QWBto&ttiQfaWti r w,tiyaiffir.m ft friz FINE : ART : STUDIO M O Mrcct. finniuhic rtnijlc of our ork before oirfwlni; cUruhcic. CnWnct Photographs i educed (mm $(to $J per ilnrcn Ladies' & Gents' FINE SHOES At j really reduced prices AT WEBSTER & BRISCOE, io.j, O Street. fi. T. KOBIJRTS & SON Undertakers and Embalmers. 212 North i ith vStreel, Windsor Hotel Annov, Tcleplioiivn. Olllcc i5. Rc-lde-tce 15ft. Open Day niul Night. HAGENOW&ASCHMANN, Philharmonic Orchestra AND MILITARY BAND, Ollicc,RioiiiH 139 niul i.(0 llurr Mock. Telephone 133 J 11. W. HAWKINS, ARCHITECT AND SUPERINTENDENT, llntMInz completed or In course of erection Irom April I, 1SS0: UiiMncM block. CKoiitKoiiu'ry, lllliniul N. ilo ilo t. W HimiiKHlcy, iitlincnrN. JVwtfturnnt oj.lelt) g U Montgomery, N iie?. UtH. ,, UcjMence, J J f nilmff, J nn.l Iftli. do J I) .Miiofnrlnnd, g niul I till, ilo J0I111 ftOiniui;, I mid lllli do AllH-rt Wrttkliw. 1) liet IHli mid intli, do Win M IxHinnid. K dot !H!i niul UUIi. do I'. It flullirlo, '.Till mid N do J K It.ssl, M I), V Ih1 intli mid t'tli do I. (I M llillilnln, (I Wl IStll mid IHth Hsnltnrlnm building at Mllfoni. NVU, Flrr. IhiiitlUclmrvli, lltli niul K strtvlH, orttmry yli U a. r-itvl.i to n'i at Wyuka cemetery, 'Ofllee . rioom !El niul !t I Richards EUoclc FAST MAIL ROOTE ! 2 DAILY TRAINS - 2 TO Atchison, Lc.ivcu worth, St. Joscph,Kanas City, St. Louis niul nil points South, East niul West. The direct line to Ft. Scott, Parsons Wichita, Ilutchhuon and nil principal points In Kama. The only roail to the Great Hot Springs of Arkansas. Ppm.mav Si.r.KiM.its and Free Reclining Ciiaik Cars an nil trains. H. G. HANNA, R. P. R, MILLAR, City Tkt Agent, Gen'l Agent. Cor. O mid i :th Sts. -'""Ul 'Milwaukee, Pmit twni and ocni(rHniOO miles of tboroiiRldy quipped road lu IIIIiioIh, WhioiisIii, Iowa, MIsHourl, Mlnnisota mid Dakota. It Is (lie Host Direct ttoutu txit-.vc.--ii nil tlio Prluclpal l'oliilb lu tho North i.'est. 6outhwent ml Far West. For mnps, tlino trililca, rates of pimntro nnd freight, etc.. apply to nearest stntVon 11 Kent ol ClIICAUO, JIlLWAUKEK A HT. lAUI. HAIL WAV, or to any Itallroad Agent anywhero In I ho world. It. MIM-.KH. A. V. ll.eAUPBNTKn. , aneral M'lt'r. Oun'l Pass. AT'kt Ai;t, J. Y. TUUKKII. OKO. II. IIUAFFOIIIJ, Af. Ooil Mr. At.O. P.T.Aut. illlwuukec, Wisconsin. rm-Y: Information In reference to ?,atvli aiuTTowiis owned by tho ChlcnBO, Mllwuii keo A Ht. Punl Hallway Compaiiy.wrlo to II. O llAUOAN,I.iuid eommlssloner.Mlllwaukto Wlsocnslr. '-'film KKrrMmfM ' w Ar TWO THANKSGIVINGS. T U my belief, founded mi ii lonf niiil vurlcd epe- I 11111 1, 11111b II lllllll should never glvo money to n log iTiir. Ah n nrluri- pli, I ho prnrtlrn of liidlsoilmlnato nltllSglViUrlSHllb- vcrslvo of truo philanthropy Of coiirso thorn nro except Ions to (his rule, hut In t ho main I Ihinl; inv argument Is found. lint I urn fully per suaded that If i in-sued to do M 1 could not glvo ,'ooil, pound rcasum for my 1st lief, mid 1 confess that I often vlolnto tny creed. Tim fact Is, that 111 the discussion of (front fnndanieiital Ideas llko thosu of religion or sociology, t llnd thoin to ho like n creek In tho inoiintnliiH. Follow tho crook ut. and j mi will llnd Innumerable hrookn h.ihhlliii; into it from Iniiiimerublo hollows between the hills. Iliu'li brook hi