- u a o u Q Z W o h VAUGHN'S Fish and Oyster HOUSE, At 126outh Tsv olfth t. Oysters and Fish. Poultry and Game. OPEN DAY AND EYENING. C. F. VAUGHN, Manager FRANK E. LAHR, 936 P Street, GOLD COIN STOYES And Ranges. Gold Coin Ventiduct. LEAVITTS DOMESTIC COAL Rock Springs, Wyo., Jackson of Col., Walnut Block, Mis souri Block, and Lackawanna Office, 115 South Tenth St. Tolephono 360. GOOD BOOKS Best Holiday Presents ! THOS. FAWELL, ATTHK LINCOLN BOOK EMPORIUM, lfj. lOtlihl.umlorY. M.O.A. lias a Fine Stock suitable for the HOLI DAYS, including Sets or Single Yolumes of the Best Authors Teachers, Family nml I'ockct lHIJLKS. Albums, Children's Picture ami Story Hook, Etc., Etc. d o - - Saturday Evening, Dec, 15, '88 Corner I Oth nnti P 8trots. loadlngDry&ooclsHouso TAKE NOTICEI Tlm Cunn:ii will not W responsible for nny debts made ly nny 0110 In Its minus un ion n written order neroiniMiiloa llm same, procrly nlgucd. I,. Wkhhix, Jr.i I'mp'r. HEADQUARTER FOR FURS and FUR TRIMMINGS. Herpolslieimer & Co. Tim ('miller ("un I mi round At Wlmlnor lintel NewsHlunil, .'iipllnl llnlel NcunNIuiiiI, Udell's IMtilllK Hull Ni'wmHIiiiuI. UIiimiii A Hotelier's 1 1 III O Hlrool. A.T. LriulnijACnH.. limit) Hlrctil. 1'liu (liilluilii .NousHtaml, IIS Hotltli Hill HI. Kellli Itrim., Ill Nollli lit It Htleet. ICI. Y iiuna. KWlOKIreel. i:iitin .VHinllli, I'JMIU .1. Htclnhcig, O M. opt. iKWtoniit1. llrow u's Cafe, iienr Windsor hotel, A LADY OR GENTLEMAN In tan li i' Holiday I'leseuts for llieir friend will find i targe liar of i Irgmit unit wefiilai titles at If'. A'. lieiuii tlj? O Street, .lulia" iiiiil dent' ", Soil Cafs ami Seal i'A:r i, .hint Kid (Itoir and Mil ieus, Silk Milieu, Gold unit Silver Handle Hill I 'in'i rlfiif, Men' Smoking Jackets, Silk Mufflers, Silk-mul Linen laiidkeirliie, Hilk- Unites, Silk Half iloe,' Full Dies Sliirt, I'mliiviilei fil sXiglit liobes, a large line of tWrkwttr, csfixially designed for Holiday tunic, l.eiitlier I'Mir unit Citjf l!oes unit line Trai-ctlinir Hat's mul J'nr Hugs, linfietion solicited. Local mul I'oiniiiiul. Whltcbrcast Coal nml I.linu Coniviny. Tiiko Turkish at 1U1 0 Kttvvt. TlieliesflViis. H. 1' .Stevens & Co. Telephone nt llio Couiiiku olllco is S.VI, Oilcll'4 illnliiR linll, 'Jt ticket for $1.00. Hallot, diamonds and witches, Hit N Itth. Nobby itylo Imts uml lino neckwear nt Hurl hurt's, Kor IniN)rteil Yarns mul Milk Ulhlxms. II. It. Nlmluy Si Co. Canon City Coal nguln nt tho Wliltcbreast nl mul I. lino Co. Houst nicatK, and vegetables of all kinds nt Cameron's Lundi House. I.nckuwmia nml Sernnton hard coal mM only liy Ilutchins Si Hyatt. Canon City con I delivered to all mrts of city. Call up telephone tttt, IHik out for tlio beautiful Ciiuihtmah ContiKii. It. will lie n daisy. Only place lit Lincoln that iws mluernl water In Ixitlm Is nt 1010 O street. Hy nil odds tlio lluo.it lino of jioeket cutlery In tlio city at Zchruiig & Ilcuklo's. Meiulota, tlio inostK)iulnr coal on tlio mar ket, Mild only by l.utelilns & Hyatt. For tickets to Oregon or Washington ter ritory iHtiiilM i))ly nt 115 Ho. lUlh ht. Tnkothi) C itN. W. through vestllmleil l'Hr to Clileago. Olllco 115 So. 10th ht. Quilled satin nml fancy knit sklrli for In lies nml children nt Hornolsliolnier & CoV. Kino Teas, Hplces, mul tlio larpwt lino of Fino (IroeeiicH In tlio city, nt H. 1. Htovens. Dr. II, K Halley, olllco and niiiilenit) corner of Fourteenth nml I, Mrei'tn. Tolephono (JIT. For Fum in setts mul Odd Mull's, Anlilty & MIIIhimiukIi show n largo lino nt ivnsoualtlo pi lees, Hilk Innilkerolilefit, luulllerx, neckerchief, Herpolslieimer & Co., illsplays in all tlio nov oltleM o( tho tk'ason. Kvorythlnj; now nnd neat, finest menu nml best cook In tho city nt CnrderV KuroiHin m-Uiurmit, WU 1 utrwt. Tlio fluent work In tho city nt photographic stiullo. t'JI I O street. Hnytlen'ii Seo our lino rmuples of ait work. Tim holiday ileinrtinont of Horiiolshelinei' tc fa, in toy, fancy gools, novelties, etc., is compkto In Its variety. In fum ami fur trlmiing Heriolsheliner & Co. iliow n very comploto Hue at as near furrier prices ns ihiskIIiIc, For HnmlkcR'hlefii, Mulllcis, etc. for tho holidays go to Ashby it Millsimugh's Thoy hnvo the Uuoxt lino (u tho city. Ktnmplng mul lino itectllo work is imidon specialty nt tlio Indies' Art mul FiirnUhlug nti.ro, 1!W Bouth Twelfth Street. So many Christmns giftn aro inado of witln. Ai-hby & Millsnugh aro celling all tho now art khailw at U5o i yard. Tnko tho liest nml only ono tln-nugh Ryhtem lino, C. & N. W. to Sioux City, Minueaiolis mid SU Paul, oflleo 115 So. 10th bt, Kxcryhoily can nironl to cat at tho leading resort In tho city now. Tlio price of -1 tick ets now nt OiU'H'h U only ? 1 -reduced from fl.50. Hwklug Valley coal enn Ik) obtained from HutchliiS'S; Hyatt, II II O street or telephone calls for nil other kinds of coal will rccclvt prompt attention, Telephone '. J. & 1). New man's holiday gootli havoni--1 1 vel nml aro now on halo nt their usual low prices. Jinny novelties and lots of suitable presents aro to be found on their counters. Aro you going to glvo a pnity soon I If m, don't fall to leavo your order for pi luting with tho Couiiiku. Wo uro tho only printing houso In tho city that makes a sjioeliilty of this clnss of M-ork. Ills ntlmittisl by nil who hnvo ti foil them that St. Pnti lek's Pills nro the most iwrfect phyklu In use. They leavo tho liowels In a urnl nml healthy condition no that eonntlpa tlon doet not foltoM. For snlo by W. J. Turner. wt SOCIAL NOTE3 FROM OMAHA. A Ncwuy l.ellrr 1'nll of I nlrrril on Sluliy Snliei'pi, from our HpTlnl CorreHpunilen!. Thoweither hail lut'iliaiutlhhi Kiilijeet It nh'iiii. Tlio ever chaiiKlnK I'ondlllon of tlio cllmnlo of Hili uimt and nlorloui Malo l (irlilnly mil prliliu; mid Jintllli iu. In ox preK'liiK liN kiii pi Uo, pleasiirii or illwntlifm' tiouattlie pnenl slate of things. Hunw, iidi, beautiful kiih, hui al lat Hindu Its apinMiianeo and Mils with Katlsfaetlon and dollght tho heart of our ninny luereliatitN who liavo U'iiii aiislntlHly waiting Hi advent. Tin pulling faen of t lit coil dealer beam with Mtlsfaftliiii ami Iho inlllloiiarn plumber Isexiillaul. The leo imin will h.mm gather hU Kiipply and ovcryUHly In general Is hap- py- Tliuelis-tile imitom h.ivo coiiiiiiiii('I run ning fiiini Oiualin iieiiHi llm now uagou bildgolo I'oiiiiell llluir. Ilolug luvlliil by theltiiiuageiueiit tiitakoii trln It was wltli cuilosity that I KtopMst itbuaril ami vtent luiuhllngaloug at Hit) rata of lllleeu miles an hour. IIh woiklug iiiomi tnvhlelliiils and Hi ineehanlsiii mi Intricate for a iiiiml un tutoiisl In eliH'trlc.il mutters, an explamitinn uould be hard to uiulerslaud A certain society young nrin whosj luiir U of tliobiiektiiponler, Ison his o.tr, just lit caiiso hteiter ho onlnrs a cab, olio with ilille Iioikck Issi-eu. Tnlldngaboiitrtslhiilr, lust siiiiiincr tho charming Miss Maddcrn, who has llrinuivlllo hair, (just tho otliernlilii of Auburn) was prewmlisl with u whlto horse by a uuiulK'r of her friends, as a tokei. of their estis'in. Oil Mnliday iit a tms'tlugof tho Western art association m us hold at the l.lulugermt