Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, November 17, 1888, Image 4

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xgtrMi!eeH'iwitww1wwiarwi -jo
w wrlh W'iia! IUII
'"'"""""' -""'in ' -- r .ht -r "'i-1 )' tiT-T-rrnTrnnirmTTiitiffaBTTT'tg
Mity nfTcrt nny iwrHnii ef the Inxly where lh
mucous meinhrano Is found Hut ral.irrh tit
tlic hc.ul i 1i fir lln mmt romiium. nml llm
most U-tMe t.i he iiprWIi il. It c intuit bit
uirctl I'i lMi'' iiiillcnllnii. Hnnn n rnuMI
tiillnnnl iliene It uiiilri'i
Ringing n trninlj llko
.. i Howl's H:irnintllt.l. whleh,
PiOIHOS M1)t),K Hnouisti llm blood,
findlttitcslhelmiiinltywhlrhraiises nml pro
motes tho rnlairli, nml kooii rfteils a portn.i
iirnJ cure. At the time Hood's H.trs.t.
p.nllla builds ill I lie liol hIoiii, iind nmkes
one fcl renewed In MrriiRlli
iiiui health, if iii Miner Impuio
twin c.itnrih, bo Miro to Qlood
tiy llmxCt H.itftninrll1.i. -"""
iccrlt ed went relief nml lienelll frmn It. 1 ho
ritlaiili was very disagreeable, especially lit
ttm winter, raiuhift conntatit tllcharnii from
my luxe, rhiKhiK noises
HOOCI'8 In my rim, nnd p.tbis lit
o..-...-iiir "m Iwrk nt my he.ul.
snrsnpnriun.,,,,, (1Tl)tl t() rlC!,r lny
Sirail In the nmrnliiR by hawkliiK nml apltlhiij
was i.iliifiil. Hood's Har.sapaillht nat mo
icllef liunieillately, while In limn I was en
tirely rured. I nm never without the inedb
rme In my homo as 1 Ihlnk It
Isworlh Hi weight ill Riild." CUTOS
Mim. (I. II. (him, tow lilnhlli pnnrrl.
HI ,N. W., Waslihmton, I). 0. "
" I wan troutilril wit h Hint nminjltift disease,
nasal ratanh, nml never fnuml relief till
I took Hood's Rtrs.ipaillta." J. I.. ltoirrr,
Markkliiirft, Ky. N. II, Ho nto to ct
Hood's Sarsaparilla x
holitliyMlilniRKltli. flitltfurfJ. l'rcrcJonlf
b; 0. 1. 1104)1) A CO., Aiollnitlcl, I.owoll,Mm
100 Dosos Ono Dollar '
New Jewelry Store,
.oio O Street. Kslabllshcd 1871.
Meshes K1e1.ll the attention or the I'll! lie to
lilt new nnil clcimiit stoek of
Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silverware
lliivliniiiwroriMiiii tiiitcconiiiiniliiln I lie I mile
nml show 11 turner line limn eer llefinn pur-
eluixliiK, k!m 11x11 enll nml we will show 011
tlti'lluest Hue ul lowest posslhlo pilccs.
Wntcli Repairing and Engraving
Neiitlv iloiuMiml nil work wurimileii.
liss Etliol Howe,
Teacher of Singing
Room 131 llurr lllotk.
Hours, 10 A. M. to 6 P. M.
Miss Claiie P. Link
Room 131, Burr IMock.
li the next tliliu: ton KitvliiKt Hank. Tho only
ilinerciteo Is we alvo von
Real Leather Shoes
Inttend of I'ltptr Koteil HIhh-h, for the mune
nr li'KmliilliirH ihnl thootlierHehiii'Ke forhliml
(lien. Wo tell them on their uiurllH. The
ohoniefil unit beHl tilaeo In Amorlea lor llenl
Leather SlioeH for the Miime mnoimt of money
Homombor the plitoo. 1UIU 0 htreet.
y v)
" hO
s O
m m "
JP o
M'fiii 'jr. .. ."?' -f"" t'7?s5
A tiirt - i;rr of Minimi Timer
1 inw.iNHK.n Satiinday
Suiiichiitiiin: One Ye.irliy JMII or carrier tt.w
HI x month, $1M Tlirei) months .V) I'olitii, On
month a) renin lutnrnlily In Ailtiineo.
VnvriiTisKMr.NTH: Unit furiilsliiHl on nppll iilltn
nllheonii-e. Hprclnl rntemm Time L'onlm In.