lllled with the iparklliu: product of (lod'M distillery, each tlMiIet adds boiiu'tliliur to tho volume of water In "tho crook Mowing onward to the Fen. lint I have not tho tlino nor tho genius tooxpluronll l hose streams of thought to their Houree, niul r.o I tuUo tho sunshine r.s ho sends it, tho water as ho hrown It, tho laughter and tho tears mi they nro cooked nt Ids cood pleasure. And coinetlmes-very often, In (not 1 llnd mv (telf lolnting tho eoneliudoiiH of cold ethics and giving money to it beggar. This much taforo 1 tell my Btory. The Incident hero recorded occurred on a Tluin!((;lvlii(i Day not ninny warn :'. Twn'i n cold November day in Hattery park, New York. Tim r.uu tiliouo feebly from behind n hank of elomhi, ot the air was keen mid bmrlnr. It lironht color (o (ho cheeks and hrlyhtnesi to tho evei of noiuu twenty Idlew iieated upon (lie henehea. Mont of (ho perilous In the park wero apparent! v of forelrn cxt ruc tion. A llUlo l'VencIiinan, wrappeil In n cloak and who took freinuuit iilnehes of kiiiiIT, formed n htrlkliifc contrast to r brawny 'loiitfahoroinan In u hlno blonsi and ovoiiiIIh. Another itctuivMUu Kfonr was foiined of u llnlifiuliin mother wild her (hrco chlldnii,ullen wbo looked upon tho evidences of u new civilization with fear mid dint ru(. Tho rest of (he occu iniiiti of (ho par); were hits of ilolBain and Jotsam of Immunity common In every lamo heaport town. Tho day of Thanks (;l lnt was unknown to thi-ui. For (he niii.st part they wero drinking of tho lees of llfo mid had nothing to bo thankful for except tho material fact of u cheerless ex Istenco. Whllo watching (his drift from nllen r.hores and wondering vaguely what wero tho actual condition: tuirrouudlug theso heroes, my iittentlon was dmwn to tho Lhamhliiig (lguro of n man coming up ono of tho aisles of (ho iiark. Tho bim ciiuio out for u lnhuito mid mado him distinctly vlslblo In all his abiectness. For ho was tho most wrctclicil looking lunn I had ever teen. Ills derby hat was brlmlcfls, hit unco blue blouse had lost all of Its orl;; "WOULD YOU OIVK MIC ONU ClNT, Bill?" hml color, mid tils trouscw hung about Ids cmaeliited legs llko 11 stocking about n plpo slem. Upon Jiis pallow fneo was four weeks' growth of stubby black beard. Ills face was dark and his eyes had thnt pale, sickly gleam fcoinotlmes" seen under tho dry husk of uti onion. Ilo walked, with 11 Mow, shambling, uncertain step, 11 nl his shoulders drooped as though ao was 11U gono lusldo und every minute he I'f'Oitcil t' collapse. Tho very abject. nofs of his condition fascinated mo, and whllo still bathing him I watched his ap proach with Interest. As ho eamo up to mo t,o sobed tho elliow of his left nrm In putting his light hand behind his back. In this curious attitude ho spoko: "Would you glvo mo 0110 cent, sir?" This ho said In n volco which seemed to como out of tho very sub cellar of de spair, so monotonous was it, to utterly bereft of tho ring of hopo. "No, Mr," I replied, "I could not." Ilo mado no reply in words, but his elbows lifted slightly and his long linger mills, which woro mourning for departed cleanliness, sunk Into tho palms of his hands. Llko n man who folt that death was stepping on his heels, ho turned nway. Thero woro a dozon other men sontcd In Hattery park, and to each 0110 of these ho In