women who wish to glvo their husbands n really usoful present ono that will probably not bo required of tenor than once in II vo years, and when It Is the occasion Is such that tho wearer is too ex cited to caro whether it fits or not I sug gest tho heavy twcod shooting coat, cap and gloves. All of theso can bo mado by tho wifo's fair fingers, by tho nld of a pattern, tho material and patience That additional pocket in tho back to hold lunch and dead birds is excellent. Tho front ones aro for mcdlclno in caso of snako bites. Tho gloves aro excellent protection against musquitocs, though rather warm for summer. Now, that coat, cap and gloves can bo mndo by any lady, and only requires a tiny or two of labor, whllo U10 sldrts need n fortnight. Tills will plcaso any man, for If ho hunts 110 win like it, ana if ho don't ho will bo glad It Isn't shl rts. Thoso pretty llttlo fancy things aro nlso good for w I v o s to mnko for thcirdarllng hubbies, for thoy work Oil tllO llttlo attSTAJ. tWiUvt-W you UUSBi.ND3. wlfo'a unxious pnergy aod cJso glvo tho husband enough to tf.'cupy his super tloua mind ir. studyir. out n uso for them. 1 belluvo thev Aro for scarf pins, collar button:!, lmiHikr,Vsv.:hlefa and to fortlu I-'roni the bok uuthoririutt I glesn that tho styles for spang for gentlemen will vary materially, u'jd tho eyo ghiss will hereafter bo worn lifUio other eye. Tho coat lapels havo a soTWofslmwl.roll from neck to waist when tho coat Is open, and it can button nearly up to tho ton when It Is closed. Tho skirts to I'rinco Albert coats nro cut so that tho bottom Is n trifle full. Tho doublo breasted frock coat is cor rect stylo for day dress, particularly for Etald and respectable men, though tho sack coat and cutaway aro suitable and much worn. Thoro aro bumo binglo breasted frock coats with II vo buttons and very peaked lapels, which otclIIU laceU. vests for ilnv Zests for day can bo of lUarseillcd or cashmere, cloth or cheviots. Tho collur Is straight, creased or notched, with tlvo outtons, ana opens about mieen ir.cnes. Dress coots aro black cloth, tiuu ccrgo IffTTlTYvW or diagonal materials, nnd tho Frinc Albert of tho saino material, though they aro frequently seen In dark brown or uran. RomeumM oven In dark wins color. Tho dress suit for tlio An glomanlaohas tho addition of a pair of drab cloth gal tore and a crush hat. Theso colters belong to tho eyo glass and thodudo bolongs: to them both. Tho ono button cuta way Is tho favor Ito of tho portly, jolly, handsome tnon, and tho thrco or four but ton coats of tho " . samo kind nro fa Tin: a:'oj.omaniao. voml by Hnllllucr gentlemen. Theso all huvonll tin1 outsido pockets (lnlshed with flaps, which go in or out. Straight front sack coats will also bo'worn by young and qulto middlo aged gentlemen. Tho trousers for tho early spring will bo from 20J to 214 Inches at tho kneoand from 18 to 10 nt tho bottom. Tho scams down tho outsido will bo welted. Tho trousers In general nro neither too looso nor too snug, nnd nro a happy medium lctweoii spring bottoms nnd twg tops. I bono tho men will know wlmt this means; I don't. Tho highest stylo of overcoat la tho Chcstcrllcld, nnd Is about 07 to 40 Inches long. This is mado of black or dark bluo beaver, though light weight cloth will bo worn In eight or ten weeks, according to tho weather. As it is just now tho stylo in tho illustration is In vogue. This is tho stylo of overcoat worn uy a Hus sion prfneo who has como over to this country to get n rich wifo. Tho ovor cont is of Rcalskin with sablo cuffs nnd collar.and ho had much troublo in getting tho coat, as it appears he had no monoy to pay for it with and ordered It on tho strength of his engagement to a rich widow, who heard of tho promiso to pay for it ns soon ns thoy wcro married, and, llko tho impulsivo American sho Is, at onco destroyed his holies by breaking off tho engagement. Ilo retaliated by saying that ho had been on tho point of sacrificing himself, nnd tlmt anyhow his ma objected to his mnrrylng anybody who would not sottlo moro than ten thou sand dollars n year on him. And so now ho is looking for somo foolish lady who will scttlo upon him a good round income, in return for what? Tho tltlo or princess of no whero nnd noth ing, nttached to an Insignificant fellow who con fesses to a lovo for lino horsos and a luxurious lifo. ' I shouldn't havo given this gosBlp place it It wcro not that just such folly comes under tho head of fash Ion, for it unfor tunately Is got ting to bo tho fashion for our American girls to hanker nftcr ti tles, although tho unhappy desti nies of many of their compatriots nltntilil ilittnr them. 1 havo no" ,I"J'-E'fl ovkhcoat. doubt that tho man who could not nay for his overcoat will And somo foolish naronts who will buy him mid his titlo tor