1,.mniniiiJiiii.'inii pW . M"-,,..! Alk ias..... A-, '3 a, ieBMyaryi? JtwwuBMaaiwiiww cxir,LVfi;jliiiiiMi.Jiai'mf- tvM jtJN.V 2 ,4Mfc. '1 ii Perkins Bros. Have just received an elegant line of Ladies' Party Slippers and Shoes in colors to .natch Suits worn. Also a hand some line of Hlaek and Hron.e goods. A specialty for a few days will he a Welt Waiikenpliast Shoe, for street wear, at $3.50. We have this shoe in all widths from A to E, and sizes i to 7. IHSfccfttuC gJMMiivjlJ-J Ji Saturday Evening, Nov, 1 7, '88 tfO Corner I Oth and P Streets. LoadingDryGrOOflsHouso TAKE NOTICE! Tim ('miiiiKii Mill not be rosonlblo for nny debts innilii liy nny ono In Hh iininn, mi low n written order iicconiwinlo lint sniuo, proHrly signed. I,. Wkkhki., .Ir., I'rnp'r. NEXT WEEK Black Silk Sale! (JUhATFST OK TIIU SKASON. Herpolslieimer & Co., A FULL, LINK OK BOYS' AND YOUTHS' HHiH-CUT SIIOKS, ALL SIZES anm) WIDTHS. 1 1 20 O Street. Tint ('miller Cun lut I 'omul Al Windsor lloli'l Newsstand, Jllpltlll llolcl NllWS Hlllllll, Udell's Dluliiu Hull NcwsHlnnd. CIiihoii .1 Fletcher's, llll) () Street. A.T. Loinlng .U'o's., HUM) Street. Till' (lolliiiin NowsHtnnd, IIS South lllli HI. Keith llros., Ill Notlli lllli Hticct. Kil. Young, wax) Hticct. Knlon A Hmllh, IMIO .1. Weinberg, O si. npp. Mwtouleo. llniw ii'h Cafe, iit-nr Windsor lioti'l. H.J. HALLS BRO 1126 0 STREET. BEST GRADES OF UNDERWEAR At Attractive Prices. W. R. DENNIS, 1 137 O. t XL to M IV BL HARDWARE. STOYES AND TINWARE. LEAVITT'S DOMESTIC COAL Rock Springs, Wyo., Jackson of Col., Walnut Block, Mis souri Block, and Lackawanna Offlco, 115 South Tonth St. Tolophono 360. BARGAINS -IN- Dress Goods, Cloaks, AND BLANKETS, FRED. SCHMIDT, 921 O Street, opp postoffice. FOR CUOICK AN' I) CHKAl Books and Stationery GO TO THOS. FAWELL, LINCOLN BOflK EMPORIUM, 1MB. 10th t, uiiilor Y. M.C. A. Also n fine stock of ALHUMS, HIIlLKS, SCRAI' HOOKS, rKN or I'KNCIL TABLBTS, SCHOOL SUPPLIES, tic. I.ocnl mill rrrsoniit. Whltehivast C011I niul Lime Coninny Lincoln Ice eonipuiry, pure lie. Tnko Turkish nt 101(1 0 strivt. Telephone nt tho CociiiKit olllee Is IWI, I.euvltts olllco, 115 S. Tenth. Telephone!) HI King Stctnr, Mil) t) street, liootsund shoos. Hullet, iliiiinoiulH mill witche, 1 lit N Utli. Sawyer & Mosher, llorlsts, Masonic Temple. Mliivinl water used tor bathing, HMu Ost, Triekoy &Co.,wlioUnloiind retail Jewelers. L lhirr, Jeweler, established IS7I, lOIDOst. Nobby stjlo hats unil lino neckwear nt Hut lliurt'c. Canon City Conl nt tho Whltebreast Coal unil Lime Co. Tor Imported Yams ami Bilk Ullilions. H. It. Nlssloy S'.Co. Try sonic ot tho lino fresh llsh served i cry (In V nt Cmneiun's. Tho great diamond auction ilo at Hallctl's eoninicueos tinluy. Canon City Coal nguln at tho Whitcbrenst nl anil I.iino Co. Honst meats, and vegetables of all Minis nt Cmucrou'ii Lunch 1Ioiim. A ill op In both prices nndtocklof dry goodsitt ii. it. ttiioivy tviuj Full lino of fms niul fur trimming just 10 eWved, Ashby Mlllpnugh. Improved shower for Turkish luithant 1010 0 btteot, tmscmcut Union Mock. Only plai'o in Lincoln that mo mineral water in Uiths Is at 1010 O street. lly all odds tlio llncst lino of jioekct cutlery in the city at .editing & Honklo's. Clonks for tho season. I!crKilslioliurr & Co n lnrje afsortinent at Iho lonett pr.iv. I)r, H. V. Ilailey, olllco anil reslilenco corner of Fourtccntli anil L htitvtu. Telephono (117. Tlio tlnebt liinchffliiH in tho city nro hervisl nt. nil lumrmit ChuIit'h Kurocnu rciitnurant, WMl'Dtrivt, "You pjiy your lui'iicy niul InkcK your cliiilco" N tho new onlei- t thlniw at OilullV (llnlns u 11 . llnllett In ilit-poslni? "Mil hamlfioino stiK'k of Jewelry, watches, iltanionils, nilverwnre, etc , nt auction. Tho "Kllto" Studio 0tcnliiK Uil afternoon, at 'i.M 8. 