CAPITAL, CITY COURIER, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 29, 1888. & ! MV FINE : ART : STUDIO 1214 O street fixnmlnc sample of our ork before ordering elsewhere. Cabinet 1'liOtogrnplis reduced from $lo $3 per cloren Ladies' & Gents' FINE SHOES At greatly reduced prices AT ff.W.WEBSTERS, 1043 O Street. E. T. ROBERTS & SON Undertakers and Embalmers. 212 North nth Street, Windsor Hold Annex, Telephones. Office 145. Residence 156. Open Day nnd 'Night. N. M. Ruddy, Practical Optician. A specialty made of expert Eye Glass Fitting. Glasses that rest the eye, 3000 kinds. 217 South 15th Street, Omaha, UsTeb- liss Ethel Howe, Teacher of Singing Room 131 Burr Mock. Hours, 10 A. M. to 6 P. M. Miss Claire F. Link, ti:aciieii ok Drawing and Painting Orders taken in Pastel and Oil. Room 131, : Burr Block. THE OMEATE8T AND BEST, The Victor The mohl popular, KIlfl'Kt llllll l'IIBlCt 1 Idlnn mnci.liio now before tho public. It hns won premiums mill medals over nil cnuiiictltors uud linn no superior. Bicycles and Tricycles ofnll sizes und dcKcrliitlniiH. ForculnloKUes, terms, I'll1., call or lulilri'Mri, 1-1. L.CASE, 109 North IHh Ht., Lincoln, Nebraska. WESTERFIELD'S Palace Bath Shaving PARLORS. Ladies -and -Children's -Hair -Cutting A Sl'KCIALTY. COR. 12 & O STS., NKW HURR IIL'K PEERLESS Steam Laundry, 3J7-331 N. nth Street. C. J. Pratt, Prop'r. Q. L. Maktin, City Solicitor. Fine Laundry Work a Specialty 'tKLKIMIONK 199. G-EO. E POEHLER, Ice Cream and Oyster Parors Bakery and Confectionery. 13J O Street LINCOLN, NEIL Families and Parties supplied with all delicacies at short notice. Ice Cream for party br private orders all during winter aeason. Telephone 457, "TfrtZUa "A BAD BOIL CURED." DR. TALMAQE ANALYZES RATION ALISM IN RELIGION. Chrlmlnnll)'' New foe Ilitllclout DWaco tlim nml tlio Untitling Awny f tho Oltt Ilrlluldii of ClirUt Arc Tntycra An wired? HiiootcLVN, Dee, SI. At tlio Tnbcrunelo today tlio Rev. T. Do Witt Tnlmnce, D. I)., read nml cxotmdcd n chapter nbout tlio multiplication of loaves mid folic. Tlio opening hymn was: Tlio morning llRht U breaking, Tlio dnrkmixs illApH'nr. Dr Tiitmapo took us tlio subject of bis nor uton, "A llnil Roll Curod." Tlio text nasi "1 Imvo heard thy prayer; liehold, I will hcul thea And Isiilnli said, Take u lump of tigs. And they took and laid It on tlio boll and bo recovered." II Kings, xx, 5, 7. Luxurious living I not healthy. Tlio second generation of kings, and queens, mid lords, and princes is apt to bo brainless and Invalid. Tlio second crop of grnss Is Almost always short. Royal blood is generally scrofulous. You will not bo surprised, then, to hear that King Ilezckiah had disorders which broko out in n carbuncle, virulent and dcatliful. Tlio Iord told 111 til ho mustdfo; ho did not mint to die. Ho turned his face to tlio vviill, m that his payer would not bo Interrupted, and cried to Ood for his Ufa God heard tlio prayer and an swered it, saying: "Heboid, 1 will heal tlico." Hut there was human Instrumentality to bo employed. This carbuncle needed 11 "cataplasm." That is a tough wont wo uso to show how much wo know. If in tlio pul pit wo nbvnjs used words tlio eoplo under stood, wo never should Imvo any repuUitloii for learning Well, this carbuncle needed n "cataplasm," which is n oultiea Your old mother, n ho doctored her own children in tho timo when physicians were not ni plenty as they oi-o now, will tell you that tho very host poultice is 11 llg, nud that was w hat sho used upon tho carbuncle of King Hezekiab. Tlio power of Ood, accompanied by this human instrumentality, cured tho king. In this ngo of discovery, when men know so much it almost kills them, and write so wisely it almost kills us, It has been