CAPITAL CITY COURIER. SATURDAY, JANUARY 12, 1889. K 3 Q MM NTH IN VIRGINIA. HE DESCMDE9 DEAUTIE9 OF SOME OF THE MONTICELLO. An AtlncU on Tort Moultrie lrttilrnt!y Described -Tlio Ainu Wlui IkI III lint ami Wliy llo Uwt It-Tlin Miunor Who 1 m iiiini in on uiii or. 1 Iiooso tn Virginia, nlong tlio Inttor purl of this onon, shortly provloii to llio writing of tlioso llno, I visited Montlevllo, llio former homo of Tliomna JolTi'mm, nlso Ills grnvo, Montleello I about nil hour's rlilo fmm Clinr lottesvllli', by diligence, Ono rides over 11 road const rurlrl of rl-rns nnd broken stone. It I called n mncndntnlrcd road, nml twenty tnllesot It will mnka tlio pelvis of n long wnlstcit mnn olmfo ngnlnst III ears. I hnvo docltlctl that tlio lto for no1 n'"0 linll be it tlio cm! of n trunk lino somewhere, nml I trill endow n dnwiUii to curry passengers to ami from said grnva. Whatever my llfo may Imvo lieen, nml howover slim 1 1 mny hnvo fnllon tn my great truggln for a Reiiomui recognition of tlio American HopU', I prowso to place my grave within rvneli of nil. I Motitlcvllo li ivnclictl by n circuitous routo to tlio top of n bcnutlful hill, on tlio crest of which rvsta tlio brick liotim whom Mr. JclTer on lived. Wo enter n lodgu gnto In chnrgo of n voncrnblo negro, to whom wo pay two bits nploco nploeo for This sum goes townnl repairing the nmil, according to tlio ticket which wo got. It Just root to wnnl It, however; It don't ijnlto get thoro, 1 Judge, for tlio romls nro still npjionllng for aid. Up through n neglected thlckot of Vir ginia shrubs nml III kempt tree wo ilrlvo to tbo housa It I n houso which would readily comnmml ft."0 If mild this fall, with queer pnrchew to It nml largo, nlry windows. The top of tlio wholo hill wm r rail ed level, or terraced, nnl umit hnvo required nil cnor moui ipmutlty of work to do It, but JelToraon did not cure, llo did not enro for rntlgiin. With SMXJ slaves of hit own nml n dowry of 800 more, which wnt Hnircd Into hit colTers by hit mnrrlngo, JvIT did not euro how much toll It took to k)IUIi off tlio top of n bluff or how much tlio sweat stood out on tho brow of n hill. JolTerson wroto tho Declaration of liulo- Iioudoiico, llo scut It toonoof thomngnilncs, ut It wns returned n not nvnllnblo, mi ho used It in Congress and got It afterward printed in tho liccord. BtWARC PltlCrXtMIJ. ti rt'UfJW'f I sssspg 1 taw the ohalr ho wroto it In. It Is a plain, old foihloned woodon chair, with a kind of bosom board on tho right, upon which Jefferson used to rett hi Declaration of independence whonaver ho wanted to wrltJ It, llo also haa an old gig stored there. In tho houso. In thin gig be mod to rlilo from Montleello to Washington In a day Thiilt a lie, but It goes with tho place. It takes from B.U0 A it. to noon to into this distance on a fast train, and in a much moro direct line than tho old wagon rood ran. Mr. JolTonion wax tho futher of tho Uni versity or Virginia, ono of tho most historic pllos I hnvo ever clappod eye on. It U now under tho management of n clnsslrnl Janitor, who has n tingoof negro blood In his reins, mixed with tho rlob Castlllan blood of somo bodyolso. He has been nt the head of tho university of Virginia for over forty years, bringing In tho coaU and exercising n genorul oversight over tho curriculum, llo Is n modest inati, with a tendency toward tho classical In his researches, llo tonkin upon tho roof, showed us tho outlying country, mid Jarred our car drums with tho big bell. Mr. fctcs, who has charge of