Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, December 29, 1888, Page 6, Image 6

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    WfoStmv&'Wjam nmv
Uvrns nml operate H..VX) tnllo of ihnrURlily
nulpiHM nml In llllnuln. Wim-nindn, lwn,
MlMonrl.Mlnnt-imtnniul llftknln,
ItUthn llcl Direct Hnutn Ixitwivn nil the,
Prlurliml Points In llio Northwest, HotilhwoiU
ami Knr Wwt, . .
For ninps, limn tables, rule tf pnssniw nml
frt'luht, etc., apply lo nearest station nitont "I
WAY.ortoixny Itivllroml Aitcut anywhere la
lt'M Kli !fSH, A. V. II. A lll'KNTKll,
flrnrrnl MVr, Cioii'l I'n.j. AT'kt Altt.
knUOon' Mrt. Ami, (I. I'. AT. Ant.
Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
MrKo? Information In reference to .aml
aiiil Towiw owned by the (Jhlcnito, Mllwnu
kco ,t Ht. l'uill Itnllwiiy t'niiipnny.wrtnlo II.
O. II av(an,Ijih1 Uoiiiinldoinir,Mlllwiiukri
Shortest : and : Safest : Route
Colorado, Wyoming, Utnh, California, Mon-
tiinn, lilnno, Oii'koii mid WimhliiKlon
Territory. Take the
And anvo one ilny to nil l'nel lie roast point.
nunnliiR Into union depot nml cnunrcllng
with rani limited trains of nil lino for nil
point rimt. west, north und smith. Through
tickets nml modern duy oouelie. Hiikkiiko
checked thnumh to denllmitlon from nil point
CMtln tho United States und Cnunilii. Hlccpcr
acoonuxliitloiiH reserved In tliroiiKli rnllmnn
Pnlnco er from the, Missouri river tothu l'n
clflo count.
Got Your Laundr Work
TheExcelsior Steam laundry,
S07 H. Uth St., renr entrance. Tel. Ml.
orders promptly culled for nnd delivered. Wu
prliloounw-Ucn on promptness nnd snerlorlty
of work.
MII.I.KU& DAY, Proprietors.
Fremont, Ulkliorn & Mo. Valley
Train lenvoClWn, in. for Went nml fl;W a. in
and 8:2J p. in. for Eat.
Tn Kijciiohn Vaujst
To freo homes In Nortliwiwtern Nebraska an
Southwestern Dakota.
To tho Hlnck Hills nnd the Hot BprlnK".
To Central Wyoming coal nnd on field au
attle ranges.
To Chicago and the East.
To Ht. Paul, tho North and Northwest.
For further lufornintlon Inquire of
15 South 10th street, - Lincoln
II. Q. llCHT, J. It. llUCHAJUN,
General M'Rr. Oen'l l'asa, Ag't
tisuod March and Bopt.,
onoh yoar. It la nn onoy
olopodia or usoful infor
mation for nil who pur
chaso tho luxuries or tho
necossltloa of llio. Wo
oan olotho you and furnish you with
all tho noooasary and unnocossary
appliances to rido,walk, danco, sloop,
eat, flaU, hunt, work, a to church,
or stay at homo, and In various bIeos,
styles nnd quantities, Just Hsuro out
what Is required to do all thoso things
COMFORTABLY, and you oan makoafalr
estlmato of tho value of tho BUYERS
GUIDE, whioh will be sont upon
reoelpt of 10 cents to pay postago,
111114 Michigan Avonuo, ChtoAO, lit
Atchison, Leavenworth, St. Joseph, Kansas
City, St. Louis and nil points South,
East nnd West,
The direct line to Ft. Scott, Parsons,
Wichita, Ilutchlnton and all principal
points in Kansas,
The only road to the Great Hot Springs
of Arkansas. Pullmaw Slkkpkrs and
Free Rkclinino Chaiii Cars an all
City Tkt Agent, Gcn'l Agent.
Cor. O and tatU Sts.