11th st, from il to 10 o'clock. Hou venlm for tho lailleH. Ijitlle alwns llml It to thuir nilvnntnRo to buy .llkH ami ilnss booiIm nt J. & I). New man's, 1W7 O btnvt. Everything new anil neat, finest menu an'1 bent cook in tint city at Canler'8 Kuropwiu rttnuriiiit,lKlll htrcet. Thollnest woikln tho city nt llnyilen'n photographic studio. 131 1 O taet. Koo our lino camples of m t work. Call on J. C. Field. Lincoln BcnvmiKcr, for piompt work day and iiIkIiU Olllco under l'lrol Nntioiml bank Call telephone 40S. KleRimt Sou venln. will bo bIvcii away at tho opening of tho "Klito" Studio this after noon from II to 10 o'clock, li!l 8. 11th ttiwt. Tnko jour brenkfait at Odell's lUumg hall. Onler by bill of faio r.n I cct what jour np IH'tito (Utiles. Dh'iu-r and supper arc still sor.cil in formerly. Am you going lo glvo a pnrty oont If so, don't full to leiiVo your uiiler for pi luting ith tho CoLiur.ii. Wo nro Iho only piinling homo i tho eity that makes ft ipvelnlty of this class of ft-ork. Turkitli Cabinet elcx-trhJ tuid plnmbnlli for ladles nt -': South Ktoventn htuvt, every foienoon nnd AVednevlny niul Krlduy evening. For peutlemnn, cverv afternoon, iiiM Tins day and Saturday vvenlAgs. Aro vou seriously thinking of ij6ttiiiK tan gled in lovo oi do j cm i.'xpoct to marry toonf If so n look at tlio CoruiKii'H stock of new wedding stationery will Iw nil ludiicement to you and net as mi encouragement 1u tlio mat ter. Now Is tho Unio when you can buy Christ mas presents at your oh ii pn-o. lluy a ring, (inteli, ilminoud.or nny thing Miltnblu at llal lett's auction snlo. Ijulleswill lecelvo prompt attention mid their every want mppllcd by MisDnwbOii, tho wlfoof iho unernblo auctioneer. Miss Clnrn Hnncall In vlltlng In Now York City Air. nnd Mix. A It. Tullx t aro visiting In Illliiols. Mrs. K. Wllllnms left Monday to visit friends In Minneapolis. lteiui-liihvr tint big sain of plush garments at Newman's, next wtvk. Will lliirkloy left Thursday for Htanbury, Mo., for a two weeks' IMt. Mrs. (' H. LlpMucott returned Moudny dfter n Keek's Islt In Oinnhii. Herpolslieimer K. Co. Iinvo oiM'iicil their liumi'iiso stis'k (if hnlidiiy goods. Miss Ni'llln dermis of Colorado Springs Is (Isitlug her mother, Mrs. (leo, (lerans. No less than a dorcu proinlneiit wistdlugii nro on illt for tho remaining days of 'MS. Mr. mid Mrs. ICenl, after a pleasant visit In Keokuk, Iowa, returned homo Tlmrmlny. 111. Ilov. Tlios. Ilonneuui left Huiiday for Chicago on a tilpof alTairs connecUsl with lllSllllKVKO. Mis. H. T. UoImmIs, who hnslKvn ipilto III for tho past wcok, was ickiiIim1 yesterday as resting easy. Uni'irw n r, hosiery, gloves, woolen gissls toboggans, In numeious vailety, at llerHl shelmer te Co's. Has It entensl your mind yet that Christ mas Is alarmingly closo at hand. Only llo weeks until tho great holiday. (IraudOneueugor the "Kllto" Studio this afternoon fiom!) to 10 o'clock, 'Jv!0 8. lltli street. Klegaut Souvenli-s given aMny. Do you siilTer from cntarihf You can lo cured If you tnko IiimhI's Sarsapnrllla, tho great IiIimkI duriller. Sold by all druggists. Mrs. A llaller has resigned her xwltliiti as organist at St. Theresa's ehurch mid l'rof (tebault has Imvii iipHiiutsl to llll the vu CIIIH'J'. Our friends of Trinity church exiieet their new edlllce ready