Moutlcello cullod Montechello said that Mr, Joffersou usod to sit oa hU front orch with a powerful glass, aiul watch tho progress of tho work on the university, and If tho workmen undertook to smuggle lu a soft brick Mr. JYersou, live or sis miles away, detected it it, and bounding lightly into his saddle, ho rode down thoro to Cbartotteavlllo nnd dubbed tho bricklayers till they voro glad to pull down the wall to that brick and take It out again. Tbts story Is what mado mo speak of that section a few minute ago at an outlying country. Charles L Rclgel told us the other dny.of an attack on Fort Moultrto during tho early days of tbo war, which has never been printed. Mr Belgel wnsn German Confeder ate during tho war, and rnrly In tho fight was quartered, lu company with others, at tbo Moultrie bouse, a seaside hotel, tho guests having desertod tho houso. Although largo soft lcd with curled hair ntattrraci were in each room, the department Issued ticks or sacks to bo Oiled with straw for tho use of the soldiers, so that they ould not forget that war us u serious matter. Nobody ued tbem, but they were tbcro all tbo same. Attached to tho Moultrie hnue,and wander lug uUmt the buck yard, thero a nkinall orphan J.ickass, u sorrowful little light blue mammal, with u Unco of bitter melancholy lu his voice. Housed to dwell on tho utn good deal, and at night ho would refer to It lu n voice that was choked witli emotion. The hoy caught him ono evening as tho gloaming began to nrrungj itself, uud then threw him down on tho green grass. They then pulled n straw bed over his head, and Inserted him In It completely, cutting boles lu it for til legs. Then they tied a string of sleigh tielU to hi tall, and hit him a smart, ktiuglug blow with a blacksnnUo, Probably that wa hat it was thut tug. geslod to him the hlea of strolling down the lioach, pnt tln'guniil. nnd on townr I th" fort. jt: mcrlin. Tho tocsin sounded, nlo th I slogin. Thnculverln, uknse, nnd door Under I woroiill (lrrd. Huge iiMtims or rat pine wnro llghteil nil lilting the bench. Tho wholu slum bering IiokI Mprnng to iirms, nml tho ciuck of the musket was luvml through tho IiiIuumi ilnrknxs. lu the morning tho oiiemy wns found In trenched lu n mud hole, south of the fort, with his now rlu in straw tick spntlornd with clny nml n wildly dlnheveled lull. On Ixiiinl tho lllrliinond train Inxt nrok, as pulled out of I'liUTMburg, n mini Im his lint, nnd It fell by tho side of the tiuck. Tho train wn Just movlnjj slowly out of the sta tion, mid so he hnd nchnnco to JumpolT nml run hnek nfler IL llo got the lint, no doubt, but not till no hnd placed seven or eight mlios between in mid him Wo iiiulil not help feeling sorry for him, becnuxn very likely his hut hnd nil cmtu-oliluretl hat baud in It, pri'KCulnl by ouu dearer thnu life ItM-lf, nnd so m unrkiM up ipilte n fiHillug fir him, though, of iiiurxi, It was very foolish for him to live his train Jul for n hut, even If It did hnvo the needlework of his soul's Idol lulu Yesterday I wn surprised to seo tho samo mnn In Cnlumbln, H 0., and ho thou told mo this snd story i "I stalled out a month ngo tn take n little trip of n few weeks, mid the first tiny wn. vary, very hniipy scrutinizing untiiro nml sciimilug the luces of thoM) I saw Un tho second day out I ran ncross n joiing tnnn whom I had known slightly Ixiforo, ami who Is engaged In tho busluessof being n com panionable fellow nml life of tho party That Is about nil tho business he hns. llo knows a great many