Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, November 24, 1888, Image 1

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. r-i ' :Uw "A-Si ffiKLWQi - V.
A- PoPd-l 15R FAPtfR oF A9PURN -TIMES "
Vol. 3. No. GO
Lincoln, NwnwAsicA, Satuuday, Novicmiikw :m, 188H
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'Whiil U lli'iinl, Nnn, Learned nml I'prll
nonll) NiiKK'ili'il to II111 M ill t It ulr.
Jf Jlll.. . 1 ...- .
j f ruwsT0.. 1TC ,"- J3n.c
ry VVWnC oil 't hiTl J;UJ1o.
Al F-Ilrt f. Orv..T.iit,i;l V(tc-.j.J-
jF. MPWrcin J-i" - lir"u Wti
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My Donr Uli Is, tlio Observer wants to yiy
n fow tilings to you thin evening, tlio ovouiii
Just lioforo tho Sahhath. Conic, pitlivr 1110 mid nil boreal unlet, for I hao
soiuethlii of much imioi taneo to discuss
withjou. It is ahout jour happiness, jour
future uvlfaio, etc. Woll, to begin, you
know alMiut 11 jear njpi you wcro nil wishing
for tho now jour, ami In that coming annual
your ilfo wiih to undergo many ehaiiKCH, for
lietteror for worse, and that J ou were to
take advantage of "the golden oppoituuity
ofTercd." In fact, tho diar old Journal went
mi far to help u out as to publish ulistof hiik
ccptllilo liatchcloi-H. Well, dear li Is, tho now
j tar came, and w lint Rood liaoyoii deriMsl
from it, and along with It tuino tho convm
tioual I-cii) Year, ami of its tempting iuduco
iiicntfs J oil luio not nccipted. And so it is
another now cnr is at hand, jet still jouaio
among tho many to coatiuuo "llfo in loneli
nesH and sluglo chrsiiIiicsn " My hatchelor
f 1 lends tell mo thoy had lmK'd their lady
friends would hoof a more courageous iiatuio
than themselves and to Ir as good as tholr
word would coino forth and say, "llae me,"
and they would without mental le-ervallon
say "j--s"t(Mi quick to allow tho winds
fiom jour lips to got cold. Timo is Hying,
inj' fair fiiends; life is shoit and tho win Id is
full of manly love, ami just such as aioiliug
for sumo 0110 to low them tiiils, stop;
think ami decldo liofoio it Is oei lastingly too
late. Vou Iiiimi jet oxer a mouth to udceiu
ourt!vis, do so.
f Tho Obsoi iv uiailo a living trip to Chi
cago this week, leaiug heic Sunday ninliig
and letmning Wislnes.l.ij morning on the
uiiljtiaiii. Whilii them 1 acivptisl an iu i
tatioii I10111 Mr. lMwaul V. Hicc, of to Kit o
"c Dixly Co, who opcncil "i 'i' Hakir
theater Monday evening. The theater is a
tuo-t cli'giilit one. and the occasion of tlio
ojiciilug wasmado a notahlo so 'iuty event
Neatly ovciy 0110 was in full dioss and oveiy
scat, besides stand ng room, was 11 ( upied
The company icvntisl "The I'oailof IVUin,"
with the clover Louts Ibinisoii In tlio leading
1 olo. Mr Hicc speaks well "f tho coiupinj's
business and look i lot ward to their tout of
the west with anticipations of great suci ovi
He Infill meil me that tho "IVail ol I'oMn,"
which, by the written b a Mr
Ilj riu s, editor of t lie New Yolk Ihnnititii
7'imis, was lobe put on heioat I'mike's,
Mioti It Is a Clilneso p'ece, richly staged and
iiiagnillcentlj i ostium d.
Monday cvenlnc I had the pleasure of ac
ceptiugtho hospilalitles of Mr Haiubeiger,
lit hisveiy pleasant homo in Chicago, and
H'IIsIihI a tiMitlibotuo ilinuur at his festive
boaul. Mr llauibeiger is tho getitKiunii
wlio, in couipinv with Mr. Tuussig, of Chiia
go, iccently iustitutisl tho new I (). II It
lodge in this eit, whiili now Mom islies. He
inmlo iimiij fiii 11 Is while hetebj his genial
lliauiiel ami thoiougli knowlislge of tho win k
of thoorder in whiili ho sih'iiis to take gicat
ilitenst and is a ceutial llguio. 1'or tlio
kindness shown, I deslieto letuiii slncete
thinks and ttitst 1 may again meet him and
his cl J pleiuatll tainilj ciicle.
TIkso 1110 lovely liioolillght nights Of
com so, thoy tiro not tho soi t that Induce tho
lovcis to hold tho gate and post up until tho
wee, sum' houisof tho morn, nor am thoy
conducive to making conguilal an evening's
stroll in Me 'I hoy am all light to look
upon, but not health) to indulge In to a eiy
gieat extent. Two chillis bj the giatoand
thu light tin nod down am fai mom congou ml
.id wo am told
Ilciiiember tho opening day at Klliott's
China Hall, Tuesday, Nov oinher -7, J to HI
ji. III. l'JI'J O stuet.
Ho miiiiy Cliiistmiis glfti ;ue iiiude of
satin. Ahb iV. Millspaiigh mu selling all
tllO HOW Ull JilUUllb t vAl'll Jlllll,
:ulrrtHlit Out ilin llnitlinri In it ltn)itl
Miiuuor, Afnllnl liyllip Murru) mill
Murpliy ('niiililiiulluii.
