Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, November 17, 1888, Image 3

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ii mnnmmwJ)fcnim''tmvPirWtovmj im0m
I1iu I'IcihI'k Viirlinn Muniirrii of Trutrlllig
tlm i:urtli nml III" Kulitlo Aptltmln foi
hoitii llm SrnU of Won nml Diminu
tion Tlic DcUI'm I'nuir.
IIiiooki.yn, Nov 11. Tim tliroiiRs in nml
nroimil llrvuMyn Taliernuclo nro on t ho tu
crcnwj. As nil uviilcneo of llio ilclimnil for
Dr. Tnlinnge'8 work, !2.V),()U0 copies of Ills
fortlifomm; Milmerlptloti book, "Tlio 1'iitli
way of Life," linvo been boiifdit from tlm
Itixtoricnl ooinpntiy by Messrs. II. V. Johnson
& Co , of Ilk'liiiioiiil, Vu.,iiltliotlRli tlio retail
prices nro from t'M) to i't n copy. In tlio
hMory of lltornturo no book bus had mieh nn
nilvmioiil sale.
At tlio Tnliorum-lo tliM inortiltiK tlio Itcv.
T. Do Witt TnlnuiKO, D.D., took fur tlio sub
ject of bU sermon : "Hiitnn on Hih Trim-liv,"
His text was. Job I, 7: "Ami tlio Lord mid
unto bntnii: Wlicneo coinest tlimil Tlnn
Hntnn miiwoi-eil tlio Lord, unit mid: From
Koingtii nml fro in tlio earth, mul from xwilk
iiiK up nml clou n in it."
In lil?J wtis printed tlio Inrgett book evrr
ptlblilicil, mimcly, two Imo volnnics of
near f,(KX) pages, In small typo, tlio niitli'H
Joseph Can 1. It uns a commentary on tils
Hook of Job. When it took a J oar for tlio
journey from Knlanil to India, tlio ton of
llio nutlior of this comiiiuutary started for
India, loa lug his fatlicr writing on his IhioIc,
tmd was cciiio for years, and wlicn ho ennui
Kick to KiikIhiicI still found his fntlier writing
on It, 1 never snw tlio commentary, but 1
do not wonder nt Its k zo liccnubo tliero is no
o.ul to tlio interest of the book of Job. I mil
not Mil priced that Ooctlic, tlio liuleliover,
to klromtliis wonderful book tlio opening
of bis drama "Faust" and tlio Meplilstoplieloi
of tlio great (ieruiau was only tlio Bntini of
Job. It seems that ono day in heaven tlod
un:t on His throne ir.el anpcls ami inessetigers
eauio to i'eKirt on their iliiTrrent missions 1
Mipposo one angel wild; "I was out among
the Mars and 1 nuw ono of tlium burn down."
Anotiier nngcl, I Imagine, said: 4,I was on
on a stellar escumlou ami was present nt tlio
birth of a now world." Another angel,
1 think, wild: "I was journeying llvo
bundled million miles in tlio wilderness
of immensity nml I saw a meteor run
down a planet. ' Another augel: "1 was oir
nml lieliH'il at the inauguration of n now race
of beings amid llio mountains and valleys of
that mighty world in tlio southeast part of
tho licuM'iis." Hut whllo tlieso good and
great spirits wero making their report u,
gluistly, gi'izzly, hldeoiu monster from toiuu
miry Mjlphurous, lllthy world, camo into tho
palaco without wiping liU fee,t, and God him whero and liov bo had bii'ii oc
eupjlng biimvlf, nml this greatest scoundrel
of the universe mado reply with blai'.iug ef
frontery, and nistc.itl of acknowledging
any of the mischief lie had been doing bald
ho had IkxII mi -ilth! iicdostriaii mid
had lived n sort of circtmrimbulatory,
lieripatetie life. "Aiul tho Lord Mild unto
Hatau: Whence coiucst thou? Then Satan
miMveiisl the Lord and said: Troni going to
nud fro in theoaith mid from walking up
mid down in it."
This monster of my test lias n great vn-
riityof names. Von know that notorious
villains arc apt to take n varietj of names.
Arraigned in Paris for burglary a man will
give ono name, nrrested in S.ui Francisco for
arso:i ho will gio mi' thcr name, imurisoncd
nt Montreal for murder ho will gie another
name. So this ereaturoof my test many
names, lie ii called iu sacred mid profiuio
literature Abaddon, Apollyon, Alirimauc.-i,
Zanicl, Asmodeus tho recnging devil,
Ueelzeliub tho sovereign of dexils,
Lucifer tho brilliant devil, Dialiolus
the tlcsiKilrnig devil, .Mammon tho money
ilovil, I'luto the fiery d-vil, Dial the military
devil, MeroMii the plaguing deil. Ho is
railed the father of lies, mid has for his chil
dren mid grandchildren and great grandchil
dren till falsehoods, deceptions, fraudj,
swindles, slanders, lucktiitiugs and subter
fuges. All men ot good k-iiso, ubetliiT m
lightened by tho Hiblu or in heathendom,
hao noticed that there nro baleful and
inulcflceiit iullueucis abroad that have not
their origin in tho human race, and demon
)logy u ua certain as augelology. Tho
bwonl of Paracelsus was thought to have hud
a demon in tho hill ami tli-ra is now a demon
ill o cry sword bilt. Tho ancients Mipposcd
tho air was lllled with sylphs mid satyr and
xiri'ii'i and gnomes and vampires ami sala
tiiamlors ami umllues nml hobgoblins. Tho
Tula i ud as that Adam's llrvt wife was Lillis
and that their children wero all devils. Two
or threo hundred ears ago a demouograplier
ga o tho name i ot umlms-suil'irs of iil which
ho thought Satan hen I lo different countries:
Muininoii, ambassador to Kuglaud; lielpho
gor, iimb.ikidi r to Kiaii'v; Martinet, am
bassador lo iSwiU"i'laud; llumnou, umba&ui
ilor to Kiu.siai Tluiuuc aiulus.sadcr to
Spain; Hiitgm, umUiFsudor to Italy; and
liat there was a princess of dowls hy tho
nanio of IViiscrpiiio. Hut what was mero
guess work of mythology or t.ujierstltioii haa
been inado clear by diviuo iu elation. V
tlud that thero ii somen hero a monarch of
n wickedness. lie bus n tlimno of jower
nml courtiers and iirmics nml navies aud
machinery of ovilwistus tho round world.