ieople, nml his circle of nctpinlut-nnci-s is gelling larger nil tho Ulna llo Is proud of tho enormous tpiantl:y of friendship ho has nctpilretl. llo says ho can't get on n train or visit any town lu tho Union thnt he don't find n friend. "llo Is full of stories nml witticism, nml explains tho plays tn theatro parties, llo has seen n great ileal of life nml Is n keen critic, llo would have enjojed criticising tho Axstlo Paul nnd his elocutionary stjlo If ho hnd lioen ono of tho Kphcslan. llo would have criticised Paul's gestures, nml said, Pmil, I like your epistles a heap better thnu I doyournppenniiicoou tho platform. You express yourself well enough with your cn, but when you spoko for tho Rpbcslnu Y. M. 0. A., wo wero illinpixiluted In you nnd wt lost money on you.' "Well, ho Joined mo, nml limlltigout wLoro I was going, ho decided to go also, llo went along to explain things to mo, nnd talk to mo when I wanted to sleep or read tho news imiior llo Introduced mo to largo numbers I of people whom I did not wnut to meet, took I ...A .. A.. t.l.. I .l(.tt. ,klft ... a.u. .Art.1 I1IU fc I.1-U tlllUga ill,,!. ..unto v,f w, vuva things to mo that I didn't want to hear, and Introduced me ti eoplo who didn't want to meet mo. llo multiplied misery by throwing uncongenial eopla together and then said, 'Wusu't it lucky that I could go along with you ami make It pleasant for you t "livery where ho met moro now people with whom ha had nu ncquaiiiuiiii-o. llo shook hands with them, and culled them by their first mimes, ami fell lu their pockets for cigars. Ho was Just bubbling over with mirth and laughed nil tho time, being so of fensively Joyous, In fact, ihul when ho wont into a car he nltruncd the general intention, which suited hlm llrl rale, lie regarded himself as u geuunil fuvorllo uud nil around sunbeam "When wo got to Washington ho took mo up to seo tho president, llo know tho president woll clulmed to know lots of tilings about tho president that mado hlm moro or less foil rod by tho administration, knew u thou sand little vices of nil our public men, which virtunlly placed them In bis Kncr llo know how tho president couihictcd himself lit home, and wns 'on to everything' in public Ufa "Woll, ho shook hnmls with tho president and Introduced me, I could too that tho president was thinking about something else, though, uud so 1 camo away without really feollug that 1 know hlm very well. "Then wo visited tho departments, nnd 1 can seo now that 1 burl myself by b lug towed urouml by this man. llo wns so free and so Joyous and so bubbling that wherever wo went I could hear tho koy grate lu tho lock after wo wont out of tho door. "llo started south with mo. Ho wns going to show mo nil tho battlefields, uud Intro duce me Into society 1 bought some strych nine in Washington ami put It lu his bucU wheat rnke, but they pt cold, nml ho sent them back. I did not' know what todo, nnd was nlmo.'.t wild, for I wus travollng entirely for pleasure, uud nut especially f:r bis pleas ure either. "At Potoi-bburg 1 was told that tho train going tho other wuy would meet us. As wo started out 1 dropped my hat from tho win dow whllo looking at something. It was a dcsorato move, but 1 did It Then 1 Jumped off tho train and went back after it. As soon as I got uround tho curve I ran for Petersburg, whoro 1 took tho other train. 1 presume jou nil fell sorry for mo, but if you'd mvi) mo fold myolf in a long, (Mission ato embrace after I had climbed on tho other trutu you would have changed your miuils." llo then paired gently Crum my sight. 