to hold servleo lij the Hist of .lauuary. Wo trust I hoy will not bo ills appointed. I''. A. FnlkenlM'rg was ono of the delegates w ho lnf I Monday for Dos Moines to Ihi pres ent nt Iho annual meeting of tho Mislern Worku mi. Miss Kllen Miller, after a to montliH' visit pleasantly HiK-nt in this ity witli her sister Mrs. 1'. W. Ilnrti nil", returned to her homo In Doylestown, 1 Vim. . Mondaj'.' A. C. Cass, now of Denver, who still thinks Lincoln Is A tho worst city in tho world, was In tho (lly several days this week on ii visit of liu'liu'HS mid pleasuro. Hugh Conlcy, mi old university student, who Is about to locato nt tho now town of llnrrlsou, Neb., was a visitor in tho city Thursday, neeouipiiiiled by his wlfoand child. Klovcnlhstieet from .1 to C having bis'ii allotcd tho public as a limited thoroiighfaro for ssnly diiving, owners of fast stock may 1j seen thereon dally sjierdlng their trotters. Mr. and Mrs, .1. L. Hopkins hnvo climigeil their residence In New York nnd will hero .ifter Ihi pleasisl to mwt visiting fi feuds while In Amerlcn's liietiopolls, at number 7 Fifth a enuo. Will Fnirbrother, brother .f tho Irrepres slblo Al. Falrbortherof tho Call Is visiting in Lincoln. Tho visitor U editor nnd proprietor In iHirliiershln with Will .lay. of the Sioux City .S'un. Tho great painting, "Tho Foolish Virgins," by l'iloty, in tho sist olllco building, has attracted much ntto'itlon this wtvk and com menu generallj' heard liavo been vorj' com pliuHutnry to Iho work. S. M. llcnedlct nnd family nro oneo more at homo in Lincoln. Mr. llomsllci has Invn vest and llko hundusls of othera has con chlded Hint Lincoln Is lot u degree or two ahead of nil coniHtitors, Tho Modern Woodmen of America will glut n hall and banquet nt Temple hall next Tuesdnj". MemU'iH of neighboring lodges Imvo been Invited and a number of accept ances hao lieen uvelvo.1. Tho tlilul story of tho.ehrung block, cor ner Twelfth uinl N streets, is Mug haud Miiucly llnlslusl, and when conipletisl will be occupied 1 1 " tint I'lilon club. Tlio Cor HIKIIH stationery departineut has just reeelvisl an invoico ot card boards, '."Jx Mi, In all tlio high colors, also black. This Is tint nobbiest material for signs nnd nit paint ing and they nro sold very ehenp. I Note .1. iV I). Newman's sieclnl sale nn- uouncemenl in our auverusmg coiuins iisiny. Thev offer 'JOiH'rivnt off on all plusli gar ments next wivk and It will pay intending purchasers to call and see theso bargains. Col. Wilson returned Wednesday oveufng from his Kuroncnn trip. Tho Colonel has Ikvh iibronil so much that n trip of this kUnl ikvms little moro to him tlimi an orilinary M'rsou would think of u tiip to Now Yoik. Oeorgo Uiwrence, manager ot Frank Lin don's dranritlecoiniNinj', was marriisl Tliurn day evening to Mis Huttlo Nuvlllo, ono of tho nieiuU'rs of the ooiany. Tho ceminony nnd reception took place at tho Hotel Ideal. A train load of California excurdonlsts, eastward bound, passed through tho city Wednesday via tho Hurllngton, stopping hero long enough lo regnle tho inner num. There wem nearly two hundred jhtsuiis on the train. Tho ladies of tho Congregational church gavo a Japanese Tea Wednesday evening which was a decided success. Piano recitals from "Mikado" iii(i n hvture by SKneer Hounell, went features of tho program, with exhibits of Japanese wares aim confec tionery. Tiino for purchasing winter comfortables U-lng in hand It Is but necessary for the CocitiKH to call tho attention of its renders to the fact that Iiulo Meyer it Co.'s