Tlio n;ctrniioeor tln Murray ami Murphy
troupe iitttic Kuiiko Thursilny mciiliiu' m
iiinili) tliu occasion of 11 ioihIii; hix'IiiI Novtlnti
of n hluli onli-r, toiulenil !' tlio I.liuiiln IihIkh
of tlio "Unit l'wipli- Ou Ilirlli," tlio I'.IkH, to
lirotlicrs of O111-1I111 IimIo No. il.i.
Mnuyof tlio uiLMiiIiopt of tlio Murriiv nml
Mm pliy coiup iiiv an old Klkn, ami tlio 11111
joi Ity of tlio amlloiioo at tlio Kimhr Tliurwlay
"M'liln was oniM)Mlof nilN mid tlioir fain
llliw mid Imly fiiciiiN, who wcrocnUiiisliistlc
mill appnvlutlvoof tliercul porforiiuiin'ti
llvii liy Murray nml Murphy and their
stioiu fimipmy Shoitly aftir 1(1 oVIm-k I
tlio perform men wnsiMii)ci! n fow inoitieiitu
liy 11 surprise whicii was in stom for many
and one highlj-complimelitaiy to tlio recipi
ents. Omaha l'.lks arriisl in Ltneoln
fi-0111 Dm ih 1 on 11 sHsial train at 10 1ft, sumo
thh ty in iiuuiIh'I Tlioy weiooscortisl to tlio
Kiuikc by a coiunilttisi of Lincoln lodge and
weio gns'ti'd by a perfect ovntion, as they
weio Heatolin seats cspeclallj icwrvoi for
them at tlic oMra house, Mm iay and Mur
phy's celebrated orchintri plaviug in the in
b'rval "A11I1I ling Sj tie " Many of tho best
featuics of the peifoimatico weio given after
their ill 1 1 vii I ami weio iutciisci) enjoyed.
Aftei the pi 1 foi iiiauio, over ItlNI Hlks ami
iuvltisl fi lends, with the t utile Mm ray mid
Murphy tiimpo nml oichosti a, assembled at
tho Hub rooms of Lincoln lolgeof I'.IUs,
wlieiooiioof the most oujoj-ablo m K'la I ses
sions ever given bj- the o-ilei was eujoj'isl by
all present to the fullest extent lliotlieis
Y S Htiirinnii 111 d (leo M. rorsmau, tccep
Hon committee, ns'civisl and welcomed the
guictsof the ovcliiug, among those j.ivsent
fiom O11111I1 1 being the following prominent
Klks- C. P.. Unit tt, I. W. Minei, P. liana, I
R liernaid. II. 1 Stoddaid, II C. MisnIv,.!
K. l'reston. V A. Halch, P. (1 Midilton, H.
M. Itaithtt, Dr. ll.irns.lall, 111. U11M11, II
K Ituikett. V 11. Alexander, W. I) Den
nett, V. It. Taylor, K. II Southanl and Jules
Lumbal d.
TliesiH'ial session was oened in tho usual
form bv I'xaltul ltuler I'lank Zelining, who
invited IliotheiH Murray ami Murjilij' mid C
C. Hulltt to seats ou the platform, and intio
ducisl ns piesidiiig olllcer of the evening,
III other I V Minor, o( Omaha hxlgo. Ilioth
cr Minor, in IiIsumiiiI happy foim, staitol the
ball lollinciiuil kept up tho roll until tho
hour of closing, which wni ro onrly that
many present congratulated themselves upon
keeping such caily hour'. Tho program of
tho evening included music, songs, iccltatinns
and slunt in Id 1 esses made bj' brothel s and
guests picscnt, although tho members of the
Murrav and Mm phy company furiiislioil the
majority of tho musical select ions, which
weio highly otiteitailiiug mid reH'utisHy eu
cousl, Hon, John M 'lhiirston, who was i
present, was cnllnl iioti and in his usual I
luppy way added to the pleasure of the even-
lug. Ho who was In his ImppuNt vein, how
over, of those pioseiit was Jules Linubud, of
wiiiiiiiii, nuiisi, MIIKlllK in ii.,ii.nin., ..
.iiiiriav anil .iiuriiij asiai iinoiuiii iiiijiiiiiik
tlmy had ewr listened to fiom one of his age
Sir Lumbal d will bo rcmembei isl liy many
as brother of Frank Limibiiil. now deceased,
me hm, in inner-iwing 01 iiaiiuuai lepiiiaiiou
fiom their celibritcd campaign siugiug in
jcars gonu by. Mhth, music, ns'ltals ami
mfieshuielits made the session puss only too
sihiii, and it was one of the greatest mm IiiI
ovor given in Liucolu, the local lodge scoring
a gieat success a- cntoi Inluurs, and stiongth
I cuing then by tho bonds of brothel hood 111 a
way vvlilch 111010 closely binds Lincoln and
Omaha Llks together in In olheilj love '1 ho
ovaut will 1 it; be ivmemb"ied bj all thus,,
pic-cut, and Liiuolu Kik social sevsions will
alvvajs bo looked lot waul to with pleasuic.
