Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, November 24, 1888, Image 7

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    Lea lersin Photography.
JfEU 5
We m.ik a spciialtv of I lu celebrated
Life dml pli-ltircs unit furnish the llnet
w 01 k nt lowest prices.
Boat Cnblnota $3.00
Elegant line of I'lctute I'i nines In stock
.mil in.uli' lo older. Call mul -i-i' u.
lo.'f. O Strict, LINCOLN, NIC II.
Ice Cream and Oyster Parors
Bakery aii'l Conlcctioncry.
i m O Street LINCOLN, N KM.
Families mul l'.u ties supplied with nil
dellcules .it sliort notl.-e Uf Cream for
p.uly In pi hate oulers all dining winter
scuim Telephone - S7
Diamonds, : Jewelry,
Repairing and Engraving a Specialty.
116 No. Tenth Street
Crystal Steam Laundry,
Office, Burr Illk. Laundry, 24th and 0.
Finest Work in the City.
All work called for .Till dclicicd, and
hntlsf.ictinu guaranteed. Leave orders at
like or by telephone j;S.
Monarch of the Dailies!
- -THE
Omaha Bee!
Delierod to any part of the
city for 20 cents a week, every
day in the year Leave sub
scriptions at Lincoln bureau,
I027 P street.
Dress Goods, Cloaks,
921 O Street, opp postoffice.
TJ-MU.RIwW i:s mtos, I
Wholesale Grocers,
Kiult, Pioducennd Coniiniikiou Merchants
Si: mooki:,
ici () Sticet
Dealer and JobDci in
Wall Paper. Ciut.diis, Shades, and Intel hi Deco
i.illons. Cot Your Laundry Work
-imini: AT
The Excelsior Steam Laundry,
',1)7 H. lllliht., ii-iii eiiliaiii-e. I'rl lllll.
erilcis 1 1 1 1 1 1 I - culled fur and ili-lhcicd. We
ptlilc inirM'lteH on pioaiptnesH and ni rimilj
of work.
JUU.KK.v. DAV, I'mpneiors.
I toll more (Kittles of
Dr. Hctli Arni.M'M
C(H'(;il KlLI.Klt
than of any (itlicr coach
Mtsllcliin Ki'pl In ktuek, nl
tlnai;h I Keen iiitiva ai lo
tion. 1'. M. Huboilnon. Cciwlllo.
Kail. '
brugglats, SOc.i tOc.i uU 91,00,
l'liry !Ihi' I'rm'ossloim nnil Mnslicis unit
Much lllnwlng of Morns, lloullrcs mid
.nhln of Oiru, lint "Ihcy" Am Mostly
Cliltitri'ti Tito Custom's Origin.
tlio went or
n o 11 t 1i, who
nhouhl nnio
hi llrookiyn on
tho afternoon
of Thanksgiv
ing Day, would
ho h 1 11 it I id.
puzzled, ii 11 d .
perhaps, if of a
wry devout im
turn, somewhat
liorrilli'd at the
actions of tho
young people
Ho would meet
processions of
tads mul dill
dron blowing
on tin horns,
heating elii'iip driinm and whooping as
twklossly as io tunny young mivngos
Hoys ill masks uliil initio eott nines would
aufutoliliii with "Ciltiimvii Miiny. mister "
And ho might even see u Htpind ol uppar
ontly well to do men marching in Irregu
lar order and conducting themselves llku
To sum It up In on Rontenee. Urool;
Ivn alone, of all places In tho I'nlted
States, eelehrates 'I'lmiikHKtviutf Day ns a
heathen festival And tho custom Is
ncciillatly local to Brooklyn. It has not
even orosted In full strength to New
York clt), though some of Its Influence In
discernible there, ami It is haiely notice
nhle in the smaller cities mid towns of
1ong Island Ami what Is stranger still,
it is it er old local ( iistoin.and Its origin
Is, us tho "historians ot Ireland say, "lost
in the mists of 11 hoary antiquity.'