found out that prayer to Qod is a dead failure. All things are arranged according to Inexorable law. There is no uso In praying to Ood for rain in timo of drought. Tho "weather probabilities" In tho morning papers will de cide tho question, rain or no rain, nud tho wholo nation in prayor before Uod would not tiring down n bluglo drop. 1 am not now 8cakiugof an imaginary theory, but of that which Is believed by ten thousand times ten thousand men. If sickness comes to your household, It will depend entirely upon ventilation, good diet, and tlio skill of tho doctors, as to whether your child gets well. Tho father might prny all day, and tho mother might prny all night It would not Imvo nny effect upon tho caso. If squills, belladonna, paregoric nml gmcl do tho work, your child will got well; if not, not. There is n cast iron Uod seated nt tho head of tho universe, holding in tlio cold grasp of his metal lingers a band of law from which nothing can break away. Men nml women of Ood, at this point tho great battle of Christianity Is to lie fought, i'liogreutfooof Christianity to day is ration nlisin, that comes out from our schools, and universities, and magazines nnd newspapers, to scolf ut lliblo truth nud caricature tlio old religion of Jesus. It hays Jesus Is not Uod, for it is Impossible to explain how ho can bo dlvino and human at tlio same time. Tho lliblo Is not Inspired, for therm aro things in It that they don't like. Regeneration is a farcoi there Is good enough in us, nud the only thing is to bring It out. Development is tho wont development. ThoUardeuof Edcuisn fairy story and no mnro to bo believed than tho " Arabian Nights," or "Gulliver's Travels," or "Rubin son Crusoe." Wo all started as ba boons, and r.rc blood relations to Hint monkoy squirming about on the top of that hand or gan. Luzai us was not dead w hen Christ pro tended to ralso him; ho won only playing dead. Tho water was not changed into wluo at tho wedding, but Christ brought iu somo wino that ho had found chow hero to mako up tho deficiency. Christ did not null; on tho tea, but. on tho shore, so near that it seemed ns If no really wero on tho water. Whut is stl 1 moro alarming is, that Chris tian men dare not meet this ridicule. Thero Is not one Christian man iu live that can, tin blanched, stand iu tho presence of nil this rail lery, aiylng: "1 beliovo In tho wholo lliblo, ami In every single statement that it makes." Christian men try to soften tho lliblo down to suit the skeptics. Tho skeptics sneer nt tho dividing of tho Red sea; and tho Christian goesi to explaining that tho wind blow 11 hur ricane from 0110 direction n good while, until all the water piled up; nud besides, that it was low water anyhow, and so tlio Israel ites went through without any trouble. Why not bo frank nnd say: "I beliovo tho Lord God Almighty camo to tho brink of tho Ited sea, and with his right arm swung back tho billows on tho right sldo, and with his left nrm swung hack tho billows on tho left side, and tho abashed water stood up hundreds of feet high, while through their glassy wall tho sea monsters gazed w ith affrighted eyes on tlio passing Isrcalites" Tho rationalist comes to you saying: "How nbout Jonah and tho whale Do you really beliovo that ilsh story i"' There wero nover so many Nan tucket fishermen after 0110 whale ns thero havo been rationalists Hinging harpoons at tho Mediterranean sen monster, nnd from that 0110 whalo they havo got enough oil to light ten thousand souls to perdition. A bkeptio tells you that Jonah would havo been killed iu thy process of swallowing, and that ho could not, nnyhow, havo lived three days in such close quarters, but would havo been smothered by the poor ventilation. How