3SK3CS? HTy' -wr3 fcV 1 . i ,r THE SECRETARIES. WHERE FIVE OF THE OADINET WORK j OUT THEIR DAYS. Scanty unit Ulrtinru of thfi FiirnUtihiB of ! 6omn of Dm Itonms of (tin lrrlunl' Clerks Qtinrtors of Becrtiturlri I'.ndlrott, Curium), Whitney, Dickinson mill Vltnm ShvIiiI Corrvsiiomleiico. Washington, .Itin. 17. Tlicro nro n good iimnv ccntlciupii in thin country who would ll)(o to tako jkwscssIoii of tho five dookrt In tho public ilppurtiucntfi iM tlilnclty of which 1 wrlto. Tliesonro lienu ilfiil ifcska, surrounded by oloKiint enr- rttfl, fluo imlntliiRB, hostn of meulula and pood deal of tlio jioiiipof hlli ntllulut etntlonj hut tho iiipii who hit at thuin niunt work hard for their wiliirk's And nlxuulon tho dollghtrt of lultmro nnd Imloiicmlcnco. Tho pay Is not an great M tho ivn)onnlhllity,uu(l tho honor pcnrculy c()ual.s tho liihor, mid yet (Ion. Harrison will not Ihid It nivoHsary to conx inoii Into Micro llvo noatu, Any ono of tho ocuuimntH of Iliono deskw mluht bocouu) proHldout of tho United BImch. but miroly thU la not tho InducoiiuMit which cniiROH tho xwtfl to Ikjso vaKorly Bought; for tho first cnhluot ollkltil of whom 1 wrlto could bocouio piOHldont only by tho death of tho proildout liliu eclf, tlio vloo president, tho HoorcturloHof Btntonml tho treasury. Nought hut a plague, oarthipiako or cntaclyHin could thus bring tho secretary of war Into tho Vhlto House, and tho chances of tho ro tunlulng four inlnlHtcra nro oven moro remote. Hut If tho secretary of war may not bo president ho certainly has tho filoflRitro of occupying tho most liomi Iful Biitto of olllccH in the United BlatoiJ. Tho present secretary has just moved Into liln new rooms, threo Bl'.CItUTAIlY UNMCOTT. splendid npartuionta In tho went end of tlio S.'i.OOO.OOO war, Btato and navy building. Ill desk, with n surface n largo ns n billiard tnble, la kept an nent nan good houHowtfo'e itnntry. A smart colored man lias nothing eko to do. Tho desk alono cost tho government Bomcthlug llko $000. Tho thick, roft enrnet la worth nt least 5.1 the yard, wlillo tho frescoing ovorhead, a canopy of martini nugols in (laming chariots, must hnv cost $10 tho sqimro foot. Tho velvet curtains nro of tho tlnest, tho great mantle is mahogany, tho Bcrccns nro gilt and gold. Tho gasoller would do honor to a theatre, nnd tho bathroom, near by, la fnlrly Bimiptuoua in Itu ap pointments, though not nai'mud or costly oa tho mnrblobnth which Mr. Lamnr had put In tho interior department when ho 'was secretary there. livery gas fixture, chnlr, carved decoration and utensil, oven to tho pretty red nnd whlto door .uint, has tho crossed cannon and Ameri can caglo insignia of tho department. Hung on the walla aro a score or moro of oil portraits of former secretaries of war. Probably no moro mild and gentlo innn ithan tho present secretary, Mr. Hndlcott, .over occupied tho sent, llo la really lamb lliko In comparison with tho ilerco miens of BOino of nls martini predecessors, but tho fnct hnt ho never smelted gunpowder except on tho Fourth of July hna not (prevented him making a eatlafaotory Bccrctnry of wnr. Tho duties of tho secretory of wnr aro .multifarious, comprising. In addition to genernl supervision of tho army, n host jof minor resixmslbllities, but tho work is bo admirably subdivided into bureaus In Jchnrgo of otllccrs of tho regular army (that the great mnchino works along liko Jin automaton. These military bureaus nro tho olllcea