Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, January 05, 1889, Page 3, Image 3

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'" V,
:ART :
liti O street.
of our ork
Examine sample
ordering elsewhere.
Cabinet Photographs
$3 per dozen
icihiccil from $4 to
Ladies' & Gents'
At greatly reduced prices
1043 O Street.
Undertakers and Bmbalmers.
212 North nth Street,
Windsor Hotel Annex,
Telephones. Office i.S. Residence
Open Day and Night.
"Ilartillke IHrtliplacrs" tha Tltte TI10
Teit the WonW of tha Angels Recant
Inp tlio finding of the Infant Son of
BnoOKLVN, Doc, 00. In nddltlon to con
gregational singing at tho Tnbcrnnclo today,
Mrs. Ftorcnco Hico-Knox snug two appro
priate solos. Tlio Uov. T. Do Witt Talmage,
D. D., preached, taking for his subjectt
'Ilnrnllko nirtliplacos." His text wasi "Yo
shall fliul tho balo wrapped In swaddling
olothcs. lylne In o manger And suddenly
thcro was with tlio angel n multitude of the
heavenly hosf-Uko II, IS, la
At midnight from ono of tlio galleries of
tho sky n chant broke. To an ordinary ot
server tliero was no reason for such a celestial
demonstration A oor man and wlfo
travelers, Joseph and Mary by iiamo had
lodged In an outhouso of an unimportant vil
lage, Tho supremo hour of solemnity had
passed, ntid upon tho pallid forehead and
cheek of Mary Ood had sot tho dignity, tho
grandeur, tho tenderness, tho everlasting and
dlvlno significance of motherhood.
Hut such scenes had often occurred In
Bethlehem, yet novcr beforo had n star ticen
unfixed, or had n baton of light marshaled
over tho hills n winged orchestra. If thcro
had lieeu such brilliant and mighty recogni
tion at an advent In tho houso of Pharaoh,
or at an advent in tho houso of Ctcmr, or tho
liouso of llapsburg, or tho houso of Btuart,
wo would not so much havo wondered; but a
barn seems too xor a center for such dell
cnto and arch'augcllo circumference, Tho
stage sojius too small for so great an net, tho
mnMo too grand for such uuappreclatlvo
auditors, tlio window of tlio stnblo too rudo
to b serenaded by other worliK
No, sir
tha lion eat straw like n ox. "Oood will to
nian." That principle will yet settle all eon
troverslc. and under It tho world will keep
on Improving until tliero will baonly two '
Antagonists In all tho earth, and thoy will
sld by sldo take tho Jubilant sleigh rldo Intl
mated by tho prophet when hosaldi "Iloll
noss shall Iki on tho Mis of tho horses."
III. Again, I remark that born that Christ
mas night In tho vlllnso barn was sym
pathetic union with other worlds. Tho only
skepticism I hau over hud about Christianity
was an astronomical skepticism which mid.
"Whj would Uod out of tho heavens and
amid tlio Jup.tcni mid Kuturus of tho uni
verse hnvo chosen 0111 little bit of n world for
tho achievements of his only begotten Hon
when ho mlglit have hud a vaster scale
and vaster worlds?" Hut my skepticism is
all gotio ns I como to tho manger and watch
Its surroundings. Now I see all tho worlds
nro sister, and that when 0110 weeps thoy all
weep and when 0110 sings they all sing. !
From that sucrtiiiturnl grouping In tho
cloud banks over llethlehem, and from tho
especial trains that ran down to tho scene, 1
And that our world Is beautifully and glori
ously and magniflccntly surrounded. Tho
meteors nro with us, for ono of tliem rnn to
point down to tha birthplace. Tho heavens
are with in, becauso at tho thought of our re
demption thoy roll hosanuas out of tho mid
night sky.
Ohl yes; 1 do not know but our world may
bo better surrounded than wo havo somo
tlmcs Imagined, nnd when a child Is born
angels fetcli it, ami when It dies nngols tako
It, and when nn old man bends under tho
wolght of years angels uphold him, and when
n heart breaks angels sootlio It Angels in
the hospital to tako caro of tho sick. Angels
In the cemetery to watch our dead. Angel
In church ready to fly heavenward with tlio
news of repentant souls. Angels abovo tlio
world. Angels under tlio world. Angels all
around tho world
Hub tlio dust of human Imperfection out
of our eyes, and look Into tho heavens and
No, madam. It Is my Joy this sco angels of pity, angels of mercy, nngels of
to tell you what wai born that 1 pardon, angels of help, nngels crowned,
N. M. Ruddy,
Practical Optician.
