Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, January 12, 1889, Page 3, Image 3

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ttetldei m Lot of Interfiling (lowlp About
(lie Department of State and ttm Depart
ment of the Treanurjr and tlio Way Tfaey
Are Conducted.
E?poclal CorrrKpondenco 1
Washinoton, Jnn. 10. Now that tlio
whole country la Interesting Itself in the
job of cabinet making which (Jen. liar
rison Ims on his lunula, it limy he prollt
ablo to ojien the doors of Uncle Mam's
cabinet and nee what lie keep therein.
Our Hrst peep ia nt the secretary of state,
"the premier." Following tlie European
precedent, our minister of foreign affairs
Is the ranking cabinet ollleer. In lino
with all the old traditions watt the presi
dential law passed In 1880 making tho
Bccretary )f state the next in line ol suc
cession after tlio vice president. After
tho secretary of stato conto in order tho
secretary of tho treasury, the secretary
or war, tno attorney general, mo post
master general, the secretary of tho navy,
tho secretary of the Interior. Probably tho
statodenartment linHiiotHomuch real im
portance politically, or in relation to tho
nfTaira of the people as the treasury, or
oven the Interior. Unless iuiMirtant for
eign complications arise, its operations
nre largely routine and crfunctory. It
is but rarely called iijkjii to consider tho
momentous and delicate Questions so
common in the diplomacy or the nations
of Europe, where foreign ministers and
tliclr assistants arc moro itiic mige corps
of detectives organized to keep zealous
watch of each other. Nor does custom
make of our secretary of state o iollti
cal leader of the administration. Indeed,
the tendency is in the other direction.
Ho has nothing directly to do with
domestic tir financial questions. Having
no home patronage to bestow, he is
brought but little Into relationship with
tho active men of Ids party His mind
naturally drifts toward tho foreign and
away from the local field. It Is Incom
ing, too. n part of tlio cabinet etitpietto
for tho secretary of stato to devoto his
attention exclusively to his own depart
ment, steadfastly refusing to meddle
with the affairs of other ministers. When
in Garfield's cabinet Mr. Hluino mado
several bitter enemies by declining to
Interfere with certain matters in depart
ments other than his own. A "premier"
may bo tho president's chosen chief nd-
riser on the general lines of his admin
istration, as HIaino was (Jarllcld's ad
viser, but this depends upon the man
rather thnn upon tho ofllce, for be
fore his death Mr. Manning, the bccre
tary of the treasury, was President
Cleveland's chief adviser, as Mr. Whit
ney, tlio secretary of tho navy, has been
since. Few men havo made great repu
tations as secretary of Btato. Opportuni
ties for anything beyond the merest
routine come but rarely. And yet thcro
is always before "tho premier" the pos
sibility of being called suddenly to faco
tho gravest questions, involving tlio
peace and prosperity and perhaps tno
:e oi me i
filled with Incandescent electric lamps,
from which the nccretary obtains
a flood of light simply by touch
ing n button. Unlike tho other
cabinet ofilcers Secretary Ilayard boa
his private secretary In the room oc
cupied by himself. A fact which every
body docs not know is that changes of
stall art rarely or never made for olUl
cal reasons In the state department.
Adjoining the secretary's room is tho
diplomatic room, tt beautiful ntmrtment
80 feet long by 2.1 feet wide. Its walls
are hung witli tmrtralts of former secre
taries or state, to which has been added,
for reasons which nobody appears to
know, a portrait of 1ord Asliburton.
Here Is a big table, known as"thetrenty
table," on which several important In
ternational agreements nave been Hignoa.
In this room the secretary receives rep
resentatives of foreign governments
with much ceremony nnd with more
French than English on the tongues of
tho callers. Secretary Uayard can speak
French, but he doesn't, Uncle Sam
would beseilouslytillendedlf his foreign
secretary should Indulge in French or
any other iin-Ainerican language in Ids
ofllclal Intercourse with the representa
tives of other governments.
