Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, January 12, 1889, Page 7, Image 7

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    "-VJ1 f
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Over a Million Distributed.
Louisiana State Lottery Comp'y
Incorporated by tho tllntitro In IH fni
IMucatlouat andChiirltnhlo purpn.o, nnd ll
t rnuclibn inmlo n part of tlio present stale
.constitution In I87U liy an ovcnvVeliiilnir pop
iilar vuto.
Its Mammoth Drawings take place
Semi Annually ( June nnil Decern
l)cr), nnil Its Grnnil Single Number Draw
ings take place in ench of the other ten
months of the year, ntul arc nil drawn In
public, at the Academy of Music, New
Orleans, La.
For Integrity of Its Drawings, nnd
Prompt 'Payment of Prizes.
Attested as Follows:
"Wo itn hereby fortify that wo supervl.p
tho arrangements Tor ull the M ml lily anil
Hcml-Autiunl Drawings of Tlio lx ilslunii
State lottery 'nmpuny, ami In person man
Wfo ntul control tlio llrawluuN themselves,
iiml that tlio same am conducted with lion-
.usty. fairness, ami In emd faith toward alt
parties, anil wo nuthorbo tlio Cot. .puny to use
this cortllleato, with fno-slmlllcs of our sl?nii-
ures attached, In Its ndvertliements."
Wo, tlio undor-dnned Hanks ami llnutoi
vvllt pay a 1 prizes drawn In tlio Iioulsluiin
Htuto Lotteries, which may bo presented at
-our counters.
11. M. W'AI.MSt.KV. Pren't IiiUaim Nat ll'k
I'lEHItf? I.AN'AUX, I'res.-Muto National H'k
A. IIALDWIN, I'rcs. Now Orleans Natl Hank
-OAltl, KOIIN, Pros. I'nliiii National Hank
At the Academy of Mailc, New Orlrani,
Tueidsy, January IS, 1880.
'Capital Prize, $300,000.
100,000 Tickets at $J); Halves $10; (Marten
f; Tuii'hs .!; Twoutlelhs
1 PIU7.KOKIilO,lOOIs Sf.'VlO.OOo
1 lMU.KOKfl0i,iii)lH lDO.KKI
1 IMU.K OK !.mX)lH , W
2 PIU.KSOK lO.ouO are ,W
ft imu.ks ok niNMnro avow
a'llMtl.Ks nv lumiim tti,()
-iiHI IMU.KS OK nxinro IH.IM)
M IMU.KS OK 'JWaro 100,000
AI'l'linxIMATIOM I'll 1 7. K.I.
HO Prlr.cs oftVttard .V),000
ion do. aoouro
100 do. '.Monro a),000
1OT tin. tin) aro ffi,mio
000 do. lOOaro OT.1M0
.3,1:11 Prizes, nmnuntlni; to HAloil
Xotk Ticket driiwlnir Capital Prices aro
not untitled to Terminal Prize.
CV Kor Club Hates or any other dc-dred
Information, write loitlbly to tho undersigned,
clearly xtatlnir ynjir residence, with State,
County, street and Number. Morn rapid re
turn mall delivery will ho assured by your en
closing an Envelope lieu ring your full ad
dress. ' 3
Honil POSTAL NOTK.s, Kxpress Money Or
dors, or Now York Exchange In ordinary let
ter. Hend ciirrnncy by Kxpress (at our ex
pense) addressed M. A. UAUIMIIN,
Now Orleans, I.a.
Washlnitton, T. O.
Address Rogistared Letters to
Now Orleans, I.a.
TlKMKUni-.ll that tho pavment of tlio
PrlzoH n guaranteed by Four National Hanks
of Now Orleans, and tho ticket are signed by
tho President of an Institution, whoso char
tern I rights aro recognized Pi tho highest
courts; thorufiirn, li'iw.ire of all Imitations or
non vinous sehom-s.
ONK mLti.VIt Is tlio prion of III" smulleTi.
part or fraction ofa ticket IsstTEO IIY lTs
In any drawing. Auvthltig In our oamo of
fered for loss than a D llar Is a swlndl-i.
PMlharmonic Orchestra
Oflce,Rooms 139 am! 140 Uurr Block.
Telephone 13,1.
v Buildings completed or In cour-w of erection
rom April 1, iHwfi:
lliislnej-i bloalc, O K nnltrt n rr, IIHlvilN.
do do I. W Illllliigsley, lllh near N.
Restaurant (Odells) O H Montgor.iery, N near
I ltn.
Itesldmico, J J Imlioff, J and 18th.
do J D Mncfarlnnd. Q and Uth.
do John Zelirune, I) and lltli
do Allien Wat kin, t) Iwt Ml. and tOth
do Win M l-i-oimnl. K b"l "th and IO1I1
do K It flutlirie,27th and N.
do J K IUshI, M li, K U'l ibili and ITtli
do I.O M llrtldwln, OlH-t imiiand IStli
snlUirlntn hiitldlnxnt Mllfonl, Neb,
Flrr; HuptlHt clnirch, litli and K stn-tn.
ortimry j 1 1 1 ji 1.1.I rooolvl.n to all at Wyuka
Rooms m and.'H
Rioliards Blooli.