A specialty made of expert Eye Glass
Fitting. Glasses that rest the eye, 3000
217 South 15th Street,
Miss Ethel Howe,
Teacher of Singing
Room 131 Uurr Hlock.
Hours, 10 A. M. to 6 P. M.
liss Olane P. Link,
Drawing and Painting
Orders taken in Pastel and Oil.
Room 131, : Burr Block.
slfAi MiViiri?J
The Victor
The most popular,
surest unil easiest rlillnu
machine now before the
It lias won premiums
and medals over all
.competitors und bus no
Bicycles and Tricycles
of nil sizes and descriptions. For catalogues,
terms, etc., cull or address,
109 North 0th Bt.,
Lincoln, NebrasUu,
Palace Bath Shaving
Ladies and - Children's - Hair - Cutting
Steam Laundry,
317-331 N. 12th Street.
C. J. Pratt, Prop'r.
Q. L. Martin, City Solicitor.
Fine Laundry Work a Specialty
Ice Cream and Oyster Parors
Bakery and Confectionery.
133 O Street
ipnlled with all
Ice Crenm for
Families una Parties su
delicacies at short notice,
party br private orders all during winter
cason. Telephone 457.
night in tho village barn; and, as I want to
miiko my.dlscourM) nccumulatlvo nnd climac
teric, I begin, in tho first plnrc, by tolling
you that, that night, in tho llethlehem
manger, was lorn (I.) encouragement for nil '
tho poorly started. lie had only two friends '
thoy Ins parents. No satin lined crndlo, no '
dol'cnto nttcnt ons, but straw, nnd tho cattle, '
nnd tho course Joko and banter of the camel
drivers. No wonder tho mcdlfEVnl painters '
represent tho oxen as kneeling beforo tho I
infant Jesus, for tliero wcro no men tliero at
that tlmo to worship. From tho depths of j
what iwvcrty ho roso, until today ho is
honored In nil Christendom, nnd sits on tho
Imperial throno in hcuveu.
What uamo Is mightiest today In Christen
dom! Jesus. Who has moro friends on
enrth than any other belngf Jesus. Deforo
whom do tho most thousands kneel in chapel
and church nnd cathedral this liourl Jesus.
F01 whom could ono hundred million souls
bo marshaled, ready to fight or dlof Jesus.
From wliat depths of poverty to what height
of renown I And so lot all thoso n ho nro poorly
started remember that thoy cannot bo moro
poorly born, or moro disadvnutngcously,
than this Christ. Let them look up to his
oxamplo whilo thoy havo tlmo nnd eternity
to imltnto it
Do you know that tho vast majority of tho
wor'd's deliverers had barnliko birthplaces I
Luther, tho emancipator of religion, born
among tlio mines. iSlmkcspoaro, tho emanci
pator of literature, born in n humble homo
at Btrutford-ou-Avou. Columbus, tho dis
coverer of n world, born in poverty at Genoa.
Hogarth, tho discoverer of how to mako art
accumulative und adminlstrativo of virtuo,
born in a humblo homo at Westmoreland.
Kit to and Prideaux, whoso koys unlocked now
apartments in tho Holy Scriptures which had
never been entered, born in want. Yea, I
hnvo to tell you that nluo out of ten of tho
world'H deliverers, niuo out of ten of the
world's messiahs tlio messialis of science,
tho messiahs of law, tho messiahs of medi
cine, tho messiuhs of poverty, tho mosiiahs
of grand bcnovolenco wcro born in want.
I suppoo that when Hcrschel, tho great
astronomer, was born In tho homo of n oor
musician, not only ono star, but all tho stars
ho afterward discovered, pointed down to his
manger. 1 suppose when llaytlu, tho Ger
man couqioscr, was born In tho humblo homo
of a poor wheelwright that nil tho angels of
music chanted over tho manger. Oh, what
encouragement for thoso who aro poorly
started: Yo who think yourselves far down, I
aspire to go high upl
I nir your holy ambitions today, and I
want to tell you, ulthough tho wholo world
mny bo opposed to you, and Insldo and out
sld of your occupations or professions thcro
ruaj bo those who would hiudcryourasccut,on
your Rll' and enlisted in your behalf nro tho
sympathetic heart and tlio almighty arm of
Ono who, one Christmas night about eighteen
hundred and eighty-eight years ago, was
wrapped in swaddling clothes mid laid In a
manger. Oil, what magnificent encourage
ment for the poorly started! ,
II. Again, 1 havo to tell you that in that
village barn that night was born good will
to men, whether you call it kindness, or for
bearanco, or forgiveness, or geniality, or af
fection, or love. It was no sport of high
heaven to scud Its favorito to that humilia
tion. It was sacrifice for n rebellious world.
