Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, January 12, 1889, Image 1

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    s vy -Trw 'ih Wli" Tig-rfKw fi( wnwy
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Lincoln, NunuAt-ic-x, SatukoaV, Januauy iu, ldtJO.
Vol.. 4. No. G.
" ivwf,n'wr''
BjKJSSBtVftJtfvvv' &.USI! " -v tev; s- .
Whnt In Hoard, Hoen, Learned unit l'crtt
nuntly SUBKOilfil to Itio Multitude.
Lincoln's Hevrntli New HiuiklliK
I'liuln ltuyHl Welcome.
Society, generally soaklng, thin Benson in
Lincoln Is not as brisk as it should bo. Tho
nonson certainly Inn fully tlovelood nil I why
tho guy sound of tho ehnrinodj circle is not
mom hoard Is rather strange. Llu.-oln hus
fewer soclnl clubs today thiiu Inst season nnd
in fact fowv-r thnn sho hi I llvo your iijo.
As for tho dancing clubs wo huvo now but
two, namely, tho Pleasant Hour mid tho
Juniors, whore last season tlioro wore four
nnil tho Reason previous llvo. Of course I tlo
not claim that thoso two clubs comprise Lin
coln's social orgnulzntlous, for tlioro are nu
iiiorou? other clubs now In tho city that nro
thoroughly enjoying tho evenings In their
several spheres. There are 11 half doen or
more small card clubs, llvo Clintutiqua circles,
several literary clubs, the Elks, tho Union
and others, but In thoso we do not Ilud tho
requisite enjoyment that one Is accorded in
the social clubs that entertain at receptions,
eluborate dinners, balls, etc. Lincoln is far
behind eastern cltlas in this resiect us well ns
others For Instance, it Is seldom wo hear of
nn afternoon ton, nu evening reception, tho
giving of n Herman, n llvo o'clock dinner
party or a number of other entertainments
that go to make up society life in a city like
Lincoln claims to bo. True, wo havon larger
number of lino homes, and moroBacious and
liaiidsomo residences than Omaha, yet n com
pnrisou in the so -Inl doings is odious, oven al
lowing that Omaha is twice as large. Lin
coln now has at least a dozen homes whose
owners are wealthy or well to do, claim to bo
nnd are social leuders, yet to entertain, never
think of it, or If they do, it is at a card party
or some entertainment similarly elaborate.
WhutCi n large, elegant homo good for If it
is not to bo enjoyed and certainly it can in
no other way bo better enjoyed than by ex
tending the courtesies to friends.
Wo need moro social organizut Ions in Lin
coln. There is plenty of material for thorn
to organize with and much good to be derived
therefrom. These soci 'ties are tho menus of
bringing people together, forming now ac
quaintances, learning more of each other,
nnd in short are the foundations of forming
friemulillH which ill many cases, ns It has
right here ut home, made warmest kind of
friends and companions among members.
Even such things as lovo nnd matrimony
have been the result of the pleasant relations
formed in the club or at its gatherings. It
nlso helps the young man in business nnd in
every day life. Ho becomes better acquaint
ed with his fellow iiiun, cultivates his friend-1
ship and in tho course ot time one can mid
does do much for tho other.
It seems cxikmisIvo to some to belong to
a social organization, but Ilgured in tho long
run, it is pioven to bo quite inexiteuslve.
Everv young mun wastes a certain iortion of
his earnings, while searching tor amusement
orn place to pass his evenings. In the club,
though it meets but seldom, lie pays but com
pnrutivoly small dues for tho mouth or sea
sou. He attends tho entertainments thereby
lessening a desire for other attractions, mid
while nt tho club's nlfnlrs innkcs such friends
ns will mako him tho recipient of various do
sirublo Invitations. F.'guied in this wny, to-
mther with tho other features given above,
certainly tho expense of maintaining tho club
is but small, nnd 1 hojio to see more of these
social ties formed during tho present winter
in Lincoln,
Tho people of southeast Lincoln seem to
have excellent cause for complaint ngainst
the city and certainly if they are paying for
ilro protection they should by all means have
it. Tho Ilro warden assort that ho was
promptly on hand with tho department Tues
day hlght and in readiness to throw water
on tho Homes, but nlas, after trying three
plugs, them was no water and three dwell
ings.two of which were just being completed,
wont to tho ground, witnessed by over a
thousand people. It woidd seem that after
bo much delay that tho nuthoritios would
either hurry tho completion of tho water
mains lr. that vicinity or purchase n chemical
engine or some other sort of extinguisher to
protect our homes. It does not seem right
to take tho money of southeast Llncolnites as
Hro tax and give them no return whatever.