11111 Nyo lu Ouco a WceU. A RAILHOAD INCIDENT. Tli Slorj of llm IVnui SCLCV3R r$ k4 llm Man with ii ml Position. Tho car was qultn full, nnd I snt down In n seat with n nilher Intelligent looking man who had o unwspnpnr In his lap llo was iiltitsant unit roil.arked that "It looked soino ilko snow," which wns n fnrt. Then ho nhuscd thn railroad couipiuy for not provid. lug ts'lter car ami making tmtter liliic, ami wn wore soon very friendly It Is always n great pleasure to meet n mall on the Iraln who will iiIhiho tho rompauy with you nnd net us If he en rod to inuko It pleas nut for his fellow travellers Wo found fault with the company until wo were tired, nnd then he s ml ho was going to Allegheny. He was going to settle down there, ho said, and stop i naming around. He'd traveled n good deal In his lime, but ho'd concluded it didn't p'iy nml horenfter Allegheny was his homo. He'd struck something thcro that ho thought was sure to bo n steady thing for sev eral )ears at least, nml- ho didn't boo why ho might mil us well stay right there. In fact, ho'd llrmly made up his mind to It, and no consideration would Induce him to move, lie said If I ever liuonod lu Allegheny to hunt hlm up, uud I promised to do so. Ho would bo glad to see me, ho explained, nny day I wnsn't going to bo out done, so I told him if ho was lu Now York ul any tlmo to como lu nnd see mo. Ho looked nt tho water cooler vnguely, and said ho probably wouldn't bo thnt wuy much, ns his duties In Allegheny would keep him pretty clo-mly ronllued. Wo chatted somo tlmo very pleasantly nml found fault with Mil) I1!llll.lliy tHIIIIU null r, nui'll I1U iuiai-1- iiiu . cheerfully if I wouldn't pi on so tnln oil his , hat nud place It III tho rack above, ns It was . frnttiiiif rutlinr warm ill tho car I I looked nt him ns Inquiringly ns I know spoko." Tho U)och. Iiow, but not learning anything tiiut wuy, I nuked hlm gently why ho didn't tnko off his own lint, llo wriggled tils anus around a little, uud tho uowsucr sllped off his lap, and I saw ho was weuring n pair of adjust able stoti hnmlcuffs. Ho ulso hud shacklos on his ankles. A man lu the sent behind rose nud took off my companion's hat uud put it in the ruck, explaining us hoillil so that no was tho county sheriff, nud that ho was tak ing my friend to Allegheny to servo a twenty jour term (u tho penitentiary for iKHiuding bis brother over tho head with a brick. I then went back and snt with a fat woman who was currying n baskot of eggs in hor lap. Now York Tribune, Making It CwfuL Ilnllwny Huperlntendont (to car Inspector) Any of the cars out of order! "Ye, number 412 Is unfit for service," "Well, iiiw It only for excursions titer tals." Nebmskn Hlnto JournnL Uol on tn II Flfinlljr. Sm .m7s,v W7F. MA itteXfriMs rto.M m-xza- Cf"'f . j Thoy woro nt tho theatre nnd sho had thoughtlessly en ton nt diunor soma soup with tho flavor of onion lu It, "Oh, Mr Howlltigswcll."shc said, ndroltly, nutting n morsel of perfumed Inco nnd cam brie to her face, "do you notice thnt somo one near us has had tho bad taste to cat onions beforo coming to tho theatre to-ulghtP "Why, no, Miss Clara, 1 hadn't until you SEE THE New Garland, -AT RUDGE& MORRIS ttJJ N STREBT. DON'T FAIL To Call and Examine the Large and Elegant Stock of IM PORTED and DOMESTIC WOOLENS Just Received by ihc American Tailors, OMAHA, N EB. I.JU Farnatn St., Faxton Hotel Bldg. REVERIES OF A PHILOSOPHER. Naught llio lover's ardor damps Wlieu