JX Vr, f-3A-i- ISHOKOHtSSWitlStOuSmS i ir-nMmfftaMMKwoK t I, ., wimmMifFf iii"0wiwnyjBfHiwtwr !. SSWraSt MV FINE : ART : STUDIO lat-f 0 slrcit. Examine sample of our oik lieforo ordering cliewlierc. Cabinet lMiotoyraph i educed (rom $410 1$ per doxen Ladies' & Gents' FINE SHOES At greatly reduced prices AT W.I.WEBSTERS, 1 0.1.3 O Street. E. T. ROBERTS & SON Undertakers andEmbalmers. 212 North nth Street, ' Windsor Hold Annex, Telephone. Onice 145. Resilience 156. Open Dny nnil Night. HAGENOW & ASCHMANN, Philharmonic Orchestra .AND MILITARY BAND, Ofticc,Rooms 1390111! i.jo Hurr Mock. Telephone 133 J. II. W. HAWKINS, ARCHITECT AND SUPERINTENDENT, Ilutloinrs completed or In course of erection IromApntl, IS: nhkH YsPpBl!i4Bjf3Ti22V -, UUSUICS OIOCK. U IS OlIIKQIlUT) , 11(11 nnn ,-m, do do LWIIlllliurdey, UlhnenrN. ItcdtAurant (OJells) 0 K Momironu-ry. N near 11th. ltetldcncc, J J Inilioff, J nml lith. do J I) Mncfnrlnml, Q nml 11th. do John Zelirutnr, I) nml nth do Albert Wntkln. I) bet Mh nml 10th. do WinM litxinmil, Kbot Otli nml lOUi. do K It fluthrlc, BTtli mid N. do .1 !'. Heed, SI D, Kbel tcth nml 1 7th do 1. 0 M IMMwIn. (1 bet lMli nml IStli. KAullnrtiim building ut Mllford. Neb, Flif : llAptlt church, 1 llli ntul K streets. ortuary c;n bl ntU mojWIiij tombnl AVyukn cemetery, Office . Rooms 33 1UH13I Rlaliards Hloolc FAST MAIL ROUTE ! 2 DAILY TRAINS 2 TO AtchUon, Leavenworth, St. Joscph.Knntas City, St. Louts and nil points South, Enst and West. The direct line to Ft. Scott, Parsons, Wichita, llutchlnton nnd all principal points In Kansas. The only road to the Great Hot Springs of Arkansas. 1'ui.lmaw Slkepkrs and Free Kccmninm Ciiaiii Cars an all trains. H.'G. HANNA, R. P. R. MILLAR, City Tkt Agent, Gen'l Agent. Cor. O and 12th Sts. 7w rf7a WILWAUKEEI) TMll &yr tilrsVvt i twns nnd operntCH 5.C00 inllc or thowuchly -" , .Ulppcl road In Illinois, Wisconsin, Iowa, inuuri,.uiniicBoinumi uaKOiu. It It tlics '.lost Direct llouto IxitwoJit H tho Principal I'olnU In tho Northvcst, Bouihwcvt nd Far West. For maps, tlmo tables, rates of pnssneo nml freight, etc., apply to nearest station agent ol CHICAGO, MlLWAUKKK A HT. l'AUJ. 1UIL way, or to any ltullroad Agent nnywhero In the world. H. MIM.KH, A. V. H.OAltrnNTEn, Oencral M W (tcu'l I'nw. &Tkl Agt. k. TUUKttii, ar.o. 11. iigafford, Aw", Gen' MCr. Asst.O. V.&T. Agl. Mllwuukcc, Wisconsin. MrFo; Information In rcrcrcnce to J.atuls null Towns owned by tho Chicago, Milwau kee .t HI. 1'nul Itnllwuy Compuny.wrto to If. O- llAV()AM,Trfind CoiiimtsslcrHcr.MlllwnnktO Wlscomln. A ViMinirtiperof .Uincrn 7YmrA. PuiJManicn Satuhday BemcnirTiuxi Oim Yr.ir by Mull or Carrier $J,00 Hlxinotilln, SI.W. Threo montlnno CcntH, On month SO Cent Inrnrnhly In Ailrniico. VnvniTisr.vicjcrs! Itntcs furnMicdon npll ntlm nt tho office, Beln1 ride On Tltnp Contrn In. Co.iTiiiiurrioxsi Hhorl spicy sketches, poem nml stories solicited, lYrsoiiM nml Hoclnl note ore esiwcfiilly desirable, I'nivmo! Wo mnliO ft specially of Kino Printing In nil Hi Urn j!ni. Hjj.eiy vrjtjk a Sjinhlty Adilrewi nil eoinmiliilcntlons itlrectto Ilia nflUv. WlfiNSICL PUINTINO CO , I'ltm.tximiK. Now lltur block, Cor. ISIh mid O Hlrcris. TKi.ni'iuiNKiU