CoxTiiliumos: Hhott spley nUelelie, hciii nnil
stories solicited, I'erwiiinl nml Hoelnl notes nro
espeelnlly ileslrnhle.
I'mxTisii: We nmko it ecliilty of" Kino Printing
In nil II lirmicliei. Hooletv wink 11 peilnlly
AiMresx nil eommimleittliimi illn-ello the ofllee.
New Iliirrlllook.Citr. l'JIh nml () Hlnrto.
I.. Wkshki., .In., IMItor. N. Hai.i., Ilim. Mr
MlHsot'lii eiiine voryneni'KoliiK repulilloiin
thNyenr, mil yet we often l:ir ll wtlil tlmt
the iik of iniini'lei Is imnt.
I r is HiirprWnjr the liiiinlier of liiileeiiileiit
nownpiiperx tliere ni e tln.t mu liftliiK up their
voIiih now nml eiylnic to Hnrrinoii, "I
1II1I It."
Nor until dun. IIiiitIioh'h wlfo' jmh trrtlt
Im'kIui lo iiiMiir 011 nilvertNeineiitn of tooth
powilern nml elKmetU-H will the Koplo fully
reiille tlmt the lepulillinu party lunt omit
inoro tnkeii hold of tho lelnn of Koverinnent.
IIC.I.NA I.orKWOOIihilHileelileil UOt to 11)11
let llm eWt loll. Hen Hntler lefuvsl tonp
Knr for her. Were It not for tint fuel tlmt
Mr. Cleveland will not oieii liN Inw ollleo
until nfler the Ith of next. Mnruh, M10 mlht
heeiiro IiIh Hervlcen.
KmilaniiIiiimh Kivnt lepntntlon lor pune
timllty in the riiiiiiliiK of her pii.s.Hener trulii
whleh inluht Ihi prolktlily Iniltnteil liy Ainer
leiin io.kIk, western oiied enH)elitlly. Only it
iteiMvntof tlu' trnliw In tlmt country limt
jenr weio oter ten iiiinutet Into iirrlvliiK lit n
given h)IiiI.
Tin: wimmtfrt Milf rni; cundlditto for mayor
of NewYoik city, Ml-i. Cynthlii l.eonnnl,
who Iiiih nlo tho dWInelionof Ih-Iii l.llllnn
HiiwII'h mother, reculviil elht mIi'h nt the
late eleet Ion. Hho elalint that If ho hml Ueu
rIvcii n fair count It would mnoiintwl to nt
least twenty -live A'otex.
CoMHtKssMAN Mahtix, who went to Wash
IliKlon n year iiko and illstliiRiilhlieil himself
thei-e liy Mow Inn out the nm in lilt I km I room,
linn Iteon ivlnriutl to his mmiI 1 an ndmliim;
constltueney. It was the only tiling he did
while theie to illstliiKuUh liiuihclf, nml his
next move will Iki nwaltitl t Ith Interest.
Tiik imyne-nt of election U'lii has occa
sioned mhiio littlo excitement this wiM-k. A
litrne nmoiilit of money changed hauils hi this
city. HelH on Keiieral ickiiIIh havo neatly
all I wen jmiM, lint tliomt on Tint) cr's mnjorlty
will not Ik holtleil until dellnlto nuuounco
ment Ih iiiiide.
Tiik Lincoln H)tolllctt Is lookisl on with
lonulnu' eyeK hy ipilto it numlH'i'of tho faith
ful and tine. It Is wife to say. however, that
AlU'tt Walklns w)ll keep tho neat warm for
over it year ) el. He has maile a faithful
ollleer, and no truthful charges Miillleieut to
oust him can lie brotinlit up.
llKNJAMlN Uaiiuihox will Ik) the twenty
third president of tho 1'nltisl Htutes, mel will
,e llfty-llvo years, six mouths and fourteen
ilityttold when ho takes tho 0.1th of otllee.
lint el);lit other presidents have taken tho
telusof Koivrumeut nt n youiiKcr period of
llfo Lincoln was M, Arthur and Tyler Til,
KHImoiM fs, llarlleld mid l'leico 10, Cleveland
IS ami (limit -IT.
Hr.NATon I'Ai.MF.uof MlehlKim Is writing 11
a novel. A good ninny other ooplo nro
writing books, but few grave K'liatoiii oer
dip into romimee. A iH'ciilar featm-o alniut
this novel It tlmt ralmer lias a hero In a bail
flx nml can't get him out. A sp-cial session
of tho senate will llkoly lw calliMl to help
l'nhuer out.