turn put tho samo question that ho had to mo. Ilo mot tho samo reply each tlino, for ns ho turned away I could seo tho sharp elbows lift with a despairing gesture and tho sallow face harden Into corrugated linen. Ono man, who looked Jolly mid well foil, perpetrated a ghastly Joko by putting his hand in his trousers pocket when tho mendicant asked him tho fatal question and pro ducing 11 paner of tobacco, Then Mr. Jolly read lr. Misery a llttlo homily on tho injustlco of poverty, end over Mis ery's Jaco thero spread u shadow of a grin, nnd sucli a gun ns may l wen on tho faco of a mummy. It was If ho had snld: "Did starvation over roost In your stomach for threo days?" "Will ho jump off tho dock now?" I wondered to myselt. No. Hols actually "bracing" a park Klico man. Tho gray coat simply Waved him away with his club. Then, with u cour ngo born of his uwful need, ho tackled two olllcers at tho door of tho bargo olllco, but without success. Ho stood upon tho Nhlowalk nnd passed his hand wearily ticross Ids forehead, us If ho was awaken ing from a dream. A feeling of curiosity had prompted mo to follow him, "Does ho need whisky or bread?" I thought. I determined to find out, mid so I beckoned him into a dark corner uroutid tho bargo olllco. Tho fires of hopo must havo been enkindled lu him, for two (ears rolled out of his eyes and I fancied I could hear them full spat I spat I upon tho stones. "Aro you hungry?" snld I. "I didn't eat anything In three days," ftf!3ShM rttT 1 AlL XOk, mm) no irimeii. "Are j on dry?" "No, tdr; (hero'fl wn(cr In (ho path." "Is jour fnvorlto restainnnt near hv?" "Yes. sir. Up In (Irecuwlch street' "Well, como along." And as wo went toward his restaurant I pumped him by tho way. 'Tuas n long and sorrowful story he told. Ills naiiio wns (leorgo Moore, mid ho was a Cornish miner. "Times wns better, sir." i.ntil he, "when I eamo to this country eight year ngo Yo see, I hemd (hero uas money to Ihj mado hi (ho coal 11111101 of Pennsylvania, 1111', like a fule, I eauio here. Thero was (hroo of us -Nelllo and tho baby and my Felf. Dear heart, whin I tliinK of how my Nelllo looked when wo landed at Castlo Harden eight jemsapo, with tho roses In her cheeks and tho light In her brown eyes, and sho po hopeful, sir, (hat wo would make a small fortune In u few j ears" Hero ho paused ns If to choke back (he emotions which wero sweeping over him like 11 Hood. Then ho continued: ".lust eight jearsago today 'twns. sir I had dollars In my pocket then. Wood, haul P.nglish pounds, and tho smell of masting turkey as wo went by (ho restaurants didn't havo tho effect upon mo (hen (hat it has lodav, sir Well, wo wont to Slinmokln, in Pennsvl vanla. I had no dllllculty lu getting work, i.nd wo wero get dug along nicely when I was taken sick. Then nil tho money melted away llko hoar frost. Tho slcknes.i lasted sl months, and bccauKo of poor food mid wonkm-Hs tho baby died. After that things went 011 from bad to worse, until Nelllo Motioned with tho con sumption. Then I cursed tho country and tho mines. Hut It did no good, for my wifo wont llko (he baby, and sluco hIio'u t'one, sir, I'm i.ll broko up." 1 cot-i,t) st:t: ins moor biioui.kiio hi:avi Hero ho stopped, and It seemed to 1110 that ho gathered his falling powers to gether, ns If ho wero about to givo ex