or CAPITAL CITY COURIER CHRISTMAS NUMBER. !t K.t w (y KROEq fno. (Kumliiy PviiIIiipI, IinllniiAioll.) Tlio HIcIiiwa)' l'lin Oomiwny I" consider ably "torn tip," w lo enk, nt tho almost cer tain Indications of Mug totally rellod by n new and cry dangerous rUnl iimmifnctory, Tlio rtvnl company I Hint of Knu-Ker Pons, of Nw York, 1 li liontl if tlio nrm, Mr. Henry Kroegcr, was for it irlod of lweiity.ihro years, tlio forviimn nnd iiiilnlendiut of lliu BtoluwAy fni'torjrt ntnl ilttrliiR wlilcli tlmo the Btritiwny piano secured Its excellent rvputn tion, ntul tlioiiKh llio blclnwAjr folks hnio en teTirvd to create mi luipn-sslonthnl Krwgrr was only it common employe nml not lintiu mental lit producing tlio reputation, Mr. Kroecer Int readily pnshiced letters of Intio dud Inn from tlio Hlcluwiiys themselves, nml it mmrlrnl number of nniilnvlla to fully es tablish III iMwItlmi m tlio mt)ii rcsimlisllilii for the K"txl "nine l,f tlfl Melnway Piano. At any rate, tlio HnsgcrA Hon pianos nro Just now mom sought for liy eminent iiuihlelnim and good Judges tlinu liny otliur In tlio market. S. B. HOHMAM, Miimifncturcr's Agent, LINOOUN, - N13I3. & -' H.W. BROWN 127 South Eleventh St., Offers for thc- tiS- Jiolidayjrade All the leading ILLUSTRATED BOOKS of the ,venr. Alio n large line of la Sett which he often at prices lower than ever before. Writing Desks, , Gold Pens and Pencils, Toilet Cases, Collar and Cuff Boxes, Work Boxes, ,-y Odor Cases, Manicuie Sets, Fine Pocket Books, Card Cases, Etc., Etc. Alio the flncit line of Perfumery, Cut Glass and Fancy Dottle ever show In the City. tfrf HARK! XHAS BELLS They Chime the Opening of the Beautiful Stock of H. 0, KoArflim & Son's DRUG STORE, ELEVENTH AND N STS. CALL AND SEE! Fremont, lilkhorn & Mo. Valley Trains leaTO 0:60 a.m. for Went and 0:60 a. m and 3:9ft p. in, for East, Tub Klkiiorm Vaukt Link. To freo homes In Northwtwtem Nebraska an Southwectem Dakota. To the Mock 1111b nnd tho Hot Sprinps. To Central Wyoming coal and on lUilds au cattle ranges. To Chicago and tho East, To St. Paul, the North and Northwe.it, For further Information Inquire or OHO. N. FOKKUMAK, Agent. 15 South 10th street, - Lincoln , II. 0, UCRT,- J, It. lll'CIUNAN, , aeneral M'gor, (le'n'l l'iua. Ag't OMAHA, NKII. flOSIN THE BEAUX. 11V ItnllKltr M'lir.YiMM.Iil. "How denr to our heart nro the scones nf inir clillilliool," Inn x).-tl(j lino tlmt IIiIiIm lo spoiuoln tlio breasts of ui nil, wlion freo from tho cares of hiiihnw In n meditative hour spun llttlo word or fragment of it song rolls luck the curliliH of tlio put nml wo honrngnln fnmllinr vlaw itml uut nhuol clasp tin hinds tint Ion .mfj ivjrodmt. Of null in jilt rlos there Is oim eo.niM trooping hack tonight nitilil th j gay sounds of it Cln M inisntmipliciv. it song I usl to hoar nt Christum times hoyniid tlio Dlxlo lino, tlio sentiment of which inty, or miy not Im in strict accord with you or mo, lint nuvi'itlio lot I ho iliui-.il linos "Old H'hIii tin) How," linvo Imd tht-lr inehsly nml pathos mid have uoltoil moro tlitu o in teudoi' (yo lo moisture when sung to tho tun) of tlio oM Muthodlst liyinu hy tlio rollicking Joint Cot who ninilo tliom famous. Tliu luiitif was sulbsl to tlio tlmo In which It hint lit run, In tlio log cabin of Kentucky, whoro country ImyH nml girl mottoilnnoo to thotuiu of "money musk," or In tlio Imru nt corn husking ovor tlio Jug of cliler, some rural songster with saw edged voire nml quaint gesticulation would lot loose Its ruvclirntlons until thoy eniuo echoing back