Ho is tho supervisor of all nmehiel, mid ivhut
ho cannot do luiusclf ho delegates others to
do, ami us each ono of our race ii sup
osoil to havo a guardian good angel, I have
no doubt that c cry human being basalt
sieging iiialigiiaut spirit narging his foot
steps and trying to make him think wrong
mid net wrong, an especial dovil.udovil of
fraud or adovil of avancoora dovil of uu
cleanness or a dovil of poor health, ami as in
my text tho spirits aro represented ns report
ing to the Lord, so I hut o no doubt tlio tvil
spirits icpoit to fcjatau, who is tho enemy of
tlio whole human i ace, and who has a celer
ity tiiat makes lhht around tho world a
matter of u second, ami who marshals uu hid
Hido tho forces wolcauie, atmospheric, epi
demic, geolog.e, oceanic nnd cj clonic. "And
tho Lord said uulo Satan: Wheiico couiest
tliouf Then Satan answered tho Jjonl uml
laid: I'loni going to and fro in tho earth and
from walking up mid down in it."
Ttti: aci: oi' hatan'h iiliuiitino
Satan Uan Im, i.ttaek on tin-, world long Wlula
I liehovo tlio llihlo record that tho world was
fitted up lor uiau'.i iisnlouco in one week, I
belluvo alo tho geological record that tho
world was previously lor hundreds of thou
sanda of tears goii'g through great changes.
Tho luuilici' lor the homo mat to ho built
in u week for our llrsi paruits nuy havo
been hauled to llio spot a million ) ears be
fore. Tins Prmeo of llio Power of tlu Air
lidii been trj nig lor all that r.uu.oii years to
ilciliulikh and uso u. this world. Tho loeonl
is on llio iv oka. Ho tried h drown it with
uuiterxil wut'M-H. Ho l no I t bur.i it up
with uiiitir ,1 llri.1. The.i ho truil to ireezo
it tut iu..i,;.nl covered li wnh
glacier. And for ugia ho k' pt ia..w -rid
bofoiv o..r i.rst pa re i its i ccupie I it in
paroxjs.u .and co:iulsiij;is, ui.d i.i ivmuiiw
of thoo8ii-ujlu 1 havotcu, uud )ou havo
teen in museums, or if with t,ejloj, :', .un.
nici' )ou h.itu uou j Uowii iut. u; -.u.'
libraries of tho mountains. Yea, nftcr tho
famous lliblo week the world had leen lltleil
into n paradiso for the homo of out Milium
ancestor!i, Satan eomes Into th (lanlen of
Men, not Ihrougli tho gate of foliage and
upright in Ktuii, but crawls in under tlio
bushes a make, ami having ilostollcd our
first ixireiits goes lo work to ruin Paradise,
and dot the work so thoroughly thai ono
wlio recently vis ted thenltoof the ancient
garden In'tween the rivers Tigris and
Euphrates says the place Is a desert,
not a llnwtr, nml lln) ground so
poor that nothing but soino dato trees
grow there, and the miserable n Dingers from
near b) aro not so well couM-ed up with their
rags as Adam and Lve wcivrnvercil up with
their innocence. So you seo tho futlur of
lies for once told the truth when the Lord
Kild unto him: "Whcnco coiucst thou I" nml
Satan answered the Lord ami said: Kroui
going to and fro In the earth, and from walk
ing up ami down in it."
In Hi) teU we have Satan on Ills lrave,
nml I urn going to trll you mine if the unites
he Is apt to take. On his wav down fiom
the palaco whore ho it ported himself In nil
stter tolho ipiestloii, Wlielico isuuest thoill
the first raugoof mischief ho may lie osiicotod
to take In the air. It was not a w itUi'lsm or
u slip of the lien when Paul, in his letter to
the Kphosintis, called Satan the "Prince of
tho Power of the Air." I think
it means that Satan works through condi
tions nt tli.' atmosphere. The west wind Is
lull of nngcN, the east wind Is full of devils.
Sita'i spicads abroad his black wings mid
hurricanes and uiroclydons and Caribbean
w hirlw iuds ami cipiiuoctlala aro hatched out.
lie takes tho liiiasmas that final Up from
Mtnmpsiilid hatches them into Uphold fevers.
He takes the cold blasts mill l-ntcliei tlieill
Into pneumonias and r.uumatl-iin ami -on-sumptions.
Not only Iris tlio power In tho
upjier nir whore highest clouds (lout, but
power over the lower air which wo breathe,
ami as wo breathe nineteen tliuea a uiiiiutu
mid take In three hundred and fifty cubic
feet of air In i ten twent.t-foiir hours nml
imicli of this air niiccts tlio arterial cir
culation, you h" what
tlio Prince of the Air
oniMirtuultli-s i
has of con-
taimiiating mid d s odmg nml demoralizing
a man. 'I lirmigli atinopherle infiiicilco ho
clouds llio disposition nud rarps the nerves
and covers tin best of pcopl' v. it I iclighms
ilespoiidency, ns in the caso of l'dwaid Pay
son and William Cow per mid that booted
aH)stloof evangelism. James W. Alexander. I
His great delight Is to have tho air of i
churches vitiated, and in that way dulls the
I readier and stupillos tie- people nud sees to
it that tho atmosphere of not more than ono ,
out of n hundred churches is lit to breathe,
mill whole congregations. Sabbath by S.ib
linth, aro asphyxiated. Yes, ho is woithy ol
the title St. Paul gatehim: "Priiicool tho
Power of the Air."
mauhiaoi; nt nv no mi:ans a rAn.ntn.