Should the president of tho United
Btates, the vice president nnd the secre
tary of Mate die, In? removed or suffer
disability, the secretary of the treasury
would become president. In theopiniou
of many good judges, the secretaryship
of tho treasury is really the third great
est ofllco in the country, coining after
tlio presidency nnd the speakership of
tlio liouso. It Is, Indeed, n great ost,
with n wonderful diversity of responsi
bilities, artl with a staff of subordinates
nnd employes numbering ten or twelve
liiousnnii persons, ureal in imtronngc,
it is still greater in its relationship to,
and Influence upon, the political questions
of the times. Party issues in this coun
try nro of into almost entirely on flnan-
V4usS5MiEf8BHW Jl IS
very existence c
Dut for the prestige adhering to its
namo, the possibilities of foreign compli
cations of first importance, ami the very
high social rank belonging to it, tho of
flco of secretary of stato would not bo
highly prized hymen of ambition. Tiicro
is no perfect analogy for our secretary
of stato in the governments of Europe.
Ho is not n premier llko Gladstone, nor
is ho simply n foreign minister. Besides
being charged with all correspondence
with tho public ministers and consuls,
nnd with tlio representatives of foreign
powers accredited to tlio United States,
and with nil negotiations of what
ever character relating to tho for
eign affairs, ho is also tho medium
of correspondence between the president
nnd tho governors of states, has custody
of tho great seal, publishes tlio laws and
resolutions of congress, etc. This Is a
Btrango admixture of dutiqs, nnd yet
leaves tho department of state so devoid
of business of real nationnl importanco
that in tho nbsenco of foreign complica
tions tho llrst post in tho cabinet is, so
far as tho work of tho ofllce Is con
cerned, llttlo better thnn a clerkship.
Socially the occretary of state Is of tho
highest Importanco. Fifteen minutes
after tho Now Year's reception at tlio
Whito Ilouso had begun, Secretary Bay
ard was seen with a tired, worried faco,
hurrying his daughters to their car
riage. No wonder the secretary's coun
tenance bore mnrks of anxiety, for ono
of tho most perplexing duties which tho
first cabinet minister has to perform is
to givo n breakfast to tho diplomatic
corps immediately after their call at tho
."Whlto House New Year's morning. Tho
secretary of stato has charge of tho ar
rangement of nil stato occasions,
not eocIpI, in which tlio prcsl-
dent is principal, and is thus a
sort of foreign minister, executivo
clerk nnd grand chamberlain rolled
into one. lie greets, in tho namo of tho
president, a memlier of n royal family
or ruler of n foreign btnto visiting tlio
capital. Ho must bo present during tho
visitor's call on tho president nnd attend
tho president in returning tho visit. Ho
niuat arrange tlio nudiences accorded
diplomatic ministers, and during every
social season must entertain tho mem
bers of tho foreign legations and their
ladJoa at a bcrles of dinners.
cial matters, and the secretary of the
treasury Is thus brought into the fore
front of the battle. Said nn observing
subordinate of the present secretary:
"I am nn ambitions man, but 1 do not
want to 1)0 secretary of the treasury. Ho
is constantly in the nivs of n calcium
light, as it were. The slightest mistake
or error of judgment on his part is
caught up by the opposition and used
against his party. In this ofllce the rou
tine work is something appalling. Sec
retary ufter 6ecrctnry lias tried to get
rid of it, hut the law puts bo much work
on the sectetary personally, so many
warrants and documents must be signed
with his own hand, that the post is ono
of great drudgery. Senator Sherman
says he never worked so hard as while
he was secretary of the treasury, and
Secretary Folgcr fairly killed himself.