Then again, many of our handsomest homes
Ho In that bootlon of tho city. Aro tho own
on of these beautiful residences to llvo In
constant dread that in hey should catch lire
that tho houses are to burn to tho ground for
want of protection, us did tho three Tuesday
night. 1 don't blatno our friends for kicking
and liopo thoy will "ruise old Ned" until they
get what is duo them und nil they nro entitled
New Icu Houses.
Although but a young enterprise tho Lin
coln ice coniNiny has mado rapid strides in
their Held. Last season was their first in the
business und the end of it showed them that
thoy had sold moro Ice Hum any of tho older
douloru. The company is managed by such
shrewd business men ns Thomas Cochrane,
0. D. Hutchlns nnd J. I). Parker, and with
thoso gontlomen at tho holm success Is always
For tho next season arrangements for a
mammoth supply have been (wrfecUxl. Largo
ice houses on the latest Improved plans have
been oroctod on Sixth and J streets, costing
over 0,000, and tho company having boon
incorporated gives It more priMtlgo than
over. Tho Couhiku congratulates the Lin
coln Ice comiany on It past good fortune
and extends best wishes for future success.
Handsome Office to Kent.
Desk room with use of tolephone,stoum
heat, light and ofllco boy, to rent ut the new
CotmiKit olllee, ISJ-liM north Twolfth street.
O round floor and best location in th city.
Kent reasonable.
With tho owning of the Now Year Lincoln
hn gained many now enterprises, not only In
tho mercantile sphere but in other Hues as
well. Our banking facilities have always
lieen oxcclltut and among our financial In
stitutions huvo been numbered some of tho
strongest bank In the west. However
tho Hold has not been fully covered III this
Hue and Lincoln has had ample support for
nnother such Institution, and to till tin va
cancy n number of prominent business
men organized what Is now Kipularly known
ns tho American Exchange la ik.
Tho hunk was organized nut Incorporated
early In December of tho pas', year and with
tho Initial dav of 1 88'. I the Amuriemi Ex
change begun It's career, which although
scarcely starUsl has received every encour
agement that could Im sliowu It und more no
jHwIts thnn the fondest hoss of tho directors
over nntlclputol.- Husliiewt men look upon
tho now b ink with general favor nnd seem
to take n kindly Interest in its welfare, nnd
that it will bo a success rrom tlio start Is al
ready assured, judging from tho business
that has been truusuctcd hi its thus far,
brief life.
Tho gentlemen comprising tho ftockholders
are from our most prominent and opulur
business men nnd so vnluablo Is tho stock to
day thatnotn shnro Is for sale, stockholder
preferring to keep it than to sell nt nil ud
vanco although there is a constant demand
for it, and not only has this demand been
hero nt homo but from tho east, where cap
italists to our certain knowledge have olfered
to take some nt nu advance, nnd this certain
ly sieaks volumes for tho Institution.
Tho otlleen nnd dlrecton of tho bank who
were elected January second, for tho ensuing
yenr, nro gentlemen of popular business tact,
shrewd financiers, and just such persons as
havo never fulled to lie successful in their
reseetlvo undertakings. Hon. I. M. Ray
mond, Mr. H. II. Huruhum, Mr. M. L. Eust
erduy, Mr. Lewis Gregory, Hon. A. J. Saw
yer, Mr. W. H. Mccreary, and air. T. w.
I.owrey form thodhectory, whllo the bank
Isonieered ns follows: Mr. S. H. Huriihuiu
Is tho cashier. Ho hits vhtually lieen in tho
bunking IiusIii-mh for llvo yeais. having or
ganized tho First National bank of Hrnkcn
How, of which he hus been president
for four yenm, nnd has a con
ti oiling interest in several private bunks
throughout tho slate, nnd for this resioiislhlo
position certainly fill h tho bill satisfactorily
nnd in n manner that can not fall to pleuso
tho directors and iiiuko friends for the Amer
ican Exchange Hon. I. M. Raymond, ut
present senator from Ijinrnstor county, n
member or tho very jiopuiar una extensive
wholesale grocery house of Raymond Hros ,ft
Co., is tho president. He". Iuwls Oregory,rno
of Lincoln's ablest and most resH.-cted divines
is vice president, whllo Mr. D. G. Wing, n
bright young man, thoroughly oxiHtrienccd
in tho calling, having served four years with
tho Htnto National bank of this city, is tho
assistant cashier mid presides at tho teller's
Certainly with such a list of oHIcera and
directors tho bank's destinies nro in ex
cellent hands und If success in uhuuduuee is
not lurched on their banner, the Couhiku
would consider no other institution capable
of achieving that desired end.