What will Clovel tad do nftr tho Ith of
Mnrclil Will ho go hack to tlio practlco of
law, or will ho again run for sheriir or mhuo
other ellectiiolollleel Ho lias hardly saved
emuigh money to llvo 011 for tho rest of his
dn)s, and there Is no provision niiiilo liy this
grent nml glorious lepublie for the kitipltig of
Its retired presidents on a princely pension,
(len. Hayes is devoled to Ids farm and ioul
try, but (hover will hardly follow his ex
Wk notli-o a very dlsagiwablo tendency on
the part of tho IiIiIo-IkjuiuI parlKut organs
of tho republican party to derldo tho news
Ki)crH hi this state which wcro bravo enough
to o.xpiess their opinions of tho various can
dldntes presented at tl.e Inst election for tho
voters' Miffrtigc. It Is not only In very bad
taste, but it calls tho publlo giuo to tho serf-
llko rtiadltlon in which they mv IkiiiiuI. A
fnt)ires-s Isipilte mi nnoumly, ehpecinlly In
tho west.
Caitaix Anson of tlio Chicago base ball
club, who is heading tho d.Iegiitin:i of tweu-ty-twfbnll
tossers bound for tho ntitlio!es,
has itwlvisl mi Invltatlcfn from lClug Knla
kati to stop ut tho Hnudwlcli Islands on his
way. If thofitl7onot Honolulu should not
mnulfest a prolltablo Interest in baso twill tho
member, of tho tiab might lt in with tho
tlusky monarch in 11 gmno or dm v wker of
which ho is very fond, nml, if tho Chicago
papers aro to In) lielieved, hi which tho ball
players aro very prollceut.
A Moa.MNii league lim U-oa fouinlcsl by
sonio of the moro sensible ot tho Imlits of
I'urlii, which might lw iiccesfully laiitatol
la Lincoln. They nro of tho opinion, mid
rightly so, too, that tho customs of society
as regards tho hoars of sociul giilhorlng nro
opio-cd to tho laws of health. Tho mem.
U'l-s of tho league suggest that nil ball, shall
commence at 0 o'clock and end at midnight.
Dinner nrtles nro to 1m di-couritgod ami
luncheon- given Instead.
Ollto llnrprr Deserllie Keniioiiiy In l'rne
tleo nml IMeRiiure ut Iliiinn I'ucU unit
fniu-li'S That tint (lender .Sex Will (Inn
ernlly Apprrehile,
Hioelnl Ci)rre.sioiiilonee
Nr.w YoitK, Nov. 15. In n recent
letter I tlilnk I reinarkeil tlmt in tliu
i-oliert which nro nolil ns "uttoin ilrortW
(hero l.i uhvavn enough of nm
lerlnl left over to timku 11 pretty littlo
i;iiwii for 11 elillil, nml in 1111 'lllii.itrii
tion it will ho neon how ll in. Tlicbo
pattern lime tho liuyo p.iltein
for tho bottom of tho rirc.-H, and (lion
nhout twoyiirilst nioroof inaturial with
n ttrc, or witli embroidery in rather
smaller IlKiire.'i (U'Hif;ncil for unit in trim
mini: front, voko or hIcovivi, nml tho
ilreas to niany iktmiiis U prettier with u
plain front. Tho amount of material in
nlwiiyn enough for 11 laigo woman and
tho price tho natuo in all So that
these Htyleri of good.i nro nlwayu very
good value to women witli littlo i;iil)
ami mt ecouoiuieal turn of niiml, nml I
think nothing is iirettier than to neo a
mother ami littlo girl villi tho wiino
hind of gown. It lnalcc.i tho mother
look moro liko ti lag sister.
Tho very pretty hotiMt tlresa repre
senteil 1 111:1 tho yoke Hinoeked in diamond
pattern nml tho fullncta held in with 11
rihlxm wish. Tho liaek is cut in prineisso
fihai)e. Tlio dresrt for tho child in, of
courno, to ho worn over 11 guimpo of
whlto nainsook or Homo other
iug color.