their girl. Anyhow, ho has set tho fashion for handsomo overcoats. Thoro aro soveral other styles of over coats, tho ulster shapes and Inverness capes being tho favorites with tho gilded youth. Tho Inverness is lined with satin, which makes them go on and off easily. Theso havo capes and aro considered very swell. Tho skirts reach to tho auklo and tho capes to tho waist, which gives tho slim youths much tho appear ance of a half opened umbrella. Collars aro Been in every shape and width, and cravats aro as various. I saw somo pretty China cropo tics, with gold colored silk worked figures, which wcro very pretty in wldto nnd light tints. Plain whlto satin, cream colored satin, gros grain silk and colored satins and silks aro all mado In tho four-ln-lmnd styles, which can bo tied in any way tho poor martyr wishes. G loves for gentlemen for ordinary wear aro dark brown, tan and leather color with wido black stitching on tho backs, and white linen hemstitched handkerchiefs aro preferred to tho whlto silk or colored bordered ones. Dres3 shirts havo embroidered dots or small detached sprigd of flowers all over tho bosom, though somo aro seen whero thero is blmply n lino lino of cmbroldory along tho button holes. Whlto linen crochet and pearl buttons aro used in preference to gold or jeweled studs, and very llttlo jewelry is worn. Another now and nniisoworthy fashion has como to tho surfaco for general uso, and that Is for each head of a housohola to 6ct apart a certain sum of monoy for tho uso of tho women, to bo paid monthly or quarterly, as Is preferred. This is an excellent fashion and ono to bo greatly commended. It Is called pin money, nnd though thero Is u general belief that this fashion has obtained for many hundieds of years it has never been general hero. It ought to bo, for no woman can respect her husbund nor her self who is obliged to beg or coax for money of him. 1 am sure that everybody ought to be pleased with tho Impartial manner in which I tell them tho newest fashions. UUVU HAltl'lClt. Dakota's tiieut l'hououienuu. Thoro U now no doubt that tho great phenomenon In Churles Mix county is not caused by burning coal ulono. There Is n great volume of hteam constantly is suing from tho cruvlcu, ueeompuuied bv a Etroug sulphurous odor and a lielit colored biuoku. Tho eurlh for many feet about Is warm. It is also phosphorescent aud can bo teen nt night tor many miles. At frequent Interval. a deep rumbling sound is heard for a long distance. Tho phenomenon Is situated 011 the portion of tho Iluudull military reservation which was lately thrown open totettlement. Now York Woild. Miss Adulo Aus derOho Is bald to havo played on.tho piano with both hands nt tho tender ugeof U. Sho liuui! eomo ono playing "II llaclo," nnd batting herself at tho Instrument, bhu rattled otf that brilliant waltz in n manner that made every ono who heard her ttond agape with wonder. M aTfcaajav" -X "" TIIK SEASON'S LITERATURE REVIEW OF DOOK8, PAPERS, ETC Clooil Thing In our ArtUtlo Kxehnngcs, Hooka Ht Until! nrnt Other Literary Notes. Tlio story of Louisiana. Uy Maurice Thoiiiiwon. Uoing tho third volume of tho now Borles. tho "Story of tho States'' edited by Kllbrldgo S. Drooks, ono voluino 8vo, ful ly Illustrated. fl.CO. Of all tho states of tho union LoulMnnn Is moit dowered with tho gifts of roinniico and nssoclntlons. It varying fortunes as n col ony now of Krnnco and now of Spain, lt attraction to adventurers from tho north, Its pIcturcrMitieiiPM of scenery ami imputation, It's wealth of loiimnco, It's Isolation during so ninny eventful years and IU tm ns an In strument of diplomacy by tho politicians of four niitloim, rentiers Its story 0110 of tho iiioatnttractlvo and oxcltlng In tho list of th stories of tho state. Mr. Thomson Is recog nized as ono of America's foremost prone loeU; his tcii Is csitocinlly gifted in tho do main of description nntl ho has entered upon tho telling of Louisiana' story w lilt an inter est born from a long study ot tho stato ami her pcoplonnd with nil tho nnlor of a lover and n student of poiithcrn scenery nnd tur roumlliigs. Tho information of tho American people should bo national nnd not sectional. Thoy should know and And Interest In nil part of tho broad union aud hi tho history of all Its cointxmont part. Heretofore our load his torles have been far too locd in color nnd In tho public to whom thoy have been addressed. Tho cltirens of Maine and Oregon should find delight ami Interest In tho story of Kentucky, of Delaware, nntl of Louisiana, nnd such Itookr ns this of Mr. Thomson's nITord tho best iNjsxIblo means of fostering this national knowledge. It is not a statistical compilation for tho itolitlclnn, nor n dull historical narra tUotor tho studont or economist. It Is a striking and picturesque, but