KOMAJID J? PoPdlLSAR' RMR'oPyNAPUKM 'TIMI1S " vou -a. No. 1. Lincoln, Nicmhaska, Saturday. Dkcicmmick 1C. lfce P'WIOlfi FlVIC OlCNTS i TIHVJ'! Hill V lUKUnVWft rHHniit army or Illustrator! n.o. among i C I,' I," V ATTIIKIM, VY IIQI'SKS '''l'''','ryuhUI(1i.lloMj,m.lll.olmun. IIUlMlO IJULl Unol'ilU "Uthom, Howiint Pylo, Klwtn A. Al.'uy, W. "' ' ll11'' lt-xl llVM ,0, i ly pilh.unn I In Ulilm-H of tlm notom, tuiitfo COMMENTS AND OPINIONS IN TYPE. Wluit N Heard, s i, I. en mod mill I'itII IM'llll) Suggcsti'il In Dili Multitude. OiiiioxtMondnj TiikCiiuihtmah CoriitKii it III go to llm press nml tint lunched tulkoil of lioliiliiy iiumlicr ulll shortly thoicnftor ! In tho hnmls of the CoriltKli'H foniloni It lum Inn. 11 tint publisher imrtlculnr nlm to pioiont In this jonrs Issue, not only inn nrrny of lino .'null Mmf tnim In (ritmiriil. but linril luirf iill- Inrlv to warn for this Issue, ton llinlt.il mini iHT.tl.. licit articles from loonlwrltom. mom- m than fiom those nbmiul Wo Imto uxrol I lout tnloiUheiont home In this lino nml when -"I'liy tllustinloil-i.j .nnopu u lutieii.iioniu It ft known that wtoinl of tlio onntrlbiitom I ho contents, them comes "A Clulstuliis Din niKilnMHi'rsforiiliiiinKiilmos Koilli-1 ,'V ' MrH- Hou-r, In whloli Hint mitliori-iii'I-h. (Vntiiiv, to, tlio work nmy Iw inoro I tlwiwMsi.i k'"' ""'i' miIumIiIo jhiIhIk on fuliv nitiiivfiiilml AkI.Io fi-oin tliowi nrn in tl. I tllln fl'IIHt . Iicr "How tol.lxooll II Tlionviuil dm (fully lllustrntiil) liv (loitrmlo Hiirilson, Ollvo IliirH.r. Jiinios Wlilti-omli HII03 , K. 11. j lliirtcn nml otliur pminlnont w liter whos woik will Mini spneo In tills isuo. Plonmit . . .i. . . '. 'liucc oiil'iiinIiiks will 111 live in tine nohsou from New York, mnl th.iso now lomly for invsH, will limko this pictorial p'irt wirpiss " cstn's ileipiest.' and a "I In Mums 1'ioti niivtliliw of tho kind nttemnteil lioforo l-'"i." wltli a Kcni-rous offer of npiirctoi'M-iy In the MnU. Another line f.Mture will Ik- tlio piil.llshhiB of Mlv. Mmlo Jnnsens fniuons sour, wlthoompu'toiinti omental S.-010, fiom PrinlnoasHiiiR l-y hernery nlht for nemly 1 In the KtnU.. Another Hue f.i.tore will Ik- tho ,. ...... ,.t 11... i"..oi.. 1.. v.... v.,.1, in.. ! Contrary to its usu il coi.ie. T"K CiiiJli 1 IKll has miule num-ious itoinios, hut at this wi IthiR it feels fully juMluVI In Hiln:: tlmt fveiy Mich proniso will lw full) launsl out. ihopaiK-r will consist of Iit paKes on 1 .rciiiii tlntoil IkjoiC Mior, wltluiliiMvy l""il lynortsi coM-r, aiusiionliy pollen up. anil 1 only 11 limltt.nl lllllllhor Of pliei8 will I pi luted nml wo would anln leipimt our nt roiw who ikiro extra iiiples to loite their order at this olllce for nuiio or 0011111111 nicnto with us hy telephone number '-'.Vl This will Ih 11 Hpleiiiliil pnK'r to send to dis tant fi'cu Is mnl iclntitcs uuil will not only Fpcal: well for western Mjeloty hut for the en toiprihuof a western town. V Ahciuly iiicinbeis for tlio oonilnj; sosslun of tho loKislatiiiX'iiio 011 the K'ouud mid in fact have iH'eu an ivfiiK for the pist week or more. Much wliv pul'hij; mnl lohh)iti iromiseN to Ih done this session mid iilruuly Iho deft Ihigein of doodle M-ukeis and Imv liilUliers mo to lm Keen in tlio Held, (if coill'ho tho lailroniliptostiouaud otheiseiiinl .JX,U-otiiinent will again lio a piominunt IU uro liofoio this (ioily. Wlmt tlelihtful w cither tho past two months havo been. Cci tainly no one could "kick" or llnd fault with such clminihn; at iuoMioro mnl just to think it is neai ly .Ian nary tlmt and not n 1 cully cold simp )et, innkes tho reiuler think that peihips Nolans kn with Its Deci'inlier Ttn'lan skies, is to havo Miniliier nil tho year 'lound. Howeter, K'entlo loader, don't let jour mind wander ipllln so far. Plenty of winter Is j'ot in stoio for us ami the longer it will bo until spring I mil told Unit 11 wager wns inailo Thurs day betw ecu four j'oung geiitlumcu, nil snlos inuii in (J stieet stires, that tho lunu who woulil wnl Hist was to leccito thu p'izc I'.ucli Keutleman pmcisl fZ (X) In tlio hands of iiiu ruiiKciiuiiiui,uiiiiii mm iiiioncu 111 jiitiKu, nccoiillnoieiwt,ulifourwllll.0'Moubllsll,el.liiithoH.iprei.ieC loom. ist olllce Itv'1 1 Itltlll Ll v mitttliu Hut itt hlitl-fr nun 1... It.lt..,. .!..... 1... 4 ..I -I..-.. 1. 1 ir.i I.1.111 11. o 1""-,'"v,v-' " iui.ei.ou 1110 tiiHiiinu u win uo luioitaiuig to vvntch tho loiUlt.Now then whoso linmo will bo Kllf 'Ilio lf A mnl cuv for DecomlK'r contains n rolousl Rtuily 1 eprmluecil from n sketch in oil exhibited last season in tho "Siiluingiiiuli club," New Yoik 1 liy. Tliunrtlst Is Prancls Daup, a grnndsou of Pl.ler Howe, of this I'ltj'. llissketch, "Heal ts 111 o Ti limps," was iMiught by Mr. Jlarks, tslltor of tho .lif !.". ', .....1. i..".i... .tniiif. iii', who holiday number of his hciitlful iiingiiiuo Mr. D.iv bf.'iin titrf mt. utn.K Iii tin. V1.1v ... .. 