f-wwmiji.'- -- CAPITAL CITY COURIER, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 29, 1888. 8 ,i V ' X I J.. Wt: M . FRANK E. LAHR, 936 P Stroot, GOLD COIN STOVES And Ranges. Gold Coin Ventiduct. GOOD BOOKS Holiday Presents ! Best THOS. FAWELL, AT Tim LINCOLN BOOK EMPORIUM, Hi H. 10th M, umhir Y. M. 0. A. Una n Fine Stock miltahlc for the HOLI DAYS, Including Sets or Slnglo Yolumesof the Best Authors Teachers, Family nnd Pocket MULES. Albuint, Children' Picture nnd Story Hooks, Etc., lite. LEAVITT'S DOMESTIC COAL Rock Springs, Wyo., Jackson of Col., Walnut Block, Mis souri Block, and Lackawanna Office, 115 south rontn at. Telephono 360. A. Uowicki, K. D. Formorly Professor In tho University Mos cow. Dr. Xtowlckl hu recently returned from Paris, Vienna nnd other Kurnpenn elite, where ho him lieou studying Hit) new system of treatment of hi specialties, feinnlo com plaints and liver, klilnuy niul eye (llKein.es. 130 North 12th Ht, Trunin Hotel llulldliig. Holiday Goods ! Would very respectfully suggest Hint you make it a point to sec that large and elegant line of Toy, Norcltles, Fancy Goods, Notions, Sleighs, Express Wagons, Crockery, Quecnsware, Glassware, and nl kinds of Holiday Presents now offered nt the lowest possible prices at the Great Ten Cent Store. S. POLWOSKY, nS South nth Street. 3 O VO N N Saturday Evening, Dec, 29 '88 tfO1 Oornor I Oth and P atroets. LoadingDry&oodsHousG TAKE N0TICE1 Tim Couhikh will not lie responsible for nny IoltM innilo by nny imo In It nnmo, un less n written onlor ncoonipnnles tlio sumo, properly hIkiukI. Ii. Wkhhkl, Jr., l'rop'r. HEADQUARTERS FOR FURS and FUR TRIMMINGS. Herpolsheimer & Co. Tim Courier Cult tin l'miiid At Windsor Hotel NowsHlnnd, Jiipltul Hotel News Htiimli Odell's Dining Hull NcwsHtnnd. Ulnsoii A Hotelier's, 111U O H trout. A.T. homing A Co's., IIOilOHlroot. TlinUothuiii NiwmBtnuiMll Houlh 11th Ht. Keith llros., Ill Noilh 11th Htteet. I'M. Yoiinu, HWlOHtrcot. r.iltiill AHinlth, 123 10 J. Btoliiht'rK, O nt. oip. Ktonioi. brown's Cafe, near Windsor hotel. A LADY OR GENTLEMAN In seaich if Holiday Presents for their frienils will Jhui a large line of elegant and useful articles at II'. P. Dennis', nj? O Sti eet. Ladies' and Gents1 Furs, Seal Cafs and Seal Gloivs, Lined Kid Glovei and Mit tens, Silk Mittens, Gold and Silver Handle Rilk lmfii ellas, Men's Smoking Jackets, Silk Mulcrs, Silk and Linen Ilandkercliicjs, ilk Places, Silk Half Hose, Full JJiess Skirts, Finbroideied Kighl Fofrcs, a large line of A'eckwcar, especially designed for Holiday trade. Leather Collar and Cnjf Poxes and fine Traitlling Pags and Fur Pugs. Inspection solicited. l.ocul unil l'crsonul. Whltobrcnst CottI nnd Lime Company. Tuko Turkish nt 1010 O street. Tho lost Teas. H. 1 .Stevens Si Co. Telephone at tho Couuiku olllco Li !iVI, Odell's dining ball, Si tickets for M.00. Httllut, diamonds mill watches, 1 tU I.' 11th. Nobby stylo hati and lino' neckwear nt IIurlhurt'H. Canon City Coal again at tho Whltebreust nl and Lima Co. lloust incuts, nnd vegetables of nil kind Cameron's Lunch Houso. Ijiekuwana and Berunton hard coal sold only by Hutching Si Hyatt. Canon City coal delivered, to nil iarts of city. Call up telephone, IMS. Only place in Lincoln that uses mineral water in IwtliB is at 101(1 0 street. By nil odds tliu llnwt line of pocket cutlery in tlio city at ZoliruuK & Honklo's. Mondotu, tho most popular coal on tho mar ket, sola only by l utchlns Si Uyntt. For tickets to Oregon or Washington ter ritory points upply nt 115 So. 10th st. Takotho C. Si N. W. through vciitibulcd sleeper to Chicago. Olllco 115 Bo. 10th ht. Quilted satin and fancy knit skirts for ladles and children nt Herpolsheimer Si Co'h. Flnu Tens, Spleen, and the largest hno of Kino Groceries in tho city, nt 8. l Htovens, Dr. It. F. Uulley, otllce uud residence corner of Fourteenth and L streeU, Telephono 017. 