Aiiot her very Hlinplo Imt tlislinguished
homo drctw han tho hasquo ami ukirt of
nhmh of ileep emerald ;reeii, which
breaks into beautiful lights mi it folds,
and tho drapery Li of "dead lino" Hilk
warp Henrietta cloth. Th.t btittons tiro
of emerald cut glat.i, and around tho
Iki8(iiiu in n narrow nllk liniid, lighter by
bo vera I nhaden titan tlio plush. iMnny
ladlcudo not luno buttonn, but other.)
prefer them, bo they nro in order if ih
Hired. In nny cam), it would bo hard to
find 11 mora modest yet tniitcful costume
than this. It can bo nuuln in almost any
combination. Velvit and niKc or tiik
and cashmere, or wool goodscf n:iy hind,
could bo made tin after thia model. It
retjuirej ten yanis of plush and four of
Henrietta cloth. Plush (.tiitablo for
dresses can bo taught nt very ria-onablo
iiieen now, n fairly good pleeo coating
1..0 a yaid, ami from that up to :i
ami 91.
Tho other evening I wast at Mrs. Mary
E. Uryan'H she who is editor o'f
Munro'o aingazino nnd writer of so man v
books and I admired her drcsa so that 1
shall describe it. It wan of sapphire blue
plush cut with a (H-rfcctlv ctiiught plain
skirt, which fell In iichfull fohb. The
busquo wa.i as severely plain, but it fitted
her to terfection. At tlio necl: nho woro
u frill of line ioint laco fastened nt the
throat by n ruby pin. Her sieoves
reached n littlo lielow tho elbowa nnd
wero edged with lace, and sho woro two
narrow i uby bracelets, her thick mop
of curling black hair is cut short aud
shadoa her great, dark eyes, and nlto
gelher nho inudo u very hnndsoiu- pict
ure to remeinber.
Velvets and plush will bo much worn
thh winter, and many very ricli and ele
gant costumes will lo inailo of each ma
terial. Tho velvet U not tx durable us
tho plush nor so rich in eUcct, for unless
velvet i.i really of tho bcbt, it gives littlo
satisfaction, au it creases so soon. Fnncy
vclveta aro made with very wide stripes,
only two of them in fact to each breadth.
Thcso ctripca aro made witli (lowers, em
broidery, btitch and geometric de
signs, mid some of them havo Mowers in
natural colors, Thero tiro nhso fancy
velvets in shaded btripes nnd khiio with
ono stripo of cut itnd tho other uncut
velvet, which hun n very beautiful elTcct,
mid then thero tiro satin grounds with
velvet raised llowerj. Many black vel
vet costumes will ta mndo for dinner nnd
evening dresses for old and young, tho
trimming and stylo of cut making tho
difference, in its adaptability.
V . o o .
pV.V o .,
rhow young or old ladien who know
what 1 1 really mnU Incoming for them,
wear black velset, cut low or wniaro it,
tho neck, without nny relief Id Hh severe
outlinoj for tho black velvet coming
against 11 neck or arm glvet tlio wearer
a pc.Millar pearly delicacy of tint which
nothing ctw could do. ItonhniiccM the
beauty of old or young tin no color or
combination cotihl. In fact, ono lady
nlwnvH wore black velvet, and a friend
ono day naid to her:
"What it tho reiwnithat you nlwnyn
wear black velvet? In It a vow'r"
"In memory of a loved one?"
"What li It, then? You excilo my cu
riosity." "Well, then, ninco you nro ro anxioui
to know, It i) because it makes my shoul
ders look no wliito."
Tito plush for dressen hat a very
nhoit, rather Htllf jille, though it i.i very
durable. This i.i for children's) dressest,
for hotiflo wear, and is paitlcularly in do
maud for tea gowim, when in coinbiua
tion witli Hiitali ami other Boft Hllks and
creHU. A very handsome tea gown was
inndo of old gold plush with dark red
China orepo front, which wan loose, with
l'edora drapery.
I havo iieeii Bovcra! very pretty opera
and ball wrapi of thin old gold colored
plush, lined witli scarlet natiu, and they
were very lieautlful. A long Mother
Hubbard cloak of tho natuo material war
worn in a carriage wrap, and IkhiikI with
a band of plucked beaver.
Thero aro very many new ntyles of
moiro nlllt.i; 1,01110 with dots of satin, or
stripes, idiowiug through, and othero
have wide ntripcj of tho moiro nnd Bilk
with other pattern- through it. Often
those Btripe.1 aro cut separate and joined
to other material or havo laco inserted
over colored ilk or atin nnd Unbilled ut
tho iKittoin with lieadod fringe. In many
instances these stripe. 1 nilktt nro made up
in side pleats no that only one ntritH
ihown from tho outside, except an tlio
wearer move:).