In tNttlintlu omlouco from over tlio hill nml woodland, anil nRiun, itrotinil tlio lono'.y blvimo flriM of n uoufotlornU) ciiup inorti tlinu nui) hnlf stnrvwl follow kiiiiit tlioHoui; In sdf cquwilntlon, or parlmpi hooniim) ho know of notlihiK txittor to hIii. Howliolt, "lliwln too How," l olio or tlio fow American liullniU, tlntt did comfort or nuiUM) it waplo who ilonooitl n Hoiithorn wlldoruovi nml ni such It comu to my rocol lection nit iiImi ilotri vlrcumntnneoH of I In writing. Col. W. H. Spnrkii n riMldont of Now Or linin 1 tlio orli;lnnl nullior, nnd in reply to it letter to lilmon tlio Hiilijeot. ho ny ho wim formerly n romdont of Mlwlmlppl, nml tlmt nuuiii(( IiIm iii'lt;hliorH was Jiiiiuh Hohmiiui who Imd boon Uvicliliiff school in tlmt district for over forty yenm. Ho wns it very peculiar nmn lit Ids liablU. On Aloudny mornings '. !" mntly dresseil nnd cleanly shaven ho went to liU duties In tho little brick school house whero two thirds of Ms llfo had been pivsmI. On Satunlays ho nrmyed himself in his Iswt and dovotod tho day to visiting tho Indies in tho neighborhood, whoro ho was always n welcome guest. This habit had continued so long that lio hud acquired the sobrtipiiot of "RosMOin tho liivtux." Young Cox was n frequent jr of Col. Sparks' law oillco, and upon ono occasion when Mr. Kosmhh wns passing by Cox remarked to tho colonel in qulto n feeling touo, "l'oor old Uossom, somo of tliobo sunny mornings ho will bo found (lend when ho shall liavo a noblo funvrnl and nil the ladles will honor It by bvlug present, I know." Soon after ho left tho oillco, tho coliTnel being in tho humor, wroto tho lines, and soon after handed them to Cox, who, by Ids splendid vocal powers, gavo popularity to the song. Hundreds or lines have tieeu writ ten to tho air by many iersons, but tho fol lowing nro tho original as Col. Sp.irks wroto them; . "Now soon on soma soft sunny morning Tlio ursi tiling my noignuor sunn Know, Their ears will bo met with tho warning Como bury' Out ltossum tno lieuux.'" "My friends then so neatly shnll dress mo lu linen as white ns whlto iiHllionnow And lu my new rollln shall prcsi mo And iviilsper, Poor lloksum tho Uoaux.'" And when I am to bo burled I reckon The ladles will all like to go; Lot them form nt tliofiHto my colli u, And follow Old ltosuni tho llonux." Tlinu take you n dozen good fellows And let thorn all staggering go; And dig iv deep holo lu the meadow. And In It toss 'ltossum tho lleaux.'" Then shnpoout u coupla ordnrnlcks, l'laco ouo at tho head and on the too' Ami pray do not rail to scratch on It, Tho niimo or 'Old HoHsuiu tho lleaux.'" Then tnko tlieso dozen good (olbws, And stand them nil round In u row And drink from a big bellied boltlo, Knrowell to 'Old ltossum the llonux.'" I remember Cox ns n dnshhig young man of soma twenty-eight nnd heard him sing "Itoslu tho Beaux," ono Christmas night to a Riiy thi-outr lu mm of thorn) old plantation homes, nml It M-oincd to mo then I Imd never lienrd nliytliltiR luilf so moUxllous. After tlmt fjimo tlio m Ideiilnn storm of wnr, mil iimld lis ctrtxli of firms, nnd nmrof rnnouiido, for oim In lef smiI, for n day, or nu hour per Imps, llieio was n ccnlrnl lUuro iimld tlio sliujotllug rnnks I o 1 1 1 1 h 1 ieb I bri'iistttoiks, nml itheli tlio snliii) strokes had censed, nnd sounds of Imtllo ill.vl ntny, tlio soullieru soiister Iny hclienlli two feet of mmI, A C0NDEMNE0 CONTfllBUTOlVS CONFESSION. IIVi:. .M.COItlllM,!,. Ho wns on trial lf.'foio tin b.tr of OiToiiiIihI I'lllillo