Another route lie Is apt to take is through
domestic life. There in no greater sort for
him than c mjugnl quarri 1. It do s not
make any diireivniv how long tlio marriage
ring has been on the Uugirof tin light hand,
ho will try l pu.l olf the signet, lb wits to
tho husband: "What a plain wife ton hate
computed with what sho once wnsf D n't
you msj that the color has gonooiitof her
cheek, mid tliero aro several wrinkles ab.itit.
her tcmpUsaml a rpriuklingof frost on
locks Hesides that, you liavo udvuncisl
in intelligence, while sho hu.s stood still
or gone iiack. How bard it is that )ou
should Im chained to such ilullmsa
and imbecility!'' Then he turns and sats to
the wife: "That man liegloctn ton, toil have
a right to bo jculiitik. Ho likes his cigar u:u!
Ills club, and anything mid everything better
ihuti you. Vi'h) not get a ditorcc Mur
nago is only a civil contract anyhow nud
not a diviuo ulliunco. Iot mo havo tliut
ring. It means nothing, nud you might us
Hell glvo it to mo." Tl.o ring is handed over
to Satan and he tossed it up mid down hko u
plaything over tlio mouth of iorditlon ami
says: "I will hand it back; only let inu lmto
it n little while.'' And ho keeps tossing that
ring, tilth all its sacred memories, lilglur
up nud further out, tos.slng and catch
lug, to-Hiig and catching it until ouu
day ) on clutch for it, cr)iug: "Ulvo mo
luck my ring1'' but lo, it has dropped into
llio yaw ning gulf and t oti i uddeuly find v. la
ha.; been pitching and catching the ring, uutl
ou cry out; 'Whence coiucst thouf' mid
he answers: "From going to and Iro in tho
domustle life of tho city and from walking
up ami down in It; that H all." Tliero are
thousands of inarriago rckitionu strained al
most to tho breaking, mid I commend to all
men and women who are n-stlc- in tlio preiv
out inarriago state thut they lesuuio the oul
t'.iuo courtship uiul take as much pains
to mako themsilves ngreeablo as they
did llvo or tin or twenty )ears
ago, beforo the wtsldiiig inarch an
nounced to the Hushed and lliittermg crowd
thai tho brido and groom were coming. Ac
cording to tlie of Profissor Dikes,
in ono .tear in moral New Hainjisliiro lliere
wero SMI divorces; in temperate Main-, 473
dit orces; in good old Massachusetts, COO di
vorces, and in tlio Now Lugkuid ot "steady
habits," i.',li:i. In one county of I111iioIKjO
thiol co tults wero lieguu in ono tear, uiul lu
luant places it seems as if a now arrange
ment hud been mado of llio coimuaiidmcuu,
and instead of ten there were only nine, tho
Soveuth Coiumaiiilment hating been left
out. When you seo how many husUuuU aud
w Ives are parted by law, and know of so
many who would hko to diuolvo coujugul
partnership, do ) oil not como to tho conclu
sion that Salmi is engaged in mighty iudus
tiicsi ANOTIimt TAVOItlTn ItKSOItT OK uan'b ciiilf
Another routo that Satan is apt to take iu
his active travels is tho fuctories uiul other
establishments' where capital sits in the ollicu
or counting room ami a good many hands f
laborers aro busy among w heels nud spindles
aud fabrics. On tins tisit ho will first ltep
into tho manufacturer'.! olllee aud, finding
tho owner and proprietor of the gnat estab
lishment all i.louo with his correspondence
mid his account books, says to him: "You aio
not making as much money as you ought to.
You furnish nil llio brains. Were it i.ot for
your enterprise thid establishment would not
bo ni existence. Time men mid women m tour
employ nro of tery common mold, 'iluir
anpetito U coarser ami lUey i'u not lieu i tho
lusuries )ou rtoiuro. Tl.eir comfort mil
huppmesa arc of t cry littlu importance, Put
them down o-i tlio wry urge of tlarvaiibU
cud take (.11 tho piofiw into tour m.u petse
bion, and if Uuy do t.ut lil.oitnll then to
go where thet tan do better " llat nig done
hla work in tho couutrng room Satan ste s
right out uuo...; the t.orkmeu. Ho su)i:
ou ttorl; too i.iany i.utir and )ou do your
I won; butler ilutn i neiusto tod-jue. You
mm tcrvitig i bluilu.s bonuuoldir i.uvliow
Ho has no lijht to havo uiuro than )ou
have. Why should ho lido aud )ou walk I
Wliy should lu hato tcudeiloiu steak mid
jou salt pork Capitul u llio eiieui) ol
labor. Let, 1 ibor lo iworn foo ot cap
ital, Wii do.i't ton strikouud biuij him
to tonus until ho has a largo
order to fid I y contract, and ihen l.e
caunot hi.l. hrus-li. Lo all tegiltur,
without u;i warnui.r, and Ullhiui
jouiiiv gJi-'.- If I o nus i.ioro re
sourct'.i lli.iu .ton l.tio.t of i.:id persists in
olng mi i.ctiiu,; new men, gito thoiuu
obey c f Li ic .1 :.i J, or lit i. lu.le dyua'u.'.e
m his clll.'o uiM b! j.. Inni
tip w itli tho nam explosion." IoV out thcr
on llio liitflit sU OlUt firi fmuewhere
What is it I Tlio night Is cold and Hnt-m has
made n big bonfire of that factory to win in
himself by. The capitalist has lint heiiMly,
and tho workmen ami their families are
without btetd and clothing "Whence
eoniest thou, Hatanl" "rroin going to and
"fro auiongeiiiplojcrsiinileniployes.aiid from
walkim: un ami down among them, lln1 hat
I was theonl) one who Hindu urn thing out
of that strike. What u splendid lhi, and
lots of smoke! Ilil! Im' 1 hki sliioko''
Another route is npt to take in Ills
aetlu tiavels is through the nieicantllo
establishinetits. Ho stept In and sa)s to tlio
clerks: "How much oalnry ilo)oilgrtf Is
that iillf Vhy.ou e.iu't live on tliutt You
have n rljht to eniiti-'h for a livelihood. A
few ipiarters out of the money drawer will
not or lo mlsicd; or here ami tliero Is a letn-
limit of goods ) on could take homo without
Ikmiik found nut, or vou isiuld eliango those
account books a little, and ton could mako
ihnt llguie eieht a naught ami that llgilio
llvo u llitvo, uutl If .ton do not feel exactly
riglit about doing that, ton can mnin day
iay It back, uhi 'h you cn'i ilopeifectlt easy
Don't feel hko running the tlskf Well,
t lien, ton can't go to llio thentie, and ton
can't go on that round with the but ., and you
villi have to it cur that plain nut. whowas
)oiliouli hato lour i vol nun fur lined ami
take board at n tip-top place and walk nine!