811k hindkorchlefs, mulUers, neckerchiefs, Herpolslieliuor Si Co., displays in all tho nov elties ot tho season. Kverythlng new and neat, finest menu and best cook In tho city at Carder's European rcctmiraut, IWI V street. The finest work In tho city nt Hnyden1 photographic studio. l'JU O street. See our Hue camples of art work. Tho holiday department of Herpolsheimer & Co., in toys, fuiicy goods, novelties, etc., Is complete in it variety. In furs and fur trim i lug Herpolsheimer Si Co. show a very complete line at as near furriers prices as jiosslble. For Handkerchiefs, Milliters, etc. for tho holidays go to Aslihy & Mlllspnugh'u They have tbo finest lino in tho city. Stamping and lino needlo work is mndon specialty nt tho ladies' Art and Furnishing store, 1SB South Twelfth Street. So many Christmas gifts aro mado of satin. Ashby Si Mlllspuugh nro selling nil tho now art shades at i!5o a yard. Take the best nnd only one through system lino, C. & N. W. to Sioux City, Minneapolis and St. Paul, olllco 115 So. 10th st Excry body can afford to cut nt tho leading resort In thu city now. Tlio price of ill tick ets now nt Odoll's Is only I -reduced from 1.50. Our Acorn Heater and nn Acorn Itnngo will bring comfort nnd contentment to nny household. W. II. Wolcott, agent, 230 south Uth street. Hocking Valley coul can bo obtained from Hutchins& Hyatt, 1H1 O Btrcet or telephono calls for all other kinds of coal will receivt prompt nttentlon, Telephono 225. J. Sz H. Newman's holiday goals havo ar rived and am now on sale at their usual low prices, ituny novelties and lots of suitable presents are to bo found on their counters. Notice. Vesta 11. Haldwln, defendant, will tnko no tice that on tho lit ihiy f December, IsH8. Or son O. Haldwln, plulntltr, IIIihI his petition In tho District Court of I-uncnuter County, M.,i.r.,ain nuulimt mild defendant, tho olueot and pniycr of which are to outuln u decree of ....... iv.n, flu. utlit ilefemlnnt for oxtreino cruelty to the plaintiff und that you uro re uulred tounswer said potltlou on or bofore the. 4th day of Kcbruury, 18SU. DWItea, BALDWIN. Piuluttrr, by round 4 Uurr, his attorneys. '( kAt rV,.ni8 iinlffHi ifilVl IN TIIK SOCIAL SWIM. A WEEK'9 HAPPENINGS CHRONICLED. Aceoutits of lliilli), I'nrtlr., WnddliiK, Kte., That Itiitn Knlertuliied Hoelety. The ChrMmns night of '88 ii olio Hint will bo long reiuciuliered by tho memliers of thu Pleasant Hour club. On that uvenlng ono of mrnt brilliant alTnli-M over given by Hint club was held nt Temple Hall. Thu entire club almost to n muiuber was represented, and made n Inrgo nnd elegant showing, This Is the sixteenth hoiihoii or thu club which IsrecoK nld as tho leader of society In Lincoln niul tho Chrlstums party was n llntterlug tribute to thu oIllceiM and members of tho club uud a credit to any society. The ladles were beautifully coHtumul, thu muile goxl nnd uveryouu seemed gay niul liappy. Tho hall was tastily decorated with holly and evergreens In token of thu glad holiday (K'crslo.i. Haudwlehu and colTeo weru served during the ovoiitu,;, Mrs, A. U. I Uhwhi acting as "master of ceiumuiilcH." Thu progiuimueti wero exceedingly nwit and pretty, uud consisted of twelvo numbers well selected unit urrrunged. Tho following is an Incomplete list of thoso present: Mr. uud Mrs. Iluckstalf, Mr, and Mis, Hay den, Mr uud Mrs. tlregg, Mr. nnd Mrs. HIicMon, Mr, nnd Mrs. lleeson, Mr. uud Mrs. Dennis, Mr. nnd Mrs. Mulr, Mr. and Mrs. llcluudcr, Mr. uud