Opinion. Whether lio Imd Imhii lioforo any otliur bar was n question rilltnl out, nfler leiiKlhy citation fioiu tlio ITil rntiiKonlit nml HIT Alaska reports, its "iucoiuiictciit, iiiima- lorlal nnd irrevellant," From tlio very first It wns evident that tlio enso would ko naliHt him. Ho soomod to feel utterly hopele.M. Thorn wns upon Ills fnco tlio look pnlutors soiuuthus (xirtray upon tlio fnco of tt hunted stn when brought to Iciy, or tlio horror of u rnblilt when It Muds no escnpo fmm it relent lot hawk. No eye lu tlio court rrom kiivo him n syuipatlietla Khiuco. All considered him ns ouo who had mioI Ix-youd tlio lim it of forKlvcncH nnd entered Into tlio portals of stern nnd merciless Jiutlco. Tlio Jury rcttirnwl in clmtgo of n bnlllir, Thoy took their iictMHUimod soatn with tlio sileiiiii gravity so bollttlut; ptit Jurors. Af ter tho cleric Imd called tholr nniucH, tlio fore man handed tho verdict to tlio court, who adjusted his Judicial spoctuclcii nstldo his Ju dicial uoso nnd Judicially and Judiciously read tlio paper. Tho Judgu then said i "I'rloner nt thobnr, Mtnnd up Havuyou nuytluut; tosny why tho soiitoueoof tho court sli'Mild not Ito ptHiwd iikiii youf Tim prisoner rnloil hU Io fnco, nnd said in tones of hopelessness ami siiduess: "I iimuwnro, your Honor.tlmttlioipicstlou you now nddrem to me, Is ouo often uttereil Wi "OLD ROSSUM THE nEAUX." as nmero matter of forir. Yet It carries to the condemned the light to speak In his own behnlf. Of this right I now nvall my It; not with tho oxioctatiou of avoiding tho en alty that follows conviction, but with tho hopo that a confession from which nothing is with held, may jiosslbly present for your consideration, soino facts in my unhappy ca reer to inltlgnt'i tho severity of a sonteuco, which otlunv'Bo would doubtless ba Imposed to tho utmost limit, I beg you, sir, to re member that it is my only nnd my last plea for inorcy." "I hod u friend In n city whoro wealth, luxury nnd Intelligence nffordod hlui fitting environments for h's many chnrms of person nnd graces of manner. With u mill 1 finely adapted to literary work, ho had windy chosen tho tslttorliil profession. With sujtcrb buslnohs tact nnd tlreles.1 energy, ho hud achieved hucccss In tho extremely dilllcult enterprlso of building up n society paiier." "Well," interrupted tho Judge, "wliit lins all this to do with your ensof Your fi ieud i not on trial here." "True, your Honor," replied tho prisoner, "but you will soon seo. I do not accuse my friend of Intentionally bringing mo to my uuhnppy condition, but it was his solicita tions and my weak yielding that list to tho commirtslon of tho oirenso for which I now stand lieforo you." "Ho wroto mo n letter full of enrnest en t rent v. Ho fnld ho could not tnko no for nu nuswo, nnd chnrgeil mo by tho lmpjiy mem ories of tho past to comply with his wishes. Ho wanted me to writo nu article for the hoi- idiiy edition of his paper, I weakly consent cl," nnd for n tlmo tho p.-isonof was over come, with emotion. Tho court, unmoved by his agitation, ha Id, "Uo on sir." With broken tonos tho prisoner proceeded. "How bitterly I regret my compliance! With a rashness that can plead uo excuro, I tried to writo something I'l blank vorso. What Induced mo to perpetrate this but tho confession Is too painful. Hero, sir, Is tho article Itself." Taking u manuscript from nu liisido pocket of his coat hu tremblluKty handed It to tho Jii.Ikc. It was ns follons; IIISTOlir. I snw, or faiioylnu seemed to see, Amid tho ruins