pression to n great thought. Then ho bluitivl out: "An' sho wero a good women, sir, r.u' I loved herl" "And what havo you been dolug olnco her death?" said I. "Oh, Just knoekln' around doln' n:i odd Job hero an' there st.irvln' mostly. Part of (ho time on tho island for vagrancy. In tho winter tlino sleeplu' In tho liyllco statlouu 1111' in tho summer 0:1 tho uocko. l'vonilch relativo lu Michigan, a tnlno owner." "Why don't you apply to him for nsela tanceV" said I. "Hecr.uso I'd dlo nforo ho'd kiiow tho shapo I'm lu." Uy tbli tlmo wo had reached tho door of 1110 of tho'-o modest nnd unconven tional eating liouscn whero tho ricnu la painted on a board mid set outsldo tho door. Wo entered nnd ho rat down r-.t n (able. Ills unexpected good fortuno had paralyzed him, mid tho prosjwet of n sqiinro meal had robbed him of npco?h. hen tho frowsy waiter r.skcd him what ho would hi've ho couldn't reply, but sat gazing at tho waller duinbly'na n slrpn might look nt Ita exeeutlonerfc. Then I ordered for him n big dish of vegetable KOtii). When It wnu placed bcfoio him, with lslaudj of potatoes, carrot n and n'o hago limiting In It, (ho bnvory steam arose and dilated hit) nostrils cud a wolllsli glaro eamo Into his onion colored eyes. So famished was ho that, thero being 110 spoo'i handy, ho bulzed u kulfo mid plunged It into tho mess, mid whllo he nto thero teemed to bo a lump lu lib throat which prevented his swallowing Whllo ho was busy with this dish I or dered 11 big plato of mast beef, and the waiter brought two euH which looked us 1 they had been taken from tho forehead of ll,o critter. This was Hanked by a illsh of Livuly potatoes, bursting (fjctr brown Jackets, nnd a bowl of coffco nl most big enough to tnko n hnlh In. As Misery gazed upon (his feast, which in his estimation was plenty good enough for tho gods who sat upon Mount Olym pus, his eyes filled ngalnaud this timo'tho tears fell. When I nskeil for (ho bill tho proprietor handed mo 11 check for tho 11111 ulliceiit sum of SO cents, which I dibcov ered was scheduled rates. "Well, old fellow. I must go," said I, after settling tho bill, as I reached out my hand for a parting shako He reached out n grimy list, and when It left mino thero was a sliver quarter in his palm. Ho was just about paying his respects to tho mast beef, but' this princely gift choked him up so that ho laid Ids head upon tho nrm of tho ouco bluo blouse. I could seo his stoop shoulders heave, mid, although thero was no sound, thero wero plenty of signs of mi internal commotion. a On Thanksgiving day, n year later, I was scad'd at a (ablo In a Fourteenth street restaurant. Opposite to me, at tho samo table, sat a respect ablo looking man of about -10 jears. Ho woro a neat suit of cassimero and was clean mid wholesome In apiearauco. I noticed during tho course uf tho meal that ho watched me very closely, mid Just as I roso (o leave (ho restaurant ho touched mo on tho shoulder nud said: "Kxctiso me, sir, but didn't I havo tho measure of meet lug you before?" "That may bo," I roi.llod, "but If to I havo forgot ten It." "Do you re member mooting a triilnp last Thanksgiving day lu llnUcry Park?" said ho. "I do, but why, you canttot possibly bo that maul" "Hut 1 am that very chap, and that squaro meal you gavo mo, lesldes tho sil ver quarter, put now