1 ...i...i nun iim-i IL lit IINIIlllt III 1111 .. ... .,,n ii....,i. .t.i.ii.. ..... Yoik "Alt StiidenfH U-ague," fiom thoro i riitt ojlleo Is indebted to the new Hub went to Paris for llvo Jems nml BtuaL.,l 1 indy Kitchen, across tlio strtc-t, lor sainples uniler C.ibanel nn.l othem. lio now has a of Mii-lr strictly humoinnilo candles. Ihopio studio in Now York city, nml all the time 1 11' - Mr. Iluino-i Infoims us that as soon ns liocuuairoiiirroni his work in color U ilo-1 '" ,s ,"lwl ''? wl" l, I,ri'lmm finnlsli toteiltoillustiatiugtheSt. Nicholas, Scrih- ,ho l'ploof Lhiooln tlio lluvnt lino of lim ner's ami Cosmoiiolltnn inagninos. At tho 1 1",'s '' '"- l'll'- present National Acndcniy exhibition he Iiiih 11 chaiinlng little picture MKsKtlcl Howe hns iisveltwl u ihotcgraph of this jietuio which is tcrj- Intel est lug. Tho moral inlluences' jf su -h n puro nnd 10 llneil magn:liio uh Cathy's ImiIij's Ihuh mo Invaluable foi every household. Hlchly Illus trated ami full of capital CluMuiiiH stoiies nml other choice lltcinry mutter, tho Djtem-Ih-'I' limulH'l' is now befoiulis Ah a liishlou guide, tho Indies ki.ow the wot th of tills fav orite old publication. Tho ntti notions for 18s8 weio nil that mijbody could expect for the pi lee. Hut for ls.s',1, nrraiigoments mo inailo piovldlug fin 111010. Wiito to "(iW rj's ImiI'j' H '"''" I'i'lla , Pa. Two luittires nuku tho Chustiuas number of tho on. Ilitji-r noteworthy 11 iLlightful papsrof lomliiiseeueivi, by I). mild (!. Mit cliell, oillul up tiy mhiij inn uiiristmus pic tines, nnd a chun tmistie p.))iu, bright mid tender In fooling, by Jamas White Jiub Illley "Llttlo.fohnts's Cliiisinus" Thu numbr is higgor th'iu over, luting 111 pages, ami lires.'iit-s a oo'iiiilot j review ot hohd ly lltor.i 1 11 111 In tho form of many pipjm by dls'lng- ulshoil writers, and score of illustti'.tio.n of much lutrlnslu IntoroU. llm lulling illus t rated holid V books, from puhlishurs in all pin Is of the country are icvleuod In enter (.lining m Holes by Oot'ivo Th mot. Ulpley Illtchcouk, H null Oriiio Jowett, (leorgo I'ar sons Lit In oji, 11 million W Muhlu, Mrs 1 In r ton Harrison, Prof. Jiiines Itildwiu, W. U. llroniiL'll, utid Hoiblter .loluisou. Tlieie uro in thu number more than sixty handsome illustrnticiH fiom tlm latest holiday bookb. many of them full page, over thhtj-of tho most urllstL' holug printed In lolors. In tho Iluinilto'itllbsn. P. 8 Church. P. Chlldo lliiswiii, W. I. Tiiylor, Nt .lulm llm per, Wnltor (Vnii , P T. M en 111. PumIjiIi Item Ingtnn, K. II 0.11-ivtt, nulJ. I). Wooilvvmil Thu IiiM mil nivol tlxlgil of th ooioi, which Is print I In gold mi I crimson on lint olpipif, tfilts with tlin ot'ior foiituios to in.iko It altogether mi unooiii'ilonly llrli i.tcl lirlllliintly nttrni'Mvu IioIMiiv publication. Published hy Clinic Ncrlhuor's Hmn, New York. It) cent n copj $' m" J1'"1'- Tlio Cln Minus iininlK'i of 7'nfifo Talk I full, to ovorllowlUB. of ooi.Uli!iiK tlmt iv , mg 0p ,,. yny ..n, Woil.l AriiIiisI Intos to tin- tin) of kKs! nuil fonstliiK'i mill It 1 ,.r jlw ),,0, H. (,. i,,l,. n n ih,-ivuli'i-n will llml, In'foio tlioy rt ttimiigli ,.,,H ,mkH ,,il won tlio niliiiliiilloii of nil with It. enough to nmko them look for 1 1 1,. mliiKf "tlio ilnj. tilth iiioiv tluin tli.'lr ii - unl lniMitIiiti. "llotbl.'hom 1111 nil )(hmii Vom" is lontiniml in ties minilioiviUo In 1 1 lnillsM'iisnlil nuswom to ouM'k(s.H'iV In- ilrlw " 'ClnlhtiimM in Koiokn UmK- "A 1 t:iirntiniiH Itiiinlilo Aiiiouk tlio Nuts, ' Ptliol's ''i...!.!....... ti.....iii.i.iu A f.....ti. .. ti.ul l.i I ChrUlmiiR Dociirntiniis, ' "Attrniitho nml In ' oxHiNio (lifts." 1111 01 i(-lnnl t'hi IstiimsHtory, ?. '",,, TZV,1."- " V,, ii'B nitleli liy lllllo Mny I'oinoy. Williiun HHuthom. H. I. Shoimmi. Knte( nthoi w.xs . ,""1 ,,,llv- I'1'-"IK wiltoix tiblr lulk Is N'l,',i ' " "" 'ontcnts. also ntolest tutlilisliisl nt 1 (Hln oiir liy the 7'uMe 'full. Pal.ll-hiiiK 0 HW. Hl UH Hace Stu-ol, Philadelphia. If ,s ,,,. ,,f 10 i.ol.r,i s not up , , htnll(llll( ))f ,.xct'lli-nce. wo tiust ,. u.niI(. ulM ,cm. ltl, s t,s time iitiil ,.,(M)1 ,uitliliiK tlmt nmy npiH-nr imxu- lm. r m.i,lu. PuhlMiInt; IIno Ihmu-h this UKUltll. t-9sKs n liolLlfi issue (rtl.Mi Lythe way comtN out m-it Tm-sihiv umi tiltii?) mnl ' iiiucli oxtrn wink hi mil jolt ilopiiitiuoiit, has 1 ciowiltsl otii ollli o fonv Ilowotoi, as the ! Christinas imiuLer is iUou all lendem I KrntN, wo think tlieie will ls no fault to! llml llolletiu tlmt memliership i 1 a whist chili 1 I Is iueouoi'iteiit with 'lunch nnd Kundiiy I klIioo! work, Mr. mid Mm A 11. Wicr up- 1 , H'iiicil hefoio tho