of tho adjutant general, tho inspector general, quartermaster gen eral, commissary general, Burgeon gen eral, pnytnustcr general, chief of on clneers, chief of ordnance, judgo ndvo ato general and chief signal olllccr. It 'la somewhat rcmnrknblo that S.OOOclerka aro required to tako caroof tho fiscal and other routino affairs of an army or a llttlo auoro than 20,000 otllcers and men. Tho 'war department is really tho easiest of all tho departments to manage. In times of peaco it Is practically nblo to run itself. iFow cha:!"itt aro utndo in the ttatf on account of politics, nnd tho organization Ja so essentially military and runs 60 llargclv on precedent that but few mat ters of great Importance, or perplexity reach tho desk of tho secretary. Tlio desk of tho attorney general, next in lino according to tjio law of 1880, Btanda In tho middlcof a, very largo room which looks rather moro llko a parlor than an olllce. It Is like-an art gallery, too, for on Its wnlla aro hung thirty-llvo or forty portraits of former attomeysgen end, pictures which cost tho govern Client from 100 to $1,050 each. Con rplcuous among them nro Hevcrdy Jolin 6on, Caleb Cushlug, U. M. Stanton, V. M. Bvarts and Hoger 11. Taney. Tho attomey general Is simply Undo Sam's ,legal adviser nnd prosecuting attorney. Ho has suporvislon of UnUed States at torneys utul mnrshnls throughout tho country, nnd is ex-olllcio n member of tho cabinet. Tho local fctaff or tho attor ney general Is not a largo ono, consisting KUCUUTAUY WIIITNKY, of but fifty pei-bons all told, half of them lawyer. of moro or leu utility, It seems queer that the country U full of lawyers eager to rUo up their prlvato practico, with ivr'i;;. y.-.'O.OCO or sWO.UOJ n year, in order to couu down here and work: HUo a lilr. .1 mr.li fvr W.COO, bu: cuch b i '.it I III li, I, tho fnct. Attorney General Onrlnnd often guts ti work as early nn 7:00 In tho morning. 1 asked him tho other dny wlint tho tinniest part of his work wns. "Well.'WId ho. "when I first camo licro I wan most pushed to find means of es caping the olllco seekers. 1 had tho njv polntmcnt of 70 mnrshnls, 70 attorneys nd n nuiiiborof territorial Judges. Theso plnces nro highly prized by Inwycrs, nnd ivms sri Allao upim WAV m imrMAHTKIt lll'.NKUAI, DICIONSON. Inwycrs wero never noted Tor their back wardness. The result was that Tor tho 175 places o had about 0,000 applicants. Mnyho lis was not no largo a number, hut at tho time I thought it was 1)0,000. Each applicant sent nliout fifty letters nnd nil tho way from half n dozen to two score of men to talk It over with mo. For ono olllco thero wero 210 applicants. I nm Borry for my successor." Tho secretary of tho navy works in a beautiful room, from whoso windows ono may look out upon tho Whlto Uouso consorvntory nnd tho window at which tho president's wlfo sits with her book or embroidery. Secretary Whitney hns hnd moro work to do hero than any secretary hIiico tlio closo of tho war, nnd his ouccessor will find Ida task anything but ensy. Undo Sam Is now engaged In building a navy, and with his usual im petuosity ho It doing it with a rush. Mrs. Whitney onco told mo her husband, of whom she is Justly very proud, hnd worked harder as secretary or tho navy than ho over did before. "Ho took hold of tho department," said hIio, "na ho Used to tako hold of dilllcult law cases, aud studied night nnd dny till ho hnd mustered it. Mr. Whitney likes hnrd work. When