Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, November 24, 1888, Image 8

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    im,ntmimfMk iwiwwmkmh woft. wammc m uitMmm m turn mmimmmmit!mitmttHmmmmm
0mm iimwiwi
Perkins Bros.
1 lave just received an elegant
line of
Ladies' Party Slippers
and Shoes in colors to , natch
Suits worn. Also a hand
some line of Black and
Hron.c goods.
Saturday Evening, Nov.24, '88
Corner I Oth and P 8treU.
A specialty for a few days will
be a
Welt Waukenpliast Shoe,
for street wear, at $3i50.
We have this shoe
widths from A to H, and
sizes i to 7.
hk;h-cut shoes,'
TI10 Coumtcn lll not ! reinnllilo for
any debt nmilii ly nny om In Its name, un
less n w rltton order nccoinpmilen tho same,
properly signed.
L. Wk.hhki., Jr.. Prnp'r.
A Chatty I, titter, I'ull iif Intermit. I'rom
Our Curropniiilont.
Black Silk Sale
Herpolslieimer & Co..
1 1 29
O Street.
At Attractive Prices.
W. R. DENNIS, 1137O.
for Tins Coriiuu.
A terrible thing Unloosened tongue,
'Hint ninny n heart lo the ore lint KtutiK;
A baleful thing Is a prj lug e) o,
ItiMlltH ninl eager fur k mit'thlng lo spy;
Ami hateful, ti. In a listening enr,
On tin- nlert for wlml It limy hear.
Wlmt the ryo limy sts or tin' car may hear,
TIik tongue "III publish afar ami nenr,
A lilt llll WllOJIOIHeilSI'S tlieselll'lllllsll tlllllgS,
To tin.' liajiity homo Ml disaster brings.
Take my nth Ice, anil Is' more discreet:
What joii see, or hoar or may thinrotn
Keep closely hidden within jour breast,
'I hit jour know nmy not i'Vii bo
'Twill save Jon trotiMo rml anxious care.
Your frtciiilsniulnrlirhltorH 'twill kindly sa re;
'Tlll help) nil jour fellow man tneliccr.
Amlalil on In kwpliu: jour conscience vlcnr,
Ami tin' , Ho report will not lheiir.'vnll
Tlial joii am a meddlesome tattli' tali'.
I'.IIOtll TllOltMC
I'olpooirl of Notes Atimil llir Hport unit
I'limiiluiU Aliout Wliitrlliiail.
1126 O.STREET.
Rock Springs, Wyo., Jackson
of Col., Walnut Block, Mis
souri Block, and Lackawanna
Office, 115 South Tonth St.
Telephone 360.
Books and Stationery
1118. 10th st, under Y. M.O.A.
Also a fine stock of ALHUMS, MULES,
I. oral anil IVrMinal.
Whltobroost Coul nml Lime Coiu'wiiy.
Lincoln lco company, iiro lie.
Tnko TurkMi nt 1010 O stioct.
Tha U-st Tens. H. P .Stevens .t Co.
Tclcpliono nt tho Couhiku olllco U SKI,
I-onvitt's olllce, 115 H. Tenth. Tcleplionp3tW
King Stccar, 1010 O sticet, bootsmnl shoe.
Hullet, dlonioiids nnd watches, 11! N 11th.
Bnwyer & Meshcr, florists, Masonic Temple.
Mlnei nl v. atcr used tor bathing, 10111 Ost.
Trlckey & Co. ,w lioli'Mtlo ntul rutiill Juwclurs.
1 Uarr, jeweler, established lb7l, lOIHOst.
Nobby ftjlo hats nml lino neckwear nt
Ciinon City Conl nt tho Whltebreast Coul
and Lltno Co.
For Intortod Ynrns unil 811k Ribbons. H.
R. Nlssloy & Co.
Try sonio of tho lino fresh fish wrvcil every
ilnv nt Cameron's.
Tho great diamond auction silo nt llnllctt's
commences today.
Cntion City Conl oguln nt tho Whltebreast
nl nml Lima Co.