Tin. 01 del ot tho Klks Is sUadilj and surely
coining to tho fiout as 0110 of tho bcstscciet
oiilois in the coiiuti v. C"iuhimug as it does
all tlio isientlal features of allied Hicietor
deis, bioth il) love, jiisiue, chaiitj and II. lei
Itj, itssiitial leatlliesnie lapidlj plaelligitin
the flout lank as the lodge ot tho "Dost l'eo
pie on Kutli" l'opulaiity wins, ami the
lodge ot Llks Is ilestinod mid aheadj i one
of I ho stiougist si ci 1 1 01 deis in existence and
0110 to which it i an honor to belong
line I'.ii t
Is wortli a column of iheloiic, slid an Am T-
lean sUib sin ill 1' is a fact, established bj
j the t stimuli) of tho .sands ot p'ople, ihut
lb ols S 1IN.1TKU ilia dot-Hill o st 10I11I11. hint
I rhuuiu, and tnlin ili-ui-'s or alleclious 1111-,
lug I10111 iuipiue state 01 I iw loiiditioii of tin
h'ood IluUi ovomuu's that tind loelliig,
tieatis a good appetite, and gives stiengtli to
uvli j' pint of tho sj stem Tij it.
II iihImiiiio Ulllte 1.1 Itt III.
Disk loom with iimi ot tolejilioue, steam
heat, light and olllec boj , to lent at '.Ir new
Cut ItlKit ollUe, l'-"J l.'l 1101th Tw.iltth stieet.
Oioiiinl th 01 ami bust Iisatlou in the i it).
Kent icaviuable
riuii s.iio iiiiiiiiin ii
Dining the past wtok, .Mesis
J tV 1)
New man have hid a big 11111, and their plush M.iiiiiuoth I'i cle Pom's C ilmi coin,) uij will
H.1I1, anilouiic d altli'i lieadofoili alveilis- oc lipy the liouds nl the l'eoilo's, giv mg 1
ingioiuiiuis last wool, and again to 1 1) , h is I gimal uiitims' iliiuk-;iMiig nltciiioou, i
beena iialimv-s, so iiiucli s ), 111 lact, that l-'iiallj for I idles an I "hltlicn The niiulii
tho linn will loiilinuo 11 until next Hituidi) nation has an cxeebout In ass land and 01
night They iceivisl a now invoke, jestei- iho-.ll a and intliepn e i- sih-ii the ihm'evs,
ilaj.of pliisli do iUh, 1 outaiuiug nil ttm latest pomes and bin sill m. ils, witluui wlinhlu
htvli-and tlnist iiuallllcs. Iheso will aUo bo 'lo Tom's Cabin wo ild lie uimatuial Iho
imludtil 111 the hitgiim, lor next week.
Tho salts hi ihoilicss gtHsls an 1 silk tle
un tiiifiit ot HeipoNhi unci .V Co have been
continued tor another week.
Cuivi'isal base Iniiiieisioi haul or soft
coal. Nothing ill tile uiaiket like them, 01
o (Hill to thum til heatiug Luwis llaitlwaio
loiiipauy have them.
Hei poMieim. 1 ,. Co 1110 going to have a
glillld op.'lllllgof then hulidaj ilepaitnii ill
ll III nciil of a ical Kiemll biiuih loth, wo
lull tin best iplalll) lol il..".! 11 Jillil.
Elliott's uiaii'l opi'iiiug takts plaio Tiles
ilay, November -T, 1 1 tun '1 to III p, m
China II i.i., l.M'J Out unit.
A Hmlnr of Mil lit, 11 rurltir
I'nxrnt unit I'ruaiii'i't fur I'nliiro
iiosi:'h 'Mocki.yv "
Such 11 lircn mill ivllno 1 nmllciifo its Uomm'
tiMidyto RHH't a iiiriitoi lout play ami 11 Inl
imiIpiI ac'or or ac'ivsi, uai onotlnil llllisl
tlio Funko Wodui'sday I'M'iilii Inwn MIhm
Hdm) Colilim In her p't play, iMitltliil
".looelMi" Tlio pl'i'ol 11 Hunt nnlilo 0110,
tlio Mivivi wf, laid In ilalH of AilKei'H III
111.1), Mint 1'onlilali iihmiiuiIiik tho tltlo 111I0 I'l
a tliorouKinv artistic 111 inner II10 ciniiiix
wenos wore oxeellcnt, ami noer lieforo havo
we heard so generous an 11111 latiso fiom an
audleine in this city. It was not of tho usual
nnt 111 e, i (',1110m from the gallery than
do n stalls, but tho nppicclatlnn was mainly
f 1 mil tho lli-st llo ir. Them was 110 loud
whistling or stamping of fis't, but over) body
sxs'inisl to uso the proior nml lellmsl iiinuuer
of doing Justice and it was certalnlj pleasant
to note the illlTcrt'tini At the close of each
act the star was called foith. thoiUIng of the
em tain to show the scene It just closed Uhiii
was Insulllclcnt and on two occasions MKs
Coghlau apis'iuisl before the curtain to ac
knowledge the favoi-s of the laigoainlienco.
Tho support wusverj gsl, William Lack
nc lis I'l luce Saviiiul and John Malouo as
Oastou Maici'll iciidei lug their dual pints in
a creditable mniinci, while Mrs Chailes Wat
sou as Madameile Mortaigue, 1111 ndventuriss,
the oulj other ladj put aside fiom a si rvaul
who has little to do, nssiuuisl the (If 111 lilt 1 olo
with all tho dignity ami good giaiothatlt
calls for
The stoi v of the pies was given In our last
i'site, thcicfom our readers aie familiar with
Its tin cad. It Ih a strong plav. pr-soiitoil by
a veiy Hue coinpiny, I1H1 certainly pleasisl
iiverj- auditor Wislnesday evening.