Mm. Towuley, Mr. and Mrs. W. 1). McAithur, Mr. uud Mrs. Llpplu cott, Mrs. IhiHsoy nud Mrs. Dundy, of Uiuu hit. MIkhoh llenjiimlii, ut Edgur, Neb,, Min nie Iuttn, Claia Fuuku, Hawkins, Hardy, Pumilu Newman, Suddlth, llurunrd, Will Hums, Auey, Uruulngci', (llles, Huelll'ig, Iiomlst, AliHire and Potvhi, Memrs, Hliuw, of Dixon, III., Sterling of Huron, Dakota, A. II. .Smith uud Dave llaiuu of Oinalia. Foimuii, .Miigoou, Smith, Hiiidy, Hclskell, Kehiung, Pershing, 1'inWt, lllchter, Liw, Dawes, Kurmaii. Nutt, lliul, Thompson, Huiiklu, Newman, Holdeii and Van Diiyu, Mrs. HuckstalT wore a Ih'jiuIIIiiI owii of pluk lirocudeil silk, hraided In gold, gold lieadHiiud dluiuoiid oi'iiamuiitN. Mrs. Huydeii, tnuksllk with white dotted Illusion trimming. Mrs. (IrcgK, pink silk, diamonds. Mrs. Sheldon, white silk uud grcuudluo, de collete, pearl oruuinentH. Mrs, llceson, whlto broadcloth with rose trlimiiiiiKSuiidamlieroiuiimeiitH. Mrs. Dennis, hluck slllc uud Jut, diamonds. Mrs. Mulr, pale yellow silk with black tulle overdress tiimmed hi Millions, diamonds. Mrs. Heldaiider, golden brown plush, with whltusklit, braided, uud white fealliers Mrs. Towuley, pluk uud white silk. Mrs. llusxoy, llht blue China silk. Mrs. Dundy, jcllovv .itlu. Miss llenjiimlii, white cloth with velvet skill mid triuuulugs. Mis.i Iitta, black silk mid lace, natural How ers. Miss Funko, white silk nnd Illusion, Jacinto miiiot rote's. Miss Hawkins, lavender silk, pearl trim mings. Miss Hardy, white, trimmed in gold, Miss Newman, blue cashmere, blue sash. Miss Suddlth, heliotrope silk with purple violet skirt trimmed in musics. Miss Uariiard, whlto enshmuro nnd lace. Miss Qniiilnger, wlilto with black trim tilings. Miss Olles, Unlit green china silk. MhsLcmist, white mull trimmed in em broidery, How ers. Mis Moore, black velvet, point laco collar. MlssPotviu, light blue satin. Miss Williams, Kht blue silk. Miss Agoy, pluk c.isluuoro, ollvo velvet trimmings. A (lernmn Clir.'staius 1'estlvnl. Thu Ocrmiius of this city, together w 1th their children, enjoyed a very merry Christ mas at the hall of the Mununuchor Socluty on Ninth street. The ettteitulmuunt oienvd with n concert In which nil took nirt. A vlo lilt solo by llaby Weber only seven years oM, and a piano solo by little ilattlo Cook, elRht years old, deserving Hjieeiiil mention. Tlio distribution nt gifts duftly nrrnugtsl on u huge Christinas tree was next in order, nftur which thu (lermaiiia Maimaechor rendered some delightful songs. Tho society is work itig hard under tho leadership of Prof. Weber, nnd aru in constant practice for tho Sattgcrbuud to bo held during the coming summer at Urtiud Island. Iluiiplly Muted, On Saturday evening Mr. Walter F. Keens of this city nnd Miss Emlllo Urudey of Clove laud, O., were madu man nud wife ut tho res idence of thu groom's brother, Mr. and Mrs. Alf Keens, lifc.HJ F street, Tho ceremony was performed by tho Itov. Oscar linker nt 8 o'clock, In the presence of n large number of friends. Mr. Keen's brother acted ns brldet groom, while Mrs. Nellie Sharp illled tlio cup ucity of bridesmaid for Miss llradey. Mr. Keens is well known in Lincoln, having Illled n responsible position with the Clarku Drug Co., for nearly nine years, nud in such a miiunur as induced his employers to present him on this occasion, w Itli an cliiboruto token of their esteem. Thu bi idu is ono of Clove land's most popular society belles and u truly delightful young lady w ho will make many w hi m friends hi Lincoln. Thu newly wedded couple start out with n brilliant future bo fore them, and thu Couuiku extends its best wishes for their happiness nud success. I'urewell 1'iuly. A very pleasant affair was given