plush nml piKitucly rnntil
While ton me milking up .tour iiiiml 1 will
jl'st go thmii,;h the difi'ereiit put of this
grout commercial establishment mid trv
ei cry one, f i oni llio wealthy firm down to
the t'rrnuil hots." The ivsttlt of that Satanic
tisit is that one of lln partners his drawn so
much out of the concern that tho whole I is
uess is crippleil, mid a bright ami promising
bo) Is scut homo to Ills mother In disgrace,
and a toting limn is ii Jail (or i in
borzli meiit. Tlirm lues iiiiiiul and
three eternities. Whcnco coiucst thou,
Satanl "Kroui gmng to and fro rmniia
mcrcantilo houses uud trom walking
up ami down anion'' tli'iu. I hko t iiiin
splendid follows ami blast parental hopes,
and of all the lliptoin that 1 our tasted 1111
my glass witli a brewing of agonizing tiai-s.
Come' Ictus click together the lillis of ' in
pki'scs and drink to tho nvcrtluow of tho
of tho fifty thousand .toting men I iiiinisl
last) car! Ilursi!" Satan would Hither lmto
one young man than twenty old ones. If h
wmild win the septuagenarians and oclogc
uariutis lie could d but little harm with them.
Hut ho sats: "(Mvu llio u )oung man, onH
eially u ho lie bright and generous ami social."
He ms's that )oung men have for good or
bad I ceil tho mightiest inllucmv in this world.
Hernando Col Us conquered Mexico nt
.".J. Ollstal us Adolphus became immortal ill
history so curly ilia' hoiliodnt !h llnphaei,
tho most famous of painters, died a ."i".
William Pitt was prim- minister i.f Kiiglauil
nt IM. Jimus Christ comploletl his earlhli
Iif- at l'i) I'lVoyeai-s in a )oung man's lib
are of in ire power lor i, nud or cut than tin
lust fifteen ot an old mini's life So Satan Is
especially greedy fort uiigmon.nnil Ingoing
to and fis. in the earth he hascsiccial temptu
lion for them.
now uiiii'i.v siun Attn iiKxunr.ii or tmliu
Another routo that Satan on his active
tratols is apt to take is (or tile despoiling of
tho people's souls. It does Hot pit' him
tn.'rcly to destiny tho bodio of men mid
women. Those' bodies would soon bo gone,
iiiiihiiw, but great treasure i ar. involiod in
tln.i Satanic cscurtion. (J.i tins route ho
moots a man who is aroused by something be
has scrn iu tho Hib'.e, uud Sitnusuis. "Now
I cull settle all that; tlio Illbl" is an imposi
tion; it has Icon deluding tho world for
centuries, do nutlet It delude you. It l.ns
li more authority than tho Koran oi
tho Moliammedin or tho Sinister of
th" Hindoo, or the Zcnda-Vcsta of tlio
Poisiaii!"' Ho meets another man who is
hnstoniiiK towards the kingdom of (ind, ami
lays; "Why all this precipitating lb
ligion is right, but any time within the nexi
ten ) cars will bo soon inougli for )oii. A
man with a stout chest hkn )otirs uud such
iiiuscular detelopiueut need not bo botln ring
himself the next world." Hut Satan
sa)s nothing to him about the fact that tho
professor who gave I.I., wi.olo hfo to tho
study ut health ami could lift more pound,
than any American died at about forty, and
that another learned man, who proved con
concliisitely that if wo obserted all the laws
of health wo need never die, i spired before
bo got his hook on Hut subject published.
Satan meets another man who has
through n fling course of prolhgncy audi,
beginning to pray (iod for forgiveness, uud
Satan sayn to llio man: "You aro too late,
til.. Lord will Hot help Mich ,i iwctch us )ou;
you might as well bruco up and light ) our
own way through." And so with u
'plto mid Ml a.'ilteuess mid h wine
ily that h.iv. bec:i earning for s.-c thousand
tears, l.o ranges up and down lml', ills
.iplMiinling, defeating, ufilieting, dest ruling
Hi" human race Through Im own hand or
deleguted inferiialisin hu has pursued nud
hurt uu all, aud oursiil every heart and cm-sed
eviry homo and cursed onry nation iind
curse J ot cry continent. He has instigated
cvirywar. Holms rejoiced in every pesti
lence. Ho has started every groin, Ho bus
pressed out etery sigh. He ha. hurled every
shipwreck. L isarettoes, Insane asylums,
commercial piinies, plagues, destroying
Aiigcls, continental earthquakes, ami world
wido disastemaro to him u perfect glee. Cun
you look upon the Communism and tho Mor
moiiisui uud thoMolinnimedifciii nud tlm irido
rweeji of druukeuuesit uud fraud uud libertin
ism, tuo iranco-uermau far ami Lrimean
war, tho north aud south United States
wur, and rivers of blood How nig ucross con
t incuts of misery into oceans of wretched
UCS.S, without nalizingtho Hittcr of tlio Kvil
Olio, who leported totlie Lord Almighty,
mid win u asked: Whence coiucst thou' nu
sw. red: "From going to ami fro in tho earth
and from going uojind down iu it."