It. Wkkhki,, Jit., EdltornndHoloPiopiiotor. Hnwyrr & Mother, llorlntH, MiimiiiIu Temple. Mineral water used for Kithlng, 101(1 Ost. Trlckoy it Co. .wholesale and ninll Jewelers. U llnrr.Jowclcr, cslnbllslud lt7l, 10llOst, Canon City Coal nt thu Whltcbrcnst Coal nml l.lnin Co, Tiy Homo of llio lino fresh (lull served every dnv nt Cameron's. Tlio great diamond miction h ito ut Hullett's eonuncnevx toluy. A drop In both price niul slock of dry goodsnt II', H. Sliwloy &Co. Improved shower for Turkish Imlhs nt 1010 0 street, basement Union block. Tho finest luncheon in tho city nro nerved nt till hour nt Carder's Eurocnii rustnurniit, R') IP street. Ladle will do well to cull nt tliu Art nml Furnishing joous More, 'i Koutli Twelfth Htreet, opixixilo tho icrn house, when In nenrcli of liolldny prcsenla. Call on J, C. Fluid, Lincoln fc'o wnnger, for prompt work dny nud nlRht. OIHeo under Klrat Kiitlonnl linuk. Cull telephouo -iWi. ii I'riilllnlilo lliilmft. Thoso who tnko nn nnoncy forn rcllnblacn terprlsiiiK houw, learn thlr builiietH unit stick toil, Kct on in tho world, l'oopplo who hnvo tiny Idivi of vni;ngtiiK In nny canvassing Ini-dneM will do well to write Ueorge Htltmon & Co., Toi'tlnnd, Mntuo tho grentnrt nml Knvrnl puhllihor. Tlmy oirortlio most ex ceptloimt ndvnntigos to tho.w who nro Riif Ik'lently eutoipilsliiB to ho willing to uiiiku n ptwh In oixler to better I heir condition. It .ott nothliig to try. Women innko Rtiecess fill CAiivnwcrs, as well as men. Kill I imrtb ctilnrM will bo wnt to thoso who nddicm tho llriu; their full address ii given nliove. l.i'Kiil Notice, In tho District Court In mid for Lancaster county Nrbrastdi. John I.. Knnroll, philiillir, vi. Kinil Htitiltz, ri'ieruiiiiiiuiiv. imo toiiueuy, ..i. reii illicit, Union 'I rust Company, Uiuiilm, In tlivH(nie of Nebruikn, nnd otheri ThoiihuVonnmeddcftfiidiintB, Kmll Hluiltx Poler Connelly, KiileConnuliy, mid A.O. IVn. nock. Ilrst iionio iiiikiiown, will tuUo notice Hint on the I5tulu if Novei'Vir, A, L', W, thonbovo nnin:d idiilutill, .Toliii I rnivrell, tiled hot iitflltlou hi tho IMstrlet Court or Un ciistDrcoUnty, Nobnixl(iiiHKitluNUiilil dcrunil nuts, thu olOu.-'t nud ini)cr of which In to forcviNO n certain morlKaeu executed by tho deremlnnt Kmll Hhultz to tho liialntlll'. John li. Knrwell, upon tho northwest quarter of section nuiulercd twenty-six (vni), In town shli numbered seven (7), north of ran no numbered llvo V): cast or lh (Itli 1. M., In Uiucnstor county, Nebraska, to secure tho payment or two certain proinlsory notes, tinted January I, I SHI. Ono for thosiitu ofRW nud tho other ror tho sum of .no, tho hitler rnUluKduo.Imumry 1, 1KAS, nml tho former Jwiiunry I, mi. with annual Interest lit 8 per cent per annum on each, nud that theru Is now duo and pnynbloiuid duo on said notes thoKiini ort'.Yin.al, ror which sum tho plain lilt' prn.vn Tor udecreo that dcrendnulH lo re iillrcd to luy Iho suine. or Unit salil premises iiiiiv Ito sold to satisfy tho nmouiit round due. You mid each or you nro required to answer sum pennon on or ouiuroiiio nisi nay or DC COIIlll.T, lNvS. Dated November 13, ISM, C. C. lluiin. Att'y for ri't'ir. CROUP. sour