Tho ihrase heathen festival" In tho
preceding paiagniph must not he eon
strucd as u term of lonronrh. It Is hlniply
meant to Imply u celebration like that of
(.'In 1st inns in the west mid wuith. And
to explain these vntintioi's of local cus
tom, 11 hit of history Is In order. As all
classical scholars know, It li onlv hy ac
cident that some sections of tho Cln 1st inn
world observe Christmas ns the mmtver
Bary of Chilst's hlith. Tho day was colo
hra'ted In Italy for n thousand yearn or
mom before the Christian era. It was tho
day of the sun's return from his most
southern point in tho heavens, tho day
when tho people closed accounts for tho
old year and Murted on n new ore; ho nil
rigid rules were relaxed, the most uustero
smiled on the general levity and it was u
day of lout and ieel, of musk mid mum
niery, of feasting and giving gifts und
general hociul cntmlity.
Through all tlio changes of 2.00 years
the ohl custom has survived, mid In moie
than half tho Christian win Id today
Christmas Is pinctleally a "heathen fcstl
val," celehrat'"! just about as it was in
Italy MX) II. ('., I'M'ept that gunpowdel
lias" been Invented and the turkey dis
covered since then. I'rom nouthern Ku
rope the i Ubtor.i floated unchanged to the
southern belt, of tho t'nitod States, and
from Kuglaud to Virginia und tho border
Mates ninth ami s-outh, so, vvlillo New
KnglnndoiM assembled in their churches
for forenoon n-rvico on that ilav, tho
people of Indiana, Illinois, Kentucky ami
adjoining states were "lit lug anvils," pop
ping llreci ackers, drinking eggnog, shoot
ing at u mail;, having running and wres
tling matches, pitching iiioits. and get
ting leady fur a big dinner of fiesh pork,
chli Id n and sausage, with whisky boforo
lit and plenty ot ".leeinua liver" tobacco
after it l'm'tlur south the slaves wero
1 allowed unlimited license u-d revol, and
1 no work was done till after New Year's.
Well, all tbit C)iristr'iir. Is (o tho boy
of tho Mi.Mh.est, rll that July .1th 1 1 to
nil Ameri.-an boys, end .1 good i'cal thet a
school holiday Is to irost bov.i, that ii
Thanksgiving day to tho boyn of llrook
iyn, in the afternoon. A gentleman
I tqirtidlng lib- first winter in tho city iu
1 1HS, nald to 1110 reiently.
"When I descended from tho Gireno
1 nvenuo station of tho elevated road at
, '2 p. m. I was nnmsodut being surrounded
byaeiowd of half grown boy s in masks
niid laticiful costumes who boldly do
mauded tho gift of a penny each and en
11 l ! 1) N ISKUt.NiI. DIN
my refusal rals.-d en Infernul din with tin
horim, tones and other latruments. At
length 1 regognUedthu volcouf asonof o'io
of my uclghbor'u, a wealthy man, uil l.o
asked mo for a penny I 1 bought oil tlio
wholobquad at a p nuyaploco, but hud not
gouo a Mjiicio Loforo I woj turrouudtd
by another sipmd, dressed in woumu'j
ufothoi, tin lr lac,.., daubed with puJjjt,
nnd they in .1 .ted on escorting 1:10
homo. And 10 it went ou all thonflci
noon, first 0. t our d of llttlo hoo'Uums aud
then a procession of tall ladj and young
men ; aud f.omo 1 f them actually knocked
at tho back dotu-s and demanded iflt of
plo and cold t urkoy. All tho boyn of tho
ward bccined to huvo turned hoodhtcia
for tho afternoon. Aud tho pnroutsftsald
It vvrg ti nccesdty to hnvo a day occasion
ally to let off tho savagery which la inhe
rent i'i a boy and must work ouf oomo
way. At night thero vvero blazing barrcln
and other bonflrra on tho coruera, r.ud
little nrvagej iliutbed with palut howllujf
aud diuicliib ;-rouud them. To .1 western
mnn vrlio b-d only kuown tho day nj ft
rellglotu euiulveruary It wau a (luee:1 cs
pcrlenco." Tho origin of thl'-t curious local custom
cannot bo traced. Oho old citizen thhika
It vvna sot mj on Long Iahtnil by tho
French lluaucuots, who nod a day of gou-
ffo'r t JL
V 'Ii -.