Dr. Seth Arnold's
Is the best Couch Care J
ever used.
Wm, A. Myer, Weston, HI.
Druggists, 25c., COo., and
Croup I tho terror of younjr. tnothiiri
cuppclnlly during llio onrly wlntnr
month, ft It Ih t lion most prevalent.
To pot tlinnt roiUMtruliiK tho cnusn,
ilrst jmpl'jins, trtmliiiont ami how to
prevent It, I the object of till article.
Thn orlcln of cnnip Is ti common cold,
children that nro Milijret to It take cold
very easily ami croup I almost nuro to
follow. The llrt ymptom of croup I
lioiirnene.i.s, HI u peculiar lioarHencHi,
canlly roconled and onou heard nl
ways remembered. Usually n day or
two before thn nttnuk, tho child be
come hoarse and Kmdiially shows
RymplotiiH of having taken cold, nnd
this in where tho mistake I usually
made, tho mother thinking her child
has Just taken cold Ives It no especial
attention until awakened In tho nluht
by tho violent coughing of tho child,
II ml It linn tho croup and remembers It
has hud a cold or been hoarse for u day
or two. Such circumstance often oc
cur, and In many case the mother has
nothing In the house that will relievo It,
nnd may bo several miles from a physi
cian or drug Htoro. Von can well im
agine thn nltuatlon and her distress,
Tho time to act I when thn child first
become hoarse or hIiowh nymptomn of
having taken cohh If Chamberlain's
Cough Hemcdy In freely given from
that time on, nil tendency to croup will
disappear and alt danger bo avoided,
The remedy prevents fully ten thous
and cases of eroup every your. It is
tho main reliance with many mother
throughout thn Western States nnd
Territories-, they have learned Its vnluo
and how to tino It, and In thoso families
croup Is seldom known because It Is
always prevented.
J he nest treatment lorcroup is Uham
berlaln'n Cough Hemcdy used as di
rected with each bottle. Careful In-
cjulry falls to reveal a single cam, whoro
It has over failed although a grout many
severe and dangerous cases have boon
cured by it. Can any mother who has
small children niloni to lie without such
a remedy. It costs but llftv cents, enn
she alVord to tako tho chances for fo
trivial nn amount.
A Good Linlmont.
When you noed a uood liniment try
Chamberlain's Pain Halm. It cures
SjirnliiH, Lame Hack, HhoumaUsm,
Neuralgia. Cuts, Hruses, Hums. Scalds
nnd Toothacho. 60 cent and dollar
Sold by W. J. Turner.
I.eKHl Notice,
In tho District Court In nnd for I.nncustor
county Ncliriisltu.
John I.. I'urwoll, iiliilntltr, v. Kmll Hhultz,
i-eieri:oiineiiv. nine uouneiiy, A. v.:. I'eu
nock, Union Trust Company, Omaha, In
thuHtuto of Noliraakn, ami other:
Tlmuhovo named defeiidaut, Kmll Hliultz
I'oter Connelly, Kate Connelly, und A. O. I'eu
niK'k, llrst uniiiu unknown, will tuku notice
tlmtoiilliel.'itUdiiy of Noveinlier, A. I). IhSX,
the nliovu limned plalntlll, John 1.. Knrwell,
IIIimI hi petition hi tho I)ltrlet Court of Ijiii
vaster county, NohriiHkn, URatnHtNiild defuiul
uiit, the olOeet mid prayer of which Ih to
foreclose n certain morlKuen executed hy tho
defeiidnnt Kmll HhtilU to the iluhitlir, John
I.. Knrwell, iiMn the northwest quarter of
section mimlK.'red twenty-six pi), In town
ship numtiered seven (7), north of ruiiRu
mimlvered ilvo ).); oust of tliu nth 1.