at thu homo of Mr. uud Mrs. Clark, on east O strout CliJistmas eve, In honor of their daughter Mis Lottie, who accompanied Miss l.utu Clark, who litis been vbltiug here, to her homo in Cambridge, Ohiu, Wednesday. Dancing nnd refreshments wero duly enjoyed tltlrlng the passing bouts of the night and excellent uiusle itssblod toward making tho affair ono of tho happiest of tho season, Some twunty young folks composed tho par ty, all of whom speak in glowing terms of tho hospitality extended by Mr, and Mrs. Clark. l'leiiKuutly Surprbied. Thursday evening Mr. nnd Mrs. George Thiers wero pletuantly surprised by a host of friends who nssembled shortly before nine o'clock ut their home, Fifteen tit uud Ustieets. Shaefers big four orchestra started tho Imll rollinc by oitciiiui: tho oxorc Isom with a beau tiful serenade beloro entering tho houso nnd from that moment until tho opening hours of Friday morning tho gathering wus a hn py ono. Supper was served In a stylo that was creditable to Mrs. Thiers and dancing ue compaiiled by excellent muslo was thorough ly enjoyed by all. There wero some twenty guesu In the jmrty, several being from abroad, Including friends from Chicago, Hnstlngs, St. Louis and Louisville. It was a most delightful uffulr nnd etpjally pleasant for hosts, hostess and guests. About fifteen young ladles enjoyed Christ mas at the W. C. A. Homo,, 1117 L street, the majority of them remaining at home while a few of them visited their friends in the surrounding towns. Mlssos Stoddart nud Goodwin made a pleasant yUK to Crele Christinas day. -llli., .tlfl... .,,, VWW Tim rlrii.iint iliuilors. The Juiiloisgavo another of iliclr delight ful imrtlin last evening In Temple Hall. Oc curring during tho Cliristmns holidays It was nn occasion on which the mumlH-rs mado more than tho usual effort tonttenrtto thu comfort uud entertainment of their frienils. Tho hull was elaborately trimmed with living plants undent How ers and sweet intislo wns leinlensl by tho l'lillliai motile orchestra (insisted liy Miss Willnugliby. Uu dor thodliectlou of V. K. Clark uverythlng wont otr stiKKtthly nud to the entire setls factlou of thu largu uumlstr present. Mr. Fiedll. Preston nud Ids brother Wal ler (. Preston, of Omaha, who nro homo ft oin Ynlo lor the holidays, wero thu gui'ftta of W. II. nud Charles E. dark, of this city and accompanied them to thu Junior's party last evening. I or The lltn Itenelll. Thu employes of thu CouniKll olllco, to gether with a fuw itivlUsl iiiumborH of tho city press, wero toudensl u delightful ban (ttot by tho Wessel Printing Co., on Christ inas ovo ut II row it's. It wns nn elegantly urraugud uffuirnud relleets much credit on Mr. Ilrown nsu caterer. Every course serv isl wns intended for service nud not for orna ment as was attested by thu manner in which tho boys enjoyed themselves. After the wants of thu Inner man were sutisflisl, thu time was (Hissed pleasantly by Impioinptu spctsjlies by thu members of tho press, represented by C d. A II, Hayes, managing editor of tho .lourmil, II. J, Dobbins, of thu AVic.s, Al, Ewiiii, Uiuaha lice, ltoleit Melto!'.olds, mnnagliig editor of tlio Lincoln Vocrufttm, nnd associate editor of tho Fremont Voce iiiiiiii, II. P. llarrett, Omaha llhraln, nud Ixni Wessol uud II. II. llitrtrulV, CI'Itai. City Couuiku, and Ed. M. Friend. Thu mumliers of thu Job rooms present wero Mostrs. IL-iiry Evans, foreman, Frank Fer res, Fnsl Mlcklu, Mark lluford, C F. Sheets, A. M. Klllity and I'M. S. Closu. Tho follow lug menu was disposed of: Illue Points. Celery. Amontlllada. lobster Salad. Chicken Salad. Sherry. Hoast Turkey, Cranberry Sauce. 