Mr. Folgcr wouldn't allow a picco of
paper to go through the office without
his seeing it. nnd nobody can stand up
under Mich work. Mr. Manning worked
too hard, but Ids troublo was largely
with the ofllco seekers. You know tho
secretary must pcrbonnlly make all ap
pointments, nnu when tho adminis
tration changes from one party
to tho other the ofllce hunters
become such a burden on tho treasury
that it is a wondor to mo that any nee ro
tary can ever live through it. Mr. Man
ning learned n great many tricks about
taking care of these people. When ho
llrst came here ho admitted pcoplo to seo
him ono by one, but that used to keep
him till 7 or 8 o'clock in the evening,
and then he adopted a now plan. After
finishing his morning mall he would tell
us to open tho doors and let everybody
In nt once. I'vo seen him receive 100
people, including n dozen women, at ono
time, nnd every last ono of them nftcr
an ofllco. I havo no doubt Mr. Man
ning's death was hastened by tho hard
work which ho did here. Secretary
Fairchiid works hard, too. In fact, tho
ofllco demunds nn awful lot of drudgery,
nnd I nm sorry for the man that takes it
under Gen. Harrison. Secretary Fair
child does the work easier than any sec
retary 1 ever sjiw, nnd I have been hero
thirty yearn. Nothing worries him. Ho
decides matters almost like n flash of
lightning. He is not afraid to tako re
sponsibility. The way in which ho
took hold of business and Kittled
it off startled all the old heads.
And then ho is eo calm nnd
Imperturbable. Nothing could cxclto
him. I believe If boinebouy were to rush
In iicro and say tho capital had fallen
down or the president was dead his pulso
wXuld not quicken tlio least bit."
Tlio rooms now occupied by Secretary
Fairchiid havo been used by nil secre
taries of tho treasury for fifty years.
Fncimr tho becretarv'a desk is a nortrnit
of Alexander Hamilton, and tho portraits
of former Eecretaries nre scattered about.
On tho desk nil is orderliness. At ono
corner He half n dozen little blanks. To
these the secretary gives hours of study
every day. Probably there aro no other
little pieces of paper in all the world
which represent bo much bookkeeping,
tho clerical work of so mam people, as
these. Let us copy a part of ono:
IU'celpts for Ihu mouth
rodato, from customs $IO,OGl,nr.!.1B
TliUday M,OI7.(0
roduto, Internal revcDUO P,K)l,0lt M
Jlilsiiay 11,018,11
Etc., etc., etc.
Kxpcuditurrs for tho month
Wardepnrtiiu'ut, to dato $l,fr,l,Mfl tl
Tula day ITl.-Wl'J)
Indians, to ilnto 4.SI.G5J.18
Till, liny 4.MI7 0W
i:u. etc., etc.
There nre n dozen varieties of theso
Tlio secretary of stato occupies beauti
ful rooms In the main floor of tho great
Btato, war and navy building, rrom
lila windows may bo hud n charming
vlow of the Potomac. Washington mon
ument, the Virginia heights, and Arling
ton house witli its acres of gravestones
glistening in tho aim. Secretary Ilayard
works from 10 to 5 o'clock nt a big desk
which he does not llko kept vjo primly.
Scattered uhout in pleasing confusion
aro many letters nnd manuscripts.
Hanged round the room aro portraits in
steel of all the presidents of the United
titutcs. Over Secretary Uayurd's desk
lungs n largo and beautiful chandelier
little blankb tho pulse heats of tlio na
tional finances. Keceipts and expendi
tures lire set out by departments of tho
government by years, months, weeks,
ays, liond rejiorts, cunency re
ports, silver dollar reports, etc. Tho
smallest blank In the lot gives the secre
tary most trouble. It reads: "Ucport of
United States treasurer showing excess
of available assets over the demand lia
bilities, $00,1C5.270.B4." That hull, but
it ia enough, In devising ways and
means of checking tho tendency of tills
surplus to swell up and grow fat tho sec
rotary spends many anxious days and
sleepless nights. Waltuii Wuluian.
OflUlaU mid Literary Ctauet Know Too
Mutti Altout Tlirm to Lo Ttient Tha
Icimritnt ,Mb and Tlirl Csrriiilllj.
Boiiip liirlilent of Travel.