It luw come to lo a necessity that nil
tho bent hoimej cater to n want thntr-onio
yivutt ngo wan not recognized nan d is
tiuetivo need nnd that i.i u complete Hue
of dresine.'i, wraps and other garb lor
girls from 1- to 10, which should dilTer
liliko from littlo uii Is' dresn nnd grown
up clothes, and look exactly united to tho
young girli of Unit trying ago. Now
thero nro new styles for them by tho
r.eoro modest, pretty and unassuming
nllowing for nil ortliochildVi impatience
of lestralnt in movement, yet witli Gome
thing hinting of the wotnan'i lot in store,
l'retty, girlisli, dainty dreun they are,
and nil inotheni will lw glad, I mil Mire,
for them.
Tho material'! mo.t in vo-ipi for tliose
who are not obliged to count tho cost too
cliMcly are cashmere, tri.-ot, rerge, nuim'
veiling, idbatross clolli and llgured wool
ens, stritHM and plaids. One of tho dain
tiest siiit.i for 11 young girl ut of roft
cashniero of a dark blue apphfro fouic
call it with a yokc-tilTi and bolt of
silver liraiiled vel
vet of tlio K1I110
shade. Tho basquo
is laid in I) ox
pleats, and tho
nleeven aro half
loose. Tlio Bkirt
it gathered full
nml shirred nt tho
back, witli three
tuck.t around tho
bottom each
edged by a nar
row -ilvor braid.
Few girU thero
aro who could not
braid iter own. I
know ono young
lady who had a
lovely u h r i m j
colored cashuiero
given hi'r for 11
he.t dresi. but
THE A.Nllf.l. OK TH
tlier ) wa t nothing to trim it witli
gf t itom narrow gol l braid and
so nh'
bo wed
tiiii iii irregular p litem nil over eomo
liiceiM of old whlto hrondeloth for collar,
lajKi i, ctilTs and a pointed holt, as well
as enough lor a deep xoket (lap, and ohe
nnd her deft mother mndo a very elegant
dross that was tho envy of her friedds
and tho deliglit t)f her lather, who felt as
it' he could alTord n now box of cigars
considering that his daughter was such a
handy littio necdlowoinan.
Another very pretty nnd very service
able dress for'n young girl is of figured
wool, and b mndo by laying tlio skirt in
loo.'jo tax plaits all around, and with n
short apron drapery in front, ended bv n
wide surah audi in tlio back. Thero fs n
vest of plush or velvet to match tho pre
vailing color, which in tho model is
wood brown with dark red spots.
A neat sin I serviceable stylo 1ms a
-nilor collar and culm of gobelin blue
surah and nash of same, with u drcb.i of
novelty stripes of blue, gray nnd scarlet,
T.ith a black ono at intTvnb. This
fjoods makes very good dresses, being
intrablo and not liable to tear or wear
rapidly. tt
Tho fashions in hosiery wcro nover
moro nggressivo than now, though, re
fined Iadie3 generally pn fer tho black or
tolid colom. Among the newe.t lots just
uhown I saw blue ones with round snots
of wliito, with wliito rings around them
until it would not do for tho wearers to
go out on tho days when tho Homo Guard
is out to shoot at u mark for fear of be
ing mistaken for animated targets.
Others havo butterflies on them, and if
this : ort of tiling goes on wo may expect
to ia.'o beetles and tumble bugs crawling
all over oar stockings ui tlio near uiture.
AT.oruujt n.KDor.uKd.
But nt last 11 tiye has been discovered
which doc's not coino out on tho feet or
clothes nor in tho wash. This Is a great
boon. There aro sonio stockings of Lisle
thread, black, with cardinal stripes nnd
with whlto feet. Homo ladle.t always
prefer whlto blockings, and, indeed, I
think thoy aro daintier and nicer than
any colored oaea. Olivr Uaupcix.
nOMP. HKADlNn TIIA r Wll.t. IMtOVK tNTHlt-
Croup is the terror of young mothi-rii
esfiecially during the early winter I
mouths, as it is then most prevalent.
To post them concerning the cause, I
lirsl sympt mis, treatment ami how to
prevent It, Is the object of this article '
'I'lio origin of croup Is a eoninion cold, '
children that are subject to It take cold I
ver easily and croup is almost sure to
follow. The Hist symptoms of croup Is
hoarseness, It Is a peculiar lioarseuess,
easily recognied nnil oncu heard al-
way- roinenibered. Usually a day or
prevent it, is the object of this article
vay roinenibereil. Usually a day or
two before the attack, tho child be
comes hoarse and gradually shown
otymptoniri of having taken cold, nnd
this i.i where tho mistake is usually
made, the mother thinking her child
has just taken cold gives it no especial
attention until awakened in tho night
by the violent coughing of the child,
rinds it lias the croup ami remembers it
has had a cold or been for a day
or two. Such circumstances often oc
cur, and In many eases the mother lias
nothing in the house that will relievo it,
and may bo several miles from a physi
cian or drug store. You can well im
agine tlio situation anil her distress.