li eta whist club, whose I in caul it Inn was locentl) iiotlcul ill these columns, and mkisl lento to wHhiliaw.to which th.) 1 lob leltli taiilly coiim'U.' il. Whist 1 plii)lni; in a htiietly piitate ciicle like thi- oue is coi tainly mi Innocent nniiisemeut, but wlieieitpiovesn Kileviilico to nlilei 'lu 1st- 1111, s nun mjviuiv 11 nail fAilllllilli III lliu I younscr, it Is liotter not to urticipatc in it and the club commeiideil the course of the ictiiiii); inembors. Out) about onii wt ok until Chi Minus ami thou all JotN and hnppluesH lone; looked foi will lu at limiil, nml just now about all that occupies the mind of a Keiieroiis mid loving cltli'n is whit to Kite nml what would inaku the best ini'sent. This ipiestiou can bo easily I nun nuiii s.iiisiacioniy misweiisi ny mi) 01 J the several imiIKo ami ntteiitivo salesmen In , tin. family siuinly stoic of liulo Meyer tc Co., Tenth Mioci, near O. They hato every thing In dry Koods, from I'lienpoHt to Ust, full line of fin nlxhlne; ikxN tor IhUIi ladles and Koutl'Miien, nml ceituinly out of their innuense stock ) on tan Hud just what)ou want and me looking for. Tlio monthly mt'etliie; of the HiiMlon Art , club on Moiidav oteniiiK piomlses to be one 01 hiniruia- iiueiesi, 1110 iniviinir win imj 1 "iiiiiiiiibi "iiciuiiikii-.i. iiii-iuiu is iiinr on exlillilllon. A uuuilier ol members mo as Uigi.eil 11 pint in tlio tuogimiiiu.' whieh con j corns itself with the Munich school of pilat- liU and Piloty's inlliieiuv theieiu, also 1111 in formal illscussinn of tho ln'iiiitlful woik of mt whoso presence will bo the clmrin ot thu evening. Tho piihlie isiuvltisl topnltleipittv the usual entrance fee b -lug chargcsl. 51 rsni her t f thu club who have nlieaily piid mi ailmissloii, will lio supplltsl, in the side loom with pnsscsgiKsl while tlu ilcture n mains ' Meniliem who visit tho picture for tho Hist - tlmo will rcceltorilmllnr imsos on paviiient ! of the onlln.irycntiancj feo. I , ,. . lu lliolr .Now II01110. A Couilthli leiiorter hapiicnlug liy tlio inamiiioth furniture house of Messrs. Hardy - l'licboo. now sllimUl 11. the now Woods block on s iiith P.letcuth shoot, last S itur- .lay evening, and calling to mind thu fait that It wns the foim il opoiiiug of thin jouug nnd prospe. oils biislncvi house, hiiugly Hxisl III thell new ipimtem, ilioppisl 111 with the ci owd to view tho elegant line of goisls ilts pln)eil to the public's gne. 'ihu llrst Hour is limsl nloug the wall with tho latest ilcsl,; is of folding bisls, whll on tho soooiul lloor can bo seen the most elegiiut lino of pallor fin mini outer plme.1 011 sale hi L'lliolll. Thuthilil lloor is devoted exelus ivult to IksI loom sots, sots that lire within thu leaihof all, the inlesniaii who nccoiu- 1 punleil thoroiorter thioiigh iho building is ' plaining that they could bo bought from flfi 1 upwind. The loiirth Hour is uswl li) tho Him for the win kshops mid storehouse for goods that me nots.tupandaretheiefoiokeptluieiidiness'waspiosente.llociovv.lislhoiis.NMt Hatllu'sny""'siay eteiungs ut tie 1 utvomilM ., .. I!........ 1 .f... .1.,.. 'II,, .... li . 1 ' rllllM ll UI1S ft lf'hllNl ftllfltt$.H III lMl'Y tllllii for shipping to smioiiiidiug towns, as the house ulread) euJo)s ahealtll) jobbing tiaile A ltlgo livdiaulic elevator connects the jlloorsund inuimlcsccnt elwtiio lights f m nish tho light for the entile building, thus enab ling those to call In tho ovcuiug, whoso liusl ness l.ts'ps them through the ilav. l.teiy thing thioughout the building is In keeping with the, modem licpiovoiuents of tho tiny ami the proprletom may feel will iisnuisl that their elroits lliivo bisju clowned with silcees-i. The ('t)l'lllKll pnsliets for them 11 lillgoillld 111. -leasing business. Aprons inaku a very pietty and sensible ''hllstiiias gilt. Ashby ' MilLpiugli bluw 11 givnl lino fi 0111 JMc to !!0e ench. MATTERS MUSICAL AND DRAMATIC Itrilim or tlm fust, 11 Wont for I III' 1'M'M'iit mill l'iiipcrts fur I'iiIiiii' Amusements. TIIK W Oltl.lt A.IU.NHT IIKII Tim (IrNmor I)iiIom Co . liclil tlio lioimls i flu. Punli. ini Mnmim-riniliiif. uioKont pifwnt, ms wns tln'piiso Int m'iiwhi wIioii kIio iiiiotiisl lioioin "Cnllcil lliuk " Ml tills iner nlso ili'scrvi'ti ituioli piniso for llii'iulinlr nlilo hihii t lio rIwh MIks Iiiilos lij tin cm of ill ii'iiilllion of liispiut (Inc or twi lilPinlM'itiof tlio coiupiinv wcic ken toillt. Mihiinl ijjo, nnliii; tu tlio filet of tlilr Ik'Iok nsslliioil now loirs, nilii'rwlM' tlio kiiow Is 11 .,,, m lf,fl.i ,m. inl 11 liu-Ror lion ivKTiii 1 h """', " ' ' Ililsj;ioMt M(Kioutlon or inliistivl tnlc iiiiiiiiintil nt I'miLii'ii mi rrnisilnv iotiitnr ti iuo. lit nppnneil at Pmike's 011 Tuesilny oM'iiiu ton laiKo house To pleaxe eteitone with a lulu stlel