(Bin-elol OorrvionctfD0sl
San FrtANCtRCO, Jan. 4. In the
United States the Isolated Celestial
has a hard road to travel. Ho Is In-
stilted and stated nt by the pcoplo gen
erally Small Itova torment him, and
jHilice nnd olleo judges arrest and lino
dim on the slightest pretext. These fncts
are familiar to till. Hut when I found
myself In the home of the Chinese, and
awakened to the fact that I was looked
upon as an alien, nnd that the jeers of
the nibble and the gnze of the curious
were directed toward me, I appreciated
the feelings of ioor John In my own
The servant nnd niechnnlc classes in
the open treaty ports are disjKised to
welcome EuroMans, because they havo I
money and spend It freely. Tho so
called literary classes and olllcinls look '
with dhtrust nnd strong aversion iiK)ii '
their unwelcome guests. This Is not all
duo to tho fact that they do not have
ready access to the purso of foreigners,
but rather to the fact that they are let
ter informed, nnd can lcttcr Interpret
tho trend of such Intruders. Theso
classes are informed of the history of
I'tiroHan contact with China. They
know how much gold, blood and humili
ation their presence has cost the Chinese
people. They understand the fate of
India. They appreciate how sharply
the Ilrltish nppetlte is whetted for tho
licit agricultural mid mineral resources
of China. They have learned from sad
experience, how ready John Hull Is to
seize tiM)ii the slightest pretext to extort
money and demand tcnitorlul conces
sions. The entire history of the opium
trnlllc in China, and the wars nnd In
demnities growing out of the earnest
efforts of the imperial government to
suppress that traffic, stand as a monu
mental disgrace to Great Hiitain.
Tho real secret tif the interference of
tho "allied armies" of the French nnd
Ilrltish in the Tnl-Ping rcltcllion was
not that they saw any bad results to the
Chinese coplu under Tnl-I'ing suprem
acy, but that Great Iirltain learned the
rebels were intending to put tin end to
the opium trnfllc.
It is not generally known thnt every
open port in China is an outgrowth of
these opium wars. Every such door was
opened at the mouth of llritish cannon,
and every chest of oplutn entering China
comes in under cover of Hritish bayonets
and against the Chinese wish. Hence it
is, that in proportion as the pcoplo nro
informed of tlie iKilltleal significance of
the presence of foreigners, in the same
ratio do they disapprove of their being
admitted. The viceroy of l.i Hung
Cluing is the best informed and most
intelligent citizen of tlie Middle King
dom today. He is pronounced by many
as liberal nnd ft loudly to European ideas
and innovations. It is evident to my
mind that Li docs not love foreigners
more, but fears them more intelligently
than others, and that alone Is the secret
of his attitude toward railroads and tele
graphs. In his "memorials" to tlio
throne on these subjects lie has always
based his arguments ukii military ex
pediency, lie recognizes the defenseless
condition of his country against the de
signs or lorcigners. and lie loresees witli
n clear vision thnt tho only hope for tho
Chinese Empire to letnin national exist
ence for any length of time lies in her
ability to defend her Interest with arniB.
Tlio control of China on one pretext or
unother Is the inevitable end whither Eu
ropean encroachments are tending, just
as in India nnd Australia, nnd tho Amer
ican continent, too, for that matter. Tho
white race aspires to rule the earth, and,
judging from the present outlook, it is
only n question of time when that will
do mo cabe. it is not a wonder, tlicre
fore, that tho lettcr informed Mongo
lians, who havo given the matter thought,
should feci hostile townrtl all foreigners.
Travelers in China have but little, If
any, contact with the better classes of
tho natives, and for tho nliovc reasons.
Hence, in what I shall say of thecrudo
ideas and foolish beliefs of the pcoplo
regarding foreigners, it must lie remem
bered that I refer only to the common
and ignorant masses. Tho higher classes
utterly Ignore our presenco nnd do not
hesitate to show their contempt for us.
Tho interior cities und farming districts
know less nhout us, and hence look upon
us moro with curiosity than with fear or
hatred. ,
Thcro aio somo queer traditions nnd
beliefs regarding tho ways of tho whlto
faces, which has led to quite serious com
plications and results.
Ouo of theso is tho oft nsserted stnto
ment thnt foreigners use the contents of
tho human eyo in compounding their
medicines. Women have held this over
their children as n menace to enforce
discipline. It Is n common thing to hear
parents tell their children that unless
they keep quiet nnd do as bidden, they
will bo triven to the "foreicn devils.