nr.ADiNn that wilt, imiove iNTr.n- KSTINO TO YOONO MOT1IEUS. now to aiiAiti) against tiik diskask. Croup h tho terror of young niothors especlnlly ilurhig tho enrly winter montlis, art it is then most provnlont. To post tliLMn coneorulng tho cause, llrst syinptonis, trntitiuoiit ntul how- to prevent It, Is tho object of thin article Tho origin of croup is n common cold, children tit tit nro tmbjoct to It tuku cold very otisllv nnil croup is almost suro to follow. Thu lirrit xyuiptoiux of croup Ii hoarseness, it is u puculinr hoarrtoncss, cnoily rccogui.cil ntul onco heard al ways remembered. Usually a dny or two boforo tho attack, tho child bu comes honrso nml gradually shows symptoms of having taken cold, nnd this is where tho mistake is usually mado, tho mother thlnklug her child has just taken cold gives it no cupeclal attention utitil awakened in tho night by tho violent coughing of tho child, llnds it has tho croup and remembers it has had ncold or boon hoarse for a dny or two. buch clrcuinstnncus often oc cur, and in many cases tho mother has nothing in tho house that will relievo it, and may bo tovcr.il miles from n physi cian or drug storo. You can well imagine- tho situation and her, distress. Tho tlmo to act Is when tho child first becomes hoarse or tdiows symptoms of having taken cold; if Chamborhiiu's Cough Kemody is freely given from that tlmu on, nil tendency to croup will disnppoar nnd all danger bo avoided. Tho remedy prevents fully ten thous and cases of croup every year. It Is tho main reliance with many mothers throughout tho Western .States nnd Territories; theyhavo learned its value and how to usoit, and in those families croup is seldom known because it la ulvvays prevented. Tho host treatment Torerouu Is Cham berlain's Cough Remedy used as ill reeled with each bottle. Careful Irv oulrv fails to rovcairt sitifrlo cnno whore Itlms over failed although a great inany soYcro and tlarurerous cases liaYo been cured by it. Call nny VirothnV who has small unliuren niloru to no without buch a Tcniedy. It costs but lifty cents, can slio iiftbrd to take tho chances for so trivial nn amount. A Good Linlmont. NVhon you need a good liniment try Chamberlain's Pain Halm. It cures Sn'rnlns, Litmo Hack, Hhcumatlsm, Neuralgia. Cuts, Uruses, llurns. Scalds and Toothache, CO cent nud dollar bottles. Bold by W.-J. Turner, Wlirro tho Paul l Ijiy. Toting Author Do you know that our. nmll ktvIco Is In n nicstdciuomtUcdcoudl II01W It scouis to tnko n letter nn ago to roach Its destination, Old Friend lluro you lou troubled with Itf Young Author I should say I had, I font n poem to n New York paiior isoro than four months no nnd It hasn't U-eii printed ycU llriiilnghnm llcpublk'nn. Ono or Nntitrn's t'nfoi tunnies. "Ih'tv, what did vou tnko nivllk umbivlln for. mid Icnvo Unsold hluo tlil'uct" 'V'y, liosn i'-cr l'n coulah blind r llnrpor's Ilnuir. Tho Niiino Wn IJverjthlns. Illtor (writing to eminent literary man)--If you will send us n utory say I.R00 to SJ.COO words wo will pay you f.'