bis girl has got tho tlauipa. Lay figures tlio prlco of eggs. They're harlnK now their breathing tlms, Hut tliey'iv ileicrmluod, all. Whatever the reniilt may Ih Next year tliey 111 piny ball. They are Leaders, by none. STYLE, FIT AND FINISH surpassed Do not fail to give them a trial, A Villi n B Wife's AnVrllim. atLI,i wrv- "MUsui sends you somo of Cor your lunch." own cake rS -Life, Old Roue, ARTIFICIAL LIMBS i. Why WRMi't lie a ComrtT Young Mr titaylate was sitting In the dimly llghteil pirlor the other night watch ing n 17-year-old girl trying to keep nwako long enough to hco tho morning star riso. Thoy talked astronomy. "1 wish I was n star," ho said, smiling nt his own poetic fancy. "1 would rathor you wero a comet," sho said, dreamily His heart beat 'umulttioiuly. "And why" ho nsked, tenderly, nt tbo samo tlmo taking her uuroiUlIng hnmls tn his own. "Ami why J" ho repeated, lnierl ously. "Oh," sho replied, with a brooding earnest lies that fell on his soul liko a baro fool on a cold oilcloth, "because thou you would only como around ouco lu every 1,100 years." Ho didn't say u.iytlilng until ho was half way to the front gato, when ho turned around nnd shook his list at tho houso ami muttered between his teetht "Uy tho gotls, it'll bo a thundering sight longer than thut beforo I come nrouud again." Uut by that tlmo tho poor girl was lu bed and fast asleep. Now ork World. Tt ilarkneta of tho ulght, tho rat lo of th bos,-UMekhoftliel)olls,tbqulcUchallouge ,; ' 9t th rw1, tbo failure to give the counter- ,, Jps.tlw harp volley of tn sentinels, and , th ) U4 try "w arras," followed lu rapid WILL YOU UK UfcilUUI UKl" -Llfo, Secii on u I'iMir .Mini. Woman ito trampi Are you n man of family Trump Yes, I'vo got n wife nnd soven ;hildrcn, hut I left them It's hard enough for me to make my own llviu', let alone such i family ns thnt. Woman Well, I can't jrlve you nothln' to at nor drink, nor old clothes nor hoes, nor nothln'. so bo off with you. Tramp idly turning logo)- You're pretty bard on a man, madam, w ho has a wifo and wren children. Now York Huh. liar Apology A little girl who had a foolish habit of plain speaking was taken to tho sewing circle with her mother On entering tho room, nftcr exchanging greetings with soveral matrons of her acquaintance, Miss Truthful wal kill up to another lady, ami In tho eon II-1 dent tone of ono who gives utleruucu to a self evident fact, sho said, loudly enough for ovcry ono prcotit to hear' I "Why, Mrs. Hatulley. how homely you are I" ! Whllo tho victim was hiding her confusion as best sho might, nud llio rest wero trying hard to conceal their umiiNemcnt, tho young lady herself was hastily uueu from tho room. Once In tbo hall, the was dealt with some what severely, and made to feel the enormity of her unintentional rudcuetts Thou sho wus taken back to uKligize, Walking straight up to Mm. Hundley, while all tho ladies held their ITtuth to listen, shosjid, with trembling tones uud with the tears still iihiii her cheeks "Mr Hundley, I'm sorry you're so homely I"- Yuuiu' Coiupcnuii , A Wonderful Chll.l. Mr Oldboy (admiring tho baby)- Can ho talk, my dear madam I Fond Mother No, he can't talk yet, but he's a wonderful child, he understands every thing one says to hlm, don't no, you darling 'ittla pinksy wluksy, tootsy poctsy dicksy plcksy dotf Mr. Oldboy Docs ho understand all' that I Fond Mother Oh yos." Mr. Oldboy Well, bs Is a wonderful child. -Harper's Uazar. I'i'i-hoiico of .11 Iml. A Mount Unity young man had a strange