tho good Christians immediately goto work, and try to explain tho wholo thing by natural laws, so ns to plcaso tho ration alists, nud say that n whalo is nn air breeding ilsh; that every little whllo It comes to tho surface, nud that tho whalo that swallowed Jonah did tho samo thing, anil thus got a supply for Itself nnd for tho prophet. Why not rather say that God can do nuythlng; and ho could tnko Jonah through tho whalo' throat, although tho throat would not havo been half largo enough ordinarily to let him pass, and could havo kept him alive in tho whalo live years without any air, If ho had chosen to) Who mado tho whulof Uod, Who made Jonah? God. Then ho could do nuythlng ho pleased with eltacr of them. WHAT KEUAINH OV Till'. SIDLE WITHOUT MVHTUltVl Tho moment you begin to explain away tho miraculous and supernatural you surren der tho Uible. Tako tho supernatural out of the lliblo, and you make it a collection of lies and humbugs, in prcfcrcnco to which I chooso "iEsop's Fables.," They nro what they Sretcnd to bo fables. Hut If, after all that tho ible declares, Jesus is not Uod, nn I Lazarus was not raised from tho dead, und tho water was not turned into wine, and tho Red sen was not divldnd, nnd iu answer to prayer Hezeklnh's boil did not get well, then tho'lll blots tho worst fraud ever ierpetrated in God's uuiverso. Ahl my friend, bnvo wo been mlstnkoul lloe Ood hear nnd answer prayer, or iloo bo tiotl llctcklnh win sick unto dentb ho prayed for his life; 0hI hoard him, nnd lidded fifteen years to that lifetime, Tho prayer saved him tho lump of llgs applied being merely tho Ood npKinted liunmii In strumentnlity. "Hut," says somo one, "I don't liellevo tlio lliblo." Ah I then wo will havo to part com pany for four or live minutes, for It Is useless totrytonrguo with nny man with whom you cnniiot stand upon common ground. Iu nny nrgunient, If you would Ito successful, thero must lw some common dntn to start from, It is foolish to try to prove to n man that twice three nro six, provided ho docs iiotndmit tho mulllplleatlou tallies or that two and two nro four, If ho docs not admit the addition tnblo. My llrst address, therefore, Is to those who do believe In the lliblo. I want to tell you that prayer Is tho mightiest of nil remedies, nnd Hint tho allopathic and liomeoatlila nnd tho eclectic schools will yet acknowledge it. Hero aro two cases of slekniws precisely allko; tho snmo kind of medicine Is given to both of them, and In tho same quantities. Tho one patient recovers, nud tho other does not. Why I God blesses tho one remedy, nnd does not bless tho other, l'rnyer has helped many a blundering doctor through with a eno that would havootherw Iso become completely umnaiiageablo. There Is such n thing ns Gsiel hygiene, ns Christian phar macy, ns divine materia medlca. That Is n foolish man who, Iu caso of sick ness, goes only to human resources, when wo havo theso Instances of the lord's help In tho sick room. Ileforo you call tho doctor while ho Is there, nnd nfter ho goe.s nway look up to him who cured Hezo klah. Ietthon)othecnry send the oultlcc, but God ninkcs it draw. Oh I I am glnd to havo tt doctor w ho knows how to pray. Uod send salvntlon to all tho doctoral Hlckncs w uli Ik) oftener balked, death would bo of teuer hurled back from tho door sill if med ical men came Into the sick room llko Isaiah of tho text, with a prescription In their hands nnd tho word of tho Iird In their mouths. BOMK MKN WHO IIKI.lUVKll IN I'llAYKtt. John Abercromble, the most celebrated physician of Hcotlnud, prayed when ho went Into tho sick room, and ho wrote no more nbly nbout "diseases of the brain ' than nliout "tho philosophy of tho moral feelings." I don't know how much