!03. You under stand that this Is t-Xi for tho uso of your nnino and (." for tho story our usunl rnto. Literary Man 1 regret to t.ny that 1 havo no tlmo or lucllnntlou to write tho story, but I Inoloso my nnino, which you tuny uso, nnd In return send luo check for fj2W. Hurling ton Ilawkoyo. Tiilieu Advice. First Bmnll lloy-Ilcllol Did you Iwt on election! Bcvoitd Small Hoy Of courso I did. "Win or losor "I Ion a nickel." "I'aldltyctr "No, and I ain't going to. Pro taken legnl ndvleo from my mother, and sho says 1 can't bo held responsible," Detroit Freo Press. Cotninrnditldo Caution. K'-w It may Ihj I havoyellow.fovcr. Henry; I think wohnd lietterKiud for Dr Pilhhury. He Why, my love, 1 wouldn't tonil fee him. You know ho Is color blind. Life. Tho Directory Mnn: Tho champion unconscious funny man U out in Avoudnlo, whero ho Is getting tho names and statistics for tho now Hamilton county directory. Yesterday ho called nt thu houo of n young couplo who havo seen just two Miiuiucrs and winters pass over their heads sluco tho law unit tho Uosiicl mado them ono. "How old h your husbaud Tasked the di rectory man of tho wife "Twenty-six." "And how old nro youl" "Twenty-four." , "How long hnvo you lscn married I" "Two years." Then In tho snmo cold, far away official tone, naked tho next question on tho printed lUti "Havo you any grown up children V Tho youBg wifo nearly fainted, tho effort v.-us so great to suppress the hysterical laugh ter that possessed her soul, hut ho maunged to say that their only child wns still, In tho tinturo of things, n baby. This story is almost equal to tho talo of tho man who took tho census in College Hill. He called nt a family whero thero wcro twins, and, uftcr being told their age, ho blandly Mid unthinkingly Inquired of tho duui foundctl mother whether they wcro horn in tho samo state, no had followed his Instruc tions to tho letter, but in so dolus had throw u common sonsooverboaru. Cincinnati Tlnies Star. An Unfinished Look. Mrs. Wcrthwalto, of Murray Hill, lias just moved Into u now house. Tho parlor Is lienutlfully fitted with tho most orponslvo Becliiiens of tho upholsterer's art, and has n polished ail: Moor, only partly concealed by a fow choice eastern rugs. Klio is entertain ing n nu-rcantllo guest ot her husband's. "Wo think wo nro looking very fluo in our now house, Mr. Wabash," sho remarks, casu ally. "Yes, Indeed," icsponds Mr. Wnbask politely; "but it Ml look a good deal liner when you conio to get your carpets down." Harper's Uatir. lloth Had ncgrct. Ho Isn't this pastry of yours h'm a lit- tlo tough, my dear? (After n moment.) What delicious pies my mother used to mako at homo I Sho (with a half rlRhl-Posslbly it Is, (After a moment.) What lovely dinners jpa used to glvo mo nt Dclmonlco'sl Hnr pcr's Udzar. In tho tabby. Theatre Goer (indignantly) Tho Idea of a baby yelling liko that nt h theatre. Why don't you hnvo tho youngster put out? Malinger hclplcssly)-I don't dai. It's tho pet grandchild of tho llttlo actress y.m throw that bouquet to. Philadelphia Itccord. A Reporter, "llello, Mosol What nro you doing nowl" "Pin a voiwtah." "Ilcnortorl Iteportcr'on n dally hapcr?" "No, sab. Yo know I was jx'tah fo' a wbllontdo Cummushal; wnal, Pso been ro p'hited." Harper's llazar. Tho Oio Thlnfj Needful. Lady Prof e&or, hew Is uiy