stock of these cointnodltes is now complete and ready for inspection, l'rkes a. usual nro low ns the lowest, John Onrver, malinger of the Lincoln Newspavr Union. Is at present in Illinois, where, within ten days, ho will wed ono of the fa lest daughters ot that state mid return after a shirt bridal tour tolo -ate nt a mar ried limn in this great and glorious city of Lincoln. Miss Ixmise Williams of Hotuii, n niece of Mr. Wnlcott, the hnrdwmo uiwhiitit who recent I v IikiiUmI here. Is Mtl'tg the homo ot her relatives In this city. Mis Wllllivus w ill pus tho winter in Lincoln and her pies nco in society will bo welcomed by n host of new acipiiiliitnnces. Tho Coi'ir.!U wnnts to know why the Vol apuk wK-lety that llnurU'.iod so nicely last winter has not been heal d of as yet this sea son. Probably our esteemed friend nnd vohpftk itcholurv Mi. W. J. lbynnt, can give u a few words on the subject. We trust to livnrwMnof ti.o society's re oignulition for the winter. An nrternoon tea pnrlr ill be given by Mrs. Finnic Sheldini at her mivgulllcent new honle on Thurwlay from tluco till six o'clix'k. Tho arrangeiueiitt. luvitntions etc., Imvo been on u grand older nnd the CovniKii prisllcts 1t will Int'the most elegnut uffair of the Mud uviT given in the city. The Sheldon's never do things by halves. Population of Wist Llneo'n has been in creased. Slavor Austin reporU tho town The regular monthly meeting of Iho Wo innn's Foreign Mission society of tho St. I'nul M. K. church, was held Wednesilny nfter iioon In tint church wirlor nnd was Imgely iittended by iiiemberHof the soelfly. At six o'clock tho ladles received thmr friends nt tho regular lea, which usually closes Iho month. The evening was pleasantly sent by nil. Oeorgo Foro.-i.nii has Wn entertaining n ipiartette of old friends from Hnriihoo, Wl. Thny w ei o Messrs, It J. Koch, J. T. (lelhlng, A. F. Helner and V. V. Wllley, and after rwvlvlng roynl hoipltallty fiom their es tivmed host, left Monday for n trip over the F.lkhoin line, cxeotlng to look Into the great west n fnr, or kHiiih farther, than White woisl, ). T. Thoovnlngof Max Moyer & llro's Liu coin piano parlors will tnko pla.-o Monday evening at their new location npsslUi the Capital hotel. A grand muslcnle, III which n numltcrof our most prominent vocalists will 1st heard, Is llm attraetho piogram celebrat ing tho occasion. Malinger Hnnds will be on hand ns well as ono of the firm from Omaha, to receive and become mspinlnted with their tiiule. John U. MeClure, general wintern jMi'sen ger agent of tho S. M. & St, I'nul, who Is located at Omaha, Is in Lincoln looking after tho Interests of his jxipnlur route mid meeting his many fi tends, "Mle" i n genial fellow and hasn host of puns stonsl nwny, which ho springs nis-tii Ills Indulgent friends, his latest being on Harriet lleecher Stowe. Uo mo alwajs pleascsl to recelvo a call from Mr. MeClure. A young gentleinnn of this city, popular In society mid n iiiein!orof last year's Pleasant Hour club, Is Just now counting the iiiiihimt of dajs until ho nnd his lovely sweetheart will iKVome one. The nffnlr Is to lake place in Kvnnsville, lud , IKvemls-r 5th, uml Hie twain will reside In Lincoln mid 1st nt home to welcome friends With the ls-glnnlng of the new j'enr. Curds will Ik) Issued next week. Who Is It? We c.uiuot tell. (lues. Tho tunny friends of Henry C. Melnno will regret to learn that ho is still In n dangerous condition. Ills now twenty days slnist he i was thrown fiom his saddle and druggist by the foot until lusousible, nnd his mind is still ' cloudisl and he reuialns delirious most of tho i For One Week Only ! 