of tho medical success of Sydenham, nud Coo;n-r, nnd Harvey, nnd Rush dooii(lcd upon tho fact that they know how to prny as well as to prescribe. I don't wautu physician who sees no Uod In human anatomy to doctor my broken bones. If God mndo us (nud 1 think ho did), nnd if the Uiblo Is true (and I mil rntlicr disposed to think it Is), then It Is notstningo that prayer does traverse natural cause; ay, that It In troduces a now cause. When Uod mndo tho law, ho did not mako it so strong ho could not break ft. If Uod mndo our Ixxllcs, when thoy nro broken ho Is tho 0110 to mend them; nud it fsicnsounhlotlmtwuHhouldcnllhimln to do It. If my fiiruaco In tho collar breaks down, thero Is no 0110 so competent to repair it us tho manufacturer. If my watch stops, there is no one so competent to sot It going ns tho otio who made it If tho body is disordered, call In tho Maker of It, It is not nil, us theso physicists tell us, n matter of ventilation or poisoned ulr, of cleanliness or dirt, of nutritious diet or poor faro. 1 havo known pooplo to get well (11 rooms wlicrotho windows had boon six weeks down, tight shut, nnd 1 havo known them to dlo right under patent venlllutors. I havo known children sickly who every day had their bath, and I Imvo known children robust, tho washing of whoso faces would make their features unrecognizable. Uod did not make tho law nud then run nway from IL What Is a law of nature? It is only Uod'g usual way of doing things. Rut he has said that if his children usk htm to do n thing, and ho can consistently do It, ho will doit. Uo on with your plll.s and plasters, nnd nostrums, nud elixirs, and your catholicon, but remember that the mightiest agency in your recovery is prayer, l'rnyer to Uod brought the king's cure, tho lump of llgs lieing the Uod directed human Instru mentality. 1 would havo you nlso seo for It Is another lesson of tho subject that our prayer must also bo accompanied by means. It is nn out rage to ask Uod to do 11 thing white wo sit indolent The prayer, to bo acceptable, must como not only from tho heart, but from tho hands. Wo must work while wo prny, dovotlonnnd work going together. Luther camo to Melnucthon's bedside nnd prayed for his recovery, nud insisted, nt tlio snmo time, that ho should tako somo warm sou)), the soup being just ns important us tho prayer. Iu too timo of tho greut plague that camo to York, of England, tho priests prayed nil night and all day for tho removal of tho plague, but did not think of clearing out tho dead dogs and cats that lay iu tho gutters, causing tho sickness. Wo must uso means as well as supplications. If n man has "even ing prayers," asking for health, and then sits down to a full supper of Indigestible at U o'clock nt night, his prayer is a mockery. A farmer has no right to pray for tho safety of his family when ho knows thero Is no cover on tho cistern. Tho Christian man, reckless nbout his health, ought not to expect tho samo answer to his prayer ns tho Christian man expects w ho re tires regularly ut 10 o'clock at night, and takes his morning lath with tho appendix of a Turkish towel, l'nul said to tho passengers of tho Alexandrian corn ship that they should got safe ushore, but ho told them they must uso means, nnd that was: "Stick to tlio old shipl" God is not weak, needing our help, but God Is strong, nud asks us to co-operato with him that wo may bo strong, too. 1'ray by all means, but don't forget tho llg poul tice. THE EITICACV OV I'llA VUU ILU'STUATED. That Uod unsworn prayers offered iu tho right spirit, seconded by our own effort, is tho first und tho Inst lesson of this text, nud it is u lessun Hint this ngo needs to learn. If all communication liutwecn earth und heaven is cut