Hut, I lessed bo tioip I may Mib-tituto
iiiithem for reipiieui ami "Hallelujah Clio-rii'.-'
for tho "Drud March iu Saul." The
Now Vcstament tays: "Tho Son of liixl tvus
miiliifested that ho might destroy tho woil.s
ol the devil." It prophesied that an iingil
would como down lioiu licatiu with key
aud chain mid iucarcerato and shut up tl.o
old il.ugon. It su)b that Christ camo to
"distroy him thu. Iiud th" power of death
that is tho devil." And tho nay Christ
ill oo tlio devil out of tho-o jiosscsM'd by lit in
until glad to hidouudirt'.io bristles of
llio iwinc of li.uUia uud trom other violent
ejectments, tie kuoiv tliut there Is in cxist
nii' i n Miwer a million told imghlitr th.i
the diabolic. '1 l.e old lion of death s halt go
ihiwii under the s.roko and roar of tho "Lion
i f Judah'i tnlK." Yia, my text shows that
Satan win. couiielleil to repoit to llio Al
mighty and glto account of himself. Whin
C!ud said t lui.i: "Wheliio conns thouf ho
was forced Ij anywer. What means that winch ni)s that Christ shall bruise
llio wi'l'cut'i.liu.'.ilf if )ou hatocter killed
tt mako the p.fciago ought to lie plain Ui )ou.
Vou teo las old terpeiit, llio duvil, l.ns
crnv, led uivora the IL.tioa , Misouiug wiudo
-o :i ratioi.j and in,; its l.ul oueter,
t.iiug; but i.fter u t.lnl- it Iw ci r
I'uvJ, nud his-iug mid wriUnuj; iu w Hi ciet liftid uud loi'Uid
lou;',uo bhot cut it i. ill nifiko iluul
hlUcL o.i Chi'Ut, ili.'lit Wi.l
fliltaiieei'ixm it, ond lifting hi-omnipotent
fool, lln' (.sit etiotigh lo cruli a
wollil. lifting that fool light oierlho head
ol tho reptile, will put down his heel with a
crushing siwor that shall leave tho monster
bleeding and mushed, uover lo hiss aaln or
bite again or shake his old rattle ngiiin.
Thank (list ho has already ivcclted a stun
ning blow. Hon- you not the luiubhiigof
tho Christian printing presses ami the whiil
lug of tho llosK'l chariot wheel I As many
Bonis havo his'ii uddisl to tie Christian
church lu tho last eighty .tears us In tlio pre
vious cightirii cental io i, and that is n ratio
of Increase acelauiatory tt It li gladness.
Tho kingdom Is oomiii, ami I am so sine
of it that 1 do not propinc lo f i it and wony
been ii so It has not ahv.idv como I tuny
Jump to get on a b.vit is going olf, but I
do not propose to Jump for a boat that Is
coming lu. The sharp attacks of Infidelity
and sin aro a good sign that especial bless
iug is coining lu Rhouers oter nil tho earth.
Files bite sharp us lieforo rain.
tin: ot r.uTiuinw' ok iiatav
If WO do lint see tho full coiiMUnnintloti our
children will sisi :t. lu tho tiino of tho
French reiiilution a grvitl pim-eijiloiHif Imiis
cnrrhsl thiouti the stivet a banner w itli Hut
Inscilplloii: "Ticmble, tytauti, wo shall
growupl' Though no ui'iy frill t do our
duly there Nn rising generation being gnsd
I roil nml oniuiiig by the hundreds of i'hh
sands from our Sabbath schools and Christian
homos ivhii might propoilv liato on their
banners. "Tiomhle, to powers of dail.ii'-i
ind tin, for wo uio glowing upl" Wo
may not amount to much In oiii-koIios,
bill If wo put oiirselies iu tho right
place wo can do nut exploit i. Two
put under two in iko milt lour, but
placed liosido two make twentt-two. Y t
what )ou and I most inssl is power to ill it o
back t his Apollioii, this AsmndciiM, this
AhrimnlioN from our hearts uud Iivih. And
"e can do It not b;. niu own strength, bin Iv
dlMiio Hiwer nlToidi d, lor luro Is a piissig.. I
iiublarnliisl with eiiciiuiii,'i'ineiit nine i s.its
' Iteslst the dm U and he will (loo from toil "
lEetucliilH'i-it Is no sin iii all to ho teinptnl.
Tholiest ujidtheiiilghliisi liavobecn tciupted
Milton ih sorlbis u toad iipiat at th car of
Kio. Tho sin Is In sin rendering. Do not
feel so seem o iu tourilf nstntliluU ton can
lot I hi Olei throw li. linn do toll liccnll it
lor Hid fad Unit there are so maul old
men iu Sing Sing uiul Aiibiuu mid tho
other penitentlai'id, serving out their prn
trictcd senteiiuis for Irnuds coimuittisj lu
mid life or advanced uges, although their
early life hud Ui II good, uud iiuthilig bad
Us'li MlsfMS'tisl of them mi! il ul fit) or i'iO tears
of ago thowholo kind wnsstiuek iliiinb nl
their forgery or cml czleniout. The clock
iu tho steeple of Old Timliy i hiirch ntrlkiug
tl.o hours did not 11 mind tin locrcant Wall
stroeterof the p.issagi of time that tumid
foon bring etposuiv to nml doom. Th i x
plaiiatiun is that Mephistuplielos, Apollmu,
Satan got i:i his work at that tune. The mail
wan not ualiii. illy bad. Ho was us good as
any of )ou are, but Satan with whole bat
talions uf inferual'i i.wisi,h'i1 upon him un
uwarou. Lo ik nut for th wiles f th. detd,
not only those of ton it ho nro tounr,
but tho middle aged and tlio old
Uutsldo ot (iod )ou nro mil snfo
a moiuout. Hut jlcld imt to disheai ten
meiit. If wopu' our trust iuOixloiir best
datsiiru )et toenmo day tof t ictorv, dn.ts
of wing, days of heaven, and t It- - Is st d-itsnf
the cause of righteousness in all thoiailh urn
tit to coii'o. As the ten thousand men i f
Xenopho.i i.iiriiiy, wlien they c.imototho top
if Mount Thcches uud saw tho waters on
wlileh they worn to sail to their homes tho
soliliesi with il-ippm; I. itni i uud watln,;
hannoi-i all together shouted; "Tlieseu; llio
sea!" So tve tmlay in our inarch toward our
heavenly homo como tip to the top of the
mountain of holy anticipation ami look oil'
ii on oceans of light and nceauti f glory and
ivemm of joy; mid thrilled as wo have not-, r
Im'cii thrillisl before weclapniir hands and
wave our goiH'l ensigns ami cry one to an
other ami shout up to tho responding mid !'
echoing boat ens: "The mm; tho tea. '
A Meteor In Arkansas.