H'lfoimiincii is luiMissible, but ileal ly a'lpiosunt TiimIii) nli;lit Iiiis 11 j-iksI word fur tho show Tlio kIiikIuk In the Hint pin t, tho 11111I11 fen 1 11 1 c 1 1 mi eiitci talmueut of this kind wns koiI,hoiiic feat III oh in pill II eular ilesi-rtiiiK I'sins'lal moutioii. Tue solos of Mr. N01 in nml .Mr Ciawley ueiebnth ren del cd In ndinli nlile st le lis wiiHthe IiusIiicsh of Mr Puilik Cilshunu on the end llown mnl l)o)le lutiislueisl tho statu" clo in the llliest k)Iii mid exectltisl thu mini ililllcult steps Inn manner which piotes tin m to tie at the licnil of tlieh piotcssioii. The pm t of tho inoimume Hllisl b) tho ' .laps" totally ecllp si-s mi) thill); of I he kind etei t-ocniu this oil), the skill the) ilispla)oil in their fonts of liilau'in and tumbling Im-Ihj koiiioIIiIii); leill) iii'UM'lous. TnKeii all together it Is 11 gi ol show. HlOM HUIK Til M)V. Milton mnl Dolly Nobles presenliil this their latest success nt Kunke's Tluii'sdiiy ee to 11 iiiiHlerntu slr'il hoiis.) Mr mid Mm Nobles in thu title rolot were wen to tin it licst ailvautai;ii while the whole compiuv ti'inler them mi exceptionally kikmI HiipHiit Tho plot is laid In the far west mnl intiivlue isl nil tho chill aetem utu illy foiiml in ininliif; cmiips mnl their sin rouudiii(;s. It is nutiie I) ililloioiit fiom Mr. Noble' other pla)s in which ho (stmllsl,cl his lepiitalioii, ami , ,,K.tls,Ml tln. aililionco t ciuilly a ttHl an nut o , ,i. r., ,.,,. ,,V,i, ly at Tin: I'Koi't.r.s this ut.kk. WtslniHlay evcnluj; tho gieatcst ilrumatie complin) on until was seen at this liouso in a iliauia that would molt the io. k of (iibialtar with Hh pithtN It ua- Kimik 1 utile's Am 1.. ..r 1.. ...!.... .....1 ....11 ...... 1 l-ll'tll ir mi i.tiiiiu WI), 1.1 .I..11 I'Ll.lfs,- 1111. .1.1... ..f II... I I...1 u itl.,,.ii'l . ... i..e, i-.t-. r.,-i ..ll ,,., ni,., Strong men weie mot isl to terns and ladles 1 faiututl If niuiiii'ei lliown will only lit the hieople know when it will lie house will not hold the iiejiilc- elK-itel tho unless lm has the Ktnto Mihtit gumil the doom to kisip them fiom getting out. Thecoiu'imiy leutes heie for mi extend. il tour thioiigh Luioie nml Austinlia and tlieie is some talk of their going 011 to A fi ion. Xl'I.IIOO.N'S Hl'l'l iai.tv rn. Thursday evening th's excellent coimsl) compiiuy commencisl 11 tluis'iiuht h ciiguge ,., , i, p.a..w' 1 uiiwii, ti ,uii,m,.ns uVt in mi exceptlouall) Kixn1 1 . " " 1 1,. ,noiiln' by thu fun makers w compo-A) the troiiie. Thet uteitiiiimeiit the) giv o Is a good one and Iii.mii es good Iiousih for the balance of the engagement. Tonight Is their 1 1st iieifiiruiauce mnl those who enjoy a goon snow or this uiuil slioulil liv nil means 1 at tend. AT Till: ITOn.l.s NKT WKIIK. Ilirlou's metiop llt-iu iliamntie coiupiiiy upenrs nlm wi-ek at the P.-ople's, comineuc iug Mon. lav next. DihoiiiUt IT. ami will l'lii piny a rcioitoiiu of popular coined l"'s during .. .... . ' liu'tr inisiiuiiwtit llie) com 1 well lecom- , ..,,,, iiieuilisl uudiiro woilhy of pitrouige. The pi ices hato In en put nt h'l, Uo, and X cuts, uoextiu chargii for leserveil si als Tlieh opening bill it ill bo announced later on. LOST IN I.OMI0N On Kii.lay evening Mr Newton lloois umi an exctllciit compiut pi evented this delight ful plu) ton g.ssl siis mid appieciative 1111- itllenm. Tlii ill hum Is well wiitteu and cine I f,,,l; . wlili- 1K.-I roriimnco mi-i iti.iK 'ouch coiiiiiient ' V.w My laMuess III tin foil! th ..1 1 was wc" 'ull,,r' "". " ilf"Klit all pies out. Miss Kato Itoiuulnu lendeiul some d llghtful vouil nl'H tlous in 11 clnuinlng mail nor while llui.v (lllfml, stylo.1 "The man with;nany toloes" biouglit down tho house. Tho Ninth ililtnin Pan PiH) KiugeiV should not he allowed to pass umioticeil us,thetr li t ei tist meiit is hltocotbir now unit 01 IjIihiI. This net wns good mid calltsl foi th uiiiih iip. t ''" I"'1 KlK'k h,,ow "f w,1,,, w "'"' l'"H pliite. .1 lii'ii sold Iii the pns'iof late, opened Mon The Koenle efTiHitK weie goo.1 and OaktllnUiU ''" u'"' ,'1" ""' ',l" M,H'1- "" attraetisl hirgo to suit nnviiiiillelioi' no in liter how fastfirioii -"" ,ls ,,f siu.'tittom who w ore ilelightcil with livliliv Xi)l tN ' the exhibit of setunl hliiuhisl displa) of ... , , .. , ,,, , 'fowl. The exhibition closes tonight ami with U clues hi) evening next Deec.nbe. J'.l the ,, , 111(J,t ,,,.,,,,,,. h1i(1 only utmctlon for tlwwcik. Dan'l tftullv s ,.v, , u,vu.pt.sl In the stute. f. all of which phiy "Dadd). Nolan will In. put mint hiiilhi , M. n0,M, lletts. the so-lcty surctmy do I 11 ll... Iilitv llm .'Jin nitiilli r'.Hjiiiu 1 j ntl Or, " " til ti- suvs: .:' I"'"'" ' s -....... .... .... Dan'l Sullj'i now a,,.- nn,,, 1,1.