011 NrwInB-Mitchlnr'
a ! one. ..bllfhli
inJ. la all r.m. tvtl
liltclnv our m.rhlnfil
uil ffutnli whtrvtb. tll. rtn m.
inrm, w. wuiirna iree loon.
ixifeiu in .ten lilll;,lht vrrr
Ltil trwln..m.chln tnil In
. Ih. .tl.rhtrrnia
Wo Will . 1.9 tBllrrt.roniiil.lB
lino 01 our ccilr .ia .ri
Minplrk InrriuraM. .ikih.ijrou
iiur V.HBI w rn.i. 10 lliotr WHO .lynur honir,.d.nrr tt
niviiini.ii.n.u urroni. your own
irprrtv. Ihli r.nJ ni.rliln. I. thr Mlllurr palrnli.
u tilth li.v. run out . Iiriurr u 11.
run.iuiii.oiiii.irvir.l. winiin.
.It.rhfnrnti. anil now arlla for
!tft.10. llril.aironrril.muatuaa
ful marb na In lha worlj. Ail la
mtnm. Na v.aiiI..I I'l.ln
v.i. Birra. iiwh wnowni. IO ua .1 one. cnar
tula rVvr lha oral aaKioi.rn.chln. In lb. woiU, .nit Ih.
JllVH I'J'I ?' "orh. of hlrh .n .r ahown Mnlhrr In Aroarlra.
'I'll UK .V CO., Hot 70, Au.-u.tu, Mulne.
I cell moro Isittliis n(
Dr. Heth Arnnld's
than of any other ciiiikL
Mi'illclno kept In vti-cl;, id
tlliiugh I Keen lllteen va'.le.
I Mm.
V. M.ItollertKiii. C'uvvillf.
CruggUU, 25c., D0r , ud Jl.oo.
WftMt l flm3s
terT I Riii
JEDin rare
lie litis n Word to Say a to WhMhrr Is I'rofltabls Oodllnv.. It
OimiiI for tho Intellect It Is Also
UliooKLiN, Jan. a At tbo Tnberuaclo
today tbo Uov T Do Witt Talnmgo, U. D
prmcliod n dlscourso on tliosuhjix'ti "Doos
Itollgloti PuyT' Tbo oiwulng bymn warn
My days nm Rlldlng swiftly by.
And I. a pilgrim Ktranger,
Would not detain thorn as they fly.
TIicho hours of toil and danger
Tbo text was: "Uixllinoss U proDtablo unto
all tilings, having promlvi of tho llfot lint now
Is and of that which Is to coma "I Timothy
Iv, a I)r TalmagLiuild
A happy Now Year to ono ntul nil I
There U a gloomy and iasslvo way of wait
ing for tho events of tho opening j-onr to como
uioti us, and there Is n heroic way of going
out to moot them, strong In Uod nnd fearing
nothing. Wlicn tho Insly or Catlllno was
found in tho hattleriold It wrut found far In
rulvanco of nil his tniops, and nniong tbo
cnoniy; and tbo best way is not for us to tlo
doini nnd let tboovents of llfo trnmploovor
us, but to pi forth in a Christian spirit deter
mined to conquer,
Tbo (mjicni wero mado out, nnd nomoof
you havo Just putonxl Into buslnoxsurtucr
ill I p j, and others of you tnko higher Kwltlons
in tho commercial establUbmout whore you
voro engaged, and others iavo ctitenxl upon
now enterprUw, nnd there woro liuit week In
tbeso cities ten thoiiMind bitslnora clmngos.
You werooxiKX'tlng prossjrlty, and 1 am de
termined, bo far as I havo anything to do
with It, that you shall not bo dlsapoluted,
and therefore I proioo, as God may help mo
this morning, to project upon your attention
ft now element of jeeoss. You will havo in
tbo buKinws firm, frugality, tlciico, Indus
try, iwrhovcrnnco, ecoiioniy n very strong
business (Inn, but there needs to bo ono mem
ber added, mightier than thorn nil, and not n
silent iartuer either tbo ono introduced by
my text! "Godliness which b profitable unto
all things, having tbo promise of tho llfo that
now is as vroll as of that which b to como."
1 supKiso you aro all willing to admit that
Godliness b liiixrtnnt In ItH eternal relations;
but orhnp4 Homo of you xayi "All 1 wantb
an opportunity U say a prayor beforo I die,
and all will bo well." There aro a great
many euplo who supposo that If tboy can
finally get safely out of thb world into a bet
ter world, tboy will have exhausted tbo en
tire odvautago of our holy religion. Thoy
talk as though religion wero n mero uod of
recognition which wo aro to givo to tbo Lord
Jesus on our way up to a heavenly mansion;
M though it were au admission ticket of no
uso except to givo in at tho door of heaven.
And thero aro thousands of pooplo who havo
groat admiration for a religion of the
shroud, and a religion of tho coffln,
and ft religion of th bearso, and
a religion of tho cemetery, who have no
appreciation of a religion for the bonk, for
tho farm, for tbo factory, for tho warehouse,
for tho Jowclor's shop, for the broker's olllce.