Ill the signature of the pmcccillusHof tin
Unltiil Status National inu'eum, just issued,
Mr. linirgo F. Kuiizgivci an iiiteicsting uc
iiiiliit of llio mutisirn- iron winch fell in
Jiihusou county, Ark., on March 27, lbHJ.
The rejHirt is romaikablc on account of the
great euro bestowed by the writer upon us
tei turning tho history of the fall n. oltuTinl
I y c)o w itncsses. A thorough description of
tho iron i given.
Jt.'i upjior sldo is tldged nud dis'ply In
doutiil, being iu man places almost tin
white, while tho lower sldo is Mat and cov
ered with large, slmllinv pittiugs. Th"
writer concludes, that, alter i uteriiig our
utuiosphoro, the iron trafi cd with tin
rnlgi 1 1 urfaoe forward, tho iron burning in
lapnl1 . as to Imi lorn ol,', leating part of lln
:t!if.icc bright. The 11 inn- thus passed over
I the i .do-, uud, tho indented islg Is nig down
nurd, tin llamo was drnun upwind r. '. thu
I iron adtaiicod. The II it not being so
I much i xposei,tliiiiroii was not so completely
cousiitiied, l.cucon crust largo liutsu'ulow
pittiugs. lliosj oiiiditi'ins would I erhaj ;
havo U'eii entirely dill' 'lent tho in.o .
Ik'o;i ruil'id or thicker, for it evidently moved
as straight as possiblu without rotating at all.
Tliut it was found in th- c.irlh w it U the fiat
sido down was duo .crimps to Hi fact Ilia: i.
turned uftir losing its highest telocity.
Mrs, .Sheridan ut Ilouie,
Nearly every pleasant nftcrnoou n littlo
procession may bo sivu sUirtiug from Mrs.
Sheridan's homo, in ltliodo Island ateuuo. It
Is tlio widow of thu great scldieriind her four
littlo children, all dressed iu black, com-
nut for a wulk. Mrs. Sheridan's inourniug,
hko everything else aliout her, is simple aud
unostentatious. Sho has not burnd
house up gloomily or kept her children i:i
dnom, or douo anything that is conspicuous
or irratlouul. Shu bus been a model ot dig
nity and propriety. A keen obserier here.
who has spun u gnat many widows of cun-
pout men, sjid llio oilier da : "Thins are
two women in tins country who jn-rfivily
understand the proprieties of their situation.
duo is Mrs. Colliding, the oilier u Mrs.
Slier dan. Neither ono of them has uttered
' a wurd iu print, cxprcslnu opiuii in regard
I nig their in ml husband's I nerds or oiiit.iic',
or departed in mi) way tram tho stneu t
seilusini. Il is i. pity llio widows of ad
public men don't cp) tluui," Wnshiugton
Cor. Noi7 York Sun.
The (irent Vul.nn Krtrr.
I Theofilcuil ivjKirt onthcgreit Yuk euivor
1 s'.i uu th'it firiwo miles it ii in !ii.ti...i ti r-
i itory. 'I his i leludes til o " UVSJ iu.Km i.f tho
gold mining legions, when tho oh. of miiiiug
camps mo situated. Tho l icti are i .irmiig slU
1 to f'JO a day washing, but the it or.. Utoniy
iiUuit two months in tlie.tiar, iiii'.ut'iui ikm
, of ilu freshets and cully irosis. The in or is
1 ,'M milt lonj, of w Inch 2 ouo nro nut it,ablo
i without a siugli rapid or Miii.i,e. luliKuatti
i i . ii': or soien i.i.lcs in plan-s, and aiiuiei
lliriv ir four. Unci's iniptiiuj tutu the
Yal.o i ; iv I toadir tha.i llio lliiiis ;, u Nv
Yi'i i. 1 it lo if I ho reg.o i tr.i torsi 1 u i'.l
i li r agricultural pin io., (,.',liou0ti luci'u iu ki; ' lor tHU t .. inj. Vl.o
Ci'lllltr l.huu"-i'. With liniu..-. m d lb
wiiitei a: c i.i t i..oiv sctsn . ' ' t n'u
w Cs'Uifill -:...iii. -Fi .1
And now rcnilj for inspection at
John Morrison's
All the Fiiust Qualitu's ami Liitosi Patterns in stock. I have
the lines t cutter in the citv and ";ii.nantce satisfaction. Call
and see my tfoods and work.
121 North Eleventh street.
T1i fnllfmln ImmiKn kip iililUTirtl lu nnril titmnii1(tt form, t rntlnl fr ,in rmnl rfft-UlU Irr n f
rir Ami iimtij nf Humm lmnUMttflv titwrnt?l 1hoy uto tiliMil v f.iifiii t . rhpKKt Ikh., tier 1 11U
Ithrd iu nny liml ir Unminno, Ami futih i- n nm-trti t llio rnpio mi i ,n .irluitnv in nnirn tt f I'M
IltttKtnin if thn Onr t nn iiinit tiMUn tYriti In imy ollirr friii' Uit utiRl nuiki ntmlij io- min tt
tinivt tho Mr nt nhirh llifjr hi licto ml
I n 'i
U iiitttrr tif (mi ittlil, Nttinti ii ontN i n
tlM l s i li li ml I i nil in -fti nf ti. 1i l n 1 "t
Witlkft- I Iiamii I i.lli Mtt n t lnl-iialiir n Mi.miiiii it.
lilltlrt ttf I tin Hrilt A ili rl Imli ' lb hmi nlii
fill til I lttMIIil lihil h mi ft l Imllitiil i I l l mil, to llli
r ifii in isii ill. i.