daughter get ting on with her music) Professor Fortissimo (ambiguously) Madam, It Is only a question or time. Uur liugton liawkeyo. No Fun In It. Mrs. Smith (who Is reading a humorous paiicr) 1 don't too any fun in theso Jokes about hlg bills for ladles' hats. Mr, Smith-1 don't cUher. Texas Sif tings. .;lJjk i!v JPJft2-Vr j Iff? rrofnniiil tKnomnfr. Mistress (to up stairs girl) Jano, tho down itnlrt girl l slclr. You know how to cook, don't you I Jnno No, muni; I don't know anything about cooking, "Hut you told mo you'd boom cook for ten yon m." "Yes, mtinii but It was In n railroad res taurantout woit." Phllndolphla HecoriL It Whs tho Cut. "Pheney, cotuo j-cr nn' tck kcnli do Inhy awhllo. Poo' Mttlo feller's ei oupy, 1 know by do way ho cry." Harper's llitzar. Only Waltlni;. Housekeeper (after dining n tramp) Why don't you go to work! Tramp I ntn not nblo to do hard work, madam. As a boy I was obliged to go to Sunday school In nil sorts of weather, and it mado mo vory delicate, inndnni. "Oh, well; seems to mo you might cot something Indoors, cleaning out olllccs for Instance. Why don't you K-ek n posltiou as Janitor of an oflleor1 "Madam, I am n man of hlh principle, nud I hold, nmdnin, that tho olllco should took tho man, not tho man tho olllco. Thanks for this banquet. If you sco nn ofllco hunting for mo.tcll It Pvo gono up tho road." Phila delphia Record. Uiidrslmblo Acquaintances fsx Miss Hoatrlco Jlluks TliciMconso tho Jones girls. Pa owes Mr. Jones money. Miss Ucrtha Dinks Does ho) Ict'scut 'em dead. Philadelphia Record. Ilumlllni: llablcs. An nrtlcle, "How to Handlo Hables," ap plicable to young mothers, Is on tho rounds. Somo ndvleo sultabloto omntcur fathers might not bo out of place. Never get careless when you aro In n hurry to go down town, and throw tho baby across tho back of 11 chair liko an overcoat; It is hard 011 tho splno If It has ono yet. Do not toot It llkonnllo driver to mako it stop crying, ns this only jolts more yells loose. Don't trot nrouud tho room with It nt night when It has tho collo with Its bond down and its feet up; seo Unit you grub It right sido up and with caro. Nuver bo to thoughtless as to carry It by ono arm or ono leg, If you do not want nny moro nolso In tho house. Do not let it slip through your hands on to tho floor, though you do find It ns hard us an col to hold. In handing it to your wlfo do not bo nt glad that you will let go of It beforosho bos a clinch on It. If you stand It In tho corners to get rid of It bo suro that Its feet aro down. Novcr lay It upon tho inuutcl piece, even for halt an hour; it has no wlngx, hut may havo w hen you conio back. Do not bo guilty of tying its fcot together nud hanging It oil tho lint rack. If It Jumps off your lap, always try te catch It before It hits tho floor. AVoid lifting it up by'tho oars, as this pro duces enlargement of thoso orunments. Don't bounce It up against tho wall liko a ball and catch it; it may not liko It. Do not balance it ou your hoad with your hands in your jiockets. If you llnd you must lay it ncrossyour tap to spank it, soo that it Is In u comforWblo position. If you feel that you hnvo to sell It, don't.