nrikrlty vast, A maiden rare, whine form nnd fnco Were nitiuro's swvutcst poetry. I'mmi a enhiuiM stone she snt, And wrltiiif, uinrkcd iroiu time to time, Upon n tntilel In her liulld, Tho lettered semhhiuee of a thought. Tlift fiillllitf .Iriilifii-t It.v-I.itrl t f.lmii. Around a form ivuosii linen iifKrnco .Mlithl rival poet's dement d renins, ()r artist's purest ienclllnu, Or seulplor's r ier lo deplot, Andyel Ihodniperv sentce rcnecntt'd Tho clumps It Kouxlit to shield. Hut on her fnco where thought and hcauty vied, There was a look o, ret inspect Ion deep. Ah Iftlio mlnil forfood Imd Inward turned To Iced upon tho soul. Impelled by Interest InherpenslvntlioURlits I nearer drew, ami said In tones or deep ro , ipeel, 'I'm I r .Mold, forulvo irsuuiptlon Krcnt lnoiie who feels tho sympathy Ho dear lo heart o'er full or Krlof, And tell me, uuslvo one, your name." In tones Hint roll upon my enr I.IUoeonoesorii lakeside sonu Hhe said, "my ninilo Is History." "Ami would you further ituow?" I Imived nosent "Know then, when this world wns young, I too trusyouuir. A monarch soituht my old And Koto mo lor service toblscnuso Tho liooit or youth, purpJtuat youth. That monarch's name Is time. HoKreathls realm, none iluru dlsputo his liwer. A tyrant he, of look sovcreund stern, Ho hrooUs undivided sway, Ami rules, a desil. o'er tlio enrth and man And when he lays signet on the mount, And rocks, and towers and city walls All .vie d to his buhcsi and crumblo Into dual. Tho ptoudest works of men, their stately hulls, Their hlhest monument", their uohto arts, TluiiiKli chiseled III unyielding Mint, Yet Time's ellnclng touch doth reel, K'cn youth, though brluht with Joy and hope, Boon turns to age, nnd ago to denth. Djiith Is the llomngo he exacts from nil. While men yet dwelt In caves and huts I first begun tho record of tho race K'cn then Its page was red with blood nnd crime! Hlnco first tho tirother.falso to brother lovo. Hlew him whoso mother horo them both, Mankind huvo reveled lu brethren's blood And war litis follow oil In the train of hate. Ambitions curso rrom age to ngo Hath deluged earth with grief. Oroat crimes have borne tho naino or faith And seorged tho world with woo. Yet vlrtuo lives, and hopo ne'er dies, Tho world Is wiser now, and better rar, And sometime pencu will hind her wreath Koreveron tho brows or men. And down tho vistas or tho years to bo I i-oo a nobl. r, true humniilty, And hope forbids tlio old tlmo Ills "On earth, to man, peace and good will." "While tho judgn was reading tho prisoner loaning dejectedly agnlnst tho railing, Tho Judge finally looked up and said: ''Havuyou anything further to say?" "I havo," nnstrorud tho prisoner. "I would willingly omit tho remainder of my confes slou, butsoniuthlnliupdl-i me to expose the extreme depths of my oll'enso." 'Sumowhero I had road that n travolor. wishing to visit tho cwtlo of Wlrtomburg, was told whenever ho Inquired tho way, "iiiiiirriewius mill inimt," ever onwaiil ami upward. Fancying tho incident contain ed a iKMiiitlful poetical thought, I" "(Jo on, sir," sternly commanded tho Ju Igo. "I attempted to put in u jKiotical form." said tho prisoner, umi his palo fnco reddened with confusion. "Let me s.H) It," said tho Ju.lgo. Tho Judgo look tho paper and rwul tho following; ONWAHIl AND Ul'WAHII. Night's ebon pinion darkly hung Above tho mountain top, where clung, Austere nnd high, Agnlnst the sky. The gloomy walls, And echoing halls, Orcastlosife, like omilo's nest, Whero hunted ono might fearless rest. No lightsome task to reach that homo Of lest nnd quiet, freo from storm Of men's cold hnto . . Insiitlnrol Not-iU' nil I on, O'er crngs nml stonn Tilt limits are faint, nnd breath Is spent III lo.llng up thusteep ascent. 