courago Into 1110 and I began to pluck up heart. And now 1 am a clerk lu a grocery storo and earning $10 a week. My luck turned on that sil ver quarter. I had to part with It once for n lied, but I persuaded tho hotel keeper to keep It until I could redeem It." Ilo nut his lmud lu his pocket mid drew tho silver ulece. It was uojeket worn, biit mis hno tim ring ot tne trim sliver 111 it. "(loil bless jou," said tho lejiivenatod Irnmpnswo slopped nut upon tho hide walk, placing Ids hands on my shoulders. His features worked convulsively as ho continued: When I resolved to take n new grip ami was hunting around tor 11 job. 1 tisctl to sit In tho park and drop the fdh ur quarter upon t ho pavement, nml the ring It fuvo out reminded me of tho chupel bell '1 OITliN TAIil: OCT Till' IjlAKII.K AMI JIMII.i: IT." nt homo nnd of Nelllo and the baby Kven now, comfortably situated 111 I alii. I often tnko out the qunrter and Jingle It. Tho Bound Is always comforting, mid r.o I liud that Thanksgiving D.iy Is not con fined to' tho last Thursday In November." Still thin giving uioiuy to a beggar Is a bad practice. Ki:m:st Jmiuoi.d. ADVICE rOH THANKSGIVING. Don't spoil (ho day by finding fault. Anybody wlio is surly on 11 holiday do bcrvo'i to ho sentenced to Mx months' penr.l servitude. Don't grow I because you don't get tho second Joint. Don't be a hog and lake all tho white meat. Tho dark is considered better by many good judges. Hive tho young ones all the gravy thev want, mid let them daub themselves wltii cranberry naiico to their i.tomach's con tent. lt'n anti-bilious. F.plaln to them that tho nimtomlrul Ktrucluro of the turkey makes It linKisslble for vou to supply them all with "wlbh 1kiio:i., If tho youthful people of tho family howl lu tlio iillont midnight watches do licit paint the air blue. Hemember that you wero n boy once and used to over feed. Hemember, too, that Thanksgiving only copies onco a year, although the Juvcnllo vote would undoubtedly bo solid for having It como twlco a week." Da coploua of plo to vonr guests, spar lug to younvlf. Pio la healthiest when eaten by proxy. Do not tell your wife about tho plum pudding your Aunt Smiuutliy used to make lu Vnybnck when you wero n boy. l'ven on hollduyo women mo women. Pralso It whether you cat It or not. (live her n dotiblo nhnro of tho pluins. And may you all llvo to cat Thanksgiv ing turkey many years hi sueccsblon, and may your feast bo followed by 110 pongs of ludlccstlou. Tlio richest nr.d most envied man un thorn of hj wealth of money, hut de prived of nil tho common benefits which hlo poorest brother man eujoya as nn in ulieuablo right, would bo poorer than tho poorest pauper. THE NIGHT AFTCfi THANKSGIVING. -" 1 k? IITOW"? &. r Mr Turkey Don't bo alarmed, my dear. I've only hem down to th tut key shoot. Harper's Uazar. How Ilo fircurril n I 'as. When Agnes I5ix:t!i wos hero n Mr-. HchoolTol h'-r IiiiImiuI na on tlio door up stairs at MeVieker's one nls'i' when n )ou:iJ man preH-nteil himself mil asked thnt tho privileges of tho Iioumj l extended by reason of tho young linn's position ns correspondent of some eastern nuwpier. Mr Bchocirol said he could not rcconlso ttio young man to t'.iat extent. "I desiro to know who you nro, sir," said tho correspondent. "I II nucii.l to you lu my piier." "My nanio Ii BehoffTel, sir. John 11. Belioeirul. You can havo my nanio and lw X. you, sir." "I didn't hear tho uamu aright," said tho young nnn. "ScliooOVI, sir; J-oh-n, J0I11I B.