gallery nml MitmidilreKsisl by Mr. I.lninger, mIio has thine eonsldeialilo for tho Imlicllt of t!ii InVfiN of iirt. Ho Iiiih oiMiusI his large or l-armers Dlreeiory of twenty-four pages, collection fiirlnsK'cllinonHuuimyit. KlvliiR In moil i'iim-h the Hectl-in, iniige and A tlnuelng partv Mas given on Tuesday ! township and p idolllee nddresstn of moi'L', evenlng at tlm rcKlili-mii of Mm. .1. M. Ilrowii ',l runners In the county. A moit thomugli In honnrof her daughter. Dancing ,,m inlw liimioiw illiwt4ii-y of llihty-two pagtvs m.-rry making uem the pi IiicImiI amusi-iueulM after which refreshments mcio mtvisI. On TliuiNthiy evening a reception miis given liy Mr mul Mm. A. .1 I'opplotou. The elite of thn city iviis present. A biiupiel by tho Liyal Llon at tho Millard, on Thursday evening Mas u pleasant event. Tho Meek has Ikhiii a busy ono hi theatrical and sporting circles, Milton Nobles nml com p my held tlm bo irds tho llrst three nights; Miuilli) Mnddern, ThurMlay nmtliife .and nlgltt; lleaelt tc llowem minstrels Fiitlay and Hatui-tlay. The above attractions Mere at tho lloyd, mul each ivas greettsl with n good sized or Moll tilled house. Thursday inatluen Mas given for tlu benefit of the prcsclub, of lliis city, Mr. Iloytl giving llm hoys tlm frtsj uso of tho house, while tho services of Mluiiiu Mnddern mul rump my worn hImi tl.natil. A linudsomo sum was rcall.vl. At tho llrand the only attraction has been tlm llavcrly-Clcvrlaud inliistivl troup. This over Npiiliir organization with Its lu crcasisl strength, drew liiiiw nackisl to the tloors. Tho peifoiinaneo wns cue of great merit, especially tho i.ip.int,o nets. A wk'IiiI session of tho Klks vas given on Tuesday eve, audn.ii'iiig tho notables Illton Nobles and other gentle ni"ti of tlm coiflpany m ere i ii'M'ut . The sixthly moo lietwoeii hoisos ami III cyltstsnt thocolouoiiiii is tho present agita tion In NMirtnig circles. Tlm contcstniiU are Mnrvo Heat tlsley, tho clminplon liorsj rider of the worl I, John H. Prince, rh'implon Id cyle rider of Anii'tlcn. and T. W. Eek, cham pion of Camilla, forn stake of $1,000 It is surprising in glancing through tlm "personal" column of n largo newspaiier to notice tlm number of Idiots who wish to "cor rcsiKuul M'ith miiiw one with matriuio"!al intentions." "What fools thoMi moitals lie," as tpioteil by I'ueh; is ceitainly true to mi t in r, mul of Mieh material I am sorry to say Omaha has an over supply. Tlio reception at tho Millard given Weunos tlay evening by Mr. and Mm. SmoIio, miis a most delightful nlfnlr mul the stK'i.it event of the week, Every arrangement M-as jierfect and each detail Miiyarrleil out with the same success that nil of Hu olio's a trails termiutite In. i:. W Oninlin, Dec. 1 1, ltoS. AYiiDlilngtoii Vestiliilleil l.lllliletl Via 15. ,t O. 11., if tho only Whtlliulnd train run from Chicago to tho national capital. Every car In tlm train Is vestibule! ami hontod byKtenm JrnMii from tho looomotlve. Tlio entire train, Including bnggngoi-urs, day coaches and Pullman sleepers, runs through from Chicago to Washington and llaltimoro, mid no oxtm furo is exacted . The vcstihuled lhuitisl leaves II, iS: O doHt, Chicago, at 7:05 p. in. dully, and arrives Washington tlio next evening at O;:"), and ll.iltimoreat 10:45, Tho Eastern expieis leaves Chicago daily at !