Now, wbilo I would not throw any slur on a
postmortem religion, 1 wont thb morning,
and on tbo first Kabbath of tho now year, to
'eulogize an anto-mortem religion. A religion
that b of no uso to you whllo you llvo, will
bo of no uso to you wbcu you die, "Godli
ness b profitable unto all things, having tbo
prombo of tho llfo that tiow b as well as of
that which b to come." And I havo always
noticed that when tho groco b very low In a
man's heart bo talks a great dsal In prayer
meetings about deaths, nnd about conlns, and
about grnves, and about cburcbynrib. 1
havo notlcod that tho healthy Christian, tho
man who b living near to God, and is on tho
straight road to honvon, b full of Jubilant
satbfactlau, and talks about tho duties of thb
llfo, understanding well that if God helps
hhn to llvo right bo will holphlm to die right.
Now, in tbo first placo, 1 remark that
godliness b good for a man's physical health.
1 do not mean to say tli'U it will restore a
brokou down constitution ar drive rbouma
than from the limbs, or neuralgia from tbo
temples, or plourby from tbo bide, but I do
mean to bay that It gives ono such habits and
.nits ono In such condition as b nM favorablo
for physical health. That I bollevo and that
iavow Evcrytxxly knows that buoyancy
of spirit b good physical advuntaga Gloom,
unrest, dejection aro at war with every pul
sation of tho heart and with ovory respira
tion of the lungs. It lowers the vitality, It
slackens tbo circulation, while oxhllaratlon
of spirit wurs tho very balm or heaven
through all tho current of llfo. The senw
of iiusocurlty which bometlinos hovers over nn
uuregenerato man, or nitinces uikiii him with
tlio blast of ten thousand trumpets or terror,
b most depicting and most exhausting, whllo
tho feeling that ull things aro working to
gether for my good now, nnd for my over
lasting wolforo, b couducivo to physical
You will obsorvo that godliness induces
Industry, which b tho foundation of good
hcaltli. There b no law of hyglcno that
will keep a lazy innu welL I'lourby will stab
bun, erysipelas will burn him, Jnundlco will
discolor him, gout v.i cripplo him, nnd tbo
intelligent phyhiclaii will not prewrllnj anti
septic or febrifuge or imodyno, but buws. and
hammers and yardsticks nnd crowbars and
pickaxes. There is no such thing as good
physical condition without xwltlvo work of
somo kind, although you.bould slccpoudown
of swan or rido in carriage of softest uphol
stery or havo on your tablo all tho luxuries
that were ourcd from tho wine vnts of Ispa
han and Klilraz. Our religion saysi "Away
to tho banklaway to tbo flcldluway to tho
shopl away to tho factory! Do something
that will enlist all tbo energies of your body,
mind nud soul." "Diligent In business, for
vont In spirit, serving tbo Ixird;" whllo upon
tho bare back of tho Idler nnd tho drouo
comes down tbo sharp labh of tbo npostlooa
bo Bays, "if any man will not work, neither
shall ho cat."
Oil, bow l:nortajit In thb duy, u hen so
much U Mid about anatomy and physiology
and theraieutlcs, and kiiiio new stylo of muli
clno h ever and unnn springing upon tbo
world, that you Miould umiurtnnd that tho
highest school of medicino b tbo k-IiooI or
ChrUt, which declare, that "UodlinoMi b
profitable unto ell things, having tho prombo
or tho llfo that now U as well as of that which
ii to come." t?o if you start out two men In
the world with wmal physical health, and
then one of them bhsll get tbo religion uf tun
Jrd Jesus Christ i.i bis heart, mid the other
hall not gut it, the one who becomes n win of
tbo Iord Almighty will llvo the longer.
"With long Ufa will I satisfy thco. and show
thco my ralvatlon."
Again 1 remark that godliness b good ror
tbo Intellect, 1 know some have ruipgxrsod
that Just as soon as a man enters Into tho
CbrUtlau llfo his intellect goes into a bo
dwarflng proccm. Ho far from tint, religion
will give now brilliancy tn tho Intellect, uow
stro.igtb to the Imagination, new force to tho
will, and wider swing to all the Intellectual
faculties. Christianity b tho great central
fir at which philosophy has lighted its
brightest torch. Th religion of the Lcrl
Jesuit Christ b tho fountain out of which
learning has dipped lU clearest draught
Tbo ilollcon (Kiurod forth no such liisplrlug
waters us those which flow from under the
throtio of God clear as crystal. Religion
has given new cnorgy to Kxy, weep
ing in Dr. Young's "Night Thoughts,"
teaching In Cowiicr's "Task," flam
ing in Charles Wesley's hymns, nud
rushing with nrchangello splendor through
Milton's "Pnrndbu IamU" Tho religion of
Jobus Christ has bung in studio nnd In gallery
of art and In Vatican, tho best pictures Ti
tian's "Assumption," Raphael's "Transfigura
tion," Ruliens' "Descent from tbo Cross,"
Claudo's "Uurnlng Hush," nnd Angola'-- "Ijut
Judgment." Religion has mado tbo lx?st mu
slooftbo world lladyn's "Creation," linn
dol's "Messiah." Mozart's "Rixpilem." Is it
(KMsiblo that it religion which builds such In
destructible monuments, and which lifts Its
onslgu on tho hlghct promontories or worldly
power, cnu havo nny olToct tixm it man's In
tellect but olovntiiiu and enlargement! Now,
1 commend gixllltKw as the lxt mental dis
cipline hotter than belloH-lettres to purify
tho tnsto, better than mathematics to liar
nessthomludto all Intricacy nnd elnborittlou.