exjieriemx w hen ho spent the evening with I Ins best girl ou rtuturday About II) o'clock the girl went- to the collar for npplcs, and soon ufiei thoro were scioams .or help Tho oung man ruhcd to the icm-uh, uud saw a puir of feet xtlcUiii,', out of upplc larrol and gestlculaliiu wildly Thegu I had fallen in head Urst, IK wusulmut lo go lu her us slstauiv lieu she IiouUm to hlm to put out the light llm This be dul, uud under the shelter ot dnrkiiiiM pnilitMil her liy the feet and pulled hor out. - I'luluue pma lUntiid. When n man, who greatly admires n bcnu tlful womnn, makes her n profound bow, Is ho, ns one might say, courting her on tho ttoopf "Is marriage a failure?" tho tiaehelor cried. And llio youth who Is courtinK a Klrl replied: "I've uotor Ixrn uiarrleit, ami cannot gums, Dut courtship, I know, is a big nuocoss." There Is usually n good deal of back talk when women got togother to discuss tho bustle, Whether the play Is bright or flat. To hlm It Is never Ictionti Wlio Ktarvw at the back of a lady's bat And Kwoanv as the acts go ou. When a woman wants tho earth, It Is with tho vlow of giving It to some mail. liOre Is stronger than frlcDilnhhi. so Tho xH'UdiH.lannud erhaps they know; Yet we II ml. a the world wotravrl throiiRb, That lovers un plenty and friends ara few. Good looks should not bo despised. Thoro bavo boon few heroes with turn up noses and bow legs. Hon wise are OT hen the chanco has nod, And a glanc wo backward cast I Wo know Jiidt thst bhu that wo should bare said When the tlmo fir saying it's post. Tho man who Is In tho habit of getting "pretty woll on" losseus his chanco of gottlug to be "pretty well off." The coal Is now put In tho bin And the coal man rake tho shekels In; Cut the wind blows keenly o'er tho world. And the world Is cold, the world U cold I A paper devote! to plumbors Is called Tho Hasp. Tho craft will probably keep It on fllo. Not, "Is It cold enough for you?" The phrase of which nil have grown weary Dut have you read Itobert Ulsincr U now the popular query A female lawyer may boa spinster nnd bavo objections to uurrlago, but whou sho accepts , a retaining loo sno tacitly sunnw tuai sue is engaged, In black Decnmlier, raw itavs. fog days follow close each other Dut it I only In the "do, days" Thut we bsvH "bnastly weather," "Tho samo" is said to bo tho most popular drluk In tho market. We strive and strive lo reach a place abovo; We're not content ilh what we mcu uud know; Tho man who n his a loving oman's love Has got a glluiMC of buavou bum below I "Tho Fishery Question" 8ny, bavo you got auy bait ( This is about tho time when tho farmor fishes through tho ico und catches a twenty two pound pickerel. Sign painters s'tould bo comprohonded under tho denomination of "Men of lottors," nnd, by the way, so should letter carriers. Brown Qrecn Is a very Intellectual man, what they call u man of largo grasp. IMuck A man of largo grasp 1 should think bo was. Why, whou ho dances in a waltz ho cm put his arms around "the whirled." Young Wifo My lovo, 1 bavo a delightful surprise m more ior youi xoucamioi guess what It Is. Young Husband (full of plca&aut anticipa tions) What is it, durliugf Y W I'vo Invited mother to spend tho holidays with us. Young Wifo How tho world moves) There's llesslo Urav, an old chum of mlno, a graduate of tbo normal school, has Just en tered n medical college. Hho will soon bo able to write M. 0 after her iiamo. Women nro coming to tho front, I tell you For merly girls woro taught nothing but