After the calamity in Paradise, not only did
tho ox begin to gore, und tho udder to sting,
and tho elephant to smlto with hit tusk, and
tho lion to put to bad uso tooth nnd paw, but
under tho very tree, from which tho forbidden
fruit was plucked wcro hatchod out war and
revengo and mallco and envy and Jealousy,
and the wholo brood of cockatrices. I
But against that scene I set tho Bethlehem
manger, which says: "Bless rather than
curse, endure rattier than assault," and that
Christmas night puts out vlndictivciicss. It
sayst "But-ntho your Bword, dismount your
guns, dismantle- your batteries), turn tho war
ship Constellation, that carried shot and shell,
Into a grain ship to tako food to famished
Ireland, book your cavalry hones to tho
plow, uso your deudly gunowdcr in blasting
rocks und in patriotic celebration, stop your
lawsuits, quit writing anonymous letters, ex
tract the sting from your sarcasm, let your
wit coruscate but never bum, drop all tho
harsh words out of your vocabulary 'Good
will to men.' "
"Ohl" you say, "I can't exercise it; I won't
exercise it until thoy npologlzo; I won't for
glvo them until they ask mo to forglva
them." You aro no Christian then I say
you aro no Christian, or you aro a very in
consistent Christian. If you forgive not men
thoir trespasses, how can you expect your
Fleavenly Father to forglvo youf Forgiva
them if they ask your forgiveness, and for
give them anyhow. tihaku hands all arouud.
"Good will to men."
Oh, my Lord Jesus, drop that spirit tnta
our hearts this Christmas hour. 1 tell you
what tho world wants moro than anything
else more helping hands, mora sympathetlo
hearts, moro kind words tbatnoverdio, mors
dirpuiitiou to give otlicr peoplo a ride, and to
carry thu heavy end of thu loo.-! und glvt
other peoplo tlio light end, and to ascribe
good motived Instead of bad, und U find our
happiness in making others happy.
Out of that Helliluhuiu crib lot the bear and
nngels charioted Tho world defended by
nngels, girdled by nngels, cohorted by nngels
clouds of nngels. Uenr David cry outi
"Tlio chariots of Uod uro twenty thouvmd. I
Even thousands of angel." Hut the mighti
est angel stood not that night In tho clouds
over llethlehem; tho mightiest nngcl that
night lay among tho cattle tho Angel of the
new covenant I
As tho clean, whito linen sent in by somo
motherly villager was being wrapcd around
tho little form of that Child Euicror not n
cherub, not n seraph, not an angel, not a I
world but wept and thrilled and shouted '
Ohl yes, our world has plenty of sympathiz
ers. Our world Is only n silver rung of n
great ladder, nt tho top of which is our
Father's homo. No more stellar solitariness
for our world, not n friendk-wt planet spun
out Into spaco to freeze, but n world in tho
bosom of dlvlno maternity. A star harnessed
ton monger.
IV. Asaiu, I remark that that night born
In that village barn was tho offender's hope.
Somo sermonlzcni mny say 1 ought to havo
projected this thought at tho beginning of
tho sermon. Ohl 110. I wanted you to rise
toward It. I wanted you to examine tho cor
nelians and tho Jaspers and tho emeralds and
tho chrysalis beforo I showed you tho
Kohlnoor tho crown Jewel of tho ages.
I Ohl that Jewel had n very poor setting.
Tho cub of bear is born amid tlio grand old
pillars of tho forest, tho whelp of tho lion
takes its first step from tho Juuglo of lux
uriant leaf mid wild flower, tlio kid of goat
is born in cavern chuudellcrcd with stalactlto
und pillared with stalagmite. Christ was
born in u baro barn. Yet that nativity was
tho offender's liopo. Over tho door of hcavon
nro written thoso wordsi "None but tho sin
less may enter hero."
"Oh, horror," you say, "that shuts us all
out" No. Christ camo to tho world in 0110
door nnd ho departed through another door.
IIo camo through tho door of tho manger mid
ho departed through tho door of tho scpulcher,
and his one business was so to wash away our
sin that one second after no aro dead thcro
will bo no moro sin about us than about tho
eternal Uod.