(l;.'5 p. in., ami the entire train, iiiohullug day coaches ami I'ullmaii sleeM.'rs, runs thioii;h to Philadelphia via Washington mul ttalti inoro. An Itimi of Interest, Nearly everyonu In Liuculn has heart! of Unit popular bto t) known as the (Sold Coin, the ono vliich ran fed Llf the honors at th its'ent btato fair. Everyone admired thcso iM'autifiil household necessities mul sH)ko in glowing terms of their merits. Mr Lnhr, tho Lincoln agent, has now a lino of them which ho Hirers nt prices that mo certainly vory cheap for such I1I3I1 gr.ulo heater. If you have not seen them yet you should not fall to call at tho store, '.US O street and bo shown the MiK.'rlor quality of theso htnvut. Mr. Lihralso shows 11 magnificent lino of cutlery, for table, jioeket. mul genei nl house use. They mo of the llntst steel nnd must Ik coon to bo appreciated. Christmas coming on will make theso urtielss usaful for pres ents. A'esllltuled Train to Washington. Tho only vestitmlod train from Chicago to Washington H run via II. Si O n 11. Every car In tho train is vestlbulisl, ami heated by hteam draw 11 from tho locomotive. Tills train leaves II. Si O. depot, Chicago, at 7:05 p. m. daily, and arrives Washington tlm next e oil ing at 0:35 ami 11 iltiniore at 10: 15. No oxtru faro li charged. Tlm Eistern eu press leaves Chicago daily at 10 :2I p. in,, and tho entire train, including day coaches and Pulhniii sIis'Krs, runs through to Philadelphia via Washington nnd llaltimoro. Steiim1ilp AKOlicy. If youconteniplato a tilp to nny European (oliitnr intend bri'igfug friends fiom any such (Milnt to America npply for rates nml Information to (leo. A. ForeMiian, Ag't., 115 So. 10th st. Ilpkt btmrd in tho city and at a price within reach of all, at Odell's. Twenty-ono meals for fl. Biicclal lino of Hail Sots mil Enibrolderol Pillow Shams for holiday trade have just been received by Ashby &MllUpatigh. Aro you sorioiuly thinking of ficttlng tan gled In lovoordo jouxH)ct tomnrry soon I irsonlookntthoCouiilKit'H stock of new w eilding stationery will lx an Imluceliieiit to you ami uct as an encouragement in tho mat ter. LINCOLN CITY DIRECTORY FOR 1889 A Ilinik Cunt. lining Viilniibtn liiipnui- ttieiils nml .Mirny liilncstlntt unit Inslrtiellte I'eiitlirtm (!iiinilleil mill I'lll.ll.lilil by The CIht- ili'f l)lieiin 1 ' 1 1 1 1 1 1 s 1 1 - lug Clllllllllll. Thn Mncohi City IHiwtory for P5S0 poni plltslby I'm Clnriior llnvtory I'nlilUliIng t'linpii'iy l ab nit to In tl divert I to Its pnt lom. From wliil wp lirtvo kvwii wu aro In a in j.hiii-0 to stale lit it It li a renin k'ibly neat, elegantly printed, mul bound volunio of 575 piges, showing mi Inereisiof IMI pages over lust ye.ir'H ilirwtory. WImii It Is kmiwii that Iwiof than piji'iiiro n't u.i In inovier nml minpirell typi In do ililo, tiiplonml tpiitl ripli) eoliiiniH, Ihn pubtlshorM can well bo proud of thn ttHiiltsof auli'i'i'itan I arduous Inlsir faithfully mid su eesifully carried out. Thoabivti iiiToan in pijni li in n innasiirn duo tn tho addition of huudrtsU of new mimes in the alphabetical put of Hie Mink, mul also to tho m.iny now a 1 1 attractive features eui IkhIIisI in its two covers. H ich are Indexes to 'J.ll additions and :) street, liesliles IM Mhlcharoalp'iib'iticully el mill si In wlial Iscallisl tho ".Stuvt Key." A ".Street and AvenU'iOiiido"o eight p.igos In imnpaicll typi and in four oliinint, iri entirely now featurt) Mltli UiIn million. A ".Stieet ICey" abovo lui'iitioue I, giving the n tin ad Iivki and (K'ciiuttio:i or cIo-hi up n 7,(ll ) household urH, also a now feature in this woik ami out? seldoui to bo found in Alueiican ilhectoi Ics. A general classillisl JiusincHs tllrectory of iMenly pages, In ti Iple columns, brevier type IiimIiIcIi thn names of over 'J.fKM buslues men ami llrnii, itmler ;J"i tllirerent headings have Iktii cla.sslilc.1. A County tif I, incus- ' III ' IIIIMI IMIL-ll II 1 III IIIIHIIlll.1,1 III'IIO 111 lli.ltu ..li.. .. l .r it virillMllll IIIUI ' lltllll of useful lufurtmitl mcoii.TuliiggnvcrumwitM, churches, li.mUs, chilli, secret weletios, edu cational institutions, pittnl guide, religious' societies, of which alono there are sjventy- j two, Incorporated coiiimihIcs, tarlirs, vU: This jiait of tho work certainly iIcmtw-m special iiieutlou mul is worthy of careful I lierusiil. Ami last, but not least, an alpha lietlitil ilhwUicy of over I.VI pages In small I pica, iH'Ing n completo mid lellablo Index to I the address.' and l.uiiuess persuits of Mime ' 1".,IKX) of our rlticus, showing 11 healthy in-, crease in our imputation in tlm lest twelve ( mouths of I ,NKJ wails. Fow cities In lids prospM-o'.is land of ours 1 can pi ice such a gratifying exhibit of actual ' grow til before the public. And us our niter- ' iosof ti ado him fast touching and leiuuikalily broad, mo tpiito concur in tlio statement , initio by Mr.l'heirler, tlial ere tills uiueteeuth ' century comes to a close I.ln 'olu will Ini.e largely outgrown tlmprocnt bona Mile iopu-, latum of its sister city. Omaha Lincoln's giowth, the directory Indicates, has U-en far ' greater during the past je.ir than could have ! be.)iianticiiatcil some iiumths ago. Tlm nil-I vuuroiii vahuof Intermeilliito property has ' added vastly UitUo nolld giuntli o( tho city, ' mul this has been not only of a tuliMautlnl cliariuUer, but also of an ornamental one, as ' several elegant structures recently eiectisl go to show. 1 As Is well known, n well compiled directory 1 contains mom or less tpicer lentil res. This j year's guide Is no tleparturo from the general j rule. It lets tho nauis of over KIJ Hinltlis, tjie .Tolui'io.is come next wl'li a representation 1 o't It).'). Tho Drowns show up eighty, but the ! Jones family scout to bo in no great deiiriml. There nro 11 little over a linker's tlor -n of Adams, but 110 EavH, a few lleisls, Whites and lllacks, plenty of Wilsons, a fow Peeks, but no llushels or Pints. Twenty thousand sioclal calls worn unite after a llrst canvass which brought in over :I,MK) mimes, thus show lug tho great pains taken by The Cher lier Dhectory Publishing Company In com piling their illroctory. We huve tiotlcisl that in former directories fulness of information seemed to hnvo been considerably sacrlllced I to economy of space, whilst the present pub Ushers have In a great many Instances alltmtsl mimes to occupy two, three mul even four lines ton name, whilst the alphabetical ar rangement is strictlesi faultless. Names of members of llrms hnvo always been allowed to follow in italics, tin llama of tlm (Inn, ami this without pii'Jiulico to their leapplying in the alphabetical tinier with their private res idence. Such are tho chief jKiiutsof interest that make up this excellent work. Wo think it cannot ho too highly appreciated by our citizens, mul tlm least thing can do is to show The Cherrler I'drcclory Publishing Company their nppiccintiou of their 1 Ifoits to supply Lincoln with a llrst-elass directory In every rcsvt by promptly paying for the work when called uhiii to tlo so ami heartily sub- sen tu ng 10 iiieir iibil euiiiou, a step wnicii wo are given to understand the publishers in tend to take at a very early date. This com pany, judging from tlm nature of Its efforts, and strict business principals, has evidently como to stay, mrl stay it will wo hois'. The gentlemen who coui;k)sjI evidently iinder sumd