M., In LuncaNlur county, Neliriisku, to secure
tho paymaut of twocertuln prouilsory note,
dated .liiuunry I, 1KH.1. Ono for the sum nftmio
and tho other for the sum of f.VK), the latter
rallliiKduu Jiinuary 1, 1SXS, und the former
Jauunry 1, IW. with annual IntercHl ut 8 per
cent pur nullum on ench, und tliut theml
now duo und paynblo nnd duo on wild notes
the sum of t'.'.il-Va"), for which um thoiilnlu
tlirpruy forndecreo (tint defendant do re
quired to ) Hut same, or thut wnld preinle
mny he old to HiitUly tho umouiit found due.
You and each ofyou are required to aiiNwer
said petition on or heforo tho UUt duy of Do
eoinlier, isss.
Dated Novoinhcr 15, 18S8
C. C. lUTiiii,
Att'y for I'l't'ir.
lAnvitt'H otllce, 115 H. Tenth. IVlephouoMIl
Bawycr & Monitor, llorlshi, Masonic Temple.
Mineral water used for lintlilng, 101(1 O t.
Trickcy &Co.,wliolesnloand refill jowelora.
L. Ilarr, jowelor, Chtahllshe1 lb74, 101" Ost.
Canon City Coal at tho Whltobreast Coal
and Lime Co.
Try Homo of tho lino fresh llsh servisl every
day at Cameron's.
Tho great diamond auction lo at Hallctt's
commences today,
A drop in both prices nnd slock of dry
good at H. It. Nlssley&Co.
Improved shower for Turkish baths at 1010
O street, Ixisemcnt Union block.
Dcst lioard In tho city and nt a prico within
reach ot all, nt (Moll's. Twenty-ono meals
for 4.
Tho finest luncheon in tho city aro served
at all hours at Carder's Kuroienii restnuniiit,
KM P street.
Aprons innko a very pretty nn son slloh
Christmas gift. Ashby Millhpaughs how u
great line from 'J."o to UOo each.
Call on J. C. Field, Lincoln Bcnvanger, for
prompt work day and night. Olllco under
Find, National lumk. Cull toleihoue -11)8,
Ladies will do well to call at tho Art and
Furnishing mxt store, '-i South Twelfth
StiX'ct, opXM,lto tho opora house, when in
search of holiday prestMits.
Through vetihuIo sleotier with dining car
attached from Missouri Valley on nil Klk-
liorn C. cS N. W. It. 11. trains to Chicago
from Lincoln. Pntronizo the bcht lino; olllco
115 So. 10th st.
Turkish Cabinet, electric nnd plain hath
for ladles at ZW South Eleventh street, every
forenoon nnd Wednesday and Friday evening.
For gentleman, every afternoon, and Tues
day and Saturday evening.
Ktonmshlp Agency,
If you conteinplato u trip to any European
point or intend brl-igiug friends from any
such point to America apply for rates nnd
Information to Oco, A. Foresmnu, Ag't,, 115
So. 10th st,
lluiidxoiiie Office to Kent.
Desk room with uso of tlephono,steaui
heat, light and olllco boy, to rent at tho new
CouitiKn olllco, Vii-YH north Twolfth street.
Ui-ouud lloor and best location in the city,
Kent reasonable.
, n l'rnlltublo lliulnen.
Thoso who tako nn ngency for a relinblo en
terprising house, learn tlHr business and
stick to it, get on In tho world. I'eopplo who
huv any idea of engaging In any casvassing
business will do well to write George Stinson
& Co., Portland, Malno the great art and
general publishers. They otter tho most ex
ceptional advantages to thoso who aro suf
ficiently enterprising to be willing to niako a
push in order to better their condition. It
cost nothing to try. Won.en make success
ful canvassers, as well as men. Full parti
cular will be sent to those who address the
firm;' their foil address is given above.
IterollrrtliitK of Man Who 1 1 a Itecn
Among thn Htntrninrn for, l-ol Tliese
Many Yi-nr Htorle of U'elmter, Clay,
Cnlhoiin, tfnrkann, Jolm.oo nnd Other.