- v.,1.,.," 1 i....j ....,., . I..,.. ,, theatie, jestoulay 1 he mi lioiico scoiuu.1 to 1 exS'et an unusually gtsil enteitiiinmont, and judging fio.u the 1 uightor mid fle.pient up plilllse they weie not .lisappolatcl The play is a good one, and of tlmt clinTho ter that will draw nml please thu masses very mil"h Then, is one t h intcteiistlo that U well vvoith mentioning, nml that Is the untur nl auleveiyilav appeal an. o th it ever) thing Mliout the piece has Tin re is nothing stiniii ed, nothing druiuiti. , iipptrcull), and jet oveij thing is intensely diiimitie hi lenllly 1111s M.vmmiiiy, more tuuii any other one thing, w III hat o to do w ith thu succesi of thu play. The eiith 0 eoiii.ty ft Intended as 11 pli'luioof honest but low lj' life 111 Now Yt.ik. Thu giuiiiinu wit ami luiinor of thu dialogue 1I1U CM H 111 III I mi ii'j Mr Sulk's mmiM wont nil well rooelttsl. mid M, An.ol.ru il,tu.thter In ought thohnti. ' down I'lio Inst not wns n toij pietly lllllo I lilt of stiieo sUlnu:. lioiimih List Itltcr. ! tllooktyn lhldgo ion! Now Yoik, mm seen j .ijo.ii llioikljii Heights. Siicliil mill loi mini, Mix I. i: lloclior left for ll.nton Tus'lu.. Miss Nolllo Union liiiHii'tilinisI fioin i,eliool toH'inl tlm IioIIiIiijs Mr Win. II tins, with llm r iV Uceson, 1 ft for Ciiii'lmiiitl, 'islnoiilii ovonln. J. K HK'iieoi, nftor n tilono with iliemiiu- tlsiti, is nlilo to lo iihoiil iiiiIii, 'I'licMlny. MN's.Mii nml Iiiii Dnmh.of (lumhn, MiOKiiestH nl the home of Mm I, .'. Iliur. Mm Pminn C. .lolnmon is xMllui? in l'.uk- I crubllt , W, Ya , wheio site Will piisitbe hoi I i..,u.,i... I...I I I lays Mliis llesslo Tatiim mid sLtor, Mm. Koboit 1 ltaynoliN, of (Imah 1 mo Ml lug Mm W II HiirKiiiteH MIsh P.lith Loweimtoluof Clnclnii.itl will s)olid tlio winter with Mm 1 C Wise nt IStll Ksticct The Cmtts-tMAH Cut mm Momln), and thu news Ktamls will hate thorn on sale Toon da)'. S0111I one er liuno to thoso iibseut 1 leu Is or lelatites. Mm .1 A Llppiiiiotl nml Mm. Mmy Al Hoi'Hiue Mtlii); in Aiueiiea'H motioHill New Ymk. The) left 'lutsiliit mid o.tss't to In) nliseul several witks. Uill loailim will lie 11I1I0 to sis urn oxtlii copies of the CltlltHTMAH Cot'lltCllntull Mews stands 01 nt this iilllce lliilem liy tho tele phone will lecolto piompt nttoiition, Next Tuesdny cvoiiIiik at their tileaMint rooms, the i::k will kIc their setsiml surlnl I ""' LiLsllie, or this city. Mlon to their Inly fi lends, mnl like Its Miss I'mcc Ua h indsoine liruiielto of lull pio.leeisom, It pi.mlM.tol,eu tor) elesunt Uant coinploxloii, mnl worn 11 slim t toilet ot it ITitti cieiiui faille, with sloteloss, fspmro lieckisl tl... !. At..r All,.,, l, ,,..!,. 1 1.1. ..I,,., ... oomiii;o, tilniinid In DucIicsmi Ineo. Mlm : - uspantor of the chun h of the llol) Trlnliy to mci opt 11 call 111 L0I01 lulu I nt 1 1 Ills mic ccsfwn-iirilve", lllslmp Woithhiotou will 1111 ' tho tiicmicy The hamlsome huiiie of Mr mnl Mm .1 I) Mcl'.nliiliil Iiiim illlllllH ihepaslweek lecolteil niiotlior blight new Icatuie III iiilihtiou to the iii'iut ailoiumeiits It is In tho shupo of 11 . hi altliy ami lino look'n;; little kIi I. Mr Pimik (). llottM, an uiiclit of our (owns man mid siicceiisful chicken show 1111111111 r, Mr. (ioilimu lletts, nftei full) couslileilii); tho pins mnl tons of wostcin life, has liK-atisl mnoiiK us, ami tho Cm mi 11 gladly welcomes lilui. He Is from Poult no), Yeimoiit Tho lamest mid in nt couipleto lino of New ...i in ...Ij ....... 1.. 11. 1., ..it. I ,r. '"ZZ ,Z, ' m be pleiisisl to have you call nml N"e them The stjles this sciHon me entiiely iliir.'ieiit from an) tiling jet seen nml some of tlieiuuie leall) woiks of 111 1. Miss Htella l'it'oial.l who has Ikm 1 the I ,.,1..., ,.l Vllu lt I'.Dvliirni.lli.tuiul nii(.,,,l i jn. " .' ,--. .'... ... . m .... .... ,..-.. r.- ., ,, 1 months, lotiitneil to her ho 110 in I'm t II111011. Mich. t.tcnlay Iliirin the IiuIj'h stav luio she 111 nil) iiiimi'i oils f 1 lends who 1 egret to lum of lierik'i 111 tine nnd look forward ton rutin c visa with pluns mt uutii'lp it ions Mr. W. A. Abbott has bought Ml. Flunk Catteiu's luteiost In the Capital hotel Init ial l pal lorn. Mr. Abbott gms east next week to got 11 new outfit ol balls cues, do, ami intends titling up the 10 mis in uiotiojio htaiiNt)le lie h is ahead) had thu piilois piipcictl mid imluted. Dr nuil Mm. Ilontly have the sympathy of thu commiiiiitj in the loss of their little sun Ih'Iiiii, MiiImjI, who passisl to the other side 'IiicmIii) night, at the paielitnl homo, 'iC, south Ninth Mtits't. Tnef unci al ttsik place Thursday and wns iittemlisl by soi lowing 1 1 lends nuil lelatiM-sof tlio fiimlly. dm genial friend, W. II llowuul. who 1 occntly inovrd his stiK'k ol ill tigs to (he new .1 lining lilo-k, cjiuor of Twelfth mid N I ritiocls, li'is.'atteKsl silver coin nil over