Ml'llllAY AMI tll'lll'IIY.
As was oxpectisl, a largo house gns'li-il
thi"M' popular It ish conieillans Tluii-mlay ev en
lug, at tho I'Ninkc The piece, although imsmiIio
fom In Lincoln 011 several invasions, does not
mviii to lost itn life and 1 lull ins, and were one
to henr the heaity laiiglit'M' and ap))1aux,
freipiuntlv oxtenileil the v Isltors, 0110 would
siipjioso it was the llrst prcsuntatldii of tho
piece. "O ir Irish Visitors" is tho same play
that Murray fz Murphy have heretofore np
ixiareil In. It Is unch mgisl savo In that kjv
eial iirovlous mtnlcil uum'i'rs have bin ro
placed by later and pop liar airs. Tlio or
chestra which nooom panics llncompiuy is a
very lino one. rendering the songs much more
enjoyable than If played by a homo orches
tra, who liavc lint a fow luomuits li-foro tlio
oW to reho.11 so ucentupinliiiouts The net
tlons between a 'ts were goo 1 an I, taken as a
whole, we don't think any one went homo 10
grettlng their call on ''Our Irish Visitors "
The Htuart Comhlnatioii has Us'ii playing
(host week ut this hotisi to ex.vllent bilsi-
,uKi t,t. m,.m. s i,r,ty appl 111 llllg 1 1 till)
splenilid M'iforinancos Hucli clover plays
as, "Won at List." ft-r Dm k" and
"A tVoiiilerfiil ISIrl. hav o been rwelvisl with
j K,1ltflll wuisf.ictlon. all being h indsonidy
,ountsl and well costumed.
Tho c mipimy clones in eiigigemeiit to
night. 011 which ooenssion their popular mu
icssoiititlo.l, "Tlio Vagabond Heioiuo" will
Isi pre-sMitod Tho grind matinee at two
o'clock to day w I I bo atlouilcd by a full house
eoniHNedof iHiIie- and the little ones. A doll
is to lie ;ivcu to the holder of tho foi tllli.lte
admission tic Id t that hold- the 1 ight number
Tho bill at l'mike's tonight Is that great
plav and Ameilia's popular drama, "The
Count of Miiiitu Ci 1st. 1," and as will bo pic
Minted by Aldoi" llelie lie' and Ills stei ling
coiiiblmiliou, will pi me to be a stiiing ami
iiiteie-tlii4 vei-ioii of i'.iiii is' won In fill
story. Tlio Suuilaj Heiald, ot Jauuaij II,
" 1dee11 ll'liidut's leii.litioii of 'MoMto
Ciltu' d 'lighted evei vbisly. Mi llencliitls
iimpi 'uoimlil,, one of the conii ig ai tins o"
Amei 11 a, ami it can be said of hint Hi it ho is
alrcadj 11 d Ii;.'llls 1 IV ill of llie fauioll.
O'Neill Ills inip'touatloll of the dlll'i lillt
uhaiinteis was line - lbt, fi 0111 the light
Ileal led, love smitten sailoi , with si-li 'sell
teiiees and goo I cli.s'i evi I . while, to too 1
Hod piisouei'ol I''iaueo, a gaunt, lagged and
.li.snei nil v ii'tini of 11 tool consult acv It wa
attei II intes' cs-ip Im 11 pi. son ! 1 il the m
maikatile sti.nth if It ii-ii. t i an a tin
was shown to Ih lust advantage Not oid)
wasthestai of t 1. coiium a goo 1 one, I. ill
evil) lllelllli.l si o vo I lllolil-olvct t 1 lie ill I
Ms ot 110 little all II t '
I M l.i: THJt's I'MIIN
As long as the n line of this gieat s'o-v hvi
in liieiuoiy, s 1 long will the niece be si en, and
it seems til it the nioit'itis seen, the gleatel
Intel est shown in il, mid houses am alwav 1
t.ied to tlieir uti'io.t c.ipiciij tis-i tills
gieat southfiii plu).
Next 1 I1111-1I i) an 1 1 udav evenings, Kuk s
compilij iscniliiOMhl of Ihsttliss h ople
and a lluo pit sent. i. ion 111 tv bo cxpotlcd.
beats a- iiiii il will be 011 s ileal Bin's
An ciigageiiii 111 thai is being loolvt"! for
waid to wiin mu Ii mtci. -st is that of Mis.
Seott Kiddoiis, tlio aeeouipllsliisl 1'ilgllnh
icailoi , who upp.aisat 1'iinUe's next !- itili
, tin j evening 111 an luleit -Mug and v 11 lis 1 pio
1 giam Mis Si idons h i- iu. leuuii si l mm
' " tmi of Hngland, wiem her, was
lllllellllg, hh u-iul lb 1 mel lean loill co 11
' meucisi mil) lasi ween, i.iuimiii 1x1114 iiui'iiu.
thollist toliolnviiietlwi Ii a v isit t itheili-
imguiHutsi aiusio noiiim mu iimu iim
liothosivceivisl 1 1 Dill 1 he l Igll-lt 'llH'ls, the
following is 11 fair aiuiiild.