1'rleil UysteiH Ham. Hulled Tongue. Mumiu's Extra Dry, Assorted Cukes. Apples. llannnas. Chicken. OriuiKes. Tea. Coffi-o. Chocoltito. Imported Clears. Cigarettes. .It Us Hawkins' Party. A neat and very pretty entertainment wns thiitKlveti by Miss Anna Hawkins ut Temple hull Wednesday evening, It was a reception hIcii her class In dmiuhiH which comprises the elite or the youiiKcr Kcnoriitlou ot I, In coin. I he program by the llttloimcs was ren dered In an artistic uud thoroughly plensliiK manner, distinctly MiowInK the success with which Miss Hawkins has met In her work. Tho pupils of her class are Misses l.eland, Orlllllli, Oakley, draco Oakley, llaiim, Mc Cotinlll', liiiminoud, l(adcn, llnrr, Klllott, Ilnwklus, Mateer, Murphy, Iteitnu Uouers uud Masters Hurlliurt, Klllott, Curtis, Hol lander, Hhelilou, Zclirilhn and others. Thu ult'ulr opened wltli a Kriiud march fol lowed by u landers, coipiutte polku, may pole, mlmiette, military shotttsehe, hoop dance, tycoon polku uud others, several of which received merited onchores, lltTH A1IOUT Till! TOTS. llesslo llayden makes aeulo figure ,on thu Hour, dances gracefully uud Is us genteel mid polite as thu most rollued society hello. Helen Uurr Is u petite dancer nnd herovery move shows excellent training uud a famil iarity with every detail In tho urt. draco Oakley has thu proper Idea of execu tion and moves with wonderful ease. Miss Curtis dances with a stately air and surpasses many of her older sisters In the dance. Anna Hammond dances on tho tip of the toes uud certainly has caught the proper Idea ofthoexerelso. Master llurllmrt Isu Kood lcaderuiiduniost excellent dancer. Hazel Hiiltimiu. a Utile tot, cunning uud cute, danced about with thu balance appar ently enjoying himself us well us any one. Master Hheldon nobhily attired Is ono of the best dancers in the class. His movements are in time us well us neatly executed. New Years Culls, Next Tuesday, as most eerybody nt this Into date Is fully auare of, Is New Year's day. CallltiK will bo ijiillo Keuerul nnd most or the ladles will be prepared to entertain their ecu tlenian cnllors. Allhouuh strictly speukim;, open house custom will not be Jfnlly ob served, but tho ladles, many of whom have been seen by CouuiHlt reporters have ex pressed their Intention of bcliiK "ut homo" diirlni; tho day to receive their friends, all of whom will In heartily welcomed. Wo have received names o! about a do.uu ladles who ImveslKiilllcd their willingness to Keep open hous,i, If others did, but It has been lor Hie backwardness of thu others, that wo must forego thu pleasure of prlulhiKthu list. How over all our fair Irlcuds unite In the ono ans wer viz: "If the gentleman will call, wu will receive them kindly and entertain them to thu best of our ability, open house, or no open house." HoKcutlciucii, there Is might to hin der ) on now Irom turning out en masse uud making thu day, one long to lie remem bered ami u her the new year Into existence appropriately uud in Hue style. It seems that Inst .ear ipilte a number of ladles hail prepared to receive and some went In on elaborate arrangements to receive a largo number of callers, but the truant male was scarce One lady when nskctl If she would keep mien houso this year said, "No, Indeed, I certainly shall not, lust jcar I ar ranged with several lady friends who were to assist mo In receiving. They were on hand and I hud made elaborate preparations for entertaining, but alas, I luidcnlculatuloii at least a hundred, when at night's arrival the visitors footed up to one over an even doeu. No, 1 will not keep open house, but will bo at home nil day and will bu glad to receive all who call." Judging from thu number of calling cards that