Universal stoves lient tho world. Lowls
llnnlwnro Co., ngents.
Ronst meat, nml vegetables of nil kinds nt
Cameron's Lunch House.
A drop In loth price nml tock of dry
Koodxnt II. U. NlKsley & Co.
Improved shower for Turkish lwths nt 1010
O street, liisetneut Union block.
Only plniti In Lincoln tlmt usiii mineral
water In tilths I nt 1010 O street.
lly nil oilil tlio flnwt lino of pocket cutlery
in tho city nt ZelirtniR & Henklo's.
Abhby & MIINimuikIi will contlnuu their
low prlctn on Clonks, don't full to eo them.
l)r 11. V. Ilnllny, olllco uiul resldenco corner
of Foui tcvutli nnd L Mreets. Telepliono ill".
Tlio llnvbt luncheons In tho city mo served
nt nil hours tit Cnnler's Kuropenn rostnuinnt,
IR ' 1 htnet,
"Ymi pnys your money nml takes your
ehoicti" Is tho now order t thtiiKs nt Odell's
llllllll? u II.
llnllett is ilisposlnu of his linudsoiuo stock
of jowelry, watches, diniuoiids, bilverwnro,
etc , nt auction.
Boo tlio hnndsome lino of furs nml fur trini
nihiKsnt llerpolslieiuier it Co's., hendipmr
tors for uiulorwenr.
KvorythiiiK new nnd neat. IJnit menu mid
hohtoook in tho city nt Cmdei's Kuropenn
ivbtnnriint, 1(11 1' treet.
Thollnestwoik In tho cltv nt Hnyden's
photoKinphlc studio. 1SI t O stivjt. Beo our
lino tninptcH of m t w 01 1;.
Cull on J. C. Field, Lincoln fH'iivniiger, Tor
piompt workday nnd iiIkIiU Olllco under
First National Imnlc. Call telepliono WS.
Tako your bivnkfiut nt Odell's ilium;; hall.
Order by bill of fine nn I get what jour up
IK'tltoileslies. Dinner mid supper uro still
hcrutl as lormerlv.
J. .V 1). NoiMnnn'H holiday cooils hnvoiir-
ilitiliiud aro now on S.1I0 at their iistinl low
prices. Jinny no vi'ltlos nml lots of suitiiblo
preMints nro to bo found on their counters.
Arc you Roiiii; to rIvo a party soon If so,
iloii'l full to Uiivo jour onler for piintiut;
w itli tlio LOL'niEii. v o nro 1110 oniy primms
Iioiimj iu tho city that mukcH a specialty of
tills class of work.
Turkish Cabinet, electric nnd plain bnth
for nt Jo Booth Eleventh stivot, overy
forenoon nnd Wcihu-hdny nnd Friday evening.
For gentleman, every nftei noon, ami Tues-
tiaj nan aiuniay eveiiiugs.
Note J. & 1). Newman's sjoolnt salo ni
uounccinent in our advertising coluins today.
They offer SO jior rent off on nil nlmli gar
ments next week and it w ill pny intending
purclmsei-s to call nnd seo theso Iwrgnlns.
It Is admitted by all who hnvo tricl them
that Bt. Patrick's Pills nro tho most perfect
physio In use. Tlioy Ioavo tho bowels iu a
unil nnd liMilthy condition so that constii
tlou AiKi not follow. For salo by W. J. Tur
XV. Tlio change mmlo recently nt Odell's
wheieby breakfast Is seni'il on tho Kuroenii
plnn InsU'iul of tho former way of serving 11
regular breakfast, Is nieellug with ih-cidisl
success, nnd Mr. Odull rcparts gieat Increase
Inpntiouage. Older what you want nnd
pay for w hat you cat Is tho new run of things.