"l'iwwjini, nit til. c 1 tuning viva itj and
splendid stylo with which she llrst wimnsI and
won tlio public applause, she has acipilnsl tho
milled s)wer vvlihh alono jivin of patient
study of n dllll Milt art can bestow That
Mrs H-oH-Hlddons has elltllely luiiNtensI the
Intrlcieles of a priifesilon in which so much
ls,sec)inl into, and In which so few icallj
exrel, was manifest during each item of the
varied mid attractive program pieseutul
throughout the entertainment Kvery phase
of chni actor was i-oprosontisl, nml every scene
deputed was conceived In tht most pcifcct
taste, nml siHtalmsl with tho most tolling con
alstonc; .omfmuerrw Si'tillurl
A vnuilov lllo attiai'tl.m appeirs at the I'isi
plo's, Vislties.l'i evening. Ill which will Is'
soon III my sped ill ies of vailons kinds II
will bi a gre it, ulg'it for tlui bildliei Is, and
those who delight III shj ig van lovlllo eut"i
Like unto the saving, "('In Minus culm's
but once a jear," this Is also tine of Thanks
giving, ami for this festive holiday Maungei
Mclti'Miolds has piovldisl one of tho veiy
beU attiactions on the mad to apHsir at the
I'lluke It Is none less than the iwerless
Ciillelou OjM'ia Couiiau) , who omu a two
night's engagement on Thuiwluv in the evei
beautiful "Nanan" ultli Its delightful wall,
songs, c itchy music, fiiiinv IiImmKo and Its
choiusof iictty glils. On Pilday Stiauss'
UlilKterpleco the "t,)ueen's Ijiee llnmlkei
chief " will Imi given Mr Cailetou has paid
morn than usual attention to the minuting
of this ojieiH, liMviug cxHmlod upwards of
ten thousand dollars on costumes alone Tho
dresses worn j' the liulles are ilesci HmsI as
Is'ing simply gorgeous ami were made fiom
the llnest ipiallty of silks, satins, velvets ami
moire, ami tiiuinud with ernilue. puarls,
juwols ami gold, sui pissing all pievlou
eirortsnt costuming in lhoos'iati hue
It Is the endeavor of tho inaniigeinent to
make this 11 biilllaut social event. The
house will Imj profusely decorated with plants, i it Ail, I ni t.t-ell.liii ti III I... ilfim. in
I ,---! j n
1 tho stage to 111 ike the Hiiri'oundings and tho
oH'i a 0110 that will long mark tlio clotirullou
ol Thanksgiving, ISSS.
Hosiua Voltes and her star company will
appear at l'uuko's Monday evening, Dc
ciiubor JI
liieut Hal Sale.
1 Tho l'nmous will pu ou sale Momlaj mm 11
lug 0110 huuiliii I and llfty doen h its, liought
I fiom an easteiu uiamifai tutor at siielia pi ice
as to enable them to -ell at Itss than half the
dinner pi Ice of these go ids I'htJ eouipiis.
the veiy lluest ipiihtvof I'i eneh fur felts,
I'm is felts ami sill, bound wool foils, in all
coloi-s Lubes s'loul I not ml-.', this oimii
limit) to supply theuiM-lvos, as sin h a chain e
I is mil often nileu-l. Tno I'ninous is 011 tho
I 0111 'i' of O ami Twelfth stncU, under
0,1 'I a lioUM'
Siiiiietliiii New anil I nliiie.
I.I Young, the p ip ilar to'.i iconit' and
cigar ile tier 11! X 1 PUM I -ti.uL, Ii u ju.t re
Iceivisl ail elegant lew t 1 '.of pipM an I
I otlin smo'ior.s' aitii'los lor the h ill I ly tiade,
among whi'h 111 iv b sen smvuiuI lie v an 1
' el 'gaut pludi smok -rs set an I cig u c in of
'all kinds. HI Ins uiiiie I Hie 1 1,1 ilttiou in
Ills II I'.llless of ke'pillgt'l' b till ol 1(11
' p tried a id douiMli '4,11 1I0. hiving
the lluest cigar ti. 1 Ii 111 111" With an
e)eto ellteipiis all I toll, tol'emo'i ill Ills
bu.inas,.theie U ll"'.llhlg new or novel lull
'whit LI gets auiiiniii on it, a id his cus
1 t liners leieivc tin b'liellt M ill) o'll suio'k
1 ei 1, ens'ci ill) th imi who have the Unit to
1 take a dav oil I'oi s,hiiI hi th soavui for lUh
ingoi liimtin., will oil ! nail) tolimon) as
( to th ment.oi a 1 1 1; pis an I toll ii- 11 a-a
! I e' 1 e -lung an I wi. 0 11c a iditioii to th spot t
I Ig liocck- II I. 11 iw sweet nil I ilfln lolls
sin h 1 sun.!.. i, and how 111 111) will no' keep
I with level cm e an old flit) pis- an I sin ile 111
j it until ago loudeis it sluing enough to w ilk
alone HI Young ii is jnl sue ctslctl 111 got
j ting ill a line of the colebiaUsl 1 la) pipes,
' uupoilisl ami 1.110W11 as fantasias, ' Chinch
aniens, ' 011 an o mt of the man) foiius 111
vv hi h the) ale lil.l in up Tina) good ile
now iusto'kiiiid an 1 Herod at vei) low
pi I en 1 01 iiuHittis g.M). liveisof a Hue
pis smoke would d well to give Mi Yuug
a . all and iiinHs'i his huge line of smokeis
goiMls Hois alio agent and hasisiiistautlj
on hand all tho I, .test lusiks, a io.ic iU ami
ueW'.papeis, an I lecavet s itiv'ilpt oils foi
same tlivo 111 jour tia le, for ho will tieat
jou lght .Sign of the It 1 1 I) hie
The licit little stoic loom lecentlv opened
It) Mis. I'oi email and Mum Clow, 011 Twelfth
stlisd, opposite the Opel 11 hou-" bliK'k, Is, wo
am tiloast-l to stale, ineetiiu vvitli general
lavor among the fair -ex of Luuiilu The
0 del prising tlriu stmlisl out to suppl) a long
felt waul bv oM'iiiug a it'viit whole ladles
toud Hud all kinil" of fan 'V ai lidos, unite
1 nils lor making -im', lube- fiiniishuig
g. Hiii, etc , and how well tin have uccc tied
Is Usd known b their tileiul'. Their t rude
has constantly bo'iin.i the incuxise, 1 tint
during llie vvoe'i al it I ' .e Hit 11 s'oroluu)
1I011 the lmgot I ll.iues.. since tin oai'iig.