houso keeplug. Young Husband Yes, ant," uow they're taught ever) thing hut housekeeping. When are you koIdr lo. my prutty maid? I'm goiiil! tollii-dr) kihkU store, she said. I May I go nltli you my pretty urn Id? I You muy If you II wuit uiitslde. she said, How loug shall I ult foi )m. my pretty raald? Uutll I luuk out the samples, she said. And how many samples, my pretty maid! Komo of calico, some of sIlU, somoof pique, somo of linen, Mime of lawn, somo of velvet ribbons, trimmings, buttons, gloves, laces, embroideries I cannot uo with you, he gloomily said. ' - llostou Courier. ibbbbbbbbbbbbbbWtX o'mt so etnris 'til -ONLY $3.25 F0R- v The Capital City Courier, iilD Domorost'o Monthly Magazino. A WONOBIIFUL PUBLICATION. Miinr snnnon to be u faxhlon msunzlno. oi:moiii:st's MONTiifiT Th s Ik n crest m!tk. It umlinilileuly coiitslns tlio flnort KiMlloN I)B I'AnTMtNT of any lnnsazlnu puliliplied, but Hits Is the cubo from tho fact that prist rntcrprlsc nnd cx perlcnco are shown, so Hint inch ilcpartmi nt Is equal to a tnngazlno In llfolf. In IlKXOiir.sT's yo" getn dorcn mairszlncs In one, anil sicuro num. incntaud lnitructlonforthewholo fnmllv. liwr tnlnn Stnrirs, Poems, and other I.llcniry ntlrno'li ni lncliiillnirArtlllr,8clciitlftc,ndlloiiilinlilnisttcr, nnd Is IlliiHrsteil with orlclnal Ktrcl KngravliiRS, rimlngrtvures, Water-Colors, snd fino Woxlcuts, tnaklni It the Monrt, Mauaxinb or AMinicA. Ijicli copy contains n rATTint iinnsii cihiuiiik tho holder to the selection of Akt PATTxnK lllnstratcil In niiy mimbcr of tlio MsRaxine. and in ant or tub sizes manufactured, each valued nt from M cmts to 3u cents, or over $3.00 worth of patterns 1'tr Yearly "ubscrlptlnn, 83.00. A trial will convince you that yon ran get ten times tho value of tho money puld. tJInglo copies (each containing Pattern Order), SO cents. Published by W. JENNINGS DEMOREST, New Yomc. The sbovo combination Is a splendid chance to get our paper and Dikorkst's Montuit at a srsdnccd rate. Bend your subscriptions to this ofllco. NEW FALL and WINTER GOODS -ARE NOW IN AT John McWhinnie's The Old Reliable Tailor. First Class Workmanship, Fine Trimming, and Satisfaction Guaranteed. GOB S !E)XjE-vE3sra?i3: Street. ives its readers literature cf lasting inter- ILJK)'CS Qd. value, it is fully and beautifully g) .(TO(W'.1V; 1 1 5CRIBNER'3 MAGAZINE nMi,isart Mii4f ., il tStaliuaa ftyfWliHWM ,- USWiCZZ jnLVitf-i.Jr.'J' SCRiBNER'S MAGAZINE iXZZZZSXZMGSSGKaSBSSZ V-J2L itftCiIllIt? gfe m :W vmrnm tiffiBm 1 lust rated end has already gained a more than national circulation exceeding 125.000 comes monthly, ri. .i. a a. a. , a tPRlCE 2 CENTS 'A NUMBER- $5. A YEAR- Mm lEiRArMIMZMa with Messrs. the Publi5hcrj enable us tmIS Charles ScribnerS Jons to offcp 5CRIBNER'5 MAGAZINE with the CAPITAL CITY COURIER, Loth (or $4,25. This ma s the prlci of UicCoukilr when taken this way only $1.25. Ton Ills a Hurry. Literary man ito wifoi I want to illotato somo mutter I'.us moriu.ig to you, my (tear Wlfe-Yo. Hball I uso tlio tyjniwrlter, Johui Literary manNo, I m cramped fortlmo,' so jou tiwl Lwtter ust tlm cti. New Ywk-Huu. lie Ta rond ct I Iocs, All F.nglUli Imly trnvcllns in a Purls rail road t-ar i-arrlc! her wt dog In bor Ian. A French dandy beside her begun to caress tb dog. "Well, sir," said she snappishly, "I must say that you du appear to b,i very fond of dogsl" "Madame," said ho, "I learned to Io?e them -during tho siege, and slur that tlmo 1 scarcely Tr tat auytulug elsep Noir York Buu. afei"". ,4 ..M,kuMw1Av