Tho bank is located In tho new Sheldon
block, corner Eleventh and N streets, which
is In-comlng u central nnd most desirable lo
cation, and one ns a banking quarter can
not fail to lie npprecinted by with the mor
chunts in that vicinity nnd tho bunk people.
Tho room Is light and especially fitted and
built for thnt business, having in It n largo
Ilro proof vnult nnd other nccessorles needed
for tho convenient transact Ion of banking
pursuits. Tho new burglar proof safe was
placed In position in the vnult yesterday und
Is certainly a lieauty as well us u notch too
secure for th burglarious fiend's delight.
It is of tho very latest pattern und mado by
tho National safe and lock company of Cleveland.
A Itnvlnw or Hie Past, u Word fur the
Present anil Prospects Tor ruttirn
Attend tho red mark sale at Ash by A; Mill-paugh'a.
Ever since Mrs. Shnw mado such a hit with
her whistling performances, actresses
throughout the country have fallen into lino
and intioduce selections which they whistle
instead of singing. Annie I'ixley is the last
one heard of and it Is said slid scores quite a
success by introducing n whistling olo in
"Tho Charity Girl."
M. O. Perkins, tho rustling malinger of th
Ameihan Press Association's Omnha oillco
wns a plonsnnt visitor in Lincoln, Tuesday,
tho guest of Lou Wessel, of the Couhiku,
while in tho city. Mr. Perkins Is doing some
line work for tho Amoricuu Press Associa
tion and during his management tho husiuoB
of that rorK)rntion has nearly doubled, He is
a valuable man anil one thnt creditably fills
every requirement of the olllee.
Joseph Jefferson and Stuart ltohsou will
bo tho only comedians in England or Ameri
ca, next season who will play legitimate
comedy. Mr. Jefferson willctuitinuo in "Tl o
Rivals" nnd possibly "The Helr-nUL-iw."
Mr. Hobsop will present tho new romantic
play by Steele Mncknye, which will glvo him
nn eccentric character of true Shukcspcrenn
flavor. In addition to this he "111 have the
tho exclusive control of "Henrietta."
Ladles nppreclnte n good thing when they
see It. A glance ut tho good things p tho
fancy lino shown by Foreman ft Ciow in
their store on Twelfth street, would lie sura
to please tho most particular or fastidious.
Hero can Im found In profusion just such
articles as u lady wants und cannot Hud time
to make herself, together with others (km Imps
she could not mnko If sho hud tho time, in
fact any little nickuuck thnt goes to muke
homo comfortable as well as tienutiful.
Mr. W. A. Abbott Is certainly making a
great success of the Capital hotel billiard
parlors. Ho has just returned from t. trip
east where he purchased a supply of new
bulls nnil cues, tho tables havo been re-covered
and nil tho necessary Improvements havo
been made to mako a first class hall of it
Patrons may feel assured that they will re
ceive the most courteous treatment at tho
hands of Mr. Abbott or his attendants, and
spectaton as well as players are nlwny wel-come.
Extensive and judicious advertising filled
Funke's orii house to ovellhiwlug Thills
day evening. Too show aus "great," fioui
a gallery lad's standi olut and is Isnilid to Ih
a success ns long lis they cnti r to that class of
theatre goeis. Tne plot Itself was not overly
hi long, Kh) ui'iiiy complications arising to
mako tho play comprehensible, nnd the hero
Is never fod'id wanting no matter what iluu
ger nrlses; still In the bunds of several olou-r
uctors tho piece Is well rendeied, Miss Marlon
Klmore us a Iomlou nowslsiy und Mr. Mink
Ljiich, us tho vllllan, deserving special mention.
Tho favorite college absurdity, "Vacation,
or Harvard vs. Yale," will IwHienat FuiikeV
otr,i house this evening, with the la
voiltc comedians, the D.dys, In tho prlnel
pal ehnructorw, ably seconded by a company
of decidedly agile und musical propensities,
This play hus always found favor III the eyes
of our theatre patrons mid an extended men
tion of Its merit, and iueldcnt wilt ho un
necessary, us it has been given h-ro quite a
kiumlHjr of times. "Vacation" will bo hand
somely staged and will doubtless attract u
large uudienco.
Tho greatest attraction of tho tenson nt the
People's Is on for Saturday night and Is none
less than thoover opuliir;eomedliin,Mr. Ezin
ivendnll, who presents a play written and
staged by himself, assisted by a compinyof
eomiMitent artists. Mr. Kendall's prices are
alwuvsfOc, 750 anil I.OO.hut on this occasion
so its to pock tho house, prices havo lieen in
duced to SW, AO nnd 7f cents. I ho company
played last week at lloyd's opera hoiiso in
Oitiuhn, and plays at none but high priced
houses everywhere, and curries Its ow.i bund
and classic orchestra.