8(cclnl Oonrspotidcnco.1
Wasiiinoto.v, Dec. 27. Tills holiday
month brlngH ton rcmnrknblu mnu two
rcinnrknblo atinlvormirlcH. Two weeks
ngo dipt. Isaac Hassctt completed tho
Ilfty-scvcnth year of his acrvlco In tho
United .States Hennto, und now ho cclo- '
brntcR lira golden wedding. Tills extra- '
ordlnnry career, which bltla fair to run !
on a decado or two yet, la nil tho moro
notablo front tho fact that In nil theso
llfty-Hovcn ycara Mr. Hassctt haa Iwcn
absent from Ida post In tho sennto cham
ber hut twenty dnya. C'apt. Hassett la
tho ono living link between tho great
senators of tho past nnd tho scuatora of
tho present era. Ho dates back not only
to DougliiH, Sumner, Toombs, Chnso nnd I
FcRscnden, hut to Daniel Webster, Henry i
Clay, John U. Calhoun nnd TbotutiH II. '
Ucuton. Indeed, It was Webster who i
secured Ida npK)lntment na n eenato i
page. Tlmt waa In Deccmlwr, 1B31.
Cnpt. Hassett baa been In tho employ of
tho senate continuously from that day
to this.
dipt. Hassett la tho tall, handsome, '
graceful old man with tho (lowing gray
lockH nnd patriarchal beard who sita nt
tho left of tho president of tho senate, on
n lloor n little lower than that occupied
by tho presiding olllcer, with lita cyo on
the pages, nml with tho sennto chamber
nnd all Ita ceremonials und arrangements
under Ida Immedinto chnrge. It la ho
who linn liorno the senatorial mneobeforo
more than n dozen presidents-elects tia
they marched down tho center aisles on
Inauguration day. It is ho who haa pre
sided over nil tho polcmn ceremonials nt
the state funerals in the sennto chamber
for thirty yenra. It is ho who often nt
the closing moment of n session of con
gress climbs up and turns back tho hands
of tho big Hcimto clock that n few pro
cloua momenta may bo stolen In which to
confirm n nomination coming post htisto.
from tho lunula of tho president of the
United Stntea, or to save a ineusuro of
Importnnco which needs but tho concur
rence of the seuato togivo it life.
Cnpt. nnssett carries in Ida breast a
greater number of secrets concerning tho
habits and personal relations of public
men since 18U0 than any other person
now living, nnd though ho la not dls
iwaed to glvo many of theso secreta to
tho public I found liltn n most entertain
ing talker nnd charming host when I
called on him ut Ida home n fow blocks
distant from the Capitol.
"Yes," bald the patriarch, "Ihnvobcon
employed in tho sennto llfty-sovcn years,
but I have really been there longer thnn
that In 18110, when I wnsonly 10 years
old, my father had charge of tho Eenato
chamber, tho old senate hall now occu
pied by tho supremo court. 1 used to
piny nltout the eennto ball, nnd several
of the senators
tool: n liking to
me. Among them
was Daniel Wrcb
Btcr. T h o very
morning of his
great speech in
reply tollaynoho
took wo on his
kneo nnd fondled
me. Ho said to
m o pleasantly:
'Isaac, I nm going
to innko a speech
toduy, nnd when
I get through 1
wnnt you to como
nnd tell mo how you liked it. I remcni
licr that debate very well. Such u sceno I
hnvo never sinco witnessed in the senate.
Tho chamber was so full it would hnvo
been Impossible to crowd another man or
woman Into it. I say woman because in
thoso davB tho ladies of the senators wero
ndmittcd to the lloor, chairs being placed
for them between the desks. On this
day they were crowded In so thick that
in going In front of some of the ladles I
stepped on the too of a senator's wifo
nnd liurt her corn so that she cried aloud
in pain. All the people In that part of
hall looked around nt her and at mo, and
you mny Imagine how sorry I was, and
what nn impression tho incident mado
on my mind. I must hnvo hurt the poor
woman dreadfully, for whenover I went
near her during tho day she looked nt
mo reproachfully, nnd tficro was an ex
pression of pain on her face; but sho
would not lenvo tho hall whllo Mr. Web
ster was speaking, nor did nny ono else.