After n iHwoful slumber of nearly six
mouth wHi'ty Is ngalti unking. Tlii" cold
days nnd still colder nights linv.i a tenilnni'y
to kivp one within tho pit tills of home by tlio
glowing llnvilih' Hut slaying homo, to 11
young tnaii. grows iiionolouous, cousisurutly
luihsir iimiisi'iii'iiU 111111I I mi imi!iiI for.
l)nti"iug elnbs uro foriiiiug In largo numbers
mid It Is evident that tho boys Intend to do
their part toward brightening tho evenings
of thoitull winter mouths Tim lulles will
undoubtedly roclpiocato those intontlnui by
outfitlining their friends, and from the
present outlook 11 bright roclal season Is lie
foro us.
Thn talk of tho Uiw 11 N still the King trag
edy, mid p ibllo opinion l cortnluly In fnvor
of the woman although her crime Is mi
pardonable Iu the face of (lo I, King was
without a doubt n bid man, who thinking
money could cover his sins, might Imiornn
tiliued 011 his villinnous career of robbing
women of their honor mid vlrture, but for
the action of this woman Young ineii who
nte stiaylug from the paths of the good tnko
warning ere some such desp irate woinnii
rlinstlscH you or sends a Ici.ilcil messenger of
death through your heart.
The Colosseum, whMi has lieou tho talk of
Omaha for some time past, was onoil lint
Saturday evening with races, foot nnd
bicycle, mid other sp-irting events. This
structue, which covers nil urea of 81,00.)
s (tinni fret, lu'lng J70 x JUKI, was designed for
conventions of nil soi ts nml Is, outside of the
Madison Bipiaro (liirdeli of Now York, the
only one In the country Mr. J. B. l'rlnc,
of bicycle fume, Is manager.
On Monday evening u social session of the
Elks was given iu honor of the several visit
ing theatiioiil companies. Among those
present were tho llaulous', Btruek (las mid
Mm ray nnd Muiphy companies. A royal
time was had generally, as might 1st oxtx'ct-
od, among tlio professlen. Itecitlug, singing
and general merry-making was the order of
the meeting.
Thuatrlcally sHaklng, Omaha Is lively and
the nuntlK'i' of good attractions which np
P"aroii the Isiardsof both the Orauil and tlio
Iloyil sM-ak well for the managers, mid tho
nppiiH'latiou of the public is shown by the
Wfll-llllcil liousiM that gns-t each perform
ance. Messrs Crawford fc Melteynolds
have, bj' their able iiiauageuientanil tho high
oilier of attractions hooked, succeeded iu
oitnhllshlug n llrsl class reputation for tho
(, while Mr Thomas F. Iloyil, tho pop
ular malinger of tho Iloyil, has kept his house
up to Its iisu il llrst class standard, presenting
nt nil times only tlio Ix'st. Tho leooipti of
Isith Iioiim's show tint Onnlta is sulllcieutly
large to stlport two llrst class (ilaeesor
nmusemeut. (lihuore's timid mid "The Little
Tycoon" at the (Iriuul nnd' Held liytlieKn
emy" nnd Hanlon's at lloyd's ployed to gwnl
Mrs. Mullen nn I daughters, Maggie mid
Nellie, sH?nt sovral days of last week In this
city. They were nt "Held by tho Enemy."
1)1. Lwton, Fred Bliolesnud Elmer Flem
ing were among the number of Llni'oiultes
who visited us to seo tho Ih'.litu mi'l shadows
of this great tit j.
lluslness men report trade rather slow, but
considering the over-changing woitlior until
lug U'ttcr uun Iki expectisl.
I am an admirer of pretty dresses, mid un
doubtedly some of your lady renders would
have patience to listen while I voice n few re
mm ks on thin subject, A very pretty morn
lug Km'n noticed recently wns made of a
light giuy llmmul with collar and vest front
of cnrdlnitl velvet, with lieH-shnped sleeves
lined with same. Tho neatly flttliiE front
nnd Ibwlng tinck presented a neglige npenr
mice, mid on tho whole it wns n model of
beauty, neatness and comfort, llrlght enr
dlnals nppoir to Iki tho rage. A Tain
O'Bhanter, made of scarlet velvet, with white
silk velvet trimmings, is it very pretty head
dress noticed nt tho theater recently.