f y fy fj
1 ml moriiuiptuat tho soaunn aftcrvvnnU
taken Thanksgiving and that the two
merged in olio by meio accident Another
' vcuturcH to guess" that It was a Dutch
custom, well established before llrookiyn
became an American city SHU mint her
Is positive that tho custom had Itsilso
among tho llrst Yankees who nettled In
llrookiyn, ns a sorl of Jocular ivactlon
I fiom (ho austeiltyof tho old New ling
laud holy dav According to him. the in
torlocK of cliurcli and state win so coin
pleto lu Now Kuglaud In tho last cent ut y
that a man had to ho awfullv solemn anil
I religiously (pilot all of Thanksgiving Day;
1 tho lighter heaited and liberal lied to
I long Island mid (Hiding them so much
' mom liberty tlinti they had lieen nceus
I tomed to, grew nulto hlhirious over their
new found fieetlom ami imido tho day a
j sort of white man's Kmaucipatlou Day
I What was at llrst wild hilarity lu them
has become masking and merriment lu
their youthful descendants
Them Is n good deal In history to sup
port this view It Is well known that tho
llrst churches on long island worn largely
built up hy religious lofugces from Now
Kuglaud, mid as tho I'uiltaus had 10
Jected Christmas and May Day hecaiiso
the Church of Kuglaud sauctloued soino
license oil thoio days, so It is ipiito likely
these elled Yankees lojoolod thu severer
features of Thanksgiving Day becauso
tho Puritans had enforced thetn Ito tho
cause what it may, tho fact Is patent that
while tho forenoon is devoted to lellglou,
tho afternoon is a season for masking,
mirth and mummery And In llrookiyn
alone, among American cities, do patents
allow and even encourage wild, boyish
sjKirts on Thanksgiving Dnv
J." It Pviiki:.
"I'm glad all tho boarders aro going to
Im hero to Thanksgiving dinner," said 0110
Ismrder to another.
"Why, what difference does It niakoK"
asked his companion iu misery
"Oh, you see la-t Thanksgiving: thoy
neatly all went out to dinner and tho
landlady fed tho balance of us on tho
same every day kind of Intel;, temarkiug,
'that there weio so few of us it didn't
nay to get up a large dinner.' idio will
liaVo no such excuse this year."
"Yes, hut alio will, though," was tho
other s ipilck answer, "she just told mo
that as all tho boaiders mo going to io
main homo to dinner Thanksgiving she
couldn't nlTord to make any spread."
Then tho two locked arms and wan
dered down to tho nearest lunch counter
1 A clergvn a 1 lu a rural parish was ro
j iiiciiilicrcil at Thanksgiving with a inon
1 ster turkey. 0110 of tho Hind that hung at
I tho door of tho markets Thanksgiving
I time. The family was small, anil raetU
I after meal that turkey "bobbed up
1 n'rcnoly." At last one day that minister')!
' young boy manifested a prodigious np
petito. Again and again ho passed his
plate, until his father and mother beenmo
alarmed und asked him what ho was lut
ing so much for. With his mouth full of
1 turkey ho answered:
"Fathir, I mean you slm'i't 1 avo to sy
graioover that ohl turkey ngnhi."
Thero vvm n tlrao not lcrg r go vhen
ttirkev roosteil too high fv tlio mi n vlth
a modt-iTto tent roll, Lv.t to!l stoniga has
ihnngcd rll this. TI.o public l.ra'brt u
mbty idc-v of told stora-c, but tho 1 nsl Ii full of cold facts. In o'.:o cf tho
twelvo warehouses h New York city, ac
cording to actrtnhi vivacious re pi rter vvl.o
wnsdetulled to hunt up:cinet!dnci:rIiU.i
for tho Thanksgiving numbir, thero K n
turkey of tho harvest of lbTN tti'l i:. (. ro
mnrkablo atato of preservation. This
featherkss bird lio.i u iost-rr.oiton Lla
tory. Ho was lnlsed lu Ornigo county
nnil passed an unoventful life till his uock
vvna wrung In tho Inturests tf tho human
race. Ho wai hung up In Washington
mniket os tlio prlfco turkey, vielglilag
forly potindn. Nobody wui',tl n ttitkey
of that weight on that Thanksgiving Day.
While it had licon a good year, nobody
lelt blessed Io the extent of buying tin key
by tho traction of a ton.
After Thanksgiving was o-i r the tur
key disappeared. Putrousof Washington
market missed him, and ti.iagiued lib
fate. It was given out thi-t an uptown
hotel had bought hli.i. In r. week ho wrs
forgotfn. A yitir l.'ter and fort y pound
turkey was again s, isporik-! I , thj feet
on tho samo bourn i'l" the I hcc.
