Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, December 22, 1888, Page 8, Image 8

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, yyj- .v .i,mviitm
m'l'l ""'!' f
930 P Stroot,
And Ranges.
Km L-aMMMr KfuiJ WIT Ar:'IHJiUW!
Gold Coin Ventiduct.
Saturday Evening, Dec, 22
Corner I Oth and P Stret.
Tlio CuUlilKH will nut Ik? reHpoiwIblo for
nny debt made liy nny onu I" It" nnmu, tin
is n w rltten order iiecomtunloH tlio same,
propei ly signed,
L. Wkhmki., Jr., Prop'r.
Holiday Presents I
AT Til K
HI H. 10th tt under Y. M. 0. A.
Hat n Fine Stock suitable (or the HOLI
DAYS, Including
Sets or Single Yolumes of the Best Authors
Teachers, Family nml Pocket MULES.
Albums, Children's Picture nnd Story
Hooks, Etc., Etc.
Herpolsheimer & Co.
A fllngulnr Now r
Ni'iiroi' of tlm Mouth.
F tlm otil
customs of
southern stntes,
now tlmt tlio no
groos havo lioon
free for nearly a
rjunrtor of n con
tury, nmny nro oh
solito Tlio "old
icrrctunli," ns tlio
ficofl colored Chris
tians (till their vcciillm hynn, nro cither
given up entirely or inodornlrod nml refined
till tin1' nro barely recognisable. Hut ns the
old gov mid tlio now takes Its place, wo enn
still seo and It Is a "icrsltonc of tyjxi"
worth tlio fitti'iitlon of philosopher tlmt tlio
genius of tho original African Is still there.
Tlio sour tuny lio an adaptation from Vitts'
II) inns; hut nil tlio snmo It Is nu Africanized
When n trnvolcr or innn of science nttrnds
ft "colored lovlvnl'Mn tlio Imck districts of
tlio gulf state nml hour this roaring chorus
from ono thousand throats
I si's fit IVInli n Manilla' In tlm do',
An' nil my frli'u' hnt went lefo
Dip In (ho Golden HcaI
0, illp inn, hatha mo, Mitalis, you)
O, lirotliors, won't you help mo through?
Wo'll nil rlilo liolilnil tliu milk white Bloods
An' dip In tlio (loldcn Bon.
perceives nt onco tlmt this Is African,
tooth In-
Teeth Inserted Frr of Charge,
, jjoyoaj, cnsier, miner wnnia 10
SSMll 1,At' tlt fthumui'wiitf nt rr.t ilntr
...a...... A tilnMlt IAr . . " J n n
" r" Mrtkl.nT-. . .! .j,
I" yuiKDenitatI(rnlflaintly)-VolI, I
slave rckontbo cheapest 'way that I know Is to
tlio ' como nnditeiitlny apples when my hull dog's
nround. Now York Jnurnnl.
HiKin Miors.
Tlio Courier Vim ho Pound At
Windsor Hotel Now Htnmt,
Jnpltul Hotel Now Htnnil,
Oilell' Dining Hull News Htnnil.
OIiikou A Fletcher's, 1110 O Htreot.
A.T. LoiuIiikAIVh., HlnJO Htreot.
ThnOntliiiiu NowsHliiuu, IIS Houtli lit U HI.
Kellli lints., Ill Ninth llth Htieet.
Kit. Youiik, KUDO Street.
Hilton AKiullh, ISIIO
J. Htclnhcrg, O st, upp, poMoftleo.
Drown' Cafe, ncur Windsor hotel.
Rock Springs, Wyo., Jackson
of Col., Walnut Blook, Mis
souri Block, and Lackawanna
Office 115 South Tenth St.
Tolephono 360.
A. Nowicki, K. D.
In seatch of Holiday 'resents for their
friends vail find a large line of elegant and
uieful articles at W. F. Dennis tin O
Stiert. Ladies' and fiewi' Furs, Seal Cas
and Seal Clou's, Lined Kid Glows and Mit
ten, Silk Mitten, Gold and Sdi-er Handle
Bilk Umhellas, Men' Smohiig Jackets,
Silk Mufflers, Silk and l.ineu llandkerchiejs,
ilk Unices, Silk Hat Hoe, Full litest
Shirts, Fmbroldcicd Night Fobes, a large
line of AWltiYiir, esftxially designed for
Holiday trade. Leather Collar and Cnjf
Foxes and fine Travelling Fags and Fur
Fugs. Imfiction solicited.
lrnrmnrlf llrflfi.ttilnr lit till! IllllVOrsltV !
cow. Dr. Nowlckl 1ms recently returned
Jromrnrls.VlennrtiindntliurKuropciin cities,
whero ho luiHtieoii study tint tliu now ; Hystom
of treatment of his specialties, feinnlo com
plaints ntul 11 cr, kidney nml eye discuses.