ho wns In tho city nttor noy's ofllco lu Now York thov used to leave nil tho dilllcult enses to him. nnd ho rather liked It." Secretary Whltnoy knows how to hnudlu men ns well ns ships. Indeed, tho duties of his olllco largely consist of hnndllng men, thero being naval bureaus, in charge of naval olllcers, to tako euro of tho ships and their belongings. At 10 o'clock every morning tho secretary takes up position In his outer olllco. All his callers nro admitted to the room, where ho can bco inein ami tnoyenn boo him. Ho stands by a high desk, and receives Ids visitors ono nfter another. Tho calltfr may Hit, but tho secretary stands. Under such conditions tho nvcrago visitor states his business in tho fewest posslblo words mid gets away as soon as ho can. It Is a common say ing in Washington that Mr. Whitney can dlsposo of a greater number or callers In nn hour than any other official, and this is tho manner in which ho docs it a good hint for his successor. After two hours nt tho outer desk tho i,ecro tnry retires to his olllco proper, whero ho works stendlly till S or In tho even ing. Ho hns been ono of tho most suc cessful of nil or tho present cabinet min isters, and Ida administration lias tho credit or giving tho American nnvy Its Btnrt on tho road to greatness. Thero is nothing sumptuous in tho ofllccs or tho postmaster general and sec retary of tho Interior, except tho marblo bathroom in connection with tho latter. BKCnCTAltY VILAS. Tho postmaster general works In a plain room, which has rather old fashioned furniture. In this room and about tho dovoted head of Mr. Dickinson's succes Eor will bo Eoen the worst crush of tho season after March !. Hero tho nlaco i huntersand their friends literally swarm. Mr. Vilas estimates tliut ho lost ten years oi nis uio uurmg uie urst bix months of tho year 1885, when ho sat nt his desk nnd fought oIT tho mob, besides nmking fifteen or twenty thousand ono rules, who havo not yet forgiven him. In number of persons employed, nnd in direct contact with tho ieopfc, tho post olllco la tho grcoteat of till government departments. A postmaster general need not bo a lawyer, but a secretary of tho Interior should havo had law training. This great department controls tho patent ofllco, tho pension ofllco, public lands and mines, tho Indians, education, rail roads, public surveys, tho federal cen sus, etc. Secretary Vilas' room is as plain as Dickinson's, but his desk la kept always In thp ixrfectlon of orderliness. Both Vilas and Dickinson wero lawyers of renown before taking public ofllco. Waltuu Wellman, CliuroUctti uiul Creeks. Thero appears to bo among tho Chero teea, ns fnr ns travelers can observe, bout tho camo variety cf religion as prevails among tho whites, but under tho regulation of tlio Indian bureau, first established under President Grant, their ngents nro nominated by tho Baptists; though the Methodists, Presbyterians", Quakers, Moravians and even Koiuan Catholics havo missions among them and a considerable number of mem bers. When the Creeks or Mus kokees first went to war with tho Americans and concluded what was to them a rather disadvantageous peace, a eotibidorablo number of young men refused to recognize ! ho treaty and fled to Florida, then Spanish territory, nnd wero given tho namo of Semlnoles, which (n tho Crock language means. cxne, or runaway, in no lonj time, by Intermarriage with tlio Indiana of Florida, and to romo extent