Of course I was not old enough to bo a
judgo of oratory, but it 6eeins to mo I
hnvo novcr heard such speaking since.
"I was in tho sennto all that winter,
nnd tho nest December Mr. Webster
took me on Ida Inn ono dny and asked
mo how I would like to bo n page. That
was nliout tho happiest moment of my
lifo, but I remember that I made n great
effort nnd tried not to appear too eager.
At that time thero was iitit one page in
tho senate, and Mr. Webster had eomo
diillculty in convincing the other sena
tors that another one wna needed. Ho
told them a lingo was needed on each
side of tho hall, ono for tho Whig sena
tors nnd ono for tho Democrats, and iln
nlly carried his jiolnt, Tho pay of u papo
was then 1,00 n day, nnd somo of tho
senators thought it n llttlo extravagant
to hiro another, but flnnlly yielded. Now
wo hnvo sixteen pages nt 2.00 n day, be
sides tho private secretaries for each
'Then you nro not so very old, after
"No, I nm not as old as I look. That
is on account of my gray hair. I nm
only G8, and expect to stay In tho scnato
at least ten or n dozen years yet, unless
they turn me out. 1 don't believo they
will If I behnvo myself, ami I am now
too old to leurn nny new tricks. My linlr
lias been gray a good many years, and I
blamo Mr. Webster for tlmt. Ono oven
Ing about dark, whilo I was still n pago,
ho called me to him In tho senate and
told mo to get n carriage for him. I went
out and looked all around for n carrlago,
but thero waa not ono in sight. Thero
wero not bo many carriages in Washing
ton then as thero aro now, I went down
to Pennsylvania nvenuo, but not a car
riage could 1 sco. So I went back and
said: 'Mr. Webster, I can't find a car
rlago anywhere-.' Ho raised hlstwoarms
high in the air, looked nt me in nn awful
way, took hold of my shoulders and
gavo mo n shovo which nearly sent mo
off my feet. '(Jo nml get me a carrlago,'
ho thundered, 'und don't show your faco
to mo again unless you have one, oven if
you Imvo to go to Georgetown for It.' I
ran away, crying, as fast as my llttlo
legs could carry mo. I was nover so
frightened in my llfo, and Imvo always
believed (hut fright hastened the turning
of my hair ,
"I low do tho senators of the present
compare with tho great men who wero
hero when you wero n boy?"
"Well, It Is not right for me to mako
comparisons. 1 innko It n rule nover to
sny anything nliout senntors. Hut I can
say that thero has U'cn n change In tho
manners of our public men. They used
to be moro dlgullled nnd courtly thnn
they nro now Perhaps wo had greater
Bcnntor In thoso days It seems so to
mo but wo hnvo two or threo now who
would comparo favorably with tho best
of them. I think Senntors Sherninn nnd
Edmunds nro moro liko tho old timo
senators. Mr Calhoun waa liko Web
ster, In that ho waa sometimes very
cross nnd nt other times very nffectlon
ate. Andrew Johnson wna ono of tho
most uniformly kind und considerate men
woovcrhnd in tho sennto. So was Mr.
Conkliug, notwithstanding his general
reputation for austerity. I never saw
Mr. Colliding anything but ollto nnd
courteous to everybody, nnd ho wns
particularly so in Ids demeanor to
ward tho employes of tho sen
nto. In my liook of reminiscences
I mean to do justlco to Mr. Conkllng.
Mr. Toombs wna another senntor I used
to Ih) n llttlo afraid of, though, of courso,
I was n man grown when ho enmo to tho
sennto. I think tho most sensational
Incident I over snw In tho sennto wns
when nt tho outbreak of tho civil
war Mr. Toombs Hung his arms wildly
about him, cried out at tho top of his
voice, 'Uood-by, senators, good-by. I go,
nover to return." nnd strode out of tho
hall. And ho didn't como back neither,
though ho could If ho hnd wanted to.