toe 1 Ilisir of his new stoio Dollars, halves mid lipi liter piece! mo to lie seen III the wood and tlio sclii'iuo U an ciitei-pri-Hng" nnd novel 0110 nml ii iiectscnstit on i.iiil'oiiih jwpiilar nuit ihuggist. Wo wish onco luoii) to cull attention to tho act tlmt 11 io hull. la) s 1110 not far oil, and those who llitcn 1 to loocltu. should 11 inn in ineir Humes nl once, as the Oil Itlim of the U".lth will contain a tomplelo 1M. Our nailers will do well to IsMirthls in mind as the pitsK.cts me that 11 lingo IM will MpK'iir ami wo wish to slight 110 one. On the fifth page of today's Ccil'itiKit we pi .went to the not lee of our luulcrsii new ami touching tribute to the Into (leiiernl Sueii Inn In the slmjiu of a musical seledion l) John Dow itt m raugisl liv Max I'Vliiiii'iiui. Wo will continue to pimliKu vu.'h seei tions'iH we think will ploim our itxi lorn "and will endeavor to obtain nothlii,' but tlm new est mid tiost pieces as soon ns tlioy me pub hkheil nil ves iniieli cioillt 'I he fall mid festival held Ttiodav nml Illnr. Mllsic, swiotiueats, mid lefii-shui 'iit - - J .-... ,, , . ., .. .. gi'iier.illy. aside In .in tho iianj piuttj nogs , 1 .aV. . 1 . . 1 .1 ,v 1 , to Is' obfiCIMil, inade tho all'all 11 tert pleas mil 1 ntouttinnioni niesiie or mtieis wus 1 laige auilvvtiitie plensisl to state Hint tho '. niriiitariffli.tliil.iwliiki..b,,li.Lll,L..i(.l.li... 11 tnnnuej in tho cxehetiuor. Thu now Miiiiii) hotel at Oinnlm is doing Unci) mid iiumbciH iinioug its patrons many who toimeil) legMensI nt tho Puxtou 'Iho cilMuoof the Mm lay issuld to I mi pm tletilnr I) goisl, which statement wo can lead liv Ik llevenftor ilispis?tlug the Tlriuksgli iug bill of fun. In uso at this liouso. It one of the liest In a collection of M-terul huniliisl now lj lug on our iltal;. Chimoo IMrl Untrr IV Tllli1 CAfl V 1 C W I M '' Mill 0l.'lll 1 l'li A WEEK'S HAPPENINGS CHRONICLED. .eenuiit i,r Hull., I'nrlli-i, iVrttttlng lit c, i lint Hutu Knloi liilniil Siiolot) Tim ii-hIiIoiioii of Mr nml Mm llolioit Itus , Ion, on Clinuiller nvoiiiie, wmh tlio ncono of 11 j lioiiiitlful lioiuu woililliii? Wislnrsilin twonlin; ll wns I lie occjiMoii ot the ininilii(;o of Iholi I onl ilmuhter, Hitsiiimi. to Mr W I. I'lcli. ott, of Lincoln, Nelniiskn A liuno niimlier ' of inlntlifH wmn pnwut nt tlio wwen o'o'ook 'twinouy, whloli wns H'ifoiineil liy the llu ' H "ols. In llm fi-ont pin lor, uinlor nil l'1,l,,1','u' ",l ,l,",l-" "r l"i"f ksm. nosh .iMiwern ueiiit o eillilsou eillllMlldlis llllil hi'lilini; u'nii'il the lottom It nml I' In liist'litiih P01111I111; 11 leiify liiiekroiinil hi I the Iin) wlmlim urn, in ishiiI pihns, feius, , onllii llllli'H, mnl i'i)M.iiitheiiiiiins. Hiulliix lostouneil thiiilminliillomaml luidn a Inltlcn iilmti' the ilmible iIimii lilwis'ii tho mil linn mid hill In the itluiiii; 10 1111 10.es mnl xinl lu distiriilisl the table, nml piliutaud How cm wciehoie and th 'io tluoiili the olennnl hoiie. At Mown o'clock, to the slialusif thu wisldlu uiaiili, thu In Mnl paity dn sceiiihsl tlio slnliM and outeiisl tho pailoi, pure, led liy little Mist ICiitle (Moll, as mlier, to lllitli) tin) white ilbliiiiiN ciicloilliK the 1 bioml fiont lm) window. Apiiitioi tun or niiiiiions is imciy sis'ii. Thcie woio oulv two In lilcsiualds, Miss Clmk I'uie, of Lincoln, NMiinskn. ami Miss Klin (IkhIc, (,f (his clt), both cousins of tho In Me. The kiooumiiii'II woio Mi, A II, luit. 1 1,LH,t ". ,,r Llmolu, Nolmuka, and Mi ,,,,.. ., Ltlu ( loo I jii h nlso u beautiful biiriiotli with luiry loiiiploxlcu Hid Imn lirowu eyes Hh ' woto n whit.' ulli itroiicoituiuii, tilmuieil ! ill luce mid Millions, mnl Y hIiiiniI, shoveless ' i'orsiiK. Hot It bridesmaids can led iih'vi. I The liildelHii fall , is'tltn blonde, mnl wax lot nil In a IiiiIihhI ioiiu of whlto f n III', with a laxity silk liu bin nb ml the bottom of the sklit in fiont. The ('insane was plum with IiIkIi in ok. and elb iw slootoi trlmmid with Diichc-vt'i laoo. A loiii? tulle tell uns fasleu cl without llow'i'm, mid sic c 11 1 ln a posy of hpieintliHiiud tosi's, ti.il with wh.to ribbons. Mtss Ktistoii has been the idol of her home, and 11 fatoiit.) in 11 Itro clrclo of lelatlvos and ft lends, ulio will miss her sully fiom inn. tlieh uitdst, llioii-li khu Is lllliiu auolhor ""'" ".. .Kh.S-o.heMrlon.L fur ntryr Mr Plckitt is 11 lising jouug inllroul lunu Mil Llncolu. who euJojH thu high cslis'in of nil who know him, nnd well ilui'i'vi-H his happl 1 less ' After cougiutiiliitloiis nml lefieslunoiilHtlio happy tilling psiple lei-elveil lluiir fileuds I until ini.lulglit, ami sluutly after loft foi tiitlr filtilie home in Liiiiohi, follou.il by the I;im1 wlfhotof 11 hint of fi lends .Vniisnfe lint 1 S11I1111I1111 Cull Mr. ami Mm. Pickett will bo at hime I Tlnuila)H In Deivinltor and .liinuai). coiner t Aouty Heveilth and M si loots lit t ho nnidelice ,01 .111. nun .wis. 1.. 