with run away slaves from tho adjacent dates, they became n distinct nation; but they still uso substantially tho same language as tho Creeks, The Creeks havo from tho first taken unusual ilna to educate their chlldivn. and tho result 1 1 Hea:i in the general lii;;h character cf Intslll conco la tho trice. CAPITAL CITY COURIER, HE DROPPED THE J. A Mall Wlio Tried to Adopt BpatiUh rtutet to ICiigllili. A Rcntlrmnn who has but recently returned from California vim mot nt tlio Weddoll houm yentonlny Ho U nn interesting con vormtlonnllit, nnd n" mnstcr of tlio Bpniihh InnBiinga "Tlio lottor 'J' In BmiiiIIi," said lio, "U n puulcr to tliow who first nttempt to learn tlio Inngungo. I will toll you a tory which I rend In a California ivqmr Hint will llltutrnto this." Tlio tory ran lomotlilng ns followst "A fow dnyi nliico n trnngor from tho unconverted wild of tlio wmt, whero mugwuinpory wns born nnd tendurfeot nttnhi tholr hlglicut ttntoof Mtisttlvciioin, cnine out to I'fiMidoim to vUlt n friend. Whllo walking nlong I'nlr Onka nvonuo ono tiny ho wild to lil friend i " 'Thero rocs n man I mot nt Ln Junta,1 giving tho 'J' Its unturnl sound. " 'Yon miviii I .ii Iluiitn,' replied lits friend. Thnt In n Hwih1mIi iip.iho, nnd In Hint Inn gungo "J" tiilu tlio sound of "II."' " 'I Hint ml Well, 1 must try to cntch on to Hint. After strolling nlong a short tlls tnneo furtliur ho nuked: " 'Where nro tliocnvosof Ii John, which 1 sooro iiiiieli about In tho pniiersl " 'You oliould Niy In Iloyn enves. Thoy nronlKint threo tulles this sldo of Sun Ulego.1 " 'Diu-ii tlio liingimgoi It breaks mo nil up. Thnt'sn pretty nleo liousoovcr tlien tlint's Annljo's liouw, Isn't Itr And ngnln ho gnvo tlio 'J' Its proior pronunclutlon. " 'You iniMiti tlio Annoho house. Yes; It's n giHxl one, too.' " 'Diiiuslchn wny of nbuslng tho Kngllsh nlplinhet. I reckon, then, thnt must bo Ilovono's store which I stoped nt In Loo Angchr " 'No, thnt Is not a Spanish nnnio. I think It In French. Hon over, It Is pronounced ns lcllcd, Jovcno,' " 'Well, how hi Snnta Fo Is n follow going to tell whnt Is Hnnlsli nnd what Isn't! Why couldn't Oiey liulld tholr lnngungo on tho original plnnf " 'Oh, you'll soon cntch It. You will find It Bnfest to glvo tho Spnnlsh pronunciation to ncnrly overythlng hero.' "An hour Inter ho sat down nt tho tnblo of tho elegantly furnished Cnrlton hotel, nnd, nfter scnnnlng tho bill of fnre, tho strnngcr said to tho wnltcn " 'You may bring tuo a nlco hulcy pleco of ronst U-ef, soiiio pig's howl with enpor snuco, Boino fricasseed hack rabbit, some jwrk with npplo holly, somo bollcxl potatoes with cur rant Jn I menn currant ham, nnd, ah, somo' "At this iolnt tho wnltci; swooned nnd tho guests In tho room lot out n roar of laughter thnt gnvo thoehautlollora tlio chills nnd rover. This iiuulo tho strnngcr mad, nnd ho lcnod to his feet llko n crazy man, took off his cont nnd throw it down on tho floor, stnmpod on It mid howled I " 'You fellows nro trying to play mo for a I sucker, hut, by tho eternal, you hnvo struck tho wrong Ming, 1 nm a disguised cyclono from Illlnoy nnd am lick tho wholo crowd! . Bpnnlshf I can sling moro Sjuuilsh in a holy nilnuto thnn Montezuma could In n wholo I year Ict somo Idiot pull off his hnckct and ; hump into me, and tho first tlmo I hit him ho will think ho hns tho hlmhnms. BpnnUlit My nnmofs.lercml I mean Ilcremlnh Bones, from HnckMiivllle, Illlnoy, and when my dander's up I'm n