" I'l iir.t nrlltnt,' nml Ollirr NLiflit. I-
J.itM i i t t A f . it rlloii i t i cumin it fililli)
ktlilir lit m , fit In i 1 min. mil wiiin iiiln in
I he tin I tiluli liiM , I I't m Aiui'it itn r
M' Hi It u, I ii ula in ti Hi liluiiai) hni Un k
U,9tPTt W11 jml In W I m 111. lull
( lirUlntii Mnrl . t ih i tin mi I'nMnln
miiiiU r 1 1 i t ii t.Mi,in( cuihtiint ibiinfui wi Mini
I'l 1li(e il. -I v i lit r"l inirl ml . I it ! It ntii I Ir
IIoiimiI llm I'ti titnir I iiiii.t. ! i mi luiu 1 1 initi,
(ilMrlrlnul i i a l i lill I IV tl I i tin
l'Hlliir t('i Mill lull mill hlntuuut liinnnltiti 1 1 rn
llflmnl iiii.i II i H Hti c nil lb-Uli-ai Uilniil imni ) , ii'ii
'Mil' trnniiti llin nt Miiilrni 'I Inn , !ii.uin 'f
liKiiamlti it i) i i r I ut ttf Hilda A liitl Ira li, ln.nt lli
tlm of I'ltulli i t i llm i i rtflil
t'n tnt Hit r Ifiuitnlliiii. ' nUlnlni llmntitlii n 1 iitlmr
lilpul itmiiv i in. f iv iinilt tttrl iiiln( nl loiitnt
II hi A ' ml ik i 1 1 ii 1 1 lie
l.ii I. IH Iii Nriv trU. A ttU of tltl n Iriiirti
liMMllit In U'h IMn t f II .. hi tli f 'ift rlt ffiithrtfr 1
'I lir Knntl In Wriilllii Nl m itrilUln iintiur
till lliiimirM. pi i It il wnh, liiliif nl a waj )
,-1rli hII Inn innfcf in tin rAlllp rAilt n ImfirtllT
On lliiitilrtil l'iiutnr hmi, rttiimniui tiliir
fcs. I i-nrnlr hi. in I iir in. 1 .. Ih Utoillra iit mi I el I
K NiiiTft 1 1 fir. AN .-! Hi Mia Hut KimiiKi
AlliirOml I ift an tt) lit iithMNi.
An Olil Mail'i HftorlHriv. A Nuttl, II; Hi Ann H
0T"Un fl kfn'l nny four nf tlio nlinro IxMiVnliy tumI t"t pit I mmi rro'p of only l)5rritt rii ttn tor
8fViilinyfitrfiu 1i"orr.(M i-nft tin nit in ht tint k)nr Iii iit tli imI)i li-t ImiihmI Mi
Ithrlnthhh K. fur Hi . M, 'I hiaui t,f ri'tft l.iri;in in l.tMikmiTiT ulTrrii I i tint ri I loliVnnilnhUrfif IL
(llfin I Infi ilMrnrifrilf" tnnnru rtftuutrt. rntitfrt fiuiiii i t iVrn furfrni'Mniniif u Mi.llur A liiiiur Mllillllf
rtfrr to .(iy nnitiipni rr mlltir1 In Nrw Hrk IiV-im!' tu tint 1'iiniim ?rn Aurinlr All nrU f THfJ hf
rniutll. AdJuMAllkUtt. 1. ,M. I.UrTO.Nal'iililttliur. .u OJt Aluri nv Nlrrel, Nev YH
Union -
The Overland Route.
Shortest and (uiekest
'I nil i' IIiiiiM'iIiiimI II) rr Mini mir iiinilnj In nil l'lii-lllo nmNt point.
IliuiiilliK lnlo I'lilim IlrinlH nml riiiini'i'llii'j llli tbu fust tlmlti-il triilnx of nil line for nil
piiliiln i'iikI, in Mill nml Hinilli. Tliroui-'li tii'ld-lH on mnili rn iluy rnucln'H. IImi.'i;iii:i ebickitl
llnoiiuli In ib lliiallnii I hum nil 1 1 1 1 r. i nut In tl i' I'nlii il Hlnli h mill (.'iiiiiiilu.
Sleeper acKjiiuni'.l.ilidiis ui-niil in tbrmili I' l'libicc c.irs (rum tbu Mintoiirl
ilt'i Id tbc I'.'.i Ilii coiikt
IC. I'. SLOSSON, Citv Ticket Ajjcnt.
bill O Kin ft, I.iiicoln, NvbimltR.
Orlll'llll MlllllllT
(it'll. I'iihs nml Tlit A;t
ffrrJj-7 '"J," i.'r-2 "I. lS aV1'1 A"' VI ?A'3 U 'fills.'.
m,m j m 1 if fc,sr1 fAN 1 fill' A. 4v - I V 7 f t - I.ii4 . iiU.j fj kJ."7r. '
InmrBMiriMaM imM nnriii t ri i i ritr tt ri-itrrrMri
Itu cr.trftl po.iiimn and .'In ctmciin wttli nnslorn llnou tit Chlcucu
nml oontiniicri lln nt ' i mini! p Irt, 'i st, Northwoat, mill Soutb
wi'Bt, niiiko tt Uin trui- nitd-linl: in tliut tn.nuciiitinintiil rhnln ol stool wlilcb
unltun tlio Atlantic anil r I'.i mnin linot. nml brnnclios incliiilo Olil
rarro, Jolli't, Ottii'vu. LiiSiillo, I'oorln, Oonosoo, Mi lino uud Iiock lulund, h
Illinois, D ivonport, alu-.t ..t'.no, Wimliincton, Falrln IU, Ottumwn, Oulcalooiui,
Wi-HtLIb rt, IdVMd'i.Di' M I"-d, Inillunolu, Wti.ti wot, Athmtlc, Knox
vlll i, Aui.r.tiou, Uuiliiii, Uiitlnu' i ntn- nml Cci.notl nii lit-, in Iown; CluKntln
Trontoii, c 'iv a ' S" ,)ii..i'pli i iu! Ki'iwt' Citv. tu Mibbourl ; Loavcnwortb
nml Ati'liibon, in !In.iisfi:; Minnoiipollu unil St ..ill, In h..iiiiosota ; Wattvr
town nml Fioux Fu'la In Pal: ta. unci nmiy otlior prouparuuutownauni) cIHob.