Tho result Is thnt tho average youngster
Is In constant fear of his lire when for
eigners aro around. They fully expect
to be pounced uon nnd have their eyes
plucked out for medicinal uo. I knew
of one instance where a boy had
wandered from his home tinil lost
his way. The rumor spread and soon a
great mob gathered, believing thnt tho
boy had been fcldnapod by a couple of
missionaries, who had a chapel in tho
city. The chapel was attacked by a
thousand men, lcnt on rescuing that
boy, and tho building was razed, not
ono Btono being left ujion another.
The infuriated jieoplo were dispersed
only when the native magistrate, being
appealed to by tho missionaries for pro
tection, sent a regiment of soldiers to ro
btoro order. Tho local nierchnnts were
compelled to rebuild tho chapel, which
they did. Hut the Incident bhowH ono
bourco of tlunger to tourists in that
country. One lias no means of judging
when borne absurd rumor will set a mob
of angry men upon him. As we pass
wiruiiKii me country, we are greeted on
every hand by women and boys shout
ing nt us " ang Ivivel tbe" and "Hung
Pae Klvel tbe". Those greetings, being
translated, mean "foreign devil" unit
"red haired devil."
The iieoplo generally nre great cow
ards. They will not nttack a foreigner
upon an equal footing. Two of my
friends visited n city sonie thiity miles
inland from the Yitng-tbo riwr. News
of their presence spread rapidly, nnd
!Mt iR'fori' nightfall n mob of no lebs
linn 2,000 men attacked the two un
armed Aim'rlcniiB. They sought refugo
in n magistrate's oilice. 'Die eoj)io
hreatened to demolish tho yamen (ofllce)
If tho "foreign dovlls" wcro Rheltcrcd.
Tho magistrate promised my friends to
end thtin to tliclr boat under escort.
This wan only an excuse to get rid of
tholr piesenco.
When the turn got into the street they
found themselves surrounded by a howl
ing mob of thousands, all clamoring for
their lives. They discovered their escort
in the act of preparing to leave them to
their fate, huch took him by an arm
and told the frightened man thnt for
every blow they recehed they would
ilve him two blows. Thus they gained
time, and reached the outskirts of the
city At this juncture night came on,
nnd seeing nn open Meld they broke away,
having been almost entirely denuded of
clothing by the crowd. They ran but n
short distance, then fell over tin embank
ment Into it river. Somewhere ujhiii this
river was their html, hut wheio they
could not tell. The coplc heaid them
splash In tho water, and raised the shout
that the "devils were drowned.
The fugitives swain the stream and
wandered at random down its course.
The boatmen In their employ, though
natives, were toval to them. They hud
followed every movement, and now that
the Americans were across the river
from the enemy, the boatmen set their
boat adrift In tho current and noiselessly
dropped below tho city. Sending one of
the crew to overtake the naked and half
dead fugitives they were safely stored In
the Iniat nnd traveled thirty miles with
out food, sleeper clothing One of them
has since died from disease contracted
that night. They madu complaint to the
United States milliliter at Pelting and ho
demanded Indemnity. Tho matter was
finally settletl by tho iiiitglMrate who re
fused them protection being requhed to
make good their loss In the way of cloth
ing. They got $100 each for their bitter
I was told of tho above Instance noon
after my urilval In the Interior of China,
and I liiimedlatelv tirovldcd invself with
a teven chambered 41-cnlihcr revolver
and a breech loading shotgun and a
Henry rille. I m'ver wi nt tin it boat ex
cursion without these gnus, loaded "for
bear," and I never went on foot or chair
journeyH without either the revolver or
the shotgun, or both. I never expected
to ho forced to use these arms. The
knowledge of the natives that I had
them rendered their use unnecessary.
The cowards would never attack an
nrmed foreigner in the oK'ii day, and
when 1 slept at night I either kept a
watch upon the deck of tho yacht or do
jieudcd upon my dog (an Irish setter
which was my constant companion) to
give notice by barking of the approach
of another boat. The people aro not
armed, fortunately, and they have a
wholesome fear of foreign arms and
One of my traveling coinpnnlons on
numerous Inland excursions was an
American who Bpoke the Chinese Ian-
fjimge (luently. He stood out six feet
dgli and wore a full grown, reddish
benid which came down upon his breast,
giving him a striking appearance. This
gentleman related it strange adventure
he had witli an ignorant priest who had
never seen n foreigner. The American
in one of hisexcursiousinlaudcamoiion
n Huddhist temple In an unfrequented
When the resident Driest saw him n
piteous, pleading look cniihcd n smile to
come over the American's face. This
the priest interpreted to signify approval,
ami he fell full length upon the ground,
and, seizing my friend by the legs, he
said, "1 am ready, I am ready."