I know that Is putting It strongly, but that
is what 1 understand by full remission. All
crated, all wushctl away, all scoured out, all
gone. That undergirdlng and overarching
and Irradiating and impnradislng possibility
for you and lor mo nnd for tho wholo race
was given on that Christinas night
Do you wonder wo bring Uowcm today to
celebrate such an event! Do you wonder
that wo tuko organ nud cornet mid youthful
voice mid queenly soloist to celebrate It! Do
you wonder that Raphael and Rubens and
Titian nnd Giotto nud Uliirlaiidujo, mid nil
tho old Italian und German painters gnvo the
mightiest stroke of tho pencil to sketch tha
Madonna, Mary and her boy!
Ohl now 1 see what tho manger was. Not
60 high as the gilded and Jeweled und em
broidered cradle of tho Henrys of lhiglaud,
or the Louises of France, or tho Fredericks
of Prussia. Now I find out of that llethle
hem crib fed not so much tho oxen of tho
stall as tho whito horses of Apocalyptic vis
ion. Now I (hid tho swaddling clothes en
larging nud emblazoning into an Imperial
robo for u cohqucror. Now I find that tho
star of that Christinas night was only tho
diamond sandal of him who hath thu moon
under his feet Now I como to understand
that tho music of that night was u not com
plete song, but only tho stringing of tho in
struments for a great chorus of two worlds,
tho buJ to bu carried by laitlily nations
6aved, und tho soprano by kingdoms of glory
Oh, heaven, heaven, heaven I I (hall meet
you there. After all our imperfections aro
gouo I shall meet you there. 1 look out to
day, through tho mist of years, through tho
fog thut i lies from tho cold Jordan, through
tho wiilo open iluor of solid pearl, to that re
union. 1 expect to suo you there us certainly
us 1 sco you lieie. What u time wo shall
havo in high converse, talking over sins ar
doncd, and sorrows comforted, und battle
I am going in. I am going to tako all my
family with mo. I am going to tako all my
church with mo. I um going to tako ull my
friends und neighbors with mo. 1 havo to
much faith in manger and cross 1 feel sure of
it I um going to coax you in. I am going
to push you in. By holy stratagem 1 um go
ing to surprise you in. Yea, with ull the con
centrated energy of my nature physical,
mental, spintuul und immortal 1 um goiug
to compel ) nu to go In. 1 llLo you so well 1
want to spend eternity with you I
I Borne of your children havo already goue.
Borne tlmo uso 1 buried ono of them, und
though -oplo passing along the street and
seeing white cinpo on tho doorbell may have
j saidi "It is only a child," yet when tho
broken hestrted father camo to solicit my
service l.e said i "Comouround and comfort
us, for though she was only fifteen mouths
old wo laved tier so much." Ah I it does not
tako long for a child to get its arms around
the (Mireut'stwliplu uatura.
What a Christmas mornlug it will mak
when thoso with whom jou Uvd to keep tho
holidays are all around you'la hfwivenl Sil
ver hum in uiu luuicr jvuug wipiu, .fW4t
brother and slsUirs nnd tho llttlo one.
glad they will U to see yout
Thoy have been waiting. The last time
they saw your face tt wascovorcd with toara
uiw dlstrens, and uillld from long watching,
nnd ono of them I can Imnglno today, with
one hand holding fast tho shining gate, nnd
the other hand nwung out toward you, sayingi
Hirer thlK way father steer straight for mot
Hum safe In heaven I am wnlilux for then.
Ohl tluwo lli'thleliem nngels, when thoy
went back after tlio concert that night over
tho bills forgot to shut tho door All tho
secret is out No mnro uso of trying to hldo
from us the glories to como. It is too lato to
shut the guto. It Is blocked wldo omi with
hosnuuas marching this way and hallelujahs
marching that way
What uliiHwt uumnn mo is tho thought
that it Is provided for such sinners as you
nnd 1 havo been If It had been provided
only for tliovj who had always thought
right, nnd spoken right and acted right, you
audi would havo had no lutercst In It, had
no share In It, you audi would havo stuck
to tho raft mid-occuu, and let tho ship sail
by, carrying perfect passenger fi out n cr
feet llfo on earth to u jiorfcct life in heaven.