ItnlHootror.aonurTnOFFJOlfrncuoami i , m the rueiHc Couot nml lntor
moillato pl.u-od, i .nl:lntr nil trjiitiffru li U: i 'i d pota. FiiBt Trnlna of lino
DAY OOACIIIW, "l-'nat DINTJO I'.Ml'i, ni' mil.kint PULLMAN PAl.AUH
&I IIKT'INCI fr unci ibitvwiMi l ! i 'uiM, St Jam pli, Atclil n uml KftiieiiB
Cltyi r- Mini !'"u:-'.NlNG CUA1U .AIta, uoaf.i FIlKtl tc i.oldura of through
lllbl-C.t. tu i- '.
K'-irmlH w is', ami i, -thwoit from Kano. Itv unci tt. Joseph to Fulr.
bi.rj, N.-l on, Ilo.a ,i, '. -p il:u, II .in .. .-, ;..nuiu.i n, Wichita. Onldwoll,
Mild i.ll polntri in bo it'.!', i ti 'ii- ' . Int i r " .111..1.1 bvyond. Entlr
pi .intrer I'' tip i'i'I ,vir:-ti'd Pullman ir -nut' eturo Sclldlylial
lii ud trtu'kof h ' vv Me 1 i-nil Iron unil ston -I rU'irv-u All snfjtv r.pnllancce
n'ul uiodoi'n bnorovnm .it ("mimioaioua, toll-biillt titmloii! . Colorlty. cor
tuincy, coinfoi-' und lutui-viio und
Ib Hi.' fnvnrit Vit'
Ml in -idoIi 1. iu'
1. il 1 1.-' 1
IliV..' Tt .'
.1 i-
'xvn -j'.- id 1
but ol :.'citiiuru DiiK 11
Tho Short Line t.i Pnoou. u
1 .TT
iiHtwiioit t inclr.t. ti
'tl IIHIUIIIDull.,
Atohtbon, L iivo' itb, ,Cin.siuiv'n - -
coriciwH.M,.,.- i'oiQura.or.uiy ai'iroa.jioruatlou upply tonnj Con
poiiTlcliutOiUjo Inuu unitodStutoaor OanuUu, oruddrosu
(lenornl M-it
I ' '' ci
tiin m mmh-Icip ui iUrlf
'I tin I'nrc, Mini lliitilf. A Kitt Hrt T lta.
'I tip O i Oh Li il I hiftl. A Knval Ily di i umi liim. Jf
'I In' I'riirl nl llii-Oi i tin, A Nnl. Ily I'l ana AiMit
llnlloiv All Hull. A Nottl. Iif Uaaar Uwvt
tlhtit ittt
1 1 Mo lluiiar. A N1 (it rtt a W Vtltrp
I'mlir Hut l.ttntft A Nuf. Iy ll nwiitur nf " IM
1 1 i Itn
'I In IMitttitMiil Itrnrtlft A Ht. fly Itr. Ilt
.. i. ,!,!
'I Im l.tiu i r 'rrrrl A Nntrt ipMiat P't
'I lit' Nfriinui i ii' nr lrt Ji k) II nml Mr. Ilyilvb i
Ni.ift m It t .ia.iN
U Irbl'il Olrl. A t'r1 llrlURTrrrn IU.
I ml nl it or III' I Hu hi la. A futtl. l "Tm
th m '
III lit i r it Tit ii Ml ii. A Nfil. Rf Hi ttlltof f '1i
1 (fi,if. -f,(
I tu Mm' r llenrt. A Nnttl llf II I. ranjRon.
Itirl' rtrliiiii. i Nn'ii My fnuMi k WimirN,
A I. tnt; ,Mnrtlnr. A Nfl Mr MlM Him imb Uu,
l lii tJiillir liltrr. A liintur
l III I'mUiiii (if Aftli. A Nntfl l Kl iiHRNt lllllKTi
Kfniit OliiiiKfs A lit Mrt lUmif Wnnii
I'lirullitt On' I'lOira. A Sntil lit lit AlBIAMtitt.
A liny t rlfifit Ihiuuhlrr. A ?!. Ily Mr, ampi
ri-M am n ii ifr.r
I'nlr lint I nl!
Ill 111. IIIU.IlHf.t
Noftl y th iullcr nf "Ik,. a
l.iitiriult r' mI.Iii. i KomI. fly Mr. M. V. Victok
riuriitrtt IthiBtiit Outlu A Kotat. Hf Hft Mail
A. t'Mia.. llluntitti I.
'I III Uuinnii lliilrr. A rtntal ty IT J II TtODlhtot
flitar nfrif
I In nliriirnlii 'M'i. A Nnttl. Hy M T Cairo
Route to all points in
Washing 'n
K I.. I.O.MAX,
Ash. Ib'ii 1 niiil'r Ab, Oiiliibn.
nook I.lo-id
"ul' t.onlVon. TCuii8HB City, tuul
nil ."r;i n; Ci.pmLi- Hccorts.
'I )' i-oi.
iJ i 1 .' p
Iowa, fjouim oiiicim MUmoeoUi ndEust-
IlV'.nl:o;oHi'r n 1 ininrlni' rnrnitl..j tMT-...n)
Laf..V.ti. l.'Ul Cnminll llllliltl SI .Tr.jni-li
lMinn'Vi.po'':j, 1 nd St Paul '
Goa'l 'licUet ft l'.iss'r A(jin
- . M.i