- A. W. Bellow lu Ynnkeo Hlado. A Terrible Scnluncc. Now York Judge Havo you anything tc say in mitigation of your scuteucoi Murderer Nothing, your honor. Judgo You know thut executions nro now dono by electricity? Murderer Yes, your honor. Judge Then it Is my painful duty to Ben toueo you to work ns n lineman for tho Over head Wiro Electric company until you are dead, dead, dead. Murderer fainlt. Detroit Free Press. Ovcrlrcorxl ot tho Cluls Lltowaltc lu mourning, Awthawl Poosouby (mournfully) Yaas, my Uuclo Benjamin Lltowaltc Tho rich East Indian iiababl Is Itpossluloke -l'ouwinby (gloomily) You havo guessed It. Ho has recovered. Tho Idea. Ono "of tho MyitcHm. Mother Ami tho serpent, oh a punishment for tempting Evo, was mado to 'crawl all tho rest of tils life. llobblo Well, mamma, how did ho get along boforo! Dabyhood. Wlten Thoy Open 't'Mty. Ndw that tho frceslpg cold weather Is nt hand, nobody 'mcius to havo tho slightest trouble in getting tho car window open to its widest extent, Bomervt Do Journal. A 'Natural Mistake. "Say, inamtnn," saldAViltlo, when ho sat; n plcturo of Pegasus for tho first tlmo, "Ij that n horse fly I" Harper's Bazar. JJAfli" DON'T FAIL T Cnj !,,ul Examine the Large and Elegant Stock of m teersM PORTED and DOMESTIC WOOLENS -Suf& L. Jst Received by 1 he American Tailops, OMAHA, NEB $331" " f i.j 1 1 Farnam St., Paxton Hotel BId'. I They are Leaders. STYLE, FIT AND FINISH surpa ; by none. Do not fail to give them a trial, ZEHRUNG, BURNS SHENKLE BUILDERS' HARDWARE We carry at all times a fine line of GRANITE KITCHEN UTENSILS FIRE SETTS, TINWARE Anil the most Elegant Variety of Pocket Cutlery in the city of Lincoln. Ir7-ll O STEEET. Heffley & Sons, if i 1 Pl) MfiIV1 ma" ,- '. s 5- II f I m IS .r fU " Zrl (y' From Mother Goose To Herbert Spencer SssssHMsssssNssMNsssiMssissMsssasisvwHiisas IS THE RANGE OF BOOKS AT H. W. BROWN'S, CALL AND SIJIJ THEM. 127 S. IILEVENTH ST. Buggies, Carriages or Saddle Horses, Can be had nt anv tie, Dny or Night, on short notice Horses Boarded and w. . .aken care of at Reasonable Rates Call and sec us, 101 Q street, or give all orders by Telephone 147. LINCOLN ICE COMPANY, PURE ICE isssssssssjssssssssssssiHHaEasisssssHsssssussssssssasssi Not cut from the FiUhy Salt Creek but from the Clear nnd Pure Water of -OAK CREEK- Delivered to all parts of the city at reasonable prices. Estimates Cai:i:iut m-y Giyi:n. JAMES H. Plumbing, Steam and GAS KITTING, GAS FIXTURES, IRON, LEAD AND SEWER 1PIPE. AOKNT Matiikws it IIoi.t Gas Maciiink. Importer of Ladles', $JM HEADWEAR Only House In the West that Imports Direct from Europe. Agents in Paris, London and New Yotk. No. 1 5 14 Doughs Street, Omaha, Nebraska Most Popular Resort m the 'City. ODELL'S DINING HALL, MONTOOMintY WLIOCK, 1 .1 1 o. -i -i a a -111x1 1 1 2.3 N -Street. y Meals 25 cts, siafa 1 stAflU $ 1S4 Couth 12th ZL, FINEST LIVERY RIGS In the City nil come (rom the Graham Brick Stables 1027 Q STREET, Where all .dnils of s Oitm:iis'PKo.Mi-rt.Y liXKctrrr.i) O'NEILL, Hot Water' Heating. 43' Lincoln, Neb Misses' and Children's- ' .4 " -r. ft. 1 1 S ' W per wcck. . V. ?V" -Cl Vi" an S$ u ' r- T.X . ' ' i!- ' ,n J&illttoii&t--, . '. A , . L" WM. .' "