Mr. Douglas was still another man who
used to lie rather cross. Tho troublo
with Mr. Webster and Mr. Douglas wns
they visited tho Holo in tho Wall too
"Tell mo nlxwt that holo In tho wall."
"Well, it was ono of tho famous Insti
tutlona of our early days. I'll givo you
a full history of It something that has
nover been told in print. It had Its
origin in linm and bread. Ono of tho
senators suggested to John Hcall. who
wns sergeiint-at-nrms away back In tho
thirties, that it would bo n good thing to
hnvo n llttlo luncheon set near by tho
tho hall, whoro hungry senators could
run out nnd get n bito to cat. So Dcall's
wlfo Ixiiled hams nnd mndo bread
and Henll brought them down nnd set
them up in n llttlo circular room just
north of tho rotunda and on tho cast sido
of tho corridor. Soon ho ntlded pickles,
nuts, snluda nnd such llttlo delicacies,
and tho plnco became very popular.
Then somebody suggested to Hcall that
thero ought to bo n bottlo of whisky
thero, and after tho whisky had been
procured thero camo n demand for gin,
rum, brandy, wino nnd nil eorta of
things. In a llttlo whllo tho plnco
becamo n regular saloon. Thero was
no bar, of course, not even n sideboard,
tho bottles and demijohns being set in
rows on tho shelves. For n long tlmo
tho senators used to go in thero and help
themselves to wlmtover they wanted,
nnd tho expenso wna run In under tho
contingent account na horse hire or some
thing like that. After n time tho stock
got 60 largo and tropulnr tlmt it waa no
uncommon thing to see u dozen senators
and their friends in there drinking and
having good times. Tho little room, not
moro than twelvo or fifteen feet In diam
eter, and taking its nnmo from tho fact
that it was simply a hole in tho wall,
lighted by only ono window, was often
badly crowded and a good ileal of confu
sion resulted in the arrangement of tho
stock, 60 that tho bcnntor who had a
fnvorito brand of liquor had much troublo
in finding it. Thus it becamo necessary
to put n man In charge, and nftcr a timo
tho expenso becamo so grent that it was
not easy to work it off In tho contingent
account. Then tho senators wero re
quired to pay for what they got, nnd
nftcr this was dono tho popularity of tho
'Holo in tho Wnll' fell off very rapidly.
Hut it was kept up till somo years nftcr
tho senate moved into Its present cham
ber in 18.VJ. It is a good tiling. I'm
thinking, tlmt tho walls of that dark llt
tlo room are dumb!
Hero Cnpt. Hassett drew from his
pocket n gold snuffbox, which tho sen
ntors presented him on tho liftietli mini-1
versary of his appointment as n pago.
"I learned snulllng." ho said, "from
Henry Clay. In handling the snuff box
for him I fell into tho liabit of taking n
pinch now und then, nnd have never j
quit. Mr. Clay was nn invetera'.o snuff '
taker. Dozens of times n day he used to (
motion to mo to get the snuff box which ,
wo then kept on a little stand near tho
vice president's desk. Moro than onco
did he stop in tho midst of n speech nnd
Dccuon to mo lor inouox, not continuing
till ho had taken n good pinch in Ids
leisurely way. 1 have seen him pause in
n speech, walk down the nisle, which,
perhaps, wus 60 crowded that ladies
would have to get up to let him pass, go
to the little stand, get his pinch of 6nuff,
and then return to his seat beforo resum
ing his speech. Ono day I asked him:
" 'Mr. Clay, why don t you bring your
own snuff box?'
" 'I'll tell you why," ho replied. 'If I
wero to bring my box hero I'd Imvo it on
tho desk in front of mo nil tho timo, nnd
being thus tempted I'd take too much
snuff. Now I can't get It without troub
ling you boys, and, ns I don't liko to do
that, you sco I use it in moderation.'
"And your look of reminiscences?"