ravin' hyena. You played mo for a sucker, but you musu'thudgo a innn by his looks. Whoopl go round tho hubllea SomelKxIy coino out and faeo mo. Ix't fcomo hhucrew Rnliwt eomo to tho front mid criti cise my SjkuiUIi hnrgon.' "Ills friends got hold of him nnd look him from tho room, and ns ho went through tho door horcmnrkedi " '1 can tako a hoko. but It makes mo mad for a lot of hncknsses to piny mo for a greeny.' " Uovclnml U'odor. An t eves orjr to tho 1'urt. I MIw Do Trcnuro's Maid (Just as Wlltby Is preparing to go on his kuecs for an avowal) Just n moment, sir. Thoy most nil generally uses this, sir. Tlmo. A Slip or tho Tongue. An ngrecnblo young innn whom I often moot was calling with duo ceremony ou a nlco Auburn girl tho other evening, when her brother Tom, Just arrived homo frooi collego on tho ovenlug train, rushed Into tho room and embraced his sister, "Why, how plump you'vo grown, Bdlthl" ho exclaimed. "You're really nulto an arm full" "Isn't euoI" exclaimed tho agrecablo youug man, and thcu ho felt a chill racing down hU 'Milual column. "That Is," ho stammered, Tvo no doubt of lt1" i Tho brother looked carving knives at him, and tho maiden blushed furiously. "I mean er," said ho, "I should Judgo eol" Lowlston Journal No Tostnco Stamps. Old Man If that young Idiot hi tho parlor ain't got moso enough to make shorter calls ho might as well bo of somo uso. Ask him if ho can spare mo a xstago stamp, i Daughter (after a trip to tho jiarlor) IIo says he's very borry, but ho called at tho jiost olllco today to renew his supply of ostagc ,stamps, hut ho hadn't uuythltis smaller then ,n five hundred dollar bill la his vest Keket, tad they pouldn't chnngo that, "Ehf UyJhiksl Well, you rdnuy, go hack to tho parlor. Don't you know Iwttor than to ' leavo your company ciouo liko thati" Now' 'York Weekly. The GrJccr'u Gift. To a rroccry storo ln a Massachusetts vll- lago tbcro camo lately an Irish wouiau who j scid to tho groccn i "Mr. O , shuro and havo yo nlver en impty Hour blrrel thnt I can havo to make a hen coop for mu llttlo hogf" The grocer gavo her the barrel Detroit Free Press. Times HmTe CliunceC. First Tramp Ah, yosj 1'vo teen better (days, better days. I used to b a iruuiufuo .turer of roller skates. Second Trunp 43am way with rae, pard, same way with me, 1 used to bo a rauiuftc tortrof poekstdUrids. Philadelphia P.oeonl mi " SATURDAY, JANUARY To Ooo4. Customor Say, this rlflo you sold mo ye- icruay is no good. Dealer What Is tho maltw with Itf Customer It shoots too accurately. Dealor Why, Isn't that Just what you wnntf Customer I guess not. I'm tho proprietor of a shooting gallery, nnd I giro prizes to thoso who seoro tho highest number of points. Yankee Hlndo. Thine Ono Would Ilnllier Kot Hto Bnld. l) Mrs. Jolison Why, my dear Mrs. Hobson, I nm surprised to seo you In this somlier dress. I hnd not heard of any nfllctlon In your family Mrs. Hobwn Oh, yes, Indeed, Mr. Hobsou dlcxl six weeks ngo. Mrs. Jobson Why, how shocked I nm. I never know of It nt all. I would havo been so glad to attend his funeral, If I had known. ThoBiwch. Soul Conniiiiiiton In llmton. "Kmorsonla, If I seem to dlvnrlento from my nccustoinwl colicrentlflo oppugunucy hi segregating nnd dcsynonyinlzlng tho (wstul atcs you havo lnrglloiuciitly elnlwrated this ovcnlng, let mo Implore you uot to nttrlbuto It wholly to it syclio1oglo (iseudohleiisU on my mnt," Tho youug man looked at her In nn erudlto thcosophlc