'TIs ever thus In huiuan life; llo who would cnmpier In tho strife, And win llio goal, Must Mrlvcnud loll, To (plait Hiccup, Is on nnd UI'. Though languor cullies, no rest he knows; The minimi! only has repose. 0 nrse pebbles Misllv nro round. Lying rendered o'er t lie ground. I'niii'in MiMfiiMii nero peiirisatorotiiull Labor mid earo l-'or Jewels mrol And for a priMpec rich nnd fnlr, Onward ami upunrd-do and dure! Aferrendlnjc thopleco tlirouli tho Judge nguinnsked: "Have you anything rurther to say I" "Only llils'repilwl tho prisoner, lu u volco trembling with emotion, "I now realize moro tlinn ever tho enormity of my oiroimo. I nm couis.dled to admit my confession noes not contain any reason for jiidlcinl consideration. I enn thercforo only ask tho court for mercy." Ah ho nntsheil H.'iikliir hu timidly looked nround tho court room for it kind loon of sympathy, that to him would have been as mi oasis in thodcM.it to one almost ierlihltig tilth thlit. Hut all eyes glorcil imvagoly upon him. Then with tho usual deep Judicial solemnity nml an added sternness, tlio court passed Judgment. Ho wild: "IVIsoner nt tho bar, you hivo licen con vlctisl of tho pravo oirenso of perpetrating upon n dlsciimlnotliig public, In tho columns or tho Capital City CotmiKu.two ciruslons over which I will throw tlio clmrltablo man. tlo of my Mlonco. Tho Jury found you guilty ns charged lu tho Indictment, nnd 1 llud nothing in your confetjdou to cxtcimato tho oirenso or mitigate. Ym will therefore ro cetvo tho severest iwiiulty lu such enso iniido and provided, which Is" Hero tho Judgo was Interrupted by a plerc Ing shriek. Tho prisoner had filiated. CLARA'S CHRISTMAS IIY At,. KAIIIllItUTIlKlt. CIIAITKIt IV Tho night wns dark. It is a way somo nights havo. The moon wns In tho heavens. The moon is generally thero. Nature seemed asleep, yet It did not snore. A heavy snow had rallen on the ground. Thoniow general ly falls tiiion tho ground. The air was hush ed. In fact It had not been boisterous slnco twelve o'clock.. The dawn was being iwilntod gray. Tho milky way was being traversed by a dairyman. A gorgeous sun had been set tho evening before Tho awful stillness filled Clara's mind with dread fore bodings. Slio thought of her chewing gum which was plastered to tho lied post but tho object In tho room seemed to tuovo toward the bed. Could it ben man? i no young girl was palsied with foar. Sho made for her gum but alas I It was gone. "I don't think." nminrl.wl ii,.. r .. i.t. lips closed under his teeth, "that tho storm will last long. If It does, I would liku to know what you nro going to do about It." ClIAPTEIl XLVII. We nro the klml nt ..Intnl. ,. ..,, ., or-HltAKKSPKAItK. "' """"-" The old homestead had been sold on tho auction block. It wns n Iimvv fnoL- ,r , l on tho auction block, but an angry woman is umay n winner. Tho dog's wonderful devotion nnd miloiulM trust in his master were never doubted. He Hew to thedead man's grave, and while tho master was cuawlnir n fll In ! ni.,. i,. yond, the dog gnawed a bono. nut nil Human airaii-sarotransitory. Death takes ninti by tho forctop and yanks him over ths dash board of life. Tho liack yard of ll grct is filled with tumble down disappoint ment with tho hoops oir, old cans nro also in that dreary yard, niled with