Ho had tho rosy glow of yo'.tl', end no
body suspected that It vvr.s't! j tl.est ot j
yi'iir-dead bird. Sty lea rrn t - i'.-:-..'! tr.r
keys that yea-, and tho 1"."'
ti esl Ueaku oft tho big fev.I. I
iv id-.iv
no vas not educated up to t'- ;;;
That is why tho turkey reir irid
and again llov out of tho 111 r '.;et.
lenrj followed and utlll c. 1 .. 'j f vo
weighing forty pound j v.-.di -A vclce!)
latter part of November under tl.u iu.vrl'i'
"Orango eoirjty'a pildo. T I'.cd by
Termer Dlgga, cf Meudowlr.ko turiu
Uorulo-T f'.cu In ovmmer."
Marketer- beg"i to recngul-o tho big
turkey a, eoov -1 vltliThunk' giving. No
I" Oy rot in tho b"-.lues'j suixeted that
ou'j turkey t:lv v?n- lu tko plot Donid
in froai Bigga sworo tlioy oaw tho i'r n
ii-'l turkey lu tho miccc.' tl'jio rlkiag
. 'ouud la tho Lust hen melcty
C.'ld bturago d'd P. Vho tviJc-y
t'lls yeri' en ohiUt'o'i In Wi-.hli ;;ton
I'aik't, :-i t-vl. I'la touijhret , "-1
Lui"ovvh-t I-: dtrly In'jvlroil lireic'.c'l'i'.t
early V thu u'f en, but tho I'l'M.e;' the"!
v:u tli"t ll'g !"'l not yet ticj.t 1 1 ia
rjinual earU"i! ef turkeys. I.rte.' thy
order v v .'' t . tho cold tor o -ao-I'ot-j
to icpuduio tho mor. t.-i, and t.ll
a! b'.isy ,bout tho ph'.eo in couseinieuco.
Jut up tu tho hour cf f.eir.jt to pre-ii
thero have leva no .dvleoi lioia t'm
lnettopolia to tho effect that uiy tirj had
tho uervo to buy tho autiqulty.
If you uhould ever visit tho big city aca.ia
the North liver lro"i Jcisov City rbout
Tlmnksglviu time, go to V;ml'.igt n
vuvrkot mul aak for Ulgga' big bUl, t'u lit
w IU undoubtedly lo 1 ointcd fiut t ou.
All tury j.lvi ti'iuihi v.ho tuo stlrreil l.y
thoughts cf tl.o Lottennent of tho world
a.'id can rojoioo r.t itj coutlnuoua and lu
creaaliiff fulfillment. Hod reigns and (Jod
wills, and ho ucltlicr telgtu ucr wllla for
An tiislnnro Wlirro tlooh l.i'iirtilnn XV 11
"I'm butiRpi) up eo'isiderable," Mid a nsl
headed un 1 1 in as lie utood at the foot of
Coin ll. in It utieet, watting for the foi ry, an I
felt of ll'o icpiira winch had been tint
mound 011 tils f ico In I'm um of coiutpiiiv
ter "I'm IhisIihI pivtty uuaui'finiaisl) , but
I guess I can liold out till I Mnl,o Jeiwiy "
"lUs'ii lu a lljlitr asked a sy mpnthctiu by
"Niiw I didn't git stni till 'nniisli do you
could call It a Ii-iii. l'vcU'cu licked though
and I nln'l ti In' to dodtfo tlio issue."
"What i,.t von lutiithii imublel"
"IMrciciiIIoii, fir iciilin' when I oitii
been lu better business, b'llevln' a lot of
lilunio fool tiuck Jos' V.iuso It was iu a book
"How was UP'
"W'y tins way Yon Ron I had one o' these
'ere gymnarerum loos and lead it. Havs
the InhiI. like llil, voiikis'. 'A mm uilh li.s
walKt blnr 'round than his chest nln'l im
good pliynn'illy Tint's wlcit tho In ol.