Arioiintu of llnlla, I'lirtlin, Vnlillng', 'Hint Have Kiiterliilneil Nneli'l)
! sy25i j&mi'fLa?
Mr. Sheldon Itei eillnii.
One of the most elegant eiiteitnlmueiits
evil glvi 11 in Lincoln was Mis Sheldon's le
ception Tlmr-day afternoon fiom tin 00 to
six. 'I'll.' house was daikeiled mi I softly
llglitisl bv clo '(licit v. which mvealed lis
iil'iuv Is'imtles The II mil decoi at lolls weio
furnished bv Mr I'iov. nml lonslsted piluci
pall) of pilms, chrvsiiiitheiiiums and i.mos,
which wete simply and ell'ect I vel) iinanged
'Iho balconies In the com I wen. ilecoiated
with mils le liatigliigsaud .lupaiici lauleius,
and the pel fut hailliouvof the whole wis
gieatly enhanced by the ilellghtliil music of
the Philharmonic inch '"tin stationed In the
south balcony of the II1I1.I thsir Itefiosh
iiieiils weio H'lvislln the haudsoiiie dining
iihiiii. which was 111 1 angel with small tables,
and til" gllesls Weio k'I fecll) svrvisl bj ill!
1 lent walteis, oich lady being pmsonloil with
a Ism lion box It"fieshlug Ices weio sei vnl
thioughoul the aftei noon In tho hall.
Tho giicsTs weio iceivisl in the p nlor Iij
Min Kheldou nml hei luothor, Mrs. II I.
Iluir', nssistiil bv Mis A D. 1 till 1. Mis C
C Hun,. Mis DD Mulr.Mis A (I lli-'son,
Mm .1 A lluckslair and tho Misses (Iriimly,
of Mineral I'oli.t, Wis. The guests wem up
pioprla'.ely attlnsl in haiiilsoiuo stlcelcos
t innes, ami 110.11 ly one bundled uml Itfly were
recelvisl during the afternoon Tho many
exclamations of genuine admiration fully at
tcstisl the ivpiecl itlon of the oxipilsito bisto
displajisl by Mr. anil Mrs Sheldon In tho ar
langemeiit nml ilocoiatiou of their elegant
The charming oasoiif tho lio-sio-s In ncoly
ingaml entei tabling her guests, nddisl gieat
lj to tho eiijiiymeut of all Mrs Kheldou
vToioa re 'ept Ion gown of black satin, relievisl
by facings of initio's bluu molie, Kiirl ear
rings ami iiotklnco.
Mrs II I' llurrwore a Parisian gown of
blai k molieand siiut lace
Mrs A D Hun, 11 costume of whitn cloth
and golden b-own velvet
Mrs C. C Hun, cojier colonsl velvet,
couit train, silut lace and iliamouds
Mrs. Muir, evening ibessof black velvet,
Miwdeiisl hair, diamond nml sail 0111a
Mis. His'soii, whlto cloth, sliisyeless cos
tume, cmhroiilcicd In swts-t jsta colom.
Mts lluckstair lemon colonsl satin ami
black lace, with coisago bouipiet of Jacipio
iiiluot iom s
Miss (, white faille with lace drape
Miss Margeiy (iiuiidy, pln'i surah uml
Mis Shi'ldou pioscutisl the ladles iis'eivlng
with soiiveuiis of exipiisito Limoges cups and
sunt ers.
Mail luge , lllilv eisui) Cilrlirat loll.
KlglilisMi ) ml sago Mr mil Mrs I' A
Ihotvii laiiuche I then bilk lipmtli' pi km. I
siM of wis I led life 'I'l M V II I ve loll'l I sin )o' Il
-.tiling iind a ( 1 mi II 1. s';y to thud ly Thurs
ill) was the S'Voutccuth aiiulverai ) of that
jo)ou event, mi I on the evening of that day
the hiippv "Uple give r delightful plltj to
tlieii old filemls at then lovel) 1 osl leu '.', Vi i
South Twentieth sti.s't The guests Weio
Mr and Mm J J Divis.Ci! an 1 Mrs .1 .1
Killv.Mi and Mis I' A I'alk 'iiberg, Mi
11ml 'Mr M M Dl'vis Mr and Mrs
llrowu eiiteitam d th Ml' frieu Is lig'il lojal
Iv , slnslding a gla la ss a i siiushiii aiound
tin in as tew 111, whil"th''ir table was freight
isl with tin-choi -ist vi nil .11 Mtantials an I
lelii'iici - - 111 1 -pirkle 1 with a 1 icli an a of
"'ham') an I li til 1I11I d 1 'tlio i, gi itifv
tug toth' tite p. i-i ig lo the ee and ap
plo,illite to th. 1 I ill I'videlltl) they
1: 11 iw how to clitel till 1
A New Uhlst lull.