Well, (miu Miur, till next week.
Yours, En.
Uphill nml down,
Up nimtlier without n frown;
Half n dozen, less or more;
UrenlCii'Mr' my limits are sore,
t'p another Oh, whit n pllnhtl
I.ct us walk; soi!iinl!kht.
Slowly go IkiIIi wheel nml trlke.
No one knows nliut 'tis lllte
To rll. ilitwn hill nml up,
I'ltrty miles lieforo you sup.
In memory of the Valparaiso niii.l
When Is n Victor pot n victor! When it
runs ngnlust a curb.
A new anil Ingenious excuse to rest, Is to
claim Unit tho renr wheel will not run easily
nml then stop nil hour, tnko It off nml clenii It.
If some one would write n novel mid have
the hero riding n bicycle, with the heroine on
n lileycloniid the old folks cold ns mi Icicle,
It would sell like wlldllre.
At last Mr. lllreh has put In nn npitcnr
nnce mid paid In his little two cam's ns nil Ini
tiation foe. Mr. II. Is n good, hig-henrted fel
low, Just like tho tris) he Is named nfter.
A Columbia mny Iki ii gem, a Victor n daisy,
but for none of them should n innti go crazy.
For lli Warwick Is light, you can ride it by
night, for the spring tlio J ir It removes, nnd
the tiro It stays with you nil of jour days,
mid so the Itcst of them nil It proves,
The run to Valparaiso was not, I am sorry
lo my, n complete suivess. A few started
and still fewer got there. Tho roaiN lietwccn
Lincoln anil H ivuiond were In line condition,
but U'tween tho latter place and Valparaiso
they were simply mountainous.
One evening last week Frank Van Horn
hnd the misfortune to bieakonoof thespiiug
folks of his Victor safety. He tried to ride
from the pivcnieutou to tho sidewalk by run
ning square against the cut Intone. The con
sequence is that Flunk will not ride his ma for a couple or weeks.
The meetings of the Alt club ami L. W. f
weio held on tlio sauis night for the last two
months, mid iu consequence our president has .
not presided at our gatherings. Tlio vice ,
president solemnly protests iigiiust nny such
proceedings. Mr. L has mi older mid much
w Iser head and his counsel Is necessary for
the well 11 in of the wheel club.
To those who exH"Ctsl to sist the record of
their dm lug rides in this column hist week,
the writer must npologizv To those who nro
InleresUsl Iu this sistrt anil recreation, he ,
dites most humbly ask pardon. For some tin-,
accountable reason those notes did uctnpoar, I
but iu the sweet futmo the wilier piiuilcslo ,
turn over a new wheel and keep the bojs
posted overy week.
A young man had a bicycle stolen hist
wool;. It was on itioetuiis meeting uigiit
For One Week Only !
Our stock consists of newest designs in Mocljeskas, Jackets,
and Cloaks. Call early before assortment is broken.
J. & D. NEWMAN, 1026 O St.
JL-al?"Just received, a nice line of figured China Silks.
You Cant Afford to Miss It
Commencing this evening, Saturday Nov
ember ioth, the large and elegant stock of
Clocks, Jewelry, Silverware, Ac.
chance of
will be offered at Auction, and the sale
continue every altcrnoon and
the stock is disposed of. It is
a life time to buy
Post master Wtitkins was a Chicago visitor
tliU week.
Next Bnturtlny is tho first day of the last
mouth of IhSS,
0 real hose sale nt Ilerpolshelnur ifc Co's.
for tho coining week.
The llnost eoll"ctluii of ceramics ever ills
plaj'tsl in Lincoln will lie seen at Elliott's
opening, Novenilter S7.
Bpocial salo of Novell) Combination Suits
hext week at Ashby t Millspaugh's. Prices
rtslueed nearly ono-lnlf.
Mr. and Mrs. E. Stephens were jKissenpei-s
on tho east bound Burlington express, Tuei
diiy, bouu 1 for CmlU, O., on n vh-lt.