-lioolTel." "Write it for mo; 1 want to get It right," thundered tin- eorreiK)udeiit. Mr Selnx'irel wrwto the namo 1111 n rani and almost Hung It in tlio eorrcixiuilcat's faea That 11 ght when tho "count up" wa going 011 Mr. SclioclTol found In autograph among tho tickets, and over it wni written "pass two." Tho corresioiidiiit li-nl utillie.l tlio autograpli at tho m olllco. Mr BelioofTol is now tho partner of Henry Abbey. Chicago Times. A Zcitlou S. V. O. A. Omerr. A man i?ho was fiiroiisly driving through tho street and bcitlng Ins hori repeatedly was halted by nnumlierof hidigimiiteltions. "Wlmt's tho matterr usked 0110, "going after a doc tor f" "No," replied tho man, "I'm n representa tive tf tho B. P. C. A. WVvogotn man tm trial for ciuclty to Iioi-bcs, mi.l I'm tho prin cipal witness. I must get to tho trial in t.mo to convict him. Out of tho iwiy, ploaw." Wlmckl w buck I Yankee Illailo. A Colelirnted Trnveler. Passenger (to Chicago driimtuvr) Do you recogniro that gcntluiiian buated further up tho Carl Ho Is'ouo of tho greatest travelers in tlio country. I don't know how many times l.o crosses tho ocean every year Chicago Drummer You don't say sol 1 never saw him bvforo lu my life. Whata bU'iiamo'f Passenger James ItiHscll Lowell. Chicago i)nimuier-Jauies UumcII lowell, nil. "What JI110 of coodsdout lui .kiJIT NoW Yor Hun. I ; .-irk rJ iirS I 4f ram S 'ly "',? Y V , tD "Tk Vi k i zzffiBk r DON'T FAIL To Call and ICxamine the Lar'e and Elegant Stoek of IM- PORTED and DOMESTIC WOOLKNS Just Received by I he American Tailors, OMAHA, NEB i.j.11 Farnam St., l-'axton Hotel Bid;. They are Leaders. STYLE, FIT AND FINISH surpassed by none. Do not fail to give them a trial, ZEHRUNG, BURNS SHENKLE. BUILDERS' HARDWARE We carry at all times a fine line of GRANITE KITCHEN UTENSILS FIRE SETTS, TINWARE Anil the most Elegant Variety of Pocket Cutlery in the city of Lincoln. 121T-121Q O STEEET. iPeffley&SonsIu, i(l . - (6- From Mother Goose To Herbert Speneei IS THE RANGE OF BOOKS AT H. W. BROWN'S, CALL AND Si:iJ TIIKM. 127 s. ni.F.VHNTII ST. w - -PWV Where all .bids ol Buggies, Carriages or Saddle Horses, Can be had at anv lie, l)a or Night, on short notice Horses Boarded and .aken care of at Reasonable Rates Call and see us, 10:- Q street, or give all orders by Telephone 147. LINCOLN ICE COMPANY, PURE ICE Not cut from Ihe I il'h Salt Creek but from the Clem and Pure Vatei of -OAK CKLSBK-- DcMmm-ciI to all parts of the city at icaonable prices. KsriMMKs Cakkim'i 1-i.v Givr.N. JAMES H. O'NEILL, Plumbing, Steam and Hot Water Heating, GAS FITTlNCi, GAS FIXTURES, IRON, LKAI) AND SICWl-R PI PH. Mxri.uws & .SgAs Macm.m:. LlNCOLN, N KH MMh -Importer of Ladies', HEADWEAR Only House in the West that Imports Direct from Kurope. Agents In Paris, London and New York. No. 1 5 14 Douglas Street, Omaha, Nebraska Most Popular Resort in the City. ODEI.L'S DINING HALL, MONTGOMERY HLOCK, in, 1 121 and 1 1 23 N Street. M-oftls -2 5 ts. ?'l -5 pcr wcck- 1C4 Couth 1 2th ZU Xjxzsroozjjsr, nsruic, FINEST LIVERY RIGS In the City all come from the Graham Brick Stables 1027 Q STREET, Okdi.us Piiumi'i i.v Km 1 fi ) Misses' and Children's- Y