Tho Chicago Mull says: "Ab mt n yenr ngo
tho.UuiVhud to say: E.ra F. Kendall has
certainly curried of the honors this week."
Ho was playing "A Pair of Kids" ut tho
Grand then. Tho Indicators or last night
are that tho same can bo said at tho end of
this week, of the engagement at Hooley'-. it
is nuo of tho most amusing entertainments
now on the IxMints, und Kendall is looming
in tho u)ier tier of comedians. U Is related
on good authority that en two dlllVrcnt oc
ccuslons recently when Mr. Kendall was
playing "A Pair of Kids," pintles In the
audience laughed themselves into fits over
the comical situations presented. It is not
dllllcult to believe this. As a laugh producer
Kendall Is a success.
Tho coming week will see a show ench
night lit the People's. Hob llrown ill secur
ing tho Ml ilk ley Company has stiuck just
what will suit his patrons; the best plays at
popular prices. They present un entire
change of hill at each erforiuaiice their
reportolre Including "Sinn nnd Master,"
"Ijiily Audley's Secret," "Silver King,"
"Lidy of Lyons," ami a dojjn other popular
plays. The Denrer IteinthKcan snys: "l)un
ver audiences havo seldom seen better acting
thun was displayed in this piece. It is seldom
thnt emotionul assages nre nut exaggerated
nnd overdone. Miss Mlukley Is to lie con
grntulnUsi thnt she Is so fur u muster of her
self nnd her Hues us to bo able to give to all
her action tho true touch of nature, she Is
nn nctress of excellent talent and lino pres
ence, and her costumes lire both ilch und el
egant. As for her treatment of "Man und
Master," too much cull not Ikj said In her
praise. It wus replete with naturalness sel
dom seen 111 plays of this class and gave evi
dence of patient study and severe training.
The company is first-class. In fact t.iero Is
not a stick hi it.
Judging from tho rapidity with which seats
were sold at tho Fuuko oiern house Isix
olllee this morning, one of tho lnrgest nnd
most fashionable audiences of tho season will
witness tho piesentatiou of "Jim, tho Pen
man," by Mr. A. M. Pahnei's roiiiHiuy,
Monday evening. This company comprises,
among others, that sterling actor, Mr. F. (1.
Il.iugs, wiio assumes tho role ot "James Hal
stou." Mr. Hangs is an old favorite In Lin
coln, having made a billliiiut reputation for
himself when he npcuu-d hero ns "Tho
Silver King," und ut ither times fu Sliuke
screnn roles. Ho has no sticr!or on tho
stage ns"Jiin, The Pentium." Mr. Wright
Huntington is consideied one of the hand
somest young leading men on the stage, and
is said by the critics to be tho best "Louis
Percivnl"Mr. Palmer has ever hail. Mr.
Hnrdee Kliklalid, although coinpai lively
unknown in this city, gives u iK'rfect finished
h!i'formnuce of ''Cuptaiu Redwood," tho de
tective, und he will not sutler ut nil In com
pnrisou with any one who hus played the
pint. Mr. Guy Lliulslny is couslloiod lo Ixj
u manly "lord Diclineotirt." Miss Clara
Llpmaun, the sweet and charming "Agues,"
is tho same us ever, ami makes a most favor
able Impression. Mr. J. L. Ottoinoyer, who
plays "Huron Hartlleld," Is a thorough ilra
matio artist, and for yean has Ix-en tho
leading German actor in New York City,
Miss May llrookyn, who was the Hint leading
lady of tho company has since been reinstat
ed in this company and will return to Lin
coln to pluy tho part of '-Nina" (Mrs. Rul
Bton) during this engagement. Miss Urookeii
has not, us fur us we huvo heard, a prlvub,
enr, or fifteen dresses by Worth, but tdio has
the UXI.OOO dlesses of expression w hich nature
cull glvo nu intellectual face. Tho engage
ment is for two nights and will undoubtedly
prove tho most nrtlbtio dramatic event of
the season. Such couqwnioH as bear the ti
tle stump of A. M. Pu liner need no recom
meudutlon from the press, for their starling
merits are known to every lover of stage
amusements. The attraction is one that
eaten to tho most rellued taste, tho stage
dressing, scenery, etc., all catering to that
element, Tho Madison Hquuro theatre never
sends out nu.vthlug but the lsst and "Jim,
Hid Peiimauj" ranks lint In tho list of splcu
ill I attractions that aro out under Mr.
Palmer's management nnd tho CouiiiKH
sincerely trusts that Lincoln theatre goers
will show tho just nppicciiitlou that is due
high class performances by crowding the
oiK-ra house both nights of tho engagement,
It hns just Iksmi two yours slow tho "Pri
vate Secretary" List apcaivd In Lincoln and
during that time many new features huvo
been added to the play. This uniting few
other plays nchrlvcd wondeiful success nt.