20 PER CENT OFF ON ALL PLUSH GOODS Our stock consists of newest designs in Morijcskas, Jackets, and Cloaks. J. Just 4.3L- Call carlv before assortment is broken. Si D. NEWMAN, 1026 O St. received, a nice line of figured China Silks. You Cant Afford to Miss It Commencing this evening, Saturday Nov ember ioth, the large and elegant stock of DIAMONDS, WATCHES, Clocks, Jewelry, Silverware, &c. will be offered at Auction, and the sale will continue every afternoon and time. Mr. Molonol one of our most activ eltlireimind his absence from the streets Is I ..1 -4-.1. ', ,1!.,1 ,i T 4- ,. iiotlciililo by nil who knew him. Tho Cock- , W I- 3LUVin. IS U1&UUSUI Ul. 11 IS evening the chr until ance oi a life time to buy , and vou should at who assists her attention will be T. ir.it holies next week to roKrt his condition moro favorable. The advertisement given below was re ceived at this olllco yesterday, with request (hat it be published today: LOST, STUAYKD OR STOLKN. i.itti.i; wii.mi: IICIHKKI.I., On tho night of tlio ri'i ublleaii rally, strayed away from Ills liieml. A geneiou leward to any one who will return him to three anx ious young ladles. Cards for the welding of Mr. Charles I'. Wells, formerly of this city but now of Omaha, to Mis Kiln Wet.ler of 1incaster, Ohio, were reeelvisl in this city Thin sday, i 111 OIK')' Will buy announcing the event to take place at the i homo of tho bride November twcnty-llrst. Mr. ntul Mrs. Wells will bo nt home, !MI7 Capltal avenue, Oniaha, after December first. The many friends of the gentleman will be plc.tscd to lenru ot his good fort lino an 1 will extend congratulations accoidinglj-. lleo Hlvo Ixlgo 170. Urotherhood of Iico motive Fileincn, will give their tlilnlnuiitinl Imll at Mns'tnlc temple Monilay evening, No vemlicr 1 lib, nnd elaborntoefforts forn grnnd tiino are iiolng made. Iho many persons who attended their ilnnco Inst year know how well every detail was nianagisl and what a ptensaiit time generally was enjoyed. This year's nffnlr will surpass oven tho,) hereto fore nnd the tittcndnneo will certainly bo to the full eaimelty of tho hall. Tickets will bo on sale by members of the hslgo or can lie promt ed at the door. Tho CocillK.lt ftvls much encouraged In its late enterprise, i. c , that of securing and publishing tho fulls -oro of Into mid popular music in Its cohuuns, mid w ill in future pi o sent to its readei-s, and eqieclnlly the musical classes, such piece as wo think will Ihi of most interest and culerlninlug o have completed nrimigeineuts for tho publication of Mnrle .Tnnseiis fiimmis song from "Krnit tile," just n tho celebrated vocalist sang it uluktlv for months at the Casino theatre in New York city, nnd will print the snine on page live, next Saturday. Several wookauiio tho CmrtlKlt uunounceil that nceitnin young druggist was about to swing into iniitiiinoninl lillssfuhuiss. Today wo take pleasure In announcing that Invita tions aro out for Hie wedding of Mr. Will McArthui' to Miss Ainm Saunders of Jit. I'leiisntit, In. The affair tkes ilaco nt the bride's home on WtslneMlny evening next nt six o'clock, and tho happy couple will bo nt home in this city nfter a few day's trip to Chicago and the cast, at lH-'O O street, De- combo- llrst. Tlio C'oi'lilKH acknowledges receipt of Invitation to be present. i Those of our readeis who witnessed the, exeelleiit presentation of The Little '1 coon nt I FunUes last week will yet