tholr busiuois, and su 'h w wnut to seo mul keep in cur community. Wo will in conclusion draw the attention of our readers to that always vahtihlo feat ure of a directory, tlio Index. Tint stled ndox to nits '.'HnuiMiui Ins been improved by multiplying the lefcrences and having tho most iiuKrtaut set up in small caps, thus greatly facilitating tlm lliuliugof miypir ticularlieatlhv. For instance, matter per taining to burial places Is doubly indexed under cemeteries and under burial grounds ami so with 11 great number of subjects. The publishers point also with pride to a fat list of advertisers, prominent amongst which are to bo found twenty-four pigosof nicely ills played advcitisemcnts 011 colored pages nl tlm beginning of tholxHik. Thclrsubscripilimlh.tis also rental knhly good, a fnctwhi'li sjs'aks well forourcltlAMis and their spirit of enter prise. Finally wo will say that those familial' wltliUhoiiiowlmtKimiliir publication In tho pa st two years will readily petvolvo Imv iniicli worthier iff kind comments it is than its pre liooessors nntl will join us in saying that we have ono of tho very Isost directories ever at tempted in any city. Tho pivsont issue is a very handsome pioco of typographical woik, ami it Is extremely gratifying to hs-al prldo to know that tlm press work and binding are the haudycraft of liomn woik. As Instances of the manner in which tho Information in tlm work has been brought dim 11 to date, the olllcers of fo'ret societies, hut leccnlly elect ed, nml tlioptrsou.il of tlm American Ex change II ink and Lincoln Site Depoiit co.ii ixiliies appear also in its pages. The haiiilsomo cream silk mouormu handkerchiefs for gentlemen have met with a reaily sale. Thoy are only ono out of doM'iis of now thins at IlcrpoUhcimcr Si Co's. Know All Men by These ri'1'i.ciiU. That tho Union I'ucllle, "tho Oveilantl Hoiito,"aml the Chicago, Milwaukee Si St. Paul Hallway, commenced Sunday, October US to DecemlM.'r in, to run Pullman palace sleepers throiiiih daily from Denver to Chi cago via Omahc mid Council Mull's. J. & D.NEWMAN'S HOLIDAY GOODS II;tc arrived, juul their stoic is completely decorated with hundreds of appropriate articles for Christmas. Silk Handkerchiefs, Silk Mufflers, Fancy Celluloid Articles, Sachets, Work Hoxes, Collar and Cuff Cases, Etc., Etc. Call and 03 1 hose Goods. J. & D. NEWMAN, 1026 O St. LARGE LOT OF Damaged Silverware ON SAI.K KOR A FEW DAYS AT 1-2 Actual Cost This silverware was damaged by the recent fire over my store. Much of it is but slightly damaged but EVERYTHING GOES , and here's one more bier bargains at -5 HALKETT'S I 13 North 1 l.th St., near O. CURTICE LEADING MUSIC DEALE S. "WE3E1! PIANOS sixoarsira-Era Musical Merchandise. All the Latest and Popular Operas, Sheet Music and Books in Stoek. 12th St., opposite Opera House. The most sensible and at the same time acceptable Christ mas gift any gentleman can give to his wife is a black silk dress pattern. We can sell you 20 yard lengths costing anywhere from $15.00 to $.1,5.00, and they arc beautiful. Ashby & Millspaugh. LADIES FURNISHING AND ART STORE, 122 outh 12th Street. FINE FANCY GOODS AlsTD NOTIONS. Stamping, Art Needle Work, Kid Gloves and Material for Fancy Work, our specialty. Foreman & Crow, Props. 122 South 1 2th Street. For MAN ! , , For BEAST li l jil3Mk vI I fa Mustang Liniment a I l . l, l.XIPANMn!ITANliUNIMr;NTUileatliloPiLrB. J VST . H chance for vou to eet & THIERS, irj.:iTx:a disoc- rr.or Opposite Opera I louse. i l : I I toimmMtfrm1ilirit,&,.. nittmilpw &,? mH'uc-'inj Jt 1 vmwr'KtMH 'WW'