"Ready for whatV" asked the amused
"Heady to go with you: ready to go
home, f have waited long for your
coming, oh, Shnng til"
At this declaration, my friend's laugh,
gave place to apprehension. The man
had mistaken him for God. and now in
sisted that he would, Jacob like, not let
him go. Clinging to his legs witli des
peration, my friend could not convinco
the old priest that he was only n man, ns
himself; and he finally had to confess
that he was God und told theior ignor
ant wni-shiier at his feet, that ho had
come now to see that all was well, and
that ho would boon come again and tako
him to his Nirvana. With this assurance
the man let him go, but not until he had
literally "orhlilMd at His leet. My
friend said he never again wished to lie
taken for the deity.
This man and myself wcro ono day
walking through n Chinese city nnd wo
came upon a street show. A native had
a trained monkey performing on a
trapeze. We laughed aloud at somo
bright caper of tho monkey. Tho beast
detected u sound strango to him, and
looking in our direction, caught sight
of our heads ubovo tho crowd. Seeing
tho huge red beard of my companion tho
poor monkey wns worse frightened than
the old priest had been. The monkey
lied to the toil of his erch, his teeth chat
tered and he screamed and trembled.
Tho incident broke up the show, nnd tho
man actually followed us and claimed
damages lor having ended his perform
ance. I wns hurpiihcd to see with what read
iness the people Iwlieve the most absurd
things mid jet discredit the most pal
pable facts. 1 one tlay told tho crow of
our boat, as wo lazily drifted with tho
current, about the shape of the earth, as
illustrated by a small globe. Thoy
laughed in my face and hooted the Idea
as absurd. I then asked them if the
Chinese could tako their teeth out of
their mouth and put them hack again
without injury or pain. They baid no.
I told them foreigners could do it. This
thoy weie not so suro nlxnit. My friend
C. M. HANDS, Mnnngcr.
i.(j North nth Street.
Pivtlrr In Ii'kIi Krmlti I'lntiiMi Tlie ulnndcrtt Kldttnnr Bun's, ClilrkcrlnKiind Krmtxj'A Co,
llu I'tcKnnl llohr llnm. .V. Co. nnd Vottert Bon, (tin durntild Jiiiih M. Hlnrr it Co,, tliu cvluhrnlert
Hlnry A Clnrk orttnim. I'lnno mild on limtnllmctitu or for cnnh. Old liiMmincnln tnken In fix
clmiiKO. An Invitation extended to nil to exniiilnn tluw limtnitiii'iitN nnd net priced Hint you can
II il K'1 I'lmiwlii'ns
lu the City all conic from Ihe
Graham Brick Stables
1027 Q STREET,
Where nil .thuU ol
Buggies, Carriages or Saddle Horses,
Can he linil nt dim lie, Dim or Night, on abort notice
Horses Hoarded and .aken care of at Reasonable Rates
Call and see us, 10:- Q street, or give all orders by
Telephone i . 7.
From Mother Goose
To Herbert Spencer
Most Popular Resort in the City.
Meals 25 cts
1119, 1 121 and 1 123
N Street.
$4.00 per week.
-Importer of Ladles', MlnnvVniul Children's-
Only Hoiihc in the West that Imports Direct from Huropc. Agents
lu 1'nrlH, London and New York.
No. 1 5 14 Douglas Street, Omaha, Nebraska
rT ei'r 4?-3Cyu!iB
jind a full bet of falho teeth and I told '
him to pull out Ida teeth for thcho people
to bee w hat foreigners could tlo. lie re
moved hix plate, displaying his hare
KiiuiB nnd bhowing the teeth in Ids hand.