bet,ter than logic to marhhal the intellectual
forces for onset nnd victory It will go with
Hugh Miller and show him tlio footprints of
tbo Creator in tho rod saudstouo. It will go
with tho Ixjtaulst and kIiow blm celentliil
glories cncauixxl under tbo curtain of u water
lily. It will go with tho astronomer on tbo
great heights where God shepbenb tho great
flock of worhb, that waudor on tho bills of
heaven answering lib volco ns ho calls them
all by their names.
Again 1 remark that godliness b profitable
for one's dlipoHltlon. iird Ashley, beforo bo
went Into it groat bnttlo, was hoard to offer
this prayer i "O Ixird, I shall (hi very busy
todayi if 1 forgot tbeo, forgot mo not." With
such it Christian dlsKslllim as that, it man Is
iudcxjndeutof ull clrcuuiHtuncut, Our piety
will havo a lingo of our natural tonix'ranient.
If it man bo cross mid sour and fretful natur
ally, after bo Isjcomes n Chrbtinu bo will
always buvo to Ixi nruieil ngitlnst tlio rebellion
of those evil Inclination; but religion lias
tamed tho wildest nature, It hit turned fret
fulness Into gratitude, doHxjndoticy Into good
cheer, and Miomo who were bard and ungov
ernable and uncoiupromUlug havo been mado
pliable and conciliatory. Good resolution, re
formatory eirort, will not elTect tbo change,
It takes a mightier arm and a mightier bund
to bend ovll habits thou tbo baud that bent
tbo bow of Ulyssob, and It tnkes n stronger
lasso than over held tbo buffalo un tho prairie.
A man cannot go forth with any human
weax)us and contend successfully against
those Titans armed with upturn mountain.
Hut you bavo known men into whoso spirit
tho Influence of tho Gospel or Christ caiuo un
til their dlsxsltion was entirely chaugod. Ho
It was with two merchants In Now York.
Thoy wero very antagonistic. They hnd
done all tboy could to Injure each other,
Thoy wero In tbo samo lino of bust
hubs. One of the merchanu was con
verted to God. Having been converted, bo
asked tbo Ijonl to touch him bow to Ixwir him
self toward that business antagonist, and bo
was improHhod with the fact that It was his
duty when it customer asked for certain kinds
of goods which bo bail not, but which bo
know hb opx)nent hail, to recommend him to
go to that store. I suppose that b about tho
hardest thing n man could do, but being
thoroughly converted to God, bo rosolved to
do that very thing, and being asked for a
certain kind of ftoods which be bad not, bo
soldi "You go to such and such a store and
you will get it" After a whllo mcrcbunt
number two found tboso customers coming
so sent, and ho found also that merchant
number ono bad liven brought to God, und
besought the same religion. Now tboy are
good friends nud good neighbors, tho graoa
of God entirely clianging their disposition.
"Oh," bays somo ono, "I bavo a rough, Jag
god, Impetuous nature, and religion cun't do
anything forino." Do you know that Mar
tin Luther and Robert Newton und Richard
Baxter were lm'utuous, all consuming na
tures, yet tbo graco of God turned tlyjm into
tbo mightiest usefulness A manufacturer
cares but very lltUo for a stream that slowly
runs through tbo meadow, but a strong tor
rent that Icajw from rock to rock, nnd rushes
with mad energy through tho valloy nnd out
toward tho sea. Along that river you will find
fluttering shuttles and grinding mill and
flashing water whocL And a nature, tho
swiftest, tho most rugged aud tho most tre
mendous, that b tbo nature God
turns Into greatest usefulness. Oh, how man)
who have been pugnacious, aud bard to
ploaso, and Irascible, and moro bothered about
tbo mote in thou neighbor's oyo than about
tbo beam llko ship timber In their own oyo,
who bavo been entirely chaugod by tbo graco
of God, and bavo found out that "godliness
b profitable for tho llfo that now b as well as
ror tbo lire which Is to como."
Again I remark, that rollglor b good for a
man's worldly business. I know tho general
theory b, tho moro business tho less religion,
tho moro religion tho lom business. Not bo
thought Dr. Hans in his "Biography of a
Christian Merchant." when bo says: "no
grow in grace the last six years of hb
llfo more thnu at nny tlrao In bb llfo; dur
ing those six years ho had moro busi
ness crowding him than at any other tlmo."
In other words, tho moro worldly business a
man has, the moro opixirtunity to servo God.