have been printed tho past week, wu uru of thu opinion that the good old curb stone will be reviewed to a considerable ex tent among the gentleman, and that thu day will prove In that respect fur more successful than Inst year. A lion Ton Allalr. Tho reception given Wednesday evening at thu handsome home of Mr. nud Mrs, .1. .1, liu botl'on J street was In every respect n success unit u most delightful affair. UwuskIovii In honor of Mr and Mrs. Ocorgu llaymor and Mr. uud Mis. W. II. MoArthur, two young couples that have recently entered tho bliss till tldu of matrimony. However, the Illness of one of the former mado It Impossible for them to attend, couseqiiuutly Mr. and Mrs. weresoluruelpleiitsof thu evening's honors. duusts were received by .Mr. uud .Mrs. un bolt' who pleasantly mil to everyone coin fort able and aided materially In rendering the ovenlng so enjoyable. The beautiful parlors mid suites wero appropriately arranged lor tho occasion and every preparation for enter talnliu the company of neurly two hundred guests were amply provided, Dainty refresh ments were served and enchanting muslo furnished by Prof, MenendorPs orchestra was all that was required to complete thu charm of tho occasion. Ladles wore exquisitely cos turned and thu gentleman In their full dress attire etivo to the event mi air of society re finement seldom equaled In Lincoln, or In fact wu might add, anywhere elso. Tho reception was n brilliant soclnl event and tho success attending tho same was cer tainly complimentary to Mr. and Mr. Ini hoffuud the honored guests of tho ovenlng. Miss Nolllo Hnrwood returned from Hast ings Wednesduy, where she bos been enjoying Cliristmns. Great Bargains ! From now on until after invoicing time we will dispose of our Entire Stock at actual Wholesale Prices. WE MUST HAVE ROOM before February for the New Spring Stock, and prices on all! Dry Goods will be lower than ever at J. & D. NEWMAN'S 1026 O Street; Holiday - AT - E. HALLETTS. Don't fail to sec the GOLD Elegant LADIES1 WATCHES, FINE GOLD SOLID SILVERWARE, SILVER-PLATED WARE, GOLD SPECTACLES and EYE GOLD THIMBLES, GOLD HEADED OPERA GLASSES, GOLD PENS, ETC. NOTICE Most of these goods were bought within the last two weeks for cash, at extremely low prices, and will be sold cheaper than ever. Don't fail to call and see how cheap you can buy these goods, especially Watches and Dia monds, at E. HALLE 1 1 S, 113 North nth Street The most sc: siblc and at the same time acceptable Christ mas gift any gentleman can give to his wife is a black silk dress pattern. We can sell you 20 yard lengths costing anywhere 'ro 11 $15.00 to $45.00, and they are beautiful. Ashby & Millspaugh. CURTICE & THIERS, LEADING MUSIC DEAE RS. WEriEXS cixoxrriToacia PIANOS Musical Merchandise. All the Latest and in Stock. LADIES FURNISHING AND ART STORE, 122 South 12th Street. FINE FANCY GOODS AND NOTIONS Stamping, Art Needle Work, Kid Glove? and Materials for Fancy Work, our specialty. Foreman & Crow, Props.8 122 South 1 2th Street. Opposite Opera House. For MAN ! ? iv .as ? vw. OK . l ip & i. v Mustang Liniment )IfcXICANMnRTANTrt.tNISIENTIdpntiitoriLM ,SK nu, aoilM, OAKKD llUIAUIS Bid ftU larLUUUltott :i v o.on. V".I -tt? K WX. "tffev' wwm X '$ '.A 3 W Presents Stock of DIAMONDS,. WATCHES, GENTS' GOLD JEWELRY, CLOCKS,. GLASSES, CANES, ZX.A.X2T2:a 3333CS- FEACS. Popular Operas, Sheet Music and Books 1 2th St., opposite Opera House. For BEAST ! . :. w -st & w. '& V4lr, m ' XV KKSK zassr.&r xy, ' A ir ysJOoW m- 7 JVVMy wAjsdSsr.4sr 5&r T1 i c 1 wiiimiT' l i iryiwwosiiiiii rtrj'iU'ryAiX'.'a I'ggiTw i'.,A5:,.7 ??C5 uL apiw ..'... n'""ZT7zri (MHjffiMMl U-. aiim,mitvmi,itt "---- "m- jjriJT rrtX