faithful and re liable, sketch of ono of tho oldest sections of tho union tho lovely Pelican state. Mr. Dridgeman'H illustrations nro strong ami characteristic. His frontispiece, 'Pack enhnm's charge," Is remarkably strong ami Is a lit accompaniment to tho strongest chapter in tho book Sir. Thomson's realistic nnd spirited description of tho famous "Uattln of Now Orleans" in tho war 1812. Among our most vnltiod exchanges Is Home Decoration. In has becomo a most Interest ing visitor and each number is looked for ward to with pleasant anticipations, which nro never dlsapttolntcd. Tho tyttogrnphlcnl apitearanco Is very attractive, tho general makeup unlque,niid lost but not least,tho ably written nrticle aro always n source of great oiitcrUiiimient nnd learning. Tho Illustrations nro Miperb and In overy wny the palter Is n model Journnl f jr tho homo of tho refined classes. Lmlles fond of art work, such as painting, (not tho face) needlo woik, fancy work, etc., will Mini Home Decoration a most delightful companion. It treat on tho nrtislo furnishing of tho homo uud tlecorntlon work generally and woro moioof our ladles to reatl this excellent Instructor wo oplno their homes would npttear moro attractive nnd beautiful. Home Decoration Is published by tho Art Interchange Co., .19 West 22nd street, Now York. Of tho various art Journals wo receive 110110 nro moro welcomotliiintliolrf Itnafeitr, tho THE LINCOLN - AND Safe Deposit Company, Will open for buslncis nt tho bank room on tho cornor of Pand 11th Stwots, Wednesday, January 2d, '89 Capital Stock $250,000.00. IIKNllY K. T.UU'in President nnd Manager. JOHN TV ,ataiBaiBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBWaf 7afl "DOMESTIC" SewingMachineParlor LINCOLN OFFICE, 42 NORTH 11th ST. W. A. DOGGETT, The Only Authorized Agent in Lincoln. January number having Just put In an np itearanco. It Is, as usual, replete with mat ters pertaining to tho twpular subje't which It natno Implies and, beliovo tho Coumkr, much 1 to bo learned of tho beautiful in art. Tho frontlspleco Is a delightful vision of win ter outdoor life in tho country nnd two decorated nanol show snlotulid effect after Angelica. Kauffman's work, Tho center pleco of tho book, covering two pages, shows a flno decorntlvo design entitled "Magpies nntl Fly Catchers," by C. M. Jenekes, after Shller. Tho supplement contains lot of goal things and tho two beautiful colored plates aro certainly magnificent pieces ef art. Theso olono aro worth moro than the price of this excellent Journal. Tho Art Amateur atlde from tho illustrations contalus readablo matter Otl VArtmia hrnilnlina tu.rfjitrilnr in tho subject In which It Is most Interested. Montaguo Mntks, puhHshcr.33 Union Square Sold ut nil lending notvs stands. 'ltalclgh Rivers, n tnlo of tho now south," by O. O'JJ. Strayer is at hand, Hand, Mc Nally & Co., publishers, Chicago., III. "Tho Uiiopular Public," by "LItoro." au thor of '-For Her Dally Uroad," Is n now book just received from Hand, McNally A- Co., Chicago, ami tins Just been Issued in tho Qlobo Library series. Our Cliiblilng U, lly consulting our announcement In anoth er iortloii of this Issuo, readers will find that by clubbing tho Couuiku with foreign per lotllcnls nntl ningiuhien they can securo two at nbout tho prlco of ono. For instance, tho price of The Century is $4.00 per year, nnd together with tho Couuiku both may bo had for $5.00, making tho prlco of tho latter only 0110 half It regular rate. This Is nbout tho samo on nil other papers. If on consulting tho list you tlo not find tho twttor therein that you want, wo can nevertheless supply tho same at similar rates. Howovcr in subscrib ing ns above, old subscribers aro obliged to pay up all arrears and pay a year's Bubscrlp ln advance for tho patters ordered. This is a cheap way to get two or moro pajtors. l'osltlon Wanted hy a I.titl)-. A young lady who writes a plain hand do slres employment as copyist or other office work, or woultl accept other sultablo work, on modernto wages. Address for further imrtlculars, M. M., caro of Couiuei. ofllco. Hteniiuhlp Agoney. If you contemplate 0 trip to any European point or intend brlnclnc frlnmla from mtv such point to America apply for rates and Information to Geo. A. Forcsman, Ag't, 115 o. jutast. Attend tho rod mark solo at Ashby & Mills paugh's. RACE OK TUB CHAMPIONS Bohanans' Hall, Commencing Monday Next, Jan. 21. Af75tAlf. ll-i.ln n . aA. . .... "-." .u.w ... in. uruuv n uotir, . uours per night Professional Hlcyclo Contest. ElJtr.KNAI,p'0vlnner of Omaha ToitftSA1' ECK' MLLE- LOUISE ARMANIDO, and others. Great one hour amateur contest from 7:30 to 8f?o nightly. Admission - - ... - . 2e rt Reserved Enclosure - - - . e0 cts. SAVINGS BANK - McCLAY, Treasuror. A. P. 8. HTUAIIT, Vice 1'rcsldont. 8 a 'i