Madison Square theatre in Now York and
when Hi si preseiiUsi ut this well known
Umplc of umuseiudtit enjoyed a pheii iiilual
run. It Is construct ts I d!irroutly from
uiiwt other plus nnd Its style Is s-cullur In
Itself alo o Mr. ,7m. Gillette, whose leptit
ullon us an artiste In this particular Hue
seeihstogrow with hlmas time rolls on, Is
us Hiiulurasever In tho past and when he
diuwlsont his favorite expression "Do you
know " he never rails to bring with it a
hearty applause.
rhucouqmuy Is letter this season than ever
ami tho piece Is put on with oven more scen
ery and accessories than on their lust visit
hcie. There is nothing hut rellued comedy
in the piece und us the attraction Is one of
tho best ot tho week, It is to ha Iiohm1 thnt a
Urge house wll gieot "Tho Prlvnto Secretary."
Among tho vlslton of tho coming week,
none will Imj more welcome thnn Mr. Powers'
excellent company who will again present ut
Fii'iko'son Woduosdny evening that sterling
Irish drama, entitled "Tho Ivy Iir." Many
of our leaden yet rememlier tho very lino
perfornmueo given by the cnmNiny last year
nnd will yet recall tho many lino seclul
ties that wero Introduced. Tho Itlsh bag
piH-r, the Ivy U-nf quartetta, tho Jig and
reel dances, tho revolving tower, ami tho
wealth of magnlllceut. scenery. Tho englo
carrvlm: a little child by its talons und mini
erous other novel stngo fentures yet remain
groan In tho memory of theatre gocm. "Ivy
Loaf was greeted by a lurgrf house here on
Its lust engagement, iu It Is everywhere, nnd
we trust the same appreciation will Im shown
tho couqiuny next Wilnewlny evening.
Sptitklng or tho piny an put on in Indian
apolis recently tho Sentlnrl says:
English's opera, house had tho unwelcome
sign of "standing room only" to tho lute
comen. Tho attraction was Tho Ivy Ir, u
pretty and very Interesting pluy. It Is tho
best Irish drama seen here for years, and mot
witttmi Immediate success, the nudlonco ap
plauding tho ninny exciting climaxes, nnd
encore after encore expressed tho iipprociu
Hon of tho audience. In oiut of scenic ef
fects It wus a grand success. Tho scenery is
all now and in splendid condition, vjiklug
like n charm, and the uudienco wus not kept
rcstlossly waltliu, us Is usual with plays buy
ing so much scenery.
tlllKKN 110011 (lOHHIP.
Paul Knuvnr Is Ixxiked solid for this season
und next.
"Do you know" tho Prlvnto Secretary will
lie seen nt Funke's Friday tho 18th.
Mm. Jus. G. Hlnlue, Jr., Is going on tho
stage. ShusiiysBho Is "not merely going on
tho stage, but will net."
The wife blowing net In "Tho Stownwny"
wtts not what it was cmeketl up to be, by a
long slwl.
Corlnne, tho jM-erless, is having a succes
sion of tilumphs In every theatre In which
sho npiMxin this season, S. It. O, sign" ap
pearing tit every Krformnneo.
It. F. Peten, lute stage cnrcnter nt tho
Funke, leaves Lincoln Tuesday, tho Ifith, for
Suit Inko City, where ho will assume the
management of tho stage of the urunil opera
Tho thoutro goon of Lincoln certainly can
not complain of u curclty of attractions, us
Muuuirei McRoynolds informs w he has a
shpw lsioked for every night during tho next
two weeks.
The completion of tho now Lovo opera
house In Fremont, Neb., knocks out Turner
hall us uu nlssle of theatricals. Tho latter
will Is) turned buck to its original uses turn
ing of the Turners.
Hob Hrowno in In ecstasies over his success
In securing the Kzrn F. Kendall Co., ut his
house tonight. Tho company plays in tho
high priced houses only and malinger Hrowno
hi(s just uiuso to lie proud of tho favor ten-
Account or Hulls, Turtles, WrdilliiK,, That lluto I'.uterluliied Hoclely.
Look ut the I.ll.
The T. A. M Ni.elul.