claimed. Ilc'ti ll'ble to give out at the
critical moment, Hays the bonk. And if
he's fat, went on tlio hook, lie's do id
Miro to give out at tho ci Ideal nun
lite, lie's short winded mul Ids mil-, lis
Is ll.'ililiv , nivs 1 he book Ho ain't no good on
eat th, six s tlio book awful eel lain, and no
mail needn't lie'frald to tacl.lo him. Mi's a
Vimibr.itiiv on tho woild, says the hook, and
hoort to tialn and gltdown thiinlroof his
waist and Ihmiiii Ihodi'i-meuslousof Ills chest
'fore soiiio small man swats him 0110 und
walks on him 'I his was tlio Idea the Ixsik
held and I too'. It all In "
"Didn't tho theorv Imld goml lu piactlisf
"I nln'l Us'ii able to see It iu that llp,ht Vet
1 oomo over from ,lci.e this morning feelln'
pietty ( IC. Mv ilunenslons him nil right
You can crack hlck'rv nuts on my chest I
ain't short wltnlnl Nothing II ibbv 'Imut my
muscles. I don't gUoonl ut tlieeiitleal mo
iuent,says I. Alter a wlulo I as upon stii'ot liHikiu' 111 a w Itider wutchiu a
Ki-onchmau cook pin cakes on mi iron fool
stool, i hen 'long comes 11 policeman as big'i
n load o' Iriy llo tried to inn ou mo by
tcllln' 1110 In iiiovo on I sized til 1 11 u; It
was a fiNit fin tiler 'loiiud his waist tli.iu
'iiiituil Ids chest if It was 1111 lueh. Ho was
fat, too Conseipiently , siyn I to myself,
you'10 llnbby aud short winded, and, 'Imvo
all, you'll Hunk at the critical niomunl '1'lien
Kiysh 'Old boss, dry up or I'll mob youl'
Ho steps up aud I sails In, dcciidin' on tho
critical moment for him to cave."
"Hut ho didn't do It I"
"Don't know, you see, I was dead at tlio
critical moment so I couldn't tell. Hut I have
a sueakln' IiomIowii uotio 1 that hedidn't. 1
couldn't suiar to uotliln', but Its my 'pinion
that at tho moment ho was'
111 omul 011 unwind 1 cachm' dim 11 and hmiih1Iu'
iiui w-illi a !) k-U eluli 'bout llie sioof h
baiiauucr Ho may have HluuiM'd at tho
critieal moment, but I'd sooner I hint; that he
was daiieiii' 011 a blnsU'd foul iiIkiuI my slu
(IhiIu'mu ml very critical momentii When
leo'iiutul put on my boots which bu bad
miiiimUmI olT'u I'i" and went and bought court
pl-ister bv tho roll like wall pacr. I am
now gout' homo to bur.i up 11 green covered
book ou physical development, and when I
git riy urn nut of I ho sli:i- I shall go to woik
again mul try to foiit r una tilings that I
havoreiil. (io'id by. ' New York Ti'ibtllio.
Wh 11 .Nellli's llii.ti.iinl llonu.
AI.s IJrovvn Tell urn ' Un.'vasy inr bus
bind iniieli umb.11 rniKisI vxIh-ii he proiosei t
Mrs. Younghubiuil Not nearly so mm h
as he was after the lulls Im our wislduig lis
eep loiie.imu In llcist.ciTniiisen, t.
Olio Willi Dliln'l.
"Well, uni'li', I suppos!) you got ill your
votoall light tli other d iv," ho siid to Cn
eh1 I!c:ii'4, of tho mirket brigade.
"No, iah, 1 didn't "
"Wlcit was tho double'"
" wnshleli a big erowild'it I reekono 1
I would wait till de ncx' day, nu' when I
Kent obcr agin dj polls was dun gouo an'
tJict up an' to ill away "Yankee lilielo.
1 lio IlliVciiucr.
Ciisto'iu'r--We!l, 1 guoss I'll t.d.o thoie
J : 1 1 . t .
Ilubiipigliistiur Ya, nifi'i front, tro9tol
1 irs is hoi v cheap
Customer (aliaKti Piitvi dollars! Why,
von 1 in 1 1 them marked a dollar and a half in
the w union
llubiip.i;;instme O -h, vn' dot meaiu cln
tollaf und toelty ecnts for von lo.; Now
York Hun.
"Can I sec Mr. llnoi-tyf" lmpilrol tlio
filler at tho Jail. "IJefoiu lio un, nrreted
ho owed mi ali'tlobill that ho promised ho
would piy at this date, 'iiul hu has always
been n in in of Ins word " "You ciiimsj Iiiiii
if you willwiiita fuw nimutis," ci't) tho
tiiinkey. "His nltornev la with him now."