Holiday Goods !
Would very respectfully mggest that
jrou make It a point to see that large and
elegant line of Toys, NoycUIcs, Fancy
Goods, Notions, Slelglu, Express Wngons,
Crockery, Quecnswarc, Glaki.ore, and nl
kinds ol Holiday Presents now offered at
tlic lowest possible prices at the Great
Ten Cent Store.
no South nth Street.
l.nrnl nml t'crsoiml.
WhltohrcAst Conl nml Llmo Comjvnny.
Tnko Turkish nt HMO O street,
Tlia l't Tens. ti. V .Htovous Si Co.
Tolephono nt the CouittKll olllco is iV).
Odoll's (lining hall, 'Jl tickets for e.00.
Hnllot, dlnmouds and wntchiM, 113 N llth.
Nobby stylo lint mid lino nockenr nt
Canon City Coal ngalu at tlio Whltobrcakt
nl nnd I.huo Co.
IjicknvMina nnd Kcniutnn lianl coal hold
only by Hutchin t Hyatt,
Cnnon City coal delivered to nil part of
city. Call up telophono 225.
Only plnco In Llnoulu that uxeH mineral
water in tilths is at 1U1II O street.
Ily nil odds tlio fliut lino of pocket cutlery
In tlio city nt Zc lining & llenkloV.
Mcmlotfl, tlio most popular coal on tho mar
ket, volu only by iitchiu it Hyatt.
For ticket to Oregon or Washington ter
ritory point apply nt 115 So. Illlh st.
Tnko tho C. it N. W. through vestlhuksl
sleeper to Chicago. Olllco 115 Ho. luth st.
Quilted satin nnd fancy knit sklrU for
ladle nnd children nt Horpolshulmor & Co'.
Kino Tens, Splcos, nnd tho Inrgest lmo of
Kino Urocei ten In tlio city, nt 8. 1. Htovens.
Dr. II. K, Hailoy, ofllco nnd resldenco comer
of KourttHiiith nml I, street. Tolephono 017.
811k handkerchiefs, mulllers, neckerchiefs,
Heriwtshclmer & Co., displays in all tho nov
elties ot tho season.
Everything new and neat, finest menu nnd
best cook In tho city nt Carder's European
lvMiiuiiint, Wl 1 bluet.
Tliollnestorkln tho city nt IlaydcnV
photographic studio. l'JM O stroot. 8eo our
lino tampion of m t work.
Tho holiday deimrtnient of HerpoWielmor
& Co., In toys, fancy goods, novelties, etc.,
is complete In it 'nrluly.
not Hnxon, Imngery. And liy tho oyo of
sclontlilo faith ho can look back .TOOyenr to
tho tlmo when tlio nneostora of theso ieoplo,
under tho palm or on tho snmly shore, snug
nml rioted In prnlso of lleumimuckn or
MuuiImi Jumbo.
Tho negroes hn n nlso hnd ono cxpcrlonco
common to nil freed eoplo. At first thero
rn n violent reaction ngnlnst o,crythlng
thnt belonged to slavo tlmcsi thoy carefully
discarded tho most trilling custom which
might servo to Imply n slavo origin. Ily and
by, when tliolr freedom una nu nssured thing
nnd taken ns n mnttor of courso, thoro was n
counter reaction; thoy took up tho old song
nnd customs, but gnvo them n tono that im
plied n seiiso of tlcllvcrnuca Thus, "Holl,
Jordan, roll," heenmo nn emancipation song,
nnd "Old Nlcodomus" was completely trans
formed. And by n similar exolutlon ono
phaso of tho old "Juba dnneo" liocanio
" Wnlklng Egypt." This Is, In plain English,
only it mildly religionized form of tlio walk
ing (lnnoo or dancing walk which tho Afri
cans, llko nil henllien tKxinlo, havo always
hnd. Tho Indians' "corn danco" nnd "sun
dnnco" nro but variations of tho samo thing,
Hut "Walking Egypt," ns It now is, date
from emnticliintlou, and Is rformed on
Now Year's ovc that Is, hen they "wntch
tho old year out nnd tho now year In." Ono
description, by n whlto lady who saw It from
tho gallery of n Georgia church, Is ns fol
lows: "Tho lender took his plnro on tho floor nnd
began tho wild, half barbaric chant; then
ono by ono, as tho excitement grow, tho
others followed. Boon tho wholo lino was in
it tremor of excitement, mid shout mid Inv
pro vised lines llko these:
Who' tint yomlali dressed In lilackr
Oh, It's nn angel dretwed In black.
