rsqpv? C5 ,, m ' kt ft' .' efz FINE : ART : STUDIO lit-i O ttrcit ftxnmlne samples of our ork bcfoic ordering elsewhere. Cabinet Photographs i educed fiuui fta $3 per tloxcn Ladies' & Gents' FINE SHOES At greatly reduced prices AT WEBSTER &BRISC0E; 1043 O Street. E. T. ROBERTS & SON Undertakers and Embalmers. 212 North nth Street, Vlmlor Hold Annex, Telephoned. Ofllcc 145. Residence 156. Open Day and Night. HAGENOW & ASCHMANN, Philharmonic Orchestra AND MILITARY BAND, Onkc,Rooms 139 nnd t-iollurr Dlock. Telephone 133 J II. W. HAWKINS, ' ARCHITECT AND SUPERINTENDENT, . Buildings completed or In courso ot erection IromAprtll, I twos lluslncss block. 0 K oiitRomery, tlth nnd N. do do I.WIMIImrsley, llthnearN. Restaurant (Odclls) (J K Montgomery, K nenr Residence, J J Imhofr, J and 12th. do J It Macfarland, Q and 14th. do John Zolinim?, I) and 11th. do, Albert Wat kin. I) bet Dili and 10th. do' Win M Leotmid, K bet 0th nnd 10th. do KUnmlirlK.tirthnndN. do JK Heed, St I), V Ut 10th and l'tli do I (i M lUtdwhi. (I bet lHtli and 18th. FAUttnrlnm building at Mllrurd, Nub, Flrri UAptlHt church, 11th nnd K street, ortuary o'.uJol an 1 rjojltlar at Wyuka cemetery, Offlco . Room 33 nnd 31 Richards TBloolc FAST MAIL ROUTE ! 2 r- DAILY TRAINS - 2 TO AtchUon, Leavenworth, St. Joseph, Kana City, St. LouU nnd nit points South, Hast nnd West. The direct line to F. Scolt, Pnron, Wichita, Ilutclilmon and all principal points In Kansas. .The only road to the Great Hot Springs of Arkansas. 1'um.mav Slrbi'EKs and Frf.e Rkclinino Chair Caks an all trains. H. G. HAM, R. P. R. MILLAR, City Tkt Agent, Gcn'l Agent. Cor. O and 12th Stt. Owns nnd opernlrsSOQ miles of tborUKhly QHlppocl rpua in llllnoU, Wuvonslu, town, Mhwpuii.Mlnnetolnniul UaUoUi. . It Is tho 11041 Direct Uouto botwo.imll the Principal t'olnts In tho Northwest, Southwest For maiH), tlmo tnhlcs, rats of pawn bo nnd freight, etc.. apply to neurest station nuont ol ClUCAOO, MlLWAUKKK & HT. lAOL ItAlL WAY.ortonoy Hallroad Aicnt anywhero In Omi wrhl. M. MXULKIt. A. V. II. OAUrr.NTKH, Geneml M'u'V. Oon'l Pass. ATkt Aat. J. K, TUCKIilt, OKU. II. IIKAKfOUU? Am".Qoii' Mgr. AkiiUQ. I'.&T.Agt, Milwaukee, "Wisconsin. JBKo; information In refcreneo to r.ands wTl'owiis owned by tho Chicago, Mllwuu k9& HUjyuil Itallwny Coiniany,wrlu to II. U llAwnpqLaud CoiumUsloaer.lllllwaukto ltSHjF IMlLWAVKEijI ftS mm timt if-rf-40 A Jbjitiftir ISipfrofilotltrn Ttmt, PUllMSttlCD SATURDAY dunnntirrioM Ono Year liy Mull or Carrier $i,W Hlx month, $l. Three months fiO Cunts, On month 50 Cents Inrarnhly In Advance, InrrHTinr.MKKTK! Itnles furnished on nppll nlltn nt O10 ofllcc. Bpeelnl rate on Tltno Contra ts, CosTitincTloKsl Bhortsplcjr skclche, (mem nnd nlorlcn solicited, Personal ami Boclnl notes rre especially deslrntle. I'niXTiiat Ve inskc a specially of Pino Printing In nil Its br.vnhn. Booi jty wrlc a spj.l ilty Address nil communication direct to tlm office. Wisshicl. Pkintinq Co., I'Ulll.lHIIKIIH. Now llurr tllnck, Cor. UUi and O Hirer '..1. TKI.KfltOSBiVt. L. Wikhki,, Jit., Editor, N. Ham., Ihis. Mgr Hnwyer it Mother, florists, Masonic Temple. Mlncinl water used roe bathing, 1010 Out. Trlekoy &Co.,wholeilound rutoil jewelers. li. Hair, Jeweler, estohllshol Ib7l, lOWOst. Cntion City Conl nt Iho Whltcbrcast Cunl ami Lime Co, Try somo of tho lino fresh flnli served every day tit Cameron's. Tho great diamond miction silo at llullctt'ii commences today. A drop In both prices nnd Mock of dry goods nt II. It. NissloyfcCo. Improved shower for TuiklshlMithsut 1010 O stieet, basement Union hloek. Tho fluent luncheons In tho city nro served nt nil lioui-M nt Cinder's Kuropcnti roHtnttrnnt, IKM 1' street, "Yiiupojs your money nnd tukotyour choice" In tho now order of things nt Odd I'm dining nil. Vestibule, and Dlulni; Cum. Tho nhovo comforts nro hiippllel ly tho creat Noilhwwtern lino, P., K. & M. V. It., dally from Lincoln all eivitoni vonnc-otlonx iiiikIo nt ChlenKo hy morning nnd ntternoon tinlnt. Dei tlm In imtnco rIooiht ruser ed In ndviiuec. llnj;i;ngu choukel to dcHthmtlon. Uko. N. PoithMAK, Ag't. City olMeo 118 By. llitlmt. Kiiimv All Moil by TIickh 1'1-cm'iiIk. Tlmt tho Union l'nclllf, "tho Ovoilmid lloiite,''nnd thoChleago, Mllwnukoo it Ht. l'nul KilhMiy, commeueo.1 Hnndny, Uctolwr !W to DooMiitwr IS, to run l'ullmnii pnlnco Bloopers throiiRh dully fnim Deiivor to Chi cago via Unmlir. mid Council UlulTii. t.t'Kul Notlro. In tho District Court lu nnd for I.mieuMcr county Ncbriultii. John I., l'nrvvoll, plalntlfT, v. Kmll Hhultz, Teler Council v, Kntu Couuelly, A.C. lVu nnclc, Union 'Iriiit Company, Umnlin, In thoNtntn of Xubruiltn, nnd other 1 Tho nhovo nnnied dcfi'iulnnlH, Kmll Hhultc 1'otcr Comiflly, Knto Connelly, and A.O, IV11. lioek, llritt niimo unknown, will tulto notleo tlintoutholMhihiyorNovoiiibcr, A. I). ISM, IIih iiIhivo nnnied ilalutlll, John U l'nrwull, tiled liU petition In tho DUtrUa CourtoriAii euitnr county, NuhniHkn, uKnluRtMiild dufuud null, tlm objoot nnd pmjcr or which In to forccloiion curtain morlKauo o.xeciitoil by tho defendant Kmll HlmlU to tlm pialntlll', John li. Karwcll, upon tho nnrthwmt quarter of Hcctlon numtK'rcd twcnty-xlx (ai), In town Hhlp numbered rcvcu (7), uortli of rnut'o numhered 11 vu ).") ; enm of tho Dili r, M., In Umcatter county, Ncbraiilca, to nccurc thovavmuutoftwocHrtuta vromltiory nntcK, dated .1 miliary I, IKS). Ouo fur tho hiiiii of iK nnd tho other for tho Hum of .'oo, tho lattur fullliiir duo Jauunrv 1. ISSS. nnd tho fornuir Junuory 1, 1SH, with nntuiiil liiterextnt 8or cent per nnuiini on enrh, unit that theru Is now duo and naynblonnd duo on said nolo tluMiinuirfJ,il.Vtl. ror which sum thoiilnlu tlirprayN foradocrco that defendant I10 rn. MUlred to luy the same, or that tmld pa'tntses may bo sold to MitUfy tho amount found due. You nnd each of) 011 am irmilrcd to answer said petition on or hufuro tho illst day of Do comlpr, 1S8S. Dated November 13, 1SS8 C. C. llwmi, Atl'y for 1'1'fir. CROUP. BOMB nr.ADINO THAT WII.T. 1'ltOYK INTrU' K9TINU TO YOUNO MOTlIF-ltS. HOY TO OUAltl) AOAI.N8T THK DI3KASK. Croup is tho terror of young mothers especially liming Ihu early winter niontlis, m it is then must prnvulent. To post tho m coiicornlng tho cause, llrsl symptoiiH, trciitiuent 11ml how to prevent it, Is tho object of this tirtlclo, Tho origin of croup Is n common cold. children that. arc subject to It tuku cold very easily and croup Is filmost tuiro to follon Tlm llrst Hymptoius of croup is Hoarseness, it is 11 poouliar hoarseness, easily rvcognl.eil nnd onco heard nl ways roiuombored. Usually n, day or two beforo tho attack, tho child bo comes hoarse nntl grnilunlly shown symptoms of having taken cold, and this is where tho mistake is usually tuado, tho mother thinking her child has just takun cold gives it no especial attention until awakened in tho night by tho violent coughing of tho child, 11 nil it lias tho croup nnd romumbcrs it has had a cold or beon hoarso for a day or two. Such circumstances often oc cur, and in many cases thu mother has nothing in tho houso that will relievo it, and may bo several miles from n physi cian or drugstore You can wol) lin ngiuo tho situation nnd her distress, Tho tlmo to act is when tho child llrst becomes hoarse or shows symptoms of having taken cold; if Chamborlaiu's Cough Hetnedy is freely given front that tlmo on, till tendency to croup will disappear and all danger bo avoided, Tho remedy provonta fully ton thous and enscs of croup ovcry yoar. It is thu main reliance witli many mothers throughout tho Western Mates and Territories; they have learned Its valuo nnd how to nso it, anil in those lamllles croup is seldom known becauso it is always prevented. Tho bust treatment fororoup Is Cham berlain's Cough Hcmedy used as di rected with each bottlo. Careful in quiry fails to rovcaln hinglo enso whero It has over failed although n groat many scvero and dangerous cases liavo boon cured by it, Can any mother who has small children n fiord to bo without such a remedy. It costs but llfty cents, can sho afford to tako tho chances for bo trivial nn amount. A Good Liniment, When you noed a good liniment try Chamberlain's I'aln ISulm. It cures Sprains, Lame Haok, Hiiottuiatlsin, Neuralgia. Cuts, llruses, ISurns, Scalds nnd Tootlincho. CO cent and dollar bottles. BoM by W, J, Tut uer. 41 it.ALQ KTTJliWfi-ww iEfn PEnSON3 WE HEAM ADOUT. Tho (Jeruinu eiuporor nfTceti to ilnplro l tuslo ns unworthy tho uotlcoof such n bnttlo icnrrcd veteran nnd uorl'l swnjlng states man im ho Is In his opinion. MIm HrniMon, who Is writing her memoirs, naively says that sho had no Idea tho wnc pcrioiiniry so Interesting. Ilnmi.i Ahlmtt li snld to rcnllm $78,000 n year from her renl citato Investtuonts In tho west. A brother of Millet, Iho eminent French nrtlst, lives lu ltoMtou and cams n modes 1 living nsn sculptor. In order to nvold oirendlng any Klltfcnl party hi Bpnhi tho (pieon regent has got n young Irish woman, MIm Oeorglnn D.ivcn poit, nsn governess for tho king. Miss nizaboth Btunrt Phelps, now Mrs. Ileibert U'nrd, proved her earnest devotion to tho principles of dress reform by linvlug her cutlro Medding wnrdroho tuado nt n dress reform estahllshmcuU Jnuo Hading hns tho uiual Prencli Idon, or rntlicr Parisian Idea, of geography. "Why do tho eopb scnk ISngllsh hcrorshoex elnhued ulicu sho rcnchutl Canada. Tho crown prlnco of Oerinnny, now 0 yenrs old, Is drilled every day for hnlf mi hour by a sergeant major of tho First Hegl moiit of tho Uimnk Ho Is nu oxtrcmely hnudsomo llttlo fellow. Tho shah of IVrsIa hns discovered n new lake lu his dominions nod hns written nu nrtlclo nhout It which ho calls "Tlm New Like Itetucpii Ivom nnd Tehei-ntr" Ho scut hh production to n nosp;i)or editor lu Tchernn, who, of course, published It, but tho oxlfctetico of tho lake Is still doubted by Per sian geographers. A memorial tablet has licon placed In Christ Church, Hartford, Conn., nhovo tho now long occupied by I.jdla II. Hlgourney. It benrs somo lines by John (Ireenleaf Whlt tler, whoBnysi "I know Mrs. Hlgourney well when, ns 11 boy, I enmo to Hartford. Her kindness to tho young rustle stranger 1 shall hover forgot." A prominent Chicago lawyer Is Miss Ellen J. Martin, who hns been practicing since 1870, nnd hns build up nu extensive olllco business. Her partner, Miss Prcderlen Perry, is aiso a successful lawyer and gives her at tention to tho court room work necessary to tho cases that eomo to them. Tho question regarding tho ago of various preachers Is frequently asked. In nil prob ability tho oldest preacher lu tho world is tho llev. David Hmltli, who recently opened tho general conference of tho African Metho dist Episcopal church In lmilon with prayer. Hols unless thnn 101 year of ng, mid hns been n church member for ninety years. Tho lliiininu "Miters" 11 1 tho Piers. No sort of work about tho South street piers attracts so much attention from tho Idlers nlong slioro ns tho discharging of a Iwinaim ladon ship. U'hon tho steamship Wergelaud was at Pier 10 last week there wero no less than llfty men about her, wlillo tho boys wero not to bo counted bccntisa of tho uny thoy dodged about. It takes over twenty men to do tho work, Including tho truckmen who eomo mid go. As tho boys sneaked nbout they fell up ngalnst a stack of hunches of bananas from tlmo to tlmo, and tho hunches contained less bananas at every fall. Now and thcu a boy got down on tho steamer's deck. Hero ho was sure to bo seen by tho boss 'longshorcmnn, but ho walked about with a look of iunoccuco on his fnco until ho got to tho pllo of over rlpo fruit condemned by tho Inspector. Then ho dropped on Ids knees after a furtivoglaucoot tho boss and began stutlhig bananas Into his shirt, which Invariably bagged capaciously over tho gun walo of his trousers, Threp dif ferent Iwys wero seen nt this by a reporter, nud lu each coso tho boss looked nt tho lad out of tho corners of his eyes until n dozen bananas had been picked up, and then thero was u burst of profanity that 'was stunning to tho unaccustomed ear. It would havo frightened any boy but a wharf rat half ou' of his wits, and even theso mado liasto to gj ashoro as tho boss Jumped for than. Ihitltwas observed that tho boss always jumped too short, and when ho throw any thing at tho bovs, which ho did at ovcry at tack, ho missed tho mark by a very (do space. Tho reporter mentioned this elreum stanco to tho bos. Ho crinkled tho crow's feet nbout his eyes n bit and said: "HItthlml they'ro thntiRcnrt they'd dodge, a streak o' llghtuln'. Ixok nt tlilin legs mid cheeks. Did ycz over sco tho lolksavltf It's tho banaunlcs us makes 'em fit fee pigs." Now York Bun, A Pensioned Urlgnml. Under thoreglmoof tho Ilourbons It was no uncommon thing for tho government to enter Into legal compacts with tho banditti that Infested Campania, and to pay them certain fixed sums. That tho present Italian administration should havo 0:1 its civil ltn bandit In tho receipt of regular pay seems hardly credible, but is a fact nevertheless. On tho Island of lschla there lives an old man who In his "better days" was a notorious robber captain, n man of great enterprise, nnd possessing remarkable talent for oraui ration, who baflled nil tho attempts of tho authorities to lay hands on tho cutthroats under his command lu nil parts of Southern Italy. Consequently, tho government at length decided upon entering into an agree ment by which they allowed tho man n full pardouaud n pension for llfoon condition that ho would retire from his ''profession" and break up his band Tho bandit afterward settled down In ono of tho most beautiful Islands In tho world, whero ho discharges tho duties of doorkeeper and gilldo to visitors, nnd receives nn nllow nnccjof six francs n day, n sum which enables him to llvo llko a prince, Gazetto du Nord. Tlio Author of "John YVurtt, Prcachor."0 Ouo nuocdoto of Margaret Dcland shows her simplicity and tho nhscuco of all conven tionality. Sho had amused herself by writ ing poems and destroying them as soon as read, seemingly caring nothing for them or attaching llttlo or no Importauco to tho gift which they revealed. Hut ono day as sho was returning from marketing sho called upon a friend, and while waiting in tho par lar amused herself by writing a poem. Tho sudden entrance of tho friend surprised her In tho act, and a moment later, in a playful way, tho poem wns snatched away from tho unthinking author. Thero on a rcrap of coa.'so brown wrapping paper was her ex quisite poem, "Tho Succory," which was thus barely saved from tho Ignominious fato of its prt-deecs-sors. llook Buyers, A Popular Author nt Home. "Tom" Hughes Is as popular as county court Judgo us ho is as tho author of "Tom llrowu's (School Days." Ho la now natt middle life, and has tho British robust flguro and tho British led, round face and small eyes; In fact, ha bears an excessively jolly appearance, Mr, Hughes is an ardent co oporutor, and after a heavy day's work in court thinks nothing of traveling somo thirty or forty mile Into tho heart of lancathiro touddrcss p. co-opcratlvo meeting. Ho is n very quiet iroakor and a goucra! favorlto v 1th his audience. "jtuptoms of Pneumonia. I This li Iho season of tho year when pueu inoiila Is to lio dreaded and guarded iigniust. This treacherous nnd dangerous di'caso may oevtir hi connection with bronchial nud other affections of tho air passages Induced by "taking cold." Hut If n rsou has first been attacked with symptoms of n cold, nud they hnvo existed for n day or more, ho need hnvu llttlo fear that pneumonia will set In ns a con sequence. People who have caught cold, and nro suircrlug from iicutu In-oiichltis have a painful, "tearing" cough, are "soro acrtws tho chost," etc. nro tcry often npprchcnslvo of tho mora serious disease under considera tion. There Is svnreoly greater danger of Its jpearlug then than tlu'to Is while thoy nro In their usual goo. I stoto of health. Wocm phaslto this fact, fnruo know that unscrupu lous practitioners steal no llttlo capital by pretending, as they often do, to "break up pneumonia," provunt patients from having it, utc. No Immediate treatment can I hi applied by them or other physicians which will pre vent pneumonia in any condition of tho system. If tho dKe.iKO Is coming, It will come, lu spltu of medical Interference. What symptoms should lend n crson to stuped that ho has pticuntnular An attack Is usually sudden, and generally commences with n chill, fieipieutly nccompaulcd by what nro called rigors shivering, chattering of the teeth, etc. In tho majority of cases this occurs during Iho ulcht, nud after ox nature, Tho chill Is sovcro and prolonged, lasting from half nu hour to several hours. Alxiut tho snmo time, or soon afterward, a pain is felt underneath tho nlpploououe tho affected side. Till pnin is sharp, nnd Is de scribed ns "stabbing." It Is aggravated by coughing, sneezing, nnd when tha patient takes a 'long breath." .Fever sets In early, and Is una of tho lli-st symptoms. It usually runs very high, as Is Indicated by tho grant heat of tho skin. Una -peculiarity, seldom noticed lu other nlfeetlons wliefu thero Is high fover, Is often o'.iscrvcd In this disease, tho skin Is moist from tho outset, Herald of Health. Opening Indian (Irntrm O.i tho farm of Mr, Ilorimnl Htollzoii, about ton miles out of Covington, Ivy., two Indian mounds wero opened last week nud somo remnrkuhlo idles wero found, which Mr. Btaltrcn has forwnrdo.1 to tllo Smith sonian Institution. Both tho mounds wero small, tho larger being about H feet high nt tha center nud 'J3 feet In circumference, nud tho other nbout ft feet high nud 15 feet w Ide. Us both wero stono colllus Tho slabs wero roughly blocked out nud stood together w Hit out 11101 tnr, nud tho tops of tho boxes wero n number of Irregular pieces of stono Just laid ucross. In ouo wcra a few moldy nnd crum bling bones, human, uf course, nud tho other wns full of dust. Tho bones w ero hardly rec ognizable, but ono of them was probably a femur, nud ouo mrt of tho pelvis. Tho skull wns qulto gono. There wns also 1: number of stono arrow heads and daggers, and a piece of wood probably part of a bow n lilcli had been wrapped around with komo tort of nn animal thong, and which seemed to bo partially iictrllled. Two or thrco rudo pieces of crocko.-y wero found, nnd several circular pieces of polished stono. Tho stono cofllus wero -pointed very nearly, but not qulto, east nud west. Theru was a good deal of nshes nbout nnd somo bitsof charcoal. Tho graves wero undoubtedly of mound bulldors, ntnj wo calculated, chiefly from tho slzo of n trco which had evidently grown beforo ono part of tho mound had been mado, that tho tumuli wero nt least 600 jears old. C. P. Finch 1 11 Chicago Now a. Lovo In lllnl Life, What frauds birds tiro. They nro repre sented in poetry ns sweet, gushing things, rising to greet tho morn with melody and bursting forth In song on tho slightest provo cation. To read bird poetry ono might con sider them tho most nmlablo of God's crea tures, when tho fact Is, according to natural ists, the, majority of singing birds nro waspish and quarraUome nmung themselves to a high degree. They behavo worso during their singing season, which Is also their time for tinting, whou they are -popularly supposed to bo flitting about In tho most loving ninnucr, tenderly beseeching each other to bo "my Valentino." TIio.nO who havo mado a closo study of birds will tell you that tuatcsaro won, not by lovo but pitched battles for tho most part, tho stronger -party carrying off tho prize. Somo of tho moro pugnacious often fight until they nro killed. Tho females battle fu riously for tho males, who sit calmly by ol rervingtho combat, qulto uupiejudlced'nud randy to say, "May the best bird n lu." Some times tho conqueror (lies olf with her dearly won vnloutlue, only to meet somo superior female oil thu way who disputes tho prizo and wins it. If tho superior fcumlo be a "star" singer. In bird opera sho probably has tosuppoit her husband until sho can get rid of him and snare another. Toxas Slftlugs. Whero to rind Ileuxcn. Thero was n Methodist minister who preached ouo day ou lieac:i. Tho next morning ho was going down town, nnd ho met ouo of his old wealthy niomheiu Tho old frlond soldt "Pastor, you preached a good sermon nhout heaven. You told mo all about heaven, but you never told mo where heaven is." " Ah I" said tho pastor, "I am glad of tho opportunity this morning. 1 havo Just eomo from tho hilltop yonder, lu that cottugo thero is a member of your church. Sho Is sick In bod with fever; her two llttlo children nro sick lu tho other bod, nud sho has dot got n bit of coal or a stick of wood, or flour, or sugar, or any bread. If you will go down town nnd buy (SO worth of things, ulco pro visions, and send them up to her, and then go up thero nud say, 'My sister, 1 havo brought you these nlco provisions in tho name of our Lord nnd Saviour;' thou jou nsk for a Blblo, nnd you read tho twenty third Psalm, nnd theu you got down ou your knees nud pray if you don't seo heaven be foro you get all through, I'll pay tho bill." Tho noxt morning ho sold: "Pastor, I saw heaven and I spout llfteon minutes In heaven ns certainly ns you aro IWteuing." Now York Graphic Condition of Southern Negroes. A good deal of loosotnlU Is heard during tho year ubout tho condition of tho negroes In tho south. But thero is such a thing as honest truth. Hero I J tho latest bunch of statistics on tho subject! In tho couth theio nro now 10,0.0 colored toachcrs, 1,000,000 pupils, 17,00 J lu tho male and femalo high schools, and 11,000,000 worshiper lu tho churches. Thero aro sixty normal schools, llfty colleges nnd universities and twenty live theological seminaries. Thoy pay taxes on nearly ta.000,000 worth of projierty, this in tho southern states, which, If including tho northern states, would douhlo tho prop erty vuluat.ou. Now York Telegram. Tlilrty-tbrco Volumes of Sermons. London's famous preacher, tho I lev, C. II. Bpurgcon, says that ho is always preparing hlsuriiions, roadlug and thinking, but tho spccllle preparation begins at 0 o'clock ou Saturday evening. His great dlfllcully Is to find a toxt, ho having pi cached so many ser mons In the courtk) of bis life. Ills published sermons till tblrty-turoo volumes, nud theso ho keeps on a shelf near at hand, so that ho may look back nud sto that hodocsuotro peut himself. Harper's Baar. DON'T FAIL To Call and Examine the Large and Elegant Stock of IM- PORTED and DOMESTIC WOOLENS Just Received by I he American Talloks, OMAHA, NEB i.j 1 1 Fit r nam St., Faxton Hotel Bldg. They arc Leaders. STYLE, FIT AND FINISH surpassed by none. Do not fail to give them a trial, ZEHRUNG, BURNS S HENKLE. BUILDERS' HARDWARE We carry at all times a fine line of GRANITE KITCHEN UTENSILS FIRE SETTS, TINWARE And the most Elegant Variety of Pocket Cutlery in the city of Lincoln. 1217'-121 O STEBET. HEFFLEY 4 SONSj p sMF " y' From-Mother Goose To Herbert Spencer IS THE RANGE OF BOOKS AT H. W. BROWN'S, CALL AND SUZ THEM. 127 S. ULEVENTII ST. Buggies, Carriages or Saddle Horses, Can be bail at anv ne, Day or Night, on short notice Horses Boarded and w. .. laken care of at Reasonable Rates Call and sec us, 1027 Q street, or give all orders by Telephone 147. LINCOLN ICE COMPANY, PURE ICE Not cut from the FllUiy Suit Creek but from the Clear and Pure Watcis of -OAK CREEK- Delivered to all parts of the city at reasonable prices. Estimates Cackhi'I'lly Giykn. JAMES H. O'NEILL, Plumbing, Steam and Hot Water Heating, GAS KITTING, GAS FIXTURES, IRON, LEAD AND SEWER PIPE. Mathews & Holt Gas Machink. LCOLN, JN El) ih -Importer of Ladles', HEADWEAR Only House In the West that Imports Direct from Europe. Agents In Paris, London anil New York. No. 1 5 14 Douglas Street, Omaha, Nebraska Most Popular Resort in the City. ODELL'S DINING HALL, MONTGOMERY 11L0CK, 1 1 19, 1 121 and 1 1 23 N Street. Meals 25 cts. . $45o per week; 134 Couth i2lh Ct., LinsroozjjS", zlntiiDib, FINEST LIVERY RIGS In the City nil come from the Graham Brick Stables 1027 Q STREET, Where all ulnds of OllDKKS PllOMI'TI.Y EXI'CUTRU Misses' and Children's- v rV t.i.SVAUafijiUlljtl 4tu MM&l!W. i- i - tfa Hu jiii-4 wrl ..!. - . &- ., . .IV. .,u. . ? 4J5'