reincinber, that hi the second net, w hen nil left the stage exjt-pt I Viola, (the httle 'yeooiu nnd her lover, she said "now, lovo me, for w mo ulomy," to which les ivplj' was "No, wait Unl wo get to Omnha." It will bo Interesting to know that although such saying, of which wo hear slui , liar ones quite often dining the season, was in this case not only in tho play but n fact in reality, for tho couple were made man and wife n few days later in Oiiinhn, tho papers of that city announcing the event next duy JEWELRY AT AUCTION least go to the sale and see what a little Ladies will be received by Mrs. Dawson husband in conducting the sale, and every shown the fair ones. You can't afford to Miss this Sale at- HALLETT'S 1 13 North 1 1th St., near O. E. DAWSON, Auctioneer. Pomeroy Coal Co., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN COAL Otlicc, corner 12th and O Sts. Yards, 9th and .jth Sts. J. R. LEMIST, Agont. Oil" Tor llurope. Frank K. (Ireug and w lfe left for New York via tho Hurllngton Vctlbulo Thursday, and sail from that jKirt November 'Jlst on tho , steamer "City of Now York," to Ihi gone . several months. This steamer i the newest! of the lninan lino and the largest as well as ) thelluest that now ciosws the Atlantic, tho trip therefore will Iki duly enjojod by botn. Mr. Zeliucr, the Inmiiu (oinpauy's Lincoln agent, furnished Mr. and Mm. (Iregg with through tlektlKou this the fastest Mounter The trip I taken for business nnd recreation the CocuiKU wishes them Ism voyage. lIciitaikiiMo I'llrs. On Tuesday. U'tolier Oth, lvS, (always' Tuesday,) the Ist (I rand Monthly Drawing of tlio Louisiana HUite lottery occurred. Tho prizes wero from f 100 to $JKI,(K)0, the nit drawing will be over i!,(HK),(MM), In prizes from $'.') to fCsW.OOO. This and all the Draw ings of this Company nro under tho exclusive control of Oeiierals Itaiiircgimt nnd Unilj V.. KliW iliiwv Iho First C'nnltnl I'lireof 3k,(KK). It was s"ld In frnct.sjunl twentieths ' .it one dollar (ch, sent to M. A. Dmiphln, Jlow OrlmlAi, La. UuoWeuttoF. M Ilejith ( coto. Dcrrtek City. I'u., through llrndford NutbtrtHJ Hank, llradfoid, l'a. : another t. M. K. LocUf), Cohlwnter, Miss., through Hank of Commerce, Memphis, Tumi, i another fc J. C. l'roebstct and M. C. Ilanell, Vancouver. Wash. T.; another to Ji.o. T. Cliivcr, Mur ray, la. ; utiother to (leo. Llclithnrdt, rtacra mento, Cn!.; another to lleti. H. Collins, Skowhegnii. Me. : nnother to Aug. F. Llir., Ki.iiiifii. Kiik. : another to II. K. Chllds, F-ftf HostoM. Mais.; nnother to .1, fniiln. A In. : nuothei' to J. V . riiijsj SEE THE New Garland, AT RUDGK& MORRIS VICQgMJSti3ff ii 22 N STRKKT. For MAN ! A KT" JkT. -JC 'V && For BEAST ! Wk .im AS $r.& y m v'fA .. Wr. ' . c .r.rsB HXt. a m Mustang Liniment JILXICANMnRTANfil.INUIKNTIsilratlitnllLrs. rt Ui.U.U I'lVL.l lti.. a,.. .., ..II (u... ..... I . wuj wvmi vhi w.Mwi. m h) ruiui4iiun. It III., Ml, ., I... Mcdhee, (IsU- iMiomlng, tho latest locator being none less I loosa, Kns.; nnother to MeMjants National. than n heavy-weight llttlo lady that nrrtved the other day nl the ubovo unineil gentle innn's home. All bunds nro doing well nitd ipeucoiiud happiness reigns supremo within tliu borders of Lincoln's liitmit neighbor. II..I..HM Mont (III Die. I'JUI OCCIIIH Mnniiuoth Drawing, in which flie Mist Cntii till I'lioi Is lXI,IO All infoi'liiatlnn to bo had by applying to M. A. Dauphin, New i Orleans, Ui. ' su 4150, Shier m , ,?. W JCStv nv .. jCBBrj' jssy?$r . . w .& rfr Lzcz&rxza IftBwiti m.,.um mm, m.Arvn T-zan.vu-wm