11 iiiiinrio ' . I'MiKies-l,,. n.iiliri'. I Mm. Il 11 Apjs'ogiito ilelightfully oiitoi liilniil a largo palt) of la.lv frleiidsnt her leslileucii Tliursihiy nfteruiHiii fiom thieo to six ocliK'k, tho guests Indulging In that still popul ir mid eiitieiug game of piogristito leiielue. Those present wlioe'ij))isl Mn Ap I plogut'Nhnsiljillty weie Mrs IIiiH'k, Mm I Mcllrlde, Mm W. .1. Mmslmll, Mm. .1 Ail isou Mars'iall, Mm Abbott, Mm L C Iliur, Mm D'unis, Mm Oiitcmilt, Mm Wutkiut, Mm Patilck, Mrs It 11 iiur.l. Mm Wilson, Mrs Hti'wmt, Mm Mills,) nigh, Mm. Unite), Mm Maul. Mrs HolsMU. Mm Hull, Mis. Utility, Mm Itnwlck, ami Mhs Mclhidu. Miss Algol, Missdilcs, Miss May Diiml) mnl Miss l.un 1 D11n.lv. Miss Mil) Duml) and Mm W It Dennis weie tho luck) oiuii to tair) nir tl... tiit.iiiblo eti liin 's oirelnl for the IOV j ,7 ,. Mm J Adlsou Miimlnill ami j MK Watkins tisik the booby ulis tonsM ' Ing of bompiets. A liollglitrul Iti'ii'iilliiu. HI 'or )eam pist, the Pl.-tsiut hour club has fiom tluii to lime lioiionst its members who euteusl the iiiiitrimonial lli'ld, with n leiep tlou, these is'ciisioiis nlwnjs marking piitlc lll'lll) pleismit e.onts in the hlstoiy of this, Lincoln's cllu mnl most p ipulur so laloignn l.ition The iiirnii given T'liii'sihiy uveiiing nt Masonie templo wui im tulnly up to Hie 1 high stmidaid of pist brilliant siiovn The leieptiou was in lm mrof Mi nml Mm. W. II McAithm, w hosu nuptials weie in ceiitly iiiituuiii'isl in IIiksi! coliuuiis I h i ev ening w is 11 glm ions one for enjoyment hi tllpiniij; tho light fautasti and tliioiighout the fo'irti'oii miiiils'm of tin progiui.i mhth iiiol niei iiiiieut iiilnglivl nml the larje mid tor) selis iittendiini" Ml and Mrs. Mc Aithur pleasantl) gr.-etisl th'ir iiniiiero.is friends nml to b'hold the hnitp' count 'iiiiuce of Isitll the now lll'lll ami wife, the thought tlmt ail) thing but happiiitMS eoiild lie , stole for them woul 1 ceituinly U fi mi bohet. Th Indie were 1 h lily attire I 111 ilaiut) tsiloiuil evening isstumii mostly th oil. Iti , while the gentlemen w Ith start. -I) nil oxcep tion wore the im.iv -alio ml full oteuiug ilii m iittiie The music In the Piitllmriii m I. nsMsWsl li) Miss Wil.o.igliby wns excellent I'ho progiiuiH win h weie the llrsl of (lie kind that the club will uso rogulaily hoienf tor, ttuis teij pivtt), Iwiiig emlsiisisl invai I.IIIB I I. II lt..KA.n ,l,i. .....frl, ,.,.ll-. til. ., . , , ,, ,'',, ,, , lloor itim 1111 lint ui' of Jlr A (1 Iiee.on umi ...... . !..,. l..i..u ,...! ,,.... II. ,.,...! '!. lover wastlie ittiniiioiiio liclter eonduotisl t 1 un. . it . . 1 . . i . . innillt siH'iat event ' , ,,, llMI '"....,.,, u ii.,', n ' liviisiuer nut hour. of the club nml 11 crctltt to tho Pious Following Is u list ot those pies cut Mi. nml Mm W II McAithur, Mr. nml Mix Hwlug, Mi nml Mm. .1 uiseu, Mr. nn.l Mix Lippiucoit. Mr mnl Mi's. Heiskell, Mr. nml Mm .Sheldon, Mi umi Mix Muir, Mr. mil Mis, 1'Wor, Mi ni.il Mi-s. Townlov. 1 Mr mid Mr. Uonni I, Mr. ami Mm lloosun, I Mr ami Mm. PiUher, Jlr. nml Mr. J. A. j UnckstnlV, Mr. ami Mrs. Tho. Kenton, Mr. " Mih. J. II. W. Hawkins, Mr. mid Mm l M Hawkins. Mr. iin.l Mm lv' lv. Iliiviloii. Mr. ami Mm CoMYoth, Mr. ami Mm. II C MoAithur, Mr.niiit Mm. V. II. Itecso, Mr. and Mm, Will I'lckotl, Mr ami Mm. Nor Kl oaten. Mm. Iliisev, .Mm Coloiimn, Mm. .Iitinos. Mini's rilrueinlil of Pint Huron, Mich , Mny Pottlu, llntlmway, Alc, Cowiliy, Lulu Clutke, May mid l.mwi Dundy of Oinnhii, Olios, Olllo nml Minnie bittii, Mm llm nml Chun Puiike, (liiudiy, HuollliiK, Hawkins, MimiiomiiiI Hinliliitli MiHsm. Will llelskoll, Nutt bunM, Moli ioiilechoi, Poiismmi, Ziluinu, llonlje. Haul), Will mi I Chiullo Clmkit, Tlnuupson llmlKer, I'teiitt, UooiAoMcAitluir, Willit , Lieut. (Iilllllli, Lieut. PcndiliiK, Prank Smith, Holdoii, Toiuplotoii, L'liv, llolioj't Mull, Noithniu, Miikooii, Diiwoh, Mason A Double WoillllllU. The wciIiIIiik leii'tiiuiiy M'ifonuisl Tiiisuhiv liy the lliiv. II .1 ))Pt, lit Iho losiiloiieo of Mr mid Mm, .1 M. Muilc, on l'slr'ot.pnu'o I ihmbly InlelestlliK fiom Iho fact Hint two of thell diillliteis loft till) mi'llt.ll loof (llt'lO kiiiio time Mr.l.W TnlloliilmlnK'lholmiiilof Mlssl.uct i: Murks, whl. I0I111 P.. Ilubm umi Miss llnttle Minks weio Hindu 1111111 mnl wife, DnylUlil was excluilisl, the mi lors and the iii'i.us b'ln lllumlimtisl with the iitollow HkIiI fiom kus J itHiind tlm wiills fis tooiiedwlth smllux In the ciinlie of tho loom iiieui.Hl froiil llii celbiin Iilllllli liirjr.e maiiliiKo Ih'H compos.sl of tliiwomuuil luulir uoath ilstoisl the Inippy (oupkis whom they weio piououiiissl mail mnl wife. Tin core inoiiy was K'i foi .nisi precisely as tlio eloek lolled tlio noou.lii) hour. Until In ides wine iIiohsiih alike, of cioiim while liclil lotto, out prim ess stylo with liin' trains All picwut sat ilmvn to a sumptuous illuuei, uflci which Mr. and Mm. Ilnbor left at ouch foi Oiiiilm, which oily they will in iko their hums, Mr mnl Mrs Tnltpni-jd Inj; nt once to their liouso niimlur H'l north Twelfth stiiHit, ttlii'io overythlmc wait In icadliiiwM to Ih'Iii housukiMplin;. Ilolli couples iccclwsl 11 1 1 rye number of haudsomo mnl iiiH'ful piesents. The CorittlMl etonds best w (slit's to nil ioncoilie.1, lor u life full of ImppinesH and pross'rlty I'leilsilllt lli.lll Jllllh.ls. Tho 1'lcai.mit llour.lunliim nvu tho wootnl of tliolr seileiot ilollhtful pal ties Inst lll;ht at Temple Hall. Owlut; to tho fact of tho Cot'iiiini koIiik to pi ess curlier than tiMial tills wet I; on aci omit of extin woik outnllisl h) the Chi Mums Number wo aro iiiiublo to ulvo a list of tho names A iiumlier of ile llghlful tinmen weioolijo)isl acconlitig to it well niinugisl priigrn'inine under tho elllclellt le.iiU'i-shlpor Mr. W. H. Clink Among tho tlsltors pn'sunt worn Mls ,.luiulj of (Juiihn, Miss liumlry, rtf.Wlsouii- ' sin nml Miss Kiiddlth, of Waiisckn, Minn. Tho music loiideivil b) tho Phllharinonli! Or- clifstiii was by far tlio Is-rtnf tho season, nml nil lepoit having 11 tlellghlful time. Tim Ill-fill Clilelieil Show. "All things come to him who walls." and nfter waiting pit lent ly for soino time wis hate nt Inst wltuess'sl thu ilfth nilllilill ox liibition or the Nehraskn Poultry nml Put Htock Ass.H'latl.)ii. 1 1 call trill) Imj said that withoul 11 doubt this year's iluwuunt ceiils by far tint of any previous exhibit C hlckeiis, iltickH, gtsfcturkoys-, tlogs, ttlilto .. 1 in ...,... ...,...i 11 ..,..1 1 I lliil.ili. ctri. ...i.i.iwi. i,-.-i.jt. vii . , w,... . joi's 0)0 us hu eiitonsl the loom, while tlio imket ami illu lalscil hy tho lllllo meinbeis of the feathery tills) ioinludo.1 one of the ncca-dou on wh.eh we rutllltsl tliu eloction of Hamsun 'lishi) in the last tl ly of llm ox hlhliion mid nil tlir who havo not jet nt tended slioulil 1I0 s. i;l one. I lm I liiesl 'I nils In lliu World. 'Iho (loldeii (Into Ksc(tl nf the Union Pn clllc, "The Ovei land lloute ' lietwooii Conn cil llluirs, Oui'iha.iml Han Pmnclsco is 'The Piii.-st T111I11 in (he World " Il Is comiiosetl of Piilhu 111 Ycstlliiilfl Cam, wltl lining car steam heat, cl.stiie light, K.'piiato bath I rooms for ladles nml gentlemen, burlier shop I lllunry, ribsi'ivntiou, nml smoking rooms. A I I id) attendant foi thu Indies ami children A modern hotel on tt heels. L-iivim Council ell llluirNeveiy Wcdiiesil.iy, 7:1.1 11. 111. A- 1 1 It m nt Sun l'liiiicH-ootery Priilny, U !." p 111 Pm 0, Including Is-rtus, meals nml all 1 coiivoiileui e, llHt(H). Kecuio jour noeom inisliitlous curly "Wllllowo Hutu Mls.i-il Vou- I Odell's boJililerH who occupy tho tuble 111 the soul beast corner of the dining hall wore slmllci! to tin I one tif the 1 halm ill tlsUcnllv iluiieil with einpe Tllesiliiv lioin. Int'ostt gallon pioviil the fact tint it was tho uc us toaiul sivit of "Dad" Tult. who had left tin 1 miks to Ueome 11 marrloil mini (.one In Iter Host. It In with profound legiot wounuoiiucu tho .loath of nut of Lincoln's most loving vvivs ami mothum, Mm Di ( J itTeti A flora short Illu. wj of onl) eight il ij Mm (lliren pnssis.1 . una) TIiiiihI y evening nt tl oVIotrk. I Mrs (illfeu has alwn)s Is-en tho pictmo of 1 health umi until I novel havo I ml one to sup I hho but s'u eiiju).il tt Heart trouble tvns I the 1 ntlse of her u Lien nil I uueXS) 'toil iL misu Shu liiivos n loving hmlimtd nuil thlco mu-ill 1 hildion to inoiirn iier loss. Tho fun irnltnk.s pl.nv till afternoon nt i:U) oVIivU fiiuii the family reslilcncr nurthwot v inter of II nml l.ilb slnwls. Tin. Illiietii.a Hull. The nunit'il ball of tho Lincoln Mllco will Is' given 11 xt Thiirsdii) at ll.iliaiiiian's ball Tiie Ui) uro hi iking iiiuplu preparations to. u grand time and all who atteuil may ilep id oil elljo) lug themselves , Ml ami Mi's. A. C. .leiuer iiccoillimm.st I... ..... I .!... I.. . .... .1 .....!.... 1 " ' i ' ' "'"". ,ur ""'"' I '" v""" i'""iJ """""' " " i.i-v,,,,. slating tlmt Miss hullo U.tinlngor, sister. t 1 the two Indies, who lecolteil somo llijuum ut tho Crost m wiD.'k somu tlmt) ugo, was j coiislditrtil Ikijoud riKHiveiy ami thu last 1 hours: Imil come. Inquiry at Mr. Zleiuei s olllco late last evening however, brought th cheerful news tlmt as no te leg ram luel ls lis-vlvoil it uiu thought the luily wius i-hmvim ing nil I the Cot itlli Joins frionds In lnpiiv that n turn foi tho hotter will soon U mail. know 11, UnvittV oflhi, 116 ti. Tuutli. Tlaphon. o r i i tt