Does religion exhllarato or retard worldly
business is tho practical question for you to
discuss. Doom It hang llko a mortgage over
tlio farm Is It a bad debt on tho ledgerl Is
it n Hen against tho estate! Docs it crowd
tho dixir through which customers como for
broadcloths und silks ( Now, religion will
hinder your business If it bo a bail business,
or if It bo u good business wrongly conducted.
If you toll lies behind tho counter, if you uso
false weights aud measures, If you put sand
in sugar, and boot Julco In vinegar, and lard
hi butter, and sell ror ono thing that which b
another thing, then rollgion will Interfcro
with that business; but it lawful business,
lawfully conducted, will find tho religion or
tho Lord Joius ChrUt lU mightiest nuslliary
Religion will givo an oqulpolso or spirit,
It will keep you from obullltlons of temper
and you know a groat many lino buslncsse
havo been blown to atoms by bad temper
it will ueop you from v.orrlmcnt
about froqucnt loss, It will keep you
Industrious nud prompt, it will keep
you back from squandering and from
dissipation, It will give you a kindness of
spirit ublch will lx easily distinguished from
that mero btoro rouriusy which shakes bands
violently with ynu. asking ubout the health
of your ramlly when thero I no anxiety to
know wlmthor your child b well or sick I
out iho nnsloty b to know how
many doica cambric jiockot bandker
chlor you will tako nod pay cash
down. It will preporo you fur tho practical
duties of everyday Ufa 1 do not mean to say
that religion will mnlto us financially rich,
but I do say that it will givo us. It will assuro
us of a comfortable hustcnanco at tho start, n
coinfortabla Miledstenronll tho wuy through,
nnd It will help us to direct the bcuk, to man
ago the trallle, to conduct oil ou- business
matters, and to make tho most Insignificant
affair or our llfo a matter of vast Lnportanc
glorlfled by Christian principle.
In Now York city tUtr was a mtrc'.
hard In I b dealings with hb fellows, who had
I written over hb banking houso, or lib count
ing homo rpomi "No coinnmmlm." Thou
whou sorjo merchnnt got in n crbls mid went
down-no fault of his, but a conjunction
of ovll clrcumstnnccn nd nil tho other
merchants wero willing to compromise thoy
would take seventy-llvoconb on tbo dollar, or
ftfty wills, or twenty cents coming to this
man last of nil, ho said I "No compromise; I'll
tnko ono hundred cents on tho dollar, nud I
can iiffuid to wnlt," Well, tho wheel turned,
nnd after a whllo that man was In a crisis of
business, nud bo wilt out lib agents to com
promise, and the ngenta said to tbo mor
chnutsi "Will you tnko fifty centa on
tho dollar r "Na" "Will you take
anything'" "We'll tnko ono hundred
cents on the dollar No compromise," And
tho man who wroto that inscription over lib
counting house door died iu destitution. Oh,
wo want moro of tbo kludncMor thoOosol
and tho spirit or love In our Inuliuws enter
iirbosl How many young men havo found
iu tho religion of Jesus Christ n practical
holpl How many there are in this houso to
day who could testify out of tholrown oxpc
rlcncothntgodlliicsnb profitable for tbo llfo
that now Is, There wero times Iu their busi
ness career when thoy wont horo for help,
nnd thorn for help, nnd yonder for help, und
got no help until thoy knelt beforo tho Lord
crying ror lib dollvcrnnco, nud tbo Ixinl n
cucxl them.
In a bank not rnr rrom our groat metrop
olis a vlllago bank nn olllcer could not Iml
nuco bb accounts. Ho hnd workixl nt thnm
day after day, night after night, nnd bo was
sick nigh unto death ns a result. Ho know ho
had not taken ono farthing from that bank,
but somehow, for somo reason InscruUblo
tbo accounts wouldn't balance, Tho tlmo
rolled on, nnd the morning nf tbo day when
tlio Ixxiks should pass under tbo iiuvpoctlon of
tho other ofllcers arrived, nud ho felt hlmsoir
Iu awful xtII, conscious of -bis own Integrity
but imnblo to provo that Integrity Thnt
morning bo went to tho linuk early, nud ho
knelt down beforo God nud told tho wbolo
story of lib mental anguish, nnd bo said:
"O Ixird, I ltavodiino right; I bavo preserved
my Integrity, but hero I urn about to Iki over
thrown unless thou shouldst come to my res
cue, linl, deliver mo." Anil for ono hour
ho continued tbo prayer twforo God, and
then bo row) nnd went to nn old blotter thnt
ho bad forgotten nil about. Ho ooiiod It,
and thero lay a shoot of llgures which bo only
needed to mid to another lino of figures somo
I bio or flgurcri bo bad forgotten, aud know
not where ho hail laid them and tho ac
count wero balanced, nnd tbo l-ord deliv
ered him, You aro an Infidel If you do not
bcllovo It Tlio Lord delivered blm. Ocxl
answered lib prayer as ho will answer your
prayer, O man of business, in every crbls
when you como to hltu. Now, if thb bo
ho, then I nm persuaded, as you aro,
of tho fact that tho vast majority or Chris
tians tlo not fully test tho valuo or their ro
llgion. Thoy nro llko n rnnnev iu Calirornla,
with lirteen thousand acres or good wheat
land and cultitrlng only n qunrter or an aero.