off, let us know it If all the Chris tian praj ers that nro going up toward Uod never reach him, then, 1 say, let sileneosmito tho lips of tho nlllicted world, and tho nations smother their groans nnd dio quietly. Uod does answer prayor. Tlio text shows it You say: "I don't beliovo tho Uihlo; I think that thoo things wero merely coincidences, which are often brought us answers to prayer." Do you say that? Was it mere happen so that Rlij.ih prayed for rnln Just us tho rnln was going to como anyhow I Did Daniel pray iutho wil l bcusU' dcu Just attho timo when all tho lions happened to havo locjfjiwi Did Jcus pray nt tho gravo of Lazarus just at tho time when 1izarus was going to dress hmioolf uud como out anyhow? Did Jesus loso his place in li.s sermon, und uuko 11 mistake, wneu ho muI: "Ask, and it shall bo given you; seek, nnd jo shall Und; knock, nud It shall Iw opened unto youC And, lest some were so stupid they could not urderstaud it, ho goes on; "For every 0110 tlmtuseth rocoivcth; and ho that seokoth fludeth; and to him that kuocUeth it shall bo opened," Hut some ono persists In saying: "I don't beliovo anything of tho Uiblo." Then 1 ap jieal to jour own instincts. 1'raycr in cer tain circumstances is as natural to iiinn as tho In tho pulso, as tho ivspiratiou of tho lungs. I'utacompauyof iiicn-I don't 0110 how bad they are in somo imminent peril, nnd they will cry outt "Uod Ikvt mercy on u I" 1 challongn that thoto men who don't bollof 0 In prayer charter a steamer, ro out In tho Narrows, swing out 800 or WO tulles to sen, and then heave to and wait for a cyclone. And nfter tho cyclone comes nud tho vessel has gnno under ton times, when thoy did not expect It would rise again, nnd thn bulwarks Imvo been knocked In, nnd tho masts are gone If they do not pray I will surrender my theory Do you toll me that this Instinct winch Uod has put In us. lie put there Just to mock us for his own cruel numseiiient? If Uixl Implanted that instinct In the huiunn heart It was hccnuo In hi own heart there was something nwxinsv To prove that Uod does hear iirmer, I put on the witness stand Abraham. Isaac, Jacob, Lreklel, Jeremiah. Mlcah. John, 1'iiul, I'eter und IClng lleeklah I'd I me, yo ancient Kittle Holds, yo Oriental threshing Moors, ye Jlldean corn Ileitis, yu Uallleau iWilng smacks, is dod deaf and dumb and blind Ixv fore nil huiuau Hititlonl That Und answers prayer, I hung tho ten millions facts of Christendom to prove. There has never pajier enough como out of the pnMT mills to write the story Has not ninny 11 mother prayed back her bad hoy from the ends of tho onrtli from Canton, from .Madras, from Constantinople until ho knelt beside her In thoold homestead? Havo there not been doit poradoes and renegade who Imvo looked Into tho door of n praj er meeting to laugh nnd scoff nt It, who have Ihsmi drawn by tho power of prayer, until they ran to tlionltnr crying out for mercy? Did not tlio black smith Iu Lyons, N Y., prny to Uod until there camo n great awakening Hint shook tho community! A HTOItV OK HOW PIlATRttH WKHIt ANRUTCIlltn. In my parish In I'hltudclphlu 0110 night nt n meeting I asked a young man to go Into 11 room at the side of tho church nnd talk upon the tlieine of religion, lie grew violently angry, and shook his lists at 1110. Wo re solved to prny for that young man, and wo pray is I that ho might yield his soul to Uod. And when, next night nt tho meeting, tho side door wns Hung oxm, ho was tho llrst to step iu. l'rnyer had captured him. I had n classmnto In college, whoso uncle, Dr John Bcudder, of India, wrote to him, saying, "1 will pray for you every day until such a day, and thep I will glvo my intention to somo other subject'' Tho last day of thuso