wny nnd unlled a iwnsiva thought ful Hack liny smile, "I do not, Tleklowell," rcsjionded tho fair young girl, warmly, ns she leaned tenderly ujkhi him and wiped her sjicctnclcs with a soft, caressing touch j "nnd yet you will ixirdon mo If I suggest thnt In attempting to dcphloglktlcnto tho ccphractle hnmlsclblllty of tho piieumatokigleal anliydrousnebs In volved In tho myrlornmlc protoplasm you ovlnco mi oxolerlo pseudeplgrnphousitess, If not a funmelous Ineogiiatlvlty, so to formu Into It, thnt Is uot Knrmlstic." "Hut do you not suspect mo of n dlsana logical or oxtravasatlng tendency, do you, Kmersonlal" ho Inquired, nnxloiihly. "By no means. Your ougouy iftid environ ment prcsupiHison freedom fromsuperdeuom inatiunnlisticlsinlcal etiolation." "Then you ncqult mo of lnconlous crobri tudol" Tho tears stood In Miss Ilowjaincs' oyrs. "Bscniplastlcally oxoujicratcd as wo aro, Tleklowell," sho said, "nnd cnrdlugrnphlcally congenial In ratlonutlvo deducibility as wo coguovnto, such u presumption would hler atlcally jwlnrlzo Into jiectlnllirunclilnto nnuf rngo." "And yet wo disavow tho oplomniicy of dlnthermimelty," ho inurmureiL "Multljiigously, of course" "Then, Binononln," ho exclaimed trlum phnntly, "do not ovltatol- ltublllentlou li Inconipntlblo with gclidity, Is It notl" "1 cannot oppugn thooxcortleativo forclpa tlou of the Inevitable," said tho young lady, softly. And tho young man gathered her In his arms and winked solemnly at a jwrtralt of Kmerson that hung on tho wall. Chicago Tribune, A Tutu or I.ovo In T (I'll). riiauny Phowlcr phaucled Phellx Phulton. rhcllx phelt phalrly phainlshed phor I'hanny. riianny phlshed phor phellow phrom l'hlla dolphin, phlnally phctchlng l'hollx phrom phond phrlends. l'hlnls: Phellx, phlanco; I'hanny, phlnncea Phellx pliound Phanny's iihaco pbright fully phhishcd. "Phnuny," phrom Phollx, "phnther phur iilshes phuuds phor plilnt." Phnuny phrowucd. "Phollx, phorgct, phorget I'hanny. Phool Ish phellow Phlyl Phuimy Phowlcr phor swenrs Phellx Phulton phlntl 1 1" Phnuny phnltitcd. Phellx phlow. Now Y'ork World. Souititlilns to llo TlinuUrul I'or. "Hnvo you dono anything for mot" asked tho condemned man, In pitiful tones, ns his lawyer entered tho cell "Yes, Indeed," said tho legal gentleman, gleefully. "Oh, whnt Is It," demanded tho munlcrcr, "a pardon r "Ko." "A commutation of sentenco?" "No." "Then In mercy's namo, whntl" "I have succeeded," said tho lawyer, "hi having tho day of your execution changed from Friday to Mondny. Friday Is an un lucky day, you knew." Yaukeo Blade, Shu Kept tho :tlic "You told me, darling," ho said, "n week beforo Christmas that you wanted tlmo to think It over, and thnt immediately nfter tho holidays I should learn my fato," "I know I did, Mr. Sampson," and tho dia mond ring which ho had given her Hashed merrily on her linger, "and 1 havo considered tho mutter night and day. 1 regret to say thnt 1 cnunot bo your wife, but 1 shall u ways resjiect and admlro you as a friend." Now York Sim. In Hard Luck. Mother What la tho matter, my con! Adult Son It's all up; no uso straggling cgahut fato. I'm bound to land in tho joor houw. "You! Why, my son, you nro a plumber." "Yes, but all hojw of wealth is gone. My ruytlcian lias ordered uw to -live hi southern California. Pipes never burst thero." Phil ndelpala Record. A t'ciiiiirliubto aiuu. Quest (to museum manager) I don't boo anything peculiar about that man over there. "You don't