Why do you not go rorth and mako tho re
ligion or Jesus Christ n practical affair every
day of your buslnesi llfo and all tills year,
beginning now, nnd to-morrow morning
putting into practical effect thb holy religion
and demonstrating In your llfo thnt godliness
b profl tablo hero ax well as hereafter i
Row can you got along without thb ro
llgion I Is your physical health so good you
do not want this dlvino tonic I Is your mind
so clour, so vast, so comprehensive that you
do not want thb dlvino Inspiration! Is your
worldly business so thoroughly established
thnt you havo no uso for that religion which
has been tbo help nud dollvcrnnco of tens or
thousands or men In crises of worldly troublol
And ir wbnt I bavo said this morning b truo,
then you sou what a ratal blunder it is when
a man adjourns to llfo's expiration tho uses of
religion. A man who postpones religion to TO
years of ago got religion flf ty years too late.
Ho may get into the kingdom of God by final
ro'icntnnce, but what can compensato him
for n wbolo llfotlmo unallovlated aud uncoin
fortcdl You want religion today In tbo
training of that child. You will want relig
ion to-morrow In dealing with that western
customer You wantod religion yesterday to
curb your tomjxjr Is your arm strong
enough to lieut your way through tho floods!
Con you without being Incased In tho
mall of God's eternal help go forth amid
tho assault of all hell's sharpshooters!
Can you walk nlono across these
crumbling graves and amid theso gap
ing earthquakes! Can you, waterlogged nnd
mast shivered, outlive tho cnlol Oh. how
many thero havo been who, postponing tho
rougton of Joiais Christ, havo plunged Into
mistakes thoy uover could correct although
they livod olghty years after, and llko ter
wilts crushed undor cartwheels, dragging
tholr mauled bodies under tho rocks to dlo; so
these man bavo fallen undor the wheel or
awrul calamity, crushed horo, destroyed ror
over, whllo n vast multltudo or others have
taken tho religion or Jesus Chrbt Into every
day lire, and first, in practical business af
fairs, and secondly, on tho throuo of heavenly
triumph, havo illustrated, whllo angels looked
on and a universe approved, tho glorious
truth that "Godliness Is profitable unto all
things, having tbo promlso of tho llfo which
now b as well as or that which b to como."
Thr KIiik of Slam.
"Tho present Blamoso king, Bomdoch Thra
Pharamlndr Mnha, known as Chulalongkorn,
b it bautlsomo man, ili years old. Ho has
absoluto power, but avalb himself of a coun
cil of nobles. Ho b or a kind disposition,
easily approachable, und b very (xspular
among bb subjocts. I onco nttcndod a grand
garden irty given by him, nt which moro
than ,',000 guests wero present Thero wero
not moro than fX) foreign residents in Bang
kok, but tbo most elaborate preparations
wero mudo for their entertainment Kngllsh
and French oxiks wero employed, and Euro
pean wlneaflowod llko water, tbochatnagne
csixjclolly being received with great favor by
tho natives. Tbo king moved about among his
guests with x!rfoct rreedom. lib crown is
worn only on roro occasions, as It is n very
uncomfortable headgear. It b or solid gold,
about eighteen Inchon high, aud runs to n
point It bthlcUly studded with Jewcb of
tho largest blr.o nnd first wntor, and Is of
great value. It U so heavy that tho monarch
Is 111 at case while it Is upon his head. Tli
king's IxxlrhamtxT, baths nnd other njiart
racnts nro worthy tbo nbodo or royalty His
couch b mado of raro wood and carved in
tho most e.iqullte dciigus, draicd with raro
laeo fringed with gold, n gold embroidered
spread covers tbo bod, tho pillows and IxiUtcrs
nroulso hemmed with lace, and nlxivo tho
couch swings a handsome pumba to keep
him cool. Cor Nnn Fruiu-lsco Chronicle.
An ol I toy has Ixvn reproduced In tho form
of n paper weight containing nn apparently
living Strd or Insect A mlulaturoclcltrlc
generator In the baso causes tho artificial
crature to flap Its wings and produce a pecu
liar rustling bound, the Imitation U-Ing so de
ceptive thut n certain sensitive lady uccusod
tho Inventor of cruelty In InipiUmlng n llvo
butterfly to dlo of starvation. A new lamp
thailo contains a vanod wheel so mounted
that the current of boated nlr from the lamp
rotates a series or colored banib bohlnd a per
roratcd dcs'.gn ou tuo thado, -producing
beautiful effuct.
rrwlrirloti III,
Frederick III was far rroro thananierw
Midler. On ono side or lilsnnturo ho was In
warm ejniintuy with thonllltary (tatrlotbm
of hb xx)lo. ou the fit her ho was in clow
touch with tho varied octlvlliosof their Intel
lectual culture mid Industrial enterprises.