The men looked nt each other 111 lilanlc
amazement. They said it wusthe "black
art." I then toou hold of my hair with
one liiind mid my heard with the other
and iuil;rd if I should lift my head oil
for their amusement. They all begged
mo not todobo. Hut thoy never torn
moment doubted but that I could. Thoy
knew nothing of dentistry or fale teeth,
and hence there could be 110 greater
mystery to them thnn for a man to lift
hi teeth out and insert them ugain.
H. N. Ton.
Us central position and closo connection with EaBtorn HnoB at Chicago
and continuous llnoe nt terminal polnt3, Wost, Northwost, and South
woHt. mnko it tlio truo mid-link In that trunncontlnontul clintn of stool which
unites tlio Atlnntlo and Pncltlc Ita main linos and branches lncludo Ohl
enco, Jollot, Ottawa, LaSallo, Pooria, Oonosoo, Mollno and Itock Island, m
Illiiiols: Davonport, Muscatine., Washington, Falrllolil, Ottutnwa, Osknloosa,
WostLlborty, Iowa City, Dot. Moines, Indlanola, Wintorsot, Atlantic. Knox
vlllo, Audubon, Hurlan, Guthrlo Contro awl Council mulls, In Iowa; Gallatin.
Trenton, CaKiorci, St Joseph und Kansas City, in Missouri ; Loavonwortb.
nnd AtnhtHon. in KiinHfiH: Mlnnoanolls und St. .. -ul. In h..nnosota: Wutor-
town and Sioux Pults In Dakota, nnd many othor prosperous towns and cities.
It also oHora n, CHOICE OF HOUTES to anu irom tho I'i
modlato placos, mnUlnir all transfers In Union
day uoAUtiiss, oioffant iuniwu uaikj,
o. Ht. Jose
soats Fit.
ucltlo Coast and Inter-
dc pots. Fast Trulns or lino
AtcliU n and Kansau
12 tc Holders of through
The greatest national debt among the
natiomi of the globe is home by Franco.
It Is nlwit SO.'.'.'iO.OOO.OOO. ISiihMla comes
next with Sl.COO.OOO.OOO; then Lngland
with Sa.riOO.OOO.OOO; Aiistro-llungnry
with Sy.485.000.000; Imlv with ,2M,
000,000; Spain with $I.'JO?.500.000; and
Prussia with $1,000,000,000.
There Is a dog employed In the jKtal
service in the ofllce at .Allentown. Tho
mail bngH are laid 011 the nuvciucut and
tho dog hUh 011 them till the proper per
son tauea them away. No one eUe dares
to touch the bags while In the dog's
SLEEPING CARS, and (botwoon Chlcngc
City) rustful .tCULlNINQ CUAIR vJAUS,
urst-ciuss ucKous
Extonds woBt nnd southwost from Ktrsr.j Hty and 8t. Joseph to Fair,
bury, Nolnon, Horton, Topoku, Horlnr;ton, Hutchinson, Wichita, Caldwell,
and all points In Southorn'a Intarlor 1'ansas and beyond. Entire
puaeongor eqtilpmont of tho colobratod Pullman manufacture. Solidly bal
lasted traok of hoavy stool rail. Iron nnd Btono brldtros. All safuty nppllanco
und modern lmprovomonts. Commodious, woll-bullt tttattone. Colorlty, cor
tulnty, comfort und luxury ussurod.
Ih tho favorite botwoon Chicago, Rook Island, Atchison, Kansas City, and
Minn uipollo and St Paul Tho tourist rowto to all Northern Summer Resorts.
Its Watortown Branch traveraou tho most productlvo Innds of tuo groai
"whoati nd dairy bolt" of Northern Iowa, Soutliwostoi.j Minnesota -nd East
Contral Dakota.
Tho Short Line via Sonoca and Kunkakoo otters superior facilities to travel
botwoon Cincinnati, Indlanupolls, Lufuyotto, and Council Dlutls. St. Jooph,
Atchison, Loavon corth, Kansas City, Mlnnoupolls, und St. Paul.
For Tlokots, Maps, Foldors, or any doslrod Information upply to any Cou
ponTlckotOrlluo In tho Unltod States or Ounudu, or address
General Manager.
Ol00' lJ.
Oen'l Ticket ft FaWr Agont.
!-,-, tnwfr
Hit ir r M t i --
. -