"I am working at that now. I have a
pig box full of memoranda, and n writer
la helping mo put this mnss of material
Into shape. I had originally intended
bringing out my liook at tho end of fifty
years' servlco, but now I Intend waiting
threo years and making it an oven three
score years in tho United Stntes sennto."
That will surely bo n book worth read
ing. Walteu Wkllman.
Low Wallnco and James Whltcorub
RJloy wero tho nntivo uuthors princi
pally read in tho 0,000 public schools of
Indiana when tho birthday of tho state
was commemorated tho other dnv, ..
To be sold in next two months at
Hardy & Pitchers
A Complete Line of Folding Beds
now in Stock.
Pomeroy Coal Co.,
Office, corner 12th and O Sts. Yards, 9th and ,jth Sts.
J. R. LEMIST, Agent.
-Importer of Ladies',
Only House In the West that Imports Direct from ICuropc. Agents
in Paris, London and New York.
No. 1 5 14 Douglas Street, Omaha, Nebraska
Its central position nnd closo connocnon with EnBtorn linos ht Chicago
nnd continuous linos at , terminal points, WoBt, Northwest "and SoutS
,1ei?&!l&A!i' &? truo nUd',.,J?fc ,I?.thlit transcontinental chain T of stooP which
unltos tho Atlantic and Pac i no. Its, main 1 nos nnd brnnclioa includo . am
casro, Jollot, Ottawa, LaSallo, Pnorln, Qonosoo, Mollno and Hock Island hi
ill"11? t, Da.vonr.ort, Muscntlno , Washington, Pnlrllold, Ottumwa, Osknlodsn
iY,tHb,or,t5' l?wn. City, Dcib Moines, Indlahola, Wlnlorsot, Atlantic, Knox.!
vlllo, Audubon, Harlan, Guthrie Contra and Council Blulls, in Iowa' 'Gallatin
Trenton, camorcn. St. Joseph und Kansas City, in Missouri : taavonwortii
nnd Atchison, in Kansas; Minneapolis nnd St. x m, in K.nnosota Wntor
tpwn and Sioux Pulls In Dakota, nnd many other prosporous townu arid citios
It also oltora a CHOICE OP KOTJTES to and from tho Pacific T Coast Tand lnto
mod,laJ& PUsob, making all transfors in Unton dopots. Past Trains of lhTA
DAY cpAoHEi. olotrant DINING CARS, marallloont OIman pat!a&S
flrHtlnlnHatloi-ntTr "'""' -" "
first-class tlckots,
&??."m8 woBt and southwest from Kansas My and St. Joseph to Pair.
niFSl0!0,?' "orton, Topoka, Horinrxton, Hutchinson, Wichita, Caldwell
and all points In Southern Nebraska Interior Kansas; and boyond Entir '
BS5i5RRSWq?lipmont .of tho.polpbrotod Pullman manufacture. Solidly iaU
A0.2.Hn Pf hoavV stool rail. Iron and Btono brldcros. All oafoty nnnllancM
Is tho favorite botwoon Ghlearro, Rock Island, AtchlBon, Kunsas Oltv nnrt
i,nr1poila nnd St. Paul Tho tourist routo to all Northorh Summor Aosort
Its Watortown Branch travorses tho most productive lands of thn JSXfc
Comml 'Dakota? blfc" f Northorn Iowtt- SoutfVwosteui Minnesota! and ESS
Tho Short Line via Sonocn and Kunkakeo offers Bunoriorfacllltinntnoi
betwoon Cincinnati, Indianapolis, Lafnyotto, and Councl I 31u fls iBt inSSXS1
Atchison, Iavonworth, KansaB City, Mlnnoapolls, and I St. Paul ' Ht'Jo,,0Ph,.
For Tlckots, Maps, Folders, or any doslrod Information unniv to n r, .
ponTlCkotOffluo lntho Un toilStatuaor Gimnlk Ar,,ViH,iiippljr tonnyCOa
utnsrn aanajer.
"Misses' and Children's-
tc holdora of through
wf w. hu.uoq
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