Excluded ns be was, l-v hb xltlon, rrom pub
llo intervention In iaity ixilltlcs, ho never
sank Into Inactivity lib wide symimthlon
fo'ind many Holds or congenial energy. On
ovory sldo ho carefully pivparcd himself to
fill tho great ixwltlon to which ho would ono
day lie cnllwL Tbo otllelal director of tbo
stato museums, t bo patnm of nrts nud sciences,
tbo promoter of odiicntlouul and phlluuthrop
Icul 'nstltlltlous, bo labored heart nud soul to
xipularlzo the results of nwtbetle nnd scion
tlllo culture, mid to advance tho well Mug of
hb xxpU Among tbo many educational
movements In which ho was Interested
may Iki sxclally mentioned tho Kortbll
diingschulcu, which supply instruction to
persons or every clium or ago nRor
they bavo loft scliixil. In later life his chief
recreations wero niuslo nnd literature. Ills
fnvoriUicomK)Hcrri wero Gluck nud Mozart
U'ngnorUm as n six-la I cult, bo iartlcularly
disliked) but tut greatly admired "Tnnii
hauser," "Uihougrln," "Kllegendo Hol
lander," "Mobterslngor" nnd "I'nrslfaL"
"Tristan mid Isolde" ho could not Ixvar; nud
tbo "Tiiloglo," In splto of lino nnd stirring
Mingori. was, as n wbolo, to blm almost un
oudurnlilo. With tbo history nf bb owu
country bo mado himself Intimately familiar,
and Iho great national work Ukii tbo reign of
r'rcdcrlck the Great was continued under bb
iwxclnl patroiingn. To Mirtlcularlzo hb fa
vorite Ixxiks would Ik ntllflloult task. Hut
tboso of which bo nover wearied wero
"Faust," "Nathan tier Welso" nnil, as many
will learn with special Interest, Ixx-auso 1 1 do
notes tho hidden source or strength iixm
which ho relied throughout lib last Illness,
tlio "NarhfolgoChrbtl" or Thomas n Kempb.
Nineteenth Century
Tim llabrs of Korea.
HHxiklng or Korean baby eating by tho
missionaries, tho king In thb case sent out a
proclamation linking nny ono who had known
of ImiIiIos Ixjlng stolen by foreigners to como
forth nud mako hb charge goixt llo called
attention to tho rnct that foreigners worn
civilized and asked tbo question ns to bow
civilized ixxiplo could cat children. "Hut,"
tho proclamation went on, "If children aro
being stolen, lot tho Information lx flled be
fore tho prox:r authorities and tho offenders
will lio arrested, nud If found guilty by ovl
donee, will bo punished. A reward of (HO,
000 cash will bo (Mild for each wrsoti so
found guilty, to tho informant, but In
cam tho Information b not supported
by tho evidence tho Informant shall
bo fined In n llko amount for bring
ing tho charge," Tills proclamation was
signed with tlio royal seal mid was 'Misted
on tbo gates nud on tho great bell In tho cen
ter of the city. Tho lolling of children, b,
however, not uncommon In ICorcn, nud I am
told that many aro exported to China. Good,
fat, well disposed babies bring from o to 20
aploco, and a father boa a perfect right to
ell hb children: Babies aro somotlmos bought
for adoption, and as to tho glrb thoy aro sold
for purposes of which tho loss said tho better
Slavery exists to soma extent In Korea, but
It Is moro a serfdom than such slavery as we
bad years ngo in tho south. Frank G. Car
penter. An Klectrlo Light Malady.
It b a fatality that whatever b dono to
Mako llfo moro cndurublo creates new do
tnands for tho exorcise of medical skill. Rani
tarlans, for Instanco, havo been looking for
ward to tho time when gas illumination would
bo superseded by electric lighting. It b
found, howovor, that tbo latter has created a
now malady, which for tho timo b known as
I cloctrlo prostration. According to Tho Ijui-
cot, several ensos nro reported from Crousot,
In Franco, tho sufferers Ixdng workers In tho
factory or tho Bchneldcr company Tho light
exceeds 100,000 cnndlo xiwcr, and It ap
pears that It Is thb excess or light, and
not tho heat, which produces tho uorvous
symptoms. "A alnful sensation in tho
throat, faco and templo b first noticed, then
tho skin Imxwiucs a coppery roil, and irrita
tion Is felt ubout tho eyes; much lachryma
tlon ensues, and theso symptoms thcu disap
pear, whilst tho skin pecb off In llvo davs.
i Tbo effects uro comparablo to thoso produced
by walking over fresh mow In tho sunlight,
' nnd may lx regarded as a sort of 'sunburn-
lug.' rrolutbly thero are causes in Crcusot
which contribute to tho Illness. It b not un
common to flud (xxiplo who work under the
cloctrlo light for a long tlmo becoming brown,
as ir thoy wero exposed to tho sun's rays, but
hitherto It was supposed that tbo color was
an indication or a favorablo atmosphere "
Now York Homo Journal
A Crow That Kspt liar.
Out In Monroe county. Miss., tho crows
havo lately mado themselves obnoxious by
, their persistent Invasion of tho com fluids.