prayors, when they had all gathered up lieforo tho throne of Uod, my classmate surrendered his soul to Jesus. This Is 110 second hand story. I saw- the letter, nud I know the young mail. Hut why should I go so far? I havo had III my own experience, nud I hnvo had In tho history of my own family, tho evidence that Uod answers prayer. My mother, with threo Christian women, assembled week after week and prayed for their children; thoy kept up that prayer meeting of four htsoiis year after year Tho world know nothing of It. Uixl answered nil those prayers. All tho group came iu, the eleven sous and daughters of my mother camo Iu, myself tho last Sickness camo to my household heirless sickness, us it seemed to ninny. At !l o'clock on Saturday afternoon tho Invalid was car ried to tho steamer for Savannah. At 11 o'clock tho next day, being Sunday, stnudlng In this very place, a man of Uod pmyed for tho recovery of tho sick one. At that time, II o'clock, sho who hail been prostrated threo weeks, with some help walked up on deck. Tho occurrence wns ns near to loliig miracu lous ns 1 can Imagine That sho wns hopo lessly kick, )eoplo who sat up with her night after night, ami are here, can testify. That tho pruyer for her recovery was offered It this pulpit, thousands of people could testify. That ut 11 o'clock on that Sunday morning sho walked up on deck, as by a miraculous recovery, I call tho passengers on the San Jacinto, commanded by Cnpt Atkins, Dec, 10, to testify. This Is no second baud story. I'rayer iuqiotentl If 1 dared to think thero was no force iu prayer, methiiiks Uod, after nil ho has done for mo nnd mine, would strike mo dead. l'rnyer Imjiotcutl Why it is tho mightiest force In tho universe. Lightning has 110 speed, tho Alpine nvnlaneho has no power, compared with it Will you let the abstractions nnd tho vnga rlcs of n few skeptics, or n good many skejv tics, stand besiilu tho experience of Ucu. Haveloek, who camo out iu front of tlio Eng lish uriiiy, lifted his hat, nud called upon tho Lord Almighty? or of Ueorgo Washington, who nt Valley Korgo was found iikiii his knees iu pruyer? or of William Wlllicr force, who went from tho Hritish p-iiliament to tho closet of devotion? or of L-nmier, who stood with his hands on (Ire, In martyrdom, praying for his persecutors? Was Washington weak? Wus Haveloek weak? Was Wilberforcu weak? Was Latimer weak? Iliing all tho affairs of your store, of your soul, of ) our body, of your friends, of your church, before him, nud tho great dny of eternity will show you that tho best In vestments you over mado wero your prayers, mid though you may havo broken promises you made to Uod, God nover broko his prom ises to yon. liCt God bo tnio, though every man bo found a liar. I'ltAVEIW AUK ALMOST I.NVAIHAni.V AN SWEHED. And now, In conclusion, I have to present you somo checks, blank checks, on tho bank of heaven, written iu blood, nnd signed by tho hand wounded on tho cross. It is not safe for you togivo 11 blank cheek with your name to it You do not know what might bo written ubove. Hut here Is n hlan 1; chock which God says lean Is signed by tho handwriting of tho lord Jesus Christ, nnd you can 1111 it up with any thing you want to. "Ask, nnd it shall bo given to you; seek, and yo shall find." 1 do not say that your prayer w ill bo unswered iu Just tho way you exjiect, but 1 do say It will lw answered in the liost way. Oh! will you trust him? This is tlw outcomo of all this subject If 1 should ask tho men uud women In this midleneo who havo found God 11 prayer answering Uod to nso up, you would nearly nil nso up. Iu timo of darkness uud trouble, as iu timo of light and prosjicnty, ho an swered you. I commend you to that God to whom your