Tho inemls'i-s of this club met, Wednesday
evening nt the home of Mr, Fred Hallet. on
N street, where all present enjoyisl them
selves to tho fullest extent. Gaines of nil
kinds were in older and dancing was also
Indulged in by tho merry young folks. Af
ter partaking of a dainty course of refresh
ments the young coplo lef for their homes
highly grutlllcd with the evening's entertain
ment. There were present: Misses liurch,
Hecker. Cnnlleld, Fowler, Hide, Hullet,
Ilaris-r, Mnloue, Smith, Van Husklrk, Him-
moiiM, Hyde, lllchter, and Minnie and May
Messrs. Harlsir, Hwker, Clark, Ellis, Flsk,
Hycrs, llallelt, Hnrrls, Herold, Johnson,
Melone, Uyiius, Simmons, Wuckorhagcu,
Hiowii, lleaton, Wiuslow nnd Hale.
The It Htreet Cilllli.
Tho homo of Mr. nnd Mn. Hudson Iiuhoff,
Kith nnd R Streets, was the scene of a pleas
ant meeting of tho "II Street Kiichru Club"
TiUfduy evening. It was one of tho clubs'
semi monthly meets and tho over impulur
guiiio of progressive euchre wus Indulged in
by thoso present, Seven tables wero occupied
by tho guests who reKrt Inn lug hud u delight
ful time. No prizes woronwiirdod,iislliimou
ben who huvo tho highest und lowest scores,
nt tho end of tho season only ure entitled to
Eight o'clock Tuesday morning wus the
hour set for tho tying of the knot Hint Hindu
Patrick O'Hhvouud Miss Maggie Little our.
Tho ceremony wns neatly srfnruusl by Fa
ther Duiiphy at St. Tlioressu's church, there
lielng present a number of friends nnd rela
tives to witness the deed. After tho usual
congratulations the happy couple nnd n few
friends rcpnlrcd to Hrown's cufo where nu
elegant wedding breakfast arranged in
caterer llrown' In-st stylo, was rcudy for in
gestion. Mr. and Mrs. O'Sheo will he ut home after
next Tuesday ut Kttl J street and tho COUH
IKU joins friends In wishing them a long life
full of happiness und pitHs.rlty.
An Iiiteroitliit;
The Rev. Dr. Ilarsha, of the (list Presby
terian church or Omaha, has kindly consent
ed to lecture beloro tho Woman's Christian
Association or our city In tho Preshytciiun
church next Monday evening, January H,
Dr. Harslia hus leeuntiy retunusl from a trip
abroad unit tho tfubjeel of his lecture will Imj
"U'Ismo days in Italy." Tho Omaha dallies
njR'uk In high tonus of tho lecture. I.t a
giMsl audience of Lincoln jssiplo greet this
Omaha minister on Monday night. Admis
sion -' cents. Iiocturu begins nt 8 o'clock.
The publisher will club the Capita l. L'itv
('mini Kit with any reputable paper, liirnWU
lug two papers at u very sinull mlviiueo
the price usually charged for one. Arrnngt
liieuts have been I'ladir lo club with llu fol
lowing plllllhallollSI HKtlfl.AH WITH
I'llll'K. COUUtKIC
iiaiiim'.ii'h Maiiaink ni JJ;
HAiii'Kii'nYmiNii Pkoi'i.k.... 'J " iiM"
t'KNrpitV MAHA.I.Mi ... IW ''
Mr Nlt'llol.AM ( '
I'lmMllPill.lTAN i i '
l.iPi'iNtorr'H HIM s ;
Hr. liiiiM Mahaink 'i w ill
"iii-riNti" ill" "
Piti'K nwj "
Jiiimik " JJ'Jl'
MTPiiio aw '
AHTAMATIMIIl 4 01) '"'
(IllOlt Itm'HKKKKI'INII '(M "'
Tin'. N. Y. Wi:i:ki.v Woiii.ii.. I ) 'i
NorK-l'luhblng rutos similar to the nlxivo-
may also bo hud In connection with any or
the other leudlng magaidncs and pcrlodlm!.
The l.mlies Trade l.pollloii.
On next Wcdncwluy evening In tho llhrnry
r-joms nt tho Slnte t'npllnl the Indies of tho
PIh Oiguii Society of St. PnulMM. E rhurcU
will entertain their friends with it rut tier
iiiilmie mid Interestlnu iiroitrnm. The ticcn-
slon will Ihi it trades exisisltlon In which the
various Iioiiwh of tho city will bo representisti
by young Indies, who will lie appropriately
uttlrcd nnd aside fnnii this numerous oilier
fentures will mako tho evening puns must:
plouxnnlly, Muslowlll Ihi furnished by the
Phllhnriuonla orchestra. Tho following llstot
he trades find their lepresentntlim as far ns
compleUsl liv tho ladles was tent to the Coun
iKHlnst evening nnd more will bo milled to-
tho Hit Isjforo tho event takes place.