IO eta Whist clii'i m 01 gam 1 nt the iei
deuce of J J Divn '.U I'stle't.oll 1 lies
ill) evelil'ig, nil I' 1 Ih ' most fuvc aide (III.
pues Dill. 1 1 vviie il. Us! and s. vi rid
games pl.t)ed, after wh' Il 11 III 'ii collnl Ion
was i II Liken of, win h did . le lit to tl e le-'
'and hotck r.illo'viu,, are the iiiembi rn of
the tilth
, Mi and Mis C T II iggs, Mr an 1 Mis P
'. 'Iiovmi, Mr and Mis .1 ,1 Divi-, Mi ami
'Mr- i: llnllitt, Mi and Mi J .1 liillilan,
Mi and Mr- W V. Kitkei, Mi aid Mi..
Win l.i. idle), Mi and Mis I H Litisiug,
Mi ami Mi's M .1 Wiiugh, Mi mid Mi
I A II Well
Mi i thin s Hindi'!,
'Ihe 111 11 1 uige of Mi Will McVithur to
Miss Anna Suiu leis place Widno-d iv
levelling, at the lenit . .f the bn.Ie, 111 Mount
I'leasiiut, lotva, the commoiiv l'lii H'ifoniel
' pixiiiiptl) at six ooloek bv Dr M I'm land,
plt'-ldciit of th lotva Wisli)un 1 niver-itv,
Hi piesi'iice of alsnit sixt) liituuite file tls
and iclativos among them the groom's fathei ,
and Mrs Piltinan 1111 1 Mks Angle S milder-,
lelallve- of the 1 1 1 le nil fiom Lincoln, ami a
iiuuiIh'I of voiing as 1 ito- of thobiideaud
1110 ulicrs of Mount l'leasant's elat sikmoij
After iiHoiving the woll wihiM of all piesent
nnd eiijovlng mil el ilsirate eolation, the
hupp) couple left oil the mile n'lock tliilu,
via the llui luigtoii II) cr, foi Chitiio and
the Hist
The bude was attirisl in a lovel) eotiiiuo
f 1 ream Mtiu, eiliaiu, tulle lam ami
tlouneiuK, with khiiifsl botlicc, wliilti tho
?a vjt oa i j, n '- a .m
gloom vvoio the conventional evening droll
sui I,
The picseuls wem numeroui ntul many
ip I o ciK'iilv 1, but our Informant was un
able to give a 1'sl However, on Iholr an Ivnl
hem the couple will In griftivl with uuiuor
mis wisMlug gifts 11 few of I hem lii'llig.
A veiy llnoi IiiiiiIku set of aullipii) oak from
biollior lleoige; iiH'klug chair from s'.sUir
ICalle, dissl lor two lots in Yolamlu aililltlou
and live Ii mill ml ilollut i fiotn father and
motheiof the gioou ,aiitliiin nnkcimhu' tjvblo
Mis J J liuhoir, I'icncli china lea servleu
Mis Putnam ami ninny otheis,
Mi anil Mis McAitlmr are at prenent
sojouiiilng at tin L'liiud liotol, L'lllcilgo,
whiolho will stop ii'it II Wctlmwlny, whoti
lliitvwlll live for "lioiile swiw.t. 111111111" 111
jtli'sillv '1 111; CutMllKIl Joins tliu couples
I huge ill 1 le of filemls In this city In wMilng
I hem a pio-MMous and happy llfo and that
I t lif 1 1 fului" may leall to Ih 111111II that
I fondest hop. s have pit tilled.
I Itiijinei Itrctor.
j Wislui'slii) evening, ut tliu homo of tliu
In Ides pan tits. In nslihigto 1 (,. II., Ohio,
Mi (lisugoA Hei lor, or thlsclly, was mar
ilisl In Miss Mai v C Hector. Miss Hector Is
well known In Lincoln mil throughout tho
slate, having vi'lled hoio, winning uumeiotis
Ii lends and inluiliets Ml Itivinor Is iiiioof
our well to do voting moil, o 'copying thopo
slliouof usslsta it chief cngiiioerof tliu II tV
M 'ihe happ) couple start, out In life iilnli'1'
fnvoialile s'tle., baekisl by Hid well wlsliori of
hosts of filemls Mi nnd Mm. Kiyiner will
bo at homo in Liucolu nflor their briil il torn
of sevclal da vs.
The I'leasint Hoiiin' oiHMilug party, Tiles
dav evening, pioiulses tube 11 must elegant.
air ill
Miss Mm my letinns from Raymond
next Monilnv , when, she Iiiin been visiting for
tho past two weeks
Mis Han I'aiker Is enti'i tabling her ulster,
Mix O It Kingsbury, of Chicago, at tho
family icsldence, 1011(1 stieet.