tho cinders of burned out lovo which winters of regret nnd sorrow havo consumed and tin cans which crest nnd cro while contained short pounds of joy nro strewn over thcjFamo black, drear detolato waste but nono of them aro tied to to tho faithful dog's tail. CHAPTKIl XVI. "And ho went ror the heathen Chinese" Itarte. Header did you over stroll down a long, winding laud on your father's farm, or cut ncross the clover laden meadow with its burden of perfume ;lu wild flowers and its wealth of Jlinsou weeds, nnd as you wulked along fall into n well! The man who has not experienced the indescribable- sensation of railing lu a well knows not the Joys or pleas ures of llfo. Ohl what a thrill and thud I empty-handed years como to us because wo do not seek tho burdens of good things which aro around us nil. The undertaker suppressed a tear and said that llttlo Chnrlie would die. Tom, who had stood it all up to dato wound up tho watches of tho night ami took a long drink oftolu rock nnd rye. CHA1TK11 1. "The boy stood on tho burning deck." Afrs. Heman. And nh, tho good things that Christmas brought! Clara found a larger piece of gum on the bod post. And just threo yenrs after tlmt night spoken of in chapter twenty-seven Col. Charley Crow went to Clara's fnthor and told hlui in n very low whlspor that tho thrto years of work and planing and schem ing had not been in vTfln. I havo found tho clow, then In a voice trembling with emotion, he said "thu man whom your daughter saw that night in hor room was un doubtedly SanUCIaus!" THE END. "Forownrnod Is forearmed" and just bo cnuso wo havo so far enjoyed au unusually mild winter does not Indicate that wo aro not to encounter Jack Frost and his force beforo the summer season opens. Thero will bo no better chanco for you to roplonish your coal bin and lay in your winter's supply tlinu thu present, l'eoplo who fell short in their cal culations lost winter will remember tho tnsk It was to get cojI delivered on sido streets, whero It was almost Impossible for an empty wagon io iiiiiko any progress through tho seemingly bottomless mlro. You can leuvo your order for tU winter's supply with the old rollublo Whltobrcu.nCoal Co. and cot it safely housed ore white with nil Its terror breaks upon us. Mr. Stobbs tholr genial manager informs us that nt no timo worn they hotter prepared to supply all demands than nt the present, and cuitoniei-s may feel assured that tho Whltebreast will contlnuo to sitlsfy nil it-s jKitroiu to that samo liberal cr tint that thoy havo in (lie pust. Wllllosolectllltr Christinnsi'irt.s. vnn should bsnr In mind tho fact that iisofuluoss U tin ono conuuoudable feature In view and that you can uniko no moro suitable present to your wlfo or mother than n ulco clilun ser vice, either tea or dinner, u bisque ornament for the parlor mantel, a hnnglng lamp or in fact anything oirorod for sale by H. 0. F.lllot lai'JO street whoso counters nro filled with au ondless vmletv of useful nnd desirable goods suitable for tho Christmas holidays. - ii ft -j tn ! OOOO'OO'OOOOOOO - ' i At Our Great losii gale Wc arc offering Inducements that purchasers of Holiday Goods SHOULD NOT OVERLOOK. Fine French and American Dress Goods and Silks. Scotch and German Table Linens and Napkins. Japanese o Embroidered o ilk (handkerchiefs, &c. &c. &c. o All nt o Pricesi Extremely Low . . For. the Spring Trade We will Occupy Our New Building,. 131, 133, 135, and 137, SOUTH nth ST. J. E. Miller. ooooooo.o o o o o o ' - ' . , V'. $ fj JJi'' JJ'sji "t-