Ohl I hnvo heard tho commander of Hint
ship is tho Humo great and glorious nud sym
pathetlo one who hushed tho teme.t around
I tho boat on Galilee, nud 1 havo hoard that
all tho passenger on tho ship aro sinner
' saved by grace. And so wo hall tho ship,
nud it bear down this way, and wo como by
tho sldo of it nnd ask the captain two ques
tional "Who art thou! nnd whence!" and ho
suysi "1 nm Cnptnlnof Bnlvutlon, und lain
from tho munger." Ohl bright Christmas
morning of my soul' delight Chimo nil tho
bells. Wreathe nil tho garlands. Uouxo all
tho anthoms. Bhako hands In all tho con
gratulations. Mei ry Chrlstmusl Merry with tho thought
of slus forgiven, merry with thu idea of tor
I rows comforted, merry with tho raptures to
1 coma Ohl lift that Christ from tho manger
nnd lay him down In nil our hearts. Wo
mny not bring to him n coolly a present as
tho magi brought, but wo bring to Ids feet
and to tlio manger today tho f r- ikiceiieso of
our Joy, the carls of our tears, tho kit of
our love, tho prostration of our worship.
Down nt his feet, nil cunrchct, all ages, all
' earth, all heaven. Down at his feet the four-mid-twenty
elder on their faces. Down tho
"great multitude that no man can nuinlwr."
Down Michael, tho archaugell Down all
, worlils at his foot and worship. "Glory to
God in tlio highest, and on earth eaco, good
will to men!"
New Year Calling Cards.
A this beautiful custom nt calling on New Years' day Is to be mora
generally observed than heretofore, Thu Wcsscl Printing Co., lias received
a Hue of the lined
ever shown In the City. Tno line comprises n variety of tlio finest nnd most
nitlstlu destus, ranging In price fiont $1.50 to .fyi.ooper hundred.
wc have also a fine Hue of New Year Souvcnlcrs to send by mall. These nro
handsomely Illuminated, have envelopes nnd nrc perfect models of nrt. We
shall be pleased to quote prices, or send agent If requested. Telephone 253,
Wessel Printing Company,
Coukiuk Oinrioic-
xjnr it una hlock.
The stock now being new nud complete It would he well for patrons to
call eaily before the assortment Is broken and best designs arc taken.
Mtiirulnr rutacuiilan.
Tho world is slow to give up Its belief In a
race of giants living somowhero on tlio faco
of tho earth. Tho Inhabitants of Patagonia
wcro for 11 long tlmo supposed to constitute
this rnco, pcrluqw U-ciiuho they wcro ns llttlo
known as any iooplo well could ho. Now
that recent traveler provo tho old belief to
bo false, they at tho same time show that tlio
Patagoulaus possess at leiut uncommon
strength. Mr. lleerlwhin give this account
of themt
Tho truth is that ns regards height, all that
can bo said of them Is that thoy uro on tho
average n tnll race, varying in staturo from,
lay, 6 feet 10 Inches to 0 feet.
Their muscular development nnd conRO-
quont strength, however, nro decidedly ab
normal, and in that nouso, at nil events, thoy
hnvo ono of tho most Important attributes of
I onco witnessed a remarkable feat of
strength pel formed by a Patngonian by tho
uamo of Koloby. lip was leading 11 horso
toward tho camp by u lasso, u hen tho ani
mal, for somo reason or other, suddenly
stopped short, und obstinately refused to stlr
from tho sot.
After a fow coaxing but Ineffectual tug at
tho lasso, IColoby guvo n short grunt of Im
patience, und then, taking tho huso over his
shoulder, bent forward, seemingly without
effort, und dragged tho horse by main forco
for about twenty yards, notwithstanding Its
determined attempts at leslstuneo. Youth's
Most Popular Resort in the City.
1 121 and 1 1 23 N Street.
$4.50 per week.
In the City nil come from thu
Graham Brick Stables
1027 Q STREET,
Where all Mnds of
Buggies, Carriages or Saddle Horses,
Can be had at nnv tie, Day or Night, on short notice
Ilnrscs Boarded and . iaken care of at Reasonable Rates
Call and see us, 1027 Q street, or give all orders by
Telephone 1.17.
1 1 19.
Meals 25 cts
T? "
Ilullrniul Jack.
A number of years ago 11 dog of tho Scotch
terrier breed mailo Its uppearanco at tho
Union depot in this city, where it lias mado
Its homo over silica No one knows where
tho dog camo from, but nil the employes
havo kindly fed tho animal, giving it the best
of care. Bubsequcnlly ono of tho men pur
chased 11 steel cqlkir, on which is engraved!