Mrs Cail Van Union left on Thurs lay via
the IT P. iiiilioul for uu cxlenihsl tilplo
Now Voik and New .lei my. H'io will not ro
hit 11 until spiing
I Tliu MI-Hi-s (lei ner, of (Hi 11 avenue, worn
; piesent al the Him-ey-Mlllar wislilhig ti
I Lincoln, Neb , on WislncHduy. Council
! Illujln Itrjlrt lor.
I'lank Z"hruug's congenial smile Is onco
mom uollceablo In its acctistomisl haunts in
Liucolu society, after a week's iibsrnce, ilar
lug which tunu lei was visiting In Iowa.
Ami now It comes to the ovin,-ois,nisl
eager car or tho CoillilKii society nowgcntcli?r
that an N HtiisC Ih-IIo has lecenlly Ihx'U eu
gaged, ami that lovu now looks forward to nil
caily mairiage.
Mi J.O Palish, of Denver, is nguoitof
his luothor, Mr. J I) Parish, ami Mm. James
Wilson, of the same city, a slsterof Mix Pur
ish, accoiupatilisl by Mr Wilton, aru nisi
guests under the Parish hospltalilo icsldence
A reception will Imi given next Tuesday
evening at the University armory to Lieut
(liilllth. It will bo tliu llrst gathering In
tint hall All cadets will come In full uui
foi m and llie airnlr pi oniises to lx) an ellto
inllltiuy event.
Weilnesil ij 's .onrnii' nnnoiinced threo no
clal alliiirs, among tlioui n prosMctivo wisl
ding, which has slnco taken nlaco. all of
1 which apisansl in lliino loluinns last Hatur
ilnj. And jet the dear old Journal girts tho
I Hsiplo nil the news culler than any other
I Will McAithur loft Tiiisday for M ) in
Ploisant, la,, vvhemlio met and was wol to
Miss .Nuiiinlci-i Mr. ami Mrs. M.Ai tliur will
Unit home Wo(liii'N lay at I SJ.I C street ami
it is uiidci stood that, as is its usu il custom,
Ihe Plea-ant Hour 1 lull will sihiii toml 1 tho
now I) m tilled coup'e a lecoptioii al M isdih
I temple.
I The Omaha 1 1st Situidiv i-iii
tains tli. following "MKs Lippin.-itt, ot
I Lincoln, who Ins been tho gu-stor Alls D .1
('olhiis, letiiiicd hoin , Monday eveiuu;
Wiong, a;aiu, fiiouil Chu-o. Miss Lippon
I colt did not v isit in ( hnah 1. nelllier did Miss
Lip"iieoti roluiu t Lin -ol 1 Mon I iv The
lvp ini-lisi 1 jou mil It should havi a I
1 Mi C L Lipjs'iico't
I Amo'ig tho e ailiii tUil to Iheini 11 I ,
dlstiiet coin 1, Tliui's I iy, wo notice the 11 1 in
of .Mr Mil) It liijaii, the vvifitiu' ourfi n.l
'Mi W .1 Itrjiiu otthisqty OuvcMdiv
'Mr- Hivanvvis admitttsl to prncti In th court of Hie state Th" Of hick
.' igiatiilnte- hei upon having won so dnt.11
giii-lns1 a 1 liiuior. Wo uu lurst ind that tho
lad) has 110 thought of entering active p .1
tn e, but took u,i the study tint sho might U
able to sh in more fully in th purp 1 t
tastes of her hus'iuud
Th.. following Hem leg irding 11 L1.1. o'
ladv Is taken f loir. Hie ! It ) tN Y) 7im-s
' Mi. II. 1 Hi 1 Child, of Lincoln, Nehrns 1
Voting lalvof tastes uiid sell .Ii 1 1
nun tv , liu tis'iith" of Mrs C ni a-
Milk 1 h K 1 x vl n-11 vocalist and
-In: V wider, but vv sort of elljojis) hei
biavtiv 111 M-'king the solitmlti of ucnii itrv
giavevard 111 llie night tune to omplo hei
(siweis ill ipuet 111 sllMtioii Tho spud uu
isti I.) Dr. Uiclini in 1 an 1 toe
l'ox siti'i-- have iiispuisl m no courage tnin
the t nsu il thinker over dre.inis of "
Di I j mi heir ubo it tin gieat lihzziitl wi
am t 1 have next To -mI.iv I It's a huuimei
and coni from the wild of Dikota Louie
Me)u Co skak of this to CtiLIUKU i. ad
elssimplj asa w.iiiuiig nu I at tho iiliieliino
1 would suggest that jou pivp.uu for the 11
eptionof theisiltl king bv piiuhasing join
suppl, or llinnols ami heavy blankots now
Me) ers' hue of blankets nnd ooinfortiilili s 111
hanl to ispnl Pi lets, as 1 always tho cum'
them, am light ami goods always, gimiuutetil
as mpro-eiitisl
Mi CvnisP I-ilck. of Wiishington. D t
who icceutl) liK'iiti-l hoio, has 1 I n
olllce in the Hilscoo block, 011 Twilfth sine.
Tho gentleman 1. 11 gnulu itc of the law de
UI tlllcllt of (1 sirgelmvn iiiiiveiset) , a-h
ingUui, D C , and onctt a lauiily of live
lirotlioo, four of whom am ntti'iiioys The
Coi'iuuit vvi I. i'ii"K i Pin k to mil' midst,
knowing he will piovi a valuably addition to
Iho Liiitolu b.u