A man who bod been hired to watch a par
j tlcularly promblng field and inform those
birds that it w.i a jalnst tho rulo to pick up
anything therein, bethought himself bow bo
could mako it "soft thing" of it ror himself
and at tho same tlmo moot tho requlremonbtof
i hb contract. Finally, by n beautiful Instinct,
ho hit Ux)ii tho plan of soaking somo corn in
whisky and placing It In tho fluid, so that the
i crows would uat It und gut drunk, and thus
unablo him to havo n sure and easy thing of
' killing them. Ho had tried the shotgun, but
crows tauell xiwdor a long way After soak
ing somo corn over night bo put a gcxxl su
' ply In tbo field next morning, nnd in two or
, throe hours went out to soo bow things went
on. Ono of the crows, a llttlo larger than tho
rest, hail takon KKsossion of nearly all tho
corn, had built himself a bar out of somo
clods of earth nnd was retailing tho whisky
soaked corn to tbo other crows, cbirglug
them three grains of sprouted for ono of
soaked grain. Tho man thought tbo wbolo
proceeding so human that bo killed not a
crow, but camo back to tho houso and took
a "nip" himself. Now Orleans letter.
Hnukr. ami Hurled Treaaum.
BtmLes always know where burled treasure
lies. In summer thoy aro far too wary to
show themselves in the neighborhood of such
n hoard, but on bright, warm days in the
curly spring they will como out toliask in tbo
neighborhood of thulr winter qunrtcrs. At
such tUiiusit wise man will nut kill tbum. but
watch carerully whero thoy ko. mark the
I placo and c-omo liack with friends mid dig up
tho hurled wealth. Many fnmillesnro bald to
owo their prosperity to such a discovery Hut
tho biiako fights wildly for Iu proiorty In
the old ruins of Italy thero uro wmgtxl her
Ceuts which never como Into tboown nlr,
ut taunt tbo vault hi which anything of
value b hlil. Thuy llvo Uxm tho scout of
gold nud violently attack any one who forces
hb way Into thulr domain. Their lillo b cer
tain mid sudden death, but tboy, too, can be
paclflm! t.y milk. No ono lias over seen them,
except by torchlight I'hiladolphla Times.
On tbo day when Lincoln dollverod hb fa
mous sjxux-u at Gettysburg, a gentleman who
was asleep some miles uway drtvunul every
word of the uddress. Buch b tho Jtory told
at a recent mooting of tbo Fsycblcal soci
ety at Uoston. That Is the way members of
ths society write IhfJr original magazine ar
ticles. New OrleaM ricayuiio.
lii' in-
Diamonds, : Jewelry,
Repairing and Enfravlng a Specialty.
116 No, Tenth Street.
Crystal Steam Laundry,
Offlco, Uurr 111k. Laundry, 34th and 0.
Finest Work in the City.
All work called for nnil delivered, nnil
atbfncll()ii ijtinraulccd. Leave orders at
nlhVe or by telephone .i;8,
N. R. HOOK, M. D.,
Jrlnary and Recta. Diseases a Specialty.
Treats rectal iIImciiho by IIIUNKKlUIOFr
-AINI.KWH HYH'P'M. Ofllcr. nxms I IB, 131 and
121 IiHTlllixk, Twelfth and O simls. Ofacs
rli'ihnne MM. Keslilencit HKto QstrrH-l. M'hotif, MB
Ortlcc toll' n. in. u to 6 ami 2 to fi p id
-amis)-., Ill loll ii, m
DrayagG and loving
Desires to Inform the public thnt lib equip
incut for moving Household UoocU.PIanos
Safes, Miirclinndbe, llcuvy Machinery
ate., is the best Iu the city. Special met.
and wagons arc for the removal of
Pianos and Household Goods,
Which are always handled by competent
and experienced help, and the latest appli
ances used for handling Safes and other
heavy goods. Call, nddrcss or telephone
Telephone in 517 O it.
743 to 745 O Street.
Wholesale Grocers,
Fruit, Produce and Commbtlon Merchants
103 O Street
Dealer mul Jobber In
Wall Paper,
Lnce Curtains, Shades, and Interior Deco
ration. 3.A.SH0EMAKER.M.D.
Homceopatliist Physician,
Telcuhone No, 685,
iM Smith nth Street, Lincolm Nkb
Reopened 1033 O Street.
sta.idliiB the
fact that Fho
tnifrnphs linve
been reduexl
to about half
tho former
price wo havo
enKiiKed the
services of one
of tho best fin
ishers in New
York to tnko
churKoof that
department of
eflorts shall be
mil I r 1 hr to
Klveeach cus
tomor entire
Hut I sfaot Ion
and lopnxl uco
superior worlc
to any we have
done beforo.
Cabinets, $3 per Dozen.
Monarch of the Dailies!
Omaha Bee!
Delivered to any part of the
jity for 20 cents a week, every
Jay in the year Leave sub
scriptions at Lincoln bureau,
ro2 7 P street.
A. L. GUILE & CO.,
Funeral Directors
302 South Eleventh Street.
, ,,..r.
rnnu,utx,jiM&tsr, j;; 'i"JVJ