Keniiard t Rlggs, drugs, by Miss Jeillilir
Mnrlnoj Drown Hi lloiitz, clgnrs, Miss Iik-k
Dorrls, Thos. Fuwell, stutionery, Miss l'ut
mori; Mn. (iimper, millinery, MLs Clara
Agey; Wtxslworth Ik McFnll, linrness, Mhw
Clara Hnrdy; S. 0. Elliott, china, Mli
Oeorglu Tnylorj H. R. Nlssley iV Co., dry
gtHsls, Iss Nellie Grnhuin; TiiK Caiutau.
City Couhiku, miss ura-o Hueiung; miwjer
& Monitor, green liontn, MU Dellu behofcMft
Ddllu Cull, MIm Hollo Oakley; Fry green
house, Miss MiiImjI Anliby: Perkins IfroM.,
boots nnd shoes, Miss Nellie Hoover; Lnscli.
Hros., confectionery, Miss Oregorv; Ashby
& Millspnugh. dry gtssls, Mn. Warren; M.
Ackennann ft Co., millinery, Mn. 1. 11.
Ronton; Foreman ft Crow, ladle furnishing:
goods. Mn. .1. H. Hohnnn; Puco, WHllniniw
ftNoith, pusjr, Mn. Fusl Wllllnms; Mls
JohsUm, hair ih esslng, Mrs. Frank Graham;.
J. E. Miller, dry goods, Mn. E. Falkenburg;
II. Heriolshelmer, tlry gtssls, Mn. A. V.
Fair; W. R. Dennis, men's furnishen, Mn.
Rudy Rheluuder; A. M. Duvls,eurpotar Mr..
C. A. Keith; Hurgnivo Hros., grocery. Mr
John Fuwell; King's giocery. Mrs. W. A.-
E. Hullet, Jewelry, Mrs. J. E. Higgs; Mute'
Journal, Mn. Chns. Keefer; Mrr. lUnir'tf.
millinery, Mn. A. E. Kennurd; Jamns Ilnlley
wnll isqier, Mn. Tisjho; Rudgo ft Morris,,
hurdwnro, Miss Then. Iiws; EhUi ntuillo,
Mn. A. I. Guile; Hnrphnui Hros., hnrdwnre,.
Miss MngKlo English; Funke ft Ogden, chhm,.
Miss Hullio HtKtper; W. H. Wolcott, hurd
wure, Miss May Newton; Lincoln Saddlery
Co., Miss Pollack, of PlntUunouth; Curtis ft
ft Theln, music, Mks CuselH-en and othen.
hueil his house,
Mr. Io Grand White, manager of "Jim,
The Penman," made tills oillco a pleasant
cull Thursday. Mr. White who by the way
is Miss Minnie Madderu's husbuud, snys the
company is doing n gieut busitPMs ami prom
Ih's Lincoln theatre gisjn a fine show Mon
day evening.
Tho "Little Tycoon Opera Co." give their
'.',(KKHh Hrforniauco at Philadelphia Thttrs
day evening, January S-t. Extensive prepar
ation are being limdo to make It a inemor
able oeiit ill tho history of that city's amuso-
menw. The couqiany Is ikkiKwi ror a return
do to at tho Fuuko next mouth.
Uu Christmus day Rudolph Arousou man
aged to see ench of his com)anIes glvo a jht
formauce. He witnessed the lint' net of
"Tho Yoeniitn of tho Guutils," in Wusldug-
tqn in the afternoon, saw tho first net of
"Ermluie," In tho evening in Philadelphia
tijid arrived In New York In time to see tho
lust uct of "The Yoeiiitin" ut tho Casino by
his other company.
Tho nnnouncment made Is-tween nets nt
tho 0K)tn house Thursday evening wus en
tirely out of place, for the audience there as
sembled was not of tho sor'- that takes any
Interest In ai'rlug matches or tho like.
However It was done tiuU'kuowii to tho man
a ;etuent w ho feel quite indignant over the
a fair.
Miss Annie PIxloy of "M'lUs" fume, up
'ars next week In Philadelphia In a new
p ay with the strange title, ", Scond
Floor." It U said that Smiley WnlUer, her
agent, absent mludedly asks for room ,
Moiid floor, whenever ho strikes a hotel.
Tho piece ii written by G, H, Jessup, who
wrote "Our Guv'nur," for the Florences, and
good run U nntlcltel for It.
Iiiterpstlng to Our Ijtdles,
A lady may attain accomplishments In so
ciety, may Ikj beautiful In face und foim.and
may lie quite (sipular generally, but theto Is
always one thing that gx?s against her ut till
times, in all places, and that is the lud con
dition of tho linger tlm. A lady nowadays to
move In tiood company must consider this us
one of tho llrst essentials In nps.uruuce.