Tho tailor sins)!.-his lioid and nijlied deeply.
"1'liorois no use iu my vvuitiug," I hi said.
Chk ijo Ti ib.m . '
l'iei) In llmriirs.
Dentist T.iu Ijo'Ii y m u.u.t oitraetod ii
veiy llnnly set. Wid' ymi tuko gtuf i
Patient No, I nover tal.o gw.
'liver had tooth etraetoil bofore.1''
"No, but 1 u best man at a wisldn.;
once, and 1 took uo gas tho.i." Lincoln
Iilplnnmi j ,
.Mr. OiC.iy I'm goitu '' Cutlefn, Hor
iice. Shall 1 oidir tliu Sinid ly dinner
Mr. O Kay Hy all in -a'is, no! ,Iut ask
fori', l.ui niontli'a bill u still duo. 1'imu, '
AIkciuo of .Mind.
A prominent physieuu of thi city, Uti
meeting Ills own diiuhloi'oi tho street, m
litoly uiiiurol nftci tlio liei'thif both her
bolt a tul hor p.uoats. -Now Yuri; Tubuuj.
A M.irUeneil DeiiMiel.
Thero v. ill pivbably lw a drop m inih i.n
mediately, si ueo tluro will lj no lonr n
ileiiund lor thoui lor,; up campaij'i
lies. t'juisrvillj Journal
Anllijnllles diiloio.
An I.'n'ihli, who had vbllo'
CypruH, w.-n asked if tin ) wero many an-
tiijultiei iu tha Ubiul. "Authmlt oil" lu
cried. "Why, tbo pUco U allvg with tho! ii"
' I''"
I ' ' 2 ( ) ST
Steam Dye and Cleaning Works
S. K. MANN, PiiipriiSiir.
Ladles aud ('out-' Clothing Cleaned. Dyed and Uepalrcd on Slioil Notice. Twctit
live pci 1 cut dlsi mini on all Plushes, diets and Sealskins Steamed
fni the next SKlv l)nv
1 .111 11 ropy cenliiliis 11 rATTflis oiiiimi em 11 nun
tlio linlilrrtotliflfolorllniinf AHT l'ATTrn lllilstrnlnl Innny iiiiiiiIht of Hie Miienliie. unit IH ANY
oi'iiir. mks iiiaiiufuiliiri il, t mil Milind nt fntin nut tu ,HI tinlf, or 011 r $1 U) wmllmf pulli tas
i" r viiir. (no , ,, ,
Sourly sulirrlptlnn. f'J (kv A trlnl vill coiirhifc yon Hint ynn rnn Rot (in tlincn tliu vuliio
of tlio money pulil riliii;io ieiles (eiuli coiitatiilng I'ntlrru Onliri, M cent".
PnbliHliiMl l.y W. JI5NNTIN.S !)K.MOKKST, Nr.w Youic.
The hImou 1 iiinliliinlliiii tiniti'iiillil rlmiirr lo i;it our pipir mid DcMoiiEtr'a Muntiilt at
trriluiiil rule, hi ml j our riiliiirltluii to H1I1 olllio.
tiiic niav i,im:
Fall Patterns in Carpets
In T.ipi'ktilcs, It-tisucl, llody Hiiism-U, Moipn Its and all othor
fine lloor covcilngs Our line
Cannot be cipialed in the west C'.ili and see us
A. M. Davis&vor,
W'M 1WI ffr Ff ft fU4M
& rflUMflt sAtf J j
;rt2ia . . .
lvcs its venders literature o lasting, inter-
J-cst inacl value, it
laKmiL'i illustrated and
than national circulation exceeding' 123.000
copies monthly, n,
Charles ScribncrS Jons
to offer 5CRlBNErVS MAGAZINE with the
lti Ii for $J-.25t ''"''Is maks the price of the Cm nil it
wlt-n l.ik' n Ibis w.i only l 2$
John McWiiixxik's
The Old Reliable Tailor.
First Class Workmanship, Fine Trimming, and
Satisfaction Guaranteed.
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-ONLY $3.25 FOR-
Tlio Capital Oily Courior,
Domoroct'o Monthly Magaslno.
Mnny mnloo lll'.MOItl'.vr'S MONTIH.T
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