"Itnllroad Jack, Union Depot, Albany,
N. Y." Tho dog Is an old traveler on tho
Central Hudson rond, and often Jumps in tho
baggagocar of 11 west or southbound train,
going ns far west as IlulTalo or south to Now
Occasionally tho animal will leavo tho
train at somo point along tho roud and wait
for 11 second train, or get on 0110 going to
Albany. It does not coufluo its travels to
tho Central alone, but takes occasional trips
to Ilinghamtou over tho Dclnwuro and Hud
sou road. Recently it went to Saratoga on
tlio morning train. Arriving at Mechanics
villolt left the car and followed tho con
ductor about the yard, nnd when tho "all
aboard" was sounded mado a dash for tho
baggago car door. Arriving nt Saratoga it
dlsjppeared, but was not in time when tho
train left for Albany nt I'J&O p. in. Tho dog
was never known to rldo in 11 coach, but al
ways chooses tlio baggago car. Unruly a J
day passe but thut it takes n trip over ono
of the two roads. Albany Argus.
From Mother Goose
To Herbert Spnecer
mother w.o had so rushy aches. iuuUpnius J,i,.Tb
ana itcrcpituutii well again, nna
' wil
IIo (lot tlio Oinirter.
IIo was standing huddled up closo to tho
protecting wall of tho postofllco building,
where tho wind was less tierce, but his teeth
wcro chattering loudly and his arms wcro far
uklmbo, so thut bis hands might bo plunged
tho deeper in tlio pockets of his trousers. Aa
n man hurried juist him, ho plucked tho
shaggy sleevo of his great coat and looked at
him. "Say, mister," bo said, "Just look at
mo. Now, 1 know you aro in 11 hurry, and I
don't want to keep you long, but Just look at
mo. Mister, 1 was a gentleman once.
just look at mo now. Why, 1 used to
about tho keen, whistling wind und tbo loud
biting air, und tho moan of tho surging tide.
But look at, mo now, mister. I'm a wreck.
Honestly, 1 um, mister. I'm a perfect wreck.
I stand out hero by tho hour and look up at
tho milky constellations trailing along tho
glittering maid's way. Mister, if 1 could get
money enough to biro a room with a looking
glass in it I would look at myself Just to se
what a wreck 1 am. You look at me, mister,
you don't need tho glass. 1 am 11 wreck, ain't
II I know 1 am. Please givo man quarter,
so I can look at tho ruin of a beautiful llfo."
And ho got it. New York Tribune.
Amateur Theology.
Tho Philadelphia Itecord tells tho following
story about llttlo Ueorge: Every night hla
good mother sits by his bedsldo and endeav
ors to answer his questions. One night there
wero more than usual, aud she saldt
"Now, Ueorgle, jou must go to sleep; I'll
not answer any more questions."
"Mamma, Just ono more."
"Not one," sho replied.
"Only ono more, mamma, ploAsa."
"Well, what Is tt, Ueorgle I"
"Mamma, if Satan was so bad, who rocked
Ma cradle wliru ho was a babyr
Merchant Tailoring
Webster & Briscoe Block, 129 South nth Street.
J. W. SMITH, Representative.
We carry n Full nnd Complete line of Foreign and Domestic Cloths In all
Shades nnd Colors.
Also ut MeitJotii, III., Autoni, 111. ami Lyons, hi.
Pino Worlc, Correct Stylos, Popular lJrloos.
';!:;MAX MEYER & BRO.,
C. M. HANDS, Manager.
142 North nth Street.
staiiilaril Stelnnay Son's, Chlckerlng .iiul Knabo & Co.
M. Htnrr & Co., tlio celebrated
Old instruments taken In ex
. - ... ...i..A n..uu iii.tMini.iiitiinti.1 t'it nHwft thut vou con
change. An invitation exienutxi 10 an uj cim.mro ..v o i .
not get elsewhere.
Dealt- In Illicit Krado Plant: The
1, ..lHirant lkhr llros. A Co. and Voso & Son, tho durable James
Ktnrv Clark oritaiis. Pianos sold on InstallmenU or for cash
mother ha
on yak.
not Umu abl tt antwtr
1 222 O ST. 1222 O ST.
Steam Dye and Cleaning Works
S. R. MANN, Proprietor.
Ladles and Gents' Clothing Cleaned, Dyed and Repaired on Short Notice. Twenty
five per cent discount on all Plushes, Velvets and Sealskins Steamed
for the next Sixty Days.
oif j,1yi "
1- a JMa-s