Bo's our greatest attraction." "What's rotnuriaiblo about liimf" "IIo has tho icjkts U show tlmUio refused xu olllco en tivo beparato oecaslona." Ne braska State Journal. A New I'crrtimr. Tho church wns beautifully decorated with sweet tprlng llowers, and tbo air was heavy with their fragrance. As tho borvlco was about to lieglu, small Kitty pulled her moth er's slcovo and whlqiored, "Oh, mamma, don't It smell solemn t" Barrier's Youug Peoplu. A Ctinngfi of limp. In the thoo storo. Mrs. Utsconi Young i Clcrt Ycs'ra, whntdso, ioiujoI Mrs. Rr-vom-MVcll, 1 kin wear fours, but I gun ymi might try mo this tlmo on sixes ! ami a half. iinrllagton ireo lYca. Iffm ij, 1889. DON'T PAIL To Call and Examine the Large and Elegant Stock1 of IM PORTED and DOMESTIC WOOLENS Just Received by I he American Tailors, OMAHA, N EB. i.j 1 1 Fainani St., Paxton Hotel lildg. They are Leaders. STYLE, FIT AND FINISH surpassed by none. Do not fail to give them a trial, l.iicli copy contniuit n 1'attkiis oniiKii entitling Ilia holder to tlio selection of Akt I'attziw IllnftrnU'd In nny nunibcr of tlio Mncnzlnc. nnd in anv op tub sizei iimniifacturcd, each nlucd nt from M cents to 80 cvuts, or out $3.00 north of patterns per j ear, freo. Yearly subscription, S2.P0. A trial will convince yon thnt yon can Ret ten times tho valuo of tlio money puld. ttlnglo copies (each containing Palttm Order), SO cents. Published by AV. JENNINGS DEMOREST, New Yoiik. Tlio nboro combination U n splendid chance lo get our paper and Deuouest's Ho.mult at reduced rato. Mend your tubtcrlptlons to this olllco. NEW FALL di -ARK NOW IN AT John McWi-iinnie's The Old Reliable Tailor. First Class Workmanship, Fine Trimming, and Satisfaction Guaranteed. Q05 S. ZEjijE7-E2srTiH: Street. SCRIBNER'S tMArA7IWC MVf HiM SCRIBNER'S' MAGAZINE f t,t ,. ,f l1)lt sssrssssd&ccsscssssssc i 7V7OTCs; r -''-'Vt'' 4jM-cs1: nnd value, it i''-I illustrated and v'l f I JVC3 its readers literature of Insf-inc ntp-n. than national circulation excecdinjr 125.000 copies monthly, r rt, jjtPRlCE 25 CENTS 'A NUMBER- $3 A YEAR w&BEwmmnsnjBfflp&m I-- " TgSJJii! - - Cnarles ScribncrS Sons tPOffcp SCRIBNER'S MAGAZINE with the tcni CAPITAL CITY COURIER, Hoth for $4.25. This ma's the price of the Couuikk when tken this wny only $1.25. 1 1 ipftspSSsjS. VSS33nSSSS3!!SlISaJ 3i,s I I I - - - SEE THE New Garland, AT RUDGE.& MORRIS 1122 N STUKET. -ONLY $3.25 F0R- Tlie Capital City Courier, AND Domorost'o Monthly Magazine A WONDUItKUL I'UDLICATlOtf. Msny ninnooo IM'.MOllKsT'S MONTIII.T to bo o fs'lilon mngiwlnc. Tlil Is n nrcnt tnl.tnko. It umlMilildlly contains tlio Hiiret l'A.uioN I)s I'aiithest of nny iiint;nzliio imljll.liod, hut this Is tlio enco from tlio fact that print rnlcr)irUeniulcx perlcnco nro shown, so Hint rncli U'pnrtiiniit It equal to n mnRszIno In Itself. In DoionrsT'sjon Cut a ilozi'n nmi.,n7.lni' In onr. nnd rrruro nmiid' incut nnd ltittructliin for tho w liolo fnmlly. It on tain Stories, I'ocmn.niid other I.Hernry nttrtictlon.i lncludlni Artistic, Scleiitlflc, and llpurclmldinattrrs, nnd li llliKtmlcil with original Ktecl i:ncrnvlinr, riiotogrnMires, Wnter-Clor, nnd lino Woodcuts, inaMuit It tlio Miiiikl Maiuzine or Ameiiica. WIHTEE GOODS iTusszu fiui-t & ciUZu rdTads u PV.IVII 'Of ii k '. .ii1? rMH j. 1MW mmm .I5C T ' !! a! r .f i i 'iV'-.tg x$m is fully ancl.bcautifullveJ has already g-aincd a more . & . ,a.v ti,. - - '" - Mi Willi ACJD. the Publishei'j enable us n