parents dedicated you in in fancy. They behoved so much iu prayer that their last word was a supplication for i on. Haviug heard you in days of pro$ierity, he will not reject your last petition, whon in tho darkoued room, nfter they havo wlxl thu tlsw of uVinth from your brow, nnd tho wholo gTonp of loved ones havo kissed you good-by, you havo only strength enough loft to pray: "Lord Jesus, receive my spirit I" Women us Dairy rurnirra. Two young Indies, Miss Jcnnnht Wolfo and her sister, liave gone Into tho dairy business In Now Orleans. They have largo stables, milk many cows, nud have overy procct of success. There nro soverl ladies In various parto of tho city and suburbs ho nro en gaged iu dairy farming. It pa s well, und is a womanly nml healthful employment, and is not su uncertain its tho poultry husmceu. Another Now Orleans woman u ho stands in a storo nil day has become u pig farmer. Two or threo onk trees in tho yard of her tiny homo clvo butllclcut most for her ts. Tho cobt of kcopiug them bus been merely nom inal, nnd sho expects during Curutmas weolc to sell t.V) worth of young pigs. Thero aro so many home Industries open to women that pay well nud nre possible for women who nre eugaged iu other works. New Orleam I'ion-yuua New Year Calling Cards. 1 t:r As this beautiful custom of mlllng on New Ycnrs' tiny Is lo be moro Kcucrnlly observed limn heretofore, The Wcsscl Printing Co., linn received 11 line of the llnesl CALLING CARDS ever shown In the City. The line comprises n variety of tlio fluent nnd most nitlstlc designs, ranging in price fiom $ 1.50 to .ftjn.mpcr hundred1, FOR BUSINESS MEN we have nlso n flue line of New Year Souvcnlcrs to send by mall. These nro liniulsomcly lllumlnnlcd, have envelopes and arc perfect models of nrt. We shall be pleased to quote prices, or scud agent If requested. Telephone 353, Wessel Printing Company, Couniisw Oinnoifr AVir nuitit ni.OCK. The stock now being new nud complete It would ho well for patrons (o call eariy before the assortment Is broken and best designs nre taken. Most Popular Resort in the City. ODELL'S DINING HALL, MONTGOMERY IILOCK, 1 1 19, 1 1 2 1 and 1 1 23 N Street. Meals 25 cts $'l-5o per week. rSfcv sflWV 1027 Q STREET, Where all .duds of Buggies, Carriages or Saddle Horses, Can be bad at nnv 11c, Day or Night, on short notice Horses Boarded and .. .aken care of at Reasonable Rates Call and see us, un Q street, or give all orders by Telephone 1.1,7. From Mother Goose To IS THE RANGE OF HOOKS AT H. W. BROWN'S, CALL AND SICK Til KM. 1J7 S. HLKVKNTII ST. COOPER'S Merchant Tailoring ESTABLISHMENT, Webster & Hriscoc Block, 1298011th nth Street. J. W. SMITH, Representative. We carry n Full and Complete line of Foreign and Domestic Clothi In nil Shades and Colors. Afro at Mriuhitit, III., Allium, III. nml l.yoni. In. "OUR MOTTO" Fliio sVoi-lc, Corroot Stylos, Popular Prices. MAX lYIBVEIs: & BRO, LINCOLN PIANO PARLORS, C. M. HANDS, Manager. Dciilfi-s hi IiIkIi Knido IMiimw: The Mnndnnl Stelnwnv .t Shu'h, t'lilekerliiB nnd Kiialaj Co. he i-lfKMit Hi'hr Ilrcw. .t Co. ami Vuso fc Sn, tlm ilurnhlo .lames M. Starr A Co., tho celebrated Story A Clark owum. l'lanns wild on Installments or for cash. Olil liiMniiuentti taken In ex ihaiiKi'. An limitation uxti-nlM to all to oxainluo these liistruiiivnl and Ki-t prices that you can not get elsewhere. 1222 O ST. 1222 OST. CAPITAL Steam Dye and Cleaning Works S. R. MANN, Proprietor. Ladles and Cents' Clothing Cleaned, Dyed nnd Repaired on Short Notice. Twenty five per cent discount on all lMusdies, Velvets and Sealskins Steamed for the next Sixty Days. , FINEST LIVERY RIGS In the City nil come from thu Graham Brick Stables Herbert Spencer 14: North 11 th Street. A JJ a