Fine dresses, trimmings, Jewelry etc., go to
muke up nn attractive dress, but without the
fingers being proierly manicured one's
attire Is sudly dellcleiit. A lady seatisl nt tho
piano, at tea or most any where else where
tho hands ure conspicuously brought into use,
prominently show the llngeis unit whllo her
gnrments may Ikj tho most stylish, yet the
uureiinisl npHnruuco oi tho finger nulls tin
manlcuiol, detract from tho gtsxl Impres
sion a lady desires to make iqsiu associates.
Tlioro is much to admire In a lady's hand
when tho tlw have Ixs'ii projs'rly H)lished
a id ttken care of and show iiflnemeut and
a isiptilar accomplishment.
Heretofore Lincoln hus not hud u it-sort for
umuicuio tleatmeiit but we tire pleased to
stuto to our lady readen that hereafter the
IMipulur hair dressing cuqiorlum of Miss
Jo'iuston will Ihj o. en for tho treatment of the
hands at u'l times, und tho work will bo done
under that lndy's personal suiKirvision. Miss
Johnston Las been carefully studying this
work of art nnd recently visited Chicago to
crfcct herself in tho achievement, und now
tiling fully ersod, request her lady friends
nnd the ralr sex or Lincoln generally to call
und see how it Is done ami to give her a trial.
'IheCoiuilKHls confident that the now de
parture and tho enterprise shown by Miss
Johnston in adding this desirable feature to
her business will Isjduly appreciated and Unit
her silrouugo in tins line will Imj a success
from tho start and one thnt will grow.
Chnrges will Ikuis low us any first chus east
ern establishment and tickets fo- a series or
treatment will bo sold at rates that will in
duce till to iKHstnni regular ixitrnus. A com
plete lino or Mn. Cobb's muuicure goods will
iw kept on hand und overy attention will be
given this department.
Advertising Dues I'uy.
I.nt week Col. Thonmi Sew all sent an ad
vertisement to the CoimiKH in which ho ad
vertised ror a servant. The pujicr had not
gone to press yet when In came a messenger
stating thnt a servant had alrtvidv been se
cured. Who tut) s advertising does not psyf
Will Hnrdy leaves ror tho eiwt Tuesday to
buy it lino or spring novelties ror tho popular
furniture house or Hitnly ft Pitcher.
Walter Hlnke, whl'e sku'ing Saturday
bioke through tho Ice and received a ducking,
rrom which ho was luld up several days.
Chns. SheliK-r. lata manager of the clonic
dojiurtinont for Ashby ft Mlllsuugh, hns ac
cepted a xjltlonou tho road for Edson, Keltln
ft Co., Chicago.
The Nehrnskn State Horse breeden asso
ciation meefs In Lincoln next week. Tho
session commences Monday mid continue
throe dhys; closing with uu elnlxiruto banquet,
at tho Wlmlsor hotel, Wednesday evening.
Henry Newman retunusl to Now York:
City Monday, having sjieut u delightful va
cation with his imreuts, Mr. ami Mr. 1).
Tho many friends of Mn. John Helming
will lie sorry to hear of thnt estimable lady's.
illness, having Us-n confined to her room ulU.
week. At this writing however, she U n
porUsl Improving,
The muungen of tho rink nnuotmce that
the rink will bo os-iusl in tho iifteriiMMis, for
ladies exclusively and lit the evening, for
gents exclusively. Why tiny have adopted
these rules is hard for our young ln-oplo to
understand. We do not think " it will bo
over thus. "
Mr. M under ufter a bushiew career or
thrisj mouths reluctantly leaves Lincoln to
morrow to accept of uu invitation to tutor
tho firm of L. Strauss ft Co., a largo hoo
house of Oshkosh, Wisconsin. Mr. under
has disposed of nearly nil his goods and fix
tures nt the Chicago Shoo Store, tho remain
der of w hlch will Ih shlppisl tsist, The Coiliu
IKK regrets to see Mr. .under tlepurt, but us
such must bo tho case, extends best whthoa.
ror ruturo hitccess.
A change in tho management of the Hurt
Hardware Company hus been mude, whereby
Mr. Patterson the la to muimgvi tukisi tho
roud und Sir. F. W, Kruso uctvpts tho va
cutcd position. Mr, Kruso Is n gentleman ot
thorough experience in this line und come
rrom Dubuque, Iowa, with Ust ot reccomeiul
ntlous. Ho arrived Wisltu-sihiy uccuuipan hxl
by part of his family, the balance ot whom,
will roach hero next week to locate purmu
ueutiy among us. The Couhiku taken pleas
ure In extending u lusirty welcome to Mr.
Kruso and family ami trusts their resid uncut
in Lincoln will be both pleasant nnd prollU-uble.