"Tho walk is by n slight forward jerk of the
foot. As tho walkers wanned to their work
nnd grow wilder In their movement It wns
easy to seo w by tho Iiottcr educated colored
people-nro opposed to tho walk; for tho men
nnd women took most abandoned attitudes.
Tho sceno recalled pictures of tho orgies of
'hashish' innddened fanatics. Tho walk went
on for hours, up ono nltlo nml down tliu
other, now one taking tho, place of thoso
I IavcTirrivoil, aiid their store is completely decorated
vithimiiHlreds of appropriate articles for Christmas.
Silk Handkerchiefs, Silk Mufflers,
Fancy Celluloid Articles,.
Sachets, Work I3oxes, Collar and Cuff Cases, Etc., Etc.
mf Call and ee these Goods.
J. $? D. NEWMAN, 1026 O St.
Holiday Presents
Don't fail to
sec the
Stock of DIAMONDS,
nely has burled his money kOPERA GLASSES, GOLD PENS, ETC.
, hut you may look for do 9
NOTICF. Most of these goods vere bought within thcr
for cash, at extremely low prices, and will be
can huy these goods, especially
' '
Watches and Dia-
1 13 North 1 ith Street
who dropped out cxhaustctl; nml nt daylight
sovcrnl of tho participators were down on
their knees, still crawling around tho
Tho "Egypt" part of It is nn evident refer
ence to tho "Walk" of tho Israelites out of
bondage, for that is n parallel caso In tho
mind of every frcedmau. Hut in prosnlo fact
tho "wnlk" Is only ono of tho thousand wnys
in which undeveloped eoplo mingle tho re
ligious manifestations with tho social, tho
musical and Anally tho -oluptuo'us. And, of
court.", ns tlio excitement Increases tho first
clcmviit ields to tho second mid lioth to tho
Inst, In sho-t, tho walk Is but tho survlvnl
of some old African fetich worship, and is
therefore posslblo only among tho undiluted
black of thomo-it Ignorant class. Itlssim
plo matter of truth nnd justice to ndd that
no freed iooplo in history havo over pro
gressed fnster than tho negroes; nnd If thoy
maintain their present rnto of development,
,wit-w ... - t IMtllJtttllt . 'I-'VM ...vw w. ,,u,v.w..v.,.,
In furs nnd fur trim ing Herpolsheimer another generation will seo tho last of
& Co. bhow ft very complete line nt ns near
furrier prices as possible.
Kor Handkerchiefs, Mullleis, cto. for tho
holiday go to Ashby & MIllHpaugh'b Thoy
havo the llucxt lino (11 the city.
Ktamplng nnd lino needle work is made a
specialty nt tho Ijulies' Ait and Furnishing, 1!M Bouth Twelfth Htreot.
80 intiiiy Cluiittmns gift are mndo of
fat In. Athby & MIllsmugh aro selling nil
the now art shades at J5c a yaid.
Tako the bet mid only 0110 through tom
line, C. & N. W. to Sioux City, Minneapolis
nnd 8t, l'aul, olllco 115 So. Kith st
Exerj body can iitTonl to eat nt tho leading
reNorFJirtho city now, Tho price of 'Jl tick
tts now nt Oilell' U only l-rcilucod from
Our Acorn Heater nml nn Acorn Ilango
will bring comfort mid contentment to nny
household. W. H. AVoleott, agent, 'XM south
Hocking Valley conl can bo obtained from
IIutchlus& Hyatt, 1141 0 street or telephone
calls for all other kinds of coul will leccivt
prompt attention, Telophono 225,
J. & 1), Newman's holldny gooih havo ar
rive! 1 ami am now on sale nt their usual low
priced. Many novelties ami lot of suitable
present nro to bo found on their counters.
Not U.
Vontii H. llaldwlu, defendant, will take no
tice tlmt oh the 1st day of l)eeinlr, ImW, Or
mm U. llaldwlu, jiliilntlir, llletl his petition
Nelirunku.ntfiiliut said defondunt. tlio olih-et
ami pruyer of which nro toootuln n decree of
uivorcu iroiu 1110 Ham iieiemiiini nir oxireino
oruelly to ilie plalntirfuml that you nro re
milred to answer said ihiIMIoii on or Wore
the it) day of February, i8go.