Tho time to act is when tint child first
becomes hoarse or shows symptoms of
having taken eo.ld; If Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy is freely given from
that time on, all tendency to croup will
disappear and all danger be avoided.
The remedy prevents fully ten thons
and eases of croup every year. It it
the main reliance with ninny mothers
throughout the Western htates and
Territories; they have learned its vnliio
and how to use it, and in those families
croup is seldom known because it is
always prevented.
Tim best treatment foreroup is Cham
berlain's Cough Remedy used as di
rected with each bottle. Careful in
quiry falls to reveal a single ease where
it lias ever faired although a groat many
severe and dangerous cases have been
cured by it. Can any mother who lias
small children allbrd to be without such
a remedy. It costs but lifty cents, can
she afford to take the chances for so
trivial an amount.
A Good Liniment.
When rou need a good liniment try
Chainbeiiain's Pain Malm It cures
Sprains, l.nme Mack, Rheumatism,
Neuralgia. Cuts, Mruses, Mums, Scalds
and Toothache. W cent aud dollar
T-T1,V1nw rrlc I
1 lOllClcly VJfOOClo .
Would very respectfully suggest that
) on make it. t point to sue that large and
elegant line of Toys, Novelties Fancy
Goods, Notions, Sleighs, Mspress Wagons,
Ciockcry, Quecnswnie, (ilasswarc, and all j
kinds of I lolhlj r Presents now offered nt
the lowest possible prices at the Great
Ten Cent Store
uS South 1Mb Street.
A. L. (iUILK & CO.,
Funeral Directors
302 South TCleventh Street.
Leaders in Photography.
We in.ik a specialty of the calcinated
Life pictures and furnish tho IhieH
work at lowest prices.
Best Cabinots $3.00
Elegant line of Picture Frames in stock
and made to order. Call nnd sec us.
ioif O Street. LINCOLN, Mill.
""'slK5'75Bi Pr
The Only Authorized Agent in Lincoln.
lilS-IV.') l-'ariliilii St., Ni w I'uxton lllnek,
Omaha, - J-nT-EB-THE
"y a -v- y
I i 1
I I I I 8
1 .1 1 f A
y M. J x ,i J. JL
In The Wrst
We nro now Intrmliiclntf ninny iiowiidncI
ties In Kail anil Winter Wenr, nnil would 10.
speetmily InMleour Lincoln friends lo entl
nml sit the in w line Jnsl opened.
Ami as Ktuh imiii oner Inter stvles ill lower
prices t tin It mi) house west ul t'nleimo -a fact
we'll take pleasure lit proving li l.liienlnltc.
We enn show you n Hue line nf Clonks,
Uiessi'Miiid Kiirs Hint turpnss nti tiling you
Imve ever si-en In llm entile west. It wlllpiiy
you to take it trip lo Ouiuhii tf set' u, lf,ou
wiiiil nnytbtni: nice in our Hue.
Mall Orders Receive Prompt Attention.
N. M- Ruddy,
Practical Optician.
A specialty made of expert live Glass
I'liting, Glasses that rest the eye, 3000
217 South 15th Street,
0vC..z:.- T,
1 i- ... .11 , -
Got Your Laundry Work
- dom: AT
' ThQj Excelsior Steam Laimdry,,
j .1)7 S. llth st rear entnunf. Tel. :'J1I
All imlers priiity cnllisl fur nml ilrlltercil. We
pililiMiursflM'snii pioinptni'ss and HiinTlorily
of work.
, JIIU.Klt.'s' DAY, 1'ropi letors.
713 to 715 (J Street.
Whnlflcnlo f.rnnflVQ
unviuuuiu uiuuuioj
Fruit, Pi oducc and Commission Meiehants
1034 C) Street
Dealer and Jebbcr In
Wall Paper,
Lace Cm tains,
Shinies, and Intctior Ueco-
V ?
g. .1. w
NBJWEBf giMnlrJ- H 1
km llmlml
Mm if iiill
r ii Tili lil 1 -T r ' "- --"" '"-- - --i' - - -