Tlio worst feature nlxmt catnrih is its dun
ire runs tendency to consumption Minds
Bin-apniilln turcscatirih by purifying ihe
The minimi public meeting of the Hellef
society will bo held tomorrow (Sunday) even
lug at St. Paul M. E. church and the First
Piesbyteriiin church.
II. IiOinbnril, jr., tho groat. Ihinncler of Ilos
ton, who is heavily interested iu Nobnisku
negotiable paper, was vMting Lincoln till
week us tlio guest of Charles West, on It
Wo regret lo learn of the illness of Mr. H.
Ijiwlor, proprietor of the (triind Central dry
goods house, at his homo on 11 street, and tl list
his reco ery w ill be but the iu liter of a shoi t
Miss Anglo Newman, who has Itoen attend
lug the national coneution of tho W. ('. T.
U. nt Washington mid the Homo Mistlou so
ciety's niiuual meeting at Boston, is expected
home tomorrow.
Are you seriously thinking of getting tun
gled lu love oi do )ou xpoet to niairy soonf
If son look at the I'oriUKit'h sttK-k of now
ucsldlng stationery will Is) mi Inducement to
you and act as an encouragement in mo nun
tlieyctuu man hid bejiiii member of the
club, and his "bike" with the rest had boju iu
fiont of the meeting room, u thousand
chances to one that his wheel would not lme
li-S'ii taken. Moral: Join tho club.
Case contemplates painting a picture of a
ciliary wheeliii'iu, clliiiblug, slowly vllmb-
iu;, nslo p hill. Iu the background ho will
hii.jw bwiijiiini men kuhi iiimii ihii on iwii
1 tdiug n tniidoin, while about nine miles in
t io will appear another lone wlieelmiu,
cirr)ingh.H safety. The painting promises
to be veiry lealistic, iu fact, so much so that
four young men, at legist, will Imagine them
selves iu tlio exact Ksitiou poi trajtsl.
HiHi'iil snlj of Satin S.V per yard nextweek.
AhIIUY it .lllt.l.HI'AUtlll.
Dr. Wilson, of tho veterinary llrm of Wil
son & Cosfonl, letiiruetl Thin silay from a
trip of nearly two months to Canada and the
oist. The doctor reports having had a most
delightful visit in .Michigan, tlio dominion
and several other places.
AYc have Iteen informed byfiiemUof tho
d 'consul, that owing to tlio death of the in
ventor of the language, tho Vohipilk society
will not bo revived for tho present. Tlio nielli
hers of tlio society iMvamo prollcieut lu the
now tongue iu a short time and will give their
attention this winter to bOiiiuthiug more d IU-cult.
Thoiowero six or seven wheels iu front of .'111(1 VOU should .'it least "JO to the S.'lle ail(l
tho Coi'lllKll ollho nn 1 none tllsappeured. If
money will buy. Ladies will be received b
what a little
Mrs. Dawson
assists her husband in conducting
the sale, and ever)'
attention will be shown the fair ones.
-You can't afford to Miss this Sale at
1 13 North 1 1th St., near O.
T. E. DAWSON, Auctioneer.
A eolith is usiinlly tho symptom o(
tioiiio illscaso, tho chnnictcr of tho
couli denotes tlientitiiioof the diseaso.
A eolith slionltl never lit) suppressed
but tlio ilesoiiM! ctirctl, then tho cough
will stop of itself. Tho most common
illseaso that causes vottghinn, Is n cold.
When a person takes cold, many of tho
nir cells of the lungs become obstructed
with mucus, the coughing Is tin
Hl'iirt of nature to relieve tho lungs and
Unit Is tho liist mid most important
tliinir to be iliitm In treating n cold.
The lungs should be relieved ntul the
secretions opened Which is tho best ac
complished by gling t'htunberliiin s
t'otigh Iti'iucdy. It is the only prcpiiru
lion in use Hint will ctui.-e tint expulsion
of mucus from ihcnlrcclN of tho lungs
It also lenders the mucus less tenacious
and easier tocxpector.ite nnd opens tho
soeretjons, aiding nature Iu relieving tho
lungs and freeing the system of all mor
bid matter allcctitnlly curing tho cold.
It acts in perfect harmony with nature
and is the only tircpurittlnii in common
use that tines. Natures way is to oncn
tho secretions, render tho mucus less
tenacious ntul easier lo expectorate mid
relieve tho lungs nnd that is precisely
tho oiled of Chamberlain's Cough
Koincdy. You ask: "How tio wo know
that is 'natures way" lleciiuso if your
sstem is strong enough to stand it
mil lire, will in time relievo it of the
cohl without the aitl of any medicine
anil t linl is Inst tho uuv it trot's about it.
. but many an "iron constitution" has
been severly racked by leaving nnttiro
alono ntul unaided to do the work. No
one can all'oril to neglect a cold, as
calami anil ciironic tironciims are
Pomeroy Coal Co.,
Office, corner 12th and O Sts. Yards, 9U1 and .th Sts
J. R. LEMIST, Agont.
New Garland,
11. '2 N STREET
llcH!iit, sinner, nnd bo righteous, (live
thanks unto thy Maker, Thursday, ami again
turn over a new l.-uf. xoii may amount 11 j ,.mis,,,j ty ,aKi,.di tl colds. When n iier
soiiiuiiiuigjei, nn, s uiu ";. ; I son lias n cold tho miicu
Ili-stjoit tlou tkiiceeii, try, try ugiiiu. io
churge for this.
Now Is the tiiim when you can buy Christ
inns presents at your ow u prlw. lluy u ring,
wntcli, ihamoiid, or anything suitable at llnl
lett's auction sale. Ijidieswllliecelvo prompt
attention and their emy uuut supplhsl by
Mrs. Dawson, the wife of tho U'lii-rableau'
Etlward Illklas, ont of Omaha's prtmil
cnt tlrj gooiU merchants nnd a jolly Elk,
camu down with tho Omaha delegation of
Elks Thursday. Mr. Iirklns is a geuiiil
fellow- tiiid con do his share to entertain
a lively party. We acknowledge a call ut this
olllco and trust his niaiily form will have
occasion to pass our threshold again In tho
near future.
From tlio Council Hluff ttejlretav wo clip
tho following: "Mr. ltlch'iid Johnson, tlio
great traveling men's trivial at tho Capitol
hotel, Lincoln, Neb., was iu tho city on Mon
day, calling 011 friends. Dick has fi iends by
tho hundreds uinoiig tho knights of Uio grip
nnd is one of tho Jollivst hotel men In the bus
lues ."
s memnrmiu
lining tho air passages of tho head,
throat nntl lungs Is inllnmcd, thoinllam
mation however in "acuta" mid can bo
cured, if not cured hut kept up by
I ho cohl or by a succession of colds
which is a ery common occurrence, the
iullammatioii becomes chronic, nnd if
i the Iion( s ki'MWii as catarrh; if in
llio wind pipo binnches of it ex
tending to all purls of tho lungs, it is
called chronic bronchitis. Neithorcat
arrh hoc chronic bronchitis can bo per
innnrmtly cured, as when apparently
cured, a cold will bring them tin
agnitl nntl every succeeding cold will
aggravate them. These nro facts which
no observing potvon call deny. It is of
the utmost Importance tlmt overy cohl
bo cured as quickly as possible after
the Hist symptoms appear and it has
been ubuiidontly proven that there Is
no medicine that will euro a cohl in
less lime than Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy, besides it lenvistho system in
as healthy a condition as it was before
the cohl Was contracted.
Bold by W. J. Turner.
HsAhV v m&CM?K e,7W I
I a Mustang Liniment a I
I 95V v MlXICANMnsTANaUKISIKSTUttenthlnPiurji. y rfsJ.t. I
HI $ TOyL.v vVsw sv H
tfr0B9tZL ''