DuteU December XI, lk-.
, , m OH80N O. BALDWIN,
Vlutntlir, by Pound it llurr, hU uttornwy.
"Walking Egypt."
A Slninoiio New Vcur.
All Sinmcso birthdays nro celebrated at
Now Yeur's, nnd at this tlmo tho curious cus
tom of "linlr cutting" is observed. When n
boyrenches tho ngoof 11 or 15, nnd ft girl
thnt of 0 or lit, they nro considered no longer
children. Up to this tlmo a tuft of hair Is
allowed to grow just nbovo tho forehead, and
Is nlwuys ilrcbtud with great care. It is
twisted Into a graceful knot nml hold to
gether with n long gold or jeweled pin. At
tho baso of tills knot Is worn ft wreath of
frnsrant whlto flowers. Tho ceremonies of
hair cutting often last flvo or six days. It is
tho "coming out party" of tho boy or girl,
ami thereafter they aro not permitted to
mlnglowith tho other sex ns children, but
nro considered to havo arrived nt n mar
riageable age.
A Happy Now Ycarl Why not? Tlio path
of duty Is tho path of safety ever, and tho
separations of tho good aro for tlmo alone.
Wo nro moving Inn vcritablo Journey. Our
carthboat swims through seas of light bus
talned by tho owcr that lauuchod it into
Havo your shrubbery In tho front yard
boxed upon New year's day. Wo onco know
a Galveston culler, an otherwise rstimuble
young man, to tumblo down tho front steps
of a lordly mansion and break a vuluablo
trco all to flinders with his head.
Carl Diiudnr' I'lillimuphy.
Der man mltoutnny honor vhlllshncar by
It shunt a queek ns nnyKxly clt-o.
801110 men demand n certificate of charac
ter simply (localise doy iy doir debts. It
ha n biirprlKu to 'cm,
I haf seen men who vho too good to bcatn
street car mlt n lead nickel. Doy nfterwards
roblicd der Uink of 130,000 und skipped to
801110 folks glf n poor family a. turkoy for
Thanksgiving, und boiiio glf 'cm 11 sheet of
piano music. It vims all iter s.imo thing,
oxcept dot der musio doon' make anybody
I haf found out dot der tlcf who plots to
steal my horxo goes along mlt his head down
shustdcr same ash dor man who repeats der t a 'pni iro
Lord's Prayer. You can't shudgo n feller by VA1Vy11 Jj,
his looks.
After 1 vhns seek on der lied I can look
pack mid sooshiist where 1 nliouldn't haf dono
dot vliay After 1 vims well again 1 can seo
1 llko to glf Bomcxxly ndvlec, but when
somepody advises me, 1 feel dot ho should
mind his own pccsiicss.
No doubt some
In der ground
money und I vlilll tnko n bushel of turnips.
It 'hos curious dot among nil der mon who
kuuiv vuac una uis i.-uuiiiiy 111111 uiu 11 ii'iueuwi 1 ., cr f vyn WCCkS
Fam lyt nllltiiiltid inf flilift HAAniil ftwmfttjl.l Ittfirb
1UI Ut'l (tUIItlJlliO, llllb UIIU I L-VJllllli Villi- 111U1VA 111 1 I"X 1 Z1 ! . .
snwbuck nml loss chinchin. J sold cheaper than ever. Don t fail to call and sec Ijow cheap
unu luiiMjii vci)' iMiurmw nun a inning ynu
..linn luutnltDit jt.i ..'IF.. litnlr(iul tr n li....i. J
lima i.v.iiii'V .v. .. ,.w iiiu.nmi iui it iiuiiiv .
und dor husband wanted (i servant. j ITlOnaS,
Cousciuiico viia 11 queer thing. It keep
us from shcntlug man out of a cent to his
faco und excuses 111 If wo dud und keep his
wallet mlt (50 in it elilnd his back.
No man is entirely satisfied mlt der
weather. For lustnnco, dor Ily screen man
Qrmly believes dot winter vhns Invented
shust to spoil his pocsuess und help der wood
tuou ouL Dttroit Free I'ress. 1
Mr Wilted.
"That reminds 111 ," said nn nctor, of nn
incident up in St, I'.iul Inst season In which
two comedians figured. Walt Williams, tho
monopolo man, was up thero visiting Crnuo
nt the time, nml ono evening nftcr tho per
formance tho trio repaired to tho Turkish
bath rooms. Mrs. Crnuo wns nt tliu hotel
nnd learned something whfch it was Import
ant that Hilly hhould know nt onco. 8ho
know where ho was, nml on her way to tho
hotel olllco to get 11 messenger, sho mot ono of
Ullly's St. Paul friends. 1I0 volunteered his
services for tho mission, and tho imjiortnnt
message Mrs. Crnuo was glad to intrust to
him rattier than to a boy. Tho gentleman is
quite a swell in St. Paul and 1111 Immaculate
dresser, always being attired in tho height of
fashion. On thlsovening ho was particularly
rwclldr)Mod, having just returned from
escortlnsftludy homo from tho theatre
Well, ho rushed ovjr to tho Turkish bath and
inquired for Crane. Tho attendant informed
him that Crane was in tho hot room with hit
party Tliu gentleman thought to rush in
thero, deliver his message nnd dash out
ngalu. Ilo went in nml delivered tho mes
sage, but while Crnuo mid Walt held his at
tention, I -011 Harrison slipped out mid locked
tho door Tho tcnicraturo In tho hot room
was 150 (iegs. I ho gentleman wns kept In
thero lUteim minutes, despite his bogging und
pleading. When ho was allowed to cucapc
ho wns n sight. Ills clothes had melted nil
over him, nnd in undressing ho had to call in
tho nid of a surgeon mid his scalpel." Chica
go Herald.
Tall Hud of Leap Veiir.
Thoy voro talking of n nines.
"I linto tho namo of Smith; don't you, Xlsi
"Indeed I do. Mr. Wnllstrcct. If It wcro
mine, I'd change It."
"What tor
"Well, I don't know. Wnllstrcct, perhaps,
if I got tho chanco" (this very demurely).
And then Mr! Wnllstrcct, remenilicrlng it
was leap year, blushod and told Miss Ethel
sho would havo to ask hi mother. Harper's
Iimt Reiniiiicrntlon.
"Your now play, Thcspus, Is n great suc
cess." "It ought to be, considering tho expenso;
tho scenery cost ?8,000, other oxjiensos $13,
000, nnd I havo n high priced company."
"Wlicronro you going with thut box of
"I'm going to send It to tho fellow who
wroto tho play for mo, Ilo Is entitled tc
somo recognition. "Nobraska Ktnto Journal.
The most scj sib'e and at the same time acceptable Christ
mas gift any gentleman can give to his wife is a black silk
dress pattern. We can sell you 20 yard lengths costing
anywhere fro n $15.00 to $45.00, and they are beautiful.
Ashby & Millspaugh.
n-A.:7:ca disco-
Musical Merchandise.
All the Latest and Popular Operas, Sheet Music and Books
Stock. 1 2th S'.., opposite Opera House.
122 South 12th Street.
Stumping, Art Needle Work, Kid Glover nnd Materials
for Fancy Work, our specialty.
Foreman & Crow, Props:
bouth 1 2th Street. Opposite Opera House.
Unappreciated Intercut.
"Gentlemen," said nu Indignant passenger
on ft South sido enblo car yesterday, "will
nono of you get up and glvo this old lady a
scatl-' I
"I'll thank you, sir," snapped tho lady,
"to attend to your own nfTairs, I am not as
old ns you nro by twenty years, If I'm nny
jutlgo of n erson's nge." '
Tho indignant pasonger got olT at tho noxt
crossing. Chicago Tribune,
For MAN !
X. V
For BEAST !l
The Reason Why.
"How Is It, young man," ho snld, "that you
can mako W,(XX) a year playing baseball,
vi hllo I, n college professor, can only mako
"Well, I don't know, sir," was tlio reply. '
"I s'poso n mill's Intelligence generally gov
erns such matters." Now York Sun.
III nntU Full. '
Jinks Mako any calls today!
Binks No. 1 was too busy receiving.
Ilo Wns A-ton-lhed.
Scrlbblor How do you llko my now vol
umoof pooms, Ponmaiil
Penman Your languago, my dear fellow,
reminds me of imturo in her wildest aspects.
Scribbler Does it, Indeed!
Penman Yes, It Is decidedly rocky, Dos
ton Post.
Well Cultivated.
Mllly Don't you thiuk Mr. Ribbons has a
rich voice f
Tubbs (heartlessly) -So ho ought no's
been yelling "Cash J" for ths last ten years at